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Arches Baby Blanket Knitting Pattern

Skill Level.
Advanced beginner. Skills needed are cast on and bind off, the knit stitch, the purl stitch,
pass slip stitch over, slip slip knit, knit 2 together, yarn overs and yarn round needle.
This pattern is written in a line by line format.

Blanket: 85cm x 73cm, after blocking.
Hat & mittens: 0-3 month old baby, approximately.

Materials Required.
Blanket - 4mm needles
Hat & Mittens - 3.25 & 4mm needles
725m - 750m DK yarn for the complete set.
Darning needle to sew in ends
Stitch markers (optional but helpful)

The blanket, including it's borders, is knit in a single piece.
Placing a stitch marker after each purl stitch (on the right side) will help you keep track of
the pattern. There should be 16 stitches between each marker.
Cast on and cast off are a matter of personal preference. I used the cable cast on and
standard cast off.
The blanket will require blocking to achieve the size stated. My preferred method of blocking
is pin the blanket to size then soak (using warm water and a spray bottle) then leave to dry
naturally. A light application of steam, after soaking, can be added to the process.
If knitting the blanket with 2 or more colours change colour on row 14.

22 stitches x 30 rows = 10cm in stocking stitch on 4mm needles.

SSK Slip 1 knitwise twice, knit the 2 together.
SK2PO Slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over.
K2TOG Knit 2 stitches together
YO Yarn over needle
YRN Yarn round needle
YFWD Yarn forward
PM Place market
Blanket Pattern
Cast on 157 stitches.
Knit 10 rows.
Begin lace section.
Row 1) K6 P1. (YON K2 SSK K7 K2TOG K2 YRN P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 2 and every alt row) K6 (K1 P15) repeat to last 7 stitches. K7.
Row 3) K6 P1. (K1 YFWD K2 SSK K5 K2TOG K2 YFWD K1 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 5) K6 P1. (K2 YFWD K2 SSK K3 K2TOG K2 YFWD K2 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 7) K6 P1. (K3 YFWD K2 SSK K1 KT2OG K2 YFWD K3 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 9) K6 P1. (K4 YFWD K2 SK2PO K2 YFWD K4 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 11) K6 P1. (K5 YFWD K1 SK2PO K1 YFWD K5 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 13) K6 P1. (K6 YFWD SK2PO YFWD K6 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 15) K6 P1. (K15 P1) repeat to last 6 stitches. K6.
Row 16) As row 2.
Repeat rows 1-16 13 times more then rows 1-15 once more.
Knit 9 rows.
Cast off knitwise.
Weave in ends
Hat and Mittens Pattern - knit flat

Using larger needles cast on 74 stitches
Knit 6 rows.
Row 1) Knit
Row 2) Purl
Repeat these 2 rows 12 more times. 26 rows in total, or add more for a taller hat.
Crown shaping:
K1 (K2tog K6) 9 times K1. 65 stitches.
K1 (K2tog K5) 9 times K1. 56 stitches.
K1 (K2tog K4) 9 times K1. 47 stitches.
K1 (K2tog K3) 9 times K1. 38 stitches.
K1 (K2tog K2) 9 times K1. 29 stitches.
K1 (K2tog K1) 9 times K1. 20 stitches.
Purl 1 row
K1 (K2tog) 9 times K1. 11 stitches.
Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches.
Sew sides together.
Sew in ends.

Using smaller needles cast on 27 stitches
Row 1) K1 P1 to last stitch K1.
Row 2) P1 K1 to last stitch P1.
Repeat these 2 rows three more times. 8 rows in total.
Change to larger needles.
Row 1) Knit - k2tog once in middle of first knit row only. 26 stitches.
Row 2) Purl
Repeat these 2 rows eight more times. 18 rows in total, or add more for longer mittens.
Shape top:
Next Row: K1, (K2tog K1) repeat to last stitch. K1. 18 stitches.
Next Row: Purl
Next Row: K1. (K2tog) repeat to last stitch. K1. 10 stitches.
Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches.
Sew up side seam and weave in ends.
Hat and Mittens Pattern – knit in the round.

Using larger needles cast on 72 stitches. Join in the round being careful not to twist stitches. PM
Row 1) Knit
Row 2) Purl
Repeat these 2 rows twice more. 6 rows in total.
Knit 26 rows, or add more for a taller hat.
Crown shaping.
(K2tog K6) 9 times. 63 stitches.
(K2tog K5) 9 times. 54 stitches.
(K2tog K4) 9 times. 45 stitches.
(K2tog K3) 9 times. 36 stitches.
(K2tog K2) 9 times. 27 stitches.
(K2tog K1) 9 times. 18 stitches.
(K2tog) 9 times. 9 stitches.
Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches.
Sew in ends.

Using smaller needles cast on 28 stitches. Join in round being careful not to twist stitches. PM
K1 P1 for 8 rows.
Change to larger needles.
Knit 18 rows - k2tog once in middle of first row only. 27 stitches.
Shape the top:
Next Row: (K2tog, K1) repeat to end. 18 stitches, or add more for longer mittens.
Next Row: Knit
Next Row: K2tog to end. 9 stitches.
Break yarn and thread through the remaining stitches.
Weave in ends.

Now for the the boring bit.

With respect please do not take credit for the pattern, claim the pattern as your own or sell
the pattern. Selling completed blankets is fine. If you sell the blankets online please link back
to me for pattern credit.
By using this pattern you are agreeing to my terms.
Thank-you and Happy Knitting.

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