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7, APRIL 1, 2007

Silicon Carbide-Based Remote Wireless Optical

Pressure Sensor
Nabeel A. Riza, Fellow, IEEE, Farzan Ghauri, and Frank Perez

Abstract—Proposed is a silicon carbide (SiC) weak-lensing-

effect-based wireless optical sensor that allows safe, repeatable, and
accurate pressure measurement suitable for harsh environments.
This completely passive front-end sensor design uses a remoted
free-space optical beam that targets a single crystal SiC chip fitted
as an optical window within a pressure capsule. With increasing dif-
ferential capsule pressure, the SiC chip forms a weak convex mirror
with a changing focal length. By monitoring the chip reflected light
beam magnification, pressure in the capsule is determined. Using
a 633-nm wavelength laser beam, the proposed sensor is experi-
mentally tested at room temperature for 0- to 600-psi (0–41 atm)
differential pressures and a remoting distance of 2.5 m.
Index Terms—Optical sensors, pressure sensors. Fig. 1. Proposed SiC-chip based remote wireless optical pressure sensor.

I. INTRODUCTION when subjected to differential pressure in its pressure capsule.

ARIOUS industrial and aerospace systems operate under SiC is chosen as the front-end all-passive sensor material due
V extreme conditions of radiation, temperature (hot and
cold), pressure, and chemical corrosion via gases and liquids.
to its robust mechanical, chemical, and optical properties when
subject to extreme environments. The rest of the letter describes
For optimal operations, these systems require durable and the design principles and experimental operations of the tested
reliable sensors for measurement of pressure. Both wired wireless optical pressure sensor.
and wireless attempts have been made to realize the desired
extreme environment handling pressure sensors. Wired op- II. SiC-BASED OPTICAL WIRELESS SENSOR DESIGN
tical fiber-based pressure sensors have been proposed such as Fig. 1 shows the design of the proposed pressure sensor. A
using micromachined membranes [1], [2], fiber Bragg grat- collimated laser beam passes through a beam splitter (BS) and
ings [3], and Fabry–Pérot cavities [4], [5]. Because extreme after traveling a distance targets at normal incidence the SiC
environments can damage or destroy the required packaging chip fitted as a window in a high-pressure capsule (HPC). The
for protecting the remoting wires, wireless electronic pressure beam reflections from the SiC chip travel a distance of
sensors have also been implemented with limited success as the and are captured by an optical image detector (OID). Both faces
required on-chip electronic circuits and power sources fail at of the SiC chip are mutually parallel and optically flat (e.g.,
elevated temperatures [6], [7]. More recently, a wireless optical wavelength/20) and chip thickness (e.g., 300 m) is small com-
sensor based on localized free-space laser beam targeting of pared to the remoting distance. With a deployed laser beam
a single crystal silicon carbide (SiC) chip has been proposed that is highly collimated (e.g., 1 mrad beam divergence) and
and demonstrated as an extreme environment temperature the distance designed to be rather large, e.g., several me-
sensor [8]. Further, it has been proposed that global targeting ters, the pressure effect on the SiC chip is a mechanical de-
of the SiC chip acting as an optical window within a pressure formation that becomes optically observable as a weak lensing
capsule package can realize a wireless pressure sensor [9], [10]. effect. Thus, only the SiC-based HPC is placed in the hostile
Hence, the purpose of this letter is to demonstrate, for the first zone while the transceiver module containing the laser source,
time, a long-distance (e.g., several meters) remoted wireless alignment optics, and the OID is meters away, allowing safe
operation of the proposed pressure sensor concept that involves and remote pressure measurement. Note that ideally the HPC is
monitoring the weak lensing effect imposed on a SiC chip made from a robust high-temperature material whose coefficient
of thermal expansion (CTE) is matched to the CTE of single
Manuscript received October 31, 2006; revised December 11, 2006. This crystal SiC window. More specifically, the presently available
letter was prepared with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nonporous ceramic HALSIC-S from HaldenWanger, Germany,
under Award DE-FC36-03NT41923 and does not necessarily reflect the views that is made from a sintered SiC form has a CTE of K
of the DOE.
N. A. Riza is with Nuonics, Inc., Winter Park, FL 32792 USA. He also with
that is closely matched to the single crystal 6-H SiC CTE of
the College of Optics-CREOL, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL K. Hence, by using CTE-matched materials for the
32816-2700 USA. window and the HPC packaging, one can essentially remove the
F. Ghauri is with the College of Optics-CREOL, University of Central
Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2700 USA.
effect of absolute temperature values and temperature changes
F. Perez is with Nuonics, Inc., Winter Park, FL 32792 USA. on the spatial lens-like deformation of the SiC chip. Do note that
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2007.893752 the changing temperature over a high-temperature range (e.g.,
1041-1135/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

with in centimeters. Thus, by measuring using the

OID, one can remotely deduce the pressure using the calibra-
tion data stored in the computer image processor. For sensor cal-
ibration, one uses a reference pressure gauge to record versus
data as is varied over a desired calibration range. Do note
that the larger the initial incident and detected beam diameter
(at ), the proportionally larger the beam size increase for
a given pressure increase. Thus, to increase measurement res-
olution of the sensor, one should exploit the full active area of
the SiC chip with a large beam and then one must detect the re-
Fig. 2. Shown is the weak lens (WL) optical ray-trace model that describes
ceived beam boundary change with a high resolution (or small
how the SiC chip acts like a pressure-dependent concave lens that diverges and pixel size) camera. In effect, this pressure sensor is based on
magnifies the input laser beam. edge detection principles as the camera is used to monitor the
beam-edge expansion/motion as the pressure changes.

room temperature to 1000 C) will indeed change the refractive

index of the SiC chip material and also result in chip thickness
change [8], [11]. Nevertheless, both these effects due to temper- As a first step to test the proposed remote sensor, a 6H-SiC
ature uniformly effect the entire chip and hence create a global chip is fitted in a stainless steel test HPC [9]. The SiC chip
on axis optical path length change, but do not cause a global deployed has a slight wedge-like shape that results in the ob-
lens-like spatial deformation that is used to form the proposed servation of five fringes across the illuminated 5-mm diameter
wireless pressure sensor. The beam reflections from the SiC chip chip face. Because this initial experiment is being performed
are produced as reflections from the chip front and back surfaces at a stable 24 C room temperature, one can simply choose to
that are observed by the OID. In the absence of any differential monitor the fringe period instead of the entire beam boundary
pressure, i.e., pressure inside the capsule is equal to the ambient to calibrate the sensor for measured versus . In this special
atmospheric pressure outside the capsule, the SiC chip acts like case, we define as the fringe period for pressure and
a flat mirror. Thus, the laser beam after reflection from the chip as the fringe period for , giving .
continues to diverge in accordance with Gaussian beam propa- A 10-mW 632.8-nm wavelength, linear-polarization HeNe laser
gation and divergence. However, in the presence of differential raw beam is deployed. This raw laser beam has an exit min-
pressure , the SiC chip with a circular pressure boundary of imum Gaussian beam waist diameter of 0.96 mm and a Gaussian
radius “ ” (in centimeters) bulges outwards with a maximum beam divergence of 0.84 mrad. The SiC chip has thickness of
central displacement of (in centimeters) given by 280 m and a pressure boundary radius mm. The SiC
Poisson’s ratio and Young’s Modulus GPa
(1) [8]. The HPC is connected to a compressed air cylinder via a
high-pressure connector. A manual regulator is used to control
and the pressure inside the capsule relative to the external ambient
(2) atmospheric pressure. The HPC pressure is measured using a
GE Sensing Digital Test Gauge Model Druck DPI 104. The re-
mote distance is 2.5 m, and a charged-coupled device
for the clamped-edge model (1) and supported-edge model (2), (CCD) is used as the two-dimensional OID. The laser beam,
respectively [9]. Here, is the SiC rigidity constant and is in addition to the remote distance m, travels a
its Poisson’s ratio. As shown in the earlier work [9], [10], the distance of 2 m (i.e., , measured from laser to the SiC
SiC chip under differential pressure acts as a weak convex chip) and thus the expected Gaussian beam diameter with a total
mirror or equivalently as a concave lens with focal length beam travel distance of m is given by
in centimeters given by [9] mm. At , this measured initial beam diam-
eter on the screen is approximately 7.5 mm which closely
cm (3) matches the expected diameter. Using (1)–(4), the pressure-de-
pendent sensor magnification of the SiC chip versus is
Fig. 2 shows the weak lens optical ray-trace model used to de- calculated for the mentioned two distinct mechanical models for
sign the proposed remote pressure sensor where the SiC chip seating the chip within the HPC [9], [10]. Using the CCD, SiC
acts like a pressure-dependent concave lens that diverges the chip retro-reflected beam images formed on a screen (placed at
input laser beam. Thus, the beam diameter measured by the OID location in Fig. 1) are captured for a Data Set 1 range of
the OID provides a value for the sensed pressure . For ex- – psi with a step of 25 psi. By computer processing the
ample, at , , and , the initial beam acquired images, pressure-dependent is calculated which
diameter on the OID. Using Fig. 2, one can define a pressure-de- leads to the calculation of . The experiment is conducted a
pendent sensor magnification factor given by second time for a Data Set 2 range of –610 psi with a step
of 25 psi. As shown in Fig. 3, the results from the two experi-
ments closely follow each other, indicating the repeatable robust
behavior of the sensor. Also, experimental data shows that the

Fig. 5. Plot shows the resolution of the pressure sensor calculated by taking the
gradient dP=dX of the pressure versus fringe period curves.
Fig. 3. Plot shows the experimental beam magnification M for the two exper-
imental runs along with expected theoretical magnification based on the sup-
ported-edge and clamped-edge mechanical models.
have been demonstrated. Initial experimental results obtained
at room temperature show the sensor to be a reliable instru-
ment over a range of 0–610 psi with an average resolution of
4.5 psi. Future important work relates to experimental demon-
stration of the proposed sensor under changing temperature con-
ditions using a sintered SiC HPC packaging that is currently
under development.

The authors would like to thank Applicote Assoc. for support
on the high-pressure test capsule.

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