JEST 2019 Solution

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
JEST 2019 (Booklet Series-A)
Part-A: 1-Mark Questions

Q1. Let r be the position vector of a point on a closed contour C . What is the value of the line
 
integral  r  dr ?

(a) 0 (b) (c) 1 (d) 
Ans. : (a)
    
Solution: r  xxˆ  yyˆ  zzˆ    r  0   r  dr  0

Q2. A dc voltage of 80 Volt is switched on across a circuit containing a resistance of 5  in series

with an inductance of 20 H . What is the rate of change of current at the instant when the current
is 12 A ?
(a) 0 A / s (b) 1 A / s (c) 5 A / s (d) 80 A / s
Ans. : (b)
V  t 
di V  RL t di V  R 
Solution: i  t   1  e    e   1  i 
R  dt L dt L  V 

di 80  5  80  20 
  1   12      1 A / s
dt 20  80  20  80 
Q3. Consider the function f  x, y   x  i y . In which domain of the complex plane is this function

(a) First and second quadrants (b) Second and third quadrants
(c) Second and fourth quadrants (d) Nowhere
Ans. : (c)
Solution: f  x, y   x  i y

f  x, y   x  iy  z

f  x, y    x  iy   z

f  x, y    x  iy   z

f  x, y   x  iy  z

We know z is not analytic and z and  z are analytic. So answer is (c).

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q4. Consider the following transformation of the phase space coordinates  q, p    Q, P 

Q  q a cos bp P  q a sin bp
For what values of a and b will the transformation be canonical?
1 1 1 1
(a) 1,1 (b) , (c) 2, (d) ,2
2 2 2 2
Ans. : (d)
Q P P Q
Solution: For canonical transformation .  .
q p q p

 1  abq 2 a 1 cos 2 bp  sin 2 bp  1
a  ,b  2
Q5. What is the binding energy of an electron in the ground state of a He ion?
(a) 6.8eV (b) 13.6 eV (c) 27.2 eV (d) 54.4 eV
Ans. : (d)
13.6 2
Solution: E   z  eV 
He  : z  2
13.6  4
E   eV 
The binding energy of an electron in ground state is
13.6  4
E  eV   54.4 eV

Q6. A collimated white light source illuminates the slits of a double slit interference setup and forms
the interference pattern on a screen. If one slit is covered with a blue filter, which one of the
following statements is correct?
(a) No interference pattern is observed after the slit is covered with the blue filter
(b) Interference pattern remains unchanged with and without the blue filter
(c) A blue interference pattern is observed
(d) The central maximum is blue with coloured higher order maxima
Ans. : (c)
Solution: Because to form stationary interference pattern light from two coherent source should be of
same frequency and wavelength.

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q7. Consider a system of N distinguishable particles with two energy levels for each particle, a
ground state with energy zero and an excited state with energy   0 . What is the average energy
per particle as the system temperature T   ?

(a) 0 (b) (c)  (d) 
Ans. : (b)
e  Ei
Solution: E   PE
i i  Pi 
i z
01 1
E  0  
 
1 e 1  e  
 
   / k BT
 at T  
1 e 2
Q8. Consider a diatomic molecule with an infinite number of equally spaced non-degenerate energy
levels. The spacing between any two adjacent levels is  and the ground state energy is zero.
What is the single particle partition function Z ?
1 1
(a) Z  (b) Z 
 
1 1 e k BT
k BT

1 kBT
(c) Z  (d) Z 

1 e k BT 1

Ans. : No option is matched

Solution: Z   gi e  i

gi  1

Z  1  e    e 2   ......
1  e  

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q9. A very long solenoid (axis along z direction) of n turns per unit length carries a current which
increases linearly with time, i  Kt . What is the magnetic field inside the solenoid at a given
time t ?
(a) B  0 nKtzˆ (b) B  0 nKzˆ

(c) B  0 nKt  xˆ  yˆ  (d) B  0 cnKtzˆ

Ans. : (a)
 
Q10. Suppose  A is a conservative vector, A is a non-conservative vector and  is non-zero scalar
everywhere. Which one of the following is true?
   
 
(a)   A  A  0 (b) A    0
   
(c) A    0  
(d)   A  A  0

Ans. : (a)
Solution: Divergence of a curl is always zero.
Q11. Consider two n  n matrices, A and B such that A  B is invertible. Define two matrices,

C  A  A  B  B and D  B  A  B  A . Which of the following relations always hold true?

1 1

(a) C  D (b) C 1  D (c) BCA  ADB (d) C  D

Ans. : (a)
Solution: C 1   A  A  B  B 
 B 1  A  B  A1
 

 B 1 AA1  B 1BA1  B 1  A1

 C  1  B 1  A 1
D 1   B  A  B   A 1  A  B  B 1
 
 A1 AB 1  A1 B 1  B 1  A1
or D 1  B 1  A1
From equation (i) and (ii)
C 1  D 1

or CC 1 D  CD 1 D or D  C
Therefore, option (a) is correct.

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q12. The refractive index  n  of the entire environment around a double slit interference setup is

changed from n  1 to n  2 . Which one of the following statements is correct about the change
in the interference pattern?
(a) The fringe pattern disappears
(b) The central bright maximum turns dark, i.e. becomes a minimum
(c) Fringe width of the pattern increases by a factor 2
(d) Fringe width of the pattern decreases by a factor 2
Ans. : (d)
D 
Solution:    
2d  n 
Q13. A cyclotron can accelerate deuteron to 16 MeV . If the cyclotron is used to accelerate
 - particles, what will be their energy? Take the mass of deuteron to be twice the mass of
proton and mass of alpha particles to be four times the mass of protons.
(a) 8 MeV (b) 16 MeV (c) 32 MeV (d) 64 MeV
Ans. : (c)
Solution: Energy gain in cyclotron is
q2 B2 R2
Let Ed , md , E and m are the energy of mass of deuteron and  - particle

Ed m
 
E md

md 2m
 E  Ed   16 MeV
m m

E  32 MeV

3 1
Q14. Consider a hypothetical world in which the electron has spin instead of . What will be the
2 2
electronic configuration for an element with atomic number Z  5 ?
(a) 1s 4 , 2s1 (b) 1s 4 , 2s 2 , 2 p1 (c) 1s 5 (d) 1s 3 , 2 s1 , 2 p1
Ans. : (a)

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Solution: The degeneracy of level j is d  2 j  1
For s - orbit, d  2s  1  2   1  4
 The electronic configuration for z  5 is
1s 4 , 2s1
Thus correct option is (a)
Q15. Two objects of unit mass are thrown up vertically with a velocity of 1 ms 1 at latitudes 450 N

and 450 S , respectively. The angular velocity of the rotation of Earth is given to be 7.29 105 s 1 .
In which direction will the objects deflect when they reach their highest point (due to Coriolis
force)? Assume zero air resistance.
(a) to the east in Northern hemisphere and west in Southern Hemisphere
(b) to the west in Northern hemisphere and east in Southern Hemisphere
(c) to the east in both hemispheres
(d) to the west in both hemispheres
Ans. : (d)
Q16. Which one of the following vectors lie along the line of intersection of the two planes
x  3 y  z  5 and 2 x  2 y  4 z  3 ?

(a) 10 iˆ  2 ˆj  5kˆ (b) 10 iˆ  6 ˆj  8kˆ

(c) 10 iˆ  2 ˆj  5kˆ (d) 10 iˆ  2 ˆj  5kˆ

Ans. : (b)
 iˆ  3 ˆj  kˆ iˆ  3 ˆj  kˆ
Solution: Unit vector normal to x  3 y  z  5 is nˆ1    
 1 9 1 11
 2iˆ  2 ˆj  4kˆ 2iˆ  2 ˆj  4kˆ
Unit vector normal to 2 x  2 y  4 z  3 is nˆ2    
 4  4  16 24

Check for option (b) nˆ  10 iˆ  6 ˆj  8kˆ

10  18  8 20  12  32
nˆ1.nˆ  0 and nˆ2 .nˆ  0
11 24

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
 
Q17. What is the value of the integral 
dx x 2   2 cos x ?

1 1
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 0
2 
Ans. : (c)

Solution:  x 2   2   1
  x       x    
     

   x       x    
2 
 

 dx   x  1
 cos x   dx   x       x    cos x
2 2
2 

1 1 1
 cos   cos       1  1  
2 2 
Q18. Two joggers A and B are running at a steady pace around a circular track. A takes TA minutes

whereas B takes TB   TA  minutes to complete one round. Assuming that they have started

together, what will be time taken by A to overtake B for the first time?
2 1 1 1  1 1 
(a) (b)  (c) (d)   
Ans. : (d)
Solution: vrelative  v A  vB  T  v A  vB   2 R
 2 2   1 1 
TR  A  B   2 R  TR     2 R  T    
 TA TB   TA TB 
Q19. The magnetic field (Gaussian units) in an empty space is described by
B  B0 exp  ax  sin  ky  t  zˆ

What is the y - component of the electric field?

ac ac
(a)  B0 sin  ky  t  (b)  B0 exp  ax  cos  ky   t 
 
(c)  B0 sin  ky   t  (d) 0

Ans. : (d)

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q20. Let A be a hermitian matrix, and C and D be the unitary matrices. Which one of the following
matrices is unitary?
(a) C 1 AC (b) C 1 DC (c) C 1 AD (d) A1CD
Ans. : (b)

    
† †
Solution: C 1DC C 1DC  C 1DCC † D† C 1

    
† †
Since C is unitary CC 1  I , therefore C 1DC C 1DC  C 1DD† C 1

    
† †
Since D is unitary DD†  I , therefore, C 1DC C 1DC  C 1 C 1

   C   1

Since for any invertible matrix C 1 we have

C    
1 † 1
DC C 1DC  C 1 C †

Since C is unitary C †  C 1 , therefore,

C    
1 † 1
DC C 1DC  C 1 C 1  C 1C  I

Therefore, C 1DC is a unitary matrix.

 b2 x2 
Q21. The wave function   x   A exp    (for real constants A and b ) is a normalized eigen-
 2 

function of the Schrodinger equation for a particle of mass m and energy E in a one
dimensional potential V  x  such that V  x   0 at x  0 . Which of the following is correct?

 2b 4 x 2  2b 4 x 2  2b 2  2b 2
(a) V  (b) V  (c) E  (d) E 
m 2m 4m m
Ans. : (b)

 m 
1/ 4
 m x 2 
Solution: Comparing with harmonic oscillator   x     exp    the potential is
    2 

1 
V  x  m 2 x 2 and energy is E 
2 2
 b2 x 2  b2  b4 2 x 2  b2 2
  x   A exp     so V  x   and energy E  
 2  m 2m 2 2m

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q22. A quantum particle of mass m is in a one dimensional potential of the form
 m x , if x  0
2 2
V  x   2
  if x  0

where  is a constant. Which one of the following represents the possible ground state wave
function of the particle?

 
1 1
(a) (b)
0 0
0 x  0 x 

1 1

 
1 1
(c) (d)
0 0
0 x  0 x 

1 1
Ans. : (b)
 1 13 
Q23. Consider a 2  2 matrix A   27
 what is A ?
0 1 
 1 13   1 1327   1 27   1 351
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
0 1  0 1  0 1  0 1 
Ans. : (d)
 1 13 
Solution: Given A    , it can be easily proved (by mathematical induction) that
0 1 
 1 13n 
An   
0 1 
For n  27 ,
 1 13.27   1 351
A27    
0 1  0 1 

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q24. Consider a grand ensemble of a system of one dimensional non-interacting classical harmonic
oscillators (each of frequency  ). Which one of the following equations is correct? Here the
angular bracket  indicate the ensemble average. N , E and T represent the number of particles,

energy and temperature, respectively. k B is the Boltzmann constant.

k BT k BT
(a) E  N (b) E  N
2 2
(c) E  Nk BT (d) E  N k BT

Ans. : (d)
Solution: E  K .E.  P.E.
Px2 1 2
E  kx 1D 
2m 2
1 1
E kBT  kBT  kBT (Equiportion)
2 2
E  N k BT

Q25. A bullet with initial speed v0 is fired at a log of wood. The resistive force by wood on the bullet

is given by  v , where   1 . What is the time taken to stop the bullet inside the wood log?

m v0 1 m v0 1 m v01  v10

(a) (b) (c) (d)
 1   1  1 m 1
Ans. : (c)

dv 
t m 0 dv m v10
Solution: m   v   dt     
dt 0  v0 v  1

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
PART- B: 3 Mark-Questions
Q1. A person plans to go from town A to town B by taking either the route  R1  R 2  with
1 1
probability or the route  R1  R3 with probability (see
2 2 R2
figure). Further, there is a probability that R1 is blocked, a
3 R1
1 1
probability that R 2 is blocked, and a probability that R3 is
3 3
blocked. What is the probability that he/she would reach town B ?
8 1 4 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
9 3 9 3
Ans. : (c)
Solution: Given that probability of R1 blocked =1/3
1 2
Probability of R1 not blocked  1  
3 3
Probability from A to B without restriction 
1 2
Route R 2 probability   not blocked
2 3
1 2
Route R3  
2 3
2 1 2 1 2 4
Total probability  A  B      
3  2 3 2 3  9
Q2. What is the change in the kinetic energy of rotation of the earth if its radius shrinks by 1% ?
Assume that the mass remains the same and the density is uniform.
(a) increases by 1% (b) increases by 2%
(c) decreases by 1% (d) decreases by 2%
Ans. : (b)

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q3. Analyse the ideal op-amp circuit in the figure. Which one of the following statements is true
about the output voltage Vout , when terminal ‘ C ’ is connected to point ‘ A ’ and then to point ‘ B ’?

Vin  Vout


(a) Vout  Vin and Vout  Vin when ‘ C ’ is connected to ‘ A ’ and ‘ B ’, respectively

(b) Vout  Vin and Vout  Vin when ‘ C ’ is connected to ‘ A ’ and ‘ B ’, respectively

(c) Vout  Vin when ‘ C ’ is connected to either ‘ A ’ or ‘ B ’

(d) Vout  Vin when ‘ C ’ is connected to either ‘ A ’ or ‘ B ’

Ans. : (a)
Solution: When terminal ‘ C ’ is connected to point ‘ A ’
 1 1
Vout   1   Vin  Vin  Vin
 1 1
When terminal ‘ C ’ is connected to point ‘ B ’
Vout   Vin  Vin
Q4. White light of intensity I 0 is incident normally on a filter plate of thickness d . The plate has a

 
wavelength    dependent absorption coefficient       0  1   per unit length. The band
 0 
pass edge of the filter is defined as the wavelength at which the intensity, after passig through the
filter, is I  ,  0 , 0 and  are constants. The reflection coefficient of the plate may be

assumed to be independent of  . Which one of the following statements is true about the
bandwidth of the filter?
(a) The bandwidth is linear dependent on 0
(b) The bandwidth is independent of the plate thickness d
(c) The bandwidth is linearly dependent on  0

(d) The bandwidth is dependent on the ratio  0 / d

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Ans. : (a)
Solution: For example C -band and L -band in fiber optics communication, the central wavelength c of
sin 2 
band pass is c  0 1 

Where 0  central wavelength at normal incidence

n  filter effective index of refraction

  angle of incidence
Here this result is applicable only for very low absorption.
Q5. Consider two concentric spherical metal shells of radii r1 and r2  r2  r1  . The outer shell has a

charge q and the inner shell is grounded. What is the charge on the inner shell?
r1 r1 r2
(a) q (b) q (c) 0 (d) q
r2 r2 r1
Ans. : (a)
Q6. A wire with uniform line charge density  per unit length carries a current I as shown in the
figure. Take the permittivity and permeability of the medium to be  0  0  1 . A particle of

charge q is at a distance r and is travelling along a trajectory parallel to the wire. What is the
speed of the charge?

current  I
charge density   r V

   4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
I 2I 3I I
Ans.: (a)
 I
Solution: E  and B  0
2 0 r 2 r current  I V
Directions are shown in the figure. charge density   r 
 
Net force on charge q is zero i.e. F  0 .
    I 
   
 q  E  v  B   0  E  vB 
2 0 r
v 0 v
2 r I
  0  0  1

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Q7. Consider a non-relativistic two-dimensional gas of N electrons with the Fermi energy EF .

What is the average energy per particle at temperature T  0 ?

3 2 1
(a) EF (b) EF (c) EF (d) EF
5 5 2
Ans. : (c)
Q8. The circuit given below is fed by a sinusoidal voltage Vin  V0 sin t . Assume that the cut-in

voltage of the diode is 0.7 volts and V1 is a positive dc voltage smaller than V0 . Which one of the

following statements is true about Vout ?

Vin Vout


(a) Positive part of Vout is restricted to a maximum voltage of 0.7  V1
R1  R2
(b) Negative part of Vout is restricted to a maximum voltage of 0.7  V1
R1  R2
(c) Positive part of Vout is restricted to a maximum voltage of 0.7  V1
R1  R2
(d) Negative part of Vout is restricted to a maximum voltage of 0.7  V1
R1  R2
Ans: (a)
R2  R2 
Solution: Reference voltage VR  V1 and diode will be ON when Vin   0.7  V1  .
R1  R2  R1  R2 

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Q9. A hoop of diameter D is pivoted at the topmost point on the
circumference as shown in the figure. The acceleration due to gravity g is
D g
acting downwards. What is the time period of small oscillations in the
plane of the hoop?

D 5D
(a) 2 (b) 2
2g 6g

D 2D
(c) 2 (d) 2
2g g
Ans. : (c)
Q10. For a spin particle placed in a magnetic field B , the Hamiltonian is H   BS y   S y ,
where S y is the y -component of the spin operator. The state of the system at time t  0 is

  t  0    , where S z     . At a later time t , if S z measured then what is the

probability to get a value  ?
 t 
(a) cos 2 t  (b) sin 2 t  (c) 0 (d) sin 2  
 2 
Ans. : (d)
    1
Solution: H   BS y   S y Eigen value is , with eigen vector 1       and
2 2 2
2       respectively.
1 1
  t  0     I   1 1   2 2   1  2
2 2
1  it  1  it 
 t  t   1 exp   2 exp   
2  2  2  2 

If S z is measured on   t  then probability to find  is
  t   it   it  
  1  2 t
P     exp  2   exp   2    sin 2
 2   t   t  4     

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Q11. In a fixed target elastic scattering experiment, a projectile of mass m , having initial velocity v0 ,

and impact parameter b , approaches the scatterer. It experiences a central repulsive force
f r    k  0  . What is the distance of the closest approach d ?
1 1
 k 2  k 2
(a) d   b 2  2  (b) d   b 2  2 
 mv0   mv0 
(c) d  b (d) d 
Ans. : (a)
k k
Solution: f  r   2 
k  0  so potential is V  r  
r r
Conservation of angular momentum mv0b  md 2    02
2 2
mv0 md 
k  v0b
Conservation of energy is given by    2
2 2 d d
 k 2
d   b2  2 
 mv0 

Q12. Consider a quantum particle in a one-dimensional box of length L . The coordinates of the
leftmost wall of the box is at x  0 and that of the rightmost wall is at x  L . The particle is in
the ground state at t  0 . At t  0 , we suddenly change the length of the box to 3L by moving
the right wall. What is the probability that the particle is in the ground state of the new system
immediately after the change?
9 81 0.5
(a) 0.36 (b) (c) (d) L
8 64 2 
Ans. : (c)
 2 x  2 x
 sin . 0  x  3a  sin . 0 xa
Solution: 1   3a 3a   a a
 0,  0,
 otherwise  otherwise

  22  1 
a 2 x 2 x 81
P    sin sin dx 
 2m  3a 2   3a 3a a a 64 2
  0

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Consider a function f  x   Pk  x  e
  in the domain x  ,  , where P is any
 
 x4  2 x2
Q13. k

polynomial of degree k . What is the maximum possible number of extrema of the function?
(a) k  3 (b) k  3 (c) k  2 (d) k  1
Ans. : (a)

Solution: f  x   pk  x  e

 x4  2 x2 

Let k  0 , f  x    0  x  e

 x4  2 x2 

Number of extrema
P0  x   1, k  0

Number of extrema  1
k 1  0 1  1
Q14. The energy spectrum of a particle consists of four states with energies 0,, 2 ,3  . Let

Z B T  , Z F T  and Z C T  denote the canonical partition functions for four non-interacting

particles at temperature T . The subscripts B, F and C corresponds to bosons, fermions and

  
distinguishable classical particles, respectively. Let y  exp    . Which one of the
 B 
k T

following statements is true about Z B T  , Z F T  and Z C T  ?

(a) They are polynomials in y of degree 12, 6 and 12 , respectively.

(b) They are polynomials in y of degree 16,10 and 16 , respectively
(c) They are polynomials in y of degree 9, 6 and 12 , respectively.
(d) They are polynomials in y of degree 12,10 and 16 , respectively.
Ans. : (a)
Solution: 3
Bose 2


y  e   / k BT

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Number of particle N  4   i
 n  gi !
i ni ! gi !
Maximum energy  12
Z B  e 12 / kBT  

 y12   degree  12



Maximum energy e 6 / kBT  4 / kBT  e  

Z F  y 6   degree  6

Classical oooo


Z C  y12  .....

Q15. Consider a quantum particle of mass m and a charge e moving in a two dimensional potential
given as:
V  x, y    x  y  k  x  y
2 2


 
The particle is also subject to an external electric field E   iˆ  ˆj , where  is a constant iˆ

and ĵ corresponds to unit vectors along x and y directions, respectively. Let E1 and E0 be the

energies of the first excited state and ground state, respectively. What is the value of E1  E0 ?

2k 2k 2k 2k
(a)  (b)   e 2 (c) 3 (d) 3  e 2
m m m m

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Ans. : (a)
Solution: For constant electric field we know there is not any change in frequency and and energy of
each level is changed by constant value.
The total potential is
k 3 3
V  x, y    x  y   k  x  y    x   y  V  x, y   kx 2  ky 2  kxy   x   y
2 2

2 2 2
m 0   3k k 
T   and V   
 0 m  k 3k 

  4k 2k
Secular equation is given by V   2 m  0  3k   2 m  k 2  0  x  ,y 
m m
 1  1
The equivalent quantum mechanical energy is Enx ,n y   nx    x   n y    y  V0
 2  2
Where nx  0,1, 2,3... and n y  0,1, 2,3...

 4k  2k
The ground state energy E0  E0.0  
2 m 2 m

 4k 3 2k
The first excited state energy E1  E0.1  
2 m 2 m

E1  E0  

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PART C: 3-Mark Numerical Questions
Q1. A thin uniform steel chain is 10 m long with a linear mass density of 2 kg m 1 . The chain hangs
vertically with one end attached to a horizontal axle, having a negligibly small radius compared
to its length. What is the work done (in N  m ) to slowly wind up the chain on to the axle? The
acceleration due to gravity is g  9.81 ms 1 .
Ans. : 981
Solution: l  10 m
Mass to be pulled
m dy
Mass of small elementary  dy
PE of mass    dy  y  g
So work required in pulling reference
W    dU     y dy  g

m l2 mgl 2 10  9.8110

  g    981 J
l 2 2 2
Q2. A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is in the state

  n
n 0 n!
 1
where n is the normalized energy eigenstate with eigenvalue  n    . Let the expectation
 2
value of the Hamiltonian in the state  be expressed as   . What is the value of  ?
Ans. : 3
 1
 n    1
  n 1 
Solution: H   
        e    3.2
n 0 n 2 n 1 n 2 

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Q3. The Euler polynomials are defined by

2e xs xn
  n n!
e x  1 n 0
E  s 

What is the value of E5  2   E5  3 ?

Ans. : 64

2e xs xn
Solution: x   En  s 
e  1 n 0 n!

En  x  1  En  x   2 x n

E5  x  1  E5  x   2 x5

x  2  2  25  64
Q4. What is the angle (in degrees) between the surfaces y 2  z 2  2 and y 2  x 2  0 at the point

1, 1,1
Ans. : 60
Solution: The equations of two surfaces are
f  x, y, z   2 and g  x, y, z   0

where f  x. y, z   y 2  z 2 and g  x, y, z   y 2  x 2

The normal to the first surfaces is

 f f ˆ f ˆ 
f  iˆ  j  k  f  2 yjˆ  2 zkˆ
x y z
 g g ˆ g ˆ 
g  iˆ   j k  g  2 xiˆ  2 yjˆ
x y z
 
At point 1, 1,1 , f  2 ˆj  2kˆ and g  2iˆ  ˆj

Hence the angle between the two surfaces is

  cos 1
 
f g
   cos 1
 
2 ˆj  2kˆ  2iˆ  2 ˆj 
f g 8 8

or   cos 1  cos 1/ 2  600

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Q5. Consider a system of 15 non-interacting spin-polarized electrons. They are trapped in a two

dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator potential V  x, y  

 
m 2 x 2  y 2 . The angular

frequency  is such that   1 in some chosen unit. What is the ground state energy of the
system in the same units?
Ans. : 55
Solution: Non-interacting spin-polarized electrons means direction of spin is fixed
1   2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  55
Q6. Consider the motion of a particle in two dimensions given by the Lagrangian


m 2
x  y 2    x  y 

where   0 . The initial conditions are given as y  0   0, x  0   42 meters, x  0   y  0   0 .

What is the value of x  t   y  t  at t  25 seconds in meters?

Ans. : 42

Solution: L 

m 2

x  y 2   x  y 

The equation of motion is

d  L   L   
       0  mx  x  y  0 ….(1)
dt  x   x  2 2

d  L   L   
       0  my  y  x  0 ….(2)
dt  y   y  2 2

Subtracting equation  2  from 1 gives m   y   0  

x   x  

Integrating both sides with t gives

x  y  c1

From the equation x  0   y  0   0 , there c1  0

Hence, x  y  0 ….(3)
Integrating both sides of this equation with t gives
x  y  c2

Putting x  0   42, y  0   0 gives

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42  0  c2  42

Therefore, x  y  42
The value of x  y is independent of t .
Therefore, at t  25s
x  t   y  t   42

Q7. A diatomic ideal gas at room temperature, is expanded at a constant pressure P0 . If the heat

absorbed by the gas is Q  14 Joules, what is the maximum work in Joules that can be extracted
from the system?
Ans. : 4
5 7
Solution: Diatomic gas has Cv  R, C p  R
2 2
Q  C p T  14  RT
(Constant pressure process)
14  2 5
 T   0.481 0 c and U  Cv T  R  T
7  8.314 2
  8.314  0.481  9.99 J and Wmax  Q  U
Wmax  14  9.99  4 J
Q8. An optical line of wavelength 5000 A in the spectrum of light from a star is found to be red-
shifted by an amount of 2 A . Let v be the velocity at which the star is receding. Ignoring
relativistic effects, what is the value of ?
Ans. : 2500
c 0 5000
Solution:    2500 .
  2

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q9. In the Young’s double slit experiment (screen distance D  50 cm and d  0.1 cm ), a thin mica
sheet of refractive index n  1.5 is introduced in the path of one of the beams. If the central
fringe gets shifted by 0.2 , what is the thickness (in micrometer) of the mica sheet?
Ans. : 8
Solution: x0     1 t
0.2  1.5  1 t
0.2  0.1
t cm  8 104 cm  8 m .
50  0.5
Q10. A circular metal loop of radius a  1 m spins with a constant angular velocity 
  20 rad/s in a magnetic field B  3 Tesla, as shown in the figure. The
resistance of the loop is 10 ohms. Let P be the power dissipated in one
complete cycle. What is the value of in Watts?
Ans. : 18
 
Solution: Magnetic flux through the loop is m   B.d a  B   a 2  cos t

Induced e.m.f      B   a 2  sin t .
2  2 B 2 2 a 4 sin 2 t
Power dissipated p  
 2 B 2 2 a 4 1
Power dissipated in one complete cycle P  p   sin 2 t 
2R 2

 20   3 1  18
2 2 4
P  2 B2a4
 P
 4
2 R2
2 10 10 

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
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