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'Lower your gaze!


Almost all of us must have heard this command. This is one of

those commands of Allah that has been stereotyped in our
minds. Our immediate response whenever we see this is ‘Oh!
This is for men.’ Perhaps because the majority of the time, we
see this advice given to men and most of the stories narrated
regarding this topic are also about men, lowering their gazes.

Hence at times, we, as sisters tend to feel too comfortable not

lowering our eyes. We feel that it’s no big deal “swooning” over
a celebrity. We feel at complete ease setting one of their pictures
as our desktop back ground. It feels completely normal to get
together with our friends and talk about how handsome the
young new actor who appeared in the trailer of a movie. And
sometimes we don’t even leave people we see in real life.

Little do we know that by doing this, we are actually ruining our

own dreams of having a blissful marriage in the future. How so?
That can be answered by reflecting on these two questions.

1. Do we seriously think that we will ‘automatically’ learn how

to reduce our gaze when we get married?

2. Do we assume that we DON’T have the tendency to compare

our spouses with what we see around us?

If the answer to any of these questions is a no, or we are in doubt

about it, then it’s about time we stopped dreaming of an ideal
marriage. Because having an ideal marriage, without have any
concept of restricting our eyes, is a far-fetched dream.

#Self reminder

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