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Akshara Pro – 2018

Vote of thanks
Good evening all of you…,
One of the most pleasant aspects of proposing vote of thanks is the opportunity to thank
those who have been a part of this event. Unfortunately, the list of expressions of thanks – no
matter how extensive – is always incomplete and inadequate. These acknowledgements are,
therefore, no exception.
I on behalf of AIMS and the supporting staff members here together and on my own
behalf a big thank you to Prof. Hooviah Gowda sir for his sensible talk. - Thank you sir…
I also wish to express my gratitude to Sri. K.B. Ashok Naik sir for initiating usto
organize this event and the guidance, encouragement and support put in by him to accomplish
this task successfully. Thank you sir…
I am also very grateful to Smt. Ratnakumari madam for inspiring us and providing
necessary facilities for organizing this event. Thank you madam…
I wish to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. Girish H.T. for a beacon of
light and directing me to the path of success. Thank you sir…
I would be failing in my duty if I do not express my sincere thanks to my dear
friends who have come from various places to judge these events. Thank a lot for
helping us in judging the events.
I owe my debt of gratitude to my professional well-wishers& facultieswho have trained
and guided the participants from various institutions.
My special thanks are due to my beloved fellow colleagues and non-teaching staff
members for their untiring work since a month.
I wish to record my thanks to the media partners for publishing this event in the NEWS
papers and for the sponsors.
I wish to acknowledge the cooperation and help rendered by security guard, drivers and
canteen staffsfor their kind cooperation and adjustment throughout the event.
Success the destiny of hard work and pain is achieved only with the help of our
most gracious and ever-loving student volunteers without their hard work nothing
would have been possible. A big round of applause for them please.

Thank you. Thank you one and all…

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