SJ Line Madness - Daniel Levis

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Subject Line

Marketing Mastery
437 Proven EMAIL Subject Lines
to Plunder, Pillage and Profit

By Daniel Levis
Email Subject Lines Made Easy, Fast, and Fun!
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away (Los Angeles), there was a wacked-out radio
segment called, “Chicken Man.” I don’t know if it was syndicated across the
country, but the point is…

After the superhero, Chicken Man, would save the day, a deep slow voice would
thunder out his name… “CHICKEN MAN-N-N-N-N-N-N!”

Then there was a super-annoying, high-pitched follow-up, where 5 people would

screech, “He’s everywhere… he’s everywhere.”

And the point of this admittedly strange introduction is that subject lines ARE EVERYWHERE.

And once you go through this little book, you’ll be pulling exciting, riveting, can-not-be-ignored subject
lines out of the air.

That’s because I am about to reveal not just the 437 highest earning subject lines from ten years and
thousands upon thousands of emails (you’ll find them on page 18)…

…But also the thinking process that allows me to consistently write subject lines that seize people’s
attention and open the door to millions in online sales for myself and my clients.

In fact, here, let me do you one better…

Let me suggest you download a complete 26 email campaign, word for word, for further study. You
may also wish to avail yourself of a few templates that make creating high-performing campaigns like
that much easier, regardless of what kind of product or service you happen to be selling.

So let’s get started. (This document is actually a little excerpt from my $997 EMAIL ALCHEMY course,
hence the odd references to “module this and module that” that you’ll find sprinkled throughout the

From now on, I’d like you to spend a couple minutes every day watching what comes pouring into your

See which e-mails really grab you… don’t just delete them… notice WHY!

And notice which ones you just “have” to check out, even though you promised yourself you were NOT
gonna waste your time reading a bunch of stupid e-mails.


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Notice your INTERNAL reaction.

Your emotional world is a free and fabulous laboratory for subject-line mastery.

So really pay attention and slow down… NOTICE how and why you react. Ask yourself WHY you opened
it, saved it, or sent it to the cyber graveyard.

Was it disgust?


Annoyance? Curiosity? Suspicion? Boredom? Incredulity?

And notice the different kinds of subject lines that affect you… and which affect you the MOST.

Everything is fair game:

 Teasers
 Open loops (i.e., mini cliffhangers)
 Teachings
 Curiosity
 Slang
 Outrageous Claims
 Urgency and Deadlines
 News and Current Events
 Twists on Common Expressions
 Twists on Aphorisms (wise and witty sayings)
 Humor
 Movie Openings
 Famous People
 Fairy Tales
 Predictions
 Celebrities
 Announcements

I have a file where I continue to capture subject lines. In fact, sometimes I write an e-mail “around” the
subject line… just because I like it so much.

As examples, here are a bunch that I’ve got in the works… sometimes it’s just a catchy word or two that
grabs my attention… but that’s all you really need!


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Some are headlines from the browser’s home page, a few are from fellow copywriter’s e-mails.

-Dirty 3-Letter Words

-I’m Such a Patsy
-Why Hero’s Die Young
-The Hostess Shrugged
-Battle Royale
-Before You Do X…Read This
-Brokeback Copywriter Comes Out of the Closet
-Your Own Drive Thru
-Fools of Engagement
-Financial Diabetes
-Mooning the Economy
-The Titillation of Your First Time
-Police: Girl Found Locked in Cage
-Monkeys Throwing Poop
-Fix Your Broken Hormones
-The Optimism of Pessimism
-The NEW Tom Cruise Lesson
-Obama Says Hi (Your Banker Says Hi)
-An Asylum of Loons
-Field of Internet Dreams
-Deep Not Wide
-Legendary Lone Wolf
-Blind Squirrel Gets a Nut
-Trophy Wife
-Murphy’s Other Law
-Warren Buffet Paper Dolls
-Brave New World is Flat
-Rabid Beaver Attacks Scout Leader While Swimming
-Wax Works Jerks
-For the Already Successful
-Conte of Monte Crisco
-No Place to Hide
-Wrecking Ball
-Battle for the Bar Stool
-Why Failure Works Best
-Why I Charge So Much
-Lame Brain Consultants
-Bert and Ernie’s Marketing Salvation


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
So your “Subject Line Assignment?” Get a notebook and start adding to the collection of 437 zingers I’ve
compiled for you in the swipe file on page 18 of this report!

Just grabbing a few now and then will IGNITE and FOCUS your brain. You’ll automatically start seeing
subject lines everywhere! Make sure you’ve got 25 collected by the time Module 2 comes around.

Subject Line “Live” Thought Process

For Module 2, I wanted to give you more of my own thought process for creating a subject line.

Because I’ve received a number of “Hot Seat” requests, hoping I’ll critique my member’s e-mails.

But the first thing I think as I’m reading them is, “What is the current relationship with the subscriber?”

Are they hearing from you for the first time?

Is it an established, long-term relationship?

How much do they know about you and your product or service already?

How did they get on your list?

How much do they know about the subject matter in the first place, etc., etc.

These are the questions you have to keep in mind as you’re writing.

They determine the level of familiarity you can use, the jargon, the length, the tone.

These are also the questions I keep in mind with MY OWN list.

So here are a couple examples of the process I use… keeping the above questions in mind.


Let’s look at a subject line for an actual E-Mail Alchemy e-mail.

I’m thinking that I want a benefit… some good BAIT as Robert Collier says.

So I put down the word, “profit,” so my subscribers know we’re talkin’ about MONEY!


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Then I just write a few follow-up associations, just to let my mind flow a little bit:

More Profit Less Time

More Profit for You
Easy Profits Faster More

But I’m thinking these are pretty bland and remember I also want to include a laundry list of all the
sections and benefits that come with E-Mail Alchemy.

Since I know there are about 7 to 10 bonuses in each module, I put that down with profits:

10 Easy Profits
Easy Profits 10 Ways
10 Reasons for More Profits

That’s getting better… including “a number” in there is always a great idea, because it implies
“specificity” instead of generalities…which are vague and imply “puffery.”

Specifics imply something that’s REAL and not just made up to trick you.

And I could go with that… but it just doesn’t have the “zing” I want… it’s almost there, but not quite.

So I let it go for a bit and- start working on the e-mail itself… just jotting down a few ideas about the 10
reasons for more profits… and I start listing them.

After 10 or 15 minutes, I come back to the subject line… I play around with it bit more.

I think about unexpected twists… I look at the word profit… the word “greed” pops into my mind.

I write it down:

Greedy Profits
Their Crimes of Greed
Profit from Their Greed

Then I look at what I’ve written before and try to combine them… and see if I can find an unexpected
contradiction or a paradox that provokes curiosity:

10 Easy Profits
Easy Profits 10 Ways
10 Reasons for More Profits
Greedy Profits
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Their Crimes of Greed
Profit from Their Greed

And as I rearrange the words, I come up with… Less Greed More Profit: 10 Reasons.

That has a more solid feel to it… short for mobile phones… mentions $$... a contradiction that makes the
mind stop and think… plus an actual, specific number the mind wants to find out more about, and you
have to keep reading to do it.

So I go with it and get back to the actual e-mail body copy.

I write the e-mail and come back to the subject line when I’m done and see if it still fits… which it does,
so it’s a rap.


This is also an example of ALWAYS having your radar up for marketing fodder.

I heard a quick video clip about the meteor that exploded over Siberia, and the newscaster said, very
dramatically, “This was up close and big.”

It’s not a powerful word choice, but the idea is that you want to be doing this constantly… picking those
words and phrases that SEEM to be going one direction, then twist ‘em ever-so slightly… and
occasionally, turn them totally upside down.

And you’d usually be thinking, “Up Close and Personal.”

So how would I use that as a subject line… up close and personal… up close and personhood… up close
and impersonal… up close and worse than you can imagine, since “worse” rhymes with the “pers” in

Nothing much came of this, but I wrote it down in my subject line notebook. You never know when it
might come in handy.


I was reading an e-mail about a book by the brain guy, Dr. Amen. It said:

Dr. Amen is a six-time NY Times bestselling author and has been called a “modern-day Freud” by
ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer, and “America’s Favorite Psychiatrist” by the
Washington Post. His new book Unleash the Power of the Female Brain is based on the largest


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
gender brain study ever completed, and reveals some tantalizing details about the female brain,
among them - six ways the female brain is more capable than men.

And what struck me about the e-mail was this statement:

“Six ways the female brain is more capable than men.”

I thought, “Woah… that ought to get everyone’s attention…BOTH women and men”.

Men don’t want to accept the fact that women are more capable.

Women love to know that they ARE more capable.

So I’ve got a subject line ready to go: Women More Capable Than Men?

Or even: Women More Capable.

And I could use it for almost anything.

For E-Mail Alchemy, I could spin a story about emotions and women being stereotypically more
empathic… and that we sell to emotions and justify with logic… then bring in the men.

The subject line could read: Women More Capable with E-Mail?

That oughta get a rise out of a few men.

If I was selling a weight loss product, I could spin it to say: Weight Loss: Women More Capable… and just
leave it at that… very open ended.

You could use this concept for just about any product or service… but you DO have to practice spinning
stories to fit with anything… which is a SKILL that you CAN learn.

It’s exactly what I’ve done with the massive template libraries I’ve built into my EMAIL ALCHEMY suite of
trainings. Sample a few here if you need a quick series up and running quickly.

It’s also why I have the section about Edward DeBono in Module 2… because being able to create
unexpected associations will help you tremendously.


It’s the oft-repeated recommendation to read the National Inquirer, or Weekly World News… and the
recommendation still applies today.
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
So here are a few headlines from some old Enquirers and Weekly World News that I just grabbed off the
shelf… because I DO HAVE THEM IN MY HOME… I’m not ashamed.

-Hillary’s Revenge Against Backstabbing Obamas

-Her Fury After He Tricked Britney’s Family
-The LIES that Cost Him His Job
-Kirstie Goes Berserk: Meltdown Over Her Weight
-Bat Boy Leads Cops On 3 State Chase
-Saddam Challenges Bush to a Duel
-Mutant Steals Mini Cooper Car for a Joy Ride
-Family Feud Erupts
-Live Longer With New Wonder Pill
-New Evidence Bombshell: Fingerprint Nails Laci Killer
-Oprah’s Enemies List
-I’ll Kill the Kids
-Minute-by-Minute: What REALLY Happened Inside the House
-Eyewitness Exclusive: Meth Drove Her Over the Edge
-Naked in the Car: Sidekick’s Bizarre Arrest
-Actual Photo
-Gangster’s Tiger Runs Protection Business
-Noah’s Ark Afloat in Sea of Japan
-Have You Seen This Dead Guy?
-I Can’t Go On
-Stars’ Ex-Lovers TELL-ALL!
-Freaky Plastic Surgery
-Caught in Bed With Another Man
-Dog’s Racist Rants

NOW… your job is to take 10 of these and MAKE THEM FIT into a subject line you could REALLY use.

Here are a couple examples:

Instead of “Oprah’s Enemies List,” I could (and maybe will) turn it into, “E-Mail Enemies List.”

I could even make it better by saying, “Top 10 E-Mail Enemy List.”

Because people just LOVE lists and they love TOP 10 anything. It just engages the brain with “What
comes next?”

And we also want to know the difference between them… and want to know who or what is number
ONE… and I also am desperate to know who’s the WORST… who is the despicable #10?????
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
So get to work… you CAN make these fit. It may seem hard at first, but that’s just because the
“association muscles” are a little flabby.

Before long you’ll be able to relate everything to anything… and make it make sense.

Really… you can do it… just give it a little time and effort.

Powerful Subject Lines: Part III

The PERFECT subject line has news, fear, facts, envy, curiosity, proof, scarcity, benefits, a hook, specifics,
entertainment, time pressure… and oh yeah… a big promise.

That should make you discouraged.

Because NO ONE can pack it all in.

That’s too big a job for just a few words.

But that also why e-mail is so great… because you can create an ongoing campaign.

You’ve got more time to hook people from different angles and with different lures.

And as you know from Modules 1 & 2… and from the webinar… before you can even think about subject
lines and hooks, you’ve gotta KNOW about your audience.

And the more you know, the better.

As a matter of fact, I recently saw a campaign where a major marketer sent out a 40-question survey to
help you discover your marketing strengths.

Of course, at the same time, he was figuring out the SPECIFIC hooks and mindset to sell to YOU.

It’s a brilliant strategy.

Because the tighter you can match your message to your market,
the easier it is to sell and the more you can charge.

That’s why I’ve got my audience IN MIND the whole time I’m writing.

For instance…


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1) Can I kid around with them?

If they’re the serious types, I’d better not yuck it up too much.

2) Do they know me already?

Then maybe I can get away with less introduction and go for the jugular sale.

3) Are they married? With kids?

Then I may be able to tell stories about my life and they might give a hoot.

3) How old are they?

If they’re 50-year-olds, I probably shouldn’t talk too much about new “apps” and Lady Gaga.

4) Male or female?

Females as a rule, aren’t going to go for my hard-ass, tough-guy-swearing that I’d probably throw in for
mid-thirty-biker types.

5) And most important of all, does what I’m writing pass the BIG TWO tests: WIIFM and Who Cares?
Note: WIIFM = What’s In It For Me.

Unfortunately, I see big-time marketers tell family stories as if their audience cares… about their dog and
kids and aunts and uncles.

But unless there’s a GREAT reason or a fascinating tie-in—and you KNOW they want to know about you
and ACTUALLY CARE—then you’d better not be dragging your family life into it as if your customers give
a fat rat’s derriere.

Because they’ll just yawn.

OK, enough ranting, let’s look at a few subject lines.

And by the way, creating this for you is a great exercise for me, too… because it makes me focus on the
process I actually go through to write and create subject lines.

You should do the same thing…WATCH YOUR OWN REACTIONS… especially in light of the “DeBono
Principle” I gave you last time.


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
You should be looking at your life and everything around you as “fodder” for your writing… but it’s gotta

Oh… and I guess I’ve got one more teensy little rant…

There’s a book called, “Don’t Make Me Think,” about web design and layout. You don’t have to get it,
you’ve just got to remember the title.

Because that’s something else you should keep in mind with all your writing… “don’t make me think.”

And along with that goes…”Don’t make me work… don’t make me lift a finger… don’t make me figure
anything out… don’t make me make the slightest effort… BECAUSE I WON’T!!”

“But if you make me try, I’ll hate you for it.”

“Or even worse, I’ll write you off my list.”

OK, now I’m done ranting.

So here are a few ideas I grabbed while looking at e-mails and the front page of my browser… and just
letting my mind make connections.

This is from just a few days!

Seriously… you can create subject lines OUT OF ANYTHING!

Here are a few examples…miscellaneous bits and pieces and words I’ll probably be using soon (I put in
arbitrary breaks to give your eyes a rest).

You can tell I’ve got my eye out for the odd, the ridiculous, the sensational, and the “off center”…

…And any controversial topic that I can draw them in with… without being too offensive (unless that’s
your intention… to have a kind of “shock-jock” e-mail positioning).

The 3 Letter Word that…

[Famous Person] Told Me That…
[Famous Person]’s Secret Weapon…
So Goes …..
10 Scariest…
My Greed Runneth Over
Secrets Disclosed About…
7 Tips for…
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
One Trick Phony (instead of one-trick pony)

Tensions Soar
Speaks Out
Heating Up
Death Threat

Massive Action Made Ridiculous…
Flash Back
Cess Pool of Wealth
Landslide Profits
Busted Flat
Massive Exodus
The Trouble With
Black Hat Tricks

Lame Brain
5 Most Hated
Big Stick is #1 Trick
Lizard Brain Backlash
The One Person That…

Sales Voodoo That You Do…

My Scariest Customer…
Lover’s Lane S & M
Guaranteed Predictions
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Bond Meets Bourne Identity
Walk Softly But Carry a Big E-Mail
Bert and Ernie’s Teach Piggy E-Mail

Lame Brain Consultants

Guy Goes Into a Bar…
Tweetie Pie’s New E-Mail Solution
(or any cartoon character like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck…they’ve gotta be well known)
Little Hinges Swing Big E-Mails
Stone Cold E-Mail Persuasion

Survives Scare
So and So Needs Help
Anything to do with religion
Anything with men versus women

Lastly, here are a few more words and phrases to work into your DEADLINE subject lines:

Last Kiss
Swan Song
Witching Hour Deadline
Cut Off
Drop Dead Deadline
Last Call
Ending Now
Irrevocable Deadline
Closing at 12
Last Chance
Very Last
Winners Deadline
No More Begging
$1.00 Trial Ends Today
Free Trial ends at 9 Tonite
(other foreign goodbyes)
Midnight Terminator
Curtain Falls at…
Ax Falls at…
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Finish Line
Last Reminder
Only Reminder
Your assignment, and this is like a broken record… KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN… and ACTIVELY be collecting
subject lines from your reading — e-mails, and all of the print you see around you.

WRITE DOWN 25 EACH WEEK! Take the action to do this. Fire the neurons in your brain that make you
learn as you write and that make you KEEP learning.

Powerful Subject Lines: Part IV

Here’s your last round about subject lines… and a couple things to remember.

No matter how many times you’ve heard the word “Secret,” it still gets people’s attention.

So does “New.”

But we, as marketers, often get sick of our marketing and assume our customers and prospects are, too.

Unfortunately, no one is paying that close attention to you… no matter how much we want them to.

It’s like being self-conscious about a new haircut.

YOU notice how it’s a little crooked on one side… but no one else even knows you’ve had a haircut.

Or no one even notices you’ve suddenly got glasses… they wonder what’s different. Did he shave off his

Also, anything that skirts the issues of sex, politics, religion, male and female relationships, money
problems, scandal… all those inflammatory topics that destroy family gatherings… that’s precisely what
you want to imply you’re talking about in your subject lines.

And as I said in Part III, use anything with news, fear, facts, envy, curiosity, proof, scarcity, benefits, a
hook, specifics, entertainment, time pressure, and a big promise.

Of course, you can’t pack it all into one subject line.

But the denser you make it, with as many of the above as you can squeeze in, the better.


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
So here are a few more ideas to prime your mental subject line pump:


Inside: The Secret XXX

Against the Odds XXX

So & So (person your niche knows about) Did WHAT?

Totally False XXX

Crushed By XXX

What’s Better Than XXX


Blame The XXX

Brilliant XXX

Calling All XXX

The Demon Of XXX

Anatomy Of A XXX

Behind the Scenes of XXX

Live XXX

Rare XXX


Blaspheming XXX

5 Reasons

How to Kill XXX


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Goodbye To XXX

Fearless XXX

Do You Hate XXX

The Unfortunate XXX

Why I Hate XXX

The XXX Hoax

The Biggest XXX

The King of XXX

Price Increase XXX

Banned XXX

Mandatory XXX

50 Shades of XXX

The One XXX

Attack Of The XXX

The Truth Behind XXX

Boycott XXX

Scrambling for XXX

The XXX Hysteria

Breaking News: XXX

The Death of XXX

The Most Exciting XXX


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
Risky XXX

Insider Source Says XXX

Innocent Victims of XXX

Look What Happened In/To XXX

A Crazy XXX

More Woes For XXX

Can You Spot The XXX

The Killing Of A XXX

Would YOU (do this or that)

Savior Of The XXX

The Lazy XXX’x

Guilty Pleasures Of XXXX

Short Video

Atrocious XXX

You Should Fire Your XXX

Riches in XXX

Wrecking Ball XXX

Ten Ton XXX

Painful Mistake XXX

True Story: XXX

On-Site XXX


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He Advises XXX (using “he” as unexplained open loop… much like “These” in “Do You Make These
Mistakes in English”

How to Dodge The XXX

The Snooty Reason XXX

He Was Dead XXX

How To Attract

And now, as promised…

437 Of The Most Profitable Subject Lines I’ve Ever Sent to

My List… Plus A Few More Thrown In For Good Measure...
Notice how MOST of these subject lines are not pure curiosity plays, like “Hey…” or “Bad News…” or
“You’ll Never Believe This…”

Sure those will get your email opened, but I don’t care about just getting the email opened. I want
SALES! And I’m sure you do, too. There’s a whole science to it I cover in detail in the full EMAIL
ALCHEMY training.

And if you want wild profitability, then you need all three of these crucial elements in your subject lines
most of the time.

 Pattern Interrupt (ATTENTION)

 Curiosity (INTEREST)
 Relevant Benefit (DESIRE)

1) Starts NOW, Don't Miss Your LIVE Attendee Bonus

2) [$997 Free Training 2 PM] Why Guru's Suck and Truly Fear You
3) The Ad That Changed History ...
4) ~Contact.FirstName~, 13 point copy inspection ...
5) Copywriters -- we're all going to hell ...
6) ~Contact.FirstName~ the BULLET FREAK ...
7) ~Contact.FirstName~, Why Neophyte Web Marketers Fail ...
8) The Secret to a Life of Greatness
9) Last time I'll tell you about this, ~Contact.FirstName~
10) Who said 80% of Success is Showing Up?


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
11) [Training TODAY] Instant Biz Nightmare Relief
12) [Spoiler Alert] Email Open-Rate Wars
13) Suspicious Guru Grabs Quick $30K from Dead 4-Year Old List
14) Buzz Lightyear's Risky Email Profits
15) [PODCAST] ~Contact.FirstName~'s Weekend Listening
16) Why You Shouldn't Send Emails
17) ~Contact.FirstName~, Achilles Heel of the Human Mind ...
18) Email Alchemy Royalty-Free Templates
19) Hey ~Contact.FirstName~, Open Up, Important
20) Unadvertised Bonus Gift!
21) Why are you doing this, ~Contact.FirstName~?
22) He Would Become a Master of Persuasion
23) True Story
24) Videogram for ~Contact.FirstName~
25) 20-Minute Warning, We Start in Just a Few Minutes
26) Last Chance, ~Contact.FirstName~
27) How to Get Away with Murder (Free Web Workshop)
28) Doesn't this just make you want to scream?
29) Differentiate or Die, But How?
30) So you decided to wing it? Frankly I'm shocked
31) Power Curve Pop Quiz, ~Contact.FirstName~?
32) Profit Hero Gunned Down by Equality Police
33) There is only ONE supreme idea and it is ...
34) EMAIL ALCHEMY Members Get FREE 600% Sales-Power Boost
35) [Podcast] Death by Deworsification
36) [3 Hrs Only] Extended Bitch-and-Moan Offer
37) [Poof Goes 50% Off-12PM] $100K Training Fraud
38) [Replay, 50% Sale Gone 12PM] Song: Easiest Money for Nuthin
39) [REPLAY Gone 12 PM] Secret Behind: Terrified Wolf Pack Savagely Mauled by Teenage Couple
40) [1-Day Best REPLAY Ever] Sell Like This Blockbuster Movie
41) [Starting Now] $297 Free Bonus, Free Template Training, Half-Off Sale
42) [$297 Free Bonus Gone 2 PM] Sneaky Marketing Success Riddle (Below)
43) Free $297 Bonus Gone 2PM: 28 Wild Cards Cheat Sheet for Creativity
44) [Thurs 2 PM] Katie Holmes Marketing Shocker
45) [Quick 17 Min. Clip] Email Student Cranks Out $Million Campaign
46) [Thurs. 2 PM] $297 Free Cheat Sheet Pokes Hornet Nest
47) Backstabbing Customers Deserve This Revenge
48) [3 REPLAYS GONE 12PM] Steal Lists, Forget Getting Traffic
49) [Last Day 2 Replays] All Success from 9-Word Mind Trick
50) [CODE RED APB Replay, 1 Day Only] Opportunity: Last Time in 5 Years
51) Session 2 Encore Now: Easiest Biz-In-a Box Ever
52) [Starting Now] Simple Done-4-U Systems to Outperform Brand Names
53) 2 PM Deadline for Guaranteed Rinse-and-Repeat Profits
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54) 3 REPLAYS: Inborn Talent No Longer Required For Success
55) REPLAY of New Amoeba Marketing that Eats Your Competition
56) 30 Minute Warning--3X Email Alchemy Workshop Starting
57) [3X Sellerator VIPs] Email Alchemy Workshop
58) [Mega $2535 Replay] Gold Dust Settles on EMAIL Profit Marathon
59) [$2K Training Part 2, Starts Now] Timid Marketing Means Skinny Wallets
60) [2 PM] Witness New Firepower of FULLY ARMED Marketing System
61) [$2535 Free Training 2 PM] Why Gurus Suck and Truly Fear You
62) [$2535 Training Nov.3] Instant Biz Nightmare Relief
63) [$400K REPLAY] WWMD: Complete Franchise-Worthy System for Pennies
64) [REPLAY] Now Charge $2500 Per Email with Long-Copy Templates
65) [Starts Now] Never B4 Scary-Advanced Guru-Giveaway Case-Study Opportunity of a Lifetime
66) [Deadline] Ruin Your Sales with These 5 Nasty Copy Cliches
67) [Today 2 PM] Bait-and-Switch Is Back in Vogue
68) Slickest (Doable) Shortcut: The I Hate Copywriting Cheatsheet
69) Heart-Attack-Good Marketing--LITERALLY
70) Hilarious 5K Seminar's Insights Can Save Your Biz
71) New $400K+ Guerilla Launch Case Study
72) Two Methods: Marketing Firing Squad Or...
73) Attracts An Abundance Of A-List Partners Who Want To Endorse You
74) 13.5 Million In Sales... Without Spending A Penny
75) FINAL NOTICE, Don't Be Intimidated
76) PISSED OFF Student makes $5,000 in ONE WEEK
77) Carnivorous Fly Trap of Copycat Marketing
78) Voyeurs Welcome: Replay Gone Tomorrow
79) The $5,000 BONUS Nobody Understands
80) Lucky Day Replay: Get $1,197 Course FREE
81) All Aboard: Workshop Starts in 20 Minutes
82) BYOB to Entrepreneur Party [Starts Soon]
83) Walking the Email Marketing Tightrope
84) Womb Transplant Makes Marketing History
85) FINAL NOTICE - Big Myth About Bold Action (Deadline is Midnight)
86) [Photo]Line-in-the-Sand Confession (12 HOURS LEFT)
87) Rare, Extraordinary, Unheard-Of BONUS (Last Day)
88) Internet Glass Ceiling for Women... or Men?
89) Amateur Marketers First Warning
90) ~Contact.FirstName~
91) [REPLAY] When You're Up to Your Ass in Alligators
92) Marketing God's #1 Response-Boosting Secret
93) Go to Bed Fat, Ugly, Broke...Wake Up...
94) Too Dumb to Succeed?
95) New Internet's 1849 Gold Rush Warning
96) WARNING! Unfair Email Compensation
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
97) Death By Internet? Read This or DIE!
98) 1 HOT SEAT Left ~Contact.FirstName~, You Want it?
99) Doors Slam Shut in Just Over an Hour
100) [REPLAY + BONUSES GONE] Last Replay Before Hell Freezes Over
101) [The End] Yes, No, Maybe? The Gut-Wrenching Pain of Indecision
102) [In Less Than 2-Hours] Back-Room Backstabbing Profits Galore
103) [Last Day + Final Workshop] Longhorn Guest Star's Sales Secret (321% Increase)
104) [Last Day + Final Workshop] Longhorn Guest Star’s Sales Secret (321% Increase)
105) [Webinar Starting] Madman's Sales System Avoids Failure (He Learned the Hard Way)
106) [Brief E-Mail] Register Quick: Maltese Brain Expert's Headline Breakthrough
107) My Apologies (Links Working Now)
108) Last Call NOW: Don't Kick Yourself When Profits are Down
109) [Free Workshop] 4 Quadrants of Desire Drive ALL Sales Everywhere
110) [6 Hours Left] Timid EMAILers Have Skinny Kids
111) [Flatline Deadline 11:59] Top 4 Q & A-- How Fast 'Till Cash?
112) [15 Hours Left] Almost Criminal Use of OPM for Easier (FAR FASTER) Profits
113) [FREE] Most Stealth Headline Formula Ever Designed
114) Pissed Off Clients Force 3-Pay Option for 3X SELLERATOR
115) Deadline Alert Screw-Up for E-Mail Alchemy
116) [Replay] Take Your Job and Shove It (Defy 58-hour Work Week)
117) [EXPIRES SOON] Marketing Sacred Cows Go to McDonald's
118) [Replay] WARNING: Automate Now or Go Broke
119) YouTube and Worst Marketing Epic Fails
120) [Starts In Minutes] Your Last Missed Opportunity
121) My Secret Struggle with EMAIL Marketing
122) [Just 4 Hours Away] Lighten Up and Jack Your Sales to Mars
123) [Unveiling at 1 PM] Better Sales Letters on Beach w iPhone
124) ~Contact.FirstName~, The LAUNCH LETTER [9-Figure Video Osmosis]
125) TRUE STORY: Suicide Pact for Success
126) [Replay] Insulting Backlash: Email-Profit Accusations Rolling In
127) [Pre-Lockup Photo] Your $800M in Profits From Insane Marketing Genius?
128) [REPLAY] Module 1 from Actual Paid Courses
129) [Part 2 Starts Now] Predictable 5 and 6-Figure Paydays
130) SOLD OUT: Replay for the Ages (3 Days Only)
131) [Starts in 20 Minutes] Dead-List Resurrection Before Your Very Eyes
132) Last Chance for Royalty-Free Templates — Webinar Starts in Minutes
133) At 3pm Today: Time Running Out for Royalty-Free Templates
134) At 3PM Today: If You Think EMAIL is DEAD You're Deceived
135) [Workshop NOW] Billions Sold? Kick McDonald's Marketing Butt
136) [Starting Soon] Coke Profits
137) So You're Up for The Challenge
138) He Told This Sales Story Over 6,000 Times
139) Late Breaking News - You're Going to Love This
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
140) [1pm Eastern TODAY] Stupid-Generous Giveaway
141) I Nearly Threw Up When I Saw This
142) [LAST CALL] QIL Challenge Winner, Still too close to call… Need your vote, NOW!
143) The Murkier Side of Desire
144) Should You Learn NLP?
145) This is DUMB and DANGEROUS. Please, Don't Do It.
146) Why You Shouldn't Go to Titans of Direct Response
147) Levis Critiques Bencivenga
148) [Discount Ending] Buy An Island in Venice with Email
149) [Expires at Midnight] Cooler Than Email Profits
150) [12 O'Clock Deadline] Blood-Brain Barrier to Email Riches
151) [Last Day Discount] Galactic Email Slaughter
152) [Midnight Deadline Monday] Rats Deserting Email Riches?
153) Naughty Email Marketing Robots
154) Magnum Opus Webinar Replay
155) Best Subject Line Hooks and Bait
156) My Jaw Fell
157) URGENT Notice about Your Order
158) [13 Hours Left] Almost Criminal Use of OPM for Easier Profits
159) [Part 2 Starts Now] Predictable 5 and 6-Figure Pay Days
160) [1PM TODAY] Bite Down on New EMAIL Gold Standard
161) Late Breaking News -- You're Going to Love This
162) [11:59PM Tragedy] Finding Lost Car Keys Like Relief of Hidden Profits
163) [LAST DAY to SAVE] Marketing Sacred Cows Go to McDonald's
164) [1 Day Left] My Secret Struggle with EMAIL Marketing
165) Starts NOW, 1,200 Sign Ups, Just 1,000 Seats, Hurry
166) [NOON TODAY] Bite Down on New EMAIL Gold Standard
167) THE Most Powerful Force in Selling (Not What You Think)
168) New Cure for Catastrophic Marketing
169) There are ONLY 2 Ways to Succeed
170) [Podcast] I'm Coming Out Of the Closet
171) [Photo] Baffling Optical Illusion for Best Price Point
172) Rich Bitches in Niches (2pm ET TODAY)
173) Nighttime Success Programming
174) [Cute Pic] Marketing Lemmings Fight Back
175) Ooops... I forgot your free bonus (inside)
176) Weird Reasons to Buy from YOU
177) Multiple Streams of Embarrassing Income
178) LAST CALL - Many Called, Few Chosen
179) [8 Hours Left], No, It's NOT the Root of All Evil
180) [Replay + $7K BONUS Ends] Marketing Student's Stunt Kicked My Butt
181) [No More $7K DISCOUNT] Profit Apology: Don't Use Shame Tactics to Sell


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
182) Aspirin for Mind-bending Subject Line: $17K Sneak Peek Below
183) 1/2 BILLION Views + $1,191 Gift
184) [Replay] Freaked Out Client Shudders, Hits Big Payday Anyway
185) [Example Below] New Cure for Catastrophic Marketing
186) [Example Below] Dumbest Marketing Genius for Hire
187) Dumb Marketing Pt. III: Gary Halbert's Half-Truth
188) Dumb Marketers: The Wheel is Turning but the Hamster is Dead
189) From Sloppy Drivel to Persuasion Powerhouse
190) SUBJECTS: C = E + P - (7*M) What does that mean?
191) Simplified Formula to Get More Clients
192) FINAL NOTICE, Last Chance for Profit Explosion
193) Save BIG on Sales Copy Help
194) [VIDEO] Soft Underbelly Means Irresistible Sales
195) You, a Social Media Marketing Drama Queen? No Way!
196) Old Dog New Tricks (My Social Media Plunge)
197) Hated 1K Discount Extension
198) World-Record Failure [91-Day Challenge Starts NOW]
199) LAST CALL for QIL Sign-Up and $1000 Discount
200) [10 Illustrations] Motivate Your Inner SLUG
201) Soft Underbelly Means Irresistible Sales
202) [Deadline 1/27/24] Outhouse Mouse or Success?
203) Jan. 26 Deadline for Automated Success
204) 12-Step Recovery for Entrepreneurs
205) Best Traffic to Hook Big-Fish Clients
206) [FINAL NOTICE] Unfinished Courses on Your Shelf?
207) [Final Bell 11:59PM] I Need a Quick YES or a NO ...
208) [Cut Off 12PM] Change Nothing, Double Performance
209) [All Offers Gone 12PM] Nightmare Deadline = Biggest Bucks
210) [Last Day for $400 Discount] Easiest Sales Letter Ever Written
211) When Guaranteed Profits Are Painful
212) Bonuses Gone in Minutes: FINAL NOTICE
213) [$1000+ Bonuses Gone in Minutes] Doorway to Hell in 2014 (Horrific Photo)
214) [Replay] Today Only: Thousand Dollar Persuasion Bonuses
215) [8 EST NOW] 700 Starting Without You?
216) Tonight's Snow Globe Cash Probe
217) Milking the New Year's Cash Cow... Automatically
218) Highest Profits from Sex, Religion, or Politics?
219) Steal Candy-Crush's Top Earning Genius Strategy
220) Missing Link (Elephant in Room) of Online Sales Secrets
221) [Last Ditch, 12PM] Your Final Wake-Up Call
222) [Midnight Decision] In One Month: Guts, Glory or Bloody Road Kill?
223) [Deadline Now] Organic Motivation Solves Money Worries
224) [2 REPLAYS +Last Day] Ancient Evil Power Now Used for Wealth
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
225) [Replay] Living Legend's #1 Wealth Secret
226) Unspeakably Twisted
227) [Midnight Deadline Saturday] Rats Deserting Email Riches?
228) The Online Rich Get MUCH Richer... AGAIN!
229) The Bungee Jump to CERTAIN Success
230) (7 PM EST Tonight) Cash In On Gory Marketing War Stories
231) [7 PM] Stratospheric Profits or High-Flying Hype?
232) (Wednesday) Exposing Your Pain-Profit Preference
233) Get Rich on Your Own Neurosis (Tomorrow)
234) Dumbest Rich Guy in the Room (Wednesday)
235) World Record Profits Available Wednesday
236) Wow! Legend Snagged for Free Mastermind Training
237) [Short] Profit From Idiotic Thinking About Money
238) Einstein Brings ALL POWER to Bear on Profit
239) The Modern Perversion of Mastermind Groups
240) Think and Grow Stupid with Mastermind Groups
241) Implement or DIE (Next Year)
242) [Replay] Business IGNITION from a Word of Encouragement
243) [Replay] Nobel Prize for Marketing Goes To...
244) Worst Sin Imaginable (Emergency Alert for Catalyst Attendees)
245) [Roll Call 8 EST] Profit from Crack-Cocaine Scandal in My Backyard
246) [Major Shortcut 8PM] Egomaniac Moons Crowd for Profit
247) [Formula Revealed] Catalytic Profit Epiphanies Tonight
248) 7 Magic Marketing Ingredients (Tomorrow)
249) How to Eliminate Manipulative Selling (for Higher Profits)
250) [Graph] Hating a Sure Thing: Predict Your Income for 2014
251) Game Changer for Health Copywriters (Last Day)
252) [Photo] Fire Ball Rips Marketing Lab--Secret Formula Spared!
253) First CHEMICAL Marketing Breakthrough
254) ...Conversion Campfire Tomorrow Night?
255) [Last Day Discount] Galactic E-Mail Slaughter
256) [Deadline in Minutes] Rolling Stones Know Profits
257) Final Call: Online Stunner for British Cancer Researcher
258) [12PM Deadline] Evil FAVORITISM for Biggest Bucks
259) My Fat Fingers of Doom (Link Repaired)
260) [No-Shame Deadline] SALES PRIDE PARADE at 3 PM!
261) [Deadline Now] Crotch Marketing and Miley's Morals
262) [Deadline Now] Crotch Marketing and Miley’s Morals
263) [Deadline Friday] 23-Year-Old Lyrics Savant Worth 220 Million: 5 Hot Tips
264) Marketing Secrets and Child Protection at Taylor Swift Concert
265) Bra-On-Backwards Marketing Kick Off
266) It's Time to Make Your Stand... QIL Challenge Starts Friday
267) Dead List Resurrection, Take the Training for FREE
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
268) Impoverishing Email Marketing Lies
269) Deadline Friday: Conspiracy-Theory Marketing: Can You Trust It?
270) FINAL NOTICE, If Not Now, When?
271) Contrarian Success: Do a Crappy Job? (12 hours left)
272) Replay Gone Tonight, Registration Closing
273) Rich Bitches in Niches: 1PM TODAY!
274) Mind Still Lost: Bloodhound Rescue
275) Howling at the Moon to Get Rich: FREE 7-Page Guide
276) The 7 Hell-Fire COMMANDMENTS of Internet Riches
277) Voyeurs Welcome — You Can Just Watch
278) Print These Out for Tonight's HELL FIRE Training
279) My Humblest Apologies
280) [LAST CALL] Bad EMAIL Romance Costs You Big Bucks
281) [3 Hours Left] Timid EMAILers Have Skinny Kids
282) [6 Hours Left] Harsh Last Tip for More Sales
283) [12 O'Clock Deadline] Blood-Brain Barrier to E-Mail Riches
284) Colossal Failure of Hi-Brow Marketing
285) Profanity EMAIL Backlash from Yesterday
286) New Trailer-Trash Marketing Miracle
287) One Principle Builds ALL Great Fortunes
288) Profanity Secret to Beef Up Sales
289) Maniacal List Profit Extraction: Best Practice
290) [Hari Kari] Replay Prevents Disembowelment with Your Own List
291) ~Contact.FirstName~, How to Sell More through Specificity!
292) [Replay] 300-Year Old Marketing Genius Skeptical of EMAIL System
293) [Part II Starts Now] $17,500 Done-4-You Marketing Kit
294) Starts NOW, 1500 Sign Ups, Just 1,000 Seats, Hurry
295) [1100 Sign Ups] Most Powerful Force in Selling
296) Email: Need Your Nose Rubbed in the Money?
297) [Customer Feedback] Exposed Nerve of E-Mail Profits
298) Real E-Mail Secrets? Or Choking On Hype?
299) Other People's Money: Shortcut to Internet Wealth
300) $50K Australian E-Mail Secrets
301) The Orchestra Pit Theory of Persuasion
302) Confidence Man's Persuasion Secret
303) [Discount Ending] Buy An Island in Venice with E-Mail
304) [Expires at Midnight] Cooler Than E-Mail Profits
305) Acres of E-Diamonds: Guerilla Launch Formula
306) Michelangelo of E-Mail Marketing
307) [Spoiler Alert] E-Mail Open-Rate Wars
308) Lurid Marketing Lies
309) [Last Call] Success Expires at Midnight
310) [6 Hours Left] Success Voyeurs Wanted
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
311) Road-Kill Plastered on Success Freeway? [Deadline NOW]
312) [12 Hours Left] J-O-B Freedom (Don't Miss It)
313) [Deadline Tonight] NOT Farmed Out To Flunkies
314) Greatest 2 Minutes of Success [Deadline Flag at Midnight!]
315) Quantum Income Leap (Doors Closing)
316) [1 Day Left] See Priceless LIVE Feedback
317) [Deadline] Top Gun's Marketing Secret
318) [16 Minute Vid] Free Inside Look at $1197 Course
319) [Photo]Line-in-the-Sand Confession for QIL Alumni
320) Bashing My Own Courses?
321) [2Photos] Ponzi Shakedown or Valid Coaching?
322) Bull By Horns, No Other Way
323) Anti-Tragedy Blueprint At This Link [Replay]
324) [Replay-2 Photos] Coaching Obama with Sordid Canadian Secrets
325) Why Steve Forbes Backs the Daniel Levis Replay
326) BYOB to Entrepreneur Party [Starts NOW]
327) Multiple Piercing Marketing [DEADLINE]
328) The End of Addiction to Motivation
329) Sales Gimmick Analysis [It's Not Your Fault]
330) Cruel and Heartless Marketing Experts
331) The 1 Secret Every Billionaire Knows
332) Dummy Doctor Wrote 57 Books [Offer Expires Now]
333) The Ghoulish Crowd Wants You to Jump [Order Deadline Tonight!]
334) Less Greed More Profits - 10 Reasons [Deadline Tonight]
335) Death Threat Over Storytelling Power
336) [Time's UP] Are You E-Mail Windshield or Bug?
337) [Gone at Midnight] Waiting for E-Mail Price Hike?
338) [$200 EA Savings Expires] HATED Long Lost $1K Book
339) E-Mail Criminal 2-Day Discount
340) [Replay Rant 1] NEW Emotions Sell Bigger Bucks
341) [Replay] Shooting E-Mail Profits in a Barrel
342) Email Alchemy Preview: A 30K Gusher
343) Last Day to SAVE: Thong Too Tight
344) DUNKOFFS! (German slang: dumb ass)
345) Most Lucrative Profession Going
346) Last Day - She Was an Entrepreneurial V-Girl
347) Blood, Guts and 50,000 Bucks
348) Don't Freak Out
349) [Last Day] Time to Make a Stand
350) Guranteed Cure for Giving Up
351) [Replay] Brazilian Beauty Hates Me - But Loves Success
352) Starts at 3: Intimidation is Not that Hard
353) No Light at the End of That Tunnel
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
354) Slow Down for Faster Progress
355) Levis Style, One Billion Hits
356) Cheating Condoned by NASCAR
357) Last Warning: Rod Stewart Calling You
358) Vaccinated Against Success, Going Once...
359) Part 2: Stomach Pain Gone When Asking for Money
360) (LAST CHANCE) + Knocked Me On My Butt Testimonial
361) One Magic Sentence and Brother-in-Arms Guru
362) [Replay] Deal Me Out Boys, I'm Stone Blind
363) [replay] Techno Demons Extend Beast's New Year's Offer
364) Are You Coming? (VIP Link Inside)
365) LAST CHANCE, Avoid New Year's Bone Yard
366) New Year's Tipping Point of Success
367) [pdf] Your Instant Impact Guide
368) Ulysses' Torturously Exquisite New Year's Resolution
369) Pinocchio's Twisted New Year's Resolution
370) Just How Close Are You?
371) Barking Mad New Year's Resolutions
372) Beauty and The Implementation Beast's Success Secrets
373) THANKS! And Get the Lead Out
374) The NEW Location, Location, Location
375) Dead List Resurrection, Guaranteed for One
376) [Photo] Mutant Rats Invade Town
377) A Tale of Two Thanksgivings
378) A Secret Trap Door into The Buying Brain
379) Sales Hell Deliverance--FINAL NOTICE
380) Warren Buffet Halloween Deadline (6 hours left)
381) Your Horror Movie Rescue Scene? (12 hours to go)
382) Fat Lady Sings Halloween Swan Song
383) 2 Story Selling Big-Shots -- 2 Multi-Millyun Dollar Campaigns
384) 2 Deaths from Sales Technique
385) [400% Increase] Underdog Revenge Sells Like Hell on Wheels
386) 400 Million Sold - Stephen King of Kid's Books
387) New Story Creates 40X Increase in Sales
388) Halloween Horror Tycoon
389) [Irish Video] Jurassic Mud Man's Copy Critique
390) [Photo] Top Torture Devices for Halloween
391) Halloween Blockbuster: Deliverance from Sales Hell
392) Bossy?
393) First Warning for Amateur Marketers
394) She Made me Blush
395) No, I Am Not Going to Apologize
396) Angry When Newbies Make Money? (11 Hours Left)
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
397) Mitt the Twit and Obama Llama
398) Dr. Love's Client-Getting Makeover (Free Report)
399) Voyeurs Welcome: Replay Gone in Just 6 Hours
400) Contrarian Success: Do a Crappy Job? (10 hours left)
401) Nerves of Steel at the Gutless Webinar
402) Bozo QIL Members -- LAST CALL
403) 30-to-1 Odds - In YOUR Favor! (Deadline at Midnight)
404) Blood Brothers in Wealth (Deadline Tonight)
405) Screaming Old Mental Patterns - SILENCED!
406) Working Harder Than a Chain Gang?
407) Ultimate Belief-Busting Success - Starts in 20 Minutes
408) Serious Success: My Hate-Mail Example
409) Anorexia: Serious Success Metaphor (Training at 3 PM)
410) Einstein's Profound Success Lesson-3 PM Saturday
411) Hard Core Success Truth: NO HOPE Unless...
412) Yoda's Cure for September Failure
413) The 5 Jedi Trials of Internet Mastery -- This Saturday
414) Episode 7: Yoda's New Secrets
415) Andy's Mega Guts On Display (Webinar Replay)
416) All Aboard: Workshop Starts 8PM EST
417) Already Rich? 8 PM Deadline Tonight!
418) One Simple Strategy Bags $19,011.90
419) Lesson 2 from Dirty Harry Callahan
420) Offensive?
421) Just 6 HOURS LEFT: President Goofs Up
422) 12 Hours Left: For the Already Successful
423) LAST DAY: Guilt-Free Motivation?
424) Higher Fees Without Fear
425) Gabby's Gold, Your Greenbacks
426) Stolen Olympic Marketing System
427) How a Fool Stunt Made An Olympic Champion
428) Humiliating Olympic Marketing Moment
429) Crazy 86-Year-Old Bond Girl
430) Biggest Cheater Bites Dust
431) The Unimaginable Secret Olympics
432) How Female Gymnasts Cheat
433) Olympic Cheaters Hidden Success Tricks
434) Here's the link ~Contact.FirstName~, be quick
435) Noble Art or Sleaziest Scam?
436) Last Day -- Hunting Big Game with Small Gun?
437) Actual Critique: Tragic Tale of Phineas Cage
438) Audacious Next Phase Replay
439) Skydiving Accident
Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.
440) Chewed by a Pack of Wild Animals
441) Straight-Jacket Guarantee
442) Last Day - Tar and Feather Bonus
443) Brain on Fire Profits (Two Days Left)
444) Occult Marketing Secrets
445) Are Coaches Making You FAIL?
446) Lab Rat Success Secrets

447) FLAT BROKE A-List Copywriters

448) Chicken Sexing School of Success
449) Dearly Departed Marketing Legend (Grab Remaining Legacy)
450) Most Hated Gary Halbert Secret
451) Marketing Bad Boy, 10 Secrets
452) Make Your Skeletons Dance, ~Contact.FirstName~
453) Last Day -- Tar and Feather Bonus

If writing attention arresting subject lines and riveting, desire-inducing emails to sell your stuff sounds
like a lot of work, you’re right. It is.

But when you do it the way I teach in my EMAIL ALCHEMY course you can sell just as much with simple
emails as your competitors do with Hollywood style videos and fancy web page graphics, which are even
more costly and time consuming to create.

And if you want the ultimate short cut to explosive sales for your service business, check out this starter
pack of EMAIL ALCHMEY templates. You can have a killer 3-part follow up series generating exceptional
sales inquiries by this time tomorrow.


The Email Alchemist


Step 2 — Get EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates For Selling Your Services Now.

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