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Professor David Barton



Bill Murray was rarely so melancholy and silent before being brought to Tokyo by

Kebola. At most, sometimes he was depressed. In "Groundhog Day", he played Phil

in the day of "Groundhog Day", day after day, waking up is always the same day, can

be described as depressed to the extreme.

Phil is in TV station that broadcasts weather forecasts. It is also a public figure and

can be familiar with the audience. But beyond that, the job did not bring him more.

He doesn't like his work. He doesn't like his life. He doesn't like people around him.

He doesn't like himself at all. This has nothing to do with the work. The key is the

"personality problem". He hates everything around him and makes him an unlovable

person. In this state, we should be able to easily understand: I am not interested in

everything, I am impatient and live day after day.

Unfortunately for Phil, God wants to punish him (let's say this first, in fact, this

should be said to be God's gift to him). One day before, the groundhog went to a small
town to report the traditional festival of the next day. The next day, because of the

blizzard, their group was trapped in the town and spent another night. On the third

day, Phil woke up and was surprised to find that he had returned to the previous day's

"Groundhog Day" and began the same day he continued to cycle.

In the repeated "Groundhog Day", the performance of the Philippines can be divided

into four stages. 1. First, this sudden change made him feel overwhelmed. The

incredible event itself made him very scared. Plus, he didn't like the town very much.

He just wanted to go home early, and he was trapped in the town in such a strange and

strange way. It was really painful. He began to ask the people he met, what would you

do if he encountered this situation? In the end, he got an answer that inspired him:

"What do you want to do?" 2, then entered his second stage: do not remember the

consequences of "what do you want to do", anyway, wake up and start again. After a

while, he already knows what is going to happen in this day, and the people he meets,

so he can easily get or satisfy his desires: food, banknotes, women (men, no fresh

patterns) However, if a woman encounters such a situation, it is estimated that she

will enjoy more than a man, because she will never get old, huh, huh. He became

interested in the beauty studio Rita who came with him. Through day-to-day

exploration and frustration, he understands her hobbies and habits, and then pretends
to be a person who likes her exactly, and wins her goodwill (this should be the most

common trick for pursuing objects, reaching a pole here. to). It’s just that she is not a

“casual woman”. Every time she wants to lie to her, she always ends up with a slap

(hehe), which is probably the saying that “love can’t be put out”. 3. Phil entered his

third stage: a serious loss after the carnival. He didn't understand why she was not

here with her, no matter what method or means. Serious frustration, coupled with the

painful feeling that had been trapped on the same day, he decided to end it with death.

The funny thing is that no matter how he died (crash, jumped, shocked...), he always

woke up on time and at the old time. He couldn't stand it. He confessed to Rita. He

asked her for help. He asked her to stay with him when he didn't sleep. But when he

saw her tired lying and couldn't help but sleep, he didn't wake her up, and he slept

quietly. Wake up again, F···! Business as usual. 4, the final harvest. Phil completely

dismissed the expectation of ending the day. Perhaps it is because of Rita's kindness

and sincere infection, perhaps it is a sense of incomprehensibility, and perhaps it is a

helpless change. Phil began to make full use of his inexhaustible time, enrich himself,

help others, and interact in interaction. Positive and enthusiastic. In one day, he can be

the most popular person in this town. At the same time, he also really fell in love with

Rita, and Rita is also excited about this completely different Phil.

This repeated day occupies most of the film's length. Because of the excellent grasp of
rhythm and focus, there is no duplication and boring sense. It clearly depicts the

hero's changing track and is full of fun. The charm of the image (movie).

This is the longest day, ending in the morning with Rita. Excited, he decided to settle

here with Rita, which started to make him hate and let him get a reborn town.

When the unchanging, boring life is abstracted into the same day of monotonous

repetition, the problem becomes more prominent and quite dazzling. Growing up in

impatientness, getting old in loneliness, complaining after tearing off the calendar,

looking for excuses in complaints, living in excuses, being awkward in life. In the real

life, you don't have to elaborate, everyone will have their own experience and

feelings. Phil’s experience, his four stages, is the different attitudes people face in life.

Some people face panic in front of them, some give up hope to consume the future,

some people want to change but they are painful to find the answer, and others grasp

the happiness that can be learned in life.

Life is not controlled by ourselves, and day after day, it is impossible to be fresh and

wonderful every day.

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