Autism IUQuestions and Advanced-CL

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De Schepper

A Homeopathic
Approach to Autism
I & II
Intra-Uterine Questions
Advanced Case Analysis

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

General Course Description
Course Autism in two parts: I & II
Because Dr. Luc has so much information to offer, the course “A Homeopathic Approach to
Autism” is made available in two separate course parts.

Course I “Homeopathic Approach to Autism I – Intra-Uterine Questions”

offers an introduction to what autism means and how we should approach it
homeopathically. Dr. Luc focuses on the emotions of the mother during the intra-
uterine period and the effects on the fetus. A full live-recorded case taking and case
analysis with long-term follow up teaches you case analysis and case management
specific to autism.

Content details Autism I

Total duration of video lectures: 6 hrs. 15 min., and if you also do all assignments and quiz
questions: total lectures and assignments: 8 hrs.
• Parts 1 - 5: Theoretical introduction to autism (1 hr. 25 min.)
Assignments and quiz questions
• Parts 6 - 8: Intra-uterine questions (1 hr. 14 min.)
Assignments and quiz questions
• Parts 9 - 18: Live-recorded case of a boy diagnosed with autism - consultation,
analysis & follow-up (1 hr. 47 min.)
Assignments and quiz questions.
• Part 20: Course summary, certificate, and final lecture.

Course II “Homeopathic Approach to Autism II – Advanced Case Analysis”

offers a deeper understanding to case analysis, not only related to autism but also
for other cases of challenged children and other cases in general. The case analysis
steps can be applied to other chronic cases of challenged children as well, because
in homeopathy the fundamental principles are the same and we always need to
individualize. Dr. Luc discusses in more detail the conscious and unconscious, the
never well since (emotional trauma), the creation of the core delusion (according to
Jung) and the compensations (mask).
The course Autism II includes two cases, a live-recorded case of a 15-year-old girl and a
paper case discussed in great detail of a 5-year-old boy with a 5 year follow-up. Both cases
illustrate Dr. Luc’s advanced case analysis and the intra-uterine emotions of the mother
affecting the child.

Content details Autism II

Total duration of video lectures: 11 hrs. 31 min., and if you also do all assignments and quiz
questions: total lectures & assignments: 12,5 hrs.

• Parts 1 - 12: Introduction lecture and a live-recorded case of a 15-year-old girl -

with case analysis & follow-up.
Assignments and quiz questions.
• Parts 13 - 17: Discussion of a paper case of a young boy diagnosed with autism
(1 hr. 51 min.)
Assignments and quiz questions
• Parts 18 – 34 Advanced case analysis that can be applied to all types of cases
(6 hrs. 9 min.).
Assignments and quiz questions
• Part 35: Course summary, certificate, and a short final lecture Alum - Lyc.

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

Introduction to Course Autism I & II
The prevalence of autism
In 2013 several previously distinct diagnoses were merged into one umbrella diagnosis of
autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The number of children diagnosed with ASD during the last
decade increased enormously. At this point in time in the USA it is called an epidemic -
because it concerns 1 in 68 children.

What is autism
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by
challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as
well as by unique strengths and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but
many types, caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences. (Etc.)

The course
Dr. Luc De Schepper discusses in this course how a classical homeopath should approach a
case with autism. In homeopathy we look at the whole case and we must treat the child who
has autism, and not the disease autism itself. Special attention is given to the emotional events
during pregnancy that can influence the occurrence of autism. Dr. Luc teaches how to
question the mother in order to find the emotional intra-uterine trigger. Case-analysis more in
general and specific to autism is discussed. An autistic child has difficulty developing his
conscious and when there are difficulties the child easily retracts into his unconscious. Dr.
Luc teaches in the case analysis how to get to the curative remedy. We need to find out which
core delusion can explain why the child remained in his unconscious.

Both courses Autism I and Autism II include live-recorded cases diagnosed with autism with
the interviews, analyses and follow-ups. The course further includes the case transcript,
handouts, assignments and quiz questions.

Both course Autism I & Autism II are aimed at advanced students of homeopathy as well
as medical and homeopathic professionals.

Parents of a challenged child may also be interested in viewing both courses. They may not
understand all homeopathic aspects discussed in this course, nevertheless it can help them to
decide on homeopathic treatment and prepare the parents for a homeopathic consultation. It
can also help parents to judge if their chosen homeopathic professional is treating according
to classical homeopathic values.
Dr. Luc's teachings are firmly based on the classical homeopathic teachings of Hahnemann.
He offers many unique insights that will help you to use homeopathy effectively with this
recent ‘epidemic’.

Additionally to the theoretical lectures this course also offers example cases, which will
demonstrate the theory in practice. The emphasis in course Autism I is on the intra-uterine
period and in Autism II Dr. Luc expands on case analysis. After taking this course and seeing
in-depth the use of the case-analysis steps that are taught and demonstrated with the cases,
you will also be able to successfully apply what you have learned to all (chronic) cases in
your practice, not only to cases with autism.

Interactive course
This is an interactive course. After purchasing the course please contact the course moderator
to receive the course material. The course material includes quiz questions and assignments.
Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)
You can contact the course moderator via email: or via the
contact page of the course website: She will be available for
your questions while you are following this course. If you wish to apply for a certificate that
is accepted as continued education hours (CPD hours) in your country, she will help you with
this also.

We strongly suggest that you do the course fully, e.g. send the answers to the quiz question
and assignments to the course moderator This way you will get
the most out of the course.

You will receive a certificate stating the hours spent viewing and completing the quiz
questions and assignments (answers will be checked & a reply given).

Autism I - 8 CPD* hours (incl. quizzes etc.)

Autism II - 12 CPD hours (incl. quizzes etc.)

* CPD = continuing professional development

This course has been approved by several homeopathic organizations to count for a total of
20,5 CPD hours (courses Autism I and Autism II combined).

Keywords of the course

Classical homeopathy, autism, challenged children, case management, case analysis, cyber
delusion, intra-uterine questions, learning from real case examples.

General learning objectives of this course:

v The definition of autism in conventional medicine and how we can use this knowledge in
homeopathy to judge the value of symptoms in homeopathic case-analysis.
v Awareness of which unique questions to ask additionally when treating children and/or
challenged children, especially those with autism or similar.
v To gain experience with case management through real case-example exercises, especially
case management of patients with autism.
v The cases will allow participants to gain experience in a particular approach to case
analysis in general, using systematic steps and particular to cases with autism.

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

Basic knowledge needed
This course A Homeopathic Approach to Autism I & II expects that you are already familiar
with the fundamental principles of homeopathy.

Viewing time (can be extended if needed)

You have 1 month viewing time to complete course Autism I, and 3 months to complete
course Autism II. If for some good reason you do not manage to complete the course on time,
write to the moderator stating your full name, country & date
of purchase and she will extend your viewing period free of charge.

Time needed
The video lectures are divided into sections of around 20 minutes each.
They can be viewed from any browser, so they can also be viewed on smartphones & tablets -
as often as you like during the allocated viewing period. This makes it easy for students &
professionals to find the time to take this course, as you can view the lectures at any
time, wherever you happen to be.

Interactive - With Course Moderator - You can ask Questions

At your convenience you may view the lectures only. If you prefer a more active approach,
and we highly recommend this, the course moderator will send you a brief summary with
assignments and quiz questions at the start of the course and also after finishing certain course
sections. The answers to quiz questions and assignments are checked and a reply is given.
The course ends with a course summary, a few .assignments, and the respective certificate.

Your course moderator will be available for any questions regarding the topics that are taught
during this course while you are following the course.
Keep in mind that questions should be related to the topics of the course, and that answers can
be replied to in public to all participants. In this way all participants can learn from your
questions also.

Check in - to interact with the course moderator

After you have purchased the course please send the course moderator a short mail with your
details (first and last name), she will then send you the course documents with quiz questions
& assignments. Send your email to

Participants can receive a certificate after completion of the course. To complete the course &
receive the certificate you need to do the quiz questions and assignments (how else would we
know that you actually watched the lectures and learned anything?). When you have sent in
your final quizzes & assignments, please ask for your certificate by writing to the course

If you need a certificate that is accepted for CPD (continuing professional development) hours
please read below.

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

Continued Professional Development hours (CPD)
The guideline how this course is accepted varies per country/organization. It is best that you
check with your local organization what their specific requirements are. You can also contact
the course moderator for advice.

In most countries it will be sufficient to send the answers to the quiz questions & assignments
to the moderator after you have completed each section of the

The course is accepted as CPD by:

• NVKH, The Netherlands


Q & A - How To
After you have purchased the course, please contact the course moderator. The 1st course
document with quiz questions for part 1 of the course will then be sent to you.

Send the answers back in any format you like, in an email or any type of text document, or in
the PDF itself - you can also write down the answers, take a photo of your notes and mail
them to the course moderator. The course moderator will check the answers and if necessary
advise and also send the next lot of quizzes etc.

Once you have answered all questions after watching the lectures, you will be eligible for the
certificate stating the accredited CPD hours.

The certificate will be sent in digital format once all quizzes have been completed.

Course Location and Communication

• Course website with course details:
• Vimeo website:
Autism I:
Autism II:
• Facebook:
• Email course moderator Julia:

A Note of Caution
Some cases of autism can be cured fully; others can perhaps be improved or alleviated

Basically you approach a case of autism like any other (chronic) disease, additionally keeping
in mind and using Dr. Luc's unique intra-uterine questions.

Above all the children's continued safety is important, that includes for example not
stopping their seizure medications (if they are on such medications) or similar.
Only when definite and sufficient improvement is noticeable, and to stay with the example
above, can medications be reduced or even stopped - but this must always be done with the
consent of and under the supervision of the patient's (conventional) medical practitioner.
Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)
One very important aspect not to neglect is the timeline - your aim has to be to determine
what may have triggered autism in the patient you are treating - ofttimes, possibly as often as
in 95% of cases, the trigger is an intra-uterine event, but the trigger can for instance also be
vaccination. These cases, as all cases of autism and any other chronic disease, should also be
treated according to classical Hahnemannian homeopathic values.

Keep in mind that a case of autism may need several years of treatment & follow-ups, even
when using carefully applied 5th & 6th edition posology.

There is no correlation between this course A Homeopathic Approach to Autism and the
CEASE therapy.

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

Also check out Dr. Luc's e-learning course Advanced Posology
Dr. Luc has also a course available Advanced Posology in Homeopathy.
This is a magnificent course that will help you to greatly increase your results in practice.
Worldwide, many cases do not succeed in practice because homeopaths are only familiar with
Kent’s dosing (30, 30, 200, 200, M, M, etc.), the “wait and watch” method, and know very
little about the correct use.

Study more with Dr. Luc’s excellent books

You can study more with Dr. Luc’s excellent books, some of which he mentions in these

Advanced Guide for Professional Homeopaths

Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Full of Life Publishing (December 1, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0942501152 / ISBN-13: 978-0942501155

The latest findings about potencies, miasms and observations of Hering

are fine tuned for clinicians. Furthermore, eleven intrauterine questions
and eleven questions for the homeopath to see if the clinician has the
right remedy are explained in detail with clinical examples. In addition,
the core delusion is defined and ways of finding it in the clinic. Jung's introductions of
extrovert and introvert types, as well as the functions of consciousness, give the homeopath a
solid introduction to use these characteristics to know the constitution and temperament of the
patient. This is an invaluable guide for any professional in practice.

Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum

Hardcover: 370 pages
Publisher: USA (1995)
Language: English (Also available in several other languages)
ISBN-10: 0942501144 / ISBN-13: 978-0942501148

A companion book to Hahnemann Revisited; this unique book teaches

the reader the most difficult aspect of homeopathy- how to stay on the
right course in the challenging path to cure for a chronic patient.

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

Hahnemann Revisited
Hardcover: 600 pages
Publisher: Full of Life Publishing; 1st edition (February 1, 1999)
Language: English (Also available in several other languages)
ASIN: 094250110

A complete and comprehensive guide to the discovery, diagnosis and

healing of chronic and acute conditions through homeopathy.

Discovering Life: Homeopathic Portraits

This book is available online from Luc's website

This modern Materia Medica, the result of eight years of work, is very
different from existing ones. Still based on the old provings, more
clarity has been brought into these portraits though depth-psychology,
philosophy, and clinical examples, while also addressing the problem
of translating the language of the patient into the language of the
materia medica and provings.
Each portrait tells a vivid story, starting from the cyber delusion,
causalities, and leading to its compensations. Additionally, from the
unpublished "Gems and Pearls from Old Masters," valuable clinically proven tips are added to
help the homeopath in his practice.

Homeopathy and the Periodic Table

Hardcover: 313 pages
ISBN-10: 978-0-942501-13-1

Bridging the gap between homeopathy and the elements of the

periodic table.
Exploring and using only the provings from renowned and reliable
sources such as Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases and Materia Medica
Pura, from Hering's Guiding Symptoms, T.F. Allen's Encyclopedia of
Pure Materia Medica, and Von Bonninghausen's Materia Medica, Dr.
Luc created a fascinating book about the relationship between homeopathy and the periodic
table. A chapter on dream interpretation in homeopathy, used to clarify the proven elements in
the periodic table, introduces the serious student of homeopathy to yet another way of finding
the simillimum.

About the author

Dr. Luc De Schepper is a licensed physician and acupuncturist in Europe (since 1971) and
the US (since 1982). He studied and practiced homeopathy extensively for many years, has
written 15 textbooks of homeopathy, alternative medicine and acupuncture and has the
largest school of homeopathy in the US. He spends part of his time helping the poor in South
Africa, Kenya and Sri Lanka and teaches all over the world, lately bringing homeopathy to

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)

Terms & conditions
By purchasing these video lectures you agree to our terms and conditions.
To avoid any inconvenience we highly encourage you to check our privacy policy and medical

No-refund policy
Since these lectures utilize an e-learning format and we are offering non-tangible irrevocable goods
we do not issue returns/refunds/cancellations once the transaction is complete.

Medical Disclaimer
The information presented in these lectures is for informational purposes only and does not promise to
cure, treat, prevent or diagnose disease or illness. These lectures are aimed at advanced students of
homeopathy as well as medical and homeopathic professionals.
The creators and publishers of this website & these lectures can and will not accept any responsibility
for any ill effects resulting from the use or misuse of the information presented here.
The information in these lectures and on this website do not constitute an attempt to practice medicine.
If you have medical questions and or emergencies, you should always consult an officially recognized
health care professional.

For some countries (e.g. in the EU) we are obliged to point out that any therapeutic claims about
homeopathic remedies have not been assessed by a local government appointed scientific medical
research organization.

We ask you to respect the patients' privacy. Even though the names and other identifying
characteristics of the patients featuring in these lectures have been changed as much as was possible,
you agree not to copy or share any patient information in any form or way.

The certificate is not a medical qualification nor it is a license to practice homeopathy. Each country
has its own regulations and requirements to become a certified homeopath, qualified physician or
licensed practitioner of any healing art. Students seeking to become licensed practitioners must meet
all state and/or national requirements and follow the licensing procedure for the state and/or country in
which they intend to practice.
All students who complete this online course can get a certificate.
Please ask for your certificate by writing to the course moderator.

All course materials including the video lectures are the property of the course organization: Lutra
services (The Netherlands) and Dr. Luc De Schepper (U.S.A.). Nothing may be copied or shared in
any form without the expressed written permission of the course organization.

Contact Please send all correspondence to

Copyright 2018 The Course Organization: Lutra Services (The Netherlands)


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