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Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química

ISSN: 1665-2738
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Unidad Iztapalapa

Gómez, A.; Zacarías, A.; Venegas, M.; Vargas, R.O.; Carvajal, I.; Aguilar, J.R.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, vol. 16, núm. 3, 2017, pp. 1065-1075
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa
Distrito Federal, México

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Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química
Volumen 8, número 3, 2009 / Volume 8, numberBLEND


213 Derivation and application of the Stefan-Maxwell equations
A. Gómez1 , A. Zacarı́as1 * , M. Venegas2 , R.O. Vargas1 , I. Carvajal3 , J.R. Aguilar1
1 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESIME Azcapotzalco. Avenida de las Granjas 682, Santa Catarina, 02250 Ciudad de México,
(Desarrollo y aplicación de las ecuaciones de Stefan-Maxwell)
Stephen Whitaker
2 Departamento de Ingenierı́a Térmica y de Fluidos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. Universidad 30, 28911, Leganés,
Madrid, Spain.
3 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESIME, UPALM, Ciudad de México 07738, México
Biotecnología / Biotechnology
Received: April 9, 2017; Accepted: July 29, 2017
245 Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo
intemperizados en suelos y sedimentos
The use of bio-fuels, like bio-ethanol mixed with gasoline, is growing interest in the automotive industry, to reduce the fossil
fuels dependence. However, the air/fuel ratio
(Biodegradation for any
modeling blend is
of sludge not foundofintotal
bioreactors the petroleum
literature. hydrocarbons
It is found only for specific
weathering values such
in soil
as: E10, E50 and E85 for example.
and sediments) For this reason, in the present work a mathematical model is presented to determine the
stoichiometric air/fuel ratio of the ethanol-gasoline blend in the range between 0% to 100% of ethanol molar percentage in the
S.A. Medina-Moreno, S. Huerta-Ochoa, C.A. Lucho-Constantino, L. Aguilera-Vázquez, A. Jiménez-
blend. The model is based on combustion chemical analysis for any composition ethanol-gasoline. The optimum compression
González y M. Gutiérrez-Rojas
ratio for maximum network is also obtained, considering isentropic processes during compression and expansion. The analysis of
the Otto cycle with the air/fuel modelsobrevivencia
259 Crecimiento, and optimumy compression
adaptación de ratio
is developed.infantis a condiciones
Results show thatácidas
the stoichiometric air/fuel
ratio of the blend ethanol-gasoline is not linear. The maximum difference between air/fuel ratios
(Growth, survival and adaptation of Bifidobacterium infantis to acidic conditions)
predicted and experimentally
reported is 7% in the whole range of the blend. The analysis of the Otto cycle, using the equation derived shows that the power
L. Mayorga-Reyes, P. Bustamante-Camilo, A. Gutiérrez-Nava, E. Barranco-Florido y A. Azaola-
and the torque decrease when the ethanol mole fraction grows. The equations obtained in this work can be used to predict the
Espinosa engines using the ethanol-gasoline blend in the continuous range of ethanol molar percentage
performance of internal combustion
between 0% and 100%. 265 Statistical approach to optimization of ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the
Keywords: modeling, Otto cycle, ethanol-gasoline blend.
presence of Valfor® zeolite NaA
La relación aire/combustible estadística
para cualquier mezcla deno
la está
reportadaetanólica de Saccharomyces
en la literatura, cerevisiae
sólo para valores en presencia
especı́ficos. En de
este trabajo,
se presenta un modelo matemático para zeolite
zeolita Valfor® determinar
NaA)la relación estequiométrica aire/combustible de la mezcla etanol-gasolina en
el intervalo de 0% a 100%G.del porcentaje molar
Inei-Shizukawa, H. etanol en la mezcla.
Velasco-Bedrán, El modelo se basa
G. F. Gutiérrez-López and en el análisis quı́mico de la combustión
H. Hernández-Sánchez
para cualquier composición etanol-gasolina. También se obtiene la relación de compresión óptima para el trabajo neto máximo,
considerando procesos isentrópicos durante la compresión y la expansión. Se realiza el análisis del ciclo Otto con el modelo
Ingeniería de procesos / Process engineering
aire/combustible y la relación de compresión óptima. Los resultados muestran que la relación estequiométrica aire/combustible
271 Localización
de la mezcla etanol-gasolina de una
no es lineal. Laplanta industrial:
diferencia máximaRevisión crítica
reportada y adecuación
entre de losaire/combustible
las relaciones criterios empleadosque en
se predicen
esta decisión
y experimentales es de 7% en todo el intervalo de la mezcla. El análisis del ciclo Otto, utilizando la ecuación derivada muestra
que la potencia y el torque decrecen
(Plant cuandoCritical
site selection: la fracción
reviewmol and de etanol aumenta.
adequation Este
criteria used in trabajo se puede utilizar para predecir el
this decision)
rendimiento de los motoresJ.R.deMedina,
combustión internayutilizando
R.L. Romero G.A. Pérezla mezcla etanol-gasolina en el intervalo continuo entre 0% y 100%.
Palabras clave: modelado, ciclo Otto, mezcla etanol-gasolina.

1 Introduction performed by Rocha-Martı́nez et al. (2002), while the

desires properties for a rocket fuel were studied by
Miranda (2003). The synthesis and characterization
of perovskites for fuel cells as an alternative energy
Deployment of fossil fuels has increased the interest source was analyzed by Chávez-Guerrero et al.
in using new alternatives energy sources. Otto and (2003), while Carbon nanotubes produced from
Diesel engine models with cyclic variability were
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Tel. 57296000 ext. 64511

Publicado por la Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Ingenierı́a Quı́mica A.C. 1065
Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075

hexane and ethanol has been used by Mendoza et al. gasoline blend; one of them is taking into account
(2006). The use of bio-fuels, like biodiesel studied the volume percentage considering that for gasoline
by Gonca and Dobrucali (2016) o bio-methanol and is 14.6 and for ethanol 9.0, according to Pulkrabek
bio-ethanol mixed with gasoline, is getting growing (2003). On the other hand, as it can be observed in
interest in the automotive industry, to reduce the Chen et al. (2012), the vaporization enthalpy respect
fossil fuels dependence Murali et al. (2012). The to the fraction of ethanol in gasoline is linear when it
use of ethanol blend gasoline is demonstrated also is based on the volume. On the contrary, its tendency
by Yücesu et al. (2006), who give results of the is quadratic if it is based on the molar mass. Further,
ethanol use to reduce the gasoline consumption, the the air/fuel ratio for the ethanol-gasoline blend has
emissions during the cold start up of a flex fuel been compiled in Kasseris (2011), based on different
engine, the experimental determination of ethanol bibliographic data. There, the ratio is presented for
physical properties, and the heat flux characteristics the mixtures E0, E10, E20, E50, E85 and E100
of spray wall impingement with ethanol, respectively. (the number represents the percentage of ethanol
The economy and emissions of light vehicles, and the in gasoline). Further, the air/fuel ratio, AF, can be
dynamic analysis of the supply chain feasibility for obtained by different ways as discussed briefly in the
the ethanol-gasoline mixture in Mexico, are shown in following:
Hernández et al. (2014). The use of this fuels blendin
motorcycles was reported by Yao et al. (2013), where 1. By means of chemical analysis, considering:
the authors show the good results obtained. flame velocity, problem geometry, mass
flow rate, time, species concentration, etc.
The air/fuel ratio is of significant importance This analysis is complex, due to partial
for the analysis and measurement of combustion, differential equations are coupled and they
as shown by Clements and Smy (1976) for the require numerical solution. This process may
measurement of the ionization density. Someone increase the cost of the research, mainly for
papers have been found on this issue. Polymeropoulos the computing time that can be excessive.
and Sernas (1977) determined the droplet size and This makes difficult the determination of the
the fuel-air ratio for a spray, Deadmore et al. (1979) air/fuel ratio in the entire range of ethanol
studied the effect of fuel-to-air ratio on burner rig hot mole fractions. This method is useful to find
corrosion, Desoky and Rabie (1983) showed the fuel experimentally the air/fuel ratio.
economy benefits of using alcohols gasoline blends
when experimental investigations were carried out 2. Experimentally, by two different ways: a) using
to judge the performance of small spark ignition the Brettschneider’s equation Brettschneider
engines running on alcohols, gasoline and alcohol- (1979, 1997), Schifter et al. (2011), Zhang et
gasoline blends. Bardaie and Janius (1984) during al. (2013) that shows how the fuel is burned
their experimental investigation found the power loss by means of the combustion exhaust gases
of 3-4% when using ethanol in SI engine with a analysis. Results obtained from this equation,
modified carburetor. Barwan (1985) studied blended using experimental data of exhaust gases, show
fuel ranging from E10 to E70 and concluded that if the combustion is clean or not. Experiments
the highest antiknock capability was obtained with need to be performed as many times as the blend
E50. Palmer (1986) in his experimental investigation composition of ethanol-gasoline is changed. b)
reported the engine power improved by 5% when using the following equation, Cengel and Boles
10% in gasoline was used as a fuel additive. Hamdam (2012):
and Jubran (1986) during their investigations using AF = (1)
5% ethanol in gasoline under partial load found the mf
thermal efficiency improved by 4-12%. Ohsuga and where: ma : air mass, measured using a
Ohyama (1986) studied the oxygen-biased wide range flowmeter.
air-fuel ratio sensor for rich and lean air-fuel ratios. m f : fuel mass, calculated from the heat supplied
Additionally, according to Rigatos et al. (2014) the during combustion, Q s .
control of the air/fuel ratio is very important in
the operation of spark-ignition engines.To study the The heat supplied, Q s , is calculated as:
performance of internal combustion engines using this Q s = m f LHV (2)
mixture, the air/fuel ratio is required. This ratio has
been determined in different ways for the ethanol- where:

Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075

LHV: lower heating value, which should be 2 Model development

obtained for each ethanol-gasoline blend.

In the same way, the experiments should be

repeated for each one of the blend compositions 2.1 Air/fuel ratio equation
tested. The procedure used in this section, is described in a
detailed way in Gómez (2014), it is used to obtain
the equation for the air/fuel ratio as a function of the
3. Analytically, performing a chemical analysis
ethanol mole fraction.
of combustion for each ethanol-gasoline
As previously commented, combustion products
composition. One way to obtain the air/fuel
only include CO2 , H2 O and N2 , the excess air
ratio of this mixture is shown in Cordeiro et
for tempering is not considered. Other products
al. (2012), where the authors give and equation
like CO and nitrogen oxides are neglected, because
for this ratio proposed by Heywood Heywood
an ideal analysis is performed. Also, nitrogen and
(1988). However, in order to use this equation
other gases of atmospheric air are considered to be
the ratios H/C and O/C should be known,
chemically neutral, as in Pulkrabek (2003). However,
making the analysis complex.
nitrogen affects the temperature and pressure during
the combustion process. The maximum heat generated
The chemical analysis of combustion can be by combustion depend on the LHV and on the ethanol
developed supposing that combustion is instantaneous concentration in the blend, it can be estimated from
and 100% efficient (ideal combustion), i.e., the equations 11 and 12 presented later. The higher
reactants burn totally generating a clean combustion. temperature reached correspond to E0 (only gasoline)
Further, products are considered to be: water vapor, in the entire range, the higher temperature generated
carbon dioxide and gaseous nitrogen. Taking into by the stoichiometric reaction correspond to E0 or
account these assumptions, a chemical equation can lower for any blend. The mechanical elements of
be written including in the reactants the percentages combustion chamber are designed for this operation
of ethanol and gasoline, reacting with atmospheric air. conditions, the used of ethanol/gasoline blends do
This analysis can be performed for the whole range not need any modification in design or in mechanical
of the ethanol-gasoline blend, from 0% to 100% of elements to be implemented.
ethanol (E0 to E100, respectively). The ideal combustion equation for the blend
ethanol-gasoline can be written as follows,
This method simplifies considerably the considering that x is the mole fraction of ethanol and
determination of the air/fuel ratio, because using a 1 − x the mole fraction of gasoline:
single equation it is possible obtaining the ratio for the
continuous range between E0 and E100. Additionally, xC2 H5 OH + (1 − x)C8 H1 5 + a(O2 + 3.76N2 ) →
this equation can be modified for more specific cases bCO2 + cH2 O + dN2 (3)
in a simple manner, for example if excess of air or a
third fuel is present, etc. Taking into account the law of mass conservation,
This last method is used in the present work to algebraic equations can be written for each chemical
derive a general equation for the air/fuel ratio of the element, obtaining the following results for the
ethanol-gasoline blend for any composition between coefficients of Eq. (3):
0% and 100% of ethanol. This equation is a function 47 − 35x
only of the mole fraction of ethanol in the blend. a= (4)
This work is organized in four sections. The model b = 8 − 6x (5)
development section presents: i) the chemical analysis 15 − 9x
for the whole range of the ethanol-gasoline blend, c= (6)
ii) the analysis developed to the ideal Otto cycle for 47 − 35x
the ethanol-gasoline blend, iii) a compression ratio d = 3.76 (7)
equation that maximizes the net work of the cycle,
for each ethanol fraction in the blend. Finally, iv) the The number of moles of each chemical element in
results and discussion section presents the principal the reactants and combustion products can be seen in
findings of this research. Table 1. 1067
Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075

Table 1. Number of atoms in the reactants and

combustion products.
Number of atoms Element
8 − 6x C
15 − 9x H
2   O
3.76 47−35x
2 N

Table 2. Molecular weights of the reactants and

combustion products.
Compound Molecular weight (g/mole)
Fig. 1. Otto Cycle on a a) pressure-specific volume
C2 H5 OH (Ethanol) 46
diagram, b) temperature-specific entropy diagram.
C8 H15 (Gasoline) 111
O2 32
N2 28 constant volume from state 2 to 3, the useful stroke is
CO2 46 developed during the isentropic expansion from state
H2 O 18 3 to 4 and, finally, heat is released to the cold reservoir
following a constant volume process from state 4 to 1,
closing the cycle. All the processes are developed in
Taking into account the molecular weights of a closed system by ideal gases with constant specific
reactants and combustion products (Table 2), the mass heats.
of each individual compound can be obtained using the Heat supplied during process 2-3 can be calculated
number of moles of each compound calculated from as:
Eqs. (4) to (7).
Qin = m f LHV f ηc = (ma + m f )Cv (T 3 − T 2 ) (10)
Further, the total mass of fuel is:
LHV f can be obtained from:
m f = me + mg (8)

where: LHV f = ωLHVe + (1 − ω)LHVg (11)

me : mass of ethanol
The ethanol mass fraction in the blend, ω, is obtained
mg : mass of gasoline
from Eq. (12) considering the molecular weight, M, of
In this way, the following equation is obtained for
ethanol and gasoline:
the air/fuel ratio of the ethanol-gasoline blend, using
the definition given in Eq. (1): xMe me
ω= = (12)
! xMe + (1 − x)Mg mt
47 − 35x
AF = 34.32 (9)
111 − 65x Net work of the cycle is the difference between
the work produced during expansion and the one
Eq. (9) is only a function of the mole fraction of
consumed during compression of the air-fuel mixture:
ethanol in the blend. It expresses the ratio between the
mass of atmospheric air and blend required to obtain Wn = W34 − W12 (13)
an ideal combustion process.
2.2 Analysis of the Otto-cycle
W34 = (ma + m f )Cv (T 3 − T 4 ) (14)
The analysis developed in this section applies to
W12 = (ma + m f )Cv (T 2 − T 1 ) (15)
the ideal air-standard conditions, Po= 101.325 kPa,
To=25°C of Otto cycle, represented in Fig. 1. The Thermodynamic efficiency of the Otto cycle is defined
procedure followed is similar to that described by as:
Pulkrabek (2003). The engine develops an isentropic Wn
compression from state 1 to 2, heat is supplied at η= (16)

Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075

Power produced by the engine, as a function of the Substituting Eq. (25) for T 3 in Eq. (24), the optimum
regime is (Wn in kJ): compression ratio is obtained:
Wn · n · Ncyl
Nt = (in HP) (17) m f LHV f
! 1
γ−1 LHV f
! 1
ropt = =
Torque can be calculated from: (ma + m f )Cv T 1 (AF + 1)Cv T 1
(18) In Eq. (26), LHV f , AF, Cv and γ are a function of x.
2πn In this model, C p and Cv are calculated as follows:

2.3 Optimum compression ratio for AF 1

Cp = C pa + Cp (27)
maximum net work AF + 1 AF + 1 f
AF 1
With the aim of searching for an optimal fraction Cv = Cv + Cv (28)
AF + 1 a AF + 1 f
of ethanol in the blend, in this section an equation
is obtained that allows calculating the compression Finally, the efficiency of the cycle corresponding to the
ratio that maximizes the net work of the cycle, for optimized compression ratio is:
each ethanol fraction in the blend. In this way, the
blends having optimum compression ratios achievable 1 (AF + 1)Cv T 1
in practice can be identified. ηopt = 1 − γ−1
= 1− (29)
ropt LHV f
The specific net work of the Otto cycles is:
wn = (19)
(ma + m f )
3 Results and discussion
Considering the isentropic processes 1-2 and 3-4:

V1 γ−1 T 3
= = = rγ−1 (20)
T1 V2 T4 3.1 Air/fuel ratio
Combining Eqs. (13) to (15), (19) and (20), the
following equation is obtained for the specific net Variation of the air/fuel ratio, as a function of the
work of the cycle: ethanol mole fraction in the mixture, is calculated
! using Eq. (9) and represented in Fig. 2. As it is
1 observed, this ratio is not a linear function of the
wn = Cv T 3 1 − γ−1 − Cv T 1 rγ−1 − 1
r ethanol mole fraction. A similar tendency was shown
by Yao et al. (2013) for the vaporization enthalpy of
Deriving Eq. (21) respect to the compression ratio, r,
the blend. Results found in this paper can be used to
and making the result equal to zero:
simulate the engine performance in the whole range of
∂wn concentrations. As commented before, air/fuel ratios
= −Cv T 3 (1 − γ)r−γ − Cv T 1 (γ − 1)rγ−2 = 0 (22)
∂r can be found in the open literature for discrete values
then: of ethanol mole fraction.
T3 Results found using the model developed in this
= r2(γ−1) (23)
T1 work has been compared with experimental and
From Eq. (23), the optimum compression ratio that theoretical values found in the open literature. Fig. 2
maximizes the net work of the cycle is obtained: shows the comparison with theoretical results obtained
! 1 by Kasseris (2011), Orbital (2002) and Mantilla
T 3 2(γ−1) (2010). It is shown that, for ethanol mole fractions
ropt = (24)
T1 lower than 20% and higher than 95%, results are
very similar to the ones obtained in the present work.
Assuming that combustion efficiency is 100%, the
However, the results in the intermediate range defer
maximum temperature of the cycle can be obtained
more significantly. As observed in Fig. 2, results
from Eqs. (10) and (20):
published in the open literature can be fitted using
m f LHV f ) a linear function, similar to a linear interpolation
T3 = + T 1 rγ−1 (25)
(ma + m f )Cv between air/fuel ratios of pure components. 1069
331 Minimum difference in the whole range of ethanol concentration is about 0.7% respect to
332 results of Costa and Sodré (2010) and Szybist (2010).

333 The results here shown indicate that Eq. (9) could be utilized to calculate the air/fuel ratio
334 for the ethanol-gasoline blends with satisfactory results in the interval of 0% to 100% of
Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075
335 ethanol mole fraction.

16 336

16 16
14 14

12 12

Air/fuel ratio, AF
108 10

8 8

6 6
This work Orbital (2002) 4
This work(2010) Kasseris (2011)
Orbital (2002) Interpolation This work
2 Costa and Sodré (2010)
Mantilla (2010) Szybist (2010) Camarillo (2011) Camarillo H (2011)
0 0.2 Kasseris (2011)
0.4 0.6 0.8Interpolation1

309 0 Ethanol
0.2 mole fraction
0.4 in the0.6
blend, x 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
310 Fig. 2. Comparison between air/fuel ratios obtained in the present work and theoretical
337 data Ethanol mole fraction in the blend, x
311 Ethanol
found in the open literature, as amole fraction
function in the
of the blend,
ethanol x fraction in the
mole blend.
310 Fig. 2. Comparison between air/fuel ratios obtained in the present work and theoretical
338 data
Fig. 4 Comparison between air/fuel
Fig. 4 Comparison ratios obtained
between in theratios
air/fuel present obtained
work and experimental
312 foundFig.
literature, as abetween
function ofair/fuel
the ethanolratios obtained
mole fraction theinblend.
in339 data found
the present work and theoretical data found in the open in in
open literature,
workas and
a function of the ethanol data
experimental mole fraction
foundininthe blend.
313 Relative errors between results predicted in this work and theoretical values340 found in the the open literature, as a function of the ethanol mole
open literature as a function
can be observed in Fig. 3.of
As the ethanol
commented mole
before, fraction
major in exist in
315 Relative errors
the rangethe between
between results predicted in this work and theoretical
20% and 95% of ethanol in the blend. For lower and higher values foundvalues,
in thefraction in the blend.
316 open literaturethecan
respectively, be observed
differences in small
are as Fig. 3.asAs commented
0.7% before,
in the blend E5. major differences exist in
315 the range between 20% and 95% of ethanol in the blend. For lower and higher values,
316 respectively, the20differences are as small as 0.7% in the blend E5. 30
Orbital (2002) Mantilla (2010) Kasseris (2011) Costa and Sodré (2010) Szybist (2010)
20 25
Interpolation Manuscrito sometido a la Revista Mexicana
Camarillo (2011) CamarillodeH Ingeniería
(2011) Química11
Orbital (2002) Mantilla (2010) Kasseris (2011)
Relative error, e, [%]
e, [%]

Interpolation 20
e, [%]

10 15



0 0

0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Ethanol Ethanol mole fraction in the blend, x

0.2 mole 0.4
fraction in the
0.6 blend, x0.8
317 341
0 1
342 Fig. 5 Relative error between air/fuel ratios calculated in the present work and experimental
Fig. 5 Relative error between air/fuel ratios calculated
318 Fig. 3 Relative
Fig. 3error between
Relative air/fuelmole
Ethanol ratiosfraction
between calculated in blend,
in the the present
ratios work and
x calculated theoretical
317 343 data found in the open literature, as a function of the ethanol mole fraction in the blend.
319 data found in the open literature, as a function of the ethanol mole fraction in the blend. in the present work and experimental data found in
in the present work and theoretical data found in the344
318 Fig. 3 Relative error between air/fuel ratios calculated in the present work and theoretical
319 data foundopen Manuscrito
in the open sometido
literature, as
as a afunctiona la
function Revista Mexicana
of themole
of the ethanol de Ingeniería
ethanol mole
fraction in Química10
the blend. the open literature, as a function of the ethanol mole
345 3.2. Analysis of Otto-cycle
fraction in the blend. fraction in the blend.
Manuscrito sometido a la Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química10
346 Previous studies found in the open literature about Otto cycles using mixtures of fuels can
347 be found in Pulkrabek (2003), Kasseris (2011) and Szybist (2010). In the present work, an
348 analysis of a 4 times Otto cycle using different concentrations of the ethanol-gasoline blend
Relative errors between results predicted in this349 Similarly, to theoretical studies, experimental
is performed. The characteristics of the engine used are shown in Table 3, similar to
work and theoretical values found in the open350 Pulkrabek
air/fuel(2003). Intake conditions
ratios found in considered are shown
the open in Table 4, are
literature corresponding
very to
351 temperature and pressure at sea level. Thermodynamic properties are shown in Table 5. The
literature can be observed in Fig. 3. As commented352 scarce
model and
previously do not
described cover thein awhole
was implemented computerrange of ethanol-
code developed by the authors
using Engineering Equation SolverAs
software, EES™ Klein (2015).
before, major differences exist in the range between353 gasoline blends. observed, results predicted
20% and 95% of ethanol in the blend. For lower and354 are similar to those of Costa and Sodré (2010)
higher values, respectively, the differences are as small355 and Szybist (2010), but highly differ from values
as 0.7% in the blend E5. 356 given by Camarillo (2011). This difference can be
A comparison of Eq. 9 with experimental results357 because of sensors errors in the experimentation or
reported in the literature was done to verify the358 probable not experimental stoichiometric conditions.
predictive capacity. Results calculated by the present359 The difference between experimental data and values
model and experimental values found in the open calculated using Eq. (9) is shown in Fig. 5. Minimum
literature Costa and Sodré (2010), Szybist (2010) and difference inManuscrito
the whole range
sometido of ethanol
a la Revista Mexicana concentration
de Ingeniería Química12
Camarillo (2011) can be observed in Fig. 4. The last is about 0.7% respect to results of Costa and Sodré
work Camarillo (2011) gives results of the air/fuel (2010) and Szybist (2010).
ratio for blends of ethanol-gasoline and hydrated

140 6000 rpm

power, Wi, [HP]

120 Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075
Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica
4500 rpm

Table 3. Characteristics of the 4T Otto cycle analyzed. 80

140 6000rpm
3000 rpm

Indicated power, WIndicated


i, [HP]
Parameter Value 120

Displacement volume 2400 cm3 40 1500

Number of cylinders 4 20
Bore 72 mm 80
3000 rpm
Stroke 74 mm 0
60 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Compression ratio 8.6:1 371 Ethanol mole fraction in the blend, x
40 1500 rpm
372 Fig. 6. Indicated engine power as a function of the ethanol mole fraction in the blend for
373 different regimes. 20
Table 4. Intake conditions in the 4T Otto cycle
analyzed. 374 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Parameter 375
Value371 In a similar way to the power, Ethanol
the torque decreases
mole fractionslightly whenxthe ethanol mole fraction
in the blend,
376 augments (Fig. 7). In this case, the effect of concentration increases as the engine speed
377 Fig. 6. Indicated engine power as a function of the ethanol mole fraction in the
thatblend for
Intake temperature, T1 25 °C372 decreases. Fig.
The torque 6. Indicated
corresponding engine
to power
pure gasoline E0asis aslightly
higherofthan of pure
Intake pressure, P1 373
101.325 different
kPa regimes.the ethanol mole fraction in the blend
378 ethanol E100. Maximum difference reaches 16.3% at 1500 rpm. for different
Volume percentage of 0% to 100% regimes.
ethanol in the blend
Rotational speed 3000,In a similar way to the power,
1500,375 1 the torque decreases slightly when the ethanol mole fraction
6000 augments
4500,376 rpm (Fig. 7). In this case, the effect of concentration increases as the engine speed
377 decreases. The torque corresponding to pure gasoline E0 is slightly higher than that of pure
378 ethanol E100. Maximum difference reaches 16.3% at 1500 rpm.
Torque, t , [kN-m]

Table 5 Thermodynamic properties, taken from

379 0.6 1500 rpm
Clements and Smy (1976).
Parameter Air Bio-ethanol Gasoline 0.4
3000 rpm

Specific heat, 1.005 2.3 2.22 0.8 4500 rpm

Torque, t , [kN-m]

Cp, kJ/kg K
Specific heat, 0.718 2.3 2.22 6000
0.6 1500rpm
Cv, kJ/kg K
Lower heating value, - 26,900 44,300 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
kJ/kg 3000 rpm
380 0.4 Ethanol mole fraction in the blend, x

381 Fig. 7. Torque ofFig.

engine as aoffunction
Torque of the
the engine asethanol moleof
a function the4500
fraction rpm
in the blend.
The results here shown indicate that 382 Eq. (9) could mole0.2
fraction in the blend.
6000 rpm
be utilized to calculate the air/fuel ratio for the ethanol-
gasoline blends with satisfactory results in 383
the interval Thermodynamic
0 properties are shown in Table 5.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
of 0% to 100% of ethanol mole fraction. The model previously described was implemented
380 Manuscrito sometido
Ethanol mole a la Revista
fraction in the Mexicana
blend, x de Ingeniería Química14
in a computer code developed by the authors using
T M Klein
381 Fig. 7. Torque ofEngineering
the engine as Equation
a functionSolver
of the ethanol
software, moleEESfraction in the blend.
Fig. 6 shows the indicated power of the engine,
3.2 Analysis of Otto-cycle 383 as a function of the ethanol mole fraction, for
different rotational speeds of the engine. It can be
Previous studies found in the open literature about Manuscrito
observed sometido
that the a lapower
indicated Revistadecreases
Mexicana slightly
de Ingeniería Química14
Otto cycles using mixtures of fuels can be found in when the ethanol mole fraction augments and a more
Pulkrabek (2003), Kasseris (2011) and Szybist (2010). pronounced reduction takes place for compositions
In the present work, an analysis of a 4 times Otto cycle of ethanol higher than 80%. Moreover, the effect of
using different concentrations of the ethanol-gasoline concentration increases as the engine speed rises.
blend is performed. The characteristics of the engine In a similar way to the power, the torque
used are shown in Table 3, similar to Pulkrabek (2003). decreases slightly when the ethanol mole fraction
Intake conditions considered are shown in Table 4, augments (Fig. 7). In this case, the effect of
corresponding to temperature and pressure at sea level. concentration increases as the engine speed decreases. 1071
385 The optimum compression ratio of the cycle, corresponding to the maximum specific net
386 work, at T3=1340 K, is shown in Fig. 8 as a function of the blend composition. It can be
387 observed that the optimum compression ratio rises as the ethanol mole fraction in the blend
388 increases. As real compression ratios used in gasoline engines are lower than 15, all of the
389 cycles with ethanol-gasolineGómez
blend can al./ Revista
etoperate at their Mexicana de Ingenierı́a
optimum compression ratio. Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075

13.0 compression ratio of each blend represented in Fig.

8. As it is observed, a more pronounced decrease
of the efficiency occurs for ethanol mole fractions
Compression ratio, r

12.0 higher than 80% approximately. For this reason, it

is recommended to use ethanol concentrations lower
than this value.

10.5 Conclusions

0 0.2 0.4 0.6
In this paper, an equation for the stoichiometric air/fuel
0.8 1
391 Ethanol mole fraction in the blend, x ratio of the ethanol-gasoline blend is derived and the
performance of a 4 times Otto cycle using this mixture
392 Fig. 8. ratio
Fig. 8. Compression Compression ratio
that maximizes thethat maximizes
net work thecycle
of the Otto net work
as a function of the
393 ethanol moleof
fraction in the blend. is evaluated. The following conclusions have been
the Otto cycle as a function of the ethanol mole
394 fraction in the blend.
395 According to Fig. 9,
the efficiency of the cycle decreases when the ethanol mole fraction• The equation derived for the air/fuel ratio
396 grows. In this figure, the cycle operates at the optimum compression ratio of each blend of the ethanol-gasoline mixture can be used
397 represented in Fig. 8. As it is observed, a more pronounced decrease of the efficiency straightaway and without computational cost. It
398 occurs for ethanol0.59
mole fractions higher than 80% approximately. For this reason, it is
Efficiency of Otto cycle, h o

depends only on the ethanol mole fraction in

399 recommended to use ethanol concentrations lower than this value.
the blend and is valid for the whole range of
ethanol concentrations between 0% and 100%.
0.57 The equation obtained offers exact results for
the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio of the blend. A
0.56 comparison with experimental data reported in
literature shows that results are very similar for
0.55 low and high ethanol concentrations.

0.54 • Optimization of the compression ratio to

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
maximize the specific net work of the cycle, at
400 Ethanol mole fraction in the blend, x
Fig. 9. Thermodynamic
Manuscrito sometidoefficiency
a la RevistaofMexicana
the Ottodecycle as Química15 T 3 = 1340 K, provides ratios achievable in real
401 a function of ethanol mole fraction in the blend. gasoline engines.
402 Fig. 9. Thermodynamic efficiency of the Otto cycle as a function of ethanol mole fraction
403 in the blend.
• The ethanol-gasoline blend offers suitable
The torque corresponding to pure gasoline E0
results of power and torque. They reduce as
is slightly higher than that of pure ethanol E100.
405 maximum 6.4 and 6.44% (8.56 and 8.59%
Maximum difference reaches 16.3% at 1500 rpm.
with E80) respectively, respect to pure gasoline,
406 4. Conclusions when the blend E70 is used and the rotational
407 3.3 Optimum
In this paper, an equationcompression ratio
for the stoichiometric speed of the engine is 6000 rpm. The lower
air/fuel ratio of the ethanol-gasoline blend
408 is derived and the performance of a 4 times Otto cycle using this mixture is evaluated.heating The value of ethanol (40% lower), and the
409 following
The conclusionscompression
optimum have been derived:ratio of the cycle,
fact that the fuel is oxygenated, are the reasons
410 corresponding
• The equation to derived
the maximum specific
for the air/fuel ratio ofnet
the work, at
ethanol-gasoline mixture can
of bethe performance decrease respect to pure
411 T 3 =1340used K,
is shown and without
in Fig.computational cost. It depends
8 as a function of only on the ethanol
412 mole fraction in the blend and is valid for the whole range of ethanol concentrations
the blend composition.
between 0% and 100%. It can
The be observed
equation obtainedthat theexact results for the
414 optimum compression
stoichiometric air/fuelratio
ratio rises
of theas the A
blend. ethanol • The
molewith experimental
comparison data efficiency of the cycle operating at the
415 fraction reported
in thein blend
shows that results
As real are very similar for low and high ethanol
compression optimum compression ratio is evaluated. A
416 concentrations.
ratios used in gasoline engines are lower than 15, all more pronounced decrease in the efficiency is
417 • Optimization
of the cycles withofethanol-gasoline
the compression ratio to maximize
blend the specific net work ofobtained
can operate the for blends with ethanol mole fraction
418 cycle, at T3=1340 K, provides ratios achievable in real gasoline engines.
at their optimum compression ratio. higher than 80% approximately. The use of
419 •According
The ethanol-gasoline
to Fig. blend9, the offers suitable results
efficiency of power
of the cycleand torque. They reduce
ethanol decreases the efficiency because, as
420 as maximum 6.4 and 6.44% (8.56 and 8.59% with E80) respectively, respect to pure
decreases when the ethanol mole fraction grows.
gasoline, when the blend E70 is used and the rotational speed of the engine is 6000 commented before, fuel is oxygenated and it has
In this figure, the cycle operates at the optimum a lower heating value.

1072 Manuscrito sometido a la Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química16
Gómez et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1065-1075

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