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BACKGROUND: d6 Cult Members’ Identification

REDEEMED CULTIST [1] Markings (tattoos, scarification,

Born of a mute woman in a small village in the [2] Self-Mutilation (fingers or ears cut off,
middle of nowhere, Dascha was raised by the missing eye(s), split tongue…)
local farmhands tending to their commune. [3] Accessories (rings, medallions, bracelets,
While her childhood was not distant with the piercings…)
cult that shadowed their village, she eventually [4] Clothing (distinct color or type of
ran into them and joined in order to have access clothing…)
to the cult's contacts. She eventually escaped [5] Language (password, phrase, cipher, non-
once she learned more about the world. verbal signs…)
Dascha wants nothing more than to find out who [6] Multiple layers of identification - roll twice
her father is, why her teeth are sharp, why on this table, reroll any 6s
people don't find that odd, and why she
sometimes bites into people's necks. d8 Personality Traits
Her intense rashes in the daylight have her
almost exclusively covered in either bandages or [1] My past still haunts me in my dreams. I
long sleeves. often wake up screaming or do not sleep at all.
[2] I am quick to anger and prone to violent
Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Religion tantrums when someone tries to control me or
Weapon Proficiencies: Whip give me orders.
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit or Herbalism kit [3] Being a pawn in someone else’s game left
or Poisoner’s Kit me with an inability to make choices of my
Languages: any three occult or extraplanar own. I am indecisive.
language of your choice [4] I am having second thoughts about my
Equipment: a set of traveler's clothes, your cult’s leaving the cult. I am afraid I could easily
identification mark (if any - see the table below), return to my old ways given the right
a dagger, a magic scroll describing a minor circumstance.
incantation or ritual (level 1 warlock spell of [5] Boundaries were violated time and time
your choice, one use), a pack of candles, and a again in the cult until I lost sense of which
pouch containing 5gp boundaries were appropriate. I often behave
inappropriately or in a seemingly random
FEATURE: THE BLACK SHEEP [6] Constant feelings of shame, helplessness
[ ] Thanks to your long affiliation with a cult and inferiority make me change my mood at a
community, you can very easily identify anyone moment’s notice. I suffer from mood swings or
who is a member of a commune similar to your sudden emotional
own. All cults are essentially the same and their [7] I feel immense guilt over my past actions
members exhibit the same behavioral patterns. and welcome suffering as my atonement. I
By extension, you can also easily recognize any have little or no regard for my personal health.
drug addicts, compulsive liars and people with [8] Every day I expect to get a knife in my gut
various behavioral disorders. and I see vengeful assassins in every shadow. I
Additionally (this is up to you or your DM to am paranoid or suspicious of others.
decide), some of your former brothers and sisters
in faith might not know you have defected and
would be willing to provide you (and only you)
with shelter and supplies. However, the question
is whether you want to stay with them again.
d6 Ideals d6 Flaws
[1] Protective. Dark cults trifle with powers [1] Sometimes, I hear voices in my head that
that are beyond their understanding or command me to do terrible things. And
control. Those fools must be stopped. (lawful) sometimes, I give in.
[2] Nihilist. What’s the point of anything? [2] I trance out and lose touch with reality. I
People are insignificant and their struggle is am sometimes delusional or experience
futile. (neutral) delirious states.
[3] Repentant. I cannot possibly undo the [3] I take great solace in flagellation. The road
wrongs I have done, but I can still try and to salvation leads through blood and self-
atone. (good) inflicted pain.
[4] Anarchist. Lives of men should not be ruled [4] Before I left, I was given a task (by the dark
by anyone. No gods, no masters! (chaotic) lord or deity, or the cult leader) that I am yet to
[5] Faithful. While our cause may be righteous, fulfill.
the cult's leaders are corrupt: I seek to follow [5] In the cult, they fed us drugs. I am still
my god's plans. (any) heavily dependent and I will do anything to get
[6] Selfish. The world is doomed either way. a dose.
Better make to most of it. (evil) [6] I dread the idea of killing another sentient
creature, I have already spilled enough blood.
d6 Bonds
[1] When I left the cult, I took one of its relics
with me. For some strange reason, I cannot
part with it.
[2] They were supposed to be sacrificed, but…
I have helped them escape. Now I feel
responsible for them.
[3] It breaks my heart to know that my close
friend, lover or family member is still a loyal
follower of the cult.
[4] The cult leader made me kill my old friend
during the initiation. I have not forgotten that
and I want revenge.
[5] I cannot stand by and watch as more
children and youths get turned into mindless
fanatics or are exploited for someone else's
personal gain.
[6] No one must ever know about my
involvement with the cult.
RACE: again there is a group who are willing to help
and protect their undead relatives and be their
DHAMPIR guard. This is presumably because of their ability
A dhampir is a creature that is the result of a to move in the sun which makes them excellent
union between a vampire and a human. followers for vampires.
Dhampirs are very shapely and comely. Their
beauty is often compared to that of royalty. DHAMPIR TRAITS & FEATURES
Dhampir powers are similar to those of vampires The offspring of a vampire and a human
but without the usual weaknesses. They are a necrophiliac.
great danger to both enemies and friends, and it Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
is recommended to take extreme caution when increases by 2.
dealing with them. Physical Enhancement. A mortal's transformation
While they seem more or less human, many into a vampire offers a host of physical
dhampirs have pale skin and dark hair. At birth enhancements, like strength, speed, and agility,
they resemble stillborn, but they do have a very and you have inherited some of this
faint heartbeat. Most even possess sharpened enhancement from your undead parent. Your
teeth or claws, reminders of their undead choice of score from either Strength, Dexterity,
heritage. They feed the same way as humans do or Constitution increase by 1.
but have problems being out in the sun. Their Age. Dhampirs mature at roughly the same rate
looks are human too, though they are described as humans but do not age further after reaching
as being more graceful in appearance than maturity, and they do not die of old age.
humans. They are not as powerful as vampires Alignment. As with humans, a dhampir's
but are instead granted the gift of not needing to alignment is solely determined by the individual,
feed on others. though due to their unique heritage and the
Dhampirs appear tall and sturdy while also subsequent treatment by most of the world they
having graceful features and a slender easily fall to evil, and they also tend slightly
appearance which belies their unnatural toward chaotic alignments.
strength. Size. Dhampirs are of similar height and build to
humans. Your size is Medium.
HISTORY Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Being the offspring of a vampire and a human Languages. You can speak, read, and write
parent, the dhampir are usually the children of a Common and one other language of your choice.
tragic romance... or something much more
sinister. This causes them to search their reason VAMPIRIC SIGHT
for being created or in some cases join or hunt [ ] You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
their immortal parent for answers. as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You can't discern color in
SOCIETY darkness, only shades of gray.
Dhampirs normally live a solitary lifestyle,
feared, shunned, and even hunted by other races. VAMPIRIC BITE
Because of this, a great number of dhampirs [ ] You have the ability to make a bite attack
reject their vampiric heritage. Few, if any, can against either a willing creature, a creature that
even stand the presence of a vampire. They are is charmed or grappled by you, or a creature that
famed for their ability to not only hunt vampires, is incapacitated or restrained. You can use your
but also other mythical beings. Most are driven Strength or Dexterity for your bite's attack roll.
and stubborn, yet strangely charismatic. But yet On a hit, your bite deals necrotic damage equal
to 1d6 plus the ability modifier used to make the
attack roll. You may also choose to gain
temporary hit points equal to the amount of
necrotic damage dealt with this attack. You may
gain temporary hit points from this trait a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
Any expended uses of this feature are restored
after a long rest.

[ ] You can cast the charm person spell once
using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for this spell. You require no components
to cast this spell using this trait, but your target
must be able to see you. You regain the ability to
cast this spell when you finish a short or long

[ ] The appearance of skin affected by sun
allergy can vary widely, depending on what's
causing the problem. Signs and symptoms may
include redness, itching or pain, tiny bumps that
may merge into raised patches, scaling, crusting
or bleeding, and/or blisters or hives. Signs and
symptoms usually occur only on skin that has
been exposed to the sun and typically develop
within minutes to hours after sun exposure.
MAGE You start with the following equipment, in
addition to the equipment granted by your
Mages are often eager and impatient to become background:
the powerful master of the arcane they believe [ ] a dagger or [ ] a quarterstaff
themselves to be. Beginning early, they pursue [ ] a dungeoneer's pack or [ ] an explorer's pack
reckless powers with occasionally devastating [ ] an arcane focus
effect, often using what little actual knowledge
they have for flavor and utility.
CREATING A MAGE As a student of magic... you gave up using your
Want to use magic but don't have the patience? spellbook years ago. You can snap your fingers
Mages are spellcasters that often don't have the and do magic, what use is a dusty old tome? You
time or patience to prepare spells every day but can figure the rest out as you go.
lack the innate abilities of a sorcerer. By creating
a shortcut to actual memorization, they store a CANTRIPS
limited number of spells in their mind as a [ ][ ][ ] At 1st level, you know three cantrips
sorcerer would, but also keep the spell effectively which you may choose from the bard, sorcerer,
"prepared" in a focus. This way they only need a warlock, or wizard spell lists. You learn
small gesture or word to finish the given spell additional cantrips of your choice at higher
and don't have to keep track of as much levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column
knowledge at once, allowing for free time like no of the Mage table.
wizard will ever know!

CLASS FEATURES The Mage table shows how many spell slots you
As a Mage you gain the following class features. cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast
one of these spells, you must expend a spell slot
of the spell's level or higher. You regain all
HIT POINTS expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Mage level You prepare each spell only once, imbuing it into
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier your focus. An effective shortcut around the age-
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + old practice of preparing spells each morning,
Constitution modifier per Mage level after 1st you can cast each as many times as your spell
slots will allow.
Armor: Light Armor LEARNING SPELLS
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, Each time you gain access to a new level of spell,
light crossbows you learn a single spell chosen from the bard,
Tools: Choose one1 sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list of the
Saving Throws: Charisma, Dexterity appropriate level.
Skills: Choose two Much like a wizard writing spells in their spell
book, you may use scrolls or other tomes you
find along your way to change the imbued spells
in your focus, but your focus may only carry one
spell of each level.


You use Charisma as your spellcasting ability for [ ][ ][ ][ ] Evocation cantrip
your Mage spells, since the power of your spells Casting time: 1 action
relies on your ability to project your will into the Range: 120 feet
world. You use your Charisma whenever a spell Components: Somatic
calls for your spellcasting ability. In addition, you Duration: Instantaneous
use your Charisma modifier when setting the Your signature and masterpiece.
saving throw DC for a mage spell cast and for At 1st level, you gain Arcane Bolt as a bonus spell
setting an attack roll for one. which you may cast without using a spell slot.
For purposes of Counterspell & etc., this spell's
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + level is equal to your proficiency bonus.
your Charisma modifier Make a spell attack against a creature you can
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + see within range. The target has to make a
your Charisma modifier dexterity saving throw on a hit, Arcane Bolt deals
a number of damage dice to the target equal to
SPELLCASTING FOCUS your proficiency bonus. Each time you cast
[ ][ ] You have been figuring things out on your Arcane Bolt, choose a unique damage type
own ever since you abandoned your spellbook, among acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic,
and you've got a good method now. poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder. You must
At 2nd level, choose a skill or a tool. Your complete a short or long rest before you can cast
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability arcane bolt with the same damage type again.
check you make that uses the chosen proficiency. Starting at 1st level, roll d6 for damage. Increase
At 6th level, you can choose another skill or a the damage die size by one at 6th (d8), 11th
tool proficiency to gain this benefit. (d10) , and 15th level (d12).


The Mage table shows how many spell slots you
have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher.
To cast one of these spells, you must expend a
spell slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain
all expended spell slots when you finish a long
rest. You prepare each spell only once, imbuing
it into your focus. As an effective shortcut
around the age-old practice of preparing spells
each morning, you can cast each as many times
as your spell slots will allow.
When you find a spell of 1st level or higher of a
spell list you can imbue, if it is of a level for
which you have a spell already imbued you can
spare the time to decipher and prepare it in place
of your current spell of the same level. This
process involves deciphering the written spell
and the channeling of magic between your focus
and the object in which the found spell is
inscribed. You perform the ritual over the course
of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. [ ] At 18th level, casting some spells has simply
At the ritual's completion, you have imbued the become second nature.
found spell in your focus and can cast it as such. When imbuing your focus, you may now have
The source of the inscribed spell (scroll, up to two spells that are reduced by one spell
spellbook, etc.) now contains the spell that you level. Each of those spells counts as being one
had prepared previously, no longer imbued. spell level lower for figuring which spell slot to
spend when casting it, but not for what spells
you know.
TRICKS OF THE TRADE If done on a 1st level spell, the spell becomes a
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Not being up to the usual study of cantrip that takes no slot or material components
schools and books, the Mage sets about a unless the spell is cast at higher levels for
different means of getting by. Picking and increased effect. Reducing a 1st level spell to a
choosing to find the best path for themselves. cantrip is permanent, as cantrips cannot be
At 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th, and 17th levels, a Mage unlearned.
may gain a feature of any other class as long as a
character of that class could do so at that level or
lower and can ignore any other prerequisites
associated to attaining the feature. [ ] You have been imbuing spells in your focus
A feature which grants access to a single spell for so long that you don't even have to think
automatically grants it as a bonus spell. You must about it much to get the magic flowing.
still have your focus in order to cast such a spell. At 20th level, you may cast a spell which
A feature which grants access to more than one requires concentration and keep it permanent
spell (Warlock patron spells, druid circle spells, without concentrating. Alternatively, you can
etc) does not grant bonus spells, but if you cast any spell which targets yourself and keep it
choose such a feature you may choose from the permanent with the same conditions. Any
spells it provides when learning spells of a new condition that would end the spell other than
level. time or concentration will still end it. If the spell
Features which go off of levels in a class are would be forcibly dispelled or negated through
substituted with levels in mage and progress as means such as Counterspell or Dispel Magic,
normal. your opponent must roll for success no matter
Alternatively, you can take feats instead of taking what level of spell slot they used to counter or
features. You must still meet the prerequisites of dispel, if the spell slot your opponent used to
these feats. counter or dispell your spell is equal to or lower
than the spell level, the roll is made with
disadvantage. The DC for your permanent spell
ABILITY SCORE INCREASE equals 12 + the spell’s level. If the spell would be
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] When you reach 4th level, and suppressed, such as by an Antimagic Field, You
again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can may roll vs. your spellsave DC using your
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or spellcasting modifier. On a success, the spell is
you can increase two ability scores of your not suppressed and cannot be suppressed for 1
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an minute.
ability score above 20 using this feature. You may only have one permanent spell active at
a time. Casting a second permanent spell ends
the first.
Proficiency --Spell Slots per Spell Level--
Level Bonus Spells Cantrips Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
[1] +2 1 3 Spellcasting, Arcane 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
[2] +2 1 3 Practice Makes Perfect 3 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[3] +2 2 3 Tricks of The Trade 4 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

[4] +2 2 4 Ability Score 4 3 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
[5] +3 3 4 --- 4 3 2 --- --- --- --- --- ---

[6] +3 3 4 Practice Makes Perfect 4 3 3 --- --- --- --- --- ---
[7] +3 4 5 Tricks of The Trade II 4 3 3 1 --- --- --- --- ---

[8] +3 4 5 Ability Score 4 3 3 2 --- --- --- ---

[9] +4 5 5 --- 4 3 3 3 1 --- --- --- ---

[10] +4 5 6 Tricks of The Trade III 4 3 3 3 2 --- --- --- ---

[11] +4 6 6 --- 4 3 3 3 2 1 --- --- ---

[12] +4 6 6 Ability Score 4 3 3 3 2 1 --- --- ---

[13] +5 7 7 --- 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 --- ---

[14] +5 7 7 Tricks of The Trade IV 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 --- ---

[15] +5 8 7 --- 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 ---

[16] +5 8 8 Ability Score 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 ---

[17] +6 9 8 Tricks of The Trade V 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
[18] +6 9 8 Efficient Spell 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
[19] +6 9 9 Ability Score 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
[20] +6 9 9 Permanency 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1

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