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“Their journey to find true love ends… Their journey to cherish true love


Good morning everyone. Welcome to the most special day of Mr. _____________
& Ms. __________________.

Occasioned with joy, we are gathered here today, in the presence of God, to
join them in Holy Matrimony, and to witness their vows of love ---- the Love that
has brought them together. 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 verses 4-8 says "Love is
patient; love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It is not
rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." This marriage
is indeed a symbol of the Bride & the Groom’s commitment to that LOVE.

So, without further ado, let’s welcome the ENTOURAGE:

1. To light their path to righteousness, here are Mr. ______________ & Miss
_____________, the Candle Sponsors.

2. To unite them to become one in Christ, here’s the Officiating Minister,

Reverend ______________________.

3. To stand as principal witnesses to their vows, let’s have the Principal Sponsors:


4. Welcoming the Groom with parents & Best Man

And now, let’s welcome the Groom, together with his Parents, Mr. & Mrs.
________ & _________, and his Best Man, the chosen one to be with him to
wait for the bride, _________________.

5. The Secondary Sponsors also have played significant roles in this ceremony.

a. First, let’s have the Groomsmen & the Bridesmaids:

To assist the needs of the Groom & the Bride, here are

Mr. _______________ & Miss ___________________

Mr. _______________ & Miss ____________________
b. To carry their symbol of love, let’s have ________________, the Ring bearer.

c. To carry their symbol of Treasures, here comes the Coin Bearer, ______________.

d. To carry their symbol of Faith, here’s ___________________, the Bible Bearer.

e. To clothe them in Love as one & to bind them together in unity, here are the Veil &
Chord Bearers, Mrs. _________________ & Mr. _____________________.


Song: Only God Could Love You More

a. (1st Stanza of song & Chorus)

And now, in preparation for the entrance of the bride, these two cute and charming
Flower Girls: ___________ and _________ are here to bring fragrance of the bride’s path.

b. 2nd Stanza of song)

And now, the big moment, ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand as we welcome the
most beautiful woman of the day, the Bride
- together with her Parents: Mr. & Mrs _________ & ________
- and of course, her Maid of Honor, the chosen one to bring tiding of her true love,

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