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Returns Calculator

Monthly Investment Amount Rs. 3,500 /-

Investment Period In Years 23

Returns Expected (% Annualised) 11.00%

End Value of your Investments

Rs. 4,052,673

Amount actually paid Rs. 966,000

Times amount gets rolled-over 4.20

Assuming Investments are made at the biginning of each month

Compounding is done on an annualised basis

Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.

The mutual fund investments are dependent upon market performance. The NAV of the scheme may go up or down
depending on the performance of the markets.
SIP Table …

Enter SIP Amount - 3,000

Monthly payments beginning at the start of the month …

Expected End Value of your Investment For A Monthly Investment of Rs.2,000/-

Number of Years of Investments

1 3 15 20 25 30

8% 37,542 121,875 1,019,335 1,717,980 2,744,518 4,252,840

12% 38,299 129,238 1,427,794 2,759,572 5,106,620 9,242,920

15% 38,863 134,950 1,849,097 3,981,220 8,269,682 16,895,311

20% 39,791 144,841 2,866,380 7,428,582 18,780,801 47,028,755

Mutual Fund Investments are subject to Market Risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing in any mutual fund

Get What U Want !!

Through SIP in Mutual Fund Equity Schemes …

I want Rupees 5,000,000

In 23 Years

When it is a Growing SIP, this v

Your Expectations of Returns, 13.00% p.a.

You will need to do an SIP of … 3,242 Rs. per month ###


You can also do an SIP in a Mutual Fund Scheme as per the following details

Monthly Amount For SIP Needed A

Expected Returns A

8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 15.00% 17.50% 20.00% (1+r)^t

6,562 4,973 3,744 2,423 1,676 1,155 ###

Amount of Monthly SIP needed to achieve your goal in given years ###




How to Become a CrorePati ?? ###

Monthly Amount For SIP Needed (non-growing) ###

Number of Years of SIP

Exp. Returns
5 10 15 20 25 30

10% 129,581 49,638 24,899 13,812 8,044 4,809

12% 123,299 44,636 21,011 10,871 5,875 3,246

15% 114,492 38,020 16,224 7,535 3,628 1,776

20% 101,313 29,044 10,466 4,038 1,597 638

SIP + Delay cost calculator
At a particular given fixed point of time in future … eg. Say at your age 55 years

Step 1 Monthly Investment … 1,000

Step 2 Investment Horizon in years 20

Step 3 Expectate rate of returns p.a. 15.00% End Value (payment at beg

Step 4 Delay in starting SIP from today 12

Enter in Months …

Your End Investment Value, if you had started MF SIP today … 1,327,073

Your End Investment Value, if you delay your investments… 1,142,712

The cost of delay is … 184,361

If you delay your investment by 12 month/s, you stand to loose Rs. 184361/-
in the end value of your investment …

Another Perspective …
If you do delay your investment, then …

You would loose Rs. 57,485 in todays worth of mon

our age 55 years

End Value (payment at beginning of the month)

Rs. 184361/-

in todays worth of money !!

Notes …
Present Value of a Single Amt
Present Value of an Annuity
Present Value of Irregular Cash Flows
Systematic Investment Plan - PV & FV
Future Value (Growing)
Future Value (Decreasing)
Weighted Average Exp Returns

Present Value Single Amt

Future Value Rs. 500,000
After years 5.00
Dicounting Rate - Ann 6.00%
Present value Rs. 373,629

Present Value of an Annuity

Annuity Amount 40
Frequency in a year 12
Annuity runs for years - 3.00
Annuity Starts after years - 2.00
Discounting Rate - Ann 6.00%
Total Amount Accrued 1,440
Present Value Rs. 1,173

Present Value Irregular Cash Flows

After Year Amt.
1 80,000
2 100,000
10 250,000
15 500,000
Discounting Rate - Ann 6.00%
Total Amount received 930,000
Present Value Rs. 512,703

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Monthly Investment Rs. 4,000
For years 1.00
Returns Expectation - Ann 15.00%
End Value in Future 51,817
Discounting Rate - Ann 6.00%
Present value 48,884

Future Value Calculator (growing)

Present Value Rs. 25,000
After years 15.00
Compounding Rate - Ann 20.00%
Future value Rs. 385,176

Future Value Calculator (decreasing)

Present Value Rs. 10,000
After years 3.00
Discounting Rate - Ann 6.00%
Future value Rs. 8,396

Weighted Average Returns

Asset Class Amt. Invested Exp Returns
A 100,000 10.00%
B 100,000 15.00%
Total Amt Invested 200,000
Weighted Average Exp Returns 12.50%


You can use the above tools to input values in your financial plan.

The Advisor can use the above tool to assess the following:
# Find out the Present Cost of an known 'X' amount in future
# Find out the Present Value of the 'Cash Flow Stream' which accrues in Future
Fixed amount of any frequency occuring for any duration
Duration of running cash flows may start at any time in future, or now!
Variable amounts expected over the next 15 years
Of an existing Systematic Investment Plan with an AMC
# Find out the future value of a present
Fixed asset or cash which decreases in value as time goes on
Fixed asset or cash which appreciates in value with time
Running Systemative Investment Plan with an AMC
# Find out the weighted average expected returns on your existing investments in different asset class
Answers questions like Help

Discounting Rate
What is the today's equivalent
should ideally be
of Rs. 5 lacs that I will receive
equal to the Inflation
after 5 years?
Rate of 6.00%

Annuity is simply
a series of cash
What is the today's worth of a flows of a fixed
series of monthly payments of amount Eg: Insurance
Rs.1,000 that I will receive for 3 premium to LIC is a
years? The 3 years of payment will kind of
though start after 2 years. Annuity

What is the today's worth of certain

cash receivables in future when
both the amount receivable and the
time is not certain?
What is the today's worth of certain
cash receivables in future when
both the amount receivable and the
time is not certain?

What will be the present and

the future worth of my existing
SIP of Rs. 10,000 to be
continued for next 5 yrs, returns
expected at 12%?

Compounding Rate
can be taken as the
How much will Rs. 10,000
Rate of Return that
today will grow to after 5 years,
you expect the asset
if grows by 6% annually?
to earn during the

Measures the decrease

What will be the worth of Rs. in value of an asset -
10,000/- after 3 years? due to depreciation,
inflation, etc.

How much returns should I

expect over all the different
investments that I hold, on
an averaged basis?
How much returns should I
expect over all the different
investments that I hold, on
an averaged basis?

values in your financial plan.

eam' which accrues in Future

any duration
any time in future, or now!

with an AMC

ue as time goes on
lue with time

on your existing investments in different asset classes

Why this huge difference ??

The first installment is the one that stays in the term for the longest. Hence it is the
one that has the highest appreciation!!

A better way of looking at is - you are not delaying the SIP (since the SIP matures the same
day) but instead you are just eliminating the first installment that gives you the most returns!!!!

The difference is in the end value of client's investment

The assumptions

Payment is made at the beginning of the period

The rate of return is compounded monthly

The rate of returns stays constant for the term of the SIP

The delay for 10 days is calculated by dividing that for 1 month by 3

The delay for 10 days is not exact but convenient to calculate this way, and easy to explain
The difference though is not very huge and can be ignored for convenience

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