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Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Fiera ferry, 1994 Contents / fawa-aet | Rule / Pan Page / SS CHAPTER I: Preliminary wreara 1: arte 1 Short title and application 22 Afar aT ae BT] SAT 23 2: Definitions 2 afoarené 23 CHAPTER II : Licensing of Drivers of Motor Vehicles WATT 2 : YETaTA STEHT BT SWT- TT 3 Licensing Authority 26 sre oiftrerrtt 27 4. Testing Officer 26 atterer saftreardt 27 5. Production of Vehicle 26 am a Sega fare STAT 27 5-A. Production of self addressed registered envelope 26 Fae ar ara site foro Tega ET 27 6. Medical Praotitionet/Medical Examination Fee 28 Paifepcer acre Rafercer atherer tet 29 7. Authorisation to drive Transport Vehicle 28 oftaes ara ems & fore snftrgpa frat SAT 29 8. Driver’s Badge of Transport Vehicle 28 oftaes are & ares 1 fitror 29 9 Uniform for Driver or Public Service Vehicle 30 Ss dar aS ares A act 31 10. Display of Name Plate 30 ame edt ar avast 31 Il. Issue of Duplicate Driving Licence 30 Sagat at garth ae ar ae Fa STAT 31 12, Precautions while issuing Learner's License 32 Rremeff orgatta art act ¥ rear 33 *12. Leamer’s Licence - issue of Duplicate 32 aAfefRaar arqaiftar gett fe srt Fara sat 33 13. Temporary Authorisation in Lieu of Driving Licence 32 ares aaita & aaa F sree nf 33 * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. (1) 2 Contents / fara-aat Rule / Fra Page / TS 14. Communication of Additions or Renewals to Driving Licence 34 are yatta & afta arate ht tear 35 15. Disqualification from holding Driving Licence, etc 34 ares Sagat safe arco ae & Peat 35 16. Communication of disqualification or Endorsement by Court 34 FAPATET ane PAT aT Setar AY ETAT 35 17. Duties and Conduct of Drivers of Stage Carriages and Contract Carriages 34 aft met ait Sar met & areal & aor an ara 35 18. Special Duties and Functions of Drivers of Motor Cabs 38 Alar Seat & ara & faba ator aie er 39 19. Duties, Functions and Conduct of Drivers of Goods Carriage 40 Hes Oe aTereay Be AS, FET AM ATCT 41 20. Exemption of Driver of Road Roller 42 as ter Brera ae 43 21. _ Appellate Authority 42 rte aftr 43 22. Conduct and hearing of Appeals a2 orb ar erarert aer araTS 43 23. Maintenance of State Register of Driving Licence 44 are Sefeaay Be TT TST AAT CST STAT 45 24. Fees 44 ote 45 “24. Fees 46 47 CHAPTER III ; Licensing of Conductors of Stage Carriages areara 3: Ret argh & afereay ar agar 25. Licensing Authority 48 orga softer 49 26. When driver or any person can act as Conductor without Licence 48 Sra Tosa aT aaNS afar Fara aigatta & after & wy ard at 49 27. Application for a Conductor's Licence 48 afters agate % feu sratet 49 28. Renewal of Conductor's Licence 50 afeerreres orga a aatteneoT 51 29. Qualification for Grant of Conductor’s Licence 52 Oftares agate Hag fam srt & fore arg 53 30. Appellate Authority 52 53 31. Conduct and hearing of Appeals 52 aati arr craved ait art Aree 53 * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh, Contents / fra-ait 3 Rule / fra Page / JS 32. Duties and Conduct of Conductors 52 Sfcarerat 3% arieg ger ara 53 33. Prohibition against holding more than one Licence 58 a sift: argafter emer ae ar fT 59 34. _Affixing of Photograph 58 et at Reever aT 59 35. Issue of duplicate Conductor’s Licence 58 aPeereres orgarfter oft garth fet a aTel Fase STAT 59 36. Uniform for Conductor of Stage Carriages 60 Hfsrett mga & ofrarea & fee act 61 37. Display of Name Plate 60 ar eet ar este 61 38. Conductor’s Badge 60 ‘Uftareta art fare 61 39. Effectiveness of Conductor's Licence Issue by any other State than 62 the State of Madhya Pradesh Reaves asa @ fia fare ora crea arer aft rf aftarcte sigatfta ar 63 saretarcor 40. Fees a oa 63 *40. Fees 62 ae 63 CHAPTER IV : Registration of Motor Vehicles srearea 4: Meret ar rete 41. Registering Authority 64 65 *41. Registering Authority 64 ‘freien gifted 65 42. Security Deposit by the Operator of Testing Station 64 thea Sa 3 weer are afenyfe Pratt 65 43. Appellate Authority 6 ortter srfiraertt 65 44. Conduct and hearing of Appeals 66 atch ar erates aon Bray 67 48. Temporary Registration 66 sreartt Breftrcr 67 46. Additional Information to be furnished by the owner of a 68 Transport Vehicle ofeeres are & earth aren aafeiheaer sarreprt apr Rear sar 69 46-A. Production of self-addressed registered envelope 68 eat ar Fargas Saige ferme sega eT 69 * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 4 Contents / fawa-3At Rule / far Page / JS 47. Delay in making application for Regi. tration & Renewal thereof 68 aferectanen ger sae sete Be Saar HEY H fees 69 48. Issue or Renewal of Certificate of Fitness 70 SIA TTT aT SA eT TT aT ASOT AT STAT 1" 49, _ Register of certificate of fitness 70 TAIRA TATION HT ATLT 1" 50. Cancellation of Certificate of Fitness 12 FORA TAT - TF FT AT 3 51. __ Issue of duplicate Certificate of Fitness 2 FTA MTT AY FUL fe aT TET Feb STAT 3 52. Exeiaption from payment of registration fee 2 afarctarur Gla & daa a a 3 53. Change of Address 14 at ahaa 5 54. Intimation of transfer of ownership. 14 rarities & arearcor ah ATTAT 15 55. Assignment of new Registration Mark 16 ada aediact Pre a eT 7 55-A. Allotment of registration mark 16 character fate ar street 7 +55-A. Allotment of registration mark 80 cfaredtanr Fire ar ade 81 56. Re-assignment of Registration Number under certain conditions 84 afar svat & area efarectneor soni ar GA: BATT 85 +56, Re-assignment of Registration Number under certain conditions 84 apfircer srat 35 vets erect seria aT A: TART 85 57. Exemption from Registration 86 afarcinam 8 ge 33 Al fat 87 *57, _ Exemption of Road Roller, Graders And Other Vehicles 86 as tod, det si orq art ata 87 58. Supply of copy of particulars of Registration 86 farce fafa oft ft at Barer 87 59. Notice of alteration of Motor Vehicle 86 Area 8 oftada Ht gear 87 60. _ Intimation Regarding Stolen/recovered Motor Vehicles 86 arth nearer gu tetera A TAT aT 87 61. Maintenance of State Register of motor vehicles 88 Brees cea Pat HT CST SAT 89 62. Fees 88 era 89 * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. Contents / faa—aet 5 Rule / Fam Page / JS *62. Fees 90 ae 1 CHAPTER V : Control of Transport Vehicles areara 5 : uftaea arate Pretzor 63. State Transport Authority 92 asa ohare sift % 64. Regional Transport Authority 94 grafares ofeaea orfterret 95 65. Conduct of Business of Transport Authorities 98 ferent arftrentfeal Se aarreart HT aT 99 66. Delegation of powers by State Transport Authority 100 ara otter rier are sree ar gears 101 67. Delegation of powers by Regional Transport Authority 102 gre tres afte siftremnet are erfaerat at ear 103 68. Power of refusal to accept Applications for Permits 106 agers & fos errata wlan ae A Sen eT aT aft 107 69. Reservation of Permits for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 106 area afar rene ara afr 35 fee oat ar SaTTEATT 107. 70. Matters for Consideration of Application for Stage Carriage or 108 Contract Carriage Permit siftrost ret ar Saar ret sega sHreeA e Rre eA aset foraTe 109 *70-A. Guiding principles for grant and renewal of Stage Carriage Permits 110 yom area 2 ochre At tiple oa sata 2g aaa feat Ww Me Route Motorability 14 ret Fore ara aa ah us 72. Forms of Application For Permits 114 agama & feet araar-o9 & TET us 73. Form of Permits 116 SAMA TET 117 74. Procedure on receipt of Permit Application and Manner of ns disposal thereof age ar aT ge I ta he se Prva A et 119 75. Entry of Registration Mark on Permit 122 regarr cfarectarcr Fare aa 123 76. Extension of Area of Permit 122 SRT & ea aT fare 123 77. Additional conditions in respect of certain Permits 122 apferga saqaraat & date 8 srfertcat art 123 78. Carriage of goods on Stage Carriages 126 WTA A TS HS STAT STAT 127 oes * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 6 Contents / fawa-aet Rule / fran Page / 9S 79. Carriage of goods on Contract Carriage prohibited 128 Sar rgt Te S Ty TY aT AAT 129 80. Carriage of personal luggage in Stage Carriage 128 aficht org safiemre area ar 8 Sr TAT 129 81. Carriage of animals in Goods Carriage 128 area & qystt a 3 sre STAT 129 82. Renewal of Permits 130 Sigaaat ar rata 131 83. Renewal of Counter Signature of Permits 130 SagaTaA & vitiseeene arr aetteneoT 131 84, Replacement of Vehicle authorised by Permit 130 STG aT aS A aT ARS STAT 131 85. Validation of Replacement Order in respect of Counter Signature 132 on Permit ATT wire & este A often sre ar fara 133: 86. Procedure on cancellation or suspension of Permit 132 agama & reaper ar Arsene ofieaT 133 87. Permit -- transfer of 132 FATIT FT HAT 133 88. _Issue of Duplicate Permits 134 Sy Ht gett fet ar st Pave SAT 135 89. Exemption to drivers from restrictions of hours of work 134 anne & vet & Pedoerit & area at ae 135 90. Interval of rest 136 faam ar sire 137 91. Conduct of passengers in Stage Carriages 136 Hfsres) mga ¥ atcarere a arse 137 92. Conduct of Passengers in Motor Cabs 140 atee Shalt B area ar erect 141 93. Carriage of children and infants in Public Service Vehicle 142, oe Gar ar 8 aroat atk geil a aes 143 94. Disinfection of Public Service Vehicle 142 ats dar ait an fata 143 95. Maintenance of Complaint Books in Stage Carriages 142 HfSrott mfsat i ftresrre gfererey a carat 143 96. Carriage of Corpses in Transport Vehicles 144 oteres ari & at at get 145 97. Carriage of person in Goods Carriage 144 areal Wouter a ae 145 98. Duty to carry goods in Goods Carriage 148 mre ara Yare 3 ar ar afer 149 Contents / fava-eit 7 Rule / Fam Page / 9% 99. Change of address of Permit Holder 148 SRM ors 9a A ota 149 100. _Intimation of damage to or failure of Public Service Vehicle 148 he Sar art ay gaa oer aT sa ara ATA EAT 149 101. Alteration in Motor Vehicle 148 alec # ofa 149 102. Restriction on use of Trailers as Permit Condition 150 agar Ft erat & wa F orga (Ze) Bs aveier oe Pech 151 103. Exhibition of certain particulars on Stage Carriage or Contract 150 Carriage frost mest or Seon met ax aafiree atRrfeeat amr afta Paper sre 151 104. Distinguishing Boards for Goods Carriage 152 aIeaTaY 3 Be Gers 153 105. Inspection of Transport Vehicles and their contents 152 Sites art ot sat sieidegaiy ar Pidteror 153 106. — Motor Cabs may be required to carry Taxi Meters 152 met seal Hf Sach sex ore oT At ote A oT aa 153 107. Examination and Sealing of Taxi Meter 154 aeht fart ar atheror aon 3a ates bog STAT 155 108. Subsequent examination of Taxi-meter 184 adh fier At warded ate 155 109. Illumination of Taxi-meter 154 Sach after Ft meme eae 155 110. Operation of Taxi Meter 154 Sah er ar wae 155 111. The fare recorded by the Meter 156 whet grat siftifesitad festa 157 112. Power of Transport Department Officers to inspect Taxi Meter 156 Sarath aree amt Patheror act at afte Farr saftranead sre 157 113. Lost Property 156 GRE aft 157 114. Prohibition on painting or marking of Transport Vehicles in 156 certain manner afer art caper Ofer 35 or Fa rarest ar ae Reiter act ar afer 157 115. Painting and marking of Motor Cabs in certain manner 158 Stax Sa a coftrae tH Borg site rg 159 115-A. Colour of Maxi cab 158 Beret re ar or 159 116. Classification of Stage Carriage Services 160 aft mgt areit ar arta 161 8 Contents / fara-aeit Rule / Fear Page / JS 116A. Classification of routes in the State of Madhya Pradesh and 160 control of plying vehicles thereon wrerueer use anil abr arfeneer ok ga Fe a soe aa aT PaACT 161 117. Air conditioning and Cooling 160 arargafod aor arate 161 118. Conveyance of animals in Stage Carriage 162 afirett fsa # aeysit at orto aA 163 119. Licensing and regulation of conduct of Agent for sale of tickets 162 for travel by Public Service Vehicle ta Sar art are ara & fest fearel aft faroht 3 fed eel ar args 163 aft re saree ar farfere 120. Application for licence to act as a Travel Agent 162 tae aad seri ard ae A gait eg ata 163 121. Scrutiny of Application 162 ara a Al te 163 122, Grant/Renewal of Travel Agent’s Licence 162 fare safttenat saath a fear sat /aettaseoT 163 123, Furnishing of Security Deposit 162 saferafer Pate apr fer star 163 124. Form and Validity of Licence 164 agatt ar 69 ger dea 165 125. _ Renewal of Licence 164 Sagat ar rater 165 126. General conditions to be observed by the holder of Travel Agent’s 164 Licence Bw afarat oral ane are orate Ft a are ATT Te 165 127. Suspension, cancellation of Agent’s Licence and forfeiture of 166 Security afteral sqft apr Riese, caro od aferafit ear aaTECT 167 128. Issue of duplicate Licence 166 sree At fata of set ae 167 129. Appeal 168 ante 169 130. Procedure for Appeal 168 sates & for’ either 169 131. Licensing of Agents engaged in the business of collecting or 168 forwarding and distributing goods are & eran ar sve sie fara & arcane Fat ge afrRatsil aT 169 132. Prohibition to act as Agent except under Licence 168 argatee & ares & fara often aor aad aay ar fe 169 133. Agent’s Licence 168 abaaiat At agate 169 Contents / frea-at 9 Rule / rar Page / JS 134. Renewal Of Agent’s Licence 172 afrarat Ft agate acter 173 135. Rate of Commission 12 arte Fl et 173 136. _ Revocation of Agent’s licence-and forfeiture of ‘Security 172 anthrarat aft orga ar mfereteeor oat afer aor eT 173 137. Issue of duplicate Licence 172 megan At fect fey apr srt Pasa TAT 173 138. Conditions of Agent’s Licence 174 saftrarat Ah argattt & fet art 175 139. Particulars to be mentioned in Contract of Agency 176 firarcr (wet) At afer afer ft or arch Fafarecat 17 140. Place to be used for loading and unloading of goods etc. 178 wares Bs ara afte ae savfe & fsa gee Pega aA ares ATA 179 141. Power of entry and inspection 180 gaat ed Petter At fe 181 142. Appeal and Revision against the orders of the State Transport 180 Authority and Regional Transport Authorities asa chtares miftrantt afte arate (ftara) oftere afta & sare 181 free order ait gatert 143. Procedure in Appeals and Revisions 180 ante ait qatar 8 afar 181 144, Inspection of record and supply of copies to persons interested in 182 appeal, revision or otherwise ottes, gettoron 3 a orem Fears outer at ares ar Fetter Ate 183 saferat apr art 145. Fees 182 fe 183 *145. Fees 190 Sed 191 CHAPTER VI : Special Provisions Relating to State Transport Undertaking greara 6 : Tea oftaga samme & ade Y fave sade 146. Definitions 198 gforrant 199 147, Preparation and Publication of Scheme 198 ete ar Sat Pea AAT TAT SAT TTT 199 148. Manner of filing objections 200 rraferat cargos aot Ft Oe 201 149, Agreement to Scheme by Permit Holders 200 aera eet er eae eet 201 ae * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 10 Contents / fawa-ait Rule / faz Page / TS 150. Consideration and disposal of objections 202 aroha ot Pra fear sen ser saan Parent 203 151. Implementation of the Approved Scheme 202 Spa hia a1 aroha 203 152. Procedure for giving effect to Approved Scheme 202 aria eta ah orraatios at A tea 203 153. Disposal of Unclaimed Property 204 rear Sea aI TT 205 CHAPTER VII : Construction, Equipment and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles rear 7: Area ar afrate, s1t seeary att aqeaor 154, 155. 155-A. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164, *164, 165. 166. General Bray Maintenance of Public Service Vehicle ie Bar a ar ayETOT Special provisions for Sleeper Coach era (eee ate) & fora fers saaer Stability enter Side Overhang aT at At ash oar are Preme Barr MT (UTES stteReT) Seating Room aa Ft ame (até eH) Head Room BS eh & fore Sarg (Re eH) Permission to carry passengers standing and condition thereof anfsat a ad-ae a a At ager sik set aT Limit of carrying capacity er RY AY erm A AAT Exemption = Driver’s seat in public service Vehicle ahetar ar rere & 83) ar ears (diz) Width of Doors and Fitment of Emergency exit Window/door aareit # shard wen armas Prin Ras acer omar Width of doors wart & aterg Grab-rail aU TaHeN & fer ate Ht oS Steps aifeat * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 204 205 204 205 206 207 208 209 208 209 210 211 214 215 214 215 216 217 216 217 216 217 218 219 218 219 221 220 221 Contents / fawa-aht iL Rule / Fer Page / 9% 167. Body dimensions, Guard Rails and Life Guards 220 atet ar afore, wars ae ait star ters (ard re) 221 168. Protection of passengers from weather 222 vier at anf ar eearor 223 169. Internal Lighting 222 ated sere are 223 170. Body construction 222 atet ar arate 223 *170A. Special provisions for Sleeper Coach and Semi Sleeper Coach 224 Ret ear OF ard -eeitee ea & ede F Rade sree 225 *170B. Deluxe Sleeper Coach 224 Sere ra 225 *170C. Deluxe Sleeper Coach 224 Soma seat 225 *170D. Semi-Sleeper Coach 230 re eA 231 *170E. Powers of State Government to grant relaxation 230 Aerfirestareer sara act At a 231 *170F. Entry in Certificate of Registration and Permit 230 ose sa-99 stk get-aaY sat 231 171, Compulsory Electric lighting 230 afar sesrer saeco 231 172. Fuel Tanks 230 der At efaet 231 173, Carburettors 232 233 174. Exhaust pipe 232 Pris aeft (ease orga) 233 175. Electric wires 232 faga ae 233 176. _ Fire Extinguishers 232 sirens a4 233 177. Locking of Nuts 232 wer H dae feat crvar (enfin site zz) 233 178. Floor Boards 232 coat et (qi ated) 233 179. Spare Wheel and tools 232 fata often sik sitar 233 180. First Aid Box 234 sepitrars 82} (xd us aa) 235 * Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 12 Contents / faqa—aet Rule / Fret Page / TS 181. Chocks 234 en (ate) 235 182. Driver's Seat in Goods Vehicles 236 Ale am Wf ares wT area (tz) 237 183. Securing of goods in open goods vehicles 236 get ret ara H aret Ht TAT 237 184. Checking of designs of locally manufactured Trailers 236 party a0 fiftfa agar (Ze) & ay aaftraedl (Pongal) Ft site 237 185. Prohibition or Restriction on the use of Audible Signals 242 eat earl & soit ar afte ar Petar . 243 186. Particulars to be exhibited on transport vehicle 244 oftaes arat wefifa tore arch fafirfieat 245 187. The use of Trailers with motor vehicles 244 Slecarit & ara orga (2eR) at Saar 245 188. Distinguishing Mark for Trailer 246 apart & fare fates fae 247 189. Attendant on trailer 246 ayaa F afcerers (s27S02) 247 190. Placement of Audio-Visual or Radio or Tape Recorder or Devices 248 in the vehicle are paso an Peat am dafeearee sea at afar Bt MATT SAT 249 191. Mirror 250 aor 251 192. Dangerous Projections 250 eas rT 251 193. Springing 250 er (Biff) 251 194. Turning Circle 252 aa oar ht aan (zftn aha) 253 195. Electronic device for overtaking 252 afectes (sitar zfs) & fare getacitis erat 253 196. _ Motor Vehicles fitted with left hand steering control 252 aig ott area (Ave tvs Safin) Fear at gu Alec 253 197. Mud Guards 252 craters (Hem) 253 198. Attachment to motor cycle 252 Htet argfenet & eats 253 199, Signal to driver to stop vehicle 252 art ait deer & fore arene at at 253 200. Coupling 254 watsa (arate) 255 Contents / frsa-qett 13 Rule / Feet Page / JS CHAPTER VIII: Control of Traffic / reare 8 : aravara et fretsor 201. Vehicle abandoned on road 254 ash H Gat a 255 202. —_ Installation and use of weighing devices 254 ated arent ar rire sa SA Sra SaATT 255 203. Maintenance and management of parking places 258 anf cart (sft Sta) At sree os sae 259 204. Maintenance and management of stands 258 Revs Fl pa ea HTATT 259 205. Prohibition on driving with gear disengaged 262 Pre afratiire (feaiise) a ft oracen Y wert w vfs 263 206. _ Prohibition of taking hold of or mounting of vehicle in motion 262 Berd BC AA HSH TT SE TS HT 263 207. Prohibition of the use of foot paths, pavements by motor vehicles 262 stewart are ce ant (Gears) ar seth (ere) Se sear a ste 263 208, Projection of loads 262 sare ar are PrapeTT gaat TAT 263 209. Prohibition on use of cut outs 264 fatwa (ae-srsee) saat ar fae 265 210. — Unguarded railway level crossing 264 refed ter BHT 265 211. Erection of placing of signs or advertisements on road prohibited 264 Beet ot fare on ares ere ar va at ar fer 265 212 Attendant 266 afta (He-Sz) 267 213, Head Gear 266 Reerr 267 214, Inspection of vehicle involved in an accident and penalty for causing 266 obstruction to free flow of traffic ata Pater tke ere eer rer fer ace 3 ere eet 267 215. — Power to restrict use of vehicle 268 arr & seri or Prien cranes Ht sre 269 216. Main road 268 Wer ast 269 217. Limit of speed 268 afer tat 269 218. Loading of public service vehicle on ferry boats 268 onettent o eitee ar ary ar etre STAT 269 219. — Construction of speed breakers or humps on roads 268 BSH TC fsa aT aRaTST (wT) Afar 269 CHAPTER IX : Claims Tribunal / ateara 9 : afar otfirercer 220. — Application for compensation arising out of an accident 268 eho & see Ba Tet mae 3 are I TAT TT 269 14 Contents / fawa-ait Rule / Faq Page / Jw 221. Production of passport size photograph by applicant 270 STARK BAT TARE Seve BtNt aT A PAT STAT 271 222, Fees 270 oe 271 223. Examination of applicant 270 area at otha 21 224. — Summary dismissal of application 2m meer oa ar ate: rity Paar STAT 273 225. Notice to opposite party and its examination 272 fadtelt carer # gaat ait Tash ata 273 226. Obtaining of information and documents necessary for awarding 274 compensation under section 140 SIRT 140 % arefiy acer sare ae & Fore ora ora sit ceTasy 275 at fina aca 227. Judgement and award of compensation under section 140 274 NT 140 & steht Prof aon afer srfiafota ara 275 228. Procedure of disbursement of compensation under section 140 to 276 legal heirs in case of death Sarr 140 & area afer 3 aifarer A afamar - Hey A ae Fe arte 277 229, Local inspection 276 eardia Pitter 277 230. Framing and determination of issues 276 ferarerent ot fire ae sre SeraTCOT 277 231. — Summoning of witnesses 276 anferat aor ert Para aT 277 232. Appearance of parties 278 Tent A suet 279 233. Appointment of representatives on behalf of parties 278 carer A ait & afar at Raper 279 234. Power of summary examination 278 aftr weherer at ef 279 235. Method of recording evidence 280 are afi feifiad act At raf 281 236. Expert 280 frst 281 237. Procedure in connected cases 280 dag arret F sfear 281 238. Award of compensation 280 sft an safeory 281 239. Receipt for compensation 282 afetene & fore rac 283 240. Procedure to be followed by Claims Tribunal in holding enquiries 282 ara safer are Sta ae A array at aTeft aPRaT 283 Contents / frra-aat 15 Rule / Frat Page / JS 241. Minor accident — summary procedure 282 aragtt gear - afer afirar 283 242. Form of appeal and contents of memorandurh 284 ade a gre oa ar fara 285 CHAPTER X : Miscellaneous /ateara ae : weetot 243. Establishment of Motor Vehicles Department 284 Blecera fear at cere 285 244. — Jurisdiction of the officers of the Transport Department 286 oftaea Rear & aiftienteal A srftrantcar 287 245. Performance of functions of sub-ordinate officers by superior 286 officers afte aftrerrttat arr arisen srftrenttal & seal ar oer aT 287 246. Performance of function of superior officers by subordinate officers 286 sree aaftraertet arr ates arftrentten seat ar ore AT 287 247, Powers including powers exercisable by police officers under the 286 Act to be exercised by the officers of the Transport Department cnfertiere & onedia gferer saftraacad grat watarro srfacrat afer aires 287 fear & saftey rer water aft sre ateht afer 248. Uniform to be wom by officers in the subordinate transport service 288 retiree oftarer Sar # & orftranfted are ret are arett at 289 249. Certificate of appointment 290 Frage ar seer 291 250. Reward and Punishment 292 Qean ar as 293 251, — Repeal and Savings 292 Freer ae aarghr 293 rem aaa eo UH. Tor ete, 1 (vchaet.g) 294 ger on. o.on. dtm. 2 (Sa...) 294 FET Ue. TUS. 3 (Ue.Ue.z.) 295 FET OF. ELSI. 4 (G.GH. AST.) 296 FET UH... M1. 5 (Ue. 24.) 297 wear. 6 (te.Czt.) 297 FET UH. TS. 7 (S..S.) 298 Span on. ot. oH 2d. ame. 8 (Ue.g.) 298 eo UH... 9 (atom) 299 FOU UH... A.A. 9-8 (UH.ST.UO.SMK.) 299 Seo OH Ht S.A. 10 (US... A.) 300 Feo OH. StI. 11 (WS...) x 300 weg OH. cn edt. aa. 12 (Wr...) 301 eT OF. StI. 13 (BH.E,) 302 16 Contents / frra-aeit eu a ren on, ft aa. 2m. 14 (US...) 302 FET OH EAR. 15 (U8...) 303 RT OF... St. AN. 16 (US.F. A.A.) 304 eT OH. et aI. 17 (TT.AE.OTT.) 304 en a th. cdt. oi. 18 ( 305 eT Ht. r.aat. om. 19 (St. 306 TST CHS. SAT. 20 (A..F...) 306 ST Ot. oe. oT, 21 (A.3T.2H.) 307 TET Ott, 22 (AT.H.T.) 308 weg oH... art. 23 (2a A.) 309 meq on. dorado. 24 (at.o.a4.) 309 TET OA... 25 (A FA.) 310 geo oF dt.on €t. om. 26 ( 313 Teo Ort. aet. om. 27 (ae. oH.A.oT.) 313 Fer OA... 28 (UH...) 314 ET OF. ESAT, 29 (HTH. a.) 314 rer oa tt. er.ot. oie. 30 (atom. cae.) 314 ger un. tod. am. 31 ( 315 reo we Hore. om. 32 (Ham. a.31, ) 315 TET TH. AEST, 33 (ST.GH.3TE. ) 316 en on. tt.o.egt. om. 34 (a. A.arg.) 317 eo OHH eA, 35 (GHAR) 317 FST OH.T.CH.o€t AIC. 36 (CH.1.E1.3TT.) 318 eT Or Hct, 37 (TS. (A) 319 ET Oa eee. 38 (CHL. ahe, (ST) 319 greg 0n.dt.on état. 39 (CHa. aM.) 320 weg on 40-41 (aR...) 320 sreu on ton at. oi. 42 (vad...) 321 ren or thor atts. 43 (eat...) 324 rer or thot. om. 44 (Stat...) 327 geo On ctor aét a. 45 (4.41.0. 328 rer or thor set. oir, 46 (tt. tt.) 329 Feo OH torah. oT, 47 (8a...) 330 ge on. dt. on.edf. sm. 48 (wea) 331 ren or torah. om, 48-% (am...) 334 eT UH. TH. €1. 3m. 49 (AAP) 336 reg On... 2eh. are. 50 (ST...) 337 geo un.dtharadtan. 51 (&.4.) 338 ee OHH ee SAT, 52 (Ae. .) 339 Contents / fewa-aat 17 Tet 7 Feo Or. ar.aet. Te. 53 (Ue. Tt.) 340 FET WH... a. 54 (aa. 341 spear 0. ton. at. oa. 55 (sft at.) 345 eT OH. ft. oT. 56 (U.F1.2) 346 SSO OH. Ht... 3A. $7 (A...) 346 Fe ft ret. omt. 57-% (er. at.ow.. Ft.) 346 eg OH. 3. 58 (UH. et.2q) 347 59 Wa... ee.ome. 59 (A...) 347 OU OH. TO... 60 (FT.) 348 reo wr... 61 (G.5h.¢.) 349 FET UH. OH... 62 (H.U sft.) 350 eo wr. ft ora. aie. 63 (Aad. f.), 350 Seg WHT oS. 64 (a7.A.Gaht.) 351 FET OOF... 65 UH.US., (TER) 351 eo Hf... 66/67 (Uo... (TER) Te.est. ( TSH)] 352 Feo OH. ft. St. 3a. 68 (UTA) 353 RT OH. Tr. S.A. 69 (UF.UH. UH) 354 350 OH. ton. eet. 3m. 70 (UF.0H. at) 355 ea OH... ett.ome. 71 (Gee. dt) 356 FOO OH. fT. 0F. eet. 3Ik. 72 (UF.08. aR) 356 39 OH. r.2et. 2m. 73 (G7.UH. Sta) 357 FOG CH. TG. 3i. 74 (A...) 357 5G U.S. SI, 75 (AH...) 358 eo OH... 281... 76 (FTA. 359 5G OHM. 3. 77 (AVA) 360 facta orga 361 aera aq 362 aad aaa 363 ton agqet 363 Hrewart Pray, 1904 & ani aifereerare 364-366 faftreay ar srqgert are, 2000 367 AISI & aga A vita fea cea aia az a sity «= 368-373 art Hae Alora, 2001 Wag HERI TEA AeA ex Alora, 2001 374-380 ooa steam Pra, 1994 ft deterred aeerensit A ah 1. afftrqeat pHi TH. 8-3-96-376 Fears 20-5-1997 | ALT. TIA (sTATETET) fear 20-5-1997 FS 542 7 Taner | sfeRSrT aT WH, 22-64-97-311S feria 24-4-1998 | AT. TTT (AATETET) feria 25-4-1998 FS 388-388 (1) TC Tae | aaftreqerar arias WH. 8- 1-95-3718 Reais 2-4-1998 | Lg. Tam ATT 477) eT 22-5-1998 98 91 3 TaafeTa | afta sri OF. 8-7-98-318 feat 6-1-1999 | HL. TU (sTATATET) feiss 6-1-1999 9S 26 5 seFTRRTT | aaftrgerar arnt UH. 8-3-2000 feiss 1-11-2000 1 F.9, Tata (arareTeT) feria. 1-11-2000 JS 1368(6) Farfitr | Hae AT, TST A AMT afin soar UR, -22-15-2000-3118 fate 1-2-2001 | H.-F. THUS (STANT) feria 15-2-2001 9% 188(1) KFT | Hae a. TTA ATL fae sonia 338 /505/feare4/2001 Rate 7-6-2001 | G.7, THA (HETIRT) fears 10-6-2001 FS 263-264(3) Reid | Bae er, TET AT aT aaftrgart ati 475 /oft.3./2001 fear 6-8-2001 | 3.7. Ta (SETA Raia 6-8-2001 98s 351-352(1) Tea | Bae wT, Tee A TT aftrqaat ari 668/ of. /2001, fears 10-10-2001 | B71. TST (START feats 10-10-2001 FS 469-470 Trae | aes wT, Tee A ap anfirgerar ania 78/9. /2001 fae 1-12-2001 | .77, Tea (sere) fei 1-12-2001 FS 540-540(1) T Fad | sae wT. THT A ATT after sai 510/afee/ 2002 Ferra 21-5-2002 | B.7. TATA (ATIRTT feats 21-5-2002 9% 253-254 % rena | Saw ar. TTT aT aaftrgart HHT 660/afaet/ 2002 feat 18-7-2002 | G.1. Tae (SATA: feria 18-7-2002 983 359 Toe | aw wT, TET A TTL sfgqent ware CH-1-10/a/arS-af./03 Fears 2-9-2003 | B.m. Tae (srarerer) fear 2-9-2003 FS 442(1) Tee | Sree Ba, Tee A ATT | anfirgert ani WH. S-18/2t/37e-9ft. /2003 feats 2-1-2004 | 3.7. Ta (ararerer) Raia 2-1-2004 93 3-4 Hwee | aw wT, THT A TTL afiqeat sia wh, 22-280-2003-s76 fears 10-11-2004 | AL. THT (stare) fat 10-11-2004 9S 1006 Weve | ae Ao, eer A oI safrqear Hi Gh. -22-158-2005-37 fet 19-1-2006 | .9. TaTA (amararer) Raia 19-1-2006 FS 83-84(6) TFA | Baw aw. Tee eT ary! arfirgern serie WH. 22-30-2007, feria 13-9-2007 | H.9. TAIT APT 4(71) feria 14 fears, 2007 FS 255-256 Rafat | Haw aT. TTA aT! (18) Htexard Pram, 1994 Hr ieterrene afters ta 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 255 26. ats 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 33. saftregern sare wH-22- 181-205-3118 feats 8-11-2007 | 4.9. TAIT ATT A(T) feats 9 TaFH, 2007 9S 403 HK wae | Here Ae. Tee A ATL SRE HAI 467 /TH-506 /e/2008 Pater 31-5-2008 | .7, TATA ATT 1 feats 13-6-2008 95 1775-1779 Toa | Hae ST. THT A ay! afiqa Huis 2795 /aH-550/zet/2008, ferte 22-9-2008 | F.7. TIT TT 1 feats 3-10-2008 YS 2706-2709 HK ved | Hae 0. Tor A ANT! orftrqert sais TH. 22-66-2008-31e festa 7-1-2009 | 4.9. TAA HIT 4(7) feats 16-1-2009 Fs 87 Ta | aw aT. Tee A aL aftrqent aries Up. 5-2/at/are-h. /09 Fate 15-1-2009 | 7. OSTA ATT 1 feats 30-1-2009 9S 118-119 Roa | Sas S.A A AML SRSA HATA WH-22-60-2008-31S fears 26-4-2010 | FF. WAT IMT 4(71) feris 30-4-2010 9s 259 Kyat | Saw wT. asa a ary! aftiggrn suis Uw.-22-19- 10-3116, fears 28-9-20101 4.5. AIT (STATA) feats 28-9-2010 FS 1045-1046(1) Kya | Hae AT, tea Tap! aftiqert His Th-1-6/2009-as fata 24-11-2010 | 8.9. TTA (STAT) feats 24-11-2010 98S 1196(5-7) Te gant | ae ao. ToT aA after sata WH-1-6-09-37e fer 26-3-2011 | A.M. TIA (HATERTT) fears 26-3-2011 TS 245 Kaa | Bae aT. THT A TT! after sore 620/crn. /aft./2011 Retr 18-5-2011 | BT. Ts ATT 1 eat 17-6-2011 JS 1055-1056 Tea | Hae ST, TTA AML aftrgeat anim 4714 /a 755 /o%. f./2011 fears 18-8-2011 | 8.7, SMA (arararem) feaia 30-9-2011 9S 1690 FART) Hae wT. Ter A ALI afta sia W-22-56-07-311e fete 11-11-2011 1 4.8. TATA ATT 4(71) fai# 18-11-2011 75 293 KA | Saw ag. wea A aT! AREA sei TH 22-23-2011-sHTe Rear 5-1-2012 | a.5. TTI (SFATATT) feaie 5-1-2012 93 17 Tega) Saw ag. cer FY ap aftqaen sia wR-5-15/am-aft./2012 feta 19-4-2012 | B.1. TNT (sraveret) feria 19-4-2012 FS 194-194(1) Twa) Hae BT. THT am! afta ani 3651 /ae. /At. /2012 Rate 6-7-2012 | Bm. TTA TT 1 fetta 6-7-2012 FS 1586 RIA | Haw om. Tet T aT | aftgear sai oH 5-13/s6-sh./2012 feria 26-9-2012 1 B.7. TITA (srarereer) feats 26-9-2012 FS 495-496( 1) IAT | HAS ST, THT art Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 aerarea Fererar, 1994 odlonda curi-gtcidl, tigieloil ud aftrydonal & yso main af 2013 & =ara-gseial & ford Se :- - Gea w. : 106, 107, 132 Yd 133. af 2012 & -ara-geeiat & fod te :- - WSS WH. : 274 Ud 275. ag 2012 & ima & faa ea’ :-—- —— GSS w. = 110%, 111*, 112*, 113%, 118*, 119%, 212*, 213%, 214*, 215*, 2181 Ud 219°. ag 2011 % amneat srs? —— & fod ea :- WSs w. : 68%, 69*, 92", 93", 110*, 111*, 126", 127+, 242*, 243", 288', 289, 365* Ud 366*. * Fae o.7. WTA oT! + taeag. wart arp (20) M.P/C.G. MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1994 4.0./8.4. Hlerara ferera, 1994 M.P/C.G. MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1994 Notification No. F.8-1-90-VIII, dated 4th August, 1994* — In exercise of the powers conferrea by sections 28, 38, 65, 95, 96, 107, 111, 138, 159, 176, 211 and 213 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (No. 59 of 1988), the State Government hereby makes the following rules, the same having’ been previously published as required by sub-section (1) of section 212 of the said Act, namely :— CHAPTERI Preliminary 1. Short title and application —(1) These rules may be called the Madhya Pradesh Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994'. (2) They s all, have as expressly provided otherwise, apply to and in relation to all Motor Vehicles in the State of Madhya Pradesh. (3) These rules shall come into force with effect from the date of publication in the “Madhya Pradesh Gazette.” 2. Definitions — In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires— (a) “Act” means the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (No. 59 of 1988); Chhattisgarh State Amendment 2{(aa) “Transport Check-post" means the check-post established by the State Government from time to time for the control and enforcement of the provisions of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (No. 59 of 1988) and the rules made thereunder, the Chhattisgarh Motoryan Karadhan Adhiniyam, 1991 \ (No. 25 of 1991 )and the rules made thereunder, and other related matters. (b) “Deputy Transport Commissioner” and “Assistant Transport Commissioner” means the Officers appointed as such by the State Government to perform the duties and functions of Deputy Transport Commissioner or Assistant Transport Commissioner under these rules: (c) “Central Rules” means the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 framed by the Government of India under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (No. 59 of 1988): (d) “Form” means a Form set-forth in the First Schedule appended to these Rules: (c) “Transport Department” means the Motor Vehicles Department established by the State Government under sub-section (1) of Section 213 of the Act; * Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan), dated 6-8-94, pages 728 (163-376). 1. These rules are applicable in Chhattisgarh also by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 2000. For Chhattisgarh State the word "Madhya Pradesh" wherever they occur the word "Chhattisgarh" shall be read. In addition to this the amendments made by Chhattisgarh state afier establishment of Chhattisgarh are separately shown in box. 2. Inserted by Notification No. 668/Tr.D_/2001 dated the | Oth October. 2001. Fublished in Cc Rajpatra(Asadharan) dated 10-10-2001 Pages 470-470(1). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. (22) 4.9./8.9. Meare ferera, 1994 aftraeat ania wH.8-1-90-316, Feria 4 anret, 1994* -- He a arffiam, 1988 (1988 TH, 59) ATAU 2B, 38, 65, 95, 96, 107, 111, 138, 159, 176, 211 atte 213: are Gee srfacrey a eter ore ee, creer aE Cera Frater rer art, 3 se nfs At ere 212 AY soar (1) are zen setfeaa eT gearfire Pasat es, seat :- eaTE 1 oRfere 1. fecer arrer arert ery eta -- (1) $4 ae ar aft are ea Mea Praq, 1994' 2) (2) ae Fran, set oiftreraa eo & stare suena & se ara meses % echt areca oe cra ee ate F ory tT (3) ae Ra “neageer osoa” Ff gare A arte 8 aga et | 2. afeerand -- a7 Fen 8, ga ae fee ead & sere rtf a a -- (%) ‘“‘arftrfraa’’ & affine 2, diz aiftiftan, 1988 (1988 4TH. 59); odharg wea detest 2[ (am) Cafes ata ater” 2 sifirta taf sta ahh 82 oh area HoT SU aT Area wafer, 1988 (FL 1988 FT ATH 59) Ut Tat sata af Peni, adnag steers arr safer, 1991 (1991 aT HAT 25) Ca aay siarha ay Feat et ora aaifire ferwal & grees & FFeram ea wads wer & foe vortta $78 2 |] (3) ‘‘sa ofeea orgad " ott ‘aera ofaet aged” 8 afta & asa Bear ant Pry & onie oa ofaes srgaa a wera oftaer srgat atoll aur qe a orert acy & fo gaa aftran, (1) “‘dsegte Pree’? & orftta 8, deca aifiram, 1988 (1988 Ta. 59) ref utd BREET ENT aT Te Safe Hewat faa, 1989; (a) ‘wea’? & orfteta 8 sa Prat 8 doa germ orgael F fear rar weg; (=) ‘‘afeerea fae’? & afte 8 asa aan arr afte Al arr 213 Fh saart (1) & arity enter ates Pert; seagrass (SrareneeT) Peta 6-8-94, 5 727 TART | 1 aftr srgagert aireer, 2000 % aren Ream woes crea H ft og a | oterg ey fost set oft “eae” sing 8 3 “‘aetterg” srex Ter HTT | ge sefrfeae wtienrs eros grat tere THI SH para Ss rear St ot eiviters Pana & 3-8 guey wT A alae B exter rar 2 2. orftrggarsenia 668 /af.P. /2001, Pei 10 sragae, 2001 err siaseentea | aeterrg Tara (SaTUTTT) feais 10-10-2001 9% 469-470 Te Feet | ders oriherrg Tres A ETI (23) 24 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 2 (g) (h) “Passenger” means any person travelling in a public service vehicle other than the driver, conductor and a person engaged for the loading and unloading the luggage of the passengers or an employee of the permit holder while on duty; “Region” means the territorial jurisdiction of a Regional Transport Authority, as notified from time to time; “Regional Transport Officer”, “Additional Regional Transport Officer” or “Assistant Regional Transport Officer” means any Officer appointed as such by the State Government for any Region or Area to perform the duties and functions under the Act and these rules; "{(h) Chhattisgarh State Amendment “Regional Transport Officer”, “Additional Regional Transport Officer” or “Assistant Regional Transport Officer or District Transport Officer” means any Officer appointed as such by the State Government for any Region or Area to perform the duties and functions under the Act and these rules;] *[(ha) i) (k) o (m) (n) (0) “Sleeper Coach” means a public service vehicle fitted with sleeper berth and some of the sleeper berth may be convertible as seats and such vehicle should be capable of carrying more than six passengers, excluding the driver and conductor and it should conform to the specifications prescribed in rules 155-A;] “Stand” means a place duly notified as such under rule 204 of these rules; “State” means the State of Madhya Pradesh; “Section” means a section of the Act: “State Government” means the Government of Madhya Pradesh; “Transport Commissioner” means the head of the Motor Vehicles Department established under section 213 of the Act and appointed as such by the State Government to perform the duty and function of the Transport Commissioner under the Act or the rules framed thereunder; “Transport Inspector”, “Transport Sub-Inspector” or “Assistant Transport Sub-Inspector” means Officer appointed as such by the Transport Commissioner; “Tribunal” means the State Transport Appellate tribunal constituted under sub-section (2) of Section 89 of the Act; 1. Substituted by Notification No. 510/4ft=&4/2001 dated the 2ist May, 2002. Published in CG, Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 21-5-2002. Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 2. Inserted by Notification No. F-22-19-10-VIII dated the 28th September, 2010. Published in MP. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 28-9-2010 at pages 1046(1)-1046(2). Applicable ont Madhya Pradesh. fererat 2 alexerra fererat, 1994 25 (a) “ani? 8 afiga } ator & tS dhe aes, afte wer Tat aT arma agra site gay aera A core Papel safes ar agarrga ees 3 Pet anfartt & firs ate dar aA 8 arar at are ag aaa; (&) ‘wer’? B seftrter & orate ofterer safbreerdt ft Detter aafkramthea sit Pa waa -am ot orftraferr A se, (a) “wre firen afteres arftrere’”’, “‘orar ore fire ofteres aftr’ at “)Ieonlvin Madhya Pradesh. 1, Substituted by Notification No. P= M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 19- fees 12-13 atewenar fereray, 1994 33 fa area argaifta a rg 8 ah see Geer UR BY Ae area orale Pes Sart @ ar gree a andl dt ona atest sagas gat ofe orgaren otfttenrdt at aeare arg at BT | (8) fat ar cafe at ares aigafta fire sie at ae oe ment gfe art F ar Praca agers urban a) oRed ahr | glo are apr afeaaRY wrest sigaifter great By 38 oa ore at aepre ofa aor | ate ates orate At que ate ad act ing @ a sane mnfirart arom agate geatia am site a get fee Hartt a At eat 8 aed sft & eam ot enfie FeT | (9) set ge fram & oie aren orqatte Ht gett aia ore At arch @, get ge oe ore eae “att a”? ee Bt a ae he ge aT aT Pa ST A att Site EY arerht crear args orf or AY yar cong atrertt | (10) ares argattcr ait cet afer ore act & foe ite, Fa 24 8 fathfeee fare re aa ert \[12. Prraneft argafte art wet AY araartt -- (1) sa sreee after & foww, sega srftrant 3 een soBaer wa B at orgaror frond oe yA ae Pe OT Hoa ok ay & dae F agra were | (2) afe frat cer frearelf orgafte et sre ar ase et sre, ott ere ga ae At GTO correc 8S sear fers at aor Fares ar Farearelt saqatta ectgaer st welt at site gett gfe & feu Ran 24 # fates te} apr fad. om. -4 8 area eT | order ora 2 Sy oe aigaTE grferenre) areca os Gear Al gfe ane cre se Te aprdaTet OTT art Rrereft arqatta ca acta orqates ef off 1] orterg wea F ony Pro 12 “92. atfefear argafta get afer amet fara ara -~ af@ fret aaa aafettaer orgie at sre on ae &h re at are ge cree Ft gar OS ga safer aT om fares fem err after sega agg At 1g oft site gutt afer & fern an 24 # fare fa & arr wey or tor aA. ae.-4 Fates ae | reas gree UF STA SAAT orftrert ga sean ada atm ori afeftran aagatta oa area srqafta a aff 1” 13. aed agar & age AF arearat wrfirenre -- (1) set ate srgafta arp 3 etter % fase srt arent stgaifta srgaray orftreerdt at sega aA et ait fate te amt ant dt et ar ate Panett qfore saftranrdt ar ahaa faut & siftenrdt ay arenes 3 ofan Fr ant 206 At Sou (2) & seis Paet gata & fu ares agafta a seers ws a Sry wot ¥ 3 fear at ste area sigaita Potted ar ce a ae A A, ah wenfeefe sqarea giftantt ar fess afteart ar shares rart an oftend a7 rare 3a sae aT Ft START (3) % anf ares srafts & fou srorft sfrefefa cer ger on. fo ae. - 5 I - afr aerer 22-1 58-2005-318 Ratan 9 watt, 2006 arr afeeantte | WEEN Ta (arena) Raia 19.1.2006 9% 83-84 T gate) Hae reader Tee HT ET | 34 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 14-17 of the said section for the driving licence and temporary authorisation to drive in Form M.P.M.V.R.-5 (L Tem) and the production thereof on demand, shall be deemed to be production of the driving licence. (2) Until the driving licence has been returned to the holder, he shall not be entitled to drive a motor vehicle (without being in possession of his driving licence) beyond the period specified in the temporary authorisation as aforesaid : Provided that the authority, Court or any Officer by which the said temporary authorisation was granted, may in its or his discretion by order in writing extend the period thereon. (3) No fee shall be payable in respect of such temporary authorisation. 14, Communication of Additions or Renewals to Driving Licence — (1) A Licensing Authority making addition under section 11 of the Act to the classes of motor vehicles which a driving licence authorises the holder to drive, shall, if it is not the authority by which the driving licence was issued inform of such addition to the original licensing authority in Form M.P.M.V.R.-6 (L.Ad.). (2) A Licensing Authority renewing a driving licence shall, as required by the provisions of sub-section (6) of section 15 of the Act, inform of such renewal to the Licensing Authority which issued the driving licence in Form M.P.M.Y.R.-7 (DLR). 15. Disqualification from holding Driving Licence, ete. — (1) Where a Licensing Authority declares a person disqualified or revokes any driving licence under sub-section (1) of section 19 of the Act, it shall :— (a) If the person holds a licence, endorse the licence accordingly; (b) cause an entry made to this-effect in the driving licence register and the State Register of Driving Licence; and (c) send intimation of such disqualification or revocation to the authority by whom the licence was issued. (2) Onreceipt of an intimation under clause (c) of sub-rule (1), the Licensing Authority shall cause an entry made in the driving licence register and the State Register of Driving Licence. 16. Communication of disqualification or Endorsement by Court — (1) The Court declaring a person disqualified under section 20 or making an endorsement under section 24 of the Act shall send intimation in Form M.P.M.V.R.- 8 (LE) to the Licensing Authority by which the driving licence was issued and the Licensing Authority by which it was last renewed. (2) On receipt of an intimation under sub-rule (1) about an endorsement on a driving licence or disqualification from the court, the Licensing Authority shall cause an entry made in the driving licence register and the State Register of Driving Licence. 17, Duties and Conduct of Drivers of Stage Carriages and Contract Carriages — (1) The driver of a stage carriage or a contract carriage, other than a motor-cab— (i) shall not cause or allow any person, animal or thing to be placed or to be in the space reserved for a driver’s seat or otherwise in such ferent 14-17 aitevera fete, 1994 35 (ce6.2m) B rer fee ca aera stare Ser ite win Loy oe Bega PAT STAT aE are TET fs Ter orate Tega a at TE 1 (2) Sa am fe orem a ros agate ame 7 ax & ore ae ger qatar sree sriftrane 8 FPR arena & ot, sechh aren agate aed ¥ ca Gar tet a ae fone sapere aét aT : eg Fe saat, saat ar ae after Red arr gee sree orftrae rig Fae ra a, omy aT eal-fercer 2 footer Pare me area aret ser oe aera wer wT | (3) a seer arftrame & dae 8 ag fe 2a aet at 1 14, ated agate & oResis ar adhere Mt daar -- (1) we afar STURT 11 & ate oa ator arf # fare wert 2g area sigata emcee at orf art eb, afar act ares sagas orftret af tar mftranét a at reds fie ger arent sata ant $7 oh, ch ae er oH A. a 2-6 (C.U.Sh.) Hd ani sg Aes orga rfRresre at Sarr | (2) Stes agate an adteer a ater sigares sifted afer A ont 15 eet (6) 8 oath er sre fase gee are At eT, Se aT RT a, fort ater agatea art A ef, geo ww. .ee. aon. -7 ( Xa) 15. ated aqafta anfe arr at & frodat -- (1) Set A$ seqarar afresh srfeaPian st set 19 at gga (1) 3 ona Pett cafe at Getta etter at ar are Saha afierec at ah ae -- (®) afg ae ante arom agatta ere axar &t, ongatea at aaqan gsi atm; (8) aes syste teret cen ater apie & use recat ge ore Aw gfaft aaron; (7) se siftrenndt a fare are orgafia are At oft, Ut Prada ar gfaeiewr Ft aT ST | (2) safer (1)3 aus (1) & anes feet quer ore ah, aga oft Ter oat tet em ate aati 3 ose chee F ow gfe ear | 16. -arares gre Pagar ar gestae at tat -~ (1) sf A Te 20 3 nett Peseta at Facféer eitita ancy ar ener 24 3 ove qraifsr Fe ater Ie Ter CH. oTe.-8 (Go.,) ¥ se argeret errant a, fread fe arr aaa ord Ft ng oi cer set orga mitre a, fares Pe ant aa ora adie Bear var err, saver ST | (2) Safes (1) 35 area Reset ares & rosa igs oe qeatasr at Patan at B scare ores Fk, geo sre are spat efector cre argefa at cree # gfafte aero | 17. Bfereht mrgt site Sat argt & area Be afer tar are -- (1) Bex Soa 8 fiteg affresh ort at Sar meh ar aresm -- (WH) sre the & fixe oneftie aire oe Pah aA oath, oy ar ag at a at dearer sea wart & fey sara aor an 28 ge Tea F ayer WA ah Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 17 (ii) (iii) (iv) (vy) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) & (xi) (xii) iii) a way as to impede him in having a clear vision of the road cr proper control of the vehic'e, shall, subject to any rules 0! regula’ ons in force prohibiting the taking up or setting down of passengers at or except at certain specified places, bring the vehicle to rest for a sufficient period of time in a safe and convenient position upon the demand or signal of the conductor or of any passengers desiring to alight from the vehicle, and unless there is no room in the vehicle, upon the demand or signal, of any person desiring to become a passenger; shall, not when bringing vehicle to rest for the purpose of picking up or setting down any passenger at or near the place where another stage carriage is at rest for the same purpose, drive the vehicle so as to endanger, inconvenience or interfere with the driver or the conductor of the other vehicle or any person mounting or preparing to mount thereon or alighting therefrom and shall bring his vehicle to rest in front or behind the other vehicle and on the left hand side of the road or place; shall, all times exercise all reasonable care and diligence to maintain his vehicle in a fit and proper condition and shall not knowingly drive the vehicle when it, or any brake, tyre or lamp thereof is ina defective condition, likely to endanger any passenger or other person or when there is not sufficient fuel in the tank of the vehicle to enable him to reach the next fuel filling station on the route: shall, not smoke in the vehicle while on duty; shall, behave in a civil and orderly manner with passengers and intending passengers: shall, be cleanty dressed in the uniform prescribed under rule 9: shall, maintain the vehicle in a clean and sanitary condition, shall, not solicit custom save in a civil and quiet manner; shall, not loiter or unduly delay upon any journey but shall proceed to his destination as near as may be in accordance with the time table pertaining to the vehicie os where there is no such time table with all reasonable despatch; shall, in the event of vehicle being unat. . ‘0 proceed to its destination ‘on account of mechanical breakdown 01 other cause, beyond his control, arrange to convey the passengers ‘o their destination in some other similar vehic's or if unaBie so to arrange within a period of an hour after the failure of the vehicle, shall on demand refund to each passenger a proper propertion of the fare relating to the non-completion of the journey for which the passenger has paid the fare or if unable to refund shal! .ssue a certificate in Form M.PM.V.R.-9 (DCR); shall, while on duty display the name plate as prescribed under rule 10; shall, not ply a stage carriage unless there 1s a duly licenced conductor on duty in the vehi> 2; aR) (at) (38) (ard) (a3) (at) (za) (FARE) atexerrat fereray, 1994 37 2 aef cae amr fara fas WI USH FI aI ETS BY A Gear A ay a aafad dam cat # arse a; afer earat a ar ae fara ara ay are wae ferret Pet ar fatal & sree ama Se eg Peat sor vet err Hit Ft am W ae eth & suger fe 7 Fatafe aT at sare, aferhs, ea ae afore aT aT aT eee fee Sry SHI afar aren ArT Al STA aT Saher Feet sa IT na att afaersaa feafe F ae at gata ana At arava & fer secre ae a a, 8S coe aT seh Te, set HIS sue fat met se geitaa 3 feu sett a, farett ae at aad ar sary & galled & fre seed ena 38 sa ger vet semem Parad Ps cet art & areen aT scares aT set ag a set A ae ar TT ae Ta fare ah oarfaes & fore waar Bt, Hafeer 3 sik a ar FT ord 3 arf ait seem; art aT aT dhe cen as 7 Bt ane aaa aa aT sagan aT anfaa ered A sare wert & foe wh afaagad eraartt ote aachar ae Sk ae Tre Ee fs a Oe feafa # ea ae ara ar sea aie aft das, za aT serch are ergot feat Fe faa at dares eT att werent fe aft oft ardt ar F eared ef a a a Wf gear gate are Se of 3 eer a cea F area a a 8 3a ana a wet BOT Haier ag seer TW eT: anfsat ae ara a yoga cafarat @ frer fam o & srs fated are adt vet; ar Sl ATH Aa e 1 aT, Rrearqss cer erie ata H Yeh BY area ATT HTT FT gar-sat vat qe ar ara Y argh wa a ¥ wera Reveas ane arett 4 wae greg sftaar & ara ar aif ee-Ge a ee Fe care eierr® ante at ef ae aor Peay aa aa 1 sent & Paretl Sta aa A ae Tears Ah Sa OT aT A AT aE STA a flat ae 3a gaan Fh cae FH att ay, tet srget arar 2h dae W, Parare Pas feo arett 9 Pavey ar rer Papa omy, afore Segara H Paver arg a Sar ar afe sa San arya aa A are el at geo or tr... -9 an.) oy Wa HoT me em 10 & anda OT PAT Ch we Ht Hrevayy at fab TY AA Fee: 38 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 18 (xiv) shall, not allow any person to be carried in any public service vehicle in excess of the capacity specified in the certificate of registration of the vehicle; (xv) shall, ensure that, when a vehicle is required to cross an unmanned railway level crossing, the conductor alights from the vehicle to guide its safe crossing; (xvi) shall, not while plying a contract carriage other than motor-cab. permit or connive at picking up or setting down of passengers enroute and shall ensure that the contract carriage is hired by single party from starting point to the destination; (xvii) shall, not cause any act which is likely to cause nuisance or danger to the public as mentioned in rule 21 of the Central Rules. (2) No driver of stage carriage or contract carriage shall cause or allow to enter into or to place or carried in the vehicle, any person whom he knows or has reason to believe to be suffering from any infectious or contagious disease, or the corpse of any person. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (2) the driver may, upon application in writing by a registered medical practitioner, allow a person suffering from an infectious or contagious disease to be carried in a stage carriage or contract carriage provided that no other person save a person or persons in attendance on the person so suffering shall be carried in the vehicle at the same time. (4) When a person suffering from infectious or contagious disease, or the corpse of any person has been carried in a contract carriage or a stage carriage, the driver of the vehicle shall be responsible to report the fact of such carriage to the medical officer in-charge of the nearest Municipal Local Board or Government dispensary, and to the owner of the vehicle and neither the owner nor the driver shall use or allow any person to use the vehicle until the driver and the vehicle have been disinfected in such manner as the said medical officer may specify and a certificate to this effect has been obtained from the said medical officer, 18. Special Duties and Functions of Drivers of Motor Cabs — (1) The drivers of the first two motor cabs on any stand shall shat sae AT Wf separ weer 8 fh arian aiftrenrd arse Ft of eafeal ox Reranch earl & ae ate aca Prag tet antag & aaet F of seach fee ont 177 & ania A are PE al Tere Rt ~~ (%) 804 [s0/-]°[200/-] ate fercrea ca fea & satires ar a; aT (@) 898 7[100/-] 3[300/-] afe farereat cha fea & sift arr &) 1 1. afqEAT His Uh. 22-66-2008-a16 Reais 7 wad, 2009 aro Heteenfe | AT. TT ATT 4 (7) feat 16-1-2009 7S 87 Teva | ae ww. Tere waa 2. Saw. were rq 3. aftrgqear wate 4714/aH 755/ef. Fr./2011 Rats 18 aver, 2011 ETT arfereenftte | w.27. crores (atarareot) Feria 30-9-2011 Fes 1690 OK Went | Haw B.n, WTR aT 70 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 48-49 48. Issue or Renewal of Certificate of Fitness — (1) A certificate of fitness shall be issued or renewed by the Registering Authority or subject to its general control and direction by such officer of the Transport department not below the rank of Transport Sub-Inspector as may be authorised by it in this behalf or by an operator of the authorised testing station specified by the Government under sub- section (2) of section 56 of the Act, (2) Anapplication for issue or renewal of certificate of fitness shall be made in Form M.P.M.V.R.-22 (C.F.A.), to the Registering Authority or the operator of the authorised testing station in whose jurisdiction the vehicle is normally kept or whose functional area includes the major portion of the route or area to which the permit relating to the “chicle extends and shall be accompanied with a tax clearance certificate in Fo. .n M.P.M.V.R.- 23 (T.C.C.). (3) If, owing to mechanical break down or otherwise a motor vehicle after the expiry of the certificate of fitness, remains outside of the functional area of the authority by whom the certificate is to be renewed, the competent authority of such area, without prejudice to any penalty to which the owner or driver may have become liable may, if the vehicle is in his opinion, fit for use, may make an endorsement in Form M.P.M.V.R. 24 (C.F.Sub.) subject to such conditions as he may specify. authorise its continued use for such time as may reasonably necessary but in no case for more than ten days for the vehicle to return to the area of the Registering Authority by whom the Certificate is to be renewed, and the vehicle may be driven to such area in accordance with such endorsement but shall not be used thereafter without renewal. (4) While inspecting a transport vehicle, the Registering Authority or the operator of the authorised testing station shall fill in Form M.P.M.V.R.-25 (M..Ins.). If on inspection the vehicle is found fit in all respects, the Registering Authority or the operator of the authorised testing station shall issue to the owner or person incharge of the vehicle a certificate of fitness in Form 36 of the Central Rules. if, however, the vehicle is found not to be complying ‘vith the provisions of the Act and Rules made thereunder, the Registering Authority or the operator of the authorised testing station shall hand over the original copy «f the inspection report in Form M.P.M.V.R. -25 (M.V.Ins.) to the owner indicating therein the defects found The owner or person incharge of the motor vehicle shall when producing the vehicle for re-inspection after necessary repairs, surrender the inspection report in Form M.P.M.V.R.-25 (M.V.Ins.) to the Registering Authority or the operator of the authorised testing station. 49. Register of certificate of fitness — (1) Registering Authority or other officer or authorised operator of a testing station granting certificate cf fitness, shall maintain following registers for the record of certificate of fitness :+ (a) Datewise issue and check register of certificate of fitness in Form M.P.M.V.R.-26 (DFCR); ferent 48-49 Fleer feet, 1994 nN 48. Sagara Tato ear et fever TAT at etter eoT ferar wTAT -- (1) Bey THT rs afSresteRT oereerel arate Sass ATTA Par ae eer a areata wet gt Pret 88 orftrandt are, a} oftaed Rar & afaea sy- Afters & oe 8 Per ge Dott a 7, Prat see are ge Aft oft Peer sre, ar orien Ff arr 56 Ft sae (2) refs area ane fafatie fare am mifira atta ax gevere aer se er se aT aepe farat ser | (2), Sree aor ra aT ame a achtoROT ancy a Fore sTTae ET wr. .aeT.AN. 22 (Ht.we.c,) Hse etre fret at ar ofega tert aes ware a, Bret saftrantiten # arate: ara var siren & a formes ard da 3 sinha ger at ar a aT AE TT Sara 8 a Farere fap ars oar ST a See Pee ser sie Seay Ter eG He. EL. SATE. 23 (Gata) Fa sarge arr-oa eT | (3): af aire ze-Re aT sree eet er & soya GATT aT ATA BA FraTE MIM, Se srftroereh Sareea a are 8 Sec era Areva ear aerator Para TAT al, a Oe aha ar rere srftrenrt eT er HF ene oe Rerget gra Set Pear, Bree fre earth ar ares area, afe sae aH ara eT aaa 8, dtaze ea Peta pe ow. A... SR 24 (#L.em.g at.) a, Gel aril & oreaela cea gu sal fas ae aPRfewe aX, ara ge cheer siftrenrd aa ara ae & fore free are gare a atone fae STAT aT se RS aT ap arin Peer are at & fora antiga a aT, St afegaet a oraera a, fag Peet oft afer e 38 se fer saftey ara fare onftrgper ae aster atte ar a RA Ghai & oA Ra Oa oe S Sra ST aT fag Sear ae ata wt are a Fae a & Sea Tata & Fae saa ae Fret ser | (4) after ars ar Frtheror ed eae areteneor grand ar arftaepet hes ar eT eT OA ES. -25 (UH. eet. 2g. Gr.ce.) For | he Peteror ancy oe ara ent gfe & Tea TTT aT a afer oaferepret ar orf adage ax ar Tee ATs rant ar sarees afr at Sette Pratt ge 36H sagan serra ard ater ef ate ae aa arg fp arftrfran em see ante sare re Perey 3 syeel apr revs ae Paar ot cer 8 at carder aiftadt a wife ater Sg ar rarer seat og og afedtt at aaa gx TET OH G28. AR, -25 (CHR. AS...) BF Pattern Peat at er ofa ara & call aay ah TT | are at Ra a are SE ATT TS AAT A ST aT A: Paharor 3 re See ae a ET OHA. SAT. ~ 25 (OH ete...) B Ptteror feetd, efter guftrandt ar orftrgpe tert aig a garera a oreafiia eT | 49, Sagea Ware oa ar ehsreet -— (1) SITET TANI safer fae, cfaregiencr onftrenrdt ar ore aiftranntt ar saqecan THT aL aA ate hex a ofA srareren Para featere caret are cat -- (®) se9 Ort or adh. an.-26 (See...) F saga FHMT-TF aT anther sii fang a4 afk stra fine a1 & aise; 2 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 50-52 (b) Vehiclewise issue register of certificate of fitness in Form M.P.M.V.R.-27 (VFCR). (2) The Authority, officer or operator responsible for maintaining registers which are prescribed in sub-rule (1) shall send a monthly report to Transport Commissioner by the fifth of the succeeding month in Form M.P.M.V.R.-28 (F.C.S.) and also circulate the list of defaulted vehicle due for renewal of certificate of fitness to concerning authority for appropriate action. 50. Cancellation of Certificate of Fitness — (1) The Registering Authority or any other officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Transport Sub-Inspector shall be the prescribed authority for the purpose of sub-section (4) of Section 56. (2) The authority, mentioned in sub-rule (1) cancelling a certificate of fitness shall give the owner or other person in charge of the vehicle a notice in Form M.P.M.V.R.-29 (C.F.C.) and shall alongwith a report of his action forward the certificate of registration, certificate of fitness, permit, if any, to the Registering Authority under whose direction or control he may be. (3) Ifthe authority, cancelling the certificate of fitness under this rule is of the opinion that the vehicle can be safely driven at a reduced speed to a place of repair may endorse in Form M.P.M.V.R.-30 (C.F.X.) specifying the speed limit and other conditions, subject to which the vehicle may be driven to specified destination for the purpose of repair. 51. Issue of duplicate Certificate of Fitness — (1) Ifa certificate of fitness is lost, destroyed, or mutilated the owner ofa transport vehicle shall forthwith report the matter to the Authority by whom the certificate was issued or last renewed and shall apply for a duplicate in Form M.P.M.V.R.-31 (CFLD) together with fee as specified in rule 62. (2) Upon receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) the Registering Authority of the Authorised Testing Station as the case may be shall furnish the owner a duplicate copy of the Certificate duly stamped ‘Duplicate’ in red ink. (3) Where a duplicate certificate of fitness has been issued upon representation that a certificate of fitness has been lost and the original certificate of fitness is afterwards found or received by the holder, the holder shall immediately return the duplicate to the Registering Authority or the Authorised Testing Station. (4) Any other person finding a certificate of fitness shall deliver it to the nearest police station or to the Registering Authority. The Officer-in-charge of the Police Station on receipt of the Certificate of fitness shall immediately forward it to the Registering Authority. The Registering Authority shall restore the certificate of fitness in case duplicate certificate of fitness has not been issued and shall substitute it for duplicate in case such a duplicate has already been issued. 52. Exemption from payment of registration fee — (1) No fee shall be charged for the registration of the following classes of motor vehicles, namely :— (a) Motor Vehicles, owned by the State or Central Government and used solely for the purposes other than commercial enterprises: fereray 50-52 alexerrat fereta, 1994 23 (ew) Fe ee -27 (aM Aa.) BF soya HITT at fare sare apr araTe CRT | (2) ger (1) 3 Fer Paco, ect at at a Fe Paes fae, safersret a ATTA, FET OA ET 28 (WE...) Hater feats oes sere ara aA ara aes as are rrp ay ashe the or 9a 3 ate fee hae Safe ret aa At age ets sitet ara tard & Pa arate fh aT | 50. STAT ATO BAT TET —— (1) ear sree ar aera fer ar até area srftrantt St freer at Patteree At Yas BAA apr a A, aT So Ft STATE (4) 3 spitsre % fore fete arfiraerét eter | (2) sahara orm & after seeqaere sore a) ce aA are fire ar 3 ea & sayrearer: arr arts aT 7 ow aA. -29 (aioe at.) gear st aeerh arta Spite hana fete oa, gear FATT, seaaT- ga av aE at ere ora ait ontfira ant Fareae Fader ar Fao Hae eT | (3) af gar Pepe 3 reiterate soar —cry Te CY aah orPbrasre At ae Tae gery a Teer ea ere oA age es we eT ST AT a ET OSTA, 530 (ae. ) A gare fe A aor em re ard Fara rela arene welts fer Pett fates rigor cord ae ar STAT TH, Testes HL THT | 81. Sagara errors At evel AR ear at avert area ~~ (1) af SagERTT gar 4a Gt aT, Fe a STA, ATS TA aT shea a a aT ga aT AT SAT a TE set Pare gerer-ct et eon aT sera Pree ae aan Pepa ar ihe se Ree ete spect rth cry. oere,-31 (eit aA.) ete 62 Bren Pte 3s ore ere fe fare aaa FET | (2) sgafiern (1) 35 one senda are at oe aoa, eA ancr afte ar arf afer Sg cart Bt GOT At caret are B wear we a ear ge sft | (3) set coer serena At eae fee a area Te aT AA sae fae START arog at near B site aera aT ST Be Tea THOT Ares aT aT ea eT SATE a seas ePaebcmeor fbrandh ar arta tenon x ae er sae REY fer aT AT | (4) srereaten a saeacrer serra fet are at ae 3a Prete gfere a & TATE conftest at fe ater | fer oe a arcana aftr STAT ATONE afectraneor arent ait cocarer efter ater | af sere arora AY ere fer TE ea ang. dt eParetareer reed aoegaerer eT erate ater site af gene er SH ae et Altar aa gat of eae or ea aT | 52. fate Fra & aera & ge -- (1) Heer & Frerferfiad af & afaredicner fare ang Ate otter ae Ft sre, arate -- (&) wey ag tea earhirea OS sheen sh anf seta a firs rar geist % fare arcana a aul B eae sitet a; 4 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 53-54 (b) trailer or trailers owned by a bona fide agriculturist to the extent of one trailer used exclusively for agricultural purposes: (c) Motor Vehicles used exclusively for fire brigade purposes; and (d) ambulances and other motor vehicles designed and intended to be used exclusively for affording free medical and other relief. (2) The State Government may, by notification exempt any person or class of persons from payment of all or any portion of the fee payable under Chapter IV of the Act. 53. Change of Address — (1) Upon receipt of application for change of address, the Registering Authority shall record the change of the address in the Motor Vehicle Registration Register and in the Register of Demand and collection of Motor Vehicles Tax and also record the change of address in the certificate of registration. (2) In case the new address is located in the jurisdiction of the Registering Authority other than the original Registering Authority the application shall be made to the Registering Authority under whose jurisdiction the new address is located alongwith the certificate of registration. (3) The other Registering Authority shall record the change of address in the certificate of registration and shall intimate the original registering authority who will correct the Motor Vehicle Registration Register and the Register of Demand and Collection of Motor Vehicle Tax. (4) For the purposes of sub-section (2) of section 49 and having regard to the period of delay in intimating the change in the place of residence or place of business or both as recorded in the certificate of registration the Registering Authority, may, on considering the circumstances of the case require the owner to pay, in liew of any action that may be taken against him under section 177, an amount as follows : (a) Rs. 50/- if the delay does not exceed thirty days; or (b) Rs. 100/- if delay exceeds thirty days. 54. Intimation of transfer of ownership — (1) Upon receipt of intimation regarding transfer of ownership in the forms prescribed under Central Rules, the Registering Authority shall, after making such reasonable enquiry as he may deem fit for assessing the genuineness of the transfer of the vehicle end after making physical inspection of the vehicle, effect the transfer of ownership on the registration certificate. (2) Communication of transfer of ownership to the original Registering Authority and to the transferee under sub-section (7) of Section 50 of the Act shall be in Form M.P.M.V.R.-32 (GRTI). G)_ For the purposes of sub-section (3) of section 50 having regard to the period of delay on the part of the transferor or the transferee or the other person referred to in sub-section (2) of the said section in reporting the fact of transfer of ownership of motor vehicle, the Registering Authority may on considering the circumstances of the case, require the transferor or the transferee or the other person, ‘fever 53-54 aeera ferent, 1994 15 (&) arenes Gan a cafes anr/2 en, wm dere At dtr ae A ser we a spite strat 3 fae art area ara / an (9) safes aera gator & fer arer eu 8 sea Pe ay ane let a; a (9) of ater (waeta) att ora Flea St srt ea & Peg Rafer ae ST a Fa EI Og STAT A aT ST & fare ofeafere sik areas a (2) UST acHR, AREA ar, Pat oafan ar oat & ant a, afer a sear am} ars aaa, anes fa or oes fea ot ar dears ee A aes aH 53. TAA oferta -- (1) oF shea fore onear area re ae aarti wera aPaectancor afareec A cer areca ape in rer iar are A a A Gta orfirferfat aor atte afarsner gaa sft oa oftada afferera tT | (2) af sar ar et caesar sifted & fits Pett ore caer orient A saftrenriter & sitar orateare at at ean samo & anor sraes ga terete oifeaet ay Rarer saree Fararcbh fas safRreprita & ste sear ger arate a1 | (3) sere mftrent, ecto gam—ca Fa F ofeads afifefiad at afk ger cfSiesieneor aiftrenndt ait arg Qa, sit alecara efter ger Htewars aC ATT aa arent caret F GU FUT | (4) unt 49 Ft scene (2) & gals & fer afte cesar coos F arfirterfia ferret 3 ead aT saree 3 wera a STH eat at aT BF eg Perea A erate at car Yad gehen oteerd, ame A ohfeataat ot ran aad ge cart fag atten amc aaa fap Tae fers IAT 177 F se artans AM aaa a sas aaa A RagQaR oA ar aera at -~ (®) ev 50/- af fers dia far a afte sa, oT (@) ¥8 100/- aR fers da ra ate are 54. Ceanfteeen Se ateacor oft ware -- (1) Satta Bere & oretia fatter eat eater TOTS afer ATTA Tea BT ear ora ar as oer A aera Preatfter ance & fore tet ghee sia ae & ager, sit ae Stem aus aor ar a eres Father er Sear arse TAT Fe afte aT HTTOT HLT | (2) safer ft emer So at saeret (7) 3 svelte yer ciate rfid eer seTOT at Referee ore SA eT eT CH. eM gare. - 32 (Aare A. aag.) at areath | (3) emer sobt sae (3) 3 gata & few tera & cafes arte & ae at PS aN orereeg aT arate ar sac ara At saat (2) Tf ara cater A aie a gu cia Al aprerraftt at oar A cae ge aectenen oiftrenrdt are A oRARafea oe Pan HE A ea 16 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 “Rules 55-554. as the case may be to pay, in lieu of any action that may be taken under section 177, an amount as follows :— (a) Rs. 50/- if the delay does not exceed thirty days; or (b) Rs. 100/- if delay exceeds thirty days. { ‘Comments * Transfer of vehicle not made according to provisions of Section 50 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Rule 54 of M.P. Motor Vehicles Rules, |994-- name of appellant appearing in recotd of RTO as owner -- appellant is liable to make payment of compensation Ramesh Chandra Vs. Smt. Shrivati and others, 2010 (1) MANISA 136 (MP) = 2009 (1) JLJ 395 = 2009 (11) A.C.T. 48 (MP). 55. Assignment of new Registration Mark — (1) Upon receipt of the application as required by sub-section (1) of section 47, the Registering Authority shall before assigning the registration mark call for the particulars of registration of the vehicle from the original authority for the purpose of verifying the particulars and shall also make a physical inspection of the vehicle before proceeding to assign a new registration mark. (2). The provision of rule 46 shall also apply to the transport vehicles of other State at the time of assignment of a new registration mark, under section 47, in Madhya Pradesh. (3) The Registering Authority assigning a new registration mark to a motor yehicle shall intimate the fact to the owner and the other party, if any, to an agreement of hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation specified in the note on the certificate of registratior and shall write to the original Registering Authority for transfer of the record ot «..e vehicle in Form M.P.M.Y.R.-33 (R.M.1.). (4) For the purpose of sub-section (5) of section 47 of the Act and having regard to the period of delay in applying for the assignment of a new registration mark as required by sub-section (1) of section 47, the Registering Authority may require the owner to pay, in lieu of any action that may be taken against him under section 177, an amount as follows :— (a) Rs. 50/- ifthe delay does not exceed thirty days; or (b) Rs. 100/- if delay exceeds thirty days. 1155-A, Allotment of registration mark -- (1) On receipt of an application made in writing by any person to the registering authority for reservation of registration mark, the registering authority shall reserve the registration mark in the following manner :- @) Registration marks from | to 9 in any series prevalent within the jurisdiction of registering authority, shall be reserved on payment of fee of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) for each registration mark, (b) For reservation of registration mark from number 10 to 100 in any series prevalent within the jurisdiction of the registering authority, on payment of fee of Rs. 12,000/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand) for each registration mark. 1, Inserted by Notification No. F-22-15-2000-VIII dated the 15-2-2001. Applicable only in Madhya Pradesh. ent 55-55% _ wicca rei, 1994 iT aerfeate sence ar srattel a1 rer oatad 8 ae Tea a aT fas TTC aT ora fae, ere 177 3 aretta Sh aacarg At Se Gert 2 ga aaa H afer cam aT dere ae -- (%) eva 50/- afe reves che far 8 saftree a at; aT feoqoft art a1 Sia Het ara safer, 1988 AL ATT So site Hg. Het ara Frm, 1994 % Fran 54 ayaet agar aa Pare -- aniiereit aa ae aaa frares afta & after Fear & eu after -- orftesrell wiean ar ders fou are & | er am aerator after site t=, 2010 (1) MANISA 136 (MP) = 2009 (1) JLJ 395 = 2009 (II) A.C.T. 48 (MP). 55. wate eftrecttancor Ferg ar gaye -- (1) er 47 At soe (1) aera far re ogee arrest ree aT oe efor srftraardt cParetonem Pare aageline He 3 IS aa 3 aay apr wear ay ater & fre et erat & fara oat ar sit sata fared fare aagefira er At arlardt & oa ar ar Sere Pattern at aT | (2) -Reayeer ¥ ere 47 & ori oer asa & ofaes aril at adie efector Fare aagefina aca ara Fram 46 % saat st ary a | (3) Parett dear an adie often Fae angelina act arent aia sift, aril at ort gerne a, af ag at, cea At gaa om, eta gas oe Ae fafifece ssi, Teer aT Seas a A eT AL TTI 2a SA aT aT fires sia ame & fer yer eer sifted) er res wa. A.A. -33 (SA... ) F ferReT | (4) ofa A ara 47 At sore (5) & gate & fare zety cette fae arageert & fer ener 47 at seer (1) are srafare Faaw ny saa order Tega HIT Eu fererear oft aprerretr at are A ae ee, Pareto arftraeret ear ae onan ae BAT fap TE aah fares ART 177 aneita SH arfars A Sr gee @ aaa HF cHm ar dara Pagan at -- (®) 37a so/- ale faera dla fer 8 aftr a et, aT (@) e7 100/- af fers dia aa ate are | \ss—a. tretacm fag at arediea -- (1) cfaedtarm fre % san ag ciredtancor oftranrtt amt Paveft cafe arcr feaftae ¥ fara var onder area a oe, aera sifted Preteen fife # efector Fag arrfira str -- () efor after arrive & after wafer ft shearer cantare fre 1&9 am, sere arian fare & fore eF4 15,000/- (ert THE Ban) aft hte ar dara aes or saree Papa STENT | (a) Reser aiftrentt A stranica & see afore Peat sae A cece fare gate 10 8 100 aa > sear & few Tere redtae fag ed ee 12,000/- (84a ane eat) At fre aT aars aA TT | 1 SRST. Oh - 21-1 5-2000-3i18 feria 1 5-2-2001 SM sie eenfe | Sheree ease creer a wal wi) Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 554 © For reservation of registration mark number, 101, 111, 123, 200. (d) 202, 222, 234, 300, 303. 333, 345, 400, 404, 444, 456, 500. 567, 600, 606, 678, 700, 707, 777, 786, 789, 800, 808, 888. 900. 909, 999, 1000, 1001, 1010, 101s. 1111, 1112, 1212, 1213. 1221. 1234, 1313, 1314, 1331, 1414. 1415, ISIS, 1516, 1616, 1617, 1661. 1717, 1718, 1771, 1818, 1819, 18€1, 1919, 1929, 1991, 2000, 2002. 2020, 2021, 2112, 2121, 2122, 2222, 2223, 2323, 2324, 2332, 2345. 2424, 2425, 2442, 2525, 2526, 2552, 2626, 2627, 2662, 2727, 2728. 2829, 2882, 2929, 2930, 2992, 3000, 3003, 3030, 3113, 3131, 3132. * 3223, 3232, 3233, 3333, 3334, 3434, 3435, 3443, 3456, 3535, 3536. 3553, 3636, 3637, 3663, 3737, 3738, 3773, 3838, 3839, 3883, 3939, 3940, 3994, 4000, 4004, 4040, 4041, 4114, 4141, 4142, 4224, 4243, 4243, 4334, 4343, 4344, 4444, 4445, 4545, 4546, 4554, 4567, 4646. 4647, 4664, 4747, 4748. 4774, 4848, 4849, 4884, 4949, 4950, 4994. 5000, 5005, 5050, 5051, 5115, 5151, 5152, 5 $252, 5253, 5335, 5353, 5354, 5445, 54: 55, 5556, $656, 5657, 5665, 5678, 5757, 5758, 5775, 5858, 5859, 5885, 5959, 5960, 5995, 6000, 6006, 6060. 6061, 6116, 6161. 6162, 6226, 6262, 6263, 6336, 6363, 6364, 6446, 6464, 6465, 6558, 6565, 6666, 6667, 6767, 6768, 6776, 6789, 6869, 6886, 6969, 6970, 6996, 7000, 7007, 7070, 7071, 7117, 7172, 7227. 7272, 7273, 7337, 7373, 7374, 1447, 1474, 7475, 7557, 7575, 1576. 7667, 1676, 7677, 7777, 7778, 7878, 7887, 7979, 7980, 7997, 8000, 8008, 8080. 8081, 8181, 8182, 8228, 8282, 8283, 8338, 8383, 8384. 8448, 8484. 8558, 8585, 8586, 8668, 8686, 8687, 8778, 8787, 8788. 8888. 8889. 8989. 8998, 9000, 9009, 9090, 9091, 9119, 919 1,9192, 9229, 9292, 9293, 9339, 9394, 9449, 9495, 9559, 9595, 9596, 9669. 9696, 9697, 9779, 9797, 9798, 9889, 9898, 9899, 9999, on payment of fee of rupees 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) for each registration mark, For reservation of any other number not specified in sub-clause (a). (b) and (c) of this rule within thousands numbers from the last number assigned in serial order on payment of a fee of Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) for each registration mark. (2) The registering authority while reserving the registration mark on the application of any person shall strictly adhere to the following guidelines :- @) (b) The registering authority shall reserve the registration mark on the basis of “first come first served” principle. If there is more than one application on a day for particular registration mark as specified above the reservation of registration mark shall be done in accordance with the serial number on the cash receipt regarding payment of the amount of fee. ferry 55a aierenal Pera, 1994 79 (1) ofrecer Fare aw 101, 111, 123, 200, 202, 220. 333, 345, 400, 404. 444. 456, 500. 555, 567 707, 777. 785, 789, 800, 808, 882, 900 99, 105 b. HOUL, 11N1, 112, 1212, 1213, 1221, 1234, 1313, 1314, 1331, 1414, 1415, 1515, 1516, 1616, 1617, 1661. 1717, 1718, 1771, 1818, 1819, 1881. 1919, 1929, 1991, 2000, 2002, 2020, 2021, 2112, 2121, 2122, 2222, 2223, 2323, 2324, 2332, 2345, 2424, 2425, 2442, 2525, 2526, 2552, 2626, 2627, 2662, 2727. 2728, 2772, 2828. 2829, 2889, 2929, 2930, 2992, 3000, 3003, 3030, 3113, 3131, 3132, 3223, 3232, 3233, 3333, 3334, 3434, 3435, 3443, 3456, 3535, 3536, 3553, 3636, 3637, 3663, 3737, 3738, 3773, 3838, 3839, 3883, 3939, 3940, 3994, 4000, 4004, 4040, 4041, 4114, 4141, 4142, 4224, 4242, 4243, 4334, 4343, 4344, 4444, 4445, 4545, 4546, 4554, 4567, 4646, 4647, 4664, 4747, 4748, 4774, 4848, 4849, 4884, 4949, 4950, 4994, 5000, 005, 5050, 5051, 5115, $151, $152, 5225, 5252, 5253, 5335, 5353, 5354, 5445, 5455, 5555, $556, 5656, 5657, 566. 5859, 5885, 5959, 5960, 5995, 6000, 6006, 6060, 606 1, 6116, 6161, 6162, 6226, 6262, 6263, 6336, 6363, 6364, 6446, 6464, 6465, 6558, 6565, 6666. 6667, 6767, 6768, 6776, 6789, 6869, 6886, 6969, 6970, 6996, 7000, 7007, 7070, 7071, 7117, 7172, 7227, 1272, 7273, 7337, 7373, 7374, 7447, 1474, 7475, 7557. 7575, 1576, 1667, 7676, 7677, 7177, 7778, 7878, 7887, 7979, 7980. 7997, 8000, 8008, 8080, 8081, 8181, 8182, 8228, 8282, 8283, 8338. 8383, 8384, $448, 8484, 8558, 8585, 8586, 8668, 8686, 8687, 8778, 8787, 8788, 8888, 8889, 8989, 8998, 9000, 9009, 9090, 9091, 9119, 9191, 9192, 9229, 9292, 9293, 9339, 9394, 9449, 9495, 9559, 9595, 9596, 9669, 9696, 9697, 9779, 9797, 9798, 9889, 9898, 9899, 9999 & smear & ere ued efanesrascar Fee 8g %. 10,000 (&. eer gaMe) At hte a dey ee AT | (3) sagan aegis faa ae sift amie & gan sui vet Pet ar soni orearer fare, st ga Pram & ages (m7), (a) a (11) WPA ae Fever rar 8, acces efarectascer Fare 3 fer er 2,000 (8. tem) Ba a ary aT | (2) tae ofan, fret oafaa & onder oe efrctaanr fee ar sama ae arr, Perfor arigetss Riel aot aeré a segue a: (%) iene oiftrand “gen srsit wena’ & aia onan a rar Fag amie atm | (&) ae aime PaP Rc Faire eestor fee bf, uae fear oe a sate «ra Ba fara Rag a eae, ta He eed aaah tha a agente & sagan farm are | 4 234, 300, 103, a. “00, 80 © (4) © © (a) (©) '|5S-A. made in writing by any person to the registering authority for reservation of registration mark, the registering authority shall reserve the registration mark in the following manner :- (b) - Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 55A The registration mark reserved shall be allotted on production of the vehicle alongwith the application in Form-20 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and when the vehicle is found complying with the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and the rules made thereunder for registration of a Motor Vehicle. The reservation of registration mark shall stand automatically cancelled if the vehicle is not produced for allotment of registration number within three months from the date of reservation of registration mark. The amount of the fee paid for reservation of registration mark shall not be refundable. The registration mark cancelled under clause (d) can be re-reserved by the registering authority in accordance with the above procedure. ] Chhattisgarh State Amendment Allotment of registration mark -- (1) On receipt of an application Registration marks from 01 to 09 in any series prevalent within the jurisdiction of registering authority; shall be reserved on payment of fee of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) for each registration mark. For reservation of registration mark from number 10 to 100 in any series prevalent within the jurisdiction of the registering authority, on payment of fee of Rs. 12,000/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand) for each registration mark. ‘ For reservation of registration mark number, 101, 111, 123, 200, 202, 222, 234,300, 303, 333, 345, 400, 404, 444, 456, 500, 505, 555, 567, 600, 606, 666, 678, 700, 707, 777, 786, 789, 800, 808, 888, 900, 909, 999, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1111, 1112, 1212, 1213, 1221, 1234; 1313, 1314, 1331, 1414, 1415, 1441, 1515, 1516, 1551, 1616, 1617, 1661, 1717, 1718, 1771, 1818, 1819, 1881, 1919, 1929, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2020, 2021, 2112, 2121, 2122, 2222, 2223, 2323, 2324, 2332, 2345, 2424, 2425, 2442, 2525, 2526, 255%, 2626, 2627, 2662, 2727, 2728, 2772, 2828, 2829, 2882, 2929, 2930, 2992, 3000, 3003, 3030, 3113, 3131, 3132, 3223, 3232, 3233, 3333, 3334, 3434, 3435, 3443, 3456, 3535, 1. Inserted by Notification No, 475/TrD.’2001 dated the 6th August, 2001. Published in C.G. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 6-8-2001 ai ,xtges 352 (1-2). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. forera 55% mererar ferent, 1994 81 (") orfare tarciaun fag a order, Hatta ier a fran, 1980 eT 20 W oreies ars ar sega fae ry ge ae ler & iar % fre Wize afefem, 1988 sit sek seh are te at saat ae TU TY IE PaRAT ATCT | arf fretaror Pere & arrearon at ares Bcf ret 3 aftere ar ay ahs apron & nro & fere gege ae Paver sre 2 ht orecianeer fae aor once a: STOTT | afarediancer fag & ones & fare daa fer At cam fee et ett | wavs (4) andia cette sateen amr sogaa siren & agen Ge: arate fare Sit Bema 8 1] () (@) (7) ‘Iss. totter Ring at arrest -- (1) crectncr anftrard crecircot Fre a orreeror & fore fapett sft ote ara feria 8 sraaa-ca ora aS, eres ofa refer FR Before Pars omer at -- utteng wea datet aPrecharcor saftrenne) A saftrenrfca & Here carey ne it ahdtst 01 & 09 am & retaacr Prel & acer Bg e447 15,000/- (ead xe EIR) etter efarectenamr fre & fore pra ane ot arrefixe Fea STU | afarestancor onftranrdt at aaftreerftar 3 sftere arey Parat oft ats F 10 F 100 waa erecicnerr Feral & saree Bg Baa 12,000/- (waa ANE BAR) eter erecta Rig & fare pra eet aR Pag ST | arta Rae sie 101 & 9999 ae Preferitaa seen eParectaneer rat & sre Bq BIT 10,000/- (aaa IT) YA Hey STEP Papa HTB 101, 111, 123, 200, 202, 222, 234, 300, 303, 333, 345, 400, 444, 456, 500, 505, 555, 567, 600, 666, 678, 700, 707, 777, 786, 789, 800, 808, 888, 900, 909, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1111, 1112, 1212, 1213, 1221, 1234, 1313, 1314, 1331, 1414, 1415, 1515, 1516, 1616, 1617, 1661, 1717, 1718, 171, 1818, 1819, 1881, 1919, 1929, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2020, 2021, 2112, 2121, 2122, 2222, 2223, 2323, 2324, 2332, 2345, 2424, 2425, 2442, 2525, 2526, 2552, 2626, 2627, 2662, 2727, 2728, 2772, 2828, 2829, 2882, 2929, 2930, 2992, 3000, 3003, 3030, 3113, 3131, 3132, 3223, 3232, 3233, 3333, 3334, 3434, 3435, 3443, 3456, 3535, 3536, 3553, 3636, 3637, 3663, 3737, 3738, 3773, 3838, 3839, 3883, 3939, 3949, 3993, 4000, 4004, 4040, 4041, 4114, 1. safrepersnrie 475 /af. 8. /2001 Rien 6 arr, 2001 eI sree seenfa | wears cg (SATII) feet 6-8-2001 9% 351-352(1) TAA | dae oehors wee A ET Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 55A (4) 3536, 3553, 3636, 3637, 3663, 3737, 3738, 3773, 3838, 3839, 3883, 3939, 3940, 3993, 4000, 4004, 4040, 4041, 4114, 4141, 4142, 4224, 4242, 4243, 4334, 4343, 4344, 4444, 4445, 4545, 4546, 4554, 4567, 4646, 4647, 4664, 4747, 4748, 4774, 4848, 4849, 4884, 4949, 4950, 4994, 5000, 5005, 5050, 5051, 5115, S151, 5152, 5225, 5252, 5253, 5335, 5353, 5354, 5445, 5455, 5555, 5556, 5656, 5657, 5665, 5678, 5757, 5758, 5775, 5858, 5859, 5885, 5959, 5960, 5995, 6000, 6006, 6060, 6061, 6116, 6161, 6162, 6226, 6262, 6263, 6336, 6363, 6364, 6446, 6464, 6465, 6556, 6565, 6666, 6667, 6767, 6768, 6776, 6789, 6868, 6869, 6886, 6969, 6970, 6996, 7000, 7007, 7070, 7071, 7117, 7171, 7172, 7227, 7272, 7273, 7337, 7373, 7374, 7447, 7474, 7475, 1557, 7575, 7576, 7667, 7676, 7677, 7777, 7778, 7878, 7887, 7979, 7980, 7997, 8000, 8008, 8080, 8081, 8182, 8228, 8282, 8283, 8338, 8383, 8384, 8448, 8484, 8558, 8585, 8586, 8668, 8686, 8687, 8778, 8787, 8788, 8888, 8889, 8989, 8998, 9000, 9009, 9090, 9091, 9119, 9191, 9192, 9229, 9292, 9293, 9339, 9394, 9449, 9494, 9495, 9559, 9595, 9596, 9669, 9696, 9697, 9779, 9797, 9798, 9889, 9898, 9899, 9999, on payment of fee of rupees 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) for each registration mark. For reservation of any other number not specified in sub-clause (a), (b) and (c) of this rule within thousands numbers from the last number assigned in serial order on payment of a fee of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) for each registration mark. (2) The registering authority while reserving the registration mark on the application of any person shall strictly adhere to the following guidelines :- (a) (b) ©) (d) The registering authority shall reserve the registration mark on the basis of ‘first come first served’ principle. If there is more than one application on a day for particular registration mark as specified above the reservation of registration mark shall be done in accordance with the serial number on the cash receipt regarding payment of the amount of fee. The registration mark reserved shall be allotted on production of the vehicle alongwith the application in Form-20 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and when the vehicle is found complying with the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and the rules made thereunder for registration of a Motor Vehicle. The reservation of registration mark shall stand automatically cancelled if the vehicle is not produced for allotment of registration number within three months from the date of reservation of registration mark. forerat 55% aitezerar ferera, 1994 83 (3) cu) (7) 4141, 4142, 4224, 4242, 4243, 4334, 4343, 4344, 4444, 4445, 4545, 4546, 4554, 4567, 4646, 4647, 4664, 4747, 4748, 4774, 4848, 4849, 4884, 4949, 4950, 4994, 5000, 5005, 5050, SOSI, S115, $151, 5152, 5225, 5253, 5335, 5353, 5354, 5445, 5454, 5455, 5555, 5556, 5656, 5657, 5665, 5678, 5757, 5758, 5775, 5858, 5859, 5885, 5959, 5960, 5995, 6000, 6006, 6060, 6061, 6116, 6161, 6162, 6226, 6262, 6263, 6336, 6363, 6364, 6446, 6464, 6465, 6556, 6565, 6666, 6767, 6768, 6776, 6789, 6868, 6869, 6886, 6969, 6970, 6996, 7000, 7007, 7070, 7071, 7117, 7171, 7172, 7227, 7272, 7273, 7337, 7373, 7374, 7447, 7474, 7475, 7557, 1575, 7576, 1667, 7676, 1677, 7777, 7778, 7878, 7887, 7979, 7980, 7997, 8000, 8008, 8080, 8081, 8182, 8228, 8283, 8338, 8383, 8384, 8448, 8484, 8558, 8585, 8586, 8668, 8686, 8687, 8778, 8787, 8788, 8888, 8889, 8989, 8998, 9000, 9009, 9090, 9091, 9119, 9191, 9192, 9229, 9292, 9293, 9339, 9393, 9394, 9449, 9494, 9495, 9559, 9595, 9596, 9669, 9696, 9697, 9779, 9797, 9798, 9889, 9898, 9899, 9999 | deh Peet cheer & area 8g st ea sofia & avs (=), (@) wen (1) ¥ faPifete seh &, omrearor’s fre organics Bs ape 3 ait i erga eee REST Herat & ser wets chaste crea 3 fare ev 2,000 Fa aT TATA YK sere Pas TET | (2)eRreener safer, feet ot sates 3 ares cer oe fet arti tear ay area ate are Preaferttas Rem Freatt ar aperg @ greta arr :- () ciara srftraertt cParectarcor siean aor arreeror germ amrait gery grat fraia S sree eT (a) ante feet com Fer rae aor Pace Pat fire cPoetancr ateaT Fer ca 8 satire onder et at rctecr den an ae, fhe At ar 35 eprars 3s date BY aig & sagan & organ fora are | desta ater ar Pe, 1989 % Perr 47 & anfta wew 20 sea ae A BL GT RET In size aaffia, 1988 ce se ola aT amy fae aor aera & forester & fare rea Pee a arr tRredhaco Pare andfed fret ster safe cPaecaremr Ferg & oreamr 8 at are 3 ere career cat Sarre fore ar at weg at faa are ah saratoga orreror arta Pies a sre 84 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 56 (e) The amount of the fee paid for reservation of registration mark shall not be refundable. (f) The registration mark cancelled under clause (d) can be re- reserved by the registering authority in accordance with the above procedure.) Comments The State Government is not empowered to fix any fees for registration of a motor vehicle -- Power is exclusively conferred on the Central Government under section 41(2) of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 -- Notification dated 15-2-2001 prescribing fee for grant of registration of a motor vehicle with a particular registration number is ultra vires to section 41(1) read with section 64 and is quashed to that extent, Rakesh Sethi Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh and others, 2009 (1) MPLJ 67 = 2009 (II) MANISA 148 (MP) = 2009 (2) Civil LJ 469 (MP) = 2008 (II) A.C.T. 341 (MP) =2008 (5) MPHT 181 (DB). 56. Re-assignment of Registration Number under certain conditions — (1) State Government may, by general or special order, direct all Registering ‘Authorities of the State, to reassign the new number under the Act, in place of number allotted under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1939 (No. 4 of 1939) in respect of all or any class of vehicles and also prescribe the manner and condition thereof, and the provision of sub-section (6) of section 41 of the Act shall apply in this respect. (2) State Government while issuing order under sub-rule (1), shall provide a reasonable time which shall not be less than six months within which the owner of such vehicle shall obtain new number. (3) No fee shall be charged for the assignment of new number under sub- rule (1), if the owner applies within the prescribed time. Where the application is received after the expiry of prescribed period, a late fee of Rs. 100/- shall be payable. Chhattisgarh State Amendment '[56. Re-assignment of Registration Number under ceriain conditions tate Government may, by general or special order, direct all Registering ‘Authorities of the State in their respective jurisdictio. to reassign the new number under the Act : (a) in place of number allotted under the Mote: Vehicles Act, 1939 (No. 4 of 1939); and (b) in place of number registered or assigned in Madhya Pradesh series, in respect ofall or any class of vehicles and also prescribed the manner and condition thereof, and the provision of sub-section (6) of Section 41 of the Act shall apply in this regard. (2) State Government while issuing order under sub-rule (1), shall provide a reasonable time, which shall not be less than four months within which the owner of such vehicle shal! obtain a new number. =xx(( 8 1. Substituted by Notification No. 788/Trans./2001 dated |-12-2001. Published in C.G. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 1-12-2001 Pages $40-540(1). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. frase aiterenat ferent, 1994 85 (&) reer fae & orrenn & fare aa tg a are et HT TTT | (a) sadaq ave (8) 3 aris Ree fear ver eRrediaior fae tener sguftremreh serch ame BIRT GA: SHTEPRT ae SAT |] feoreft IT BY Hh aT Baer fa aS Se ae eT A a a 8 —— eaPaT PF TT tex ara aftr, 9988 Ate 41 (2) 3% onela Soew eee yee 8 -- fevers career agra eres tee ar ar Paras aT BY Rae cht Pte ae aie ater 1 5-2-2001 at cafe nT 41(1) Beate Te 6a & aHfterreeter B afte ge eho oem sae | wet st wears w.. TT site Ba, 2009 (1) MPLJ 67 = 2009 (II) MANISA 148 (MP) = 2009 (2) Civil LJ 469 (MP) = 2008 (II) A.C.T. 341 (MP) = 2008 (5) MPHT 181 (DB). 56. aeftroer sraf & arefta circ tarcor avian arr YA: eae -- (1) AIA aftifrrr, 1939 (1939 a @. 4) Sy ore art 3 ar & arate aafrerr & ona ada Pareto aa gtr ae 3 fer, roe ae aT ar fry Saar aT THT ares Paar afarectacor sneak & aie atte see fore Rett ifr afte ere of Pater a want aon ge dae A afar A are a1 Assert (6) HITT TPL AHA | (2) gaffer (1) 3 ore onder art ae ere on, ter area aa att, a we ser 8 ar vee a hte Paes aftare A ar a at ara seni efor TT (3) afer (1) & api aaa am agate ae & fore, af eat Pfr errs strat aridea area 8, ang Gta afc ae At sre | ret nrc Pf arerratey ae ry 3 ara aret at at Bae 100/- rca fra aa ett | ortang asa detest Vise. anftrerer wre &s arefte efreg vr wetiee aT YA: MATAR ~— (1) TF BRAT Tea aT PRPS sere are ahaa srferanreh aat are PSeT at & fs arerht- arth cafeteria Ss site armed aT Pareto art art at F :- (&) em afta, 1939 (1939 aT a. 4) & oreita crater sariait & BF; se (ae) eager Pater 8 ears ar age seria Se eens ge APPT Soret ae ara Gr aAgaRra aR ae Te fer dif aor a fafa ee Ratt ge dae 8 afew FH ore 41 A sont (6) H sea ATT AT | (2) sre ersey arene aR (1) Bs area orre areh aee cer 8 va Der Para axe a it a Saar ae Ter aT TT re ate OR ar aor aT eT wT TANITA atl 1, softer ani 788 /aRt. (2001 Resta 1-12-2001 sere | aeterrg Taya (areTeTen) Rare 1-12-2001 J 540-540(1) oe srafaret | Brana erererg arse a TA Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 57-60 (3) No fee shall be charged for the assignment of new number under sub- tule (1). (4) After expiry of the time so fixed uncer sub-rule (2) the Registering Authority may initiate action against the defaulter vehicle under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 53 of the Act. (5) Where the registration certificate ofa vehicle is cancelled or suspended under sub-rule (4) the Competent Authority and/or officers may take action under Section 192 and 207 of the Act. (6) Where the owner apply for re-registration of a vehicle after expiry of the time so fixed under sub-rule (2), the Registering Authority may, require the owner to pay composition fee under Section 200 of the Act in lieu of any action that may be taki: against him under sub-rule (4) and (5) and also deposit the registration fee !.acer rule 81 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, and then reassign the number] '[57. Exemption from Registration — The State Government may, by notification at any time direct that any motor vehicle or class of vehicles shall be exempted from the requirement of this chapter. ] Rule 57 Applicable in Chhattisgarh 57. Exemption of Road Roller, Graders And Other Vehicles — (1) Nothing contained in Chapter IV of the Act shall apply to road roliers, graders and other vehicles designed and used solely for the construction, repair and cleaning of roads. (2) State Government may by notification at any time exempt any motor | vehicle from the provisions of this chapter. 58. Supply of copy of particulars of Registration — Any person may obtain a copy of particulars of registration from the Registering Authority on payment of fee specified in rule 62. 59. Notice of alteration of Motor Vehicle — (1) The notice of alteration of motor vehicle by the owner of motor vehicle to the Registering Authority in accordance with sub-section (1) of section 52 of the Act, shall be in Form M.P.M.V.R.-34 (B.T.L) (2) The Registering Authority may require the owner to produce motor vehicle before him or his nominee, for the purpose of verification of alteration in the vehicle and shall record the verified particulars in the registration certificate. 60. Intimation Regarding Stolen/recovered Motor Vehicies — (1) An officer-in-charge of the police station where the theft of a motor vehicle is reported by the owner or any other person in possession of the vehicle, shi immediately after the registration of an offence send intimation to the S?ate Transport Authority in Form M.P.M.V.R.-35 (MVT) and send a copy thereof te the Registering Authority where the vehicle is registered. 1, Substituted by Notification No. F-22-158-2005-VIII dated ie 19th January, 2006. Published in MBP. Rajpatra (Asatharan) dated 19-1-2006 Pages 84-84(1) [)] *[()] e076 Ftsrera (1) seta ase dara a oT A AHEM, ATL SUA aT aetentor aT, (@) err 79 & sretty ares aT Ske Hig CAT, AbaRROT aRCAT aT ATS aT; (7) amr a1 & oreita are arr sagaraa ar aehianeor aaear; (3) ont 93 & oria ce aS gat ema eT ae a A Sg TE wT; (S) ORT 86 % arly sgaraa ar Prorat se at gar ore AY TET (5) ¥ STAT Se OTH B aA TS og STR HY aa HT ; (=) enfeerie, emt 87 3 area ar ent gs St ogee (7) ae (8) % anh, STRAY SAAT HSL HCI aT He aT @ Sane BUT; (8) enrgs Stsvera (1) ares sere segura ot aeeaTeN HEAT AT ge rer ait arene (1) ae (3) arta ere steer aT saa oe eT; (=) arr 88 A sree (12) & sea are ad eer eee Sag a ACT, sahecor ait Sart CT; (@) fram 120 132% anf afeeiatt A agate sg aor, ger FETT adhere er ar fia 128 & onfia aigafta Probar ac ar sae oem & Froar & aes 3 we sa org 1g ORT aay TET: Weg aeriterfe sree, afae aT were aia -- 1. sHftqerarsenias 660 /afeawt/ 2002 ferie 18 Geng, 2002 err siereTeeT| arftarg acs (stare) fetis 18-7-2002 9 359 qeNatta | dae otters rere rar 2. aaftgaar saris wr- 1 -6/2009-a13 Rais 24 Taran, 2010 ART SATAN .F. THT (srATART) feats 24-11-2010 9 1196(5-7) serene) Hare eae ee A vee 3, siftreqera saien w-1-6/ 2009-3116 feats 24 ara, 2010 ENT ave (am) A GUE (aH) HeTT rebates fever mar | wg. craw (sree) fears 24-11-2010 FS 1196(5-7) oe gaa | Fas weauen ase a qT . Saw ortarg cera wa 104 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 67 (i) _ keep informed the Regional Transport Authority from time to time of the action taken by him in pursuance of the power delegated; and (ii) arrange to paste on a notice board on the premises of the office of the Regional Transport Authority a copy of every resolution of that Transport Authority delegating its power to him. 1((2) The Regional Transport Authority may also by general or special resolution delegate to a Collector of District the following powers, namely :— (a) (b) to grant temporary permit under clause (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 87 fora period of not more than seven days authorising the use of a Transport Vehicle temporarily within the State of Madhya Pradesh for— (i)__ the conveyance of passengers on special occasion, such as to and from fairs and religious gatherings; or Gi) transport of personal kit and luggage of an officer on transfer or transport of dead bodies; or (iii) transport of polling personnel and officers and carriage of ballot boxes and papers during the period of an election; To grant temporary permit under clause (e) of sub-section (1) of, Section 87 to be effective for a limited period which shall not, in any case, exceed four months, to authorise the use of a motor cab, maxicab and public service vehicle (State Carriage) to meet particular temporary need, under the following limitations and restrictions-- (i) _ that the permit shall be valid for the area or routes within the respective jurisdiction of a Collector of the district; (ii) that limitations and restrictions imposed and relaxation granted under nationalisation Schemes shall be strictly adhered to; (iii) that the applicanvowner of the Vehicle shall furnish no dues certificate of concerning Taxation Authority in respect of the Vehicle alongwith the application; (iv) that in case of any mistake in computation of distance or areas/ route or rate of tax applicable, the difference amount, if any, shall be payable by the owner in accordance with the provisions of Madhya Pradesh Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1991.] (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule a Regional Transport Authority may from time to time issue instructions to its Secretary, Additional Secretary or the Assistant Secretary or the Collector as to the manner, in which he shall exercise the powers delegated to him. 1. Substituted by Notification No. F.-22-64-97-V III dated 24-4-1998. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 25-4-1998 Pages 388-388 (1). ferera 67 aitexerat fereray, 1994 105 (cop) seerettfarernfac 3 orgereor A eras aren ht rg aerdarrg > Beate B oer oftaes often at area fea ae, aT (at) sreteras aftarea srfbraprt 2 aprafesa afeere F feore asa Gora Te TA ond arfae verre iia a dalle after siftreard & rete eaeT va gia Paaears A aaa eT | 1[(2) artfira oftawa giftranndt ararer ar fester dares are fare & arcaet ar Fira safeerett oft eared fire ae eT ~~ () err 87 Ht sourt (1) & Gs (#) ait (q@) & avi 7 fer a oars A apresratty & fea mexreer crs a athe - - (ome) Feats sraett 38 fe enti actrot 8 ane at ory STM, aT (@) errr 7 a are faett after 1 Pot aoa site aM ar gftaea oral ar oftaea, aT (aim) Rrataa At areraltr & ator naar & fifa cer sifted & afta ara ate, el fees ene seers eA SRT ASL FCT | eet 87 At start (1) Gs (S) & oes rere agers Patt fare srearet srrarzarran Ft gf 3 fee Alera wal ates Bar ara (Afrott St) ap arin Paar Sr feral Bg es aarott ol Pee & arelta OS aga elise aT SH ae THD H orftr Bonfire a wer A ewrerahe % feu gorett el) : (Ue) ae Pa organ fires aebace A ella oaftraathecr aha ar ar affee au emt; (a) ae Pe areas atserail & ores safeties oe Pretest site a ng a a ere & To EIT, (at) ae fe ondem a4 ca rae are ara aide Y aaiftra ee suiftrenndh ant orarafey THIOT-49 TRE LT; (am) ae fe aa/art A ett afer ae ede Far or ae A eT dar # ag fe OF ov ster A aftr ale aS 8, Tena Aree aaa sian, 1991 3 soak & aga a ant art or evT | (3) sa fran Formate factare daa gest orefire ohaes mitra, ara aa satiate, ofattaet afer ar mera afera a7 areata 3a AA sage ard ae Fait as ag, 38 serrate Ft 1g safe pr Tee UT | 1. SaferegSrr Ta O.-22- 64-97-ATs eae 24-4- 1998 STARRETT ALERT TTA ( SreTETTT) fearH 25-4-1998 % 388-388 (1) TAFT a 106 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 68-69 Chhattisgarh State Amendment '[(3) The Regional Transport Authority may also by general or special resolution delegate to an officer-in-charge of the transport check-post in its region, the power under sub-section (1) of Section 87 to grant temporary permit toa goods carriage for a period of one month or part thereof authorizing the use of a goods carriage of other State temporarily within the State of Chhattisgarh for transport of goods subject to the condition that such vehicle shall not be used for intra-state operation in Chhattisgarh : Provided that an officer-in-charge of the transport check-post shall keep informed the Regional Transport Authority and the Transport Commissioner from time to time of the action taken by him in pursuance of powers delegated and a list of all permits so issued shall be sent Provided further that before issue of temporary permit under this sub-rule the officer-in-charge of the transport check-post shall ensure that the taxes under the Chhattisgarh Motoryan Karadhan Adhiniyam, 1991 (No. 25 of 1991) are paid in respect of the vehicle for permit is to be issued by him. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the Regional Transport Authority may, from time to time, issue instructions to its secretary, additional secretary, assistant secretary, collector or an officer-in-charge of the transport check-post as to the manner in which he shall exercise the powers delegated to him.] Comments Power to grant or refuse to grant temporary permit can absolutely be delegated to the Secretary andnot otherwise. Mohammad Yakub Vs. Regional Transport Authority, Ujjain, 2013 (1) MPWN 126 (page 332) (DB). 68. Power of refusal to accept Applications for Permits — Where the State Government by notification in official Gazette directed the Transport Authorities to limit the number of stage carriages or contract carriages generally or of any specified type under sub-section (3) of section 71, or sub-section (3) of section 74 respectively and has limited the number of vehicles of any class for which permits may be granted in any specified area or on any specified route and has actually granted permits equal to the maximum number of vehicles of any class, in such area or as the case may be, on such route, the Regional Transport Authority shall notify this fact on the notice board of its office and may decline to receive any further applications for permits in respect of the class of vehicles in the area or on the route aforesaid. 69. Reservation of Permits for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes — (1) Where the number of stage carriage is fixed under sub-section (3) of section 71 the number of permits reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be 15 and 18 percent respectively. |. Substituted by Notfn. No. 668/Tr.D./2001 dated the 10th October, 2001. Published in C.G Rajpatra(Asadharan) dated 10-10-2001 Pages 470-470(1). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh, ferera68-69 wtewera fre, 1994 107 orhars tsa dire '[(3) arate aftaes sift arr ar ate dees art av Qa A oRaea aia aieht & sont arftrarty at emer 97 A some (1) & anit ser ase & me a, | Sdtarg cea Fare % ohare fot erat era auaindg, sat ania feteta | odtang Usa-arartan dares set ath, orf Bel & fore rere orga we ATE | Sera sae rT owe Ah ar a wee ST eg ae Fas are tre att ar ot arene reef ere 8 argo ge are i ng aorcareh & caer atta feces arene cs after area at aT fan atrreg ord farce 8a segaraay At eh Sar - eg ae Mi fis ee suftan 3 oeria creat srgaraa snd and & qd ahtaea aia cobeht aor serdh sifted ae fatter at Pe ares Rarer foe se are aaa sre ee sre day ¥ octane deca are afta, 1991 (a7 1991 a BAT 25) Sreetta wet oar Tas fear aT aT a (4) se Fra 8 sreafelee fave aret & ete ger ai, Softer afer onfhraertt aera_art cca aes, states afta, aeramatia, aeaet aT sae iach owl aiftrat abl ga Ofer 8 sagear srt stor fas, ree fe sat ere at ng eof an gate fava SrTe I] fect ore Sa ASR aC Srey Ha aA a Sa GE AY atta anita EU a ates at sreareh fara ft so ae 8 aor TTT ai | Whee ara aT Te Ares after wR, 38H, 2013 (I) MPWN 126 (page 332) (DB). 68. aamaay & fed andes vitog at & ga He wl whee -- sei AT: OAT 71 BY TTT (3) AT AAT 74 at STE (3) & aha UST aH aR oA T saftragerrr srtt ant aPteree sferenftelt a) ererercrar a Papeh Pars eare a afSreAt mnfSelt at Seer mifget at Bre afte ars & Peder fae 1 al othe Pee OS ant @ art at der shire ax hry eh, Freres feet Pett PAAR eee aha a fat ft Peer at fest anger tigy Fe at wee ef afte aay meee OY ata A a BS at ge Pave oft ah 3 art a onftrema area STAR SRG: SHIA Ho et 2A Tey eV ct ores hearer oro say arate 3 ET orm He tea aay erate st ite galas aa Far ant ae ary & se of ded argamay & fost amr ag oft order ora eB Sa ae AT | 69. agate aiferet wore arpa fara ara ofa & Peet argareay ar oneerot =~ (1) set eer 71 1 sta (3) Horta st A dear Facatt anc ®, at sgEPaT Stet aon qatar Sersifer > fet aarctina aeqaraat Al deat aur: 15 ite 1g sft art 1. afters 668 /5F% Fa. /2001 Rar 10 saa, 2001 aroheenhe| setters TaVA (STATETCT) Feri 10-10-2001 955 469-470 Trea | aware Tee A Ta 108 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 70 (2). The Transport Authority shall maintain a roster of stage carriage and contract carriage permits reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the same manner and as prescribed for the recruitment from these categories for the Government service. (3) Nosooner any vacancy of permit occurs, the Regional Transport Authority shall decide according to the roster whether it should be reserved for scheduled caste or scheduled tribe. If the vacancy is so reserved for scheduled castes or scheduled tribes, no applications from other categories of persons shall be considered against the reserved vacancy. (4) The vacancy or vacancies of permits reserved for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes shall be published in the official Gazette and in at least one Hindi News Paper circulating in the region, inviting applications from these categories on or before an appointed date. (5) In case no applications are received from the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes the permit shall be treated as unreserved and shall be granted to other persons. (6) The number of reserved permits granted to persons, not belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes during a calendar year shall be carried forward to the next year and added to the number reserved in that year for these categories but the number of reservations shall not exceed fifty percent of the total stage carriage permits, granted during a year. Also the number of reserved permits shall not be carried forward beyond one year after which they shall be considered as lapsed. 70. Matters for Consideration of Application for Stage Carriage or Contract Carriage Permit — In addition to the matters mentioned in clause (d) of sub- section (3) of Section 71 and clause (b) of sub-section (3) of Section 74, the Regional ‘Transport Authority may also have regard to the following matters, namely :— (a) that the applicant is an unemployed Graduate; (b) that he is displaced person affected by any development project; (c) that he is person whose stage carriage or contract carriage permit has been cancelled as a result of any nationalization scheme; or (d) that he is having a diploma in Automobile Engineering, Tourism or Transport management, from an institution recognised by the State Government; or (e) that he is a Travel Agent approved by the Indian Tourism Development Corporation or Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation; 'I()_ that a person makes as application for plying vehicle for ladies only on city routes; 1. Inserted by Notification No. F, 8-7-98-VIII dated the 6th January, 1999. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 6-1-1999 Page 26. fererat 70 : Arexerra ferera, 1994 109 (2) aPearger orftranrdh afro ret rer Senn erst amr area arte ren seer sersmet 3 Feed saree onary aor heat elt Aer A cea ite Sha Fas ga Afra fo caer BaF suet & fea fea fear rar 2 (3) Sa St orqarea A ate feta abet 8 a at orafirw oheaer teat} yA Fe fafieaa atm Pe ae s@ aeqafare snfa aren saga fea seroma & feral saver fara sare | ate ing fate ger wamre sapere rfactor aaqegfere strate & fos arr & at srr Referee we Sot safer B grea reer Ie rare wet PavAs | (4) segattre sife aor orga setae & feet arene segura at Refer ar cera at frat anther ah ar see ga gash Ara 3 order arreter aeet & fore Tora a weer A oftanttea aon & apr ws feet ara-9a H gah aeTeTT | (5) af argegfine infer ar sxqeafere erates a oof & aS orca area et ete at Borges ora FTF oT ie oer sara a sige Pay oT (6) aeqgefera sift ae ager srrenfe & Ra eatery at Reeth com Seetoar af dtr ied omere agar aig Pac ord gett chem art ae AS srt sree oA ga Aa % fed saad 8 ota dear a aS sree Peg are Ht dea se at & ahr Fe Afra argh agave tag go dem cera afters & aftr at eh | GH a & ora carafe argaroeit ait crear aft arr ak & feo wet B STG STAY, rer ova a oar EU ary ara 70. afweitargt arden mst aryaras & aaa ot Rerare wet aeiaht ferare =~ ere 71 AL goer (3) Favs (2) eae 74 FI svar (3) & avs (a) Fale eat as onfattar sere after aiftrantt Preteen feet ar sft eat car, avai -- (&) ae fe odes tren BST; (a) are fa fereemrte cate & sit Pepett Parone feito & wena ey, (1) ae fa ae Car oats 8, reer fare met ar Sar ast at Segara Fett Upstaga GAH % aftorrreare ee Femara a; aT (a) ae fe ae aes aa a Ore ae feet Gen & siactage, sia, open ar oftaea craear Ff feceitar Al aay area aa a; (&) ae Pa errecta vier ferare Fore ar eae wie Feraora Form are sega oe wae e, Ta) ae fe safae at arity anit oe eae afeorsil & feat a wert & fest aTaer LAT 2; 1. aftregarami wr. 8-7-9816 Reaien6 sad, 1999 aRTsia- Refs | REAReT TSA (BTTERTT) Peri 6-1-1999 9S 26 WaT | 110 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 70A (g) that widow or a divorced woman who applies to ply vehicle on city routes; (h) that the owners of mini buses belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Ciasses and Minority Communities who have been provided mini buses by giving loans under different schemes by the State Government while making application for a permit; (i) that the beneficiaries under clause (h) while applying for mini bus permit for Mahanagariya Service routes.] Chhattisgarh State Amendment '170-A. Guiding principles for grant and renewal of Stage Carriage Permits — (1) To ensure safety and convenience of travelling passengers, routes shall be classified at follows :— (a) Short route which coversa distance of not more than *[100] Kms., one way, (b) Medium route which covers a distance of over 7[100] Kms, but not exceeding 7(200] Kms, one way, and (©) Long route which covers a distance of more than *[200] Kms, one way. (2) The grant and renewal of Stage Carriage Permit shall be subject to the following provisions :— (i) __No Stage Carriage Permit shall be granted or renewed on long routes if— (a) The vehicle is more than ?[12] years old from the date of initial registration; (b) The seating capacity of such vehicle is :— (One) Less than 35 seats in case of deluxe bus excluding driver and conductor : Provided that in respect of deluxe sleeper coach or deluxe semi-sleeper coach the above restriction of seats shall not be applicable. (Two) Less than [35] seats in case of ordinary bus excluding driver and conductor, subject to the provision of sub- rule (3) of Rule 158 of this rules : 1. Added by Notification No. 620/a@./af€./2011 dated the 18th May, 2011. Published in C.G. Rajpatra Part | dated 17-6-2011 Pages 976-977. Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. 2. Subs. by Notification No. F-5-15/VII-Tr./2012 dated the 19th April, 2012. Published in C.G. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 19-4-2012 Pages 194-194(1). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. end I ferent 70% wiewera fre, 1994 1 (8) ae fe eer ar comreger after si ater anit ax art ear & fire ake ant 2; ) ae fr orqatar safe, sagafin serene, Reet arf aan sree eee fart ae & eantelt a ee anges & fed omer ae nase aa A fears eet oneia aeor gra ae fit at soos aeard 1S &, () 4 fa sa fecmrét, ave (a1) S snfia nent dar aif & fe fit aa ora By ora ae I] orteng usa datert 'T70-=. See arent & orfire at edt ea aeftencor tq antes feraia -- (1) abet bt gear oat gfe ghia ae & fase art a aefiane Perea far ae (&) oy arf ee ai a faeht a 2[100] fart. Batter ae 2, (@) wean anf om sie & fraht et 2[100] Pst. & arte faq [200] frat. & often ae 8, | (4). def aol eas ated Peat at2|200) fash, Bate (2) sabe ares 3 oft ft catepfe ea aaittazo Retfetad sastet orerita em :- (We) aig sam aerate, def ont eetiga sera adtttace vf arr, | aft-- (%) arer are iste Revie 8 2[12] ant & settee guetta; (@) Ware A ace am :- (Ge) are eS aia A Sle Sieae ae HAMAS A 35 Hea | are: 4eq sleay sr ara sere divaa afar ste Hae Agee | afte dai fai com al 1 | (@) aro ed ater at age aren ae AMS H [a5] l | | ale & am at, ot ss Pert & Baw iss Sh aa-Ran (4) 5 saat & arent et: 1. stftreperr antes 620/aa5. /af. /2011 Rata ISHS, 2011 Tag AAT! BT. ATT ev 1 Petia 17-6-2011 Yes 1055-1056 oe WaT ETL das ovens usa F rq 2. arfiregeer ania qa-s-15 /ara—afe. /2012 Rete 19 arte, 2012 gre afteenfre | B.1. TaTet (aTaTENTUT) Reis 19-4-2012 TS 194-1941) WEEN | dae ortere wera sqm! 112 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 70A Provided that the above provisions shall be subject to the provisions of Reciprocal Transport Agreement if any, with the neighbouring States, in respect of age of the vehicle and seating capacity. (ii) No Stage Carriage Permit shall be granted or renewed on medium routes if ~ (a) The vehicle is more than '[15] years old from the date of initial registration; (b) The seating capacity of vehicle is 130] or less than '[30] excluding the driver and conductor, subject to the provision of sub-rule (3) of Rule 158 of these rules : Provided that in respect of 2[deluxe bus] the deluxe sleeper coach or deluxe semi-sleeper coach the above restriction of seats shall not be applicable Provided further that the above provision shall be subject to the provisions of Reciprocal Transport Agreement if any, with the neighbouring States, in respect of age of the vehicle and seating capacity. (iii) No Stage Carriage permit shall be granted or renewed on short route if the vehicle is more than '[15] years old from the date of initial registration : Provided that the above provision shall be subject to the provisions of Reciprotal Transport Agreement if any, with the neighbouring States, in respect of age of the vehicle and seating capacity, (iv) A Stage Carriage Permit granted under these rules shall be deemed to be invalid from the date on which stage carriage covered by the permit completes '[12] years in case of long route, "[15] years in case of medium route and '[15] years in case of short route, unless such stage carriage is replaced within Fifteen days from the date of expiry by the permit holder. Where the permit holder fails to replace the vehicle within Fifteen days he shall surrender the permit for cancellation in the office of permit granting Authority. (3) The provisions of sub-rule (1) and (2) of this Rule shall apply to a Stage Carriage Permit granted prior to the coming into force of this rule after a period of Twenty Four months from the date of the publication of this Rule in the Official Gazette. 1. Subs. by Notification No. F-5-15/V I11-Tr/2012 dated the 19th April, 2012. Published in C.G. Rajpatra (.\sadharan) dated 19 4-2012 Pages 194-194(1). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh, ‘ 2. Ins. by Notification No. F-S-15/V IlI-11/2012 dated the 19th April, 2012. Published in C.G. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 19-4-2012 Pages 194-194(1). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. fren 70% aierera Birt, 1994 113 eg saa aes Tele Tea a are create oftarer ancien, af ane &, aed 1 ong sik dam aa 3 dae Feet srerta ert (8h) wea an oe gare aren afte ea ar aeittopa at Pat at, af (ae) ares aries sha Ravan [1 5] ad & caer ger, (@) sre Us aise Ft wlgar ares At dae amet '[30] sreaT "[30] & aay eb, ga Pant & fram 158(3) & aactit & arena am: Wed [Slee aa] dloge see # re sera Sosa ani-ge aay Te Aft saa de aah oftere ory aed er : | rege Sia Pas sae greta St eA 3 ae oT atta Bere, | af arg @, ater A ong ott daa amar aa F gaan & | senda er | (it) og arr oe oem are eRe etapa ar attra aed Pant STAM, af area ore ore caida Rea a [15] at a satire Get a: eg Fae aE Tate Sa S are ores ahaes asthe, ae a et, ave Slang ott sox aman & dae H grat & senda err | (SIR) go Pranit & refi ettepet gape ares oefire se Fafer & offre et ng art oreft, sta afte & srreenfee oan ares def ant ares F | 12] ad gol a ach &t, memati ¥ [15] af, sdcaet ant am '[15] a got ax oct a, sare Pe oeRreart are Sear amie Rati owe fare & flee eft sane aren at feeontita ae Pen aren, ake set aera oe Rar & ster area afteantic aa # aaa ear’, dae aera srt ant are mrfreardt arafose H tet aefire at Fret act Ree afta tar (3) 3a fram & sofa (1) et (2) a oreera ga Rey & os 8 gees A ahr 3 2a are oh epee & oe se Fra Bs oe a 3 el eltgpa ga are ee aT aT, ary 1, aftreagear antes ym-s-15 /srrs-af, /2012 Reve 19 atte, 2012 are ghreetfirr 1 B.1T, Taras (seaTeUT) Fears 19-4-2012 Fes 194-194(1) We TENET aw ohare wat ra 2. efter matte es-s-15 /aTe-a0, /2012 Rata 19 ante, 2012 ‘ate staseartirt | B., Tata (aT) Feats 19-4-2012 TS 194-194(1) we Tanfirer | daw wets Taw aR —~S 114 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 71-72 (4) Powers of State Government to grant relaxation — The State Government may grant relaxation, partially or completely by order in respect of particular area or particular type of vehicles from one or any of the above conditions, giving reasons in writing.] 71. Route Motorability — (1) The State Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authority as the case may be, may while considering an application for grant of stage carriage permit, may ensure the motorability of route with specific reference to condition of road, existence of bridges, culverts thereon and other obstructions in safe operation of stage carriage. Such authority while ascertaining the motorability of route, may obtain survey report thereof from any subordinate officer not below the rank of Transport Inspector of the Transport Department. (2) Each survey report as referred to in sub-rule (2) shall consist of the following points — (a) Physical survey of route by the Surveying Officer; (b) Actual distance between enroute Villages/Towns; (c) Topography of road and various obstructions and constraints in safe operation of stage carriage; and (d) Opinion regarding safe operation of service on the route. 72. Forms of Application For Permits — (1) Every application for grant or renewal of a permit in respect of any transport vehicle shall be in one of the following forms that is to say— (a) in respect of a stage carriage or reserve stage carriage permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-42 (SCPA); (b) in respect of a contract carriage Form M.P.M.V.R.-43 (CCPA); (c)_ in respect of a goods carriage in Form M.P.M.V.R.-44 (GCPA); (d) in respect of a temporary permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-45 (TPA); (e) in respect of 4 private service vehicle permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.- 46 (PSVPA); and () in respect of a special permit in Form M.P.M.\.R.-47 (SPA). (2) The application shall be addressed to the State Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authority as the case may be and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in rule 145. (3) The application for stage carriage permit or reserved stage carriage permit as required under sub-section (1) of section 70 shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely :— (a) anauthentic route map alongwith certitied distance between various stages and certificate regarding motorability of the route from the departments which have control over such road; (b) certificate from Registering Authority containing make, model and seating capacity of the vehicles owned hy the applicant at the time of making the application: ferera7 1-72 aitewera Pret, 1994 115 | (4) Ter erent a ge 2a AY ofan -- ose aren fret sty as steer te | ares & are & ciate Hf orifrs wy Sar got we as aay onter are Resta Y anit ar Bee HS EC HHT A g MTT A Boe ar Pah a a aT a aA |] 71. tetany ara ater ard -— (1) aenfterft, aoa aftaea srfrent ar ores feces seat start are sigan At sig & Fer onar e Brare ara Ee ages A FAS Be Rrra gel, Gfesey cre sieht mrt Ss fire rere fest ara analy Reda deat Batter sere ry ate art era Pa ave ado, ea srfRreerat aiee aos sy aoe at a Shar gifted any, ger arr chs fare onctaeer aired @, st afte rads otter Pitter A og Soh 2 8 ara a, arftraea at aaa | (2) safer (2) 3 arent arcs aeerr rd 3 Prater fag ett -- (%) eaenr sifted grr ant a sife afer, (@) ant & mea gt ard oat amit a areatare ae; (7) art Bt siiihfees cer aon cftrett met 3 aetna were B os9 arctt afirs arent oa stgay, 3ftt (3) arf ocdare qefita pares & at toe 72. agai & ford ordter—-or a ree -- (1) faett gawd daira Sagar & eetrphe ar aateneor 3 ford artes sare —aa Rreafetiaa ea 8 a Patt coe re (#) feet argh ar mfr Pret mgt orqaraa & day X veg OF. Got. aR, -42 (GATT, ); (@) Sfser set ay A gag oH... 43, (adie); (7) are ated & ete F wee wy on aA. -44 (atati.c,); (9) seer srgarca & date ceo oh. wrat.sme-45 (4.f.2.); (S) sete Bea are 3 siete ¥ gre on... ae. -46 (ch. aet Fh.) ait (a) fete aqgrer & dee H gee ores. ome. -47 (,) 1 (2) sree, aenfea, cee afeares srrantt ar gree oaea snftrannt at dette Pesan irom aor Frat 145 3 fatitéee te dora At srctt | (3) SIRT 70 Bt SeeT (1) 3 ores are Rae me one sie MT aT aT are oA rt aA 3 saree Preafosas ceca at se Pe sre, aatg-- (3%), FRI sry 3 arr cg eft sentir ah 3s eer art ast seeftras ae aT AF Sort a ate art & aide 8 ge Rit ar gaT-aa Rvaer BA arf ae Friaor 8; (a) efaregtener sateen are ard sata, frail arte 33 ener ares Fanfics & art a ttm, afew oft dows errant ae ay; 116 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 73 (c) details of the stage carriage and reserved stage carriage permits already held by the applicant: (d) no dues certificate issued by the Regional Transport Officer concerned; (e) declaration duly certified by an officer of the Madhya Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation authorised by the Managing Director about the portion and distance of the route covered by any nationalization scheme; and (f) any other information as may be required by the Transport Authority. Comments If the required documents for grant of new permit is not provided then new permit cannot be granted in favour of the petitioner. M/s. Shyam Bus Service Vs. State ‘Transport Appellate Tribunal, 2011 (II) MPJR-SN 23. State carriage permit -- though provisions of Rule are not mandatory yet permit cannot be granted to a defaulter -- appellant in arrears of dues of taxes ete. -- permit rightly refused. 2001 (2) JLJ 392, relied on. Kishan Vs. State of M.P. and others, 2008 (11) MPWN 72 (page 220). Application for Stage Carriage Permit -- Submission of no dues certificate along, with application for permit -- Not mandatory but must be submitted before consideration of the application for grant of permit. Ram Kishan Vs. State of M.P., 2007 (3) MPLJ 190. Application for temporary permit -- Compliance of necessities. M.P. State Road ‘Transport Vs. State of Chhattisgarh, 2003 (2) MPHT 42 (C.G.) = 2003 (1) CGLJ 222. See also -- Bundelkhand Travels Vs. State of M.P., 1996 (1) MPWN 172 = 1996 MPLJ 1104. 73. Form of Permits — (1) Every permit shall be in one of the following forms that is to say :-— (a) _ in respect of Stage Carriage or reserve stage carriage permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-48 (SCP) or Form M.P.M.V.R.-43A (RSCP)as the case may be; (b) in respect of a contract carriage permit Form MP.M.V.R.-49 (CCP); (c) _ inrespect ofa goods carriage permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-50 (GCP); (d) in respect of a temporary permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-51 (TP): (e) in respect of private service vehicle permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.- 52 (PSVP); (f) in respect of a special permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-53 (SP); (g) _inrespect of a tourist vehicle permit in Form M.P.M.V.R.-54 (TYP); (h) in respect of a National Permit in Form M.P.M.V.R. -55 (GCNP). (2) Every permit shall be issued on such water paper as may be specified by the Transport Commissioner and shall be printed in form as specified in sub-rule (1) in different colours for different category of permits and shall be numbered in book serially. > ferent 73 atewara freA, 1994 117 (5) sees are Ga F erie afte ret atk arrears ifstest ret aaa a1 fra, (&) Seiftre mre ofeares aaftrane are set fear car “ang aera ae”? a SAT-TF ; . (&) Pratt aegiage eaite & sentra are art a rer ae at eter aT BT oifRrepe meme Tee afters Fare & aaftrenrdt aver aafteearottascer ae BerE eo a entra ste; (a) Oat at arent Set fee aftaea aftr ere artfiza aff sre | Feorett af ae aefite gars at & fora are aerate srereN et aR TA A TPH a eT var afte ger vel Peat ot wear | Reed vere we afta aaa ez ciauté anftde feaqae, 2011 (II) MPJR-SN 23. aifartt argh ar organs -- seh soa otras et 8 cent afta at orqan-oa wera AT fare Sat Baber ~~ oreftesrelf ot Bar ax fy apr ~~ atqaTUA dte-et ga Far TAT! 2001 (2) F.0G.8, 392, Sao | are AAT HT, THT BiH BTHT, 2008 (II) MPWN 72 (page 220). siferett mst organ & fer rag ~~ argues & order & arey—arer a at wT BT TAF TA UAT ~~ saa ae fey STATA Gers HUA Heel ardae Tt ra ae a ei sega er etn | wer Pavert ware reaver tsa, 2007 (3) 1901 wear afte & fest ardes -- srearraarsit ar aque | ww. Tee eee aftesa ware Uetrearng Tee, 2003 (2) war.ct.wa.zt. 42 (8.1) = 2003 (1) B.7. TH. 2221 we Whaat -- Rods taeg 77.7. Ty, 1996 (1) WAST. 172 = 1996 1104 | 73. agaTaay & sew -- (1) wera sigarea Reafesftad vec AS fet cH ved em, sata :- (a) Hie mgt ar srnfiae afiet gt aganes & dee FY aerate, ver wr Aoraetom.- 48 (CaA.) a oes oho atam 430 (ance tt.) a; . (@) sarmst dara geo oF. (aA) A; (1) Fe ar Hgaea & dae ge CHA. aA. .-50 (HT a.) (8) sree aggrea dae HF wer aH. ft aradtom.-5f (a) By; . (8) grade dar as agaray } ade T peg wet. am. -52 (fie eae.) (@) Fete areas & eater Ff ee ot 281.3. -53 (Ua. (8) Ghar ar agar & ate A es WH Fhe eh ae. 54 (AeA. (SH) wsdta ayares & ware F eT OH. oH. Mt. 3-55 (Aah) #1 (2) sean agarea 8a serra ot ord eter Sar fee afta sarge ane She fara sre, atk safer (1) Yantai gee F Rafts deh & onan at Aref Or ar , ST ee ee 85 eT Hao eens Pea eT | 118 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 74 Comments For Maxi-Cabs having soft top grant or renewa' of temporary permit is prohibited, keeping in view public safety -- it is not arbitrary and does not violate right guaranteed under Article 19(1)(g) of Constitution. Ramlal Mishra Vs. State of M.P. and others, AIR 2009 MP 236. For relevant case law see also -- Bundelkhand Travels Vs. State of M.P., 1996 (1) MPWN 172 = 1996 MPLJ 1104. 74. Procedure on receipt of Permit Application and Manner of disposal thereof — (1) Where an application for the grant, renewal, countersignature or transfer of permit or for variation of any condition of permit or for replacement of vehicle is presented, it shall be marked with dated initial by an officer of the Transport Department. (2) Every application presented and duly marked under sub-rule (1) shall be acknowledged in Form M.P.M.V.R.-56 (APA). Such application shall be entered serially in a register in Form M.P.M.V.R.-57 (Form RPA) and shall be presented before the Transport Authority for cunsideration (3) Transport Authority shall after considering the application, as per provisions of law, pass an appropriate order thereon and communicate. Chhattisgarh State Amendment 1[(4) Subject to any general or special stay order, injunction or restriction issued by any court of law or tribunal, normally the application for permit shall be disposed off in the period mentioned below :- S. No. Particulars of application Prescribed time for disposal of application from the date of submission thereof. qd) @) 3) (i) Application for grant or Counter signature of 60 days Stage carriage permit in Form-CGMVR-42, (ii) Application for renewal or Counter signature 60 days of Stage carriage permit in Form-CGMVR-42, (ii) Application for grant or renewal of reserve Stage 60 days carriage permit in Form-CGMVR-42, 1. Added by Notification No. F $-13/VIII-Tr2012 dated the 26th September, 2012. Published in C.G. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 26-9-2012 Page 496(I-2). Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. ferent 74 alexenet Riera, 1994 119 feoralt ates gear a aftera vad eu, dive ate atch Aaett-aa & fea rear argarea war fara STAT ar aefteneor Fase sar afeftre & -- ae Haar wet 8 ait afer & siyeSe 19(1)(B) andr andiga after a1 seer Te ater | Trees Pro earn reare er oer att aa, AIR 2009 MP 236. ‘attra Profarar Pafer & fet ae sft Fa’ -- Geows tacw gary 4.9. TISY, 1996 (1) WHF. SPT. 172 = 1996 C.F... 11041 74. AYRTA Hr aa|a oer eT oe ThswaT alte Tae Hraent st Er -- (1) et saga, aR ae & fre, setter Pac ort fore afereetran ae a foe aT eg a SRT HY, aT Segara At Paeett ovd HF hep act & fey aT arr ar fee Bet ag wre age aver tren 8 ast oRarea ferarr & arftrand are anda afea are steer @ Peraifena feet Ter | (2) saffera (1) & area gage ferer ran cer arag eo sift Tete araer A ehh eo OF or eta, -56 (O4.8,) Ft sre | Ger aaa wea OH. eet. -57 (Seo Bare. Ah, ) 3 cfSreet B sarge sere Papert sre corr ofterea orfrcaret & ever feral aT STEM | (3) ofeerea srftrenndh fete & saat & sagen area -oa ot FA HT TET Fa arg fert sree oft ater site aafara at | urns use eater "[(4) Pevett fe arenes srerer saftremeer & Paral ares sera Fahy eee Se, dem sere fers 3 sees ted BU ATT BS BATA Bg Saas ar AT St og Brahe # Fagen feat siren :- | am. aaea ar aot WAS EGA A Afar a se Faery { fe ff aera : | a) (2) (3) ‘ (@) — sea-eisfterediont-42 ¥ sam ares gars 60 Raa . ete ft saat sfreecran & feu ara, | (@)— weaeeisterediont-42 9 sapm aren agama 60 Raa aden sear afteerar & fox sre, (a) pea-eisfteredtome-42 ¥ sem ares organ 60 feae | atphe sear aera ar ade, 1, oftrepear sates ew 5-13/s12-oht. /2012 Rata 26 feracat, 2012 are sitet ath ; wtterrg cars (sraTatter) Rates 26-9-2012 Yes 495-496(1) Ae Tent | Rae aa orftang Tae Y rae) — —, 120 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 74 () 2) (3) (iv). Application for grant and renewal of Contract 60 days carriage permit in Form-CGMVR-43, (v) Application for goods carriage permit in Form- 15 days CGMVR-44, (vi) Application for private service vehicle/ 15 days educational institution bus permit in Form- CGMVR-46, (vii) Application for special permit in Form- 7 days CGMVR-47, (viii) Application for national permit for goods 15 days vehicle in Form-CGMVR-SS, (ix) Application for tourist vehicle permit in Form- 60 days 45 of CMV, Rules, (x) Application for temporary permit under Section 7 days 87(1)(a) of MV Act, in Form-CGMVR-45, (xi) Application for temporary permit under Section 7 days 87(1)(b) of MV Act, in Form-CGMVR-45, (xii) Application for temporary permit under Section 30 days 87(1)(c) of MV Act, in Form-CGMVR-45, (xiii) Application for temporary permit under Section 7 days 87(1)(d) of MV Act, in Form-CGMVR-45, (xiv) Application for replacement of vehicle on 15 days Substantive permit/Temporary permit, (xv) Applivation for transfer of regular permit after 60 days the death of permit holder, (xvi) Application for transfer of regular permit in 60 days other cases, (xvii) Application for variation of any condition of 30 days permit or change of timing, (xviii) Application for issuing of licence as an agent 45 days or a canvasser, in the sale of tickets for travel by public service vehicle or in otherwise soliciting customers for such vehicles under Section 93(1)(i) of M.V. Act, (xix) Application for issuing of licence as an agent in 60 days.] the business of collecting, forwarding or distributing goods carriage, under Section 93 (1\(ii) of M.Y. Act. ferent 74 atewara freA, 1994 121 (2) (aR) (ste) (B:) (ara) (a8) ) (=m) wrea-atstenedion-43 ¥ after ares aT alee steer aeittenar & fese ara, gea-atstenedtont-44 H are ares agar & Faq ama, greu-dfisttenediont-46 # st Gar am/ dato Feat aftaa % agama % fore sree, ea-aistrerediont-47 ¥ fergte sige & fee area, sen-distunediant-55 ¥ are ated & ondla sega & feu sre, Sega tet aa Pan & ge-45 8 oles are agar & fox onde, gen-aistunediont- 45 8 area ates Ft ant 87(1)(&) & orth sreartt aaa & fog aac, req-aistenediant-45 A ater stefan Ff eet 87(1)(@) & ate seat agers & fee order, greg-eisferedtame-45 F steers sifetan Ft are 87(1) (m7) & seta srerett argarea & fore sac, ey etsfteroetont-45 F atex ar fea at err 87(1)(4) & aria serch agama & fou state, Hp ATT / Seer Saga oe ATT A ARNT fer sacs, sgaroaendt At qeq seer Pattie agar STeT * feu sacs, Se gen HF Reais orga & sare & foe wag, aggrya A fart aad # afta sera aaa afta % fre ora, wrecara aaftifrern Fh eer 93(1)(i) & area ada Bar att are aval & fee feat & aera afreat at wane & eo i srrar tA art & fer areal At aa wae orem et bg oeatea sett act foe saa, areca saftey A ert 93(1) (ii) & arefte ares reat are aes Pet say aT Aes a Gate, SeafS aT fates act > area 8 arftrnat Ss F agai aT at fem sree | 60 fea 15 fea 15 eae 7 eet 15 fear 60 fear 7 fea 7 fea 30 fear 7 fae 15 Ret 60 feat 60 fat 30 Rear 45 Ree 60 feae |] —a 122 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 75-77 Comments The provisions of sub-rule (3) of Rule 74 are mandatory -- thus. Transport Authority has to communicate its order to the person affected -- the limitation for filing appeal would start from the date of knowledge of the order. Haji Mustaque Ahmad Vs. State Transport Appellate Tribunal M.P. and others, 2010 (1) MPJR 5 (SN). 75. Entry of Registration Mark on Permit — No permit shall be issued until the registration mark of the vehicle to which it relates, has been entered therein : and in the event of the applicant failing to produce the certificate of registration within the specified period, the Transport Authority may revoke its sanction regarding the grant of permit. ‘ 76. Extension of Area of Permit — (1) A stage carriage permit granted by the Regional Transport Authority of one region of the State shall be valid in the other region of Madhya Pradesh, without countersignature if the total distance of the route in such other region or regions are not more than twenty five kilometers, and where the distance of route in other region or regions is more than twenty five kilometers, the permit holder shall file an application alongwith prescribed documents and prescribed fee for the countersignature of permit in the office of the Secretary Regional Transport Authority of that other region, within 30 days of the issue of permit by the granting Authority. (2) A Regional Transport Authority of one region may extend the effect of the permit in respect of a motor cab or a Private Service vehicle in any other region within the State without countersignature by the other authority and may attach or vary the conditions to the permit to be effective in such other region. (3) The Transport Authority which issued a permit to be operative in any other region shall send a copy of the permit to the Transport Authority of the other Region. (4) The State Government may, if it considers necessary in the interest of the development of the area lying or near the border of the State, exempt all or any d specified class of transport vehicles of the Bordering State from the necessity of counter signature of permit by the Transport Authority of the State provided similar facilities are extended by the other State in its area to the Transport Vehicles of % Madhya Pradesh. 77, Additional conditions in respect of certain Permits — (1) In addition to the conditions prescribed in sub-section (2) of section 72, the Regional Transport Authority or State Transport Authority granting a stage carriage permit may attach any of the following conditions, namely :-— (i) _ that the permit holder, shall not use the stage carriage in a public place for the purpose of carrying or intending to carry passengers unless it carries in addition to the driver, a conductor who holds an effective Conductor's Licence issued under Chapter III of the Act: (ii) that there shall be exhibited on the vehicle adequate particulars indicating to the public the place to which and the route by which the vehicle is proceeding; oo «Cs ferret 75-77 wlexara frre, 1994 123 Feeauft fram 74 & saftam (3) 3 aosiey sar & -- ara:, oftaes ofr Ft sear ater coorfare a ares cater at aig feic act ela 8 -- order oarges ant & fea gfe arrest at aA a At atta & ores ate 21 erst gears eeng aaa ose oftaes arte mrt TEATS BRT AA, 2010 (1) MPJR 5 (SN). 15. aagaraa a ater Pre gfe. -- aig oft sare aa ae ort at femora Stal cep far 3a are arr eSeestone fre, fore far ae aaifire 2, seat fare a ax feo Sy site Parett saracen arr PaPAfeee serenely & afer aretenor garor-aa Ger aes Y sree we A aaa ohaes anita apaiea agg He & Ga F orl dat alee ae wae | 16. Baars & Baar Prem -- (1) ces gee Sew shearer Thera eT Hy evar ar vifarebt are Sega eae 3 femal oer gee HF feta wfereceens Aer cer, af RS ser a bait 8 at tape git mca Pacintter & onften ae 8 afte set ort eet Seat # anf aft a0 recta Pretax 8 after 2, sgaoa ars, ge arr gear & grater Rae sifted & afae & aprafos Y aganaa oe afeecara % feu sree ferfea areas aren fafeet te & aren aay act are) orPRraeh art ora sare aay A che far after gw eum (2) Up gees wrefire oiage orient css & sitar fat sit srr gear & for tex at gree Sa ara 3 sagas ar Fee eer ae ae seer oTRRaRTe a afereearere 3 ferar Papett Re gee F gente et aes are end cert at aT eT ba or GaN a fea sagas A ere 2 RUHR a AAT | (3) Carga anftrenrd fares fat ora gaan F gata a9 ate sqares att Para at wea ear acaes ea a sega A op Mf AST | (4) ose ater afe ae fran at fe os At far a aT seh att TSA ate ae ferarra & feta # ae straw @ ft dterach cet & area ar eat fataiete ant & afeaea art sh Srqaa * ofereemen Ht strane & we Seer 81 oe ae aa a Ps Heater ohare anit at ST UT TT Sa Ba A seh gore At aa St ag 77, afer apart BH aeter F arfatras wef -- (1) e172 Ah sea (2) 7 fafa ara & srfefterr sre fire sfraer orftrerd ar ase ofteea after fst mel agra Hr aed ge Pet aval FS avs ered a aera &, ara :- (0) ag Pe ata ere Patt area core ox a Bet a 33 BR a ay Saree & afset ns ar saan det acs aa HUT sal eh fe TAH wees & ofeftaa tar aftares at often % sreare 3 & ott ott Fae Te sroraatis afta agate eTeor a aaa él; (@) ae fear cc sear A araant & fea vate fatirticat vafita At rich, free amt Pra ear fa cer fea anf 8 ae cer, atarsrem; 124 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 77 (iii) that the service shall be regularly operated on the specified route in accordance with the approved time table except— (a) When prevented by accident, unmotorability of the route, or any unavoidable cause; and (b) When otherwise authorised in writing by the Regional Transport Authority. '{(1a) In order to ensure safe, secure and convenient transport services to the passengers, the permit granting authority while granting a stage carriage permit shall abide the following conditions, namely :~ (i) _ that no stage carriage permit shall be granted on interstate route to a vehicle which has completed 10 years from the manufacture year; (ii) that no stage carriage permit shall be granted for ordinary route within the State to a vehicle which has completed 15 years from the year of manufacture; (iii) that no stage carriage permit shall be granted for any route to the vehicle which has completed 20 years from the year of manufacture; (iv) that for long distance route of 150 k.m, or above in a single trip, the following category of vehicles with seating capacity shown against each shall be permitted to ply :- 1. Deluxe/Air conditioned bus not less than 35 + 2 seats, excluding driver and conductor 2. Express bus not less than 45 + 2 seats, excluding driver and conductor 3. Ordinary bus not less than 50 + 2 seats, excluding driver and conductor. } Chhattisgarh State Amendment 2[(1-A) It shall be condition of every stage carriage permit or contract carriage permit that the said permit shall not be kept in non use for more two months at a time and during the validity of said permit, the total duration of such non use shall not be more than eight months. Due to technical break down or accident of vehicle, if the permit is kept in non use for more than two months or for other reasons, if the vehicle of the permit is not operated for more than two months then the permit-holder shall have to replace the vehicle of same specifications or the permit shall be surrendered for cancellation before the authority granting the permit.] 1. Inserted by Notification No, F-1-6/09/VIII dated 24th November, 2010. Published in MP. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 24-11-2010 Pages 1196(8-10). Applicable only in M.P. 2. Inserted by Notification No. F 5-1/@13778-99%./09 dated 15-1-2009. Published in C.G. Rajpatra Part | dated 30-1-2009 Page 118. Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. forerat 77 reer fer, 1994 125 “(@R) ae fader ar rater Fre offeafaat & rare Rafe a7 a fates art ac ageifea aaa areoft & srgare Pasar sree -- (%) sar geieat & aren art alec sort aa a et aT feeelt sraftert aay a arava a; ate (@) sar grefire ofteres sifted are festa ¥ srren sega fare eT a ‘C) abel at aefiaa, Praag cer gftrarsr shawn tant qitaa Het A fie & SMTA a are Trae, Pret PSS aS ar aT aR ace toe Parasia sat am Oe UTI, arefel s- (qm) 88 array, Prat Bio at & 10 ae eof a gh a senietta ani eae fea frost art aor saga Hag Ae fare STAT; (&) Waray, hed Ratrads 15 at pha qh el, wes Hote ae arte aot & fea Hfarest met ar sigaraa Hyg aet feat STITT, (it) CS array, Bree fafratr ard S 20 af got at gh el, Pret oft arch oe ae & fee ‘fret rt arr angers gg ah Pa STE, (are) WR RH 150 freitter arse & em sit a & art oe Preafoca af & art at att aoe ena gets & ana ois ng 2, sore ary & fas aggre fear SET :~ 1. deaa/arargglera ae are a aftarea Fl BSH, 35 +28 HH ae 3 a 2. Gale aa aes a afters False, 45+ 287 ae 3 a 3. STE ae ares a oftareh Ht Sse, 50+ 28 HT aie te |] ortrang usa dyitert 2[(1-a5) getter Hie Test oaT—sa sreaT Sar TS ora, Hae Te att Pe Fae BAT-T, Paresh oe ere ay are a sefires & fore Frere H set Var rer, eM Fat sagn-oa At ear & Aer 8a For Ft ge orale oe are & oats vet att | ale ares Hf aaticht arch aren glzamed a3 % arr, sga-sa St oreo sift & fer Prox car sre 8, staan arer areeit &, segaT-94 & street are a are a atte | & foe arf ae 2, aft agarerend stars afirteat A ares & afar aT et, | a ear AY Pftancor Beg aT ehcp aH aS see as ere Tar aeCAT eT |] 1. saftreger annie eH 1-6 /2009-arre Rete 24 Fara, 2010 eT ora: eenfte | A. TATA (SFETATET) Reais 24-11-2010 98 1196(5-7) Waa | dere WeaMee Ter A aT 2, safiraar ari oe. 5-1 /at/aT3-aft. /o9 Feta 15-1-2009 are srer-eante | wees THA sam 1 fata 30-1-2009 FS 118 THe | Rae orteang cera Taw 126 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 78 '[(1b) The restrictions imposed by sub-rule (1a) in so far as they are related to the stage carriages registered before the coming into force of said sub-rule, shall not be operative for a period of four months from the date of commencement of said sub-rule, that is 24th November, 2010.] (2) A permit in respect of a public service vehicle may be subject to the conditions that its holder shall, make provision on such vehic!= for the conveyance of a reasonable quantity of passengers luggage with efficient means for securing it and protecting it against rain. (3) _ A permit in respect of a good carriage may be subject to one or more of the following conditions :— (i) _ that the vehicle shall not be used for the conveyance of any class or description of goods in contravention of any law or any rule or order made thereunder prohibition for regulating the import, export, or transport of such goods; (ii) that the number of persons to be carried in the vehicle shall not exceed the number which may be specified in the permit: (iii) that no goods shall be picked up or set down between any two points lying wholly within the countersigning state. (4) It shall be a condition of every permit that taxes shall be paid in respect of the vehicle in accordance with the provisions of the Madhya Pradesh Motor Yan Karadhan Adhiniyam, 1991 (No. 25 of 1991) and the rules made thereunder. When the Transport Authority has suspended a permit for non-payment of tax the order of suspensi” shall be in force as long as the tax remains unpaid and shall become in- operative immediately on payment of the tax due on the vehicle. 78. Carriage of goods on Stage Carriages — (1) Subject to the provisions of rule 80, luggage may be carried on the roof of a stage carriage or in the hoot. locker or compartment set aside for the purpose but where it is so carried on a roof. adequate protection in the form of a guard rail and water proof cover shall be provided (2) No luggage shall be carried in any stage carriage in such a way as to block any entrance or exit. (3) No goods shall be carried on the top deck of a double decked stage carriage. (4) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3) and rule 81, goods may be carried in a stage carriage at any time in accordance with the conditions specified in the permit, provided that obligation of the holder to carry passengers in accordance with the terms of the permit is discharged. (5) Where goods are carried in a stage carriage in addition to passengers, the goods shall be of such a nature and shall be so packed and secured on the vehicle that no danger. inconvenience or discomfort is caused to any passenger and that the access to the entrance and exit from the vehicle remain unobstructed. 1. Inserted by Notification No, F-1-6-2009-VIII dated the 26th March, 2011. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 26-3-2011 Page 245. Applicable only in M.P. forera 78 airewera fore, 1994 127 ‘[(ve) safrry (13) ao aftretira Peter set as fis seen Gey gaa afte & ee Br & qe afarecopa vif mnigeit a 8, sae after & oro at A anther orate 24 FARR, 20108 aR HT A areTaAY ae Gaal wet ei |] (2) Gre dara & aay 8 oqarea ge ad & orfta Gar Re seen ane a ra anfselt as amare aryferr star # & are % fore, g8 gala cad an asf & aad fae sat SATE FUT | (3) are arta aeiftre srqarsa Preaferftad af a wa ar atm rel & anf erm -- (GR) ae fe feet Oe at or ac ar ater & ort > fe, on ft air or fat Fran an seme orefia far ne fart sree & seers Wares & arora, Frat ar attaes a fafiatig act & fou afeafire axa et, ae a1 sud ae fear sre; (@) wri son a aso sen agra AAS wera sift ae art; (aA) ae fe ats ot are ofieemer act are asa ¥ qui ee a Bra Pah a feigait & ate 9 erat ar sant aét aeeT | (4) Sete aarra Yaa ad eit fe a meee teers a afifee, 1991 (sare 25 1991) Ter say aa 1a Pelt a socal | organ art & aide We dae Pe Sah | ter fear rte aren ae arr Garr a 3s ase aT ar Para Peat see dt Sf Brose a omar ger era ew ge eT ota Ps ae Hae ae CE GIR aT aT aT aT Hare ere ot aeanre sivadaa | 78. fst rat at ares at ST STAT -- (1) Farr go F suse sels A EAT twa Tt Ht wa oe Fe seat foe ger ea a ee, oraRC aT rede HY B sre Sta, Gig ae SS Sa TS SATS ae Sears rer (Ste) ai ae aaUT ST B gather acer aft rarer Fy sett | (2) Pret ftaifaet ort are ge gare aet 3 spar sem fared Ps gsr eet on Eh apf ¥ aig verae aa | (3) Saar aise ret att dfs a ag are aS are aT (4) sutsem (3) cen Pray 81 3 sueiit 3 anita wea gu segues Hf afi oat aga 8 fh sit ame dfs et 8 res 3 aren a eT: Fig ae ol sales aCe aT orga A) svat & argent anata B ay delftea orth aera at Prete Para rar & | (5) set afr StF any & oifettas are & aren ant get are ge gare wr aT CS er gear Bae Paper ae ite ate ge ae Bera BT a ear are fis Fea Pett at ad at ag aT, gfe ara Be war a fh rae ta aN ae |. srfereqerr arias qe 1- 6-09-17 Reates 26 are, 2011 arrose AL, TTT (stereo) Rote 26-3-2011 ges 245 oe Te | ae weaves wee Fuga 128 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 79-81 (6) The weight in kilograms of goods carried in a stage carriage shall not exceed (R—P) X 75, where in relation to a single-decked sta: carriage or to the lower deck of a double decked stage carriage. Explanation — R is the registered passenger seating capacity of the vehicle and P is the number of passengers actually carried on the vehicle. 79. Carriage of goods on Contract Carriage prohibited — The Regional Transport Authority shall not authorise the use ofa contract carriage for the carriage of goods save for (a) Special reasons on particular occasions and subject to condition and restriction to be specified on the permit; or (b) the carriage of the personal, office or household effects of a hirer if so authorised in the permit but not the carriage of general merchandise. 80. Carriage of personal luggage in Stage Carriage — Except in the case of stage carriage services operated exclusively within municipal areas, a passenger in a stage carriage shall be entitled to carry free of charge not more than fifteen kilograms of luggage and personal effects. 81. Carriage of animals in Goods Carriage — (1) No cattle shall be carried ina goods carriage in a public place unless— (i) ‘In the case of goats, sheep, dears, or pigs, a minimum floor space of one square meter per five heads of such cattle is provided in the vehicle; (ii) In the case of any other cattle— (a) aminimum floor space of 2 x | meter per head of cattle and half of such floor space for young weaned one of cattle is provided in the vehicle; (b) the load body ov she vehicle is constructed of strong wooden planks or of iron sheets with a minimum height of one and one half meter measured from the floor of the vehicle on all sides; (c) Floor battens are provided to prevent slipping of hoofs; (d)_ every projection likely to cause suffering to an animal is removed: and (e) the cattle are properly secured by ropes tied to the sides of the vehicle. Explanation — ‘CATTLE: for the purpose of this sub-rule includes goats, sheeps, buffaloes, bulls, oxen, cows, dears. horses, ponies, mules, asses, pigs or the young ones thereof. (2) No animal belonging to or intended for a circus, manageric or zoo shall be carried in goods vehicle in a public piace unless— (i) _ inthe case of wild or ferocious animal, a suitable cage of sufficient strength to contain the animal securely at all times, either separate from or integral with the load body of the vehicle is provided; and fererai 79-81 aleve frre, 1994 129 (6) set ee ates are ae rst ar at ae arch Hfrat Tt Fat aw ar ae Pavath aifstett ret 8 & oe ates Tes apt aaa (TTT) x 75 Parca & saftres set eT | eaten -- “om” a At arena Tey aot A rma B ste Hh” a TS Se wy ATS TRAY AT are cea 2 | 79, SHUTS Te ATS S aE aT ear TAY -— Tefhre GRaws aifaTt ATES mre aT & feset Pave Sar mrs ar oat Paetfeohtar Peete 3s Rerarer softrgia ae ae -- (&) fefiee stare oe fate apreuit an saga i fataiéee wat ait Pitas a ard; aT (a) a ogra 4, an atone ga are af 3 aatcs, aratedie at Re Sitar aeg 1 SS STAT STAT ge TH A Tapa Pera ra a fa STAT sarah Ares at & aren ara oar ae fare sTTeAT | 80. wfSrest mrt F safe avers at S Aa ara -- PreTfess aaY a sfhae TST S Tanker A oF arch fet Sh Car a arferhcaer afte erst ar att ame Petro 8 srafter amar sik oafeana stot arg, Ages 3 art & far eaer erm 81. ATearaY FY aya are ara rat -- (1) feet oy a ardats ere Area A aa aH Ae oT, 3 TAT TENT sa aw P-- (te) aart, te, fecr ar gar & ams Yar Fa oq > ofa ota aT > foe aa Gh artehten et a A ouereer a ae at 1g BY; (&) fret array ares a -- (®) add oy Safran fou zpan sel wa 2x1 Hera ts oy, 3 Uap srvera & feoe fret gu ca aig aoe fea BOS eh era a pat coast sree ar af ae at; (@) a ar ale cad &r a ot egret Wa } ao Ban dae ae Het Say TH NaS OHS Hera aT ae Ft aT B flr BTA ra (1) a freer d aat ® for get afeet Ft caer a acd os a; (8) aret Frnot ga tS acter or at Se sr og aT She Tee A were t, vera fear rer a; a (3) ae & ant ak fetal aera cyst at afta dle oe aefiie a ae feoar rar ef | ergtercor -— ge soften & sas & fag “ag” Yasha, 3, de, ais, ae, ma, favor, oS, 2g, Great, 1H, Yor ait a era alert ze (2) adie, More ar Rafgaree a aefier ar gach feve sararfira Pesett sft ogy at arctan fen em 8 mea Yaa ee te orn, 3 aT aT sa ae f-— (Gh) aera eae srradl ams 8, aa A re vat hee B Hem TT share ta cate agg acet A omar 7 aR a rs ey, red fos ora aT Wa Bhs Tar aT a, aT 130 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 82-84 (ii) reasonable floor place for each animal is provided in the vehicle. (3) No goods vehicle when carrying any cattle under sub-rule (1) or any animal under sub-rule (2) shall be driven at a speed in excess of forty kilometers per hour. 82. Renewal of Permits — (1) Application for the renewal of permit shall be made in the form prescribed under sub-rule (1) of rule 72 to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as specified in rule 145. (2) The Transport Authority renewing a permit shall call upon the holder to produce the permit and shall return the same after endorsement. (3) On or after the commencement of this rule, permits relating to service of stage carriages or casual contract carriages issued before the commencement of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (No. 59 of 1988) in Form P. St.s and Form P. Co.s respectively, shall, on renewal of such permits be issued in Form M.P.M.V.R-. 48 (SCP), as the case may be. (4) The permits granted or renewed during the period between the date of coming into force of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and the date of commencement of these rules, and issued in Form P. St. S or P. Co. S as the case may be shall be, converted and issued in Form M.P.M.V.R.-48 (SCP) or Form M.P.M.V.R.-49 (CCP) respectively, after giving a notice to the permit holder in Form M.P.M.V.R.-57-a (NCEP) and after giving him an opportunity of being heard. 83. Renewal of Counter Signature of Permits — (1) Application for the renewal of counter signature of a permit shall be made in the form prescribed under sub-rule (1) of rule 72 to the Transport Authority concerned and shall be accompanied by a copy of the permit and application fee as specified in rule 145. (2) The Transport Authority granting the renewal or a counter signature shall call upon the holder to produce the original permit, and shall return the same after endorsement. 84. Replacement of Vehicle authorised by Permit — (1) If the holder of a permit desires at any time to replace any vehicle covered by the permit by another vehicle, he shall forward the permit or the temporary permit, as the case may be, and apply in Form M.P.M.V.R.-56 (MV Rep. A) to the Transport Authority by which the permit was granted stating the reasons why the replacement is desired and shall also simultaneously— (i) Ifthe another vehicle is in his possession, forward the certificate of registration of that vehicle; or (ii) if the another vehicle is not in his possession, state the particulars including the model, make and seating capacity of the vehicle proposed to be replaced: and (iii) shall pay the fee as specified in rule 145. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) the Transport Authority may reject the application :— fram 62-84 Alexerret ferera, 1994 131 (@) ara sete ora foe gages oat er A orga at dt at | (3) saPrem (1) & anita fat oy at ar saften (2) Sonia Peet star A od, 3 set ere Fae aft arose ot fe eraser Paneinatee ofa viz & anf a art | 82. egaraat ar aeitercor -- (1) aguas & adheres & fina fram 72} sehen (1) 3 are Fata Pare ne era ores ge often arar at Pra sre Paral sega ‘ard Fara err) saree && oer Frame 145 8 fatatgee Gta dom A arth | (2) SIRT a A AREY aTeoT TPT TA RTRTET eT BY IATA META AAS FST aot oft satan & sates & orang 38 are ae | (3) Pays grr a oar gear act mfsat ar orrafSra Sor mat Haar O aie fire sigan & fore niece satisfiers, 1988 (1988 aT. 59) & roy att > Ge are: FET, OH. CR. Tar TET A A... Hoe Pare re segura BA aegaraat actapceT ay a ae, TET OT... SA, 48 (CE...) a Eo OH. SAT, 49 (AA. ond fare art | (4) Recarafitien, 1983 gan Aa Arata cen sa Ren } ore a Marta & mer ft arevafts & ator Re ne ar adam Pe ae atk ante, wes Hee. F.e, aT ft aft ott cer, ¥ se Pare ara eeu 1.0. SA, 57 (HA. .A.) Taya Ore BT eA BFF sear cer ara at Sra By 3 gear wa: eT CH. Hee. OTT. 48 (Ue...) ar Reo Oat. 49 (At .) BM aiafcalifa Pat art aor set Frese 83. sega & aftreerrar at aeftertor ~~ (1) sequins & afteenen adie & few aerate eter, afeares oafreprit at ers 72 3 sofa (1) 3 ores fara Peat ger 3 fer srr er Fer 1.45 3 per FPA orga a af cer sara Ger 3 are aiewrr ar | (2). sferererare aa acta iggy ae are afer orReRTA ore a yes STRIATE amor & fed eee at ger ait pais] gery sar | 84. agama are mifiega art at ager sat -- (1) ae sg a TH Pereft ara & after orga & oierher ony are Pett ara a) gat ara @ agent are at ae mente, See aT sre Saya Ha ao tk ae aeae aT ree are AAT fer re a sre 1.281. SATC. 56 afte fee & seri ar Tgp aaa ET CT itt arr a-- (em) fe ara ar sam west F8 at one ar eRe ga oa of ofa atm; aT (@) a ore arse aed fat Bat ae ace ot ard gene, aa Hise, Rep oer dase amar a afeafen ae gu Fafnibea at far st Bm, eer (ett) fret 14s ¥ aon fates Ge ar ders eT | (2) safer (1) 2 oretta ares area a ot after start oer By TMG ax aT 132 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 85-87 (i) If the another vehicle proposed for replacement differs in material particulars from the existing vehicle, and (ii) If there are arrears of tax in respect cf the existing vehicle. (3) If the Transport Authority grants an application for replacement ofa vehicle under this rule, it shall call upon the holder of the permit to produce the permit and the certificate of registration of the new vehicle, if not already delivered to itand the Secretary of the Transport Authority shall endorse the permit accordingly under his signature and seal and return it to the holder. Comments Replacement of the vehicle authorised by permanent permit -- can be decided by the Regional Transport Authority and not by the Secretary, RTA. Reena Jain (Smt.) Vs. President, State ‘Iransport Appellate Tribunal, 2013 (I) MPWN 14 (page 37). 85. Validation of Replacement Order in respect of Counter Signature on Permit — (1) The Transport Authority granting permission for the replacement of a vehicle under rule 84 shall, unless the counter signing authority by general or special resolution otherwise. directed, endorse on the correction made on the permit the words valid also for, inserting the name of the countersigning authority and shall intimate the fact and particular of the replacement to the said authority. (2) Unless the permit has been endorsed as provided in sub-rule (1) or unless the replacement has been approved by endorsement by the counter signing authority concerned, the counter signature on a permit shall not be valid in respect of any new vehicle. : 86. Procedure un cancellation or suspension of Permit — (1) The holder of a permit may at any time surrender the permit for cancellation to the Transport Authority by which it was granted and the Transport Authority shall forthwith cancel any permit so surrendered (2) Where a authority suspends or cancels any permit under section 86— (i) the holder shall surrender the permit immediately after the suspension or cancellation takes effect; (ii) the Transport Authority suspending or cancelling the permit shall send intimation to the authority by which the permit was counter signed, and to such Transport Authority in whose area the validity has been extended under Rule 76. 87. Permit — transfer of — (1) When the holder of permit desires to transfer the permit to some other person under sub-section (1) of section 82 shall together with the person to whom he desired to make the transfer make a joint application, in Form M.P.M.V.R.-59 (Tr.P.A.) along with the fee specified in rule 145 to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued stating the reasons for the proposed transfer. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) the Transport Authority may require the holder to file an affidavit stating wh: ther any premium, payment or other consideration arising out of the transfer, is to pass or has passed between them and the nature and amount of any such premiur-, payment or other consideration, ferent 85-87 aAlexerrar Perera, 1994 133 (Gm) a aget > foc genfae ors ae ara Pafereal # fer or a fre 2; att (@) a ferran hada at ar aa? | (3) ate afters arftrenrtt ge Pram ones fact aa at accent & fou sates SS eT & dae ores & orew a oars ot aa a ar efor gaa ae ae Tes Thee Ft Pear ra a, Tega HO & fore ere ae ofa oTftrea aay ates caU STS quia Soy wee Site Hee ear BUT SA Fa ATH a Stet ATT | feorott ware aggre ent onfirgra ara ar eer sat -- srefira oearer anferenrdl are fefateaa frat sn waar 8a fe afaa, oreftrn oftaes anita arr | tar ata (aftret) var dete, ez ziaaté anftde feeqae, 2013 (1) MPWN 14 (page 37). 85. ogra ox ofaeeaTaR a deter AF ofereeres area aor PerferareraeaT -- (1) Fram 84% opt are ae ort At agar yg He are aifRraTO, sat oe fae freA ae ares rare amt area a erate Brave ever aeons a fee ver aT et cow STATO TT fae re ere emt erence PARTE HT ATH ET RTP aA OE TET. fore aft fatten” guitare aster ait sat oftreerdt at a fereer oar apt aor faferfeert sear amr | (2) saRa (1) t araftre Pat a srgqan sa ae agar Garand et Pare rae aT Het ee eee SoA ATS aire ARNEL ar 9 Aereear aT aT SAGAN TBTepA aT A Fore eT a, sara Parett oft a a Gate HF orga oe Pape rear afereearar fairer set eh | 86. AAAS & wane ar Pras we ofan -- (1) aga ar are feral aff ara 3a afta ontrardt at Brees are argares Pear rar on, SqaTaa ee AT & fos, spent an waar Sik oftaea often ga gat oneafia fad ae aaa BT gid we BLT - (2) set arg gifted fret ogres a ant 86 & ates Refer at ce at at -- (&) aver fda or een gee at & gia gear sigan ar arent eer; (@) sgaraa & Reif are ae aren ohare aiftred ge aitreartt ay rey Sa oe ferent Papa Ot cer afteres aribrenrt at ares Ba F Fre 76 & one feiRterrarar refer aft ng et, asa ASH | 87. AAATTa Hr stacy -— (1) a SAI aT eH oT 82 Ft STAT (1) F setts Hoy argarea a Panett arat safer a otc HEAT are a ae set cafe & arr rere fas FE AIA HT SAT HET Se eT, Sa tas ora ar, Fras srgaTIa seth fapeT err sreeineted aiettor 3 amreaiy aan are ame ge a 145 H Pefafee Ble a aver wH..cH oth. sae ~ 59 (A.oe.e,) Yaga order HHT (2) sofa (1) & aia ade ore a oe oRaea often are a oH srra-4a, eIe HS a Sate ae SEM SHS UU Fas AT BeeTCT A Ta eT ATT al MM, Hare aT AT afer Sa ate ae ST ae A aT eer eae Bait AS fae shifter, aera aT NS Pah aes aa eae aI 8 a Ta ter Peel 8 134 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 88-89 (3) Without prejudice to any other penalty to which the parties may be liable, any transfer of a permit ordered, upon such an application which the Transport Authority is subsequently satisfied was false in respe:: of the matter specified in sub- rule (2) or in respect of any other material particulars, shall be void. (4) The State/Regional Transport Authority may summon both the parties to the application to appear before it and may, if it deems fit, deal with the application as if it is an application for a permit. (5) If the Transport Authority decides to transfer the permit, it shall call upon the holder to surrender the permit and shall cancel the particulars of holder thereon and endorse particulars of the transferee and shall return the permit to the transferee. (6) The Transport Authority making a transfer of a permit as aforesaid may, unless any other Transport Authority by which the permit has been counter-signed has, by general or special resolution otherwise directed endorsed the permit with the words “transfer of permit valid for... inserting the name of the authority by which the permit has been counter-signed with effect from the date of transfer. (7) Unless the permit has been endorsed as provided in sub-rule (6) or unless the transfer of the permit has been approved by endorsement by the authority which counter-signed the permit, the counter-signature on a permit shall not be valid after the date of transfer. 88. Issue of Dupticate Permits — (1) If a permit is lost or destroyed the holder shall forthwith intimate the fact to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued along with the fee specified in rule 145. (2) The Transport Authority, shall upon receipt of an application in accordance with sub-rule (1) issue a duplicate permit and to the extent that it is able to verify the facts may also endorse the fact of countersignature by other authority and intimate the fact to that Authority. (3) A duplicate permit issued under this rule shall be clearly stamped duplicate in red ink. (4) Where a permit has become dirty, torn or otherwise so defaced that in the opinion of Transport Authority it is illegible, the holder thereof shall surrender the permit to the Transport Authority and apply for the issue of a duplicate permit in accordance with this rule. (5) Where a duplicate permit has been issued upon representation that a permit has been lost and the original permit is afterwards found or received by the holder, the holder shall immediately return the duplicate permit to the Transport Authority. (6) Any other person finding a permit shall deliver it to the nearest police station or to the Transport Authority. The Officer incharge of the Police Station on receipt of the permit, shall immediately forward it to the Transport Authority. The Transport Authority shall restore the permit in case dup!.cate permit has not been issued and shall substitute it for the duplicate, if a duplicate has been issued. 89. Exemption to drivers from restrictions oi hours of work — Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of the Section ©! of the Act, sub-section (I) of that section shall not apply in the case of — foret 88-89 __-Aezara fermi, 1994 135 (3) Redhat area ere a, Farr foe cere arch a, saferages scare res Fever Pereft de order ot Pre re ogres ar see Frees dae Ff ohare often ar aeaeara ae awarera af ateat & fas ae soften (2) 8 fafafes fend farmer & water Y ar fret sea ara fexferfbett As erate reser rer ard ah er sia ET A aT | (4) Csr/greftren ofteres anftranrtt seer ae ars A ea a STA HTT TTA 8 fee ears a wai oft a ae afte TA at Ta Hae Gat A ge va arene a wa Hen Fe ae ara fee Pa ra ase | (5) af afkearera srftrand) sagas at aiereor aaa aor Peer aaa 8 at ae Aga sarees RY Sepa SreaaOT HT HY HAT BH eT eaten At FRAT Te a aT aT Bra AY fafinftat quifea atu ait stated at agama ster Bt (6) staan Pret are aftcrer rhea are Fare ararraa oe sferecrers Pare et, eT ay Rerste dare gre Ste Pere a Pena ae, eet as AGATA aT UT Taha STAT HA ATS ftere arbre organs B gatas aor are ater: een ce Ee Fares orga Te wlereTEAT fate, “ogame ar siar-as & foe ae” ee sie Ht anh & rat waa wit aT | (7) 37 Ran (6) ¥ aaeiftre fa 18 organ sre ce orga guitar ae Papa rar Bar Fea aa AGATA Ar STAT Te nfraere are Peet azarae Tarlaa Fae & srqatea wel Far re & era em SATA Te Fest wre aferscaeat siete I aks 3 over faRrarea ae eT | 88. rawr St geet whet are ret fevere arrat -- (1) af ag orgeTea Gt STAT ar aw St are & at ees ea cer A aT Pram 14s & fates Gra & are ga oftaer softrandt ax gia ar ree aver arqaraa ard fara Tat aT | (2) sara (1) 3 ager onder on ay ot after softratt srgaa Ft gett ofa ret aatrr atte ret tas creat amr arrera Pape ST Be B wT aay ore sree rer Pa srferereeTTent 35 Tea aT SAT wife ae AAT ST ge AeA AL ATTA Sar TAREE HT AT | (3) 38 Fran & ares od fare 1a atures ft gad afer oe ore caret & ee we “gat ofa” geome art | (4) seb ang sigarea der et aa, Ge aT ar ater set Prefer Bt ae fas aReea soften A ca Y ae arn-are Set aT aay as Te Ce TT eal Sea are Tas rte a argues anata atm afte ga Pram & agen aeqaraa afl quath afer sardt fase ae & fev’ Hae FUT | (5) wet orgies Ft gad afer 88 snaraes & area oe saret A mg 81 Fas STATA GT ara & site See TET IaH IH HT AH STI Pte SHG aT TT wT TA aT TTT HegATA AY et fer ateeres srftrenrth apt acca: ster aT | (6) af srgares fare orer oafeer 1 fir dt ae sa Perec gfera et at Rrrerr cofeares saftreerdt at oR eT | afer mera emt oaferaandt Sey OTe BT SE cea CEA saaftraaret a aR ate | AR are A ene afer et a tg a at occas rf oT ager ae Be tte a neh fe areas I mg ah at ane ate Bs aa H 3B are FT| 89. wd & avel & Praveen & arom at ae -- aftftan A ome o1 At rare (2) 3 sreaT Hs orehta ewe BE se TTT A SHAT (1) Preafeskea ares oe ery ae ert - 136 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 90-91 (a) any transport vehicle used by or on behalf of any military or police authority in connection with military manoeuvers or exercises or in the quelling of riots or civil disturbances; (b) any fire brigade-vehicle or ambulance when being used as such; (c) any vehicle being used for the carriage of passengers or goods in any emergency arising out of fire, earth-quake, flood, pestilence or other calamity, riots or civil disturbance; (d) any vehicle going for, or returning with medical aid in an emergency or carrying any seriously injured or sick person for medical treatment, when no other means are reasonably available; (e) any vehicle proceeding to the nearest place of halt, at which the driver and occupants can reasonably obtain shelter and refreshment, after delay in the journey arising out of the provision of Section 132 and 134 or out of the failure of any of the tyres or the machinery of the vehicle failure could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable care and diligence. 90. Interval of rest — Any time spent by the driver of a vehicle on or near the vehicle when it is at rest, when he is at liberty to leave the vehicle for rest and refreshment although required to remain within sight of the vehicle shall be deemed to be an interval of rest for the purpose of clause (a) of sub-section (|) of Section 91. 91. Conduct of passengers in Stage Carriages — (1) If at any time a passenger or person using or intending to use a stage carriage— (i) obstructs any authorised employees of the permit holder in the execution of his duties; or (ii) has bulky luggage of a form or description which obstructs, annoys or causes inconvenience to another passenger or is likely to do so; or (iii) carries any animal, bird, flesh, or fish (other than tinned food in its original packings) any instrument, implement, substance or any other article which annoys or causes inconvenience or is offensive to any other passenger or is likely to do or be so; or (iv) without lawful excuse occupies any seat exclusively reserved for female passengers; or (v) sings or plays upon any musical instrument; or (vi) is reasonably suspected to be suffering from any contagious or infectious disease; or (vii) rings without lawful excuse, or otherwise interferes with, any signal of the stage carriage: or fererat 90-91 aleve Fre, 1994 137 (a) Paraft ft dar ar ghee strand are ar seach ake S Sea Tet aT sre fese ar ait ar fferes saga abr aria art & fore aa aS afeaeH ATA; (q@) aX aftr are ar Shhh ares ara Sera ST Se we H fever exe ay; (1) oftreres, ry, arg, Heard at oa feof, ait ar fafa saat & ET Bere SY aah Paresh oft rarer feta A array at aT ate YS ay fore Saat aS aA, (&) arrara Rafer F fefaacar werser & fee sy aver at see are arta Ble aren aT ae US Set aT BPA wT a Sree Ta, Fafa > fou, Pret of istic eo arred ar afte cafe Bt 3 STA are BIE aH; (S) Pecan 88 fur ar FF aren HS a, eT aT aT eT TAT TTT 132 % auee & aren ar ara & Panel oh cra aor aa A A aera & are bre fear rae err ere aT a Tear ST aT et, ara A ge PA FEST BT TM ASU MTR HL AF | 90. Ream ar stare -- 4% aes ATI HT Tae Pepe octal fase TAT aig attr ama, sa ae Rem oe 8, aaa arom are eet ae soura aaet & fore arr a Bisa Rae eacia 8 cent are, oh A ga} after wear TAT’, AT 91 At TET (1) evs (a) yao & fore Rere ar state ere TET | 91. eiferett rider F afcerreras ar arrercor -- (1) af feral sft cere Parett afstett art Ser SHAT HS TST AT TANT aA aT Se HHS of ae aT afar - (Ge) agave 3 ree & fet ot onflrepet att at gees atoll & Procter aren agettar 8; aT (@) der nd ara car 8 S10 eae aT Fae are oh Pare rT aT aT aren waren &, gor area 8 ar organ sata sete & aT TA Rar ery A Saaz; aT (am) Pre te oy, val, aie gost ar (are am Ofer A & feoar dig rer gan #h digax) fal 08 shar, soe, Tard ar Pret oa seq ar SY feat oer aft 3 fist ait at rghit ante ace @ ar goede 8 at fora tear a3 At arse 8 aan ara 8; aT (ar) Paftrqet sreor 3 far belt ae oe apes at Sar 8 SH or aA & fore aaraa: RRA; AT (Ge) fase efter seu ancy are) aah Ge TAT Ter 8 a ge ssTAT Rs aT (&:) fraatttaiafita arden dra Aisa’ arafaagat era eee; (art) Pathe go arco 3 fear erat array & aT freA rey 3 Preah oh ae FANT ETAT HAT, AT 138 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 91 (viii) knowingly or intentionally enters a stage carriage which is carrying the maximum number of passengers according to the seating capacity specified in the certificate of registration of the vehicle and any additional number permitted under the terms of the permit to be carried in excess of the seating capacity of the vehicle; or (ix) has dress or clothing which is likely to spoil or damage the seats or the dress or clothing of another passenger or which for any other reason is offensive to other passengers; or (x) commits or abets any breach of the provisions of the Act or rules made thereunder; the driver or the conductor may require such person to alight from the vehicle forthwith and may stop the vehicle or keep it stationery until such person has alighted. Any person failing to comply forthwith such requirement may be forcibly removed by the conductor or the driver or any Police Officer on being requested by the driver or conductor or passenger in that behalf and shall be guilty of an offence. (2) No passenger, or person using or intending to use a stage carriage shall— (i) _ refuse to pay the legal fare; or (ii) refuse to show any ticket on demand by any authorised person; or (iii) behave in a disorderly manner; or {iv) behave in a manner likely to cause alarm or annoyance to any female passenger; or (v) use abusive language; or (vi) molest any other passenger; or (vii) smoke, spit, or eject betel juice in the vehicle; or (viii) enter or leave or attempt to enter or leave any stage carriage while it is in motion and except at a bus stop; or (ix) enter or attempt to enter or alight or attempt to alight from a stage carriage except by the entrance or exit provided for the purpose; or (x) _ interfere with the driving of the vehicle; or (xi) use or attempt to use a ticket other than the ticket valid fora particular journey or use or attempt to use a ticket which has already been used by another passenger or on another journey: or forers 91 alecera Pieat, 1994 _ 139 (31S) STrgerat aT ares Oat aaret arSt F gee ara 8 at arr & erecta garor-ua # farfifése aay & cert st amet & agar saftenan wea H artaead at 3 ar cet 8 cen st RS onfettae crea Ff anda ard ora oyama & fret & ania a8 dat & eo A wera aire dent & srt & fore sega 8 aT (4) Gatien area veh 2, fred at 3 eee ar Pet ora art A cree ar aes ferret a Saeby RATS Teas At eT e aT SH Pe aes ero a anfaat fog quires 2; ar (a) safttran arseth onda are a Raa sacha oat aie acer 8 ar er a & fou gue axa, a area a aero 0a cafe 8 ar 8 depres sat oe AT atten ax WaT, 3K Ta Te aR aaea a aa ore aa oe are at Oe aT, aT se Ger ca eae | tet aan aT aca Trea a aa ATS fares oft crf Bt ofcerTesse aT sre ER aT Tee Seer of aT aT are ge Bates eter fan ort oc Peet aft gers seftrand aro seryd cera st adem sik ae aT ar a BAT | (2) fst erst apr suet act are Sear SIT RS a Fee AE ot TTA aT saa (Wer) Qu fanaa er grad act & San ae OT, aT (2) raft sft anf oafieer aver aint fant ora ot at fee fea & gee at eT; aT (a9) Redes aaen agi aon; aT (aR) ter oraen ae atm Brad feat oft after arity dare ar athe ah A ware 8; aT (Sta) srsreg got ster an gar set aor; aT (@:) Peet ft rer arth at sectfe at atm; ar ( (ste aie) are eras tel ate ope ar oH at es ae SoM; aT ) Fa ety et Steer Ah sar fare off Reale F sa ay ae wel er as gat seer at aT, aT sae sel Sit aT sae yaw aA aT a A say aT gare at tT; aT (A) sagan ar sat & gait & feu aaah wh wast ar Eh an orfttheaa afsres Tet & oraz Pere sft cara & gas vet ator ar al get a vast aT TAT SRA AT TA AE HUT; aT (@) aw aes 8 eae ad For; a (ane) fret ffir ara & few der feone & orfetcaa sar feet oft Pepe an seein ae ato ar saat ae ar are ae ater aT Panett Ba feaee arr saa aT ator ar sare vet at faeeaT Pee sar att arr ar Pet oper ara Ged 2 aun fear at gar 2; a 140 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 92 (xii) wilfully damage or spoil or remove any fittings in or on the stage carriage or interfere with any light or any part of the stage carriage or its equipment; or (xiii) hang on to any exterior part of stage carriage; or (xiv) travel beyond the destination for which the fare has been paid except by paying to the conductor the legal fare for the additional, journey sufficiently in advance; or (xv) on demand being made by the driver or conductor or an officer of the Police or Transport Department when reasonably suspected of contravening any of the provisions of this rule, refuse to give his correct name and address to such driver or conductor or officer of the Police or Transport Department; or (xvi) on a request being made by the conductor, refuse to declare to him the journey he intends to take or has taken in the stage carriage, or before leaving the stage carriage, attempt to ignore the conductor in making the payment of the legal fare for the whole journey; or (xvii) lean out or project any part of his body outside the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion. (3) Ifat any time a passenger in stage carriage takes a seat without obtaining aticket for the journey, the driver or conductor or any authorized person may require such passenger to alight from the vehicle if the journey is yet to begin or charge double the fare from the place from which the stage carriage originally started, if the journey has already been performed and in case of non payment may report the case to a Police Officer, who shall proceed to take action against him. (4) Every passenger shall be entitled to receive a ticket from the conductor for the fare paid and no passenger or person shall travel ina stage carriage unless he has obtained a ticket for the journey. Explanation — In this rule the expression ‘ticket’ includes a season ticket, pass or authorisation issued by the permit holder authorising a person to travel on the stage carriage. 92. Conduct of Passengers in Motor Cabs — (1) No passenger in a motor cab shall— (i) wilfully or negligently damage the cab or any of its fittings; or (ii) on termination of the hiring, refuse or omit to pay the legal fare. (2) Inthe case dispute is referred shall, if the dispute is not settled amicably, record the names and addresses alongwith the substance of the respective conterttions of both parties and shall take such further action as may be necessary. fererai 92 ° Aiexena fee, 1994 141 (ane) afar met & eta a sae Sur ont ee fara oft efor wr sraeRT aaa at area a 38 aw al ee aT Sa ART were ar AAS St aft Pref oft att ar ge Fae rer ar seb seen A ect a OTT; aT (ate) ifs ret & fare oft arett art oe set wed; aT (tae) 8a rigor cara faree flow ger are faery aor para Paz, STA aeat aftares at afatert ara % fer ae fared ar cate eu & sifier # arias fara frat et aon; ar (938) ga Pram & Pra off arte ay gece ft 9 sete ale eT ee fara ara A fafa W ares ar ofearross ar fee ar often Parr & fare oft orient arr att fat oo, 0A are, oitares ar fers at ohare Fran & 02 oftrentt #1 sear get am Sit gar gare & Sepre Mt BOTT; aT (aioe) aftatea grr Faea fare ore oe ofoarern a afro met A see zr At srt fae afirae ar ait 1g ae A aso ae a San ae OT aT ICT aol ifs 1d) Bsr A gee BET ara a Ae HTS aa PTT HLH afar A seg ae ar gare tet HOTT; aT (Be) Fa A Ae eT aT ae aT HH ree eT TAIT a ey eT ae ABS aT TT are wet Frere | (3) fee anrg art femal oft are ifr rst Farrar & fre feame aafStarn Famer fara arg, PUA TEU HC Sal B, aT Sree aT Gfeetem aT ater HS oT alae WA aS, afe ara spf ore Me, at arr a sat art A are ae TT aT AA ara Ges a Get ae SA Ay 8 AST ware a, set & fa fst ost 3 yee: rar aa ST oft arpa fare gfe ae aA SAT aprart 7 fast Sry A cer, feret gferer cafe at featd ax weer st gem fee ardent ae & feo sere eT | (4) seep arth arrears Pana 2 Pesce & fee gPeetreses & fespe are ae aT BERET TTT ote ang ft art ar afro rst ae oer ar et at Sra tae fe Se ora > fore fees oT ae acre eaptencot -- fea fe & ifr fae & foe a ep cA aqall 3s sea oe a aftr 8; (@) For, ara, enter sear, Rare site ara aaa & aren ax anf at oar} far: HY BATHS HTS Te alert At ateer OH aH 20 A arte ee feoratt area oa rath are ge Sea A eRe a CRT eM aft sae re Brea arden site oar Br are - erat at ara 3 eat arr ay Bw ae a ce Ma en ~~ yee #, 3-aTa re are 3 safer org ot aa ra a & Fre sata stra rer fae on —— aga aT eee een Bafa; ge aH Be a, St ene sr ar ere a at a -— ater Ah sae afta & gear aét 7 wat | stftece sxalte det fis. aa GaRig site Ha, 2010 (4) MPLJ 315. aro faeare zo 3 ST fore safe -— ae Fran oath A eral & Rese gate ae he aac ar ofan a er 147 3 cet siftae arate aed fase ae | FEN HAT Ws ste Hee ae attr Tera aaa ate aT, 2008 (IY) MANISA 157 (MP) = 2008 (III) MPWN 4 (page 10) = 2008 (1) A.C.T. 159 (MP) = 2008 (1) MPHT 457 (DB). Srnerct sr caf -~ Bec ere & ea & se re we aT ats a fea | yy —— es ea fe att eer eter, ra em eT 1.47 3 ape aterar afer cnfSeat 3s Ptera oe erat one aries squyg a gon &t street ar afte ae ak ae aT | arate are afer, 2008 (1) MPL4J 72 (FB) = AIR 2008 MP 1 = 2008 (1) JLJ 154 = 2008 (3) TAC 134 — 2007 (4) MPHT 460. rec daar onan dors ger -- store ar arfina| Agree soya tear dich Rakes FATA AAAI, 2004 (4) zt. 404 (Edis) | 148 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 98-101 98. Duty to carry goods in Goods Carriage — An owner or person incharge of a goods carriage shall not, save for reasonab’e and lawful excuses refuse to carry any goods of any person tendering the same for not less «san the maximum freight, if any, fixed under sub-section (1) of section 67 of the Act. 99. Change of address of Permit Holder — (1) If the holder of a permit ceases to reside or to have his place of business, as the case may be, at the address set forth in the permit he shall, unless the change be for a temporary period not exceeding three months shall intimate the change within fourteen days alongwith the permit to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued. (2) Upon receipt of intimation under sub-rule (1) the Transport Authority shall after making such enquiries as it may deem fit, enter in the permit the new address and shall intimate the particulars to the Transport Authority of any region in which the pers it is valid by virtue of counter-signature or otherwise. 100. Intimation of damage to or failure of Public Service Vehicle — (1) The holder of any stage carriage permit shall within two days of the occurrence, report in writing to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued, any failure of or damage to such vehicle or to any part thereof, and such failure or damage is of such a nature to render the vehicle unfit for use in accordance with the conditions of the permit for a period exceeding three days. (2) Upon receipt of a report under sub-rule (1) the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued may, subject to the provisions of rules 84 and 85— (i) direct the holder of the permit within such period not exceeding two months from the date of the occurrence as the Authority may specify either to make good the damage to or failure of the vehicle or to provide a substitute; or (i) If the damage to or failure of, the vehicle is such that in the opinion ‘of the said Authority it cannot be made good within a period of two months from the date of occurrence, direct the hoider of the permit to provide a substitute vehicle and where the holder of permit fails to comply with such direction, may suspend or cancel the permit or vary the conditions of the permit as the case may be (3) The Transport Authority after giving a direction for suspending or cancelling the permit or varying the conditions of the permit under clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) shall send intimation of the fact to the Transport Authcrity of any other region in which the permit is valid by virtue of counter signature or otherwise. 101. Alteration in Motor Vehicle — (1) When a transport vehicle is altered inaccordance with section 52 of the Act, the permit holder shall intimate the alteration to the Transport Authority by which the permit was granted. (2) Upon receipt ofan intimation under sub-rule (1) the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued may, if the alteration is such as to contravene any of the conditions of the permit— forest 98-101 Aexenet ferry, 1994 149 98 Ae aa a ate 8 wrt wT aed -- Ae aM A art aT IR are oa agPrgaer er Ft rear & Frere ata vata FRR, Pact oh a safe ar TSS aA garadiatn at tar ate, aftiaa Al arr 67 at scent (1) & area Pa feed 1a often amg ae ang tt, Fara ae e 99. oryaTa area & oe A aftata -- (1) af ang arqaea ar RH IAT fone Get oe, aerftertel teat Ss Ser & ar HAT aT RATA Vrs Ser B at ra ew fos hada Se are orate ait areas arreovahe aer et at ae sae a tee aa oe Ft aT SATA ATT a oferee softreset at Sr, fara ere Sega aT PAT TT aT | (2) gaPrerr (1) & area qe ore a oe aaa often tet site, Sat Pas ae sft Bae STH ear gaa A ae sar ast aT A ahead A Ga ate ats ohare orftrertt at am, Frat ae argares wfersecert & arrere oe ar aeererr ferferaTs zB 100, ete Aar ar wt qwar War a sae Gee wt A aa -- (1) fare RTS arr SATO TT, Tear a a fer sfc ars a SreraT Ses Papel eT At eT FRU IGS aT sew Celt aera sar aa aH, FET Pep sO as ara STE AY Te TAT af fr a aftr Ft areratty & fee seater ¥ ord ot ata a @ fefea Gert aa ohare rftrenret at Sarr, Fares ener ages Tet FARA AT TT | (2) gather (1) & ordi qerr gre at ot ae afte arfraerdt frac fen arr saga sgt farar Tar en, Pen 84 SAK 85 & svael & steals ted BL-- (Gh) SgaTaa Tee ay ae fist 3 waa fe ae goat A arta B at eA a arattren At belt apres & after, sit Pe srftseard PARE at, a TEA Jean a ote at a aa ee ae Bt QUA aT sae see F eat aT A mae Ht; aT (®) aera enganaset gah tet, aaa ret Ao, crear ahr area & at ets At apreovaahe & afte Stew Tet Ht ST eect at at ae SH ATTA TH BH ae Par 2 aaa Pe ae se aes A eet are AY saree at Sie eT STRAITS TH OS Ree ar rene HE H STS TET at are saga ahh aren fearte Prefer ar te ant aoe aT ga eTaT AY eae a aHT | (3) ofterea orftrerét soften (2) & avg (zt) & anita seygrea at Prcifera aT ee eT an sah rat ¥ Sica wer ar Pear By & ean ge ea A Get ora OA a & ohaws srt et or, Foret ae rare fermen & Saree oe ar sare fee | 101. Wtevara FY aftada -- (1) ot Peel ohaes a A afefran Ft ant 52 saat & sagen ofads fran sre & at ganas ore oftada Ft ear, saws orfteartt ay 2am Foreres ater atgarres fear ara a | (2) softer (1) 3 area qe ore By oe ae oafreare, frees gre orate Srtt Fear rear or, fe te afar a are aT @, Fara aero sage At at AB ferret ae ar sR star 8 at-- 150 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 102-103 (i) vary the conditions of permit; or (ii) require the permit holder to prov‘de a substitute vehicle within such period as the Transport Authority may specify, and if the holder fails to comply with such requirement, cancel or suspend the permit. (3) A Transport Authority suspending or cancelling a permit or varying conditions of the permit or causing another vehicle to be substituted for a vehicle covered by a permit, shall intimate the particulars to the Transport Authority of any other region in which the permit is valid by virtue of counter signature or otherwise. 102. Restriction on use of Trailers as Permit Condition — A State Transport Authority or a Kegional Transport Authority granting or countersigning goods carriage, permit, may require as a condition of the permit or of the counter-signature, as the case may be, that no trailer or that no trailer of a specified description shall be attached to any transport vehicle covered by the permit. 103. Exhibition of certain particulars on Stage Carriage or Contract Carriage — (1) In respect of Public Service Vehicle the following particulars shall be exhibited in the manner specified below :— (a) In the case of public service vehicle covered with a valid permit following particulars shall be exhibited on the Upper edge of the left side of the wind screen in red colour :-— (i) Category of Service; (ii) Permit Number with validity; (iii) Granting Authority; (iv) Route. (b) In the case of vehicle, which is not covered with any permit the words “Reserve stage carriage or spare Bus” as the case may be shall be painted in red colour on the upper edge of the left side of wind screen. (c) The size of letters mentioned in clause (a) and (b) shall be 8 c.m. in height and shall be clearly legible from a distance of twenty five metres, 'I(1a) Incase of a vehicle with stage carriage permit plying on interstate route under Reciprocal Transport Agreement, “Madhya Pradesh Parivahan” shall be painted in blue colour on a white strip on the upper edge of the wind screen and on the exterior of both sides of the body. The size of the strip shall be 10 c.m. wide and size of the letters shall be 8 c.m. in height and be such that it is clearly legible from a distance of 25 metres.] 1. Inserted by Notification No, F-1-6/09/V III dated 24th November, 2010. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 24-11-2010 Pages 1196(8-:0). Applicable only in M.P. fore 102-103 aitezara Perera, 1994 151 (&e) agaraa Ft af A heen at TT; aT (@) agama one a ae iter a aaa Pe ae Sea aes A aT a apromvafy & sftae Sar fer oftae srftrard fafiiee at, sae Hae ait af orc Sef over ao Ter CY H oper wear tah oA at aT Prefer at AT | (3) Rear afta orftrerrdt sit fare organs at Prosfere ar ce sacar 8 ar gaa Hy et hep gee & ar fase aegaraa & sierha ot are ferett ara & aa Gee aM sae aay fh atthe seca B, Te FH PARRA ht pert ars UR a ofarer aeftreet at or eee fe ae. SAF safereeaTART SATE aT Bree feaETATA | 102. ayers HY rat & BUA ayaa (2a) & soar og Prefers -- aT ava ar SATA SY are aT Sa Te Tie HEY STO TT aheaes ofa ar ger aftaer sifted, senfeate, arqarea ar afer at wal a wT A ge are At OTe a TT farang sit sagas (Zen) a7 fatafee feracor ser arg sit sige sega & stenfa ars are farett aft Rawr ar 8 et ster se | 103, Porch arg at Sart mia oy aera Feearhat aor rafter Paver sera <= (1) aw Bar ara & dae TA Ee Oe Ht Rrafestan Patra eter A arn (&) av aggres } oferia omar ae tara Hard W argineh ste (Pies tar) & art aad feat ot Peafesias fafittat ore on F galtte Fr ret :~ (we) Bareht anf; (@) squares cer Ha aH Se 2; (a4) serra ater fire; (aR) anf) (@) WB ara & ames 9 a feet gee & argues & sia wei aan 8 Hay arg sitar (favs eaita) & are seat Part ot, ores ora wre “‘arrefert afset met ar sifaftea (Stat) aa” feat sre; (1) Gog (&) een (a) ¥ afeofad sent ar aren Sard F 8 Sf. eo a Getta det Fr gh 8 eae wa 8 Ie1 aT ay ate BT | AT (iam) oreeafen ofaea ager srarte seated ant ae aot St a HARTI ART STS aT AY MT A, ars A Se Hah Ppa Oe OM aes AY aS Bs AT A TAT PT cathe OTe Ye At ng ged AS oT “meres aftaes”’ fora sem, gach At ders 1o Mather stk Sarg F stant arr sax 8 Mather eh ge FAA att fs 25 Areca Aa BTB-BM IS ST AeA eT |] 1, Sarr sen Ow - 1-6 / 2009-31 Fetes 24 era, 2010 aT sta. AeNT | H.. Tare (STATE) Rate 24-11-2010 9 1196(5-7) Teo | Bere eee Tse A TAT 152 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 104-106 (2) No inscription on the wind screen shall be so painted which obstruct the vision of the driver on the steering wheel. Where any inscription on the wind screen obstructs the vision of the driver, it shall be removed forthwith and shall be properly repainted. 104, Distinguishing Boards for Goods Carriage — Every goods carriage shall carry in a prominent place on the front of the vehicle a distinguishing board in Hindi with the letters ‘‘T1#a1e”’ painted respectively in black on white background and in white on black background. The height and the width of each letter shall be not less than 12 centimetres and 6 centimetres, respectively. 105. Inspection of Transport Vehicles and their contents — (1) A Police Officer in uniform not below the rank of Sub-Inspector, or an officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Transport Sub-Inspector within his respective jurisdiction may at anytime when a goods carriage is in a public place call upon the driver of such vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable such police officer or officer of the Transport Department to make reasonable examination of the contents of the vehicle. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Police Officer or the officer of the Transport Department shall not be entitled to examine the contents of any goods vehicle unless— (i) _ the permit in respect of the vehicle containing a condition in respect of the goods which may or which may not be carried on the vehicle; (ii) the police officer or officer of the Transport Department has reasons to suppose that the vehicle is being used in contravention of the provisions of the Act, Central rules or these rules. (3) A Police Officer in uniform not below the rank of Sub-Inspector or an officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Transport Sub- Inspector within his respective jurisdiction may at any time when a public service vehicle is in a public place call upon the driver of such vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as'may be necessary to enable the Police Officer or the officer of the Transport Department to make reasonable examination of the number of passengers and other contents of the vehicle so as to satisfy himself that the provisions and conditions of the permit in respect of the vehicle are being complied with. (4) An Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Transport Sub-Inspector may at any time when a transport vehicle is in a public place call upon the driver of such vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable the officer to inspect such vehicle. The officer shall give to the driver or any other person incharge of the vehicle, a certificate stating the date on which, the hour at which and the period for which the vehicle was detained. 106. Motor Cabs may be required to carry Taxi Meters — (1) The State Transport Authority may, by order require that within such limits and subject to ferent 104-106 arezara Perera, 1994 153 (2) ari terr ee ge rane & ape ot siecicarT ae fave ae cae sam (AAT afin) 83 arers A sf 8 are TES | ret argihett etteit oe Feat cam & reich Te Brahe Naver arch & at 5a Gea ear fee TAT Sih fara eB gH: fear STAT | 104, area & ytew woe -- Tels ATT K see aT & fee ES I fe gitar woos cm, Fae eae gee ae ee ra aT eT FONT HTS CT Ss aenth ‘areares” raven | waa ster A Sarg ar stag wae: 12 Farhtee se 6 Mater 3 aa ae eet 105. afeerea erat atte sre aiechegant amr Patteror -- (1) adh gear gar sift ft am father 3 9@ & Pet oe aera ay, a afer feraer at caftraeret Sit rere Tee TT Patter ds oe 8 Pe sean a et, oreet-areet oftraarfter Bf Panel af rer sar are a ares gern et RS are 3 are Sa rae fase athe za aor aw TS Ca & fos ae BAT, SH fas Ba frre a fees fre star Da a A skechegal At afar ate a aa & fou saws eT | (2) gather (1) i ata Pave are 85 Bre ge at, afore oaftraert ar ofkarert ferar r afresh, urea & after tae at sitar acy 3 feo ca ae eae eT RTT a TH Fe -- (&&) are 3 eee aga Se AM ANTS HT THT AS ATS TH eH AT ATH % war 8 at od state ta; (@) coe after ar afeare fer sarah at ae Hr a COT 7 BYP ay. eater onftsRera, Sete Pret ar ga Pret 35 acre 35 seeiert fran Scere (3) adh crear goer ang oft fever onftrath st ay Paras 3 oe Brest a a at aT coftcres Ror ar arftramrt sit eres often au fatter & oa @ Pret ag ata eb, sret-arett caftramrtcar 3 frett oft ara star tee dar ara arate ert Heh, WA StH Vara F aT a ar tra > Reve site 38 aera om a ca > fore are aT att fee oe gies aera aT aeaeT fam aiftrard ao arcs ge ara a ae Fe & for fa a aaa sega % see afte grat apr gress faa at var 8, 3a ae anfsely A eee othe ara at grea oteedegaTT A aftergant eo & sitar ct & fore sara a | (4) ghaes Ream an arftranrd, at aerre aftaer 35- Fters 9¢ 8 Fer ce are, fret oft ama aa oftaes aa arate wena Wet, BA are arom a aa at dat & fos aie sear ae Tea Br ca H fore ae wT at fe ge rae a se aT sits 3 35 Fore sarees 81 |) Rear saftraerdt reves at a aS geet ett sar eat BY TUTT- a, Bred ae atta, ae cer ait ae arora ster ere fs se ara AY Prwe ST TAT aT, aA rhe MOG. WRT Reet a Saat eee worry wt AT arene at ar ave ~~ (1) THT qftaed 5 Srart anor ap ag arta ax Baa fem Rett etmTait 3 afteae ae A srgareat 154 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 107-110 such exceptions as may be specified in the order all motor cabs intended for hire shall be fitted with taxi meters. (2) No motor cab, required to be fitted with a taxi meter under this rule, shall be used as a motor cab unless it is so fitted. The taxi-meter shall be of the type or types approved by the State Transport Authority. Such taxi meter shall be fixed to, and operated from, a non-driving wheel and shall bear the seal of the registering authority or an officer of the Weights and Measures Department authorised in this behalf to indicate that it has been tested and is in proper working order. (3) Every taxi-meter shall be fitted with an indicator or handle in the form of a flag which shall be inscribed with the words “For Hire”. The taximeter shall be so fixed that, when the indicator is vertical, the taxi-meter shall be out of action. Such indicator shall be so placed as to be clearly visible to any person outside of and in front of the vehicle and to the hirer when inside. (4) The vertical position shall indicate that the vehicle is available for hire and no driver shall, without reasonable excuse, refuse to accept for hire when the indicator is in a vertical position. (5) Where an order as mentioned in sub-rule (1) has been issued, permits in respect of any motor cab covered by such order shall not be granted unless fitted with taxi meter. 107. Examination and Sealing of Taxi Meter — A taxi meter, after it has been affixed to a motor cab, whether for the first time or after repair or adjustment it shall be submitted for examination to the Registering Authority or any other officer of the Weights and Measures Department appointed by it in this behalf, for examination as to the correctness of the fittings and for a practical road test over a measured distance of not less than ten kilometers and for a time test of not less than ahalf-hour’s duration . If found correct its fitting shall be sealed to the motor cab in such a manner that it cannot be removed or tempered without the breaking or removing the seals. No person shall break or temper with or attempt to break or tamper with such seal or with the taximeter or its fittings. 108. Subsequent examination of Taxi-meter — A taxi meter shall be submitted for examination and test once every six months and at other time ifrequired by the Registering Authority or by an officer of the Weights and Measures Department authorised in this behalf. The result of each examination and test shall be entered in the fitness certificate of the motor cab. 109. Illumination of Taxi-meter — In every motor cab there shall be a light so placed as to illuminate the taxi-meter at night. 110. Operation of Taxi Meter — The driver of a motor cab shall as soon as it is hired, set the taxi meter in motion, and upon the termination of the hiring shall immediately stop the same. ferent 107-110 Alexena ferea, 1994 155 arene cea sit fas sara fafa fae ae, am ae ore, TY & fesw sere ae tet Sat Hach ted core sre | (2) gq Brrr 3s ones Sach ster oor foe one eftne ae at tec de, heeds Seri aa ce sea A ae og seh sa ae fe sa a aera oom ee sat | at ez cree Gfteret miftrenrd are argent weere a seer abr tere Var Sahl Alex a eesre aA aes fea (ar grater adie) & arr sitsrara ait aet & seat aera sree SAK Fe ROT safraprdt ar er srftrgeer are cites ferarre & arftranrdt At ga ara at sraheta ae ara Ale ott arth, fe sacor adem fara ot gar 8 ait ae dle ate gies 731 (3) sete Sach diet arr cere & eo HF om Gach oT ese oma sae, FE 6% FOR HIRE (13 & feu) stafeifiaa att | tact stex ge gaan ora ara he tar GH ara ea 8 fire at aa Sach tet ares area A set ah | WA ae HT ea Te aT TAT Pe ar & aret & a1 Sas TS final ofl cafe are ar gach shee 83 gu asa ar aE ATA Jar aT a | (4) @rres feafe ¥ gee ar ett ae seafita aor fe are as He aere oT > fre sree 8 ait are sf aes, afragaa arr & fea, ars FY os oe sony a gan el BT, sates Goa ora eo Fete Fel | (5) set saPra (1) Yaerafite ag ones or a fear var, aS srrter & seria, art are let ad ware ag of agar aa ae ae Rar AIT, wat ae Pas Tee Sah tee Tame 107. deat dred eat atteror ae saa ates wags waa - - dare let at fora shen Sar oe wore TY A RATE STR ae Hee oe ATE HTT TT BY aT SEAL ACHAT aE AT See TST LS FH TRA TT eT VY, HafeT AY aaT aT ler & fore she a es ae fatter 8 say eth ae ooragiite ad aga aot shar & fore sik oT eee aT oreaftr ere aeherer 3 fea ePaper arf ar sees rer ge Pate Fieger fame ea arg aes fer & fore srex orftreerdt & amrer eget fare seam | ale Fa YE Te aa Th ater Ha a aie Tera foker at sex Lifer @ aes comeg sarectt Pas sa est ar aS ar ere fers ge vitae AT Bea A a a aT Te Perr a ar a | BE ohh eae Catt eles aT caret let ar saat afer FY wat ASM, 7 3a fase sit a et 3a atea aT aa fet aT GIA FT | 108. dae dtew At agarqadt atte -- dae otter At site afte gta & few afer Be HT A oa are rem eParesTemeor serene aT ser Pathe sega are etter nae a saree art arte EY aT Te sr Peet a Tee egal Paper son | RA eam arte Ot sitet aR Theor =A Alex Sar soaarra war oa A alae A sreeth | 109. Saft Arex at wenrer oaereNT -— vee Atet Baer A gapreT Al ORAM gH TAT abt srrenth foreret fas ofS 8 Sach tet apa we | AA. Sere chee aor rarest -- stat ss ar ores Sa A ter des HH fom Sara & Sere ate a rey awe Sa BAN TAT Tea FH HT TH ATHTS Se HL ATL 156 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 111-114 111. The fare recorded by the Meter — The fare recorded by the taxi meter for detention by time and for distance travelled shall be according to the rates fixed by the State Government under section 67 of the Act. 112. Power of Transport Department Officers to inspect Taxi Meter — An officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Transport Sub-Inspector may, if he has reason to believe that a motor cab fitted with taxi meter has been tempered with, stop such motor cab and may test the meter over a distance not less than 10 kilometers and for not less than half an hour, and if the meter is found to be defective he shall seize the fitness certificate of the vehicle and cause the vehicle to be produced before the registering authority. 113. Lost Property — (1) Where a permit holder or any responsible person receives any article under clause (xvii) of rule 32, he shall keep that article for a period of two days and shall if the article is not claimed during that period hand over the same to the officer-in-charge of the nearest police station : Provided that if the article is of a perishable nature, it may be handed over to the officer in charge of the nearest police station even before the expiry of two days. (2) Where during the period mentioned in sub-rule (1)— (i) thearticle is claimed by not more than one person, the permit holder may after making such enquiry as he deems fit and if necessary, after taking an indemnity bond from the claimant hand over the article to the claimant; (ii) _ the article is claimed by two or more than two persons, the permit holder shall hand over the same to the officer-in-charge of the nearest police station. 114, Prohibition on painting or marking of Transport Vehicles in certain manner — (1) No advertising device, figure or writing shall be exhibited on any transport vehicle save as may be specified by the Regional Transport Authority by general or special order. (2) A public service vehicle when regularly used for carrying postal mail by or under a contract with the posts and telegraphs department, may exhibit in a conspicuous place upon a plate or a plain surface of the motor vehicle the words “MAIL” in red colour on a white ground, each letter being not less than fifteen centimetres in height and of a uniform thickness of two centimetres. (3) Save as aforesaid, no motor vehicle shall display any sign or inscription which includes the word “MAIL”. (4) No transport vehicle, except those owned by the Central or State Government shall be painted wholly in red, olive green, khaki or dark blue colours and no vehicle painted in these colours shall be used by any person or shall be caused or allowed to be used in any public place : fererat 111-114 Aleverrat fereraa, 1994 157 IAL, after are afta Rafer Pearerert -— 03 as ht orate 3 fore site Ht g aA Rare Baett fice are aafinfestaa Pacer, creer arene are sft At er 67 & area Frafiea arg a & BAA ET 112. dae tec ent Petter wet At afeaes Rear a arenrheat at feet = afterert Raver arr er ang aft ferret tte arena aftere ao Patteras 3 oe 8 Ft ae aera, aA ge ga are aor awe HOY ar aT fas tee er A core re Rae Ate a FRrTTST ver Raters Be ate Ser at has eae ihe ae Paraftar Bara Et a SH aT eB SAT ratty am aoa Hier Hh ate ae Bae aie ale Alex Aaqet svar sre 8 cl ae aT aT mega sore afte ate te ar aay Ratner sree i RT TEA AATAAT | 113. tg gg aeuftr -- (1) aft Rem 32% ag (wae) % oreite any arg Pett oes eas ar fae sree safes te wy, at ae ge ag ay a fear At reoTaAe eH TT ove var afte af ge seroma & dle ag of ge aeg ahr GTA A a A ae Pec fore ary reer otra at ate om: wig aft ae aeq Prreacap fa A 8 at ae aeg Prec gfesa om & orcas afte sr J Pram ays Got dit ara | (2) set safan (1) 8 afeeftan sraftr & er-- (em) aq ara Ha orate cafe ara Paar are 2 ah agar OTs staaers cara, Saft fe ae afar ana, ait af oars a at area & afeyfe days 34% overq ae aeq arden at aie BT; (Qh) weqararerdt aa saftre cafes are Parar sen ¢ ah sea oT ae aeq Prmean gfore ot & arcane sft at ate ST | 114, ofteret oat og afta fer ds or Para Praet ar ae’ Ragifiad ae ant aferter -- (1) Prat sftateaes aro Pret aft Beane A ahh, arrears ar wees soreftras ofterert arferaeret aver reer a fete arr are fafatae fare ager & fase se rT AE | (2) at$ de dar ar sata sear sear Prati wo & srw eT a fT eS At TE fier are a gad arts sre At Patzsat ont, 3 sr & feo fen Sra 8 aa se AIT aT res er wears ett ET CT Alera A aCe a aR aa TRAY HK GT OTA seq “gr” (MAIL) seftiar Per or aor, freer ota Sree Sarg F xe Settee a ara ahr ttt saat a ater Ht aa Aterg er | (3) ser qeifaer 3 fevarey, path eft are scrarra oe feral OB aisha aT sarciea arr eiesis at Prat seer, Pree seq “eres” (MAIL) afFifed et (4) Fosse eaters shaw art a sear feet Hara a phe: Bs, Seth St, Ah a ek AS oH ae om AT, Ae ga HATS AH Pet ft aa aor aura fore sft after gre vet Perr sri afte Path edition eon Y seven suet att act Peer sre aT ah saa sein ae A agate at seat: 158 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 115-115A Provided that if the State Government so directs fire-engines owned by local bodies and transport vehicles of State Road Transport undertaking may be painted in red colour. (S) An Educational Institute bus as defined under clause (ii) of section 2 of the Act shall be painted in yellow colour. '[(6) Under mutual transport agreement of State of Madhya Pradesh performed with other States, after liquidation of Madhya Pradesh Road Transport Corporation, vehicles operated on the basis of Madhya Pradesh Nominee on inter-state roads shall be painted as per following colour scheme - "The whole body of vehicle shall be painted in sky blue colour with one foot (12 inches) skirt belt of white colours in bottom shall be painted on whole of the body."] 115. Painting and marking of Motor Cabs in certain manner —(1) Except the motor cabs covered by All India Tourist permit and such other motor cabs or class of motor cabs as may be exempted by the State Transport Authority, the hood of every motor cab shall be painted in cream yellow and the rest of the body in black colour. (2) Inaddition to the registration mark, a serial number of permit allotted by the registration authority shall be painted on the motor cab at each of the following different places, namely :-— (i) _ the left hand top portion of the front wind screen; (ii) on rear boot on the side of the registration mark; (iii) in the middle of the left front door; and (iv) in the middle of the right front door. (3) The aforesaid number shall be painted in white and in a red circle and the numericals shall not be more than 50 millimeters and less than 38 millimeters in breadth. : (4) The number of the left hand portion of the windscreen shall be so painted as to be readable from inside and the number on the rear boot, the left front door and the right front door shall be painted against the black background. (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules no permit shall be granted or renewed in respect of any motor cab which does not conform to the provisions of sub rules (1) to (4). (6) No motor vehicle other than a motor cab shall be painted in the manner prescribed in sub-rule (1). 7|115-A. Colour of maxi-cab -— (1) The upper portion (Hood) of maxi-cab shall be painted in Yellow colour. |. Inserted by Notification No. F. 22-30-2007-VIII dated 13th September, 2007. Published in Madhya Pradesh Rajpatra Part 4 (Ga) dated 14th September, 2007 at pages 255-256. Applicable only in Madhya Pradesh. Inserted by Notification No. F. 8-7-98-VIII. dated 6-1-1999. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 6-1-1999 Page 26 ferent 115-1153 alezera Riera, 1994 159 Fig ae ree ea er Pager ah earrtta Phage at earfirea & oar gan ard eft atte Tse age Chae Sar % oftaes art at ore oT a oT Tae (5) safetFerr tere 2% avg (11) Fae sfonfte teats dea gerd ora eh smett | "[(6) Reames Tee & ay eit & wey aenfke oreeahee aaa erat seria oreeoatia arf oc mea ages oftare Fre 3 afcaRE Sars mer Aft one ararftent arett at Prargre or atsea & aga tor sa | “cares Bt arg atest at cara oy (srt) oF PT ara AA ee He (12 $4) ae aerge (BRR) bor ar ead aT ECE teh ax tT STAT |””] 115. Wet aa aft afew: Afar # tng ath Pretest -- (1) frarratie sen afore fie (srftacs setter celen sigarea) & sicria sy ard chee Bea 3 aon BS seer sitet Sea eh ott & whee Soa Park fis ose ota oafbrat arr ag dh ae, weer ater Sear ar ‘watt arr (Ge) HH Sten (HT Aa) oT sik te ais ad OTT oH AH | (2) Breganer Bre & often crederer often arr aardfeer Pro me geitve a agentes Hize a & Farafettan acd Rafa earl oe on sitter Pee ora, areifg :- (G) are Sargie ett (fers a) Hartt site a wat wm (@) rset arr (fear ag) ox afaredtanco Rae & are 2; (a) art ott are ott & cars & ata, atte (AR) af atk ard eras & afte (3) Sa afae saat ore G1 gad aiet athe bd fore art 3th sie 0 Pet ater & am set St aor Ht Stars 38 Pthier Bam ert | (4) argh etter (Fs ea6tr) & are ere atk a er ar aiee ow GER Pasar STAT SH tae ahh Site ST ST BA ae FBS arr (ae) ar, art aire a samt Bs area ahh ard ates ah 3 are sick ares guyte re fd aa (5) es Feat otal Pret oft areas dt gu oft set stertha & ete alg e gare ra ae ea eT he See te et Pa eae Pa ae whee A sae (1B (4) a sade & ageT 7a (6) Alec Sa & fire ag ary atorens softer (1) 8 Paar GRA at OH oA | *[uasar. Matt Sa arr in ~~ (1) feet base et am (ge) HS eo aT 1. safes. Ue. 22-30-2007-a1T3, Reais 13 Rees, 2007 aR aetenfta | mee os arm 4 (77) festa 14 Perma, 2007 gs 255-256 Tae | Sao were wer a aT 2. safer amis om, 8-7-9823 Reais 6-1-1999 ara size | RASART THT ( STATATCT) Reif 6-1-1999 9 26 grr oir: | 160 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 116-117 (2) The provisions of sub-rule (3), (4) and (5) of rule 115 shall musatis mutandis apply in respect of maxi-cab also.] 116. Classification of Stage Carriage Services — (1) Stage carriage service: shall be classified as Ordinary, Express and Deluxe, The Express and Deluxe services shall not ordinarily have stage at less than 50 Kms. apart unless the permit granting authority specifically allows otherwise. '[(1a) Stage carriage service vehicle having seating capacity 6 to 21 excluding the driver and conductor shall be classified as “Rural Service Vehicle” and shall ply exclusively on “Rural Routes” as specified under clause (ii) of rule 116A. “Rural Service Vehicle” shall be painted on such vehicle in blue colour on a white strip on the upper edge of the wind screen and on the exterior of both sides of the body. The size of the strip shall be 10 c.m. wide and size of the letters shall be 8 c.m. in height and be such that it is clearly legible from a distance of 25 metres.] (2) The State Transport Authority may, by general or special order. direct that vehicles plying as Express and Deluxe services shall be painted in such colours different from the colour of vehicles plying an ordinary service or may have such special markings, as the State Transport Authority may specify and no Motor Vehicle than those operating as Express or Deluxe service shall be painted or carry marking in the manners so specified. "116A. Classification of routes in the State of Madhya Pradesh and control of plying vehicles thereon -- (1) The routes shall be classified in the following categories :- (i) “ordinary route” means a route which connects one town orcity with anotl er town or city, which are either Tahsil headquarter or urban area under te Municipal Corporation, Municipality or Nagar Panchayat. Any part of such route shall also be called “ordinary route”; (ii) “rural route” means a route which connects one village to town with another village or town but does not include portion of ordinary route exceeding 5 k.m. (2) On “ordinary route” a passenger vehicle having seating capacity of less than 22 seats excluding driver and conductor shall not be permitted to ply. (3) On“rural route” a passenger vehicle having seating capacity of less than 22 seats excluding driver and conductor shall be permitted to ply.] 117. Air conditioning and Cooling — Only vehicles whether omni-buses or motor cabs fitted with air-conditioning units or air-cooling device of marks and specifications approved by the State Transport Authority shall be recognised as being air-conditioned or air-cooled and no other form of air-conditioning or air- cooling device shall be recognised for purpose of grant of permit or for charging or fare applicable to air-conditioned or air-cooled services. 1. Inserted by Notification No. F-1-6/09/VII dated 24th November, 2010. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 24-11-2010 Pages 1196(8-10). Applicable only in M.P, feet 116-117 Alevaral feet, 1994 _ 161 (2). are oar aise Free 115 sy Faw (2), (3), (4) se (5) Hares Tae ofeada afea ory a |] 116, Hifsret mist Aarait ar arffae -- (1) asst ort At darsit at ar aaa sik diode & ead afta fen sre) Sere ait eae aarait ht fs (ee UM) STATA CH GE HHT T aH 50 Pronfier tt A ett wa aa saa SF aTeT oiftrenrtt fafafés wo 8 aren agar 4 ae (a) afret ast are, Prrht tox aaa ates ait arate Ht Grea 6 A Aa 21 a8, “oni dara” & ward arith fae are sik Ram 116 ave (at) H aria aenfatafase “arftor aril” oc A arene sme, Risers a aarft Prait oe ca a aA ate & Sat site aredt arr oe hg OT a Fe A ag ces TS OT “aM aaa” fern TET, edt ht charg 10 Beitr atk Sar F art ar svar 8 Aatfiex so ate a TA alt Fe 25 Alex At get 8 arss-are 98 oT HA eT |] (2) asa oftaer siftrart araren ar ste one ane ae Peer 3 aaa fis eae se Sean tarsi $ ea F aod at ars ae Ht oS od on sea st are dat BTA ses ary aes aT we Para wt at a oe esate rae & Fare at aera Ps ea heres Perea a ffge at fe ott caatta at diese aanait & ea f gerd a ars art & ra fret oft aT lear & ge sar fafitae A ag fa a ae Graven sea atk a a ge ea fare if aT | ies, weagew use & anit an afta ak 34 0 a aere WA aT Pretaor —— (1) avi apr antes Prafettec Set 8 Pera sre: (Ue) “aver at?” & afte @, ear ant SH Peet BR are aT gree at Ga OS AR aT meta stem’, stan at awdios qeare el araercenfeses Pea, arearferas ar are dart & anes ards aa et, Ca art ar ats rr rere art at aeereTT | (&) “anton anf? & aif &, tar art St feet ame ar ae at at ome oT RT Sirsar, aay SreX arercor arf ants Pretfize & siftras amr arr afeatera aa 81 (2) “Carerorart” ta arta a, Brett aos amen sree wa aia A SST 22 8 an 8, dome art & Ma ayaa ae fae aT | (3) “Sareter anh” ax ta aetiara a}, Ral Sap arma am os afters A Sree 22 Fam z, sore srt & fed agaa Pear ser |] 117. arene fer aon aragitas -- Fae a at st are a sieht aw et ar Ate a, Bea oa aftaea wiftranthare sigaifed aaradt ua fahiauit (etter) arergRT are ar arate arert ot ge a arate fere aT aerate art & wa F are St Tet ate Tega & Fave sft sree sear ar areca & Pape oft aesr ae a avarRlee ae arate Seavey a cary, SF aren ara BY ar Panera safe ey BH 3 gettora 3 foe area ei at art | 1, saftgearserts wr-1-6/2009-378 Reta 24 Fare, 2010 aru ara: eenita | Ag. Taya (STaTETT) Rearw 24-11-2010 9% 1196(5-7) eT | Hae eae TTA TAA 162 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 118-123 118, Conveyance of animals in Stage Carriage — Cattle and goats shall not be carried in stage carriages but dogs and other small pets may be carried on payment of half of the adults fare, if permitted by the conductors. All dogs and other small pets conveyed in stage carriage shall be securely fastened and shall be under full control of the owner. 119. Licensing and regulation of conduct of Agent for sale of tickets for travel by Public Service Vehicle — In rules 120 to 130 unless the context otherwise requires— (a) “Travel Agent” means an agent or a canvasser in the sale of tickets for travels or otherwise soliciting customers for such vehicles. (b) “Travel Agent Licence” means a licence granted under rule 122. (c) “Licensing Authority” means the Regional Transport Authority of the place where the applicant has his principal place of business. 120. Application for licence to act as a Travel Agent — (1) An application for grant or renewal of a Travel Agent’s licence shall be made in Form M.P.M.V.R.- 61 (L.Ag.A) to the Licensing Authority and shall be accompanied by a fee as specified in rule 145 (2) Where the applicant has besides the main office, branch office within the jurisdiction of the Licensing Transport Authority referred to in sub-rule (1), the applicant shall indicate such place with full address in his application for grant of licence. (3) Where the applicant has branch offices outside the jurisdiction of the licensing authority, a separate application shall be made to the Licensing Authority in whose jurisdiction the branch office is situated in Form M.P.M.V.R.-61 (PAGA) accompanied by a fee as specified in rule 145. 121. Scrutiny of Application — A Licensing Authority. while granting or renewing a Travel Agents licence, shall take into consideration the following, namely :— (a) The financial stability of the applicant and his experience of passenger transport business. (b) The number of public service vehicles either owned by the applicant or under his control. (c) Suitability of the accommodation under the control of the applicant for sale of tickets for travel by public service vehicle. (d) Facilities provided by the applicant for parking of public service vehicles for embarking or disembarking of passengers without hindrance to general traffic in the area. 122. Grant/Renewal of Travel Agent’s Licence — The Licensing Authority, on receipt of application under rule 120 may for reasons to be recorded in writing, grant or renew or refuse to grant a licence : Provided that the licensing authority shall not refuse to grant a licence unless the applicant is given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for refusal are communicated to him in writing. 123. Furnishing of Security Deposit — A person who has been granted the Travel Agent’s licence shall deposit a sum of Rupees Five Thousand through Treasury fer 118-123 Freverra feta, 1994 163 118. fSredt eee agai at era & re -— Hf MARe Yay ihe erat apr ae ae fear sre feag fe otkarers aT sya at aa at aren ate a fore Ts ars arftang & amt arg ar daa ea a ga ohh aa BE Tag TYS a B ser aT AFT | afar mrs FS sre rt are ae et ae os Bre SEO HT Eee BT A ate aK CAT TAT she S ant oof Become ai | 119. tee Sar aay arr ATA as Fd Feeney At Perey & fea watel at aga ate Fre arrazor amr Parra -- Fes 1208 130 eee aa tH el a cree ofa a - (%) “Cha aiftenat” & safe 8 ae fret ar deer (aaa) a ste Bar ars & food fespel oft fara 8 ar oraz 8S are At ore & ea are aad am a, (eo) “2feres orfiraset orga” & safirde & Rem 122 & arefta dg saga, (1) “sagas often” & ainte @ sree ar orate oftaer orftrat set HAC FT FMA I eT EAT | 120. tire aftireat & way ard art ot aqafh tq onder oa -- (1) fae aftreat argat fae art a adic & fer artes oa gem on. Sagat aiftrenrd a fear sree site ger ares Fram as Yaar BASE a att | (2) set sofia (1) i sighfe argues onfirartt A onftemrftar 3 ue order a oye arate & orev sraranraioa 8, al aac agatt eu sry aad sider ga HAD PUM aT RTA a ae SeoST FUT | (3) set onereas a emer anrafora aigaraa arfrcertt 6 aaftrentttar 3% are fra 2 ae HR Tae Ta FET... o-61 A ge arya sifted at fear ahr Ra caftranftar 8 srrar arrerfova fete & site saree rer Fer 145 8 rer fafitae fre air 121. arden oa At ata -- agar often, Hae aferal agai 8 aan satan are are Fry ara at ear # ca, ora :~ (&) ora fh fartta geen Ce anh cftaer oraar i ae sya; (3) trea art Aden sh see & eafiica ar sak Pai YA; (1) Site Bar att are ara aes % fort femal At A ty sae & Frc ori ears Al sapere; (8) 83% ares gerne a fear arn gears arfay a aera aT sa FD cites Gar arat at ed ae Bq sae are sree a Tet BTA | 122. 2fae otfrerat orgafit ar Rear arat/adtenor -- Ba 120 % arta a TS ITE A OT, STATI Safle ari at afta aa Ee, yah 8 wae aT setae ane aaa aT 24 8 Se aL AAT: Fag orga orient argues 33 8 aa aw sar ae ao a aa PH ord aT ATE BU AA AGT a ae aT ear Bt er ae ere a feat HF ae here one fer er a 123. afer fer Prater ar fear srat -- ae cafes, faa the afireat agate at ret 2, Shearer fern & eat csr oot & inte arrests are ara ote eae eee Ht af 164 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 124-126 Challan under appropriate revenue head of the Transport Department. The amount of security deposit for a licence for branch office under sub-rule (3) of rule 120 shall be Rupees Three Thousand. Comments Accident claim -- Negligence vis-a-vis contributory negligence -- Driver of motorcycle as well as claimants who were two pillion riders on motorcycle sustained injuries in accident with jeep -- Plea by insurer that driver of motorcycle was carrying two pillion riders in violation of section 28 and there was contributory negligence on part of claimant who was one of pillion riders -- Held, that violation of section 128 per se does not amount to contributory negligence on part of pillion rider. Devi Singh Vs. Vikram Singh, 2008 (1) MPLJ 98 (F.B.). 124, Form and Validity of Licence — A Travel Agent’s licence shall be in Form M.P.M.V R.-62 (L Ag) and shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of grant or renewal : Provided that if the licence is in respect of branch office referred to in sub-rule (3) of rule 120 the validity of such licence shall be restricted to the validity of licence granted in respect of the main office. 125. Renewal of Licence — An application for renewal of Travel Agent's licence may be made to the Licensing Authority within fifteen days before the expiry of the licence and shall be accompanied by the original licence and the fee as specified in rule 145. 126. General conditions to be observed by the holder of Travel Agent’s Licence — The holder of a Travel Agent's licence shall— (a) maintain all register containing names and addresses of the passengers booked, destination of their journeys and other details as mentioned in Form M.P.M.V.R.-63 (T.V.Reg.); (b) ensure that the public service vehicles for which he sold tickets or otherwise booked the passengers for travel, carries a valid permit for the route and complies with the other requirements of the Act. and that such vehicle departs from the Scheduled place and at the Scheduled time for its journey; (c)_ keep the premises and all records anc registers maintained by him, open for inspection at all reasonable times ‘vy the Licensing Authority or by any officer not below the rank of Transport Sub-Inspector as may be authorised in this behalf by the Licensing Authority; (d) not shift the main office or branch office mentioned in the licence without the prior approval in writing by the Licensing Authority; (e) display at a prominent place in its main office and its branch office the licence issued in original and certified copies thereof, attested by the Licensing Authority; (f) maintain in the main office and its branch office in conspicuous place a “Complaint Book” in Form M.P.M.V.R.-64 (Comp T Ag.) with serially numbered, paged in triplicate. The licensee shall despatch the duplicate copy of complaint, if any, to the Licensing ferret 124-126 aitezarra Perera, 1994 185 sfenfer 0 8 ster BOTT | Fram 120% zafham (3) Sanity areata argu a oferta ft aftr ata ear aaa ert | Fecoutt eat rat -- orvarét var asteerdt stem -- alerarsne % Sra arr aeeny, at sccargams & Freche 83 gua eaten, at sate glean SY om -- arene are onftrarg, far Hlecearsarer or SraaT aT 128 (Rtet a safiaFaR, 1988) 3 Seca A at iota aged at S at cer om atk ae saW & cw fetes Teer aden Fh sik & sizer ater eft -- afifutica fe ar 128 a secs eae: Petia ogee At ine & sterereh Tar ae ett | Tat Rite zara Rew Riz, 2008 (1) Ur.ct.ue.a. 98 (quidts) 1 124, agai ant ea ter deat -- Bae ahrsat agate Teo (C.F. eet 62) (OG. t,) Hao aor agate FEA aes ar arc aA reves Bat nk & fewe Aer ehh: aig af& sigafiy Perr 120 & safe (3) # fates eran arate & daiftra 8 at Cet gat Arm yes araterr cid 8 ahd aga A ear a dae | 125, aaah arr aetna -- 2fae sifiraat sigafy & ada & fod order agate 3 eae a1 3 ge rm fe Bs afte argo sPbertt ar ear sr Bee cre Fe TT ae saga a rae 145 8 aren fatage fie ett | 126. 2fare arftrarat agate eres aren arqavers at srry arrest area arf -- 2fares anftraratt srgaafit ar aces - (a) car efirece cea Bree gee Feed area & ar rer get SAY TAT TIST ue a 88 fare Sar fe es ae -63 (A eet. aa.) ati at; (ca) are egfafere aiter Ps Oe tee Aa ars Free fee ser Paarl ah Te ar arr, arar & feet anfseat a qe fare 2, ga aet & fet aw agar an & an afifien A sre arterratt ot gf ance 8 ee te area ara feet Retica ara a Ruffes cna & geet ara 2; (1) ofc ce amea artist a aor are grey wa a Care hI Saga Tea ay arr AS BA safer are Ty oftaer s7- Pte os 9g a Perse aT ze, ait fir ger Piftte ogame onftrartt gta anfirge Peer srg, ait afeaqaa anrelt ox Pattern Pan at & food qe ear; (a) seamen orfrenntt afta ad srgrter & Fen srqati Fattta mye artic ar aren rater at TRafeie Tel HT; (S) gear 8 ard tog saga afte argares arfbiarral grey seftraefbra sec sfafesftat ger araten ee sat ean arate Sapa eam Hwee FIT, (a) om Parana gpa ren Or... are -64 HF re oe ARETE se gadtat aint it ge dear zat a, spe sain we sa ger rates eH Ber TT Oe aT | eIaHinTl erat AY, af aNE et, aA aA 166 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 127-128 (g) (h) Authority by registered post expeditiously and in any case not later than three days; submit from time to time to she !:censing Authority such information and return as may te called for by it; in case engaged in issuing tickets for stage carriage— (i) charge the fare in accordance with the fare table approved by the Transport Authority; (ii) not charge fare less than the prescribed for attracting the passengers, and thereby creating unhealthy competition; (iii) not curse or mislead any passenger to board his bus; fiv) behave in a civil and orderly manner with a person who is demanding ticket; and (v) issue tickets to the person in serial order. 127. Suspension, cancellation of Agent’s Licence and forfeiture of Security — (a) (b) (©) (d) Without prejudice to any action which may be taken against a licensee, the Licensing Authority may, by order in writing cancel the licence or suspend it for such period, as it thinks fit, if in its opinion any of the conditions under which the licence has been granted, has been contravened. Before making any order of suspension or cancellation under clause (a), the Licensing Authority shall give the licensee an opportunity of being heard and shall, record reasons in writing for such cancellation or suspension. The Licensing Authority may order the forfeiture in whole or in part of the security furnished by the licensee under rule 123 for contravention of any provision of this rule or rule 126 for breach of any conditions specified therein : Provided that no such forfeiture shai! be made unless the licensee is given an opportunity of being heard. In the event of a forfeiture of a security deposit or part thereof, by the Licensing Authority, the licence shall cease to be valid, if the licensee fails to make payment to bring the security already furnished by him to its original value within thirty days of the receipt of the order of forfeiture. 128. Issue of duplicate Licence — If, at any time Travel Agent’s licence is lost, destroyed, torn or otherwise defaced so as to be illegibie, the agent shall forthwith apply to the Licensing Authority for the grant of a duplicate licence. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as specified in ruie 145. Upon receipt of such application the authority shall issue a duplicate liccnce stamped “Duplicate” in red fererat 127-128 wera ferent, 1994 167 (®) ) afore ae ar rat at a aif a fi ta Tg orftresrdt a ee; srr often at tet erat ote faa aera erer Ke geqe FT, Sa fem sae are sates Ft STG; da ares F aret angered vifsrest art & fest feswe ond aaet & ard Fo (om) oftaes orfrard are aged face gett & sarge farce gett att: (2) anBetisy ore ato fa Pafes fred am face dae state arg sera Fat BIT; (cea). fae art at org are Y ara anh ed tere ae te tte et FA ATT HET; (aw Sim) Ree sere mnt arr eet a ae RT ER aT, (Gta) aafeeal at sen @ ferre orth atm | 127. afrerat arate at Pras, weer oe ofa he sar ee ~~ (#) (a (") (9) agains: farce Ft ar carr ares fret apreferet oe setae ToTE STS fear aagaras orftraard, af sac ara 8 fara ef & ard sigalt Sach, Say & favett erct aor Sees BOTT B, at ferftact onder ere srgatt Ft TE aK BeaT ar eft apreovater & fern, Sat fos are shia ae, 3 Prosar a aa | wavs (a). aol Presera ar ceaneer arr ANS aaTeaT TIA aH GS AGATA gira aqafiercs at qaarg ar staat 9a HiT sik ta sar aT Tea & aaUN ay affesftac eT | agar srftrenrtt ser Prema & farett sree ant seers oer & foe ar Fear 126 8 fartateey ard if & Peratt oft are a sit for ofengia a, st aagufiertt are Pent 123 & orefia so aang 8 8 ohe: aT aera: eave Pane ST aT were TT: gig tar ag aareer aa aes aah fama SET rat am fas Seater aT wrarg ar rae 73 ear Te sfenafer Fata ar sae farett srer ay srgares ortreant art ered fae ST Pham H, afe orgattratt ser gre ges et sre At ng senate TAR at seat AS TH & aA oT fos sree Tf aaTET & saree A fe ahha fea & sftex area Her arate coor 8 at orgahty At Serer ara et art 128, agate at Fetter afer tt aca -- afe fare aa saftenal aryeft GY sire, ae Rl ae, fe STE aT Here ge THR Pape A Ta PH ores ere, a orftrerat go fel ara re rt 3 fore rer aftr at area aT | esa 3 Te Fev 145 Hae fae erat sarah | ge rare aor aera oe A oe ferent saat at Fee fe Fare 168 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 129-133 ink. !f the duplicate licence is issued on a representation that the licence originally granted has been lost or destroyed and the original licence has been subsequently found, the duplicate licence shall be surrendered to the Licensing Authority. 129. Appeal — Any person ag¢rieved by an order of the Licensing Authority under rule 122 or 127 may within thirty days of the receipt of the order appeal to the State Transport Authority. 130. Procedure for Appeal —(1) An appeal under rule 129 shall be preferred in duplicate in the form c* a memorandum, setting forth grounds of objections to the order of the Licensing Authority and shall be accompanied by the fee as specified in rule 145 and a certified copy of such order. (2) The Appellate Authority or the Secretary Regional Transport Authority may give any person interested in an appeal preferred under rule 129 copies of any document connected w’ ‘1 the appeal on payment of the fee as specified in rule 145. (3) The Appellate Authority after giving an opportunity to the parties to be heard and after such further enquiry, as it may deem necessary, may confirm, vary or set aside the order for which the appeal is preferred and shall make an order accordingly. 131. Licensing of Agents engaged in the business of collecting or forwarding and distributing goods — In rules 132 to 143 unless the context otherwise requires— (a) “Agent” means any person engaged in the business of collecting or forwarding and distributing goods carried by road by goods carriage plying for hire; (b) “Agent’s Licence” means a licence granted to an agent under sub- rule (4) of rule 133 for the principal establishment, and includes a supplementary licence granted to such agent for any additional establishment or branch office specified in such supplementary licence; (c) “Licensing Authority” means the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which the applicant intends to carry on the business. 132. Prohibition to act as Agent except under Licence — No person shall act as an agent unless he holds a valid licence authorising him to carry business of an agent at the place or places specified in the licence. 133. Agent’s Licence — (1) Any person desiring to obtain Agent’s Licence shall make an application to the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which he has his place of business. Such application shall be made in Form M.P.M.V.R.- 65 [L Ag A (Goods)]. (2) The application shall be accompanied by the fee as specified in rule 145. (3) In considering an application made under this rule, the Licensing Authority shall have due regard, among other things to— fren 129-133 Alexenat feraai, 1994 169 qe are ware & “ete of” agit ater, sit apt | ae feet sega ge ores areca Pa eT a sre at ae aT Aw a AB, TE eT eB, aH afe ToT A agate fires ar, ar ges orga, sxgare stretch iret | 129, axedtes —— gar fire err ear 122 212.7 area Facey omer a aa aed safer, ariear arf cts fea & after rset afte sree at onder ae eT | 130, ayeftes as Ferd afer -- (1) Farr 129 & arelta orien a aferat & ara ws 3 eg A aett Paei argares fare sree ee set A aT aT Tee PAT career atte ers rer Pre 145 H aoa cht afte ore ar ce cere afer eA (2) ania sftrandt ar afta, oafire afaes aftr fren 129 & anf gee Ai rat ontrs of ft eat ares fat rer at atts & ciel inal oft cere at ft Fre 145 aentahiféy fie ar pratt TC 8 AT | (3) sates srftranrd ceraeret at GraTE ABT Sree 23 qearg cer tet ak sis, ate ea, Sat ae srs AAs, aH Tear Te ora shi, FaTe fs fawR sates hg, of acer, Se Saree HC TIT AT TS ITT a TMT ANC aAATE STA FUT | 131, areas ereor aT art oor ait racer a rear oot gy ai revatant wr gegen -- Fern 132 8 143 aa ara aes Hel 8 orezar arafere +e} (#) “Sieat” & afta 8 arg cafes at ws GC aa aS HIG ATA ERT ASH sar & amet Path ard res Bs sro a rar Ate FteoT eA AFIT BTR; (eq) ‘orfirerat ogi” & aaftrte 8 oafirarat a sages cerrear & fort Farm 133 3p sofa (4) 3 area drrg aga ote aad sia fat faa ear ar smear arratena & feed ah Pett says orate PARE et, arg orga oats aftatera 2; (a) “gargs eee” Bere & ger ear (hora) ar reas ohare TTT Brat andes gr BRA oT sasha | 132. orqqtfta & orefta & Reraret orftrarat aot ard apd aan eferter -- ate ofl aafia siftaat he Yaa ae ard al ate, sta em Pp Sere ove Se agate a et st a agatis 8 fa AaEs er a ear oe airs a aretere ancy & fea, safle ee 133. stfraratant at argafta -- (1) satenat oft orga sae ay ar Fag FS cafe oe ee (har) 3s sre ace seh a Pare Sree ATA AT TAR, STA SL 23M) Car STR TST UH. A.ST-65 (OH. SH.) (Tes) Y Pasa sree | (2) sraea 3 ore am 145 i aenfatates Ste ret | (3) ga ge Se eb rege eR aS eT BT TET is aT ayer Freier Pett ant arene OA TTT - 170 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 133 (a) _ the number of goods carriages, if any, either owned by the applicant or under his control; (b) the suitability of accommodation under the control of the applicant for the storage of goods at every operating place; (c)_ the facilities provided by the applicant for parking the goods carriages while loading or unloading without hinderance to the general traffic in the area; and (d) the financial resources of the applicant and his experience in the trade. (4) The Licensing Authority shall either grant the licence including a Supplementary licence for a branch office if any, in Form M.P.M.V.R.-66 [L Ag P (Goods)] or M.P.M.V.R.-67 [L Ag $ (Goods)] as the case may be specifying the place or places where the business may be carried on, or refuse to grant the licence : Provided that the Licesing Authority shall not refuse to grant a licence or a supplementary licence for a bi.unch office applied for, unless the applicant is given an opportunity of being heard, and the reasons for refusal are recorded and communicated to him in writing. (S)_ The Licensing Authority shall, while granting a licence (including any supplementary licence) or at any time during the validity of licence by order require the licensee to furnish a security in cash of, rupees ten thousand and when a licensee has furnished earlier any security in pursuance of an order passed under this sub- rule additional security not exceeding rupees one thousand. (6) The licence shall be in two parts, namely, the principal part (hereinafter referred to as “the principal licence”) in which supplementary ticence issued for €very separate establishment or branch office for loading, unloading or receipt of delivery of consignments is carried on, shall be mentioned and the supplementary part (hereinafter referred as “the supplementary licence”). The details of the establishment or branch office (such as, municipal house number, the nearest road, bye-lane, the postal delivery district and other landmarks in the vicinity to enable identification of the place of license) duly attested by the Licensing Authority shall be attached to the licence. (7) The Principal licence shall be keptand displayed prominently at the head office, and the supplementary licence shall be kept and displayed prominently at each branch office to which it refers except when the principal licence or supplementary licence, as the case may be, is forwarded to the Licensing Authority for affecting renewal and the licensee is in Possession of an acknowledgment to that effect. Such licence or acknowledgment shall be produced before any inspecting officer of the Transport Department. (8) An Agent’s licence shall be non-transferable. (9) An agent’s licence shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of grant or its renewal. The date of expiry of the supplementary licence shall be co- terminus with the date of expiry of the principal licence irrespective of the date on which the supplementary licence is granted. fereaa 133 alewena fore, 1994 171 (&) sre & earliest ar gee Petrolia ares ara fh area; (@) cehR gare a IK Te % sisrer & fed odes: Paola eae Ah SIRT, (1) ames agra sae era aa & eras sara F sterte fare fora areas al ae aay & feed saa an Tree TTS 1G fae; site (3) sree & Reda dares sit raed Ff ser sa | (4) sae otand aati, fret eran arates, aff alg et, Hage agate affifea 8, at aerfeafa geo or. (Ce. cat.) (are) F ar on. to adh. oat 67 (e.0sft.0m.) (Hie) Fae eee at set fee sae Para TT AeA, fathfée axe gu orgatit Son ar orgatiy 2 & gare BET: eq srgaras sifted) orga ar errear epratere & fea Haye orale Fares fore sree fra rar’, 33 8 aa ae sor et HOT ta ae Ps TTA AY Gra a Ta 2 Fear TAT @, sie garth & arr afifesttad si ae fetta B aafera 3 az fae ee (5) savas orient Peat orgatt a 2 aera (sgTe Sagal a afters axe gz) ayy Seat BY Serer Be aera feet ft eer arene & ae wa Ba tah Hate ea feral SRT ERT sar eT BAe sel gated ge A a sa sofran % anita aris sre F syETE serge gare, at ae onfettecrer fergie at way asare & orftrae a eh, Fege He aT SRT AT | (6) srqafteat art abt orate ger arm (fod set ge weara “qer ora” Fer rar) Free Teta PH TAT aT TAT aT aaa eT ATS I ASH, FATA, TA IT HI AT afta ae (Fecstertt) apr apr fame are 8, 3 fest arth aft mg argues orga ast avis ea saree afte gaa srg rT (Fre gery ger aT “SAE orga” er ear 8) | sea 3% are eae aT rar artes & act (Fe fe arenfoer vest wats, Perens ase, seart, er Braco fare cer sreoa & gaa cee fare fare fs orgaty & eer at Tea ara) sigan ciftranré arr weap ea after ftrs ach doom fare TET | (7) gea saath at ger erates oc car sre itt fare es 8 vefifa Peat SPT a sae salt at weter eran aerate F fareant fas dala @, car sro 3th fafere ea & gaffe fae rim fers see sate aonferfa ger sigaie an aga aaah Fy sre saftreartt Ft ait actene Pra ort & foe srifite Pen en a, ott agate & orf F se oree A adh a, ofa Perm & feat Pbaorat oftreart & aaer tet orga ar adh an orga fear sre | (8) aftrrat At srgatt srecaiceotta ett | (9) area $ orgatit ger fae ord ar ata Aandi & ew a At rove > Sood Ser eh | HI SAT, Hea raat A aoe Ht artis are gee Bt TH HS et Se oat at faq art Ah atts iE HH eT | 172 Motor Velicles Rules, 1994 Rules 134-137 134. Renewal Of Agent’s Licence — (1) An Agent’s licence may be renewed on an application in form M.P.M.V.R.-65 [L Ag A (Goods)] made to the Licensing Authority not less than thirty days before the date of it’s expiry, and shall be accompanied by the principal and all supplementary licences, if any and the fee as specified in rule 145. (2) The renewal ofa licence shall be made by endorsement of renewal thereof by the Licensing Authority on the principal and supplementary licences, if any. 135. Rate of Commission — The State Government may, by notification in the official gazette, prescribe the maximum rates of which commission may be charged by licensees under these rules and the Regional Transport Authority may prescribe such rate of commission not exceeding the rates prescribed by the State Government, as it thinks fit. 136, Revocation of Agent’s licence and forfeiture of Security —(1) Without prejudice to any other action which may be taken against a licensee, the Licensing Authority by order in writing, revoke an agents licence or suspend it for such period 1183 Fit, if in its opinion any of the conditions under which the premises have been approved or under which the licence has been granted have been contravened. asit (2) Be‘ore making any order of suspension or revocation under sub-rule (1) ihe Licensing Authority shall, give the licensee an opportunity of being heard and shall record reasons in writing for such revocation or suspension . (3) Where a licence is liable to be revoked or suspended under sub-rule (1) except in the contravention of condition (c) (iii) of rule 138 and the Licensing Authority is of the opinion that having regard to the circumstances of the case, it would be inexpedient so to revoke or suspend the licence, if the licensee agrees to pay certain sum of money, then notwithstanding anything in sub-rule (1) the Licensing Authority may, instead of revoking or suspending, as the case may be, the licence. recover from the licensee the sum of money agreed upon. (4) The Licensing Authority may order the forfeiture in whole or in part of the security furnished by the licensee under sub-rule (5) of rule 133 for contravention of any provisions of this rule or rules 132, 133, 138, 139, 140 or for breach of any of the conditions specified in rule 138 by the licensee : Provided that, no such forfeiture shall be made unless the licensee is given opportunity of being heard. (5) In the event of the forfeiture of a security deposit or part thereof, by the Licensing Authority, the licence shall cease to be valid if the licensee fails to make payment to bring the security already furnished by him to its original value within thirty days of the receipt of the order of forfeiture. 137. Issue of duplicate Licence — (1) If at any time an agent's licence is lost, destroyed, torn or otherwise defaced so as to he illegible the agent shall forthwith ferent 134-137 Areva fore, 1994 173 134. afrarat A angaft ait vate -- (1) aftrat A agai acta ar Saar es Baa EF At aes Ban Bae atte fea es ga ae & gees OAT 65 (5.0. j (Ie) F srqanaa aif opt PSear sre sit see arr Tes Srgahe ee ret SAT oraaeat, ae alg et, oie Pa 145 8 fafafee Gre ert | (2) agafraradian, saree oferta ges GS a orga, af aNg a, Te eer 1 TeiHT CH Par STOTT | 135. waltgrt At ar -- TST ace Usa A safe aT Cet fers at fates we ah aes ogee ga Pema & areita aggre gre aatter aera fae aT wae site area oftarea orftrand artes A belt ak Seth fas ae afer aaah, Fife ae aa Pas Te ATE ant fafa Fg at & saftre aet ert 136. aiferonat Gt arqarhe ane wheat econ wt a feregher sar erererecor -- (1) Pratt araafivertt & Parva Bt sr ca are Pasett ara aerearet oe rg sferees Te Se FAT SATA sarftraerd af sare6h cre famett aft ard ar, FS oefia afcae at seghlfee fear ver ar aT agate & art oft, seooera Pare rar 8, festa onrear ret SP At seat ar fererer ween ar tel arora & fest Set ae shea ast Shae ee aT | (2) after (1) 3 ores Presa an aferceeor ar order act 3 oe sega onferart aagafiventt at grand ar sae 2am site OB Passat ar aferciacor & fest reat at atest aT | (3) Pram 138 % soften (3) (1) A ard ar gece 19 Al falta Sleaze argafit sofia (1) % anita sfeteer ar Rear 3 ate > site orga erftrenrtt at ae are 2 fae gamer St ofefeafeett at oma Hf cae gu fae saga ay w caetea ar Presta area atta et atm, af seqarfivard anferger eserfhr a abt aera @ cer softer (1) F fapelt are ht Ee aft sam Rand, aati Fy aerials afieedt ar Refaa ae A sare aga eve 8 beh eof Sa fs a oF ST aS at AT | (4) segpiftert arr gat err ar ery 132, 153, 13, 239, 140 > fret sit aaa FT sedan fasu area Rae 138 8 ferhifee Raat ard arsine ae organs sian sega Sart ane Fras 133 3 softer (5) & oneita ft ng sfenafer ay guha: or era: regen fae Tt AAT sree 2 aT: gig Da NG aft TREO argv at eras ar raaT HH fea fern eT PAT ITT | (5) separa srftraerdt aren afengter ht sear or aay sea Panett sr apr ere fear STA Praard aaah Ay Aue 3a eeu AY auer st seh, ae seated earrecor saree ot re Rade afee sad ofr ar rer ae H areca tee @, fared fe seh aver a FA og sferafer aft oft set ge ey 4 aac oe ae oT Tet | 137. aregathae Bt ctr fet ant sand aver at -- (1) 3 feet oft are seat A aaa Gi aA, Faw et sre ar ee ara a are ge gant faretta at ae Fras aero ae 174 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 138 apply to the Licensing Authority for the grant of a duplicate licence. The application shall be accompanied by the fee as specified in rule 145. (2) Upon receipt of such application the Licensing Authority shall issue a duplicate agent’s licence clearly stamped “Duplicate” in red ink. (3) Ifthe duplicate agent’s licence is issued on a representation that the licence originally granted has been lost or destroyed and the original licence has been subsequently found the original licence shall be surrendered to the Licensing Authority. 138. Conditions of Agent’s Licence — An agent’s licence shall be subject to the following conditions, namely :— (1) The licensee shall, subject to the provisions of rule 140 provide adequate space for the parking of vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading of goods; (2) The licensee shall be responsible for proper arrangement for storage of goods collected for despatch or delivery or both; (3) The licensee shall— (a) take all necessary steps for proper delivery of the goods to the consignee; (b) be liable to identify the consignee for any loss or damage to goods while in his possession, by adequate insurance cover where available, at the cost of the consignor or consignee; (c) issue to consignor and consignee a goods transport receipt only after he actually receives goods for despatch and state therein the weight, nature of goods, destination, approximate distance over which the goods are to be carried, the freight charged, the service charge, if any, such as for local transport insurance while in his custody and labour charge, if any, for loading and unloading provided that the service charges shall be reasonable and the Licensing Authority may, require the agent to prove the said charges to be reasonable; (d) not deliver the zoods to the consignee without actually receiving the consignee*+ sote or any such note issued by the office which received the goods for despatch or if note is lost or misplaced, an indemnity bond covering the value of the goods; (e) issue a copy of every goods transport receipt issued to the consignor or consignee to the driver of the goods vehicle transporting the goods and shall not allow any consignment to be loaded without handing over a copy of the receipt in respect thereof to the driver; (1) maintain proper record of collection, despatch or delivery of goods, the registration mark of the vehicle in which goods are carried for ferent 138 alee ferera, 1994 175 arraeig at ara at argateatt aearre orga at fecte of srt at & fos segs often aah ora UT | saree & are Paw 145 A aenfeitee fre eth © (2) Rar one ora BF oe sega sare aera at orgie At Ate ate ar aor rer oe ere wr “fetta ofr” ore ere & asifie eT (3) aft afterat Al aqatt ft facta oft se onardar at dl ng 8 fa qe ea a A ag aati @t 1§ 8 ar Raw at $8 ait acwarg yw raat fie ort 8 at qe ota se gifted amt srertifa ax at sett | 138. afrerat A agai & fat wa -- aftat A aati Arefatiad at seartin ert, sg :- (1) sgefrend, Fan 140 * syaul & rents wed gue & Aer sik gat STA fod am & ger ae & ou gal eas Tyeeu HUET; (2) agate 3 a ane ar ers a ata fe iter Pre Te es 3 sis fer ote & fora seat ST | (3) sigafirerdt-- (&) Tit at are & afi cher & fet sears sort tT; (@) Fe Rew H GA, Tats are see Hes oT Fear F 8 ares FH ates aT efi & et oe cate after set seer SF aaa Fe ATS a Paeett wA T gare ht eafarglt aac & feva erat ee; (7) Shwe atte tfc er, nie fared wile sa ana ort at sats ae TS TTA & foo are a areata we & ore at Gar & ott ga alg Fare ar aT, THN, TA, Fe MIS STAT, SA eI A arpa A, ret at Ava TAT &, dar gun, afe arg a 3a fe eartta oftaea, are & areth oafircert At ref ares aor afta et Ares BY ETA Ate SoH & feet aa one, Teg BAT TA alae a ake aga rhea saat a ae TIT eT frag ae arf at fee saat gor afaayaa 8; (1) cf & are oftaer eae ar Oat ang atte St 3a arate are Bras are At sry & fee ore fener 8 areas wo a ore fe fora saan ale ae ete a MEA Te EIT TEA TE Fa Tes At Aha aT A ARGS aT ETA ve ferent ferar ot firet at ore ar afta aet BOTT; (S) Terman titdt at nt A we gets ae ohare A ete A oe she are a 2 areres BY GT Sh ares ar Rae a eT, SI Tes HT Ta aT a afer att St afr rar Fae Fear rath char at are Hf agre A saga et on; (R) Sega are ere, Geom, aera, sear a, Foret eres after BHF Sa aT er 8, Careers aie an aafed aioe wa sik 8 eT 176 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 139 (g) (h) (i) oD (kK) () transport and make the same available for inspection by the Licensing Authority, or by any person duly authorised by it in this behalf and file an annual return in form M.P.M.V.R.-68 (ART) to the Licensing Authority; not charge commission in excess of the rate fixed by the Regional ‘Transport Authority subject to the orders of the State Government, if any; maintain proper account of the commission charged by him from every operator of goods carriage engaged by him; maintain a weighing device in good condition and capable of weighing at a time not less than 250 kilograms; not refuse to accept goods for transport without valid reasons; and not effect the transport unless he verifies the identity of the consignor and also obtains the signature of the consignor or his agent with details of material to be transported and full address of the consignor and shall not deliver the goods to the consignee unless he verifies the identity of the consignee or his agent and also obtains a receipt with signature, names and address in detail of the consignee or his agent when the goods are booked at consignee’s risk with a condition that the consignor shall pay the transport charges; comply with the provisions of this rule and rules 132, 133, 138, 139 and 140. 139. Particulars to be mentioned in Contract of Agency — All contracts entered into or way bills issued by a licensee for the purpose of collecting, forwarding or distributing goods shall be in writing and shall contain the following particulars, namely -— (a) (b) (c) (@) name and address of consignors and consignees; description and weight of consignment; destination and it's approximate distance in Kilometers from the starting station; freight on weight destination basis or weight distance basis or truck distance basis for long distance haulage and for local transport for collection at consignor’s place of delivery at consignee’s place if required; delivery instructions i.e. the approximate date by which and the place at which goods are to be delivered to the consignee; and terms for payment separately for long distance transport, local transport, home delivery and collection, labour charges for loading and unloading and the demurrage. feet 139 werera Rarer, 1994 177 (3) srftremrtt ar seem aver se Piftrer earee ator anfrgiat Panett cafe 3 Pteror wm sreeg Fare at. Fath. 68 (Co .) FH anf: feeroft agar mnftrenrét at Gree aT; Tey wea Beet & ate BIE ef arena grefrw oases orien arr Prattta ex & saftien aatters gitar aa CTT, sae ERT Pega wee are wares & gents after ar eater Set star ram; Hanan 8 eH 250 frelon ae chet Al arma ateor cles ahr aa sea) aaa aad ca; ae arco & far oftaer & fea are a atten ae 8 gar et aT; ae ae are ofaes Tet atm ora com Pe ae ate A ToS AE ae Ba ® ate ates arses aftrpat & eearen aiftiae ae ae Sart ae ofeaes Fae, TF are reg at Frac en Gea aT GT Te ATH ey aL Sea B BAe AT aor afters act at ara oa at at ora rm Ps ae Rt aT See Sefer FSI FT TOMA AE HT Sao I Ta TS I SU Ht Hla oe aT saad we qa fear ten 8 far oftaes ga ar Gera Seem are Pasar TTT at tht ar see oftarat & ca elie saftrore sel aac ate & Brey sae BETA, AT ae a Farce fever err at SHH ga Fam ott Fam 132, 133, 138, 139 38 140% sett an sae FT 139, stfiraeor (uate) St eiPear F after Ft ores areht PaherReeat —- ares aaron ate ferercor 3 sera 3 feet Feveht argeafterel erer oft mg art a ferarey ar set faa a aT oa (3 Fare) Refer a7 afte set Preiferfiac Pefertteat arate eli, arafg :- () Rose atte Te a are ite ae, (@) Rau ar aco ait as; (") (3) i) (@) Tider atte arin Ear d fercitsier F seh agmfae ae; ore att & wre & fest aor tion ar ase ah, a ew att are fer Tar TST SA errr oPtarer % fesa af taht satan Al are ah Rea: 35 ea BTR BT SIRT HEY SET TUT A Sea Te aaa aH A SavETC TT Aes Ta ‘aTgT, Rar agen seaiq ae agnite arta, Rrra sit ae car set stir ar ares abr fara Pavar strat 8; ahh ear & Peer sh ora ght often, ward attaes ye afters (a fected) ced eer, Say, TA A wag i Fora yeas (BH) & fore gu gee cate are | 178 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 140 140. Place to be used for loading and unloading of goods etc. — (1) The Regional Transport Authority, may in consultation with the local municipal authority or Police authority having jurisdiction over the local area concerned, or both, approve any premises owned or to be used by an applicant for an agent’s licence for loading, unloading and for parking goods vehicles or for the storage of goods while in the custody of the licensee having regard to the suitability of the site, traffic conditions obtaining in the locality, sanitary conditions, storage facilities, space for parking vehicles for the purpose of loading or unloading from transporting trucks provided at such premises, as the place of carrying on the business under the licence. (2) Any approval under sub-rule (1) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely :-— (i) _ that the premises shall at all times be kept in clean condition and in good state of repair; (ii) that the premises shall be administered in an orderly manner; (iii) that the licensee shall not change the premises or make any external alteration to it or in the parking arrangements thereat as may be likely to cause obstruction to the general traffic in the vicinity without prior approval of the Licensing Authority; (iv) that the licensee shall take suitable precautions to ensure that no breach of any provisions of the Act or these rules in so far as these provisions relate to the following matters is committed in respect of any vehicle engaged by him and which is entering or leaving or standing at such premises, namely :— (A) Requirement that a goods vehicle shall be covered by :— (i) _ valid and effective permit/counter-signature for the route/ area of travel; . (ii) valid certificate of fitness; (iii) valid certificate of insurance; and (iv) payment of tax under the Madhya Pradesh Motor Yan Karadhan Adhiniyam, 1991; (B) Observance of the regulations/conditions as to— (i) construction, equipment and maintenance of motor vehicles to the extent the defects are easily noticeable from the exterior appearance of a motor vehicle; (ii) limits of weight and prohibition or restrictions on use of motor vehicle; . (iii) loading of goods overall height, length, width and projections or load laterally, to the front, to the rear and in height; ferent 140 wherever fererai, 1994 175 140. Hie & agit site saves anf & feed saat fear ard aver eat -- (1) gree aheawe srftrant after ata ae oifirerftar cat are eartia aifiraré ay gfe rftraerdt areata & qerest & Patt sfc a st aafireeat ar agate & aaa & eanfires Bet 1 Poa ae oes Baars aT sare athe arora BY ST HEA aT aa ATS wT Rae fare aT fore aregafneret 85 aes HF Bt ser ee se vere & foe sear HF ere, ar TET Ie Ft SHHHA, Fe eats ar ¥ a3 aret arava nfafattray A fearfa 0a cfkac F seer crea aeeht aeraii, siereor gfaensil, eres sqrt, gare & fest gare aheres eat HY aS He Fr SIM, aT A Cae BR, agate H onis ara He ea STA BUTT (2) softer (1) a oretta ag orpites Peafestan arf & ores et, set -- (ce) oRec ast anal a ere ait area ate BATT HH TST TET; (&) ohecar gered cual ee 8 fran sre; (at) rgainert orga sitter al srgetea & Peer aftercare acer an afte & aren eae Fan orf arate F ter ang ofeada Tet ter efter & arr ararara Fare seas BY (an) agafient ae gifted ae & fou aufaa qafaurfat acd fe ge copftafiva art ga Prarit & famed sree apr vinta et, ret crm fae OS ore fetta are 3s eta, Ht gee are rm ge oT aT BAT st OR ee gaa ar rertarszaats wre magi gare, Pratettaa amet rahe :- (%) Fe atten Ft are ars :- (ame) ara rt (ata foe er oe gore arate / afereeTa sierte et; (@) saga saeht Ar ge ca (Praena wisfe) H stents el; (4) ae dtm gar-oa & aierta ee, Ca (an) Fea Yreree ear ee afaan, 1991 arta apt opr tiara ax fear Tar 8 | (ea) Pretest & cater 8 fare / staf ant arqaress fara Tar B-- (Ge) tert ar ant, saeR od Wa-TaTa Se TMT am, eT ae fa ati aracear a dear a areca aes K ais fara aT amet 8; (&) oan At eter atte areca & seat & saw F afar ger Prete; (ata) are ar ores Yaa aeet Sarg, orang staré H way A ead ged Bara, td A ait oe Sarg f are Frases aaa F, 180 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 141-143 (iv) transport of dangerous or explosive substances, contraband articles. «inder any law for the time being in force; (v) parking or abandonment of motor vehicles on road in such a way to cause obstruction to traffic or danger to any person or other user of roads; (vi) leaving vehicles in dangerous position; and (vii) driving of motor vehicles by persons holding valid and effective driving licence. (3) Where the Regional Transport Authority refuses to approve any premises under sub-rule (1) it shall communicate in writing the reasons for such refusal. 141, Power vf entry and inspection — Any officer of the Transport Department in usifcrm or any other person authorised in this behalf by the State Government, may enter upon the premises at all reasonable times for inspection of the premises used by the holder of the Agent’s licence for the purpase of his business. 142. Appeal and Revision against the orders of the State Transport Authority and Regional Transport Authorities — Any person preferring an appeal or revision against the order of the State Transport Authority or the Regional ‘Transport Authority under section 89 or section 90 of the Act shal!, within 30 days from the date of the order do so in writing to the Tribunal in the form of a memorandum setting forth concisely the grounds of objections against the order of the State Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authority, as the case may be, and the memorandum shall, unless the Tribunal otherwise, permits be accompanied by a certified copy of the order against which the appeal or revision has been preferred. The memorandum shall also be accompanied by es many copies of it as there are parties to whom notice is required to be issued under rule 143 and bear court fee stamps of the value as specified in rule 145. 143. Procedure in Appeals and Revisions — (1) When a memorandum of appeal or revision application has been admitted, the Tribunal sivall call for the concerned record of the State Transport Authcrity or the Regional Transport Authority and if any party at the proceedings prays it the record be called for through special messenger and deposits such amount as i... Tribunal may direct to cover such expenditure. The Tribunal may call for the rec. through a special messenger. (2) The Tribunal may either on its own motion or on an ay plication made to it bearing court fee stamps of the prescribed value, stay the order against which the appeal or revision has been preferred in such manner and to such extent as it may deem fit. (3) The Tribunal shall intimate the time and plac. for the hearing of the appeal or revision to the appellant or applicant as the c se may be, and shall give notice of the appeal or application for revision as the «se may be, to the authority against whose order the appeal or revision applicat’ a is made and to any person likely to be prejudicially affected by the grant of ‘ne relief prayed for and such ferera 141-143 Alexaral ferera, 1994 181 (a) aera at epte serait ar acer separ Pare ore FR a arn faite Prat aeg ar oftaea eT; (Sha) recars #h ase Te Fe THR eh CT aT amet BST Ps fared ararara ¥ arate aeifta et ar feet oats &t ar ass ar Saat He aT otra Papel a aT eT; (oe) ar at aaa Rafe a ats SH; afte (ae) sreaftat 8 tera sear Bre ore au ve ore are argatt (grafer area) 8 | (3) sret sera ofeerert safer sate (1) 3 ore Panett after apr orator at a Fon Here dt ae tet gard & are Poles F aaghaa BHT | 141. wae eet Petter Ft etfs -- oRaed fort ar ang afta af Ff at sy BRaRTe BT ge Paine sifkrepa ag ater afin orhreat At srgath & ere gar saF aa ater S sear a ore srt are after H, are aftngen eral ve feat & Feder bq wae aT aT | 142. Tea ohare orreant ait sere (terre) ofa cifras area & Peg arte site gather -— ose oitaes wife ar rafter gitaes sifirentt area & Pag saftthrere Ft art 89 a1 90 3 arta order ar GAIT egal ame ATO as oat, arrest At anche & afte fea & ster, senators shares often ar orate otaer aifrat, a array & Prem aerate ef Sree aa BU, HTH we H fesftae T safkreneor wl artes aT rteror rege at aaa SAK Sta oes Pep safraRT, STAT STATA a, VA sesh ara se eT ft fares farea artes ar Gather rege Peer reer 8, we oferta eA | aaa arr set sett feet oft eirht FSrery Pa eek OS gerenre el PS ere 143 & arti ear ard] Pear aa wifina @ 3k sa Pram 145 Fae yee ees Ge eT oT TAT | 143. arftet ait qrtteron’ & afar -- (1) a orto ar ares ot Fate aT Bee TTT aK Fev Me B era SaPRTeRTOT TST oftare afer aT oer afters orien aT aafter sift drei atte af aprfareh ar Ng cera ae great at fe otro a Rees Beerares are Herre are stk ett cae ao ag, St orftrweT a as A Gf & fa Hef a, drarftracr, afte a Rte deerares arr a aT | (2) saftrancor ea-froom Bar 38 orraer Pare ar ot Fre or Pfr eT rer Fhe Serer Ft RR RY, Se OTeeT aT, Free fore aretes ar Gatherer Tega Famer mar, eft ae ett air o, Sar ae shia eae, MT aT AT | (3) saftrascer arctorelf er src at gente orcs ar aera at garg aur othe Fare SY ASAT BT THT SAAT GH SAT SA Say ATE Tee ores BH aA aT Tale 3 omreear at oa afer se oafrare ar, Fare area fee arches an gadrerer fare rere, Sth aafen a Foret aifila arqeire At right &, afeges wa S oarfere aby ay eure 8, eee tet 182 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 144-145 appellant or applicant or person may appear before the Tribunal in person or througt a pleader or an advocate or an officer duly authorised by the Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh State Road Transport Corpciation, un the appointed date and at subsequent hearings. (4) The Tribunal may after following the procedure prescribed in sections 89 and 90 of the Act and after further enquiry, if any, as it may consider necessary confirm, vary or set aside the order against which the appeal or revision is preferred or may pass such other order in relation thereto as it deems fit and shall make an order accordingly. (5) Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Act or in these Rules the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908) shall, so far as may be, followed in all proceedings under these rules. (6) Subject to any express provision to the contrary, the provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963 (No. 36 of 1963) shall, so far as may be, followed in all proceedings under these Rules. 144. Inspection of record and supply of copies to persons interested in appeal, revision or otherwise — (1) Where an appeal or an application for revision is preferred or intended to be preferred the Secretary of the State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority or the Tribunal shall, on an application bearing court fee stamps of the prescribed value made in this behalf allow inspection of the record concerning the appeal or revision as the case may be : Provided that if the State Transport Authority, Regional Transport Authority or the Tribunal considers that any record of which inspection is sought is of a confidential nature, or the inspection would be prejudicial to the public interest it may refuse to allow inspection of such record. (2) Where an appeal or revision has been preferred or intended to be preferred the authority to decide the appeal or revision or the authority against whose order the appeal or revision has been preferred shall give copies of the memorandum of appeal or revision application or of any docum."* appended thereto and may give copies of any other document connected with appc.! or revision to any person interested in the appeal or revision on payment of fee a: *necified in rule 145. 11145, Fees — The fee which shall be charged under the provisions of this chapter shall be as specified in the table below :— Table S.No. Purpose Amount () @) @B) 1 In respect of an application for grant or r-newal of Rs. 1500.00 stage carriage / reserve stage carriage p: mit. 1. Substituted by Notification No. F. 22-158-2005-VIl; vated 19-1-2006. Published in M.P. Rajpatra(Asadharan) dated 19-1-2006 Pages84(7-1' Applicable only in Madhya Pradesh. fererat 144-145 ___ Rreverrat foreray, 194 183 aadrartt ar sree areas oaftnra oa 8 stan Cease] 3 ae A ar eA TST TSH oftaes Berm 3 gaa Rees aro aarp Stor ofp sifted Rae arta # otk exarcad aang A atte ox satan 3 areg ers eT ATT | (4) saftreror after Ft emt 89 site errr 90 fafa afar ar agen ay orang sit tet sta, af ate &, Sar ae rare ane, HO ora fare reer & few carbon rte eer Pavar ear gf anc wae, Se HT a AAT TSE SHAT AT TAT ar seats iar Bea caer oar afta a HT aT Pw aw fe AAA Se TATE START HUT | (5) safttPrerr ar ga raat 8 orton ood aaron aceite & fears eo Pat & area ged arfanfean 8 firfte ofan aftar, 1908 (1908 #1 a. 5) F onftrentire stg afiraT a, et cep ava Bh, ogee Prat sre | (6) fae arftroaer ar sheage suede a arenta cea ec ef ant & oni area aaPfanfeat i often sift, 1963 (1963 ara. 36) & Bose a sel ae GH BY, SGOT fear STOTT | 144, ards, Gate ¥ ar aren Ferra cafinat at safes ar Prtteror site fret ant reaver -— (1) set até orctes ar qatar & fest aerate wage Fare nar aT ‘Ser see fav ara arta er ret ge ars Per ae Sh aerTona at eATEY a UH TEA ear a eT ree cre RR a rea eter rat ar se ftecer a fe emt ats ar geteger & eiiftrer aafarcver ar Frtrerr fare STAT Saga HUTT: orig aS aro teres sree a sree aftere aiftranre ar aif ae AHA fs #0§ aafteehem Sha fas theron Peer srr aver rer &, sitar epee oer & ar Sree Pater faa art ateehta 3 aftrge aru, at ae OS arftrees arr Patter fase sr aagare ae A Seb aL am | (2) set ag sacs an gether seer Paver er & ear Freer mega Paver rar orTenFT&, att orttes ar qatar ar Pafirae ae aren onfirertt ar ae srftrandt faee ores & fees cates ar qatiaror eg Paar Tea, artes a pattern Fiera Pape oats at sacs aT aT patter 35 order ar sees are aA ge Pare axa AY sfafertty Sm site Ferm 14s 8 qratatée Ge ar agra fae oy ge ga arches ar gather # aaiftre Pret srr cemreatst A sfifeote 8 aaa | Vins. Atet -- ge orem & aust & onfta sts areott # fares Fae me aga setter & sett -- awa watt wa a) Q@) @) 1. aRrstarst/ omens Bet ret > few aggre Aqsa aT FA 1500.00 aettftarer Bq sae & He A L fog 750.00 H. nT87(1)(7) & aa art ar & fre 750.00 Bex Sra & fore sree orgar-99 by orden & are 200.00 saftiPran aft ret 88 (8) % ores Paste agan-oa tg sraar-oa aay F -- wana aw a 500.00 a. aaftaad afta 15 Raaae 1000.00 a. ome ear d aftren 1500.00 i86 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 145 a) @ @) 18. In respect of an application for extension of variation Rs. 1500.00 in area or routes on a Permit or Countersignature of stage carriage/contract carriage permit. 19, In respect of an application of change of Timing of Rs. 1500.00 stage carriage permit/reserve stage carriage. 20. In respect of an application for countersignature of a temporary permit-- (a) For Motor Cab Rs. 500.00 (b) Any other Transport Vehicle Rs. 1000.00 21. In respect of an application for Grant of temporary Rs. 750.00 replacement of Vehicle for the period not exceeding four months. 22. In respect of an application for grant of replacement of _ Rs. 750.00 Vehicle of stage carriage or Contract carriage permit. 23. Inrespect of an application for transfer of each permit Rs. 1500.00 other than motor cab under Section 82 of the Act. 24. ‘In respect of an application for transfer of each permit —_ Rs. 750.00 of motor cab under Section 82 of the Act. 25. _ Inrespect of an application for issue of duplicate of Rs. 250.00 permit. 26. In respect of an application for issue of a duplicate of | Rs. 500.00 a temp. permit. 27. In respect of an application for obtaining complaint book. Rs. 100.00 28. In respect of an application for issue/renewal of Travel Rs. 5000.00 Agent's Licence for sale of tickets for travels by public service vehicles. 29. Inrespect of an application for issue of duplicate Rs. 2000.00 Travel Agent's Licence. 30. In respect of application for appeal or revision-- (i) Memorandum of appeal against the order of-- (a) State Transport Authority Rs. 500.00 (b) Regional Transport Authority (ii) In respect of an application for revision against the order of-- (a) State Transport Authority Rs. 500,00 (b) Regional Transport Authority | 31. Inrespect of an application to inspect the record of Rs. 50.00 Transport Authority or Appellate Authority. 32. Inrespect of power of attorney when presented to the Rs. 50.00 Transport or Appellate Authority. ‘ferent 145 Alezerel fers, 1994 187 a) Q) @) 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ML uifsrett met / Sent mst & foru aagay-sa Fa ar aif (eH) 1500.00 ferecreor a1 gery Sita ae aT gH Sige & GfarweieteT Bg Aag-9a & cae | afsrett ret sinter St & for sgar-aa & fee (zrafrT) —-1500.00 uftada 8q saad & were 7 reared sega & ofrecer Be Sreies & sate F -- Hated fer 500.00 a. feet srrokaer ar dae ¥ 1000.00 arc ra & arate at aprorattr & fesu feet ar & arerett 750.00 wf & Het fee art Be sarees & Sete | Hfset met or dar st & for oae-sa aid ae S afters Ht 750.00 wet feu art tq ster eae ater aaferfram aft eer 92 & area tex Sa & firs vers 1500.00 AGM T FH wet By Hae aaU areca aaferhras At ore 82 ota ica SH get AIaT- 750.00 a we Ug Baa H aa F | agar-o9 Fh facta ofa oe axa Sq Sreras H Hate | 250.00 fret steal sqat—oa A facia oft ait acl 8g Hider Hea F1 500.00 frenrad Gere afar art bg oder & ata 100.00 ols Far ara art ara > fore femal At kt tq 2a aftreat Ft 5000.00 orate art faust /actene att & deter FY rates & wate | df attra agate Ft fetta afer sre Pre st Bg sreA% =—-2000.00 aaa safer ar gather bg area & at -— aw. freifefiad & arraar & fang antes & ara 8g -- 1. asa otaer afte [ore 2, greftre aftaee aiftrart a. Prrafesae ord & oa qatar & strata Bg -- 1. use fee sift 500.00 2. graf ota safer | gfeares siftrenrtt ar arttcht orftraaet & sattreeat ar Peter at 50.00 sqartabdi | afte sitet ar ancteh srt & are fare oT aT TIN $0.00 arr & eater 188 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 145 qd) @) (3) 33. In respect of an application for stay if filed with the Rs. 200.00 memorandum of appeal/application for revision. 34. In respect of supply of copies of documents of . Appellate Authority State Transport Authority and Regional Transport Authority-- (a) For supply of copy of judgment or order of the Appellate Tribunal, State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority -- (i) Ordinary Rs. 30/- for the first page and Rs. - 15/- for each subsequent page. (ii) Urgent Twice the amount specified as in . clause (i) above. (b) Any other documents of the record of Appellate State Authority or Regional Transport Authority — (i) Ordinary Rs. 30/- for the first page and Rs. 10/- for each subsequent page. (ii) Urgent Twice the amount specified in sub- clause (i) of clause (b) above. 35. In respect of any other miscellaneous application Rs. 10.00 when addressed to Appellate Tribunal, State Transport Authority, Regional Transport Authority or Secretary of these Authorities. Note-- 1. Fee in respect of application as specified in clauses 28, 29, 30, 31 and 33 may be paid by way of affixing judicial stamps of the same value as specified. 2. No fee shall be payable in respect of an application for grant/renewal of permit or for grant of temporary permit as specified in clauses 8 and 13 of this rule, if the application is presented by the bona fide agriculturist for tractor, trolley owned by him. Explanation -- The expression bona fide agriculturist shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959 (No. 20 of 1959). ferent 145 aitevarre Perera, 1994 189 a Q) (3) 33. RA Rg eee} date a ale ga ara artes & ay /gatley 200.1" a araeT are Gres PAT TAT F | 34. artes sifted ase oRaea often ait oraftrn afta 100.00 aftr 3 orca st sfeeat aor rare Pan sre 3 aia -- &. aie afte, usr ofa mftret att metres ‘ofterert sft 3 ofa ar saree Ft fete rarer arr & feog -- 1. amet gan ss & fox %. 30.00 aereara & fer %. 15.00 2. aft sta ow we (1) 7 aenfartafese ca aft anrt. G. arf afrepe, css ofeares ar raft aftaes orftrerrd atic & fart -- 1. Baer omy qss F fox %. 30.00 aervarqad? % fez %. 10.00 qh for 2. af ora aa wus (1) F arenferPafeee ca Aart. 35. adhe aftr, asa oftaea aftrant, srefrn sitet ar 10.00 #7 iframe & afer at cetfira frat srr westoh sete eeae it ata -- (1) GE 28, 29, 30, 31 der 33 Hae fafaee areas A ara re ae Pate set apa neem iT Fareed st & we F aga Ft ar at | (2) se Pram & avg 8 cer 13 Fae faffate agar-oa Ha/ aeitarer net Bg aT rea oaT-Ta HR ae Bg ST ae 8 ag rere ai A ay onder areas sa aT earftica & Qaet oars & fore sega fara sar a erectercnr ~~ saftioatacr areata Gye a1 ae ae BT aT GH fest yaar afer, 1959 (saRim 20 By 1959) Hear e | 190 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 145 a) Q) @) 36. The Fees for the grant of renewal of Agent's licence or supplementary licence or a duplicate thereof, shall be as follows :- 1. For grant of a licence Rs. 1000.00 2. For Grant of supplementary licence of each Rs. 500.00 branch office 3. For Renewal of licence Rs. 1000.00 4. For Renewal of supplementary licence for each Rs. 300.00 branch office 5. _ Issue of duplicate copy of-- (i) Principal Licence Rs. 250.00 (ii) For Branch Office Licence Rs, 200.00 6. For filing of appeal Rs. 500.00 7. For supply of certified copy of order of-- (a) the licensing authority-- (i) Ordinary Rs. 100.00 (i) Urgent Rs. 200.00 (b) Certified copy of any other document-- (i) Ordinary Rs. 20/- for the first page and Rs. 10/- for each subsequent page. (ii) Urgent Twice the amount specified in sub- clause (1) above.) Chhattisgarh State Amendment "1145, Fees — The fees which shall be charged under the provision of this Chapter shall be as specified below :— TABLE S. No. Purpose Amount (Rs.) a) Q) G) 1. Inrespect of an application for grant or renewal of 1,500.00 Stage Carriage/reserve Stage carriage permit. Subs. by Notification No, 467/Tech-506/TC/2008 dated the 31st May, 2008. Published in C.G, Rajpatra Part | dated 13-6-2008 Pages 1779-1783. Applicable only in Chhattisgarh, Prior to this substitution Rule 145 was also substituted by Notification No. 338/505/ Transport/2001 dated the 7th June, 2001 and Notification No, 510/Trans./2002 dateg~ 21-5-2002. ferent 145 aierera Pre, 1994 191 a (2) @) 36. orftrat Ht argatta & fore art/ setae a1 sega orgie aT ert fata fer foe Sie Prengan ett :~ 1. Saft Ru ar & far 1000.00 2, see rar artic & foe aay agate acter sfx 500.00 3. Heatter & actencer & fer 1000.00 4, ete eT arate fore orgy orate afta fee 300.00 5S. feet aft orth ary & feng -- Tye yatta Ht 250.00 G. urear arate & fru agatta ft 200.00 6. atte wee ae & foe 500.00 7. sata sift & oneer At sentra afetate were a3 % fag -- 1. aT 100.00 2. sft reer 200.00 Goa fret gear Ft serfina fet & fe -- 1. amet ser oS & foe %. 20.00 att qardadt wa qs & far. 10.00 2. arfe ora BA STEVE (1) B ore fates wr A apt] orftenng tea eater '[14s. Yee -- sa sna} sue) & ante whee A oA at Aa Fa fafa Pat nt orga att: | aro a.m. watt wan (eat) (1) (2) _ (3) a fares) ret srrcfara sfsres rst & fou argan-ca aT se 1,500.00 aelrftenen 8g order & aid | LL 1. safiregSar seats 467 /a5-506 /eraht/2008 Reais 31 8, 2008 ara afentia | arftang oT 1 RET 1 3-6-2008 7S 1775-1779 aera Sao ortang tera sqal crafter a fra as SARURSAT SHAT 338) 505 /oPeaea/2001 Ris 7 HF, 2001 EAT AMT areca a 510) sfearer/2002 Peete 21 8, 2002 aren aferenfite fear mer ar | (1) For the period exceeding 15 days 192 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 145 | w @) 8) 2. In respect of an application for grant or renewal of 1,500.00 | countersignature o* Stage carriage’reserve stage | carriage permit. | 3. In respect of application for grant or renewal of 1,500.00 contract carriage permit. 4, Inrespect of an application for grant or renewal of 1,500.00 countersignature of contract carriage permit. 3 In respect of an application for grant/renewal of 1,500.00 private service vehicle permit. 6. In respect of an application for grant/renewal of 1,000.00 Motor Cab Permit. I In respect of grant/renewal of countersignature of 1,000.00 Motor Cab permit. ‘ 8. In respect of an application for grant/renewal of 1,500.00 goods carriage permit. 9, In respect of an application for grant/renewal of a 1,500.00 countersignature of goods carriage permit. 10. Inrespect of an application for granvrenewal of a 1,500.00 national permit for goods carriage an In respect of an application for grant/renewal of a 2,000.00 tourist vehicle (Omni bus). 12. Inrespect of an application for grant/renewal of 1,500.00 all India Tourist Taxi cab permit. 13. Inrespect of an application for Temporary permits for a Transport Vehicle other than a Taxi Cab :- (D) Under Section 87 (1) (A) for Passenger Vehicle 300.00 (E) Under Section 87 (1) (B) for Passenger Vehicle 750.00 (F) Under Section 87 (1) (C) for Passenger Vehicle 750.00 14. In respect of an application for grant of a Temporary 200.00 permit for Motor Cab. 1S, In respect of an application for a Special Permit U/s. 88 (8) of the Motor Vehicle Act (a) For the period up to 7 days 500.00 (e) For the period exceeding 7 days up to 15 days 1,000.00 1,500.00 ferent 145 alewera fereray, 1994 193 @ _ @Q) 8) 2. afte ret /arrefixe sfrest are % fiw aqan-oa a ges 1,500.00 oferecctert 3 aetome Be aHTeed- oa & eater | 3. afar aver & sigan-va ectteplet ar aciftentr Bg sara a 1,500.00 aaah | 4. after area & orgaT-ca & afeieraan eather om teat eq 1,500.00 | sraes % Hae ¥ | S. Wrade Bar ara & fore sige Ft aehtephe ar adeno 8g, 1,500.00 omnes & dae | 6. -Btet- thar & fore orga A ectple at acta Bg ade 1,000.00 erat) 7. Bler-ahar& fora sgan-oa At eitpfe ferecarent sdb 1,000.00 Bq aaa H aie 8. ATA sagar-aa A ecieplet /acttaor tq onaeat Hae! — 1,500.00 9. are a sean-aa Re ar ar aieteearent etieweor 8g nae 1,500.00 e raya | tu. Brean & asta sagas aft gle /aeltener Bg rae 3 1,500.00 ater | Li. Gdea are (het ae) segar-or At efile aaa tq aTse7 2,000.00 yaaa 12, Siftaer aed ee daeh-ae orgar-or i etpRa/adiaer 1,909.00 aq wes & aay | | 13. teeter @ fits ofterea ara & few sre angers Bg ards "ga dda 9 -- (+ 487 (1) (®) & oreita ant aver & fe 300.00 (@) 9RT 87 (1) (@@) Horie art ares > fore 750.00 | (7) SRT 87 (1) (1) & ares art aver > fore 750.00 14, Alec dar & fou sear agan-ca At echigpfa bg ares 200.00 | ware | | 15, Recar arfeer tent 88(8) 3 ores Rate organ—a7 bg, area & Baier Hf - (Bi) 07 fever ar % fe, 500.00 (8) 07 Rene at antes 15 Rarer as fore 1,000.00 | | (Om) 15 Read afr 1,500.06 | 194 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 145 a) @) Q) 16. In respect of an application for extension or variation 1,500.00 in area or routes on a Permit or Countersignature of Stage Carriage/Contract Carriage permit. 17. In respect of an application for change of timing of 1,500.00 Stage Carriage/reserve Stage Carriage permit. 18. In respect of an application for Countersignature of a Temporary Permit-- (C) For Motor Cab 500.00 (D) Any other Transport Vehicle 1,000.00 19. Inrespect of an application for grant of a temporary 750.00 replacement of vehicle for the period not exceeding four month. 20. In respect of an application for grant of replacement of 750.00 vehicle in the Stage or Contract Carriage permit. 21. — Inrespect of an application for transfer of each permit 1,500.00 other than a Motor Cab under section 82 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. 22. Inrespect of an application for transfer of each permit 750.00 of a Motor Cab under Section 82 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. 23. Inrespect of an application for issue of a duplicate copy 250.00 of the permit. 24. — Inrespect of an application for issue of a duplicate copy 500.00 of a temporary permit. . 25. — Inrespect of Appeal or Revision :- @G) Memorandum of appeal against the order of the following :- (A) State Transport Authority 500.00 (B) Regional Transport Authority 500.00 (4) Inrespect of an application for revision against the order of the following :- (A) State Transport Authority 500.00 (B) Regional Transport Authority 500.00 26. Inrespect of an application for stay if filed with the 200.00 memorandum of appeal/application for revision. 27. Inrespect of supply of copies of documents of Appellate Authority, State Transport Authority, and Regional Transport Authority :- ferent 145 revere fore, 1994 195 qa) (@) @) 16, feet aret/Semr rst fee sagas F a aT arf aT 1,500.00 Rereareor a see rea aH aT Pere Bq STAT saat 17, fers aret/arrefiae afsieht oret & fore sega & aT A 1,500.00 oftada 8g orga oa & ear A | 18. sed qa-99 & after Bq seas aaa F -- (&) ret-taa fore 500.00 (@) Patt ae shoer an haae ¥ 1,000.00 19, aI ara a ovate areraft & foe Pat ares, ear wferett = 750.00 ait elisa bg omar aay 7 ; 20. same aT after argar-o7 W Peat ara aftr I Steps %q «750.00 oer Ha 21. Hea afefam, 1988 Atenrs2 sori ate-se ah — 1,500.00 FAIR SIAT-TF Fh VETO By saa Ta 22. Hear aftftar, 1988 stent 32s arta ate-Fa sorts = 750.00 SIaT-94 H VET Bq aaa aa A 23, Sgat-oa Ft facta she ott ae bq sae Hea F | 250.00 24, fret ster orggr-oa Ht fata aft sn art tg oreaT 500.00 wae | i 25, ae agate tg seta & aaa A - (&) Preafeftaa 3 area 3 reg atts & ara 8g. - (*) asa otae after 500.00 (&) srefare ofteres mifirearet 500.00 (at) Preafefan a area & fea guitar tg ane | 3 date B-- ! (&) cea aftaea mitten 500.00 ' (@) safe aes nfs 500.00 26. PM Rg Har} das A ale se ara ahs H gea/Gatet = ——-200.00 order % are Sige Porat STAT | S orftrseay ht feet ar sree fare aa Bete 196 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 145 qd) Q@) GB) (C) For supply of copy of Judgment or «der of the Appellate Authority, State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority :- (i) Ordinary Rs. 30.00 for the first page and Rs. 15.00 for each subsequent page. (ii) Urgent Rs. 60.00 for the first page and Rs, 30.00 for each subsequent page. (D) Any other documents of the record of Appellate Tribunal, State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority ~~ (i) Ordinary Rs. 30.00 for the first page and Rs. 10.00 for cach subsequent page. (ii) Urgent Rs. 60.00 for the first page and Rs. 20.00 for each subsequent page. 28. In respect of any other miscellaneous application 10.00 which addressed to the Appellate Tribunal, State Transport Authority. Regional Transport Authority or the Secretary of these Authorities Note -- I. Fee inrespect of application as specified in column 25, 26, 27 and 28 may be paid by way of affixing judicial stamps of the same value as specified. 2. No fee shall be payable in respect of an applications for grant/ renewal of permit or for grant of temporary permit as specified in clause 8 and 13 of this rule, if the application is presented by a bona fide agriculturist for Tractor-Trolley owned by him. fered 145 alexa ferara, 1994 197 @ ® en) 28. (GF) arra-- wan gs fare. 30.90 AETLAT A, TAH TSH fers. 15.00 (2) afererage-- wer TS | fer. 60.00 aeTaTa_ | sete tS fer. 30.00 (&) atte after ose ohtaes arfteanrtt a gre fir uftaer oiftreart & afte & fetta eens fore (@&) aTAa-- war TS % Ferre. 30.00 aeugaa, act oS + fore. 10.00 (&) afferaras-- wer TSF | fear. 60.00 aegzaIT, wee TS fears. 20.06 ante sftraom, asa oftaes arte, srefires afta 19.00 aftranrdt ar ga srftremrieay 3 efter at ata firer fare ote geftot areas 3 cae FY aa -- 1. at) oni sitet asa ofaes sift ait arafire ofa rrftrepret & Fofer ar arreer ft atafeatt sere aac3 & ferr-— atom 25, 26, 27 Ue 28 F aen fatto andar & wets PF gqew a aT ara aaa pea 3s arava At aren cere Perea ae Pape ST ATI | ga Prd avs 9 oft 13 Naren fife agar sa A tates | are Bg ar sear saga -r Bp we 8g aT aha A aE te | ata adl ent, af orga aren sae gm aay satis eat & feou gga fara rar et | 198 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 146-147 ()_ "@ Ca Explanation -- The expression "Bona-fiv’e agriculturist" shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code, 1959 (No. 20 of 1959),] CHAPTER VI Special Provisions Relating to State Transport Undertaking 146. Definitions — In this Chapter unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context -- (1) “Head of the State Transport Undertakings” means the Managing Director of Madhya Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation. (2) “Scheme” means a proposal regarding scheme prepared by the State Government under section 99 of the Act. (3) “State Road Transport Service” means a Road Transport Service provided by the State Transport Undertaking, 147. Preparation and Publication of Scheme — (1) Every scheme shall provide for the following matters, that is to say :- (i) _ the date on which the State Road Transport Service shall commence to operate; (ii) the name of route or area or any portion thereof on which State Road Transport Service shall be provided; (iii) (a) the nature of the State Road Transport Service to be provided on the route or area or any portion thereof; (b) the number of vehicles proposed to be operated «+n each route; and (c) the number of trips proposed to be operated daily on each route; (iv) the prohibition, restriction or curtailment of road transport services, if any, other than those under the Scheme; (vy) whéther the State Road Transport Service shall be run and operated to the exclusion complete or partial, of other persons or otherwise; (vi). the extent, if any, to which persons other than the State Transport Undertaking will be permitted to provide road transport service on the route, area or any portion, thereof, specified in clause (b); (vii) the type and carrying capacity of the transport vehicles to be used in such service; (viii) the cancellation or modification of or refusal to renew or renewal for a specified period the existing permits, granted under Chapter V, of the Act; feta 146-147 aitexera fete, 1994 199 qa) (2) GB) eaten -- afterted “anaes pea” a7 adt are ett at gee fe aeteng Y-Tea Sika, 1959 (seATs 20 BF 1959) F far rere |] HEAT 6 asa oftaedt samat & dda ¥ fave sede 146. afteraré -- 3a sear 8 aa aH fs aS are, Prva oT eet & fava zat -- (1) ‘aerafeer somes ope” afta, maar isa age aha Fara ar gate Pere; (2) ‘“Seeive’”? Sarftate 8, ofits At are 99 3 ons asa ata aT ae fra ner echta aareft geaTa; (3) ‘asa ager aftaga dar” a sifted 8, usa oRaea sua ar sree aug 1g Tse Thaes Far | 147, Seat aa Tee Fee ATT TMT TTT Tans -— (1) ee ee Pafetad “aay a fet sate eth, orate: (Ga) ae arte Rreat frase age oftaes dar ar garter Pasa srt (siiatz) grey err, (@) secant ar da ar gee feat are ar am, Para oe Use Beem Gag da sree BUTE STE; (aa) (%) Ter age chases dar a ae Tt ae ant aT see Pett att eT ae sree TE STENT; (&) Waxede art oc wanes Pang ar fea wefaa art Ah ater; He (mt) sake mvt ce fafa santos Pare or & fre wea Oe (eee) wen, (an) wea cRagr dared F ory a are see afer ar elie, aAy ag eT aft cabin & arelta aferter, afercte ar aecifeatt & fire at; (fra) ar asa ase oftaes Bar et cafenal a Goh: ar aera: arrafster ae BG, 7 apn ser seh ste wafer Ft aT; (#8) ave (a) ¥ fares feat arf, aa ar see feet ar ease ofa Bat saeee aay & fest asa ahaea stam & Pra aftr at orga fare sare At ater af ag et; (art) deh dara Xsaedr F wrd aerated ohare atl aor veRK (z1g4) ear sal ae aT; (a8) aftr 3 sere 5 & orf feat va fees aA Fr RTT TT artereor ar reencor ae & Sane Perea sara aT ferfafese apresratty & fea sera Ta; 200 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 148-149 (ix) the reduction in the number of transport vehicles plying on the route and the number of services to be operated; (x) the curtailment of the route or portion thereof, covered by the existing permits or transfer of the permits to any other route or routes and giving of compensation if any; (xi) Convenience of passengers; (xii) filing of objections to the scheme before an officer authorised by the State Government by notification in this behalf; (xiii) such other consequential or incidental matters as may appear necessary or expedient for the purposes of the Scheme; (xiv) the extent to which Contract Carriages may be permitted to operate. (2) The Scheme shall be published in Form M.P.M.V.R.-69 (NS 1) and in case of cancellation or modification of any approved scheme under sub-section (2) of Section 102 in Form M.P.M.V.R.-70 (NS Il), in the Official Gazette of the State and in not less than one of the news papers in Hindi language circulating in the area or route proposed to be covered by such Scheme and also by pasting it on a notice board of the office of the State Transport Authority, Madhya Pradesh and of the office of the concerned Regional Transport Authority of the State. 148. Manner of filing objections — (1) Any person affected by the Scheme and desirous of filing objection under sub-section (1) of Section 100 of the Act, shall do so within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of the Scheme in the Form of a memorandum in duplicate, setting forth concisely the grounds of objections to the Scheme. (2) The memorandum of objections shall, be addressed to such officer as may be authorised by the State Government by notification in this behalf. (3) A copy of memorandum shall be sent by the objector to the Head of the State Transport Undertaking. (4) The memorandum of objections shall also contain the following information— (a) full name and address of the objector; (b) whether such person is a holder of a permit issued under the provisions of the Act: (c) the particulars of the route or routes or the area or zone specified in such permits; (d) whether the objector, if a permit holder, agrees to the route, if any assigned to him under the Scheme. 149. Agreement to Scheme by Permit Holders — A permit holder, who agrees to the Scheme in so far as it makes any provision about him shall express his agreement by filing a statement in Form M.P.M.V.R.-71 (NS III), within a period of thirty days. ferert 148-149 aleverrat fererat, 1994 201 (Ht) art oc set are oftaes at A dem F aft ait wafers At st atet aasit Hh rer, (=) Rane agaist & aera ar ars art ar see ser aeetett aT orga apr fame oft area at or ait & fae atercor cert aferene, ate arg at, ser fea aT; (mane) anfaeat at gferer; (ance) ars area are sabre are ge afte ofbreper faved ea saferepret a eer wom a daft arate ar gree Rear aT, (te) ta ser ofonftee an agate fava st ohn & gate & fet ara ar anireiia acta ae 2; (tae) ae ater set aes Sar feat At renfera at SA aT SeaT at Ta aTT | (2) Saar ges ow. fcr adh arr, -69 (9.08. cr) F atte ere 102 Ft sTERT (2) aren srgatt ce Favett xb casper ar setereor Se TTS HT. THe. SAT, - 70 HF aa Ud sam chia & siete aia are geared da ar art ae gales abu A eee Ua AHTER va WT feet sare sanftr At sre sie cea ofrares orfrant, wearer car ass aaiftre grees oftaes orftrant & arate aararg ferraran oft seep sare Peper STAT | . 148. avaRrat orge aet Ft aft -- (1) eft ao aaa een orf A et 100 #t agent (1) & sre safe orgs act ar sega ais foals, ge Ate carer Ay anita 3 ta faa At arovattr & stat 38 gra wa, Arafat a, oe etn sik sat aa & date Y srofeal ar siren dat AY saattie se | (2) srrafeat ar ares 08 often ar arti fear sraar Fe ge Pfirr oor ae are oaftregerar art arfereper Fema sire | (3) aaa At eam af arafecne arr ae aftaes suse & op a sft sett | (4) sre sea Rreafestaa start oh state et () arofeemat ar pr ar si oa; (@) Fartar eats afatan & secret ores oro Pea 18 agate ar are a; (1) Be orgaraal # fefafee aaa art, avi arenas (aa) A af eat; (a) wararafeerat, aff ae orgaras ence Rot hte & area get eget Pa at art, afg aig a1 8 arena a? 149. Haas areeRy are ale @ aeafe -- Car sega oe at Ah a, ga et ae See say F ag soca Bear var 8, wena at at ae ee Raat & dor, ger weer at.orm.-71 (05.08. aa) ce Pram die fas ht arora & far ge: aH arr sential sar FUT 202 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 150-152 150. Consideration and disposal of objections — (1) The officer authorised by the State Government under sub-rule (2) of Rule 148 above shall fix a date or dates, time and place for hearing of the objections and shall publish a notice in Form M.P.M.V.R.-72 (N.S. IV) specifying the date or dates, time and place so fixed, not less than seven clear days before the date on which the first hearing of objections is to commence :— (a) _ in the Madhya Pradesh Gazette; (b) by affixing a copy thereof on the notice boards— (i) _ in the office of the Collector of district in which area or route covered by the Scheme or part thereof lies; (ii) _ in the office of the Regional Transport Authority or Authorities within whose jurisdiction the area or route covered by the scheme or part thereof lies; and (c) in not less than one local news paper in the Hindi language circulating in the area or route which is proposed to be covered by such scheme. (2) Any objector may appear on the date appointed for hearing objections either in person or through his duly authorised representative. (3) Head of the State Transport Undertaking or such other person as may be authorised in writing by him in this behalf may appear on behalf of the State Transport Undertaking to represent the case in regard to the scheme. (4) The State Government shall hear such objectors or their duly authorised tepresentatives as may desire to be heard and also the Head of the State Transport Undertaking or the person authorised by it in writing in this behalf. (5) The State Government shall, after considering the objections, approve or modify the scheme as it thinks fit and shall subject to the proviso to sub-section (3) of Section 100 of the Act, publish the Scheme so approved or modified in Form M.P.M.V.R.-73 (N.S. V) in the official gazette and in not less than one news paper in the Hindi language circulating in the area or route covered by such scheme. 151. Implementation of the Approved Scheme — Upon the publication of the scheme under sub-section (3) of Section 100, the Head of the State Transport Undertaking shall communicate the scheme published under Rule 147 to the State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority as the case may be. The State Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authority, as the case may be, shall give effect to the approved scheme in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 152. Procedure for giving effect to Approved Scheme — (1) The State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority as the case may be shall cause acopy of every order passed under sub-section (2) of Section 100 of the Act, to be pasted on the notice boards of the offices of the State Transport Authority and the Regional Transport Authority concerned. (2) The State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority concerned shall also cause to be served upon the permit holder affected by the order a copy of ferent 150-152 aitexera Perera, 1994 203 150. araftrat og ferene farar sirat aer stent Proerer -- (1) Tse aca aT adhe Pan 148 3 sofa (2) Bove rfp Pare er safteaerdt saree A grarg Be Per ate arate, ara ak era Raa eon ae gage aa Ft 1g ants aT ata, aT afters faite ance gee OOF S.A -72 (GLU, aR) Ae aT re en a anrafrat sem rang sre Ah sieht @, se arta B am Save R ara PS: (&) Feagear rasa 8; (&) (wm) aah &, Pray chin & starter srrtaren Sa ar arf a See TT aig fra 8 adaat % araie %; (Bl) sare fren ofeeret ar srRrerfeat a, Frecht an Beach oaftranthear 3 aftat eft starter stare Sa a at a sereeT aS TT fear & apratora & Gera og oe, Sah) UH ofa Perret at; eT (m1) wate} aienlar sr ares seen Ba ar at Y refer am & ae errtia waren oa # fet orrar A srafire eT | (2) Brg st anraferarat arrdtet ft rag fs a fo Fra tg area a aT at Fa ar rey eer wT & onfrger afefafe & anche safer et aaAT | (3) Tree ofterer saan ar ee aT Se are ga Pain oka A sifkepe Para aT a aafts, asa oitaer saan Ah atk a che a eats eras arr ofa afirrs He & fest safe wt wal (4) Ter ara OR arrafereatal A ar sah aerq re step aerate SH, st Baa gegen ef ohh ce ahr saa} aS aT TT are ge Pith foe Foret ante tare BUT | (5) sa aca array oe Para ey Grae ge SANA aa AGATA AT FAA TTT Spar Pas ere afer aaa atch ote setts At ee 100 At svEMTT (3) A aigH y stents wet ERR Ta Seer or sere ea aT TATA TT Tae. A. -73 Haro HAT abt & sentra ars Sea ar ae after ave Bam cH erdla aera H Pet eT sanfires eet | 151. argent fee eshte ant arertcarerst ~~ ure 100 A Tae (3) & area hla ar Gee att Tass oases sean ar TES, Per 147 Sora wana he aerfeaRa Tee ftaen arferarrtt ar orate Reams mitra a agiea oT | aenfeere, Tee after ora ar areas afterest srfereandt sagt eter at aaftyRan 2 suateiy A anger Taft BOTT | 152. arquitfea eae ant warertter aaet aft where -- (1) aenfeatrasa ater sgrftraaret ar sreftras ofan ooferenreh arfeaterr at eer 100 At soem (2) 8 arelta area Te area At cam fet arse oftere soften ae aalftra arefRren afarer srfranrth 3 aeraterat gern weet ot Paeqarer | (2) rey after strat ar eae sree oftaees satan area aT TES BA TS HFGMTA TH TE STR HH HA AY TAN aT A eT aA TCT HHL SHGATITATETEY 204 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 153-155 the order either by sending it by registered post acknowledgment due or delivering it to permit holder in person. If the notice cannot be served in the manner aforesaid it may be served by delivering the same to any adult member of his family or servant residing with him or by affixing it on some conspicuous place at his residence or business or in such other manner as the State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority, as the case may be, think fit. 153. Disposal of Unclaimed Property — (1) Where any article is found in the public service of the State Transport Undertaking by its employee, the person receiving such article shall deliver it immediately to the officer authorised by the head of the State Transport Undertaking in this behalf. The officer who will receive the article shall keep the article for a period of seven days and if the article is not claimed during the period he shall hand over the same to the in-charge of the nearest Police Station : Provided that if the article is of a perishable nature and is not claimed within a period of 24 hours, it may be auctioned after giving sufficient publicity by the person authorised in this behalf by the head of the State Transport Undertaking. (2) Ifthe article is claimed within the prescribed time mentioned in sub-rule (1) then— (a) If the artic claimed by not more than one person, the person authorised in sub-rule (1) may after making such enquiries as he deems fit and if necessary after taking indemnity agreement from the claimant hand over the article to the claimant. (b) Ifthe article is claimed by two or more than two persons, the officer authorised under sub-rule (1) shall hand over the same to the officer incharge of the nearest Police Station. CHAPTER VII Construction, Equipment «nd Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 154, General — (1) No person use and no person shall cause or allow t: be used or to be in any public place, any motor vehicle which does not comply wit the rule contained in this Chapter, or with any order thereunder made by any office of the Transport Department not below the rank of Transport Inspector or any office of the Police Department not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent. (2) Nothing in this rule shall apply toa motor vehicle which has been damagec in an accident while at the place of the accident or to vehicle so damaged or otherwis« defective while being removed to the nearest place of repair : Provided that where a motor vehicle can no longer remain under the effective control of the person driving the same, it shall not be moved except by towing, 155. Maintenance of Public Service Vehicle — Every public service vehicle, and all parts thereof including paint work, varnish and upholstery shall be maintained ina clean and sound condition, and the engine mechanism and all working parts in proper working order. feet 153-155 aleve Prerat, 1994 205 Proahera era oftea ae of ace | ae aT AY aah geen Aer eh at sr ett & a sed) anfielt gam aver Pare wet are sem gest & fave of aoe eer aT ata FT afta ao ar ses Brave cer ar aaa eer & fet eager ears we Paar ae aT Pepe rea th fa 8 ale St ofA, ca aR soften ar sehr after sift afer wae | 153. aararpa arate Br Saat -- (1) set at aq Usa aiaes saan ot dara Yaak anand at oe Prodi 8 dt tet ag 8 aren oafe sa ag FI se Ba aH; fara ree ofearer sae Bh aay are ger Pattee sepa Paver eT &, eas TL aL ATT | TL eg hore aoc aro ir, se aeg a are Raa i arora com eT Htc ae sere adhere ga ag ar aren at var ara tte ge Freee fever et & arrears ara aT aaa: rege are eg Pare apf A afte 24 ve A area & afte Sere cra eh Pa ren 8 ah RS oafts rer Fae ase Grae sae a eS are a afte srPerga rer se gat sarc ant Pat ar & oe Ate Paar ST AT | (2) anf ee (1) Wea Pace ae ner eer Bs ft eg et ara Pasar sre at (®) aft reg at ara Oe @ ovale eat aver Pear sre & at gas (1) # spferper Fae rer oat, Bett sitet Sear fem ae afer ag ay & Gea SH aft sage & at arta & arferafd aor oa BA aa, TAT FT ET att om; (a) aft ang ar evar at oat sates aaa ara Pavar sar dh sata (1) caer sftp Paver re saftreeret 3a Peer afoot a eres safes araitam wea 7 Rlewaray ar abaater, sah saeHT aie aI TETT 154, errerreay —— (1) ag sft ofa te fat terra a, Sir ger areata Hsia Faw arse ania fare ne Pane Wa omer, St oPeaes Roar % Pave RS setter are, sit afta Peas ds ae 8 Rerae ar ret, ar gies rar feet OS settee arr sit au setters 3 oe aerwaraa, earn’, & aque 4a, fare ardatfien aera & soar arate a a aT Sa a HE AY TARA HTT BCT S8 TaATT | (2) aga fiom At ang oft ara BS area AL nL ah, st Pett gefeaT A gama ror & alte ghee exes ae 8 a A ars ah, ST et Ta TPA wT TT aT ste Fars ara site 8 ee EH Prapcee ears FS HAT TT TET : eg a Pah ce BY a a aT ear so dae Ba ar or rT Bh ae agar (ag) are Shar sre, Te AEF | 155. ater Aan art ar aeRO —— Teds Sha Sa as si Tas AEA ATT aT fia sient one ard, afer ae aes A asst anh (sueieaat}) adh? ae oi Ts zante arch ait daa da atte are aa TS Oo aT reat STE, BTS HTS ATE | 206 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 155A 11155-A, Special provisions for Sleeper Coach — (1) Sleeper berth arrangements in Sleeper Coach — (a) The Sleeper berth should be provided in vehicle with two tire system. The length of each sleeper berth shall not be less than 1850 m.m. and width not less than 760 m.m. The thickness of each sleeper berth shall not be less than 75 m.m. The sleeper berth should be strong enough to tolerate weight of the passengers. (b) The width of the gangway shall not be less than 450 m.m. (c)_ The width of the structure partition shall not be less than 25 m.m. between the two sleeper berth. (d)_ The lower sleeper berth shall be fixed at a minimum height of 450 m.m. from the floor. Lower sleeper berth may be made convertible into seats. (c) The clear head room for the seating passengers at lower sleeper berth shall not be less than 850 m.m. (f) The clear head room for upper sleeper berth shall not be less than 650 m.m. except at the side curves of the roof. (g) Individual windows shall be provided for lower and upper sleeper berths and the lower windows shall be at minimum height of 725 m.m. from the floor. (h) Ladder steps for upper sleeper berth shall be provided and shall be fixed at a minimum height of 250 m.m. and the distance between each step shall not be more than 300 m.m. (i) The distance between the sleeper berth facing each other shall be a minimum of 300 m.m. Gj) An assist handle shall be provided for comfortable occupation of the upper sleeper berth at a convenient height. (k) . No seat/sleeper berth shall be permitted to be fitted in the gangway except a seat for Coach Attendant/Manager at a suitable place. (1) Each sleeper berth shall be provided with neat fabric covering which shall be capable of being kept in a clean and sanitary condition and they will be kept so. (m) One pillow and two neat linens shall be provided to each passenger (one for wrapping and another for spreading). (n) Safety guards covered with soft material on either side of the upper berth shall be provided. (0) Sliding curtains shall be provided for each coupe and windows. (p) Electrically operated calling bells shall be provided for each coupe. (q) Night lamps preferably in blue colour shall be provided in the gangway and also in coupe. (r) Sliding windows shall be provided to the driver partition placed immediately behind the driver. |. Inserted by Notification No. F-22-19-10-VIII dated the 28th September, 2010. Published in MP. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 28-9-2010 at pages 1046(1)-1046(2). Applicable only in Madhya Pradesh. ferent 15505 arevena ferer, 1994 207 ‘fuss-a. wrerart (eet ata) & Ferg faete sate - (1) gravee (eater ate) A ereerepr ast caaeor -- (H) ar een gaia afea sitter samen arag art ari | seta enPirer At orans 1850 fa, st dhs 760 feat. & gar al att ae ates 75 fiat. a ae set att | far vat age eh afer artes ona 8 ara a er a TH | (@) amet ¥nfernt At ater 450 ft. Bea set eT (an). argues at ate & aie areh aaa AA herd 25 fat, Braet A | (a) Arena wel a are 450 Riot tect Soars oot ae Ara A era date err ard shafts At on at er (&) AAA ene ae ast avs aH fer sar Fer ATS ears 850 Pahl. Baw ae erm (a) sae Ah enter fore fer Haree Fo ore oa Pra A soho ar area 650 frat. 3 er ae ert | (8) AR aero At enftarait & fore seater firehaal soeeH aE STU owe Pratt Rareeht ft ofecar wat & aren 725 fir. Hr seg 1 ah | (a) Brae are smear 3 fase Aha & sett rer TA 250 Fie Hh. A Sears oe oH Bit ait ate diet & ra At ak 300 Fra, 8 onftrss ae er | (a) sama A gate entrar a tte A a Ie 300 fH. Beh (a) care Ah efter oe orate Rafa Bre & fore Bere Sarg Te wert BF food Um EMT TIS HUA TTT | (2) feratt soar ear eae afta / sate 3 safest mfosert Baar e/a wore Ht Sagar TET ert | (3) sree eriraer ah oem are ayy a HTT / Ets THT HAT ATT Ht KAHIT A fear Hwa ore BH cere et ot a ears ve TE | (S) aeke ard sy ce afar cer festa At ah are aret Sree aah sre (GH fret & fore aor gat sitet & fore) | (2) see At ena & At shea ang & a EU yea MS Tao se TE | (ot) gear i cen Reasfaret & fore erent are of sues Hae STE | (a) sea ga for Bact a aot ae feat sues Hear ae | (a) afartitaer gta stares ae aera ais OTS Sra BT SIs HATE amet | (2) arm dew NS oot, aera a are ae aA soe Flas are Raghav sree aug set | 1. aaftregaen ania O.-22- 19-10-31, Fates 28 err, 2oLo ge sence) ent THT (arerearen) Rai 28-9-2010 FH 1045-1046(1) Te Ga | Aeros MEMMeeT eT A geyT 208 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 156-157 (s) Individual reading light at convenient location for each sleeper berth shall be provided. (2): Other particulars— (a) Headroom — The internal height of the vehicle shall not be less than 1850 m.m. (b) Flooring — Flooring material for such public service shall be sound proof, antiskid and washable. The floor shall be safe for the passengers and covered with rubber or synthetic, matting or carpets. All joints shall be dust proof by suitable packing material. © (©) Roof — Roof ceiling shall be provided with soft material or equivalent materials like A.B.S. plastic to prevent impact. (3) Miscellaneous — (a) Such public service vehicle shall have waveller suspension or pneumatic suspension. (b) Such public service vehicle shall have attendant/manager to take care of the passengers in addition to the driver/drivers or conductor. (c) For the purpose of taxation under the Madhya Pradesh Motoryan Karadhan Adhiniyam, 1991 (No. 25 of 1991), seating capacity of the sleeper coach will be calculated as follows :~ (i) Every non-convertible sleeper berth in the upper tier will be counted as one seat. (ii) Ifthe lower tier sleeper berth are fixed sleepers they will be counted as one seat, but if they are folding and convertible as seats then they will be counted as if they are individual seats meant for seating passengers. ] 156. Stability — (1) The stability of a double decked public service vehi le shall be such that, when loaded with weight of sixty kilograms corresponding to a person placed in the correct relative positions to represent the driver and conductor, if carried and a full complement of passengers on the upper deck only, if the surface on which the vehicle stands were tilted to either side to an angle of twenty-eight degrees from the horizontal, the point at which overturning occurs would not be reached, (2) The stability of a single-decked public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall be such that under any conditions of load, at seventy kilograms per passenger and his personal luggage, for which the vehicle is registered, if the surface on which the vehicle stands were tilted to either side to an angle of 35 degrees from ihe horizontal, the point at which overturning occurs would not be reached. (3) For the purpose of conducting tests of stability the height of any stop used to prevent a wheel of the vehicle from slipping sideways shall not be greater than two thirds of the distance between the surface upon which the vehicle stands before it is tilted, and that part of the rim of that wheel which is then nearest to such surface when the wheel is loaded in accordance with the requirements of this ru’e. 157. Side Overhang — In the case of a vehicle used as a stage carriage no part of the vehicle other than a direction indicator, when in operation, or a driving mirror shall project laterally more than thirty five centimetres beyond the centre line of the rear wheels in the case of single rear wheels or more than fifteen . ferent 156-157 attevara fete, 1994 209 eS bil (a) ares eer & five, afrarares ears ac gt #q ram a ange axe art amt | (2) srr PafirReat -- (#) eS eta & fou shang -- ors At safes gent 1850 fia, & a ae art (a) swat ~~ 08 aa dtarara & for sal Had arctan eatafaen, femewad ran a a arta eh | art re aera eh aa cae Ref, aed an arte aterm an oe syaae Ofte amet gi ym ft aa at (1) Get ~~ saree that & fora ant ae a Ach so aes Sato ah cw, anfiewa ail oa A cifen sce ary aerft | (3) robot (Faery ~~ (a) 88 cha da aa i Baen atin oy aphiee eae a (a) a ce Sere att bees fr arom armada ofan (ae8e7) & safeties, sitar /saere et ‘ (7) wae stem area sfirfer, 199) (ms 25 my 199) ) Rania anne svat bg erarare 8 833 ot ama A ron facargee A are (0) St At setae He-aiafterttia mnfirar 33 oe ete 4 4 Sean are (#) aa te are fey fae fava a a oa te & i Fh ar ba Ra Ger arch an ie & ea shale A or ah ae Aa AA a ane A qu ate art sch] «SG. eertiteer —— (3) Farah ch aes ard (sacs Bae) cea ar ara an eee tet Be ' FH aT BH af eas Baht oes A aos rue rar A ht Gem 8 anf aces geen SAREE aT ara aa 60 Pactra area 32 ura arene ait atten & Baht anid ard wrath erst rere ak ge ara ara & spar amy at af se aan a, Farm ae Pe ans age ot rar 8 seed a an a earn aq aaa arg a Fare Faeyr aes ar a7 rar (2) Rhee Seat fra, wah aes ard (ferne Zaz) aw stay ava an eurfara ter etm be Ba met nat, Fara 3 fore are ara change &, site aac: safer area 3 Foe aca Fee, 3 fea ge ara ava Piaf Fea i afe 3a wae 3s Fre ce Fe ae ara re 0 aM i art & 3 afar an aad gare ae azar ar aaa fe fag wages a a gaz ara) (3) were ay team 03 & setts 3 fore ars uABa ad ary AL aie acd A rast fese wer ee ft oh fre (cere) #1 end, gare aida ed ar Pw aa rst Ser eme ite aa oe Ges at atari aga fed ce a er Pt ae se aed Atm SSH se ae % ea ra eh ate A ct & at Gers a fire aah eh 197. avait athe ata ant aret Proven gam arn (args sitagein) ~~ fae mgt BY sya Hore ard ane ara & ams a arate Fore sn 4 eae & fee qa a Saree adn (gree fier) & ter ara a aid Ah ur sre A sie a Peer’ wtb gat A Ziv Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 158 centimetres beyond the extreme outer edge of the outer tyres in the case of dual rear wheels, 158, Seating Room — (1) The minimum and maximum seating space, back rest and gang-way to be provided in public service vehicles, other than motor cabs or maxi-cab deployed as Ordinary or Express services shall be as follows :- Ordinary Express Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Q) (O (3) (4) (5) L Distance of Seats back to back- (a) Whenseatsare placed 66c.m. 70c.m. —66.¢.m. 74 ¢.m. across the vehicle and facing in the same direction (b) When seats, are 127m. 130c.m. — Not permissible. placed across the vehicle but facing each other (c) When seats are 137¢m. 140c.m. Not permissible. placed alongwith length of the vehicle and facing each other. Il. Size of the Seats, 38.c.m. sq. 40.¢.m. sq. 38 ¢.m. sq. 40.c.m. sq. Hil. Height of the back of the 40cm, 40.¢.m. 40cm. 60¢c.m. seat above seat level. IV. Type of seat and seat Rubberised coir or Foam or rubber cushion Polymanance from foam cushion of cushion with minimum 5 ¢.m upholstry of PVC thickness with leather cloth. upholstry of leather, the remix or like material Vv. Gangway 30cm. 30.¢.m 30 ¢.m. 35 c.m. Provided that in any or all express services or in express service plying: as night services, seats of size minimum 40 ems. square instead of 38 cms. square placed at a minimum back to back distance of 74 ems. instead of 66 cms, with square of back above seat level minimum 60 ems. instead of 40 cms. shall be provided. ferret 158 aitewera ferera, 1904 a frre afee Ht meq Lar & tte Seiex & arf ar Pros alee chet at at ared erat Ht Frege arett faratt frame Sehtex & orf aret Praver gaT at BT | 158, tat St sore (fe wa) -- (1) Het ea aT teh Sa SF saa aT aaa dara h wr F gore a ard ohn dat ay A Baw (aie) fhe 2a er Ty TT Reo rere ater aaftremern Bor Ft sere (eifer ea) At aaaeen Prengen ert :- art era “aaa afiea pam ifr (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (we) Ha Ho eH doar (eet) ae (*) waantaowomr-o «66a. «70a. «66a. 74 at. wrest sara ar arr ft fen F (@) WeaRFaonam-R 1278.4. 1308. aaa ae at gu at ait fag 4 are-ar Y | (1) saan¥an fog 37a. 408A. waa wat 8 | ¥ ot gg at a- aay et | (@) Seat ar ara! s8ataat. somteat, ssaetaa. scoatat. (dm) aos Mawar stds 408. 40a. soa. soar. Roa (an) sonarvenedteadinn) (ata deaa = (datas ar Set et Sara ge arr & Sharer TAGES FART AT Gad Ho HS adtaterse aa erate Amt) Or Cae IH St TET) (sta) deatctront-srrarce «308.9. 308.4. 308. 35 art. (ima) | og ft ot ar emer rar ona ar OF Bar aT aH eA Toh miRay 8 39 at aah. Saad 40 af Aah. & are A ay (MZ) ong aE TAT Te 66 dat Hamad wr 74 TA. HAT GH Hats Hw ae ah ew H aae a ae te A Sard 40 8a. F aes 60 Vt. eat sett 212 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 158 (2) The specifications for Tourist Vehicles as provided under rule 126 of the Central Rules, shall apply to the Deluxe buses. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-.ule (1) or (2), the seating capacity of a stage carriage of all makes and models, having following wheel base, shall not be less than the minimum capacity indicated against them : Wheel base Minimum capacity of seats excluding seats of driver and conductor. 1. 166" 46 2. 205" 50 3.210" 55 (4) The restriction imposed by sub-rule (3) in so far as they relate to the stage carriages registered before the coming into force of these rules, shall not be operative for a period of four months from the date of commencement of these tules. Chhattisgarh State Amendment [Sub-rules (3) & (4)| 1[(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2), the minimum number of seats to be provided shall be as specified in Column (4) or (5) of the following Table, leaving to the operator to increase the capacity consistent with other rules relating to the seating capacity, having due regard to the type of chassis on which the body is built :- Ss. Wheel Base Ordinary Vehicle Express Vehicle No. M.M. Inches (Minimum Seating Capacity) Q) Q) (3) (4) (©) | 1. 2,540-2,921 100-115 16 Assignment of seats \ 2. 2,946-3,048 116-120 20 shall be strictly in 3. 3,073-3,429 121-135 25 accordance with 4. 3,454-4,064 136-160 30 Rule 128 of the 5. 4,089-4,318 161-170 40 Central Motor 6. 4,343-4,953 171-195 44 Vehicies Rules, 7. 4,978-5,207 196-205 48 989 by the Regis- 8. 5,232-5,334 206-210 5S te ing Authority. 9. Above-5,334 Above-210 Assignment of seats shall be strictly in accordance with Rule 158 by tie Registering Auth=city. |. Substituted by Notification No. 3651/Aa./4fX./2017 ‘ated the 6th July, 2012, Published in C.G, Rajpatra Part I dated 6-7-2012 Page 1586. Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. y fret 158 ailexarar ferera, 1994 213 (2) Seater teers Frag, 1989 & fram 128 8 dew at wy aor sueiftra fafiésr Sea aa at ory at | (3) saPrem (1) wi (2) 8 fare are & otafehee aa gu sf, aaet fa od aise Al aifiet miSat A aoe ema, frat atte da Prager 8, oes are aatg ng apa aoe agra & ae ae SIH :~ ataaa area wd oftarene ft aaa at alsa pa aoe araT 1. 166" 46 2. 205" 50 3. 210" 55 (4) fhe (3) rer ore ng du et aes ee de ot Be eg A a cfaethpa afro mfgat& @, go Pent & oror eta A anita & are mre ht graf aw gata at ett owhars use deters [safe (3) wt (4)] 1[(3) safer (1) wel (2) 8 area Pape arr 3 eke ge oi, Ser a sere Fare Te ard Ata’ a aag era ort T: ., dae eae aftr Sea Fret Baa aie aa a siiter | Stse BY, Sree Fer STF aH het At aH Gea ae Sh st Pretfeftaa anfercer & aterm (4) ar (5) iF farffaee @ :- ay- ate aa arene aT wea a aenis a (Eero ara) () 2) @) (4) (5) 1. 2,540-2,921 100-115 16 dtey #r aaqae, 2. 2,046-3,048 116-120 20 efi after | 3. 3,073-3,429 121-135 25 arr jadtt tera 4. 3,454-4,064 136-160 30 fran 1989 & fran 5. 4,089-4,318 161-170 40 128 % aqacr F 6. 4,343-4,953 171-195 44 agree 7. 4,978-5,207 196-205 48 8. 5,232-5,334 206-210 55 9. 53348aR 20Rsm atzt Hr wage, career softradt art fram 158 & qa F wer a ert 1. atftrgerr seater 3651 /am. /Uft. /2012 Rette 6 qers, 2012 are feat | aatane armor arr 1 Revie 6-7-2012 Fs 1586 OC Tati | Haw odes UT A oA 214 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Ratfes 159-160 Provided that the Registering Authority may vary above seats in respect of any public service vehicles where the floor space and lay-out di: not permit to assign the above seating capacity, but it shali not be varied more than two or three seats.] 1[(4) Subject to the provision of Rule 46, the restriction imposed by ~ub- rule (3) above in so far as they relate to the Stage Carriages registered belore the coming into force of this sub-rule (3), shall be operative only after < period of four months from the date of commencement of that sub-rule and physical verification of seats, seating layout, sleeper berths, or any vital information necessary shall be done by the Registering Authority.] Comments Increasing of seating capacity of public service vehicle by Registering Authority in accordance with rule 158 -- the rule is constitutionally valid/ Uma Devi Sharma Vs. | State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 2008 MP 110. 159. Head Room — (1) Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab) ora maxi-cab shall have the following internal height or head-room measured along. the centre of the vehicle from the top of the floor boards or battens to the under side) of the roof support :- (i) _ in the case of single decked vehicle and the lower deck of double decked vehicle not less than one hundred and seventy five centimetres and not more than two hundred centimetres respectively; (ii) in the case of the upper deck of a double decked vehicle, not less than one hundred and seventy-two centimetres : Provided that the Regional Transport Authority may vary the above measurements in respect of any public service vehicle plying solely on any specified corporation or municipal or cantonment limits and environs thereof. (2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply to motor vehicles constructed before the commencement of these rules in conformity witi: *he provisions of rules made under the repealed Act. 160. Permission to carry passengers standing ana © ~ndition thereof — (1) (a) Subject to the provisions of Rule 161 passengers may be carried standing on a single deck public service vehicles or on the lower deck of a dov ale decked public service vehicles, if— (i) _ there is fixed in the roof of the gangway along tlie vehicle a grabber fixed with hanger straps; (ii) _ there is a head room of not less than one ! indred ard seventy five centimetres and not more than two hur’ ed centimetres; |. Substituted by Notification No. 3651/aa. /@ft, /2012 ¢ ‘2d the 6th July, 2012. Published in C.G. Rajpatra Part I dated 6-7-2012 Page 1586. @ .plicable only in Chhattisgarh. feet 159-160 Alera frei, 1994 eg ae fe efector aftr, Pret site dar are A avaq ortas atet Yea a6 Baa 8 ret fas coat eared athe atte ara ata aes enAT ae ea A ST TAT Reht at, Parga at ar cit eel 8 afte reatea at Pear sre |] 1[(4) Pam 46 % sade % arena, ar safiae (3) arr aferdita Rdua, wet aa fas ae ge satan (3) Age ety a os cheese arch isa 8 saiftta 8, ae se sufran & oie a aft aria & ar are Ft arora & oeang vadaetio rer at Hal, atom aterm, enftrrett ar arg saree wecayel smear apr seer eae, eater saftranrdt art frat ster |] 215 feoraft Freer 158 3 orga cfarectarat saftreertt are tas Gar aren oft atoas exer Y af Ft 8 ~~ Fem ween: fates 2) sar dat erat aan eeordyr ta, AIR 2008 MP 110. 159, BS Bt & Peg Sarg (#s WH) -— (1) Pre Her Ha oT eet Fa a ew Sete che Bar ara Ht shad Sarg sree as at & fou Seng (2s BH) aa Hat owt are ar ofeat at aud ace & cant stat A wa oral aa ares ae Paraiafiae att. (we) we ae (fine Sas) ad are Foe at am ae (saw dag) a Frach aes 35 are 8 caret crea aa. & arm ae eb ote a a a, @ saftre ae ert; (@) Hasasar > sot as} aS A ww oh zea ah. 8 aa art: Treg arenas ofteres snftranrdh, 08 ata dar ar & eae i st dae Pah BRASS Ain ar arrcenferar ar erect aft atarait site a4% Reseach Sat 8 sresrar sr ver & saga arc SCOR Fe TT | (2) sofia (1) F otafaee ang sf are aa alert at ory al ert Rar ator gt farce ard 3 & gg, Petter aff 3 pita acre Hepat & set ET Pa mat ei 160. afxat at @s-ad ot ont St orga atte seeAT we ~- (1) (%) Fe 161 Sasa orerelte Tea gE GH Aer ATS cites dara Tet ete atts dar a Paar aa F fet at as-as a arm a aa, - (Ge) ar ¥aaat S At oa Sue (a) H aad was B Recess aret SHS & 9g 8 yar saa TaHST H eve (Tat) Gt Ee A; (@) sai as ard foc Sak Ge) Awe ash medina aie ah aeleiex a sittin a at, 1. aaftregean wart 3651 / es. af. /2012 fates 6 gerd, 2012 aver gRreenfte | wetter ‘Wores arr 1 eater 6-7-2012 Tes 1586 We entire | daw eters Usa A ATI 216 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 161-163 (iii) there is a clear space serving as a gangway along the vehicle is forty centimetres in width. (b) The number of passengers standing under sub-rule (1) (a) shall not exceed the number arrived at by dividing by forty the length of the gangway in centimetres measured from the foremost seat behind the front exit to the rear most of the seat in front of entrance door. (2) The provision of sub-rule (1) shall apply provided— (i) the passenger standing travels a distance of not more than fifty kilometers or voluntarily agrees to travel standing for a longer distance; (ii) the vehicle is operated only on first class or equivalent roads. (3) The provisions in sub-rule (1) shall not apply to a stage carriage adopted to be used in as Express service. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), (2) and (3) of this tule, and Rules 158, 159 and 161 a Transport Authorny may exempt any public service vehicle or class of such public service vehicles from the provisions of the said rules for a specified period of not more than three days from carriage of persons by 25 percent in excess of the actual seating accommodation on special occasions, such as to and from fairs and religious gathering, or to meet a particular temporary need. 161. Limit of carrying capacity — Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules no public service vehicle other than a motor cab or a maxi-cab shall be licensed to carrying a number of passengers, including those standing in excess of that number obtained by substracting ninety kilograms from the difference between the registered laden and unladen weight of the vehicle and dividing the resulting figures by sixty-five in the case of a double decked vehicle and single dacked vehicle operated exclusively within the Municipal and cantonment areas and by seventy five in the case of other singly decked vehicles. . 162. Exemption — Notwithstanding anything contained in Rules 158, 160 and 161, the State Government may by notification in the Official Gazette exempt any public service vehicle or class of such vehicles used in any specified area from the provisions of the said rules either generally or for a specified period and may prescribe the number of passengers that may be carried in excess of the registered seating capacity. 163. Driver’s seat in public service Vehicle — (1) No public service vehicle shall be driven other than from the right hand side of the vehicle. (2) Onevery public service vehicle space shall be reserved for the driver's seat as to allow him to have full and unimpeded control of the vehicle and in particular— (i) _ the part of the seat against which the driver’s back rests shall not be less than 28 centimetres from the nearest point on the steering wheel; ferra 16 1-163 aiexena fete, 1994 217 (4) ant art ade ae oat sta omt-a Hwa (Ana) & TY sea Aran & fare aretia dchiier ete gett ame a, (@) soften (1) (&) & orfa ad ae A wer are Prin ae} a A aa amet aaa O sae a amt & aad Ste aon am doat HA (fire) & siarg Bateiex Fare ae 3 rete ar aT 33 ox St ce ares ett see aftr ae ert | (2) saPrem (1) suse amp att afe-- (Ge) Ger gar are rare favetistier & srattees A ava aera & ar gaa waft et af art @S-as ae & fru ear A wena 2; (@) ada rem oft ar sees aoe arf qe sear aTAT? | (3) safer (1) Sage caata Gar h we H seein Pave sre & ere sgeger arg aE sifteft ret at eam ag a | (4) safe & soften (1), (2) ar (3) Faves 198, 150 0a 1618 feet st ara 3 Mie Ee hh, BE aha maser oA ites Sar are a aT a cite Ber art feet nf at teil oth enfite arent 38 farts saad oS ar siicaet Ba & fae ar Pett Re sre eawT At rr AH HP HTH fre areata aay eh aeear B25 steerer acm afer Bead anfecelt & area & fey afties & orf ats faa At fae areal & fare sat et Hari t gee abr 161. re watt EY ermreTT AAY AtoT -- 5 Perit tafe fret are eta at feet tee Sear a Sraett & Fira Paeeht oft Ot cites Sar ary at elt ear & Bray as cafe afeafera 8 artis: dear a anfdey at ena ar & form agate ae a ret st de aS Breda cra afta aa aren ciate crane efter art & sien a aed Pct aera atte eter a, dara ana Ha aA AT SMa sole trenkerm ait wet at ster gee ant & Gee 8 cen sre cep det are aat H Terma BA st Bem ara eet 8 | 162. ge -- fram iss, 160 i 161 8 sate Peet ara & AA ee ot oes aT ararer onfteear are, vet PaPafee Soa serch ere arch Rae a Al Ber ara aT na art & a ator at arereoree a Pett fate aerate Fore sae Frerit & saat 8 ae % ae ote RR arf at ehea Ffc anc aa ht Pas aRared gpa aah Ht aa a fry eT ae fae at a | 163. citetar art ¥ area & Jat ar vara (az) -- (1) as of ctw dar art, at FF aafeett aie & ret area Panett oft afte & ae aera STAT | (2) wet etter dara F areras & aaa fore ge ga eer refi Tar sre reat frag art x oof sik fer Peet aren & Paar ca ae otk Pfinsecar-- (eR) Seems Ree ore oe arere are ha ae fae HT GfeeTeTa af (stair adtet) & Prazen fag & 28 dattier 3 ae ah at eee; 218 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 164 (ii) the width across the vehicle shall be not less than sixty eight centimetres and shall extend to the left of the centre of the steering column in no case less than twenty-five centimetres and so that a line drawn parallel to the axis of the vehicle through the centre of any rear lever, brakes lever or other device to which the driver has to have frequent access lies not less than five centimetres inside the width reserved for the driver’s seat. (3) Arm rest is for the driver not more than ten centimetres wide may be provided within the space specified in clause (ii) of sub- rule (2). (4) No public service vehicle shall be so constructed that any person may sit or any luggage may be carried on the right hand side of the driver. (5) Every public service vehicle other than a motor-cab, shall be so constructed that there shall be a separate compartment containing proper sitting accommodation for the driver. This compartment may be separated by suitable rigid partition of expanded metal or adequately spaced metal bars both on the side and on the rear so as to isolate the driver without obstructing his vision. (6) Every public service vehicle shall be so constructed that, save from the front pillar of the body, the driver shall have a clear vision both to the front and through an angle of ninety degrees to his right hand side. The front pillar of the body shall he so constructed as to obstruct the vision of the driver to the least possible extent. ‘1164. Width of Doors and Fitment of Emergency exit Window/door — (1) Every public service vehicle, private service vehicle, contract carriage and educational institution vehicle shall be fitted with separate entrance and exit doors located on the left side of the vehicle, and having at least 53 centimeters width and of sufficient height : Provided, that the said provision shall not apply to a motor cab, a vehicle constructed under rule 128 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989, and a vehicle having thirty-two or less seating capacity (excluding driver and conductor). (2) Every public service vehicle, private service vehicle, contract carriage and educational institution vehicle other than those constructed under rule 128 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, shall be fitted with either an emergency exit door or an emergency exit window located in the back or right side of the vehicle having specifications as provided under rule 128(4) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.) Rule 164 As Applicable in State of Chhattisgarh 164. Width of doors — Every entrance and exit of a public service vehicle other than a motor car shall be at least fifly-three centimetres in width and of sufficient height. 1, Substituted by Notification No. F 22-23-2011-VIII dated the Sth Ja 'y,2012. Published in M.P. Rajpatra (Asadharan) dated 5-1-2012 Page 18. Applicable only in Madhya Pradesh. —— — ferera 164 Frezera Perera, 1994 219 (3) arr ters cw afte 8 cet site om arses Baier a am aa Att ate Safer aorere were ave ite ast gs ah sit wees FAT A getter Rehoer Bae et ett atte ae Ue aot foes fe ale Tere BT aT-aR arr Ter aay Papett after cftae, Sta: cftere ar fart ort soa a wer a Bret gS are At gO & aerate os tan it ore at ae TTR A a Ferg orrefiaa staré & anu 8 aa gis Aether silat ar ae | (3) areres at erer fears & fare anftras ad saftees oer Aeiehtee dhe eral (arate) A amare Sarr (2) awe (at) H FaPifate Pre ne eer afta A ar eae | (4) feet eft atte Sar ae ar after ge sane ae Pare sre Bs Sera AY arf a antg of cafe ao at ar ang ft eres A STAT TBS | (5) Rete a fra, sete othe dar ar an afator ga garre Papa sear fas Tew are Bum taraurdte a rat ares a as aaa fee agree seats Hd ok ay aft afte & ung ft are a afta sia oe emg Tg eg A OST & ayfera ea & asa Pea (refed) are gat eee gery ave srr ear Perea Pes area a sah aot aes Sar aferars are aver emg fart germ Papa ST BS | (6) seemaie dara a afiaio ee var Pear sre rad fe art & area SA BF arch aren at arse ares aA aA oH, ait 90 ster apr aor aaa gu ante atk AT Bie awe | ATS ATS rs ar arab oft ge san fear sre ree ses eT aT At oft F aera ay & @H are ste | '[164, exaral él cterg aren arraraanretta Prete Rergait/acarar warat -- (1) see ote Bar ae, Pst dar ara, Sar St cer Seafrs deal awe Yam a a 53 Beater sheng athe ates Sarg aves wae atte Fete & fare gE aa Sea Ta, fee ara & ait ote Rar wr: Tey saa saae fret atet ba, atte vice Ram, 1989 & Baw 128 & ora fafa fereh ara cen acta sit sea an (ares, Titre Ht steer) Aaw erates ar Tora att | (2) etter tears Fram, 1989 Fert 128 & anfta Pififa areal @ fiver ged ares dar am, Pott dara, Sar arg aon Heatires weed art H, Festa recat Ram, 1989 3 Fra 128(4) ¥en svete fire Aes are sierra Rate Rage ar arora SATA TAT TITY, HY TT Bs TTT See STAY BATT FT Vt |] orttenrg wer FY rer ary Pram 164 164. qarat Ht ates -- ster ara fra, ween che Gar as F goer ik feel & an ft herd aa an 93 Seite ent afk sat Sarg at gate eet | i 1. orftregerr ater ow 22-23-2011- ae Petia 5 wrae, 2012 rer ofereenfre | meaTeeT Taua (waren) ferte s-1-2012 TS 17 Tee | Sas mere eT A TTT 220 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 165-167 165. Grab-rail — A grab rail shall be fitted to every entrance or exit, excluding an emergency exit of a public service vehicle other than a motor cab to assist passengers in boarding or alighting from the vehicle. 166. Steps — (1) In any public service vehicie other than a motor cab, the top of the tread of the lowest step for any entrance or exit, other than an emergency exit shall not be more than fifty centimetres or less than twenty five centimetres above the ground when the vehicle, is empty. All steps shall be fitted with non-slip treads Fixed steps shall not be less than twenty-five centimetres wide and shall in no case project laterally beyond the body of the vehicle unless they are so protected by the front wings or otherwise that they are not liable to injure pedestrians. (2) In the case of a double decked vehicle-- (i) __ the risers of all steps leading from the lower to the upper deck shall be closed, and no unguarded aperture shall be left at the top lending, board; (ii) all steps leading from the lower to the upper deck shall be fitted with non-slip treads; (iii). the horizontal distance from the nearest point of the riser of the top step to the vertical line passing through the nearest point of the seat opposite to the top tread of the staircase, excluding any garb rail which does not project more than eight centimetres from back of the seat shall not be less than sixty-six centimetres; (iv) the outer stringer of an out-side stair case shall be so constructed or a bend shall be so placed, as to act as a screen to persons ascending. or descending the height of the outer guard rail shall not be less than one hundred centimetres above the front of the treat of each step. 167. Body dimensions, Guard Rails and Life Guards — (1) Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab or a maxi-cab shall be so constructed that— (i) _ in the case of a single decked vehicle with an enclosed body— (a) the height of the body side from the floor to the sill of th: window shall be less than seventy centimetres; ‘b) if the height of the sides of the body or the sills of the body windows, as the case may be, above the highest part of any seat is less than forty-five centimetres, is made by means of guard rails or otherwise to prevent the arms of seated passengers being thrust through or the extent to which the side windows or Venetian can be lowered is such that when lowered their top edges is not less than forty-five centimetres above the highest part of any seat. fererat 165-167 mexeral ferera, 1994 221 165. weet THSt & fore ate A ws -- Heda a fa gele ctH dat a araracpret Pris are at Steat aetep weer otk Pri are oe area gasa fare ait At os vag sett fara area at ara oe aga-saey F aera fret WHI 166. eifgat -- (1) Het ad Bea cites dara, arorecnretta Peta anf & fea, fret sere ar Pota an aad A & gaa Ft Seat ace, a Tet aA A Rafe Fa a care Sather & aftr ar cedta Shier & aH Soe al Shh | ase 3 aes ora ow oe aim, Remrert BF are ere er BS ett | Fee heel ot Shs ratte Satter ap ae ee athe Raat at FRR fer cre cep ara AY aT Ss cree a are Prapeht ge et eh sa aa fis se ATT 3 fay S a sree ga game ef 7 ane fea sare fas area sae ees at arg anf TAT Foran @1 (2) a aerate ar & arma a -- (@) SSaandankaa staat act het sake (eM) aes are ate Ot wat & aad gar & ed H al arefixe ose aet Stet se; (®) AF aad ans aa att ort are at aifeal & gar FAs raed 8 areft ae orth a | (aa) wat aoe Ata ae oe (wae) 3 Praca fg a Rail TST Ft og afaifa adi 8, st daw A dla a ana AAtler & afk sree Prrett gg af a 8 aad aac gaara & eras arch aw (Hie) & Framea fereg & tame art arett crear tar ra ht ars att fras AeiNt aan ae ert (ar) arett ate Ft st At arett ara set ar Prater ge sae Pear sre aT oH verter aren aren sit ast Say ara TBH & fae oH wert ar aT oie ared cam og Ft Sark sete igh & raed Ft aa & sera a wa af aattier 8 an ret eri 167. atdt ar aftara, tara oF ait Shara tars (ors Tre) -- (1) Peete aber ar Repeht Sha @ fra aden cite Bar at apr aPrafor ge vere Pager siTeATT Fa: (we) aq ait & ww ae are are & area A (®) ad Far tt Sarg oat MH fas hrat A ted ow ae Sehr a an ert; (@) ale feeftdam (tz) Head Se ama, aenfeale, ata Frag ar atch at Ragtey ft Seta A sang, Saree Sevier & aa et areas granfsal A arel at aret Pave 3 a aay ees aT ore femal are ger rae) 1 3 ar ara at RResfenal a he RRereenrg Sr art frerfiver Seifert ser ars At oT eet fw ay 38 ater far se at sett ont fran Pet dow & aaa Sat et 2 donee Satter & a ot et eT | 222 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 168-170 (ii) in the base of a single decked vehicle with open side, guard rails shall be provided along the right hand side of the vehicle to prevent any person other than the driver from mounting or alighting from the vehicle on the side; (iii) in the case of a double decked vehicle with an uncovered top deck, the top deck shall be provided with side rails and end rails the top of which shall be atleast ninety centimetres above the deck boards of battons at the modes and forty-five centimetres above the highest part of any seat, and the top of front and back rails shall be at least ‘one hundred centimetres above the deck boards or battons and shall follow the chamber or the deck. (2) For the purposes of this rule, the seat back shall not be deemed to be a part of the seat. (3) A Regional Transport Authority may in the case of stage carriages plying solely in any specified municipal or cantonment limits and in the environs thereof | require that life guards of a type of the approved by the authority shall be fitted to the sides of the vehicle between the wheels. 168. Protection of passengers from weather — (1) Save in the case of the uncovered top deck of a double decked vehicle, every public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall be constructed with a fixed and water-tight roof and every motor¢ all be constructed with a fixed and water tight roof or be equipped with water tight hood that may be raised or lowered as required. (2) Save in the case of the uncovered top deck of a double decked vehicle, every public service vehicle shall have suitable windows, Venetians or screens capable at all times of protecting the passengers from the weather without preventing adequate ventilation of the vehicle. When the screen are made of fabric, the whole of them shall be at all time fastened securely to the vehicle : Provided that in the case of vehicles plying as Express and Deluxe services, the windows shall be fitted with clear and tinted glass and with no other material. (3) Where glass windows or venetians are used they must be provided with effective means to prevent their rattling. 169. Internal Lighting — Every public service vehicle other than motor- cab, having permanent roof, shall be furnished with one or more electric lights adequate to give reasonable illumination throughout the passengers compartment or compartments including the landing but of such power or so screened as not to . impair the forward vision of the driver. Vehicles plying as night services shall be provided with blue coloured night lights. 170. Body construction — The body of every public service vehicle shall be constructed and fastened to the frame of the vehicle in compliance with such directions as may from time to time be issued by the State Transport Authority, fererat 168-170 aewera ferera, 1994 223 (@) gaya Hadad an sade, am Aah stant a Hd oer Se aT aT SS eT ST Free is ater & ra ora ret ft cata a 3a ana ar a sat om ast Aaa TAS; (dit) Wat aeraret, at arma i fee Hutt aer (BH) Gen et Soe aad arg Ft os an are frost arr ad ge gen erg oreahl Ps Parad wad wr Fh oe det (SH) & Teat T a Tes eT} fea B aH a aH Beiter Hae ett aie Pape oft dacs & aad SA am S Yoel Veiner Sat arth ae ary cer Hd cA wet Y Gud we act (Sa) aes a feat Sam ta Ge at dehher oer et sik ae (3m) baer agen ag arertt | (2) ga Pram & gate & fara tax (ate) % feat om at dee ar ae at ara IGT (3) sree oRaed ater tet afsef mal & are #, at baer feet fife sereaiferar aT ora A aera ar sae Prneacll Sat # aerg ar eh Bae arte one aaa fa a & ores ofa & athe onrenrtt arr agate wae & sla ear eT STE | 168, Htae & abrat wr azar -- (1) ga aa aa TS Aaa aw wm & Perera, alec Shar & fest eae: cites Sar ara ar afaator ga gaan Pear sro fe gee Fx ger seh we eet aT se er gen eas (ES) era TUT FH sraRATETE wr ate fear a a | (2) qe gust cea 3 seare Na as ame & fra, was ates aa are tet saqaa Raefeat, oar fa fiewané srt arett ratte ar of aera set, at a vata area at o& Renter a aha A ata te A or ah | wa Sand at a aT A Sant oa a ata ara nage a aie vat sre: eg ae fae Cate dar ar Sterae Gar we ae arch art 3 aa F feasted Y ae oneal oft fla ata aoe smh ary He aie art Fe (3) sei ara a flagheat ar sar at feaaenrg at arett feet (Ate) aT seater fae sre 8 asi Sa ASST A draw Pere geet sara Far aT | 169. oiteret wearer eater -- Fret Sar 8 ra eng wa are ged ctw dar are ¥ anfset & 993 & ave (areréte) ar ait after wees eel at aah |r 8 yatta aa fore ca at aftr cart oe Rage ft gare ae A aren, Peg SA ata eat ett arse SH TT BT SATO STAT STTCT FHA Paw Say HUT ree AT AY eas H aS ara eT Brera dar, 69 F gee a are aM F Atel or Ft OB aca A racer F sre 1° 170. atat ar aPrater -- seta cits dan ar a ast ar air stk aa A Shae (365) 8 seam core sear ee oar fered are eas aT fae Sat oA em 224 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rules 170A-170C Comments For Maxi-Cabs having soft top grant or renewal of temporary permit is prohibited. keeping in view public safety -- it is not arbitrary and does not violate right guaranteed under Article 19(1)(g) of Constitution. Ramlal Mishra Vs. State of M.P. and others, AIR 2009 MP 236. Chhattisgarh State Amendment 1|170-A. Special provisions for Sleeper Coach and Semi Sleeper Coach — (a) “Sleeper Coach” means a deluxe vehicle constructed as such under this rule, with or without Air-Condition Unit and the wheel base of such vehicle shall not be less than 205 inches. (b) “Semi Sleeper Coach” means a coach having passenger seats on the floor and berths on the upper side of it, and the wheel base of such vehicle shall not be less than 205 inches. 170-B. Deluxe Sleeper Coach — (1) Subject to rule 93 read with mutatis application of the provisions of the 128(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (9)(i), (12) and (13) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, the special provisions for Sleeper Coach/Semi-Sleeper Coach shall be as hereunder. 170-C. Deluxe Sleeper Coach — (1) (a) No Sleeper Coach of more than ten years age from the date of first registration, shall be permitted during the validity of its permit and where the vehicle becoming more than ten years age, such permit shall become invalid. (b) The vehicle covered by sleeper coach permit, shal! not more than five years from the date of first registration of its at the time of initial issue of permit or replacement of vehicle. (2) Sleeper/Berth arrangement :— (a) The sleeper berth shall be provided along with the vehicle with two tier system only. The length of each berth shall not be less than 1,750 mm. and width not less than 760 mm. and not more than 900 mm. The thickness of each berth shall not be less than 75 mm. (b) The width of the Gangway shall not be less than 450 millimeters. (©) The width of the structure partition shall not be less than 25 mm. between the two berths. (d)_ The lower berth shall be fixed at a minimum height of 150 mm. from the flooring of the vehicle. | (e) The clear head room for the sitting passenger at lower berth shall not be less than 800 mm. | 1. Inserted by Notification No, 2795/Tech-5S0/TC/2008 dated the 22nd September, 2008. Published in C.G, Rajpatra Part 1 dated 3-10-2008 Pages 2709-2712. Applicable only in Chhattisgarh. fererat 1708-17091 aera Pre, 1994 225 feoroit las Gear a gftena wat gu, Biae Zi arch daft aa & ford seer sagas we aT Smt ar atta Pasar sor ofetitg & -— ae waar aet & sik arent aqede 19(1)(B) arte midipa often ar sede ae nea | creer Pron ware weaueer oer att a, AIR 2009 MP 236, orharg use eetert ‘170-8. ei were wa add-in wea & dade F Ate werent -- (%) wera e sfitde 2, Some are ora ga fran sient arerageefoor garrs & Bree aT fern Ate At mg ares ite ett aver ar atte: Ia 205 Fa aanaéern | (@) od-werar a afte ta ar 88, frat sat coh de sige A | aie rr a, sit tet aver a tw aa 205 Ss a a ae eT 170-@. Steae sara -- (1) da tera Fan, 1980 3 fer 93 ae ‘fort Fram 128(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (9)(i), (12) a (13) sean wer fate | BH oon Tea BU eI /arak-ra & fore Fate gaa Prager at | | 170-1. Steere wearers ~~ (1) (%) sear est ary em asia area | 10aks afta 8 ahaa oats A deer & der sigue et A aah, she set ber ares 10a St satires aay ar Sta 8 at er aefhre order a are | (@) FRROR ayM-o9 & sti sre ars area, AyaT-95 ae CS aT STAT arert & sftreert 35 errr sere cotta Rain & 5 anf @ aaftren sire A ae ett (2) seA/afeqaeer :- (®) deere 8 wer af A sae aed & orang ¥ ae 3 acta wat STAR He Sree A sTCAt | Tees grera aA ATE HAT 1,750 Fir A. aer tary =pram 760 fF. fe. ca safer 900 fF. . am ehh, wees area oft titers 75 ff. eft | (@) ary ar & ced (ie) At dterg aso fir. fr. & a A et aot | (1) Sarr rea eer foram At cheng ages 25 fir Ph. dan Apa ert (a) aret & ost & rae seq apa iso fir fit. Sard oe eft feat TET | (&) PAA 83 arth feow ere aiden (Rew) 800 Ff. Fan aéterm 1. offtrqeat m6. 2795 /aei-550/ée1/ 2008, Feara 22 Reeve, 2008 ERT Hea EMME | S.7. THT wir» Peries'3- 10-2008 9% 2706-2709 Ce MAR ATG | Hers Bon. TTA wae 226 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 170C (g) (hy (i) i) (k) a (m) The clear head room for upper berth shall not be less than 650 mm. except at the side curves of the roof. The upper berth shall be either fixed type with supports fixed rigidly by means of bolting or welding or pivot mounted at the partition and suspended by two bright steel chains mounted on hinges on berths. These chains shall be fixed rigidly by means of bolting or welding to the roof structural members. The length of chain shall be such and sufficient that the passenger could move easily in or out on the berths. Suitable arrangements shall be made for the upper berth passengers to enable them to go up or come down from the upper berth. An assists handle and footrest shall be provided for comfortable occupation of the upper berth at the convenient height. No seat/berth shall be permitted to be fitted in the gangway except a seat for coach attendant/manager at suitable place. Each berth shall be provided with fabric covering, which shall be capable of being kept in a clean and hygienic condition. One pillow and two neat linen shall be provided to each passenger (one for wrapping and another for spreading), These shall be always in good and hygienic conditions. Safety guard covered with soft material on either side of the upper berth shall be provided. (3) Other particulars :— (a) (b) (c) Headroom — The internal height of the saloon shall not be less than 1,850 mm. Body mounting — In case of rigid chassis the body of such public service vehicle shall be mounted on the chassis with high tensile, steel bolts with diameter of not less than 16 mm. No holes shall be drilled in the chassis side members (Longitudinal) except where such drilling is technically approved by the chassis manufacturers. Rubberised packing or mounting of adequate thickness shall be used between the body structure and the chassis frame. Flooring — Flooring material of such public service vehicle shall be sound proof. anti-skid and washable. The floor shall be safe for the passengers ané be covered with rubber or synthetic matting or carpets. All joints shall be dust proof by suitable packing material. ferer 1705T wtexera fret, 1994 227 (3) (@) (@) (=) (3) ()) (2) (3) (8) Ba ag H GHa HT Bea SUS Wo a Ure ahhaey (2S-eA) 650 fir.fR. & aa ae) BT SH wera BY Sra ene a Rerarars oe ches gaa aT arora BeAr Refte gant asa 8 cers are aaraT orem, athe eet oe meer EU a SRS FETT AY Ssh & Ta F garg fone RT| aE SeTT TS oT & Prater ysrrait ox ates gare ar arorgare Pare ev | sist At areas tet atte ater eh far art rt ox gferenpses Ora aT Te ST TAH | aur ft ert & art > feu saa eer At areh, af a wae eat OC aT ah aT AS aT TH | aro & sraa ae Bfererphas ge & few a were ee Bite ert Qfaersre Sarg ot soe feat aT | oftagresr /sraearaes 3 fern de at asa t-sTy Tea F aE ae ar gras corre aft argate ae et srt | ores get aes ora 8 suse at srt, ST earew oe Eh Aa ah FwWwMaa Vt Sree ach at cam afta Ue ch are aret saeseE AT SUT (OH aT & fore site garth Fawr & fee) ge¥ wher stead site dr gre Fake war aT | ar ft ea & dat oft ater anh gaa ar gran ses sya Pear SET | ore Perera :~ (a) eittarer -- arr aft arian Sarg 1,850 FF. & ar ae ath (&) aah even -- cigs afar Ft ae 4 8S ate dar aa F ait (7) Sfaa ne seerage wd gore alee St 16 ff. A aha ara at SAT ST | eT BA fog aay at Sar fe Rafer are avait wT aera ahs 8, at Slgan Afee & aed danttht By a ara Az, al ater fee & ore (feaata) srr we ats de Shes wala a set Paar srem | até drear otk Sere Sm & athe A vax Ah Aft aT aratén gta Aterg A ert | wat -- to ote dar am & oat A arent caf gaa, octets afte Si ater eth) at 3 feng oat ele my, afte eae aT Se sree a reser Baa he | fete eee reat 3 er ert sity Ee HT cca 228 Motor Vehicles Rules, 1994 Rule 170C @) (e) () (hy 0) a) Roof — Roof of ceiling of such public service vehicle shall be provided with soft materis! or equivalent materials like A.B.S. plastics to prevent impact. Light — Individual reading light ai convenient location for each berth shall be provided in addition to normal lighting arrangement. Painting and finishing — Such public service vehicle shall be painted in “Nitro-Cellulose” or “Synthetic Ename!” or other suitable paints of any permissible color scheme. Air-condition unit mounting :— (1) Such public service vehicle may be equipped with Air- Conditioning unit of adequate standard. (2) The Air-condition engine compartment shall be provided with sound-insulating materials so as to damper the engine noise to suitable D.B. Level : and with vibrating mounting so as to minimise vibration factors in the saloon compartment. Power of grant relaxation — The State Government may grant relaxation by order to the vehicle registered as Delux Sleeper coach/Sleeper Bus from cooling capacity or any of the above condition, giving reasons in writing. Windows :— (i) The windows shall be provided with double sliding type slider running smoothly in channels without rattle and wiih all safety or laminated safety glasses conforming to the standard laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Windows shall be provided with sliding curtains. (ii) Incase where the fixed yisses are provided, minimum one hatch should be provided on if top at suitable place for air circulation. (iii) Sliding windows shall be provided i the driver partition immediately behind the driver. Miscellaneous :— (i) No hatrack shail be permitted in such public service vehicle. (ii) Such public service vehicle shall have weveller suspension or pneumatic suspension. (iii) Reflective tape of canary ye! »w colour cf 50 mm. width shall be provided at rear an front side at skirt level off/on bumper.

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