Unit 3

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EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Unit - 3

Unit 3

Analog Multiplier and PLL

1. What is the function of a phase detector in a PLL?
The function of phase detector in a PLL is to compare the phase (or
alternatively and indirectly, frequency) of the known signal and unknown input signal
and produce DC error signal (+Ve or –Ve) proportional to comparison. The known
reference signal is the output of VCO and unknown signal is the external input signal.

2. Define Modulation Index.

Modulation index of AM is the ratio of modulating signal amplitude Em to
carrier signal amplitude EC. It is given by
m= Em/EC
Modulation index of FM is twice the value of sum frequency deviation and
peak modulating signal frequency.
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3. State the operation of a basic PLL.

PLL consists of phase detector, Low Pass Filter, Error Amplifier, Voltage
Controlled Oscillator (VCO). The phase detector compares the input frequency with
the feedback frequency and generates an output signal which is a function of the
difference between the phases of the two input signals. The output of phase detector is
applied to low pass filter to remove high frequency noise from the dc voltage. This is
the control voltage for VCO. The error or control voltage is applied as an input to the
This action is known as capturing, which counties till the output frequency of
VCO is same as, the input signal frequency. Once the two frequencies are same, the
circuit is said to be Locked. Once locked, PLL tracks the frequency changes of the
input signal. Thus PLL goes through three stats : free running, capture and phase lock.

4. What is the need for frequency synthesizer?

Frequency synthesizer is used to produce a large number of precise
frequencies which are derived from a single reference source of frequency. The
reference source usually is a crystal oscillator.

5. Define Lock range of PLL.

Lock range of PLL is defined as the range of input frequencies over which
PLL can maintain lock (or) the range of input frequencies around the center frequency
within which the loop can get locked from an unlocked condition. The pull in time is
the total time required for the loop to get captured with the input signal.
EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Unit - 3

6. Mention any two applications of PLL.

1. Frequency Multiplication/Division
2. Frequency synthesizer
3. Frequency Translation

7. A PLL frequency multiplier has an input frequency of ‘f’ and a decade counter is
included in the loop. What will be the frequency of the PLL output?
i. Counter in feedback loop
The PLL output frequency is given by

Where N is the scaling factor

f is the input frequency & fo is VCO output frequency
N =10 (because of decade counter)
( )
ii. Counter in forward path with multiplier
In this case, fo is given as

8. What is a two quadrant multiplier?

In two quadrant multiplier, any one input voltage V1 or V2 is held positive and
other input is allowed to swing in both positive and negative polarity. It uses any two
quadrants that satisfies the above condition in the available four quadrants.

9. What are the advantages of variable trans conductance techniques?

i. It is simple and easy to fabricate inside the chip
j. Accurate output.
k. Low cost and economical
l. It can provide for quadrant multiplication mode
m. Speed of operation is high to some methods used for multiplication.

10. VCO is also called as V-f converter. Why?

VCO is called as voltage to frequency converter because, when the control
voltage input VC is changed to a new voltage ΔVc, the output frequency of VCO is
also changed to a new frequency Δfo from fo, the free running frequency or center
frequency of VCO.

ΔVC is the voltage deviation Δfo is the frequency deviation. Therefore, the
output of VCO is directly proportional to input voltage VC.

11. Define capture range of a PLL.

The range of input frequencies over which the PLL can acquire lock with an
input signal is called as capture range. Capture will be always smaller than lock range.
EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Unit - 3

12. Draw relation between capture range and lock range in PLL.

13. What are the advantages of emitter coupled transistor pair?

i. Hign Current gain
j. More stability
k. Compact and easily implemented in ICs.

14. With reference to a VCO, define voltage to frequency conversion factor KV.
For a VCO, the voltage to frequency conversion factor is where Δfo
is the frequency shift and ΔVC is the shift in modulation voltage. KV is specified in
Hz/Volt. For a range in input or modulation voltage, how much the frequency is
shifted is given by KV.

15. What is VCO?

A voltage controlled oscillator is an oscillator circuit in which the frequency of
oscillation can be controlled by an externally applied input voltage. It performs voltge
to frequency conversion.

16. Draw the basic functional block diagram of a PLL circuit


17. Mention the building block of PLL.

i. Phase detector
j. A Low Pass Filter
k. Error Amplifier or DC amplifier
l. A Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Unit - 3

18. Give any four application of PLL.

i. Frequency Multiplier/divider
j. AM detector
k. FM detector
l. Frequency Translation
m. Frequency Synthesizer
n. FSK demodulation

19. What is FSK technique?

Type of digital data transmission in which, binary data is transmitted by means
of a high frequency carrier, which is shifted between two preset frequencies ( Mark
frequency for logic 1 and Space frequency for logic 0
) is called as frequency shift keying technique.

20. Draw the circuit of AM detector using PLL.

21. What is an operational transconductance amplifier? Draw the schematic of it.

Single chip transconductance amplifier is called as operational
transconductance Amplifier (OTA). OTA is a voltage input, current output device.
The schematic is shown in following fig

22. Define PLL.

PLL is defined as phase locked loop, a technique used to compare the phase of
two signals and lock it when they are having same phases and finally track or search
for any change in one of the signals.

23. What is the function of variable transconductance amplifier?

The function of variable transconductance amplifier is to multiply two input
voltages by using the principle of dependency of transistor transconductance on the
emitter current bias applied. The emitter current bias is controlled by the second input
EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Unit - 3

24. List the applications of analog multiplier.

a. Voltage Squarer
b. Frequency Doubler
c. Voltage Divider
d. Square Rooter
e. Phase angle detector

25. Write the significance of lock range of PLL.

When two frequencies are same and applied to phase detector of PLL, the PLL
is said to be locked. The significance of lock range is it tells the range of input
frequencies over which PLL can maintain lock condition. The Lock condition is taken
until the PLL loses lock for a specific input frequency.

26. What is amplitude modulation?

The process of changing amplitude of high frequency carrier signal with
respect to amplitude of low frequency modulating or message signal is called as
amplitude modulation.

27. What is a four Quadrant multiplier?

A four Quadrant multiplier is the one which can accept two inputs swinging in
both the positive and negative polarity. This is the only multiplier that has no
restriction over polarity of two inputs. The output of this multiplier can be positive or
negative polarity based on input polarity.

28. How do you convert a basic multiplier to a squaring and square root circuit?
A basic multiplier can be converted to a squaring circuits, when both of their
input terminals are tied together and supplied with same input.
A basic multiplier configured as voltage divider can be converted to a square
root circuit by connecting both inputs of the multiplier to the output of opamp.

29. What are the applications of PLL for AM detection?

In AM detection, a PLL is used to look to the carrier frequency of AM signal.
The PLL output frequency from VCO is taken and multiplied with 90o phase shifted
AM signal and passed to a LPF to recover the message signal alone.

30. A PLL with a free running frequency of 1kHz is connected to a variable frequency
oscillator. The frequency of oscillator is gradually increased and when its frequency
was 850 Hz, the PLL got locked. The frequency of oscillator was decreased and it
went out of lock for the oscillator frequency of 800Hz. Calculate the lock range and
capture range of PLL.
Capture Range:
When the input frequency reaches a specific frequency, where the PLL locks,
the frequency difference of fi and fo is called as capture range.
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EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Unit - 3

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Lock Range:
When the input frequency reaches a specific frequency, where the PLL loses
locks(out of lock), the frequency difference of fi and fo is called lock range.
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Note that lock range is greater than capture range of PLL.

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