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Object: An object is an unique entity of Object Oriented Programming Language, which posses
some state and attributes.
Class: A class is a set of objects. Each object posses similar state and behavior defined within the
same class.
Data Abstraction: Data Abstraction is the act of representing essential features without including
the background details.
Encapsulation: The Binding/Wrapping up of data and its functions into a single unit is known as
Data Hiding: The insulation given to the data, due to which it cannot be accessed directly outside
the class premises.
Inheritance: Inheritance is the process of linking and sharing the common properties of objects from
two different classes.
Polymorphism: It is the process of using a function more than one purpose, with same external
structure and with change in the internal structure.
Dynamic Binding: Dynamic binding is the process of linking function call with function Signature
during the execution of the program.
OOP: -Object Oriented Programming. It is a modular approach , which allows data to be applied
stipulated program area. It increases the programmer’s productivity. It gives more Emphasis on the
Instance : An Object is said to be an Instance of a class. Each Object show same properties
described in the class.
Instantiation : Using the keyword new and creating a space for allocating the object in the dynamic
memory is known as Instantiation.
Initialization : It is the process of calling the constructor to initialize the attributes of an object.
Declaration : Using Class as a data type to create a new object of that class.
API : A set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the
features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.
IDE : An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a
software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software
development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a
Attribute : It is the state on which Objects differ. It deals with the contents of an object to make each
object distinct.(belongings of a class)
User Defined Data Type :Class is considered as User defined data type. User can use a class to
create a new data type with some certain characteristics and behavior. So class is called user defined
data type.
Reusability : The process of adding some essential features to a class without modifying its contents.
It can be done by inheritance.
Applet :An Applet is written program in java language that can be included in an HTML page.
Compiler :A software which converts high level language to machine level language. It complies the
instructions at once and lists all the errors.
Interpreter : A software which converts High level language to machine level language line by line
.It does not move to next line until the error is corrected.
Source Code : A set of instructions written in high level language which is taken as an input from
the user .
Machine code : The source code which is Complied/Interpreted is known as Machine code .
Byte Code : Byte code is the simplest Form of Source code. Source code is compiled to an
intermediate code called Byte code. It can easily pass from one computer to another.
Object Code :The conversion of high-level language to a machine code with help of a translator
known as Object code.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) :It is a virtual processor which processes byte code to machine code
for various platforms. So ,Java Interpreter is known as JVM.
Compilation :The type of language conversion is termed as Compilation.
Interpretation : The process of conversion of the language is called Interpretation.
Case Sensitive : It is a Feature of Java Programming. It differentiates between lower case and upper
case Letters.
Keywords : Keywords are pre-reserved words which cannot be used as any other alternative. They
are reserved words of java which carry out a value/function/task.
Java libraries :A java Library is a set of packages .Each package is made for a purpose.
Ex:java.lang,, java.util,etc.
Comment : Comments are used to tell the user about the purpose and action of different steps in the
program. Comments increase the readability of the program. Comments are executed during the
Program : A program is a set of instructions ,data, functions which perform a specific task .
Programming : The Process of Executing a program is known as programming.
Function : A program module which is simultaneously used in the program at different instances to
perform a task .It is also known as Method.
Syntax : It is the Structural format of various keywords of java programming. The program segments
are valid only if they are in format according to the Syntax given.
Step Value : It determines the update of the control variable of looping structure until the test
condition is false.
Body of Loop :It contains a set of statements which are executed along with the loop simultaneously.
Null Loop : A loop which does not contain any statement in the body of the loop is known as Null
Loop or Bodyless Loop.
Endless Loop : A loop structure not having any end, it skips the step value of the loop structure and
the test condition will be true always. So the Loop will run infinite times. This loop is called Endless
loop or Infinite Loop.
Nested Loop : A loop within a loop is known as nested loop.
Delay Loop : A loop can be used to delay for some loading during the execution. The boy of the loop
does not contain any meaningful operation but it is used to Delay the Operation.
Stream :It is the flow of Characters maintained by the System .Characters flow from either input
devices or processors to the Standard Output Device (VDU).
Exception : An Exception is an unexpected situation that occurs during the execution of the
program. It may be due to improper use of input resources or overflow situation.
Error : An error is an improper situation ,misuse of terms, undesired result giver ,grammatical error
in the program.
Exception Handling :Overcoming an exception is known as Exception handling. In java
Programming generally it is done with Try-Catch keywords.
Wrapper Class :Wrapper class is used to create objects for the values of primitive data types. It
wraps the primitive data type values into an object. It also provides conversion between
character/string to other primitive types.
Data Member :The state or characteristics of an object are considered to be as A Data member.
Member method :The behavior and functions of an object are considered to be the Member
Static Data member : It is an instant variable which is global in the class and used commonly by all
the objects of that class.
Static member Method :It is a member method which uses only static data members or static instant
Package : A Package is a set of classes, which carry out a certain task. They are imported in the
Input Stream : A Input Stream contains functions related with input/output operations. It allows the
user to enter value from the console at the time of execution.
Buffer : It is an high speed temporary memory storage which is applied between I/O devices and
processor to synchronize their speeds.
Array : An array is a structure created in the memory to represent a number of same type of data
using only single variable.
Subscripted variable : When the elements of an array are specified by a single Subscript, the array
is called subscripted variable.
Subscript : Each Individual element of an array is termed as Subscript.
JDK : Java Development Kit contains various libraries that can be used in the program. It is needed
to run or write a Java Program.
JRE : Java Runtime Environment.
Tokens : Each individual and functional unit of a Java Program is considered as Tokens.
Literals : Literals are the constants in the java Program. Their Value remain fixed throughout the
Escape Sequences :These are the non-Graphic Characters which are used to control the cursor
while printing. Ex: \n – new line ,\t – horizontal tab.
Separators :These are the special characters in java ,used to separate or enclose different variables
or characters. Ex : (.),(,)(),[],{}.
Punctuators : Punctuation signs are used in program as special characters to terminate or for
reference ,etc. Ex: (.),(;).
Data Type : Data types are built in java to differentiate between the types of data taken as input from
the user. So data types are defined already to differ all the type of data.
Primitive Data Types (or)
Composite Data Types : The data types which are independent of any other type are known as
Primitive data types.(Basic data types).
Non Primitive Data types (or)
Reference Data Types :: These are derived data types. They are directly or indirectly independent
on Primitive data types.
ASCII : Each character in Java, are given(assigned to) a ASCII code .These codes are taken into
consideration during java programming.
Identifiers : Identifiers are the variables in the java Program. A variable is a named memory
Dynamic Initialization : When a method or functions is called and the return value is initialize to a
variable is called dynamic initialization.
Static Initialization :This process uses direct assignment of a variable constant. The variable is
initialized during its declaration.
Assignment : Storing constants to variables using token ‘=’. So, ’=’ is called Assignment operator.
Erythematic Expression :It contains variables ,constants and arithmetical operators together to
produce a meaningful result.
Pure Expression : An arithmetic Expression which contains same type of data items.
Mixed Expression :An expression which includes different types of variables or values which yield
a result.
Expression : A Set of variables or values which yield a result.
Type Conversion : The process of converting one predefined type into another is called Type
Type Casting : The explicit conversion of an operand to a specific type is called type casting. The
operator that converts its operand to a specified type is called the typecast operator.
Explicit Conversion : an explicit type conversion is user defined that forces an expression to be of
specific type.
Coercion : A implicit type conversion is a conversion performed by the compiler. The Java compiler
converts all operands up to the type of the largest operand. This is also known as type promotion.
Operator :A symbol or a token which performs arithmetic or logical operations and yield a result.
Operand : An operator acts on different data items/entities called operands.
Statement : An expression which is assigned to a variable is completely known as statement.
Unary Operator :An arithmetical operator which is applied with a single operand is known as Unary
Binary Operator :An arithmetic operator which deals with two operands, is known as Binary
Ternary Operator (or)
Conditional Assignment Operator ::Ternary operator deals with three operands. The value
assigned to a variable depends upon a logical expression.
Prefix :When increment or decrement operators are applied before the operant ,it is known as prefix
Postfix : When increment or decrement operators are applied after the operant ,it is known as prefix
Increment Operator :Increment operator increases the value of operand by one.
Decrement Operator : Decrement operator decreases the value of operand by one.
Erythematic Operator :An Operator which performs arithmetic functions is known as Erythematic
Logical Operator :These Operator yield results in 0 and 1 depending upon the outcome of the result.
They check between two variables or values.
Relational Operators : Operators which are used to show or check relationship between operands
are known as relational operators.
Precedence of operators : Specific order in which the operators in an expression are evaluated
when the expression has several .
Bitwise Operator : The Bitwise operators calculate each bit of their result by comparing the
corresponding bits of the two operands.(a) the AND operator &(b) The OR operator |(c) The XOR
operator ^(d) The compliment operator ~.
Compound Statement : It is a block of code containing more than one executable statement. In Java
the { } is called block and the statements written under {} is called compound statements or block
statement. The { } opening and closing braces indicates the start and end of a compound statement.
Mathematical Functions : The methods which perform mathematical calculations and which are
included in a package of java. This package is automatically imported into the class.
Return Type :It is the data type used before the method name in the method header that indicates the
type of the outcome value.
Return value : It is the value that returned to the caller when the function is invoked.
Variables : A variable is a stored memory location .It is used to store different constant values.
Label :Default and case keywords are known as labels.
Fall through :The unusual execution of more than one cases at a time is known as fall through. This
occurs when case is not applied between two or more cases. The control executes to the next case
also for execution.
Statement Terminator : Semicolon is the statement terminator in Java. It indicates the end of a
Case Terminator : Break keyword is used as case terminator. Break does not allow the control to
execute on to the next case. It indicates the end of the case.
Jump statement : Break and Continue are the two jumping statements. Break terminates the
execution of the loop or program. Continue skips the execution of one iteration of a loop.
Testing : Testing is the process in which the program is validated by checking all the specifications
Debugging :Removal of errors in the program is known as Debugging .
Iteration : Process of repeating mathematical or computing process or set of instructions again and
again each time applying it to the previous stage is called Iteration.
Loop : Set of instructions that are repeated again and again until a particular condition is satisfied.
Control Variable : A variable ,which starts with an initial value and determines the duration of
repetition is known as Control variable.
Test Condition : Each loop contains a test condition. It determines whether the loop has to be
repeated or terminated.
Linear Search : It is the simplest way of searching a value. The every element of array is checked
with the value given by the user until the last element. It starts from the 0th position of the array.
Binary Search : Binary Search takes place only on sorted data items where array is divided into
halves and the value is checked in the desired half.
Bubble Sort :In this method, many iterations takes place during each iteration pairs of consecutive
elements are compared and arranged according to the order.
Selection Sort : In this method , Successive rounds are executed to select the elements in some
order and place them in their positions.
Single Dimensional array : When the elements of an array are specified by a single Subscript, the
array is called subscripted variable or single dimensional array.
Scanner class :It is available in System package java.util .It is used to enter values from the user
from console during the execution of the program.
Delimeter : It is a special character used to take out tokens using Scanner class.
Constructor : It is a member function with name same that of class name used to initialize the
values of instant variables.
Invoking :The process of using a method in the function in the program in called Invoking a method.
Module : It is a program segment.
Function prototype : The function prototype is the first line of the function definition that tells the
program about the type of the value returned by the function and the number and types of arguments.
Function Signature : Function signature basically refers to the number and types of the arguments,
it is the part of the prototype.
Function Header :It is the first line of a method. It contains parameters list, return type, access
specifier, method name.
Parameter list : It is list of parameters which are called during its invoking.
Access Specifier : It gives the publicity modes of the method. It can be either public or Private or
Return Statement :The statement which sends value from method to caller program is known as
Return statement.
Actual Parameter : The parameter that appears in function call statement are called actual
Formal Parameter : The parameter that appears in function definition are called formal parameter.
Pass by Value (or)
Call by Value : Pass by value is the process of passing a copy of actual parameters to the formal
Pass by reference (or)
Call by Reference : It is the process of passing the reference of actual parameters to the formal
Pure Function (or)
Accesor : It is a Function which returns a value to the caller module. It does not change the state of
an object.
Impure Function (or)
Mutator : This function may or may not return a value but it changes the state of an object.
Function Overloading :It is the process of defining functions with the same function names but with
different number and types of parameters.
Static Binding (or)
Early Binding : The System finds the best match of function arguments and parameter list during
program compilation. This phenomenon is known as Static Binding or Early binding.
Recursive Function : A function designed in such a way that it calls itself in its body is known as
Recursive Function.
Parameters : Parameters are the list of variables which are defined in the function definition or
function call.
Arguments : Arguments are the values passed to the actual parameters by pass by value or pass by
reference due its invoking.
Nested Class : A nested class mean a class within a class.
External Wrapper :External Wrapper is the class declaration enclosing inner part within a pair of
curly brackets.
Visibilty Modes : Visibility modes are the Access Specifiers. They deal with the scope of usage
of function. They are public, private, protected.
Scope of Variable : It determines the visibility of a instant variable throughout the class. It shows
the usage of variable in the program.
Referencing member methods :The process of referring the member methods from the main class
through class objects.
Nested member method : A method within a method is known as nested member method.
Invoking a constructor : The process of using a constructor in the program is known as Invoking a
Default Constructor : A constructor which initializes instant variables of an object with definite
values readily defined is known as Default Constructor.
Parameterized Constructor : It is a member function with same name as the class name which is
used to initialize the object variable by passing parametric values at the time of its execution.
Copy Constructor : This Constructor is used to copy the initial values of the instant variables of an
object to the instant variables of another object.
Constructor Overloading : It is the process of defining constructors with the same function names
but with different type of parameters.
Base Class (or) Super Class : A class from which another class inherits .
Derived Class (or) Sub Class : A class inheriting properties from another class.
Single Inheritance : If a Base class is derived by a single target, then it is known as Single
Multiple Inheritance : When a sub class inherits from multiple Base classes is known as multiple
Hierarchical Inheritance : When many Targets inherit from a single base class ,it is known as
Hierarchical Inheritance.
Multilevel Inheritance : A target which inherits a Base class can in turn be used as a Base for
another target. Such System is known as Multilevel or Nested Inheritance.
Hybrid Inheritance : When more than one type of Inheritance Systems are used together, it is
known as Hybrid Inheritance.
WORA :Write Once Run Anywhere .It is a special feature of java which makes it java
platform independent. If a Program is written once, it can run on any platform.
Keyword new :It is used to create a new object or a new array. It creates a memory for the variable
or object .
Keyword this : It is the reference to the current object.
Keyword extends : It is used to inherit a sub class to the super class.
Type Promotion (or) Implicit Conversion : The Java compiler converts all operands up to the type
of the largest operand. This type of Conversion is known as type promotion or implicit conversion.
Intrinsic data types : These are the primitive data types. They are independent of themselves. Ex:
int, float, byte, char, double, etc.
Output Stream : System maintains a flow of characters from processor to the VDU known as
Output Stream.
Syntax Error (or) Semantic Error : Error resulting when the grammar rules or the grammar of the
programming language are not followed.
Logical Error : It is an error in planning the program’s logic .There may be no errors while
compiling but the result or outcome will not be correct.
Runtime Error : These are mistakes other than the syntax and logical error which come during the
time of execution.
Conditional Statement : A statement which works on the given condition In the expression is
known as Condition Statement.
Index : It is the position of the character in a given string. The numbering of characters generally
start from 0.
Exit Control Loop : This loop checks the given test condition at the end of the loop structure.
It checks the condition after executing the body of the loop.
Entry Control Loop : This loop checks the condition and executes the loop only if the condition is
true i.e. It checks the condition at the entry of the loop.
NaN : -Not a Number. When a negative number is given in Math.sqrt() function. It results NaN.
Infinity :When a number is divided by zero0. It results in infinity.
Absurd Value : When a variable is not initialized with a value. It stores an absurd value in the space
given for the variable in Compiler Allotment Phase.

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