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4. Has DBS done enough in transforming itself for the digital era?

DBS has been so thorough in making digital a part of its business model,
and has integrated technology into every process so neatly, that it has set a
template for banks across the world to follow.

DBS will need to keep working with senior executives to keep them up to speed with
the changes.
They need to keep working with technology like apps they people prefer for
convenience banking.
They need to keep focusing on online and mobile banking since that is what people

5. What else should or can be done as the next steps for its digital strategy?

In my view the next step of DBS’ digitization should be digitalize customer

touchpoints which would enable DBS to stay ahead in competition and this could be
done providing services in digitized way to customer for example customer for
checking their account balance and withdraw money from their account they need
to go either to the bank or to the ATM but DBS can provide technology to check
there balance by providing day to day balance through email and email could be
send by end of each day.

Another thing that DBS can do is to build products that target the large customer
market and should eliminate its product, which don’t cover the large customer
market. Free its resources from those products and make the use of those resources
on building on product which target large customer market

6. How can DBS stay at the forefront of banking innovation to become the Asian
Bank of choice of the future?

DBS to be ahead in the competition and market it needs to be innovative for that
DBS needs to be place assets into ways to deal with making things more essential,
more affordable, and supportive, offering an absolutely new boosted system from
the traditional banking. DBS should come up with something that is a disruptive
innovation and have no substitutes. DBS should put its emphasis on to find new
ways of engagement and for that I think the Strategic response of Co-opting would
be the best for DBS.

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