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Copyright © 1964 by ASME

FT4A Gas-Turbine Engine for Marine

AN and Industrial Applications


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Senior Project Engineer,
Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division,
PUBLICATION United Aircraft Corporation,
East Hartford, Conn.

The major design features of the FT4A gas-turbine engine for marine
and industrial applications are described, the development-test history of
the engine is reviewed, and the field experience with this and similar
engine concepts is discussed. In addition, the particular characteristics
of the FT4A power plant which make the latter attractive for various ap-
plications are mentioned.

The FT4A gas-turbine engine was developed at

Pratt & Whitney Aircraft to make available for
marine and industrial applications a compact,
lightweight power plant which would utilize a
highly developed aircraft gas-turbine engine as
its gas generator and would be capable of deliver-
ing as much as 30,000 shp. The engine design was
initiated early in 1961 in response to a request
$1 PER COPY for proposal from the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships
for a lightweight gas-turbine engine capable of
5 0 C TO ASME MEMBERS delivering 30,000 hp at 80 F for hydrofoil-ship
propulsion. The requirements of the power plant
for such an application are similar in many re-
spects to those for aircraft propulsion, namely:
The Society shall not be responsible for statements or 1 Rapid start-up to maximum power.
opinions advanced in papers or in discussion at meet- 2 High power for short duration for take-off.
ings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or 3 Light weight.
printed in its publications. 4 Compact arrangement.
5 Minimum crew attention.
Discussion is printed only if the paper is pub-
lished in an ASME journal.

Released for general publication upon presentation

Contributed by the Gas Turbine Power Division for presentation at the Gas
Turbine Conference and Products Show, Houston, Tex., March 1-5, 1964, of
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Manuscript received at ASME
Headquarters, December 26, 1963.
345 East 47th Street, New York, N. Y. 10017 Written discussion on this paper will be accepted up to April 6, 1964.

Copies will be available until January 1, 1965.

Printed in U.S.A.
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Fig. 1 FT4A-2 free turbine and gas generator assembly with exhaust elbow and drive shaft attached (left side view)

The FT4A engine was designed around an already the JT4 jet engine. The power turbine replaces
proven gas generator, the J75 turbojet engine. the jet nozzle of the aircraft engine and converts
The latter engine, which is currently in use in the energy of the hot gases to shaft horsepower
the F-105 and F-106 military aircraft and, under rather than to jet thrust. Since the power tur-
its commercial designation (JT4), in some models bine is not mechanically connected to the gas-gen-
of the Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 transports, was erator shaft, the term, "free turbine," is usually
considered to be ideally suited to serve as the applied to the unit.
power source for driving the free-turbine compo- The gas generator of the FT4A was designed in
nent of the FT4A engine. The design of the free- 1952 under contract with the Government to provide
turbine component involved new effort, but the a jet engine for propulsion of Mach-2 fighter air-
company's turbomachinery experience was such that craft. It has been under active development since
no major problems were foreseen. Thus, it was ex- that time and has accumulated more than 42,500 hr
pected that a design for the overall engine would of development testing in company facilities.
be achieved without the necessity for undertaking Various models of this engine have accumulated
an extensive developmental program. more than 7,000,000 hr of service experience and
The design, construction, and test program for have established and excellent record of dependa-
the FT4A engine was jointly supported by the Bu- bility. The application of this gas generator to
reau of Ships and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. Since marine and industrial fields brings to these areas
initiation of the program, other applications for an "off-the-shelf" gas generator with proven capa-
an engine of this type have developed in the fields bility far beyond anything which would be specifi-
of marine propulsion, electric power generation, cally developed for these fields with funds which
and industrial processes. A range of power rat- might be available for this purpose.
ings is available in this versatile power plant The gas generator consists of a 15-stage,
to meet the needs of such widely divergent appli- 12:1-compression-ratio, axial-flow compressor, a
cations as hydrofoil ships, which require high can-annular combustion chamber, and a 3-stage, ax-
power output for short duration, and industrial ial-flow, reaction turbine, Fig.2. The 12:1 com-
process installations, which require moderate pow- pression ratio is achieved without variable mech-
er output for continuous, year-long, operation. anisms by use of "twin-spool" design. The first
eight low-pressure-compressor stages are driven by
DESCRIPTION OF ENGINE the second and third stages of the turbine, where-
as the seven high-pressure-compressor stages are
The FT4A engine, Fig.1, consists of a gas gen- driven by the first stage of the turbine. All
erator and a power turbine. The gas generator components are arranged axially along a common
fulfills the function of the steam boiler in a centerline, with the shaft connecting the low-
steam turbine system; it consists of the basic ma- pressure compressor and its turbine rotors located
chinery of the military and commercial versions of concentrically within the shaft connecting the

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Fig. 2 FT4A free turbine and gas generator assembly (installation sketch)

high-pressure-compressor and high-pressure-turbine blade-vibration damping. The turbine rotor is

rotors. The two rotor systems are not mechanical- supported by bearings at its front and rear and
ly connected. Starting and control of the gas utilizes a flexibly connected extension shaft for
generator is through the high-pressure rotor. De- power transmission to the driven load. The entire
sign of the compressors and turbines is such that turbine is designed for minimum thermal stresses
the low-pressure rotor's speed will adjust to the during rapid warmup and shutdown. Operating speed
requirements of the high-pressure rotor so as to of the free turbine, being independent of the gas
maintain both compressors in stable operation. generator, can be selected as required for the
The torque input required for starting the engine driven load, while the gas generator is operated
is relatively low since only the high-pressure ro- at the optimum speed for the power level required.
tor is turned by the starter; the low-pressure and The main-shaft bearings, in particular, re-
free-turbine rotors are brought up to speed by the flect the results of years of intensive develop-
energy generated in the high-pressure-rotor system. ment work to provide exceptionally clean, tough,
The combustion chamber consists of an annular com- high-strength materials, refinements in detail
partment housing eight burner cans each of which bearing design, favorable installation character-
is supplied by six fuel nozzles. A transition istics, and optimum lubrication. Service exper-
duct combines the flow from the eight cans to form ience in commercial aircraft has shown a high
an annular entry to the turbine. The original en- degree of reliability for these bearings. They
gine burned liquid fuel; however, a modification are not limited in operating time; replacements
was subsequently developed which made it possible at overhaul are made solely on the basis of con-
to burn gaseous fuel, as an alternative to liquid dition found upon visual inspection. The exper-
fuel, in the same combustion chamber, with only a ience has shown that, for bearings at a given lo-
change in fuel-nozzle and manifold configurations. cation, total operating hours divided by the total
In designing the free turbine for the FT4A en- number of bearings replaced yields an average of
gine, the principal objective sought was achieve- 42,000 hr of operation per bearing replacement.
ment of maximum efficiency, with the use of con- Bearing compartments are sealed by means of face
servative stresses and the adherence to those gen- and ring-type carbon seals. Experience with seals
eral proportions which extensive design, develop- of these types has been excellent in millions of
ment, and test experience with gas turbines had hours of aircraft service, and experience to date
proven to be most satisfactory. A design reflect- in marine and industrial applications has been
ing the knowledge gained by such experience could equally noteworthy. The carbon seals minimize
be expected, with reasonable certainty, to be suc- flow of air through the bearing compartments, re-
cessful in initial operation. ducing susceptibility of bearing parts to salt-
The free turbine is a two-stage, axial-flow, atmosphere corrosion. Lubrication of the gas
reaction turbine. It is adapted to the gas gen- generator and free turbine is provided by two in-
erator by means of an annular, diffusing, transi- dependent oil systems, each of which is operated
tion duct, and it utilizes a diffuser and a 90-deg by engine-rotor-driven pressure and scavenge pumps.
elbow at the exhaust. The turbine blades have in- A control system is provided to perform the
tegral tip shrouds, with shroud notches to provide following functions:

1 .0

S.F.C. 08
2000 RPM
0.6 (N3)

2500 RPM

3300 RPM 3600 RPM 4000 RPM

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

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Fig. 3 Typical propeller-load performance curve for

FT4A-2 free-turbine engine

1 Automatic starting to idle.

2 Scheduling acceleration and deceleration
3 Limiting maximum turbine temperature.
4 Governing the free turbine.
5 Preventing excessive overspeed of the free Fig. 4 Sulfidation test rig: A-Specimens, B-stationary spin-
turbine after sudden loss of load. dle, C-burner exhaust, D-salt-water injection tube
The FT4A engine is available in models opera-
ting on liquid fuel or on gaseous fuel. The liq-
uid-fuel engines utilize Hamilton JFC25 hydrome- gine, including the exhaust elbow, is 13,600 lb; a
chanical fuel controls. The dependable operation- very low weight, considering the power potential
al characteristics of the latter have been proven for industrial and marine applications. The en-
by millions of hours of service use on aircraft gine is readily disassembled into two sections,
engines. To this control is added a Woodward PSG the gas generator and the free turbine, for ease
hydraulic governor for free-turbine governing. of handling.
Overspeed shutdown is accomplished by fast-acting The FT4A engine is designed for ease of in-
solenoid valves triggered by two independent over- spection and replacement of components located in
speed-sensing systems. The gaseous-fuel version high-operating-temperature regions. Thus, the in-
of the engine utilizes a Hamilton SPC electric dividual combustion chambers and the first-stage
control system. This control system has been in turbine nozzle vanes may be inspected and, if nec-
use on Pratt & Whitney Aircraft inudstrial engines essary, replaced without the engine having to be
for several years and has an outstanding record of removed from its installation, simply by sliding
reliability. the outer combustion-chamber cover rearward over
Materials used throughout the engine are con- the turbine outer case. The eight individual com-
sistent with sound aircraft practice. The marine bustion chambers, the fuel manifold and nozzles,
version of the FT4A makes extensive use of titani- and the turbine nozzle vanes then become accessi-
um in the compressor section. FT4A engine parts ble.
made from titanium are of identical design with
those proven in the J75 military-engine models. DEVELOPMENT TESTING
The use of this material in aircraft-engine appli-
cations was pioneered by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. The development testing of the FT4A engine has
Diffused nickel-cadmium plating is used in loca- consisted of laboratory testing of its components
tions where steel parts require protection against and materials, to evaluate marine corrosion prob-
corrosion. A diffused, aluminum-oxide coating lems; stand testing of its gas generator, to eval-
protects parts of the turbine particularly suscep- uate materials for use in marine engines; and
tible to sulfidation attack. stand testing of the complete FT4A power plant.
The high compression ratio, combined with As previously noted, the initial intended ap-
close attention to aero-dynamic design, gives the plication of the FT4A engine was for Navy hydro-
FT4A engine exceptionally good performance, as foil craft. This meant that problems of corrosion
evidenced by Fig.3. The weight of the FT4A-2 en- associated with the marine atmosphere were of par-

titular concern. Another related problem was that
of "sulfidation." Sulfidation is defined as an
attack of nickel-base turbine materials at high
temperature as a result of the combined effects of
sulfur in the fuel and chloride ions (sodium chlo-
ride, primarily) in the air or fuel. The salt is
believed to act as a flux which cleans the oxide
from the surface of the material and thus allows
the sulfur to combine with the chromium in the
nickel-base alloy, reducing its oxidation resis-

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tance. The Navy requirement for use of diesel
fuel (MIL-F-16884) having an allowable sulfur lev-
el of 1 percent aggravates the sulfidation prob-
lem. The phenomenon appears to be most signifi-
cant at temperatures above 1550 F and involves,
primarily, the first-stage turbine blades.
A laboratory test program was conducted to
evaluate the sulfidation characteristics of vari-
ous turbine materials and coating. This program
was conducted on an erosion-test rig, Figs.4 and 5.
High-sulfur-content diesel fuel was burned in the Fig.5 Sulfidation test rig in operation
burner while salt-water spray, in varying amounts,
was injected in the air stream to the burner.
Test material specimens were mounted on a spindle
and rotated in the blast of the burner. Most of time at a turbine temperature of 1800 F and 50
the tests were run for a period of 50 hr at metal percent at 1550 F. It consisted of ten 10-hr pe-
temperatures covering the range of interest in the riods, each followed by a water wash of the engine
turbine, 1450 to 2000 F. The results of these and an inspection for evidence of corrosion, sul-
tests indicated that the low-chrome, nickel-base fidation, and salt accumulation. The test engine
alloys, with the most attractive high-temperature had been assembled with compressor parts which had
properties for use in the first-stage turbine various types of paint and plating protection and
blades, tend to be subject to significant sulfida- with turbine parts fabricated from a variety of
tion attack. A diffused-aluminum-oxide coating different materials. As an example, the first
process was developed, however, and this coating turbine wheel had four different types of blades,
was found to provide good protection of the base dimensionally similar, but made from different ma-
material. terials. Some blades had coatings; others were
Other laboratory tests were conducted to ver- uncoated. This test produced sulfidation findings
ify the design of the free-turbine disks (in spin- which corroborated the laboratory test results. It
pit testing); to evaluate the endurance character- also enabled a better understanding of the direc-
istics of free-turbine blades (in vibratory-fa- tion corrective action should take in solving cor-
tigue bench testing); to endurance test the free- rosion problems involving compressor parts. For
turbine governor and its drive system; and to the latter, titanium proved to be the most satis-
evaluate the corrosion resistance of the fuel pump factory material. Diffused nickel-cadmium plate
and control system with salt-water-contaminated gave good protection to steel parts and had good
fuel. The results of these tests were favorable, durability, whereas the various paint treatments
indicating that the engine, as designed, should be were subject to peeling or erosion.
capable of fulfilling its mission. The results of the laboratory and gas-genera-
In full-scale engine-stand testing, a 100-hr tor testing to which reference has been made have
test was conducted on the gas generator to eval- provided the necessary background for making the
uate its performance and corrosion and sulfidation FT4A engine suitable for marine applications.
resistance under simulated marine conditions. However, they have indicated that many of other-
This test was conducted using MIL-F-16884 diesel wise most suitable, available materials will de-
fuel with sulfur content at the maximum value of teriorate under extreme salt-spray-injestion con-
1 percent. Sea water was injected at the engine ditions, suggesting that close attention to design
inlet at a rate of one part of salt solids to one of shipboard engine-air-intake ducts, to minimize
million parts of air by weight. The test was run salt-spray entry, will pay off in terms of reduced
to a cyclic schedule, with 25 percent of the total engine maintenance costs.

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Fig.6 Installation of FT4A-2 free turbine and gas generator assembly in a test stand

The first test of a complete FT4A engine was the free-turbine blades were very low, less than
conducted during the latter part of 1962 in the 2500 psi. Linear vibration was under one mil
Willgoos Turbine Laboratory at Pratt & Whitney (single amplitude) at all conditions. Following
Aircraft. The engine was assembled with strain the completion of testing, the engine was disas-
gages on the free-turbine blades to measure blade sembled for inspection. All parts were revealed
stresses as a function of rotor speed and power to be in excellent condition. The engine was then
output. The engine was also instrumented for the reassembled.
measurement of performance, linear vibration, met-
al temperatures throughout the free turbine, and FIELD EXPERIENCE
mount-system thermal growth. The test installa-
tion, shown in Fig.6, consisted of a large cell in Subsequent to its initial in-house operation,
which the engine was mounted, coupled to a dual- the first FT4A engine was delivered to the Navy
ratio gearbox driving two water-cooled, eddy-cur- for service testing. A second FT4A engine has
rent dynamometers coupled in tandem. The gearbox since gone into service in the industrial elec-
and dynamometers were cradled and the torque re- tric-power-generation field, and other related ex-
action was taken on a pair of hydraulic load cells perience is being accumulated.
for torque measurement. The air was ducted to the The Bureau of Ships, having an interest in ap-
engine from the silencer intake through a set of plying the FT4A engine to new ship designs, ar-
ram blowers used to overcome duct losses to the ranged to conduct a 1000-hr service evaluation
engine. This test installation was limited to test on the original test engine at the Naval
20,000 hp. The test, consisting of 60 hr of ex- Boiler and Turbine Laboratory. The test installa-
ploratory testing, was completed without incident. tion was designed to operate the FT4A engine gen-
The performance of the engine exceeded expecta- erally as it would be installed in a displacement
tions; Fig.3, previously referred to, shows the ship. The engine was mounted in small, normally
measured performance as compared with the esti- unmanned, sound-absorbent enclosure. Air was
mated performance. Measured vibratory stresses in ducted to a plenum chamber into which the inlet

was mounted; the exhaust was ducted to the outside
of the laboratory. Two tandem-cradled, high-
speed, water brakes, directly driven by the free
turbine, were provided for load absorption. Pro-
visions were made for spraying salt water into the
inlet air duct upstream of the plenum chamber.
The program for testing the FT4A engine at the
Naval Boiler and Turbine Laboratory provided for
operation in accordance with the MIL-E-17341B en-
durance schedule. This schedule includes 176 hr

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at 22,000 shp, 250 hr at 20,000 shp and time at
various other power settings down to idle. Diesel
fuel conforming to MIL-F-16884 was to be used and
the last 10 hr of each 100-hr period were to be
run with 0.5 part per million salt spray into the
inlet duct. The engine was to be washed following
each salt-spray period simulating expected service
Prior to starting the endurance testing, a
calibration was conducted to cover the complete
speed and power range through 30,000 shp. The re-
sults of this calibration were in excellent agree-
ment with the earlier company test and confirmed
the estimated performance through 30,000 shp. Fig. 7 Shock testing of FT4A engine gas generator
After 500 hr of programmed operation, an inspec-
tion of the hot section of the engine was made
without removing the engine from the installation.
The engine was found to be in excellent condition
and no parts were replaced. The engine then con- quencing equipment and provision for control from
tinued on test and, at the time this paper was a remote location by means of telemetry. This
prepared, 800 hr of scheduled testing had been unit was placed in operation during the early part
completed. The operation of the engine had been of 1963 and performed its duty on schedule during
excellent throughout the completed portion of the the summer peak-load periods. The Delaware Power
test program. and Light Company has ordered a second unit for
The Navy has conducted a shock test on a J7, - operation in time for the 1964 summer peaking re-
F - 5 engine (an Air Force engine similar to the quirements.
FT4A gas generator) at its Underwater Explosives The FT4A gas generator, the GG4A, has been
Research Division, Fig.7. The results of this ordered by Stal-Laval of Sweden to be used with a
test are not available for publication, but it may free turbine of their design in a Stal-Laval pro-
be stated that the engine proved to be extremely pulsion system for two frigates being built for
resistant to severe shock input. This is an im- the Danish Navy. This will be a CODAG installa-
portant consideration for an engine powering a tion using diesel cruising power and two gas tur-
naval ship. bines for high-speed operation. The gas turbine
The first industrial application of the FT4A will be rated at 22,000 hp. Engine deliveries to
engine was a peak-power installation for the Stal-Laval are scheduled for 1964. A land-based
Delaware Power and Light Company, in Wilmington, test of the installation is programmed to be run
Delaware. This installation consists of a semi- prior to first operation in the ship, scheduled
portable package including a natural-gas-burning for the latter part of 1965.
FT4A engine directly driving an Allis-Chalmers, Consideration is being given to developing a
air-cooled, 15,000-kw, generator. The unit is regenerative version of the FT4A for applications
rated at 13,500 kw at 80 F, increasing to the requiring exceptionally low fuel consumption. The
15,000-kw generator limit at 53 F. This rating simple-cycle FT4A engine, in its present state of
is at a gas-generator turbine temperature compar- development, has fuel-consumption rates which are
able to that allowed for aircraft maximum continu- competitive with those of some currently available
ous use. The equipment is enclosed in an aluminum regenerative engines and the advantages of compact
enclosure similar to a large truck-trailer body, arrangement and light weight. It is possible,
Fig.8. The system is provided with automatic se- however, to improve further the fuel consumption
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Fig. 8 FT4A engine installation for electric power peaking at Delaware Power and Light Company

in applications where the complexity of regenera- erated test program to obtain experience with con-
tion can be tolerated. verted aircraft gas-turbine engines in a marine
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft has accumulated a atmosphere. This engine had run 250 hr through
broad background of related experience on other September 1963. This related experience on simi-
similar engines. The GG3, the counterpart of the lar engines has given good reason for confidence
J57 engine, has run a total of more than 40,000 hr in the future of the FT4A engine.
in industrial-process and gas-transmission-pumping
applications. The rating for this application is Conclusion
at a gas-generator turbine temperature comparable The future applications 2 of the FT4A and sim-
to that used for cruise power in aircraft. One ilar gas-turbine engines appear unlimited in the
engine has run 16,000 hr, with two overhauls at marine and industrial areas. This type of engine
8000-hr intervals. This experience has indicated provides large quantities of power available at a
that time between overhauls of the aircraft gas- momentTs notice in a compact, lightweight package.
turbine type will grow significantly beyond the Its fuel-consumption values are competitive with
8000-hr initial period when operation is at moder- those of other prime movers. Furthermore, it
ate ratings. An electric peaking installation of lends itself to automation and thus enables sig-
an FT3C engine at the Hartford Electric Light Com- nificant reductions to be made in operating per-
pany has run more than 1100 hr.' This is an auto- sonnel for ships and power stations.
matic generating plant similar to the FT4 unit at
the Delaware Power and Light Company. An FT12 en- 2 "Gas Turbines for Unconventional Craft," by
gine is being operated in a Navy LCM on an accel- G.L. Graves and R.S. Carleton, SAE-ASNE Paper No.
685A, April 8-11, 1963.
1 "Economics and Operating Results Prototype Air- "Combined Diesel - Gas Turbine Power Plants in
craft Jet Engine - Electric Powerplant," by R.A. Coast Guard Vessels," by R.C. Case and Lt. K.W.
Evans and J.C. Sonntag, ASME Paper No. 63-AHGT-36, Forslund, SAE-ASNE Paper No. 685c, April 8-11,
March 3-7, 1963. 1963.

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