Simple Machines

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TPACK Template

Subject Science

Grade 3rd

Learning 3.2 The student will investigate and understand simple machines and their uses. Key
Objective concepts include

1. a) purpose and function of simple machines;

2. b) types of simple machines;
3. c) compound machines; and

4. d) examples of simple and compound machines found in the school, home,

and work environments.

Activity -In this assignment students will be focusing on the importance of simple
machines. The specific simple machine that will be covered during this class
period is pulleys.

-Prior to this class students should have a basic understanding of all simple
machines and this should just be an assignment to further help them understand
the way certain simple machines work.

-I will begin the class by going over the way pulleys are used and some specific
instances where people would need them. I will ask that students have their mics
on so that they can give input and ask question if they need too.

-Once everyone understands the basic concept of pulleys I will assign them three
groups making sure everyone has their mics and video if possible on so that they
can fully participate and know who they are working with . I will describe the
assignment to them and what they are going to be doing.

-I will be using the pulley activity on the website. I will ask
each group to choose between the piano, safe, and sofa and each group will try
and figure out which pulley system will properly lift the object into the air. I will
ask them to try and give me two different instances in which each object is being
lifted and discuss with their group why they think this is the case. Once each
group has finished doing this I will go over the entire Gizmo with the class asking
them which pulley they thought worked best for each object and why. I will

demonstrate with them each pulley system and why they work or why they do
not work.
Technolo -Pulleys game on the explore learning website

-Microphone and video will be used

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