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Proba de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională

studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal

Proba scrisă la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile şi specializările/ calificările

 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.


Subiectul I

Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 ’Right’ (A) or ’Wrong’ (B)? If there is not
enough information to answer ’Right’ (A) or ’Wrong’ (B), choose ’Doesn’t say’ (C). Write
your answers on your exam sheet.

Swallowing Grandma by Kate Long is a book that surprise me in a very positive way – I
did not have any expectations about it when I started reading it, but soon I found myself really
enjoying every page of it.
It is a story of an 18-year-old Katherine living in a small town with her grandmother, not
knowing much about what had happened to her parents. We follow her everyday life, struggling
with everything that being an overweight lonely teenager involves. As the plot unwinds, the family
mystery begins to unravel and there are some unexpected twists in the end.
What I find very interesting is the narrative structure of the book – besides Katherine there
is another narrator telling part of the story, taking turns with her. However, most of the time we do
not know who this other narrator is, only in the end we understand everything.
The reason I liked this book so much is because it is written very beautifully, often funnily
but still sensitively.(

1. The reader is a good friend of the writer.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2. The reader had a pleasant surprise enjoying the book.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

3. The main character in the book is an 18-year-old boy.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

4. Katherine is the only narrator of her own story.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

5. The main reason the reader liked the book is because it is written in a very beautiful

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

Subiectul al II-lea

Read the text below. For question 1 – 10, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think
fits best according to the text. Write your answers on your exam sheet.

Brunetti was at the post office at seven-thirty the next morning, located the person in charge
of the postmen, showed his warrant card, and explained that he wanted to speak to the postman
who delivered mail to the area in Cannaregio near the Palazzo del Cammello. She told him to go
to the first floor and ask in the second room on the left, where the Cannaregio postmen sorted their
mail. The room was high-ceilinged, the entire space filled with long counters with sorting racks
behind them. Ten or twelve people stood around, putting letters into slots or pulling them out and
packing them into leather satchels. He asked the first person he encountered, a long-haired woman
with a strangely reddened complexion, where he could find the person who delivered the mail to
the Canale della Misericordia area. She looked at him with open curiosity, then pointed to a man
halfway along the table and called out, ‘Mario, someone wants to talk to you.’

The man called Mario looked at them, then down at the letters in his hands. One by one,
merely glancing at the names and addresses, he slipped them quickly into the slots in front of him,
then walked over to Brunetti. He was in his late thirties, Brunetti guessed, with light brown hair
that fell in a thick wedge across his forehead. Brunetti introduced himself and started to take his
warrant card out again, but the postman stopped him with a gesture and suggested they talk over

They walked down to the bar, where Mario ordered two coffees and asked Brunetti what
could do for him.

‘Did you deliver mail to Maria Battestini at Cannaregio…?’

‘Yes. I delivered her mail for three years. I must have taken her, in that time, thirty or forty
items of registered mail, had to climb all those steps to get her to sign for them.’
Brunetti anticipated his anger at never having been tipped and waited for him to give
voice to it, but the man simply said, ‘I don’t expect to be tipped, especially by old people, but she
never ever said thank you.’

‘Isn’t that a lot of registered mail? Brunetti asked. ‘How often did they come?’

‘Once a month,’ the postman answered. ‘ As regular as a Swiss watch. And it wasn’t letters,
but those padded envelopes, you know, the sort you send photos or CDs in.’

Or money, thought Brunetti, and asked, ‘Do you remember where they came from?’

‘There were a couple of addresses, I think,’ Mario answered. ‘ They sounded like charity
things, you know, Care and Share, and Child Aid. That sort of thing.’

‘Can you remember any of them exactly?’

‘ I deliver mail to almost four hundred people,’ he said by way of answer.

‘ Do you remember when they started?’

‘ Oh, she was getting them already when I started on that route.’

‘ Who had the route before you?’ Brunetti asked.

‘ Nicolo Matucci, but he retired and went back to Sicily.’

Brunetti left the subject of the registered packages and asked, ‘Did you bring her bank

‘ Yes, every month,’ he said, and recited the names of the banks. ‘Those and the bills were
the only things she ever got, except for some were from?’

‘ Most of them came from people in the neighbourhood, complaining about the

Before Brunetti could ask him about how he knew this, Mario said, ‘They all told me about
them, wanted to be sure that the letters were delivered. Everyone heart it, that noise, but was
nothing they could do. She’s old. That is, she was old, and the police wouldn’t do anything. They’re
useless.’ He looked up suddenly at Brunetti and said. ‘Excuse me.’

Brunetti smiled and waved it away with an easy smile. ‘No, you’re right,’ Brunetti went
on, ‘there’s nothing we can do, not really. The person who complains can bring a case, but that
means that people from some department – I don’t know what its name is, but it takes care of
complaints about noise – have to go in to measure the decibels of the noise to see if it’s really
something called ‘aural aggression’, but they don’t work at night, they don’t come until the next
morning, by which time whatever it was has been turned down.’ Like all policemen in the city, he
was familiar with the situation, and like them, he knew it had no solution. (

1. When Brunetti entered the post office,

A. he found immediately the person he was looking for
B. he was directed to another building
C. he spoke to the person in charge of the postmen
D. he did not have a warrant

2. Which of the following happens in the first paragraph?

A. everyone stops working when Brunetti enters the room
B. someone wonders why Brunetti is looking for Mario
C. Brunetti is confused by something he is told
D. Brunetti becomes impatient with someone

3. Where was Brunetti told he could find Mario?

A. at his house
B. on the first floor
C. in town
D. in another building

4. What do we learn about Mario in the second paragraph?

A. he was older than Brunetti had expected
B. he found his work boring
C. he was very experienced at his work
D. he was surprised by Brunetti’s arrival
5. When Mario mentioned getting Maria Battestini to sign for registered mail,
A. he said that most old people weren’t polite to postmen
B. Brunetti asked him if her reaction had annoyed him
C. he said that his efforts deserved a trip
D. Brunetti formed and incorrect opinion about how he had felt

6. Mario mentions a Swiss watch to give an idea of

A. how similar the registered envelopes were
B. the neat appearance of the registered envelopes
C. the constant pattern of the arrival of the registered envelopes
D. how unusual the registered envelopes were

7. When asked exactly where the registered envelopes came from, Mario
A. indicated that he could not be expected to remember that information
B. suggested that the addresses had seemed strange to him at first
C. said that someone else might have that information
D. replied that there were too many addresses for him to remember
8. When they discussed other mail that Maria Battestini received, Mario
A. explained why he knew what some of it contained
B. wasn’t sure where some of the bank statements came from
C. expressed surprise at the amount of it
D. said that he had asked other people about it

9. When Mario mentioned the problem of noise, he made it clear that

A. he sympathized with the police in that situation
B. he didn’t want to criticize Brunetti personally
C. nothing would have had any effect on the old woman
D. he had discussed the matter with the police himself

10. When he talks about complaints about noise, Brunetti

A. suggests that he finds the system for dealing with them ridiculous
B. explains that he is not sure what the system for dealing with them is
C. says that he wishes that the police could deal with them
D. says that the people who deal with them are always very busy

Subiectul I

Write a short letter to your pen friend telling him/ her about the winter customs in your area.
Include information about what you are going to do in the winter holiday period and also ask for
information about what he/she is going to do.

Write your letter in 80-100 words.

Subiectul al II-lea

Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement: It is important that people
choose a career when they are still quite young.

Write your essay in 180-200 words.

Proba de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională
studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal

Proba scrisă la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile şi specializările/ calificările


 Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.

 Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Nu se
acordă fracţiuni de punct.


Subiectul I

5 răspunsuri x 8 puncte 40 de puncte


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A

Subiectul al II-lea

10 răspunsuri x 6 puncte 60 de puncte


1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 D, 6 C, 7 A, 8 A, 9 B, 10 A

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

A1: 11-30 puncte

A2: 31-60 puncte
B1: 61- 80 puncte
B2: 81- 100 puncte

Subiectul I 40 de puncte

Conţinut 20 puncte
 scrie un text adecvat situaţiei / tipului de text propus 4 puncte
 respectă limita legată de numărul de cuvinte indicat 4 puncte
 scrie enunţuri simple pe tema propusă 4 puncte
 exprimă în fraze scurte ceea ce simte 4 puncte
 explică pe scurt acţiunile prezentate / descrise 4 puncte

Organizarea textului 10 puncte

 ordonează corect cuvintele în enunţuri simple 5 puncte
 leagă enunţuri scurte prin conectorii cel mai des folosiţi, producând un text simplu şi
coerent 5 puncte

Corectitudine gramaticală: 5 puncte

 foloseşte relativ corect structuri sintactice şi forme gramaticale simple, fără a afecta
sensul global al mesajului

Vocabular 5 puncte
 foloseşte corect un repertoriu elementar de cuvinte şi expresii adecvate temei propuse

Subiectul al II-lea 60 de puncte

Conţinut 30 de puncte
 scrie un text adecvat situaţiei / tipului de text propus 10 puncte
 respectă limita legată de numărul de cuvinte indicat 10 puncte
 argumentează opiniile prezentate 10 puncte

Organizarea textului 10 puncte

 utilizează o gamă variată de conectori pentru a evidenţia relaţiile dintre idei 5 puncte
 foloseşte corect paragrafele 5 puncte

Corectitudine gramaticală: 10 puncte

 foloseşte corect structurile gramaticale 5 puncte
 foloseşte o gamă variată de structuri gramaticale 5 puncte

Vocabulary: 10 puncte
 foloseşte vocabularul în mod corect 5 puncte
 foloseşte un vocabular variat si adecvat temei 5 puncte

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

A1: 11-30 puncte
A2: 31-60 puncte
B1: 61- 80 puncte
B2: 81- 100 puncte
Proba de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională
studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal

Proba orală la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile si specializările/ calificările

1. Answer the following questions: Do you take part in any outdoor sports regularly? Why/ Why

2. Describe the house of your dreams.

3. Argue for or against the following statement: Some people say that practical skills are more
important than academic ability. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your
Proba de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională
studiată pe parcursul învăţământului liceal

Proba orală la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile si specializările/ calificările


Producerea de mesaje orale 100 de puncte

Subiectul 1 20 de puncte
 formulează un răspuns scurt, adecvat subiectului, folosind expresii/ fraze simple,
asigurând prin relatorii cel mai des folosiţi legătura între acestea 14 puncte
 foloseşte un repertoriu lexical elementar, adecvat temei 2 puncte
 foloseşte relativ corect forme şi structuri gramaticale foarte simple 2 puncte
 pronunţă relativ corect cuvintele folosite 2 puncte

Subiectul 2 30 de puncte
 povesteşte/ descrie/ expune cu precizie o serie de elemente distincte legate de tema
propusă, producând un discurs destul de clar pentru a putea fi urmărit şi exprimându-se cu
uşurinţă 15 puncte
 foloseşte un repertoriu lexical suficient pentru a se exprima cu ajutorul parafrazelor
asupra temei propuse şi dovedeşte o bună stăpânire a vocabularului elementar
5 puncte
 dovedeşte o bună stăpânire a structurii frazei simple şi a frazelor complexe cel mai des
folosite şi are un bun control gramatical, în ciuda unor influenţe ale limbii materne 5 puncte
 pronunţă clar şi se exprimă cursiv, dar cu pauze ocazionale 5 puncte

Subiectul 3 50 de puncte
 dezvoltă o argumentaţie clară, confirmându-şi punctul de vedere cu argumente şi exemple
pertinente 10 puncte
 foloseşte eficient un repertoriu variat de conectori pentru a-şi lega frazele într-un
bine structurat şi coerent 10 puncte
 foloseşte corect un vocabular adecvat temei şi suficient de bogat încât să-i permită să
varieze formulările pentru a evita repetările dese 10 puncte
 foloseşte corect forme şi structuri gramaticale variate, în ciuda unor erori nesistematice
şi a unor mici greşeli sintactice rare 10 puncte
 se exprimă fluent, dovedind o pronunţie şi o intonaţie clare şi firesti 10 puncte

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

A1: 11-30 puncte
A2: 31-60 puncte
B1: 61- 80 puncte
B2: 81- 100 puncte

Interacţiune orală (Participarea la conversaţie) 100 de puncte

Calitatea interacţiunii: 60 de puncte

 stabileşte un contact social adecvat situaţiei de comunicare, folosind formule de adresare
potrivite 10 puncte
 face faţă dialogului, reacţionând prin răspunsuri adecvate, solicitând lămuriri,
reformulând o parte din ceea ce a spus examinatorul pentru a oferi continuitate
schimbului verbal, arătând,astfel, că urmăreşte firul discuţiei 20 puncte
 oferă informaţiile solicitate, exprimându-şi sentimentele/ justificând/ argumentându-şi
punctul de vedere în legătură cu subiectul discuţiei 20 puncte
 produce un discurs clar, coerent, subliniind relaţiile între idei prin folosirea conectorilor
adecvaţi 10 puncte

Corectitudine gramaticală: 15 puncte

 foloseşte corect forme şi structuri gramaticale 5 puncte
 foloseşte forme şi structuri gramaticale variate 10 puncte

Vocabular: 15 puncte
 foloseşte un vocabular variat şi adecvat subiectului 10 puncte
 foloseşte corect termenii lexicali 5 puncte

Pronunţie: 10 puncte
 are o pronunţie şi o intonaţie corecte şi fireşti 5 puncte
 se exprimă fluent 5 puncte

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după cum urmează:

A1: 11-30 puncte

A2: 31-60 puncte
B1: 61- 80 puncte
B2: 81- 100 puncte

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