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Running head: MARKETING PLAN 1

Table of Contents
Product Description ...................................................................................................................... 2
Problem ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Hatha Yoga ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Organization.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Products and Services ............................................................................................................................... 3
Services ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Products................................................................................................................................................. 4
Benefits ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
SMART Objectives................................................................................................................................... 5
SWOT Analysis: Garden Way Yoga Centre .............................................................................. 5
Strengths ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Weaknesses ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Opportunities............................................................................................................................................. 6
Threats ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Action Items .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Market Segmentation ................................................................................................................... 8
Middle Income Urban Professionals (Yoga Lovers) ................................................................................ 8
Upper Income (Sophisticated Buyers) ...................................................................................................... 9
Summary Chart ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Supply Chain Management ........................................................................................................ 11
Integrated Marketing Communication ..................................................................................... 14
Word-of-mouth ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Social Media ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Content Marketing .................................................................................................................................. 15
Blogging.................................................................................................................................................. 15
Info graphics ........................................................................................................................................... 15
You tube Tutorials .................................................................................................................................. 16
Unique Incentives ................................................................................................................................... 16
Creative Brief 1 ........................................................................................................................... 16
Creative Brief 2 ........................................................................................................................... 17
References .................................................................................................................................... 20

Product Description


People in the United States are becoming more health conscious and joining exercise

centers and yoga studios to stay fit in their daily routine. The services to such people are

offered keeping the same perspective in mind. However, the primary issue that new yoga

center will face is the attraction of new clients to the new developed yoga studio and secondly

how to differentiate the business from similar operating businesses in the market.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is an age old method of discovering, developing and integrating the human

body, brain and soul. Scientifically, Yoga makes the muscles of the whole body more flexible

and strong, enhances the blood supply to internal organs and glands, relaxes the nervous system

and increases attentiveness. Following this self-care method could produce strength, deep relief

from stress and peace of mind.

A specific style of Yoga called, Anusara is taught by Hatha Yoga. It is an innovative

style, which is heart-oriented and soulful, and at the same time it is based on optimal physical

alignment in unique poses. Yoga mentors train their clients to focus on their bodies, understand

its wisdom and to develop at their own pace.


Hatha Yoga style is offered by the Garden Way Yoga Centre along with workshops on

the selected yoga topics. Yoga classes will be offered by professional instructors who are well-

trained serving the customers in encouraging and non-competitive environment in a light-filled

facility. The goal of the organizations is to develop a large customer base of yoga from office

workers. GWYC will operate as a sole proprietorship.


In each class, the mentors will teach techniques of deep relaxation after instructions on

postures. The teachers of Garden Way Yoga Centre (GWYC) are intended to help the students to

strengthen the health of their body, brain and soul; which is an invaluable gain.

Schedule of GWYC consists of eight-week sessions offered 8 times in every single year.

Anusara-style Hatha Yoga and training sessions on related subjects are the major courses which

GWYC offered. GWYC is equipped with well-experienced and professional yoga instructors,

modern coaching techniques, a supportive environment and a pleasant light filled location.

Products and Services

Following valuable products and services are offered by Garden Way Yoga Centre:


 Yoga 1/Beginner: It is an orientation session for new Yoga students. It concentrates on

postures to make the legs, back and shoulders more flexible and strong. Elementary

alignment of standing postures is also taught.

 Vinyasa Yoga Fundamentals: It makes the students prepare for a dynamic style of yoga

called Vinyasa that harmonizes the breath with poses. Initially alignment of the poses and

then at the end linkage of all poses in a consistent flow has been taught.

 Gentle Yoga: It is more suitable for those who would like to have less hectic session than

Yoga 1. Mild stretches and breathing with calm movements are designed to steadily

enhance the range of movement of every major joint. This class is especially desirable for

those with chronic issues like joint or muscle pain, faintness and high stress level.

 Yoga 1-2/Continuing Beginner: It is a successor class to Yoga 1. Further enhancement

and creating strength in Yoga 1 and 2 standing poses, is major aim of this session. Basic

Anusara Yoga methods are taught. This session is recommended to those who have

experienced other techniques of Yoga and not to those who are totally unfamiliar to


 Yoga 2/Intermediate: By utilizing Anusara Yoga technique, this session emphasizes on

perfecting standing poses, understanding sitting poses, simple back bending poses and the

shoulder stand. It is to be remembered that both Yoga 1 and Yoga 1-2 are prerequisite to

this session.

 Yoga 3/Advanced: With enhancement of poses learned in Yoga 2, a full arm balance

(handstand), headstand and forearm balance, is introduced in this session. Further back

bending poses are also taught. It is beneficial to conduct routine Yoga exercise even

outside the class. But before doing that, taking approval from the mentor is essential.


 Yoga Outfits: Shirts, shorts, undergarments and pants

 Yoga Instruments: Straps, balancing balls, weights and rugs

 Yoga facilitating products: Teaching handbooks, motivational books and video tapes


Following benefits are associated with the yoga services provided at GWYC:

 It helps in maintaining and enhancing the health of joints, muscles and organs

 Keep the mind healthy

 Speedy recovery from training

 Gives sound sleep at night

 Enhances performance and prevent injuries in sports

 Helps in preventing diseases such as auto-immune disorder, heart disease and diabetes

 Triggers sense of well-being and happiness


The services we are providing will help in improving stamina, strength, toning, balance,

posture and flexibility. It also helps in releasing stress and feeling more energetic and


SMART Objectives

The objectives that we tend to achieve through this marketing plan are:

 Make a strong presence in the new market

 Achieve market share of 30% within 2 years of launch

 Increase sales by 25% by 2019

 Create a loyal customer base that constitutes 80% of total customer base

SWOT Analysis: Garden Way Yoga Centre

The analysis of strength, weaknesses, opportunities, opportunities and threats is carried

out to understand business position in the market

Strengths Weaknesses

 Offering Yoga and physical  Increased costs for the

therapy into one business maintenance of the studio

 Limited startup risk  Professional branding

 High demand of fitness services  Insufficient marketing knowledge

in the area  Challenging to recruit expert

 Highly experienced trainers employees at moderate salary

 Highly viable website package

 Broad demographic to market to  Adjusting timings with the

 Low overhead expenditures schedule of the target audience

 Offering unique classes by using


low impact of yoga

 Affordable

Opportunities Threats

 Affiliate relations with related  Yoga is seen as hobby and not a

vendors long term commitment by the

 20 million Americans practice students

Yoga (Ritter, 2014)  Lack of interest from target

 Beaches, parks and other outdoor market

venues for practicing yoga  Changes in the regulation require

 Development of proprietary instructors to update their

products certifications regularly

 Healthy living is common in  Locations themselves can be

United States limited such as parking, fees,

 27 billion spent annually in the other yoga classes, etc.

U.S. on yoga products (Ritter,  High competition in regards to

2014) general yoga

Action Items

SWOT Analysis of GWYC gives an overview of strengths and weaknesses prevailing in the

internal environment of the organization and opportunities and threats present in the external

environment. The review of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats helped in

identifying and developing following action items:

 The company will not only be limited to the provision of yoga classes but will diversify

the services by including physical therapy into one business. This will greatly benefit the

organization as it will help company to attract customers who are looking for yoga as

well as physical fitness services.

 As GWYC is a new startup, thus, aligning timings with target audience routine are key

weakness at this phase of the business. At this stage of the business, our main priority is

to attract customer by facilitating them and creating value of the brand among them.

Thus, to overcome the weakness, we will be offer three sessions in a day o facilitate the

customers to attend the session that fits their schedule. Our main purpose will be to

facilitate customer and work at their preferences.

 Key opportunity that will be help business to attract customers is the availability of

beaches, parks and other outdoor venues for practicing the yoga. Yoga is about soothing

inner-self and getting rid of stress and depression. Offering services in soothing and

healthy environment on daily basis will help company to be more effective. In some days

of the week, Yoga classes will be offered outside of the studio to change the environment

and keep it an interesting activity for the customers.

 A threat of particular concern is lack of space for parking and other yoga classes. The

decision of customers is effected by small factors but research proved that availability of

parking area attracts customers more as compared to the businesses located in areas

without parking. This is because, customer needs convenience and if they are stressed

about their travelling and security of their vehicles, they will not respond to the services

offered to them. Thus, decision of location will be of utmost importance for the company.

If parking is not available, we will pay for the parking area to facilitate our customers and

provide them healthy environment.


Market Segmentation

People in the United States are becoming more health conscious and joining exercise

centers and yoga studios to stay fit in their daily routine. The services to such people are

offered keeping the same perspective in mind. The Garden Way Yoga Centre along with

workshops on the selected yoga topics offers Hatha Yoga style. Professional instructors who are

well trained serving the customers in encouraging and non-competitive environment in a light-

filled facility will offer yoga classes. The goal of the organizations is to develop a large customer

base of yoga from office workers. GWYC will operate as a sole proprietorship.

The Garden Way Yoga Center will focus on two customer groups:

Middle Income Urban Professionals (Yoga Lovers)

This group is of utmost importance to the company as it forms the core segment of

potential customers of GWYC. This segment is being targeted because our customers who

require yoga services at affordable prices and with flexible timings belong to this particular

segment of the market.

Demographic Characteristics

 Ages: 26-50

 Gender: 40% male, 60% female.

 Family Income: $30,000-$60,000.

 Marital status: Married/Not Married

 Race: Any

 Religion: Any

 Family Structure: Any

Psychographic Characteristics

 Possess active social life

 Focused on healthy food and dieting

 Showing interest in entertainment and adventures

 Compulsive buyers.

 Prefer price, style and convenience of shipping

 Likely to take classes in group

Upper Income (Sophisticated Buyers)

This income group is choosier in making choice of a yoga studio, however, more oriented

towards fitness and exercise. They stress more on health benefits and stress reduction and look

for non-slip solution for class and instructing.

Demographic Characteristics

 Age: 30-60

 Gender: 30% male, 70% female.

 Family Income: $60,000+

 Marital status: Married/Not Married

 Race: Any

 Religion: Any

 Family Structure: Any

Psychographic Characteristics

 Active, health conscious and self-confident

 Sophisticated

 Goals are to stay healthy, happy and less stress

 Prefer convenience and quality of services


 Likely to attend sessions alone

Summary Chart

Yoga Lovers Sophisticated Buyers

Age 26-50 30-60

Gender 40% male, 60% female 30% male, 70% female

Family Income $30,000-$60,000. $60,000+

Marital Status Married/Not Married Married/Not Married

Race Any Any

Religion Any Any

Family Structure Any Any

Psychographic  Possess active social life  Active, health conscious and

Characteristics  Focused on healthy food and self-confident

dieting  Sophisticated

 Showing interest in  Goals are to stay healthy,

entertainment and adventures happy and less stress

 Compulsive buyers.  Prefer convenience and

 Prefer price, style and quality of services

convenience of shipping  Likely to attend sessions

 Likely to take classes in group alone


Supply Chain Management

Supply chain is defined as the set of networks or links that connects external and internal

suppliers with external and internal customers (Johnston & Clark, 2008). Supply chain

management consists of set of activities that change components or raw materials into the service

or product and deliver it to the end consumer. A more enhanced definition of service supply

chain was proposed by Kathawala et al. (2003),

“The ability of a firm to get closer to its customers through efficiency of its supply chain

channels. The three important components of service supply will include controlling, efficiency

and responsiveness.”

As Garden Way Yoga Centre is providing fitness services to its targeted market, thus, its

supply chain will be different consisting of a more complex network based on basic units such as

supplier, the service provider and the customer. To understand the supply chain of GWYC, there

is a need to understand the following components of a service supply chain given by Sampson

and Spring (2012):

1. Sourcing of Services

It is related to the purchasing of services and the process of acquiring services is different

from the purchasing process of goods or products. In this case, the service of yoga will be

acquired from the experts existing in the industry to make them available for customers in

the studio. The services are acquired through gaining classes and learning different

expertise from experts in the industry.

2. Making Services

This aspect is related to how services are produced. GWYC will be making or offering

services in its studio that is designed for the carrying out the business in the selected

region. The stage of making and delivering the services is merged in the given scenario.

As services will be offered and consumers will be practice them at the same time and at

the same place. So, it will be a continued process of offering and delivering the services.

3. Service Customer Perspective

This component refers to the position or place of customer in the service supply chain. In

the given scenario, customers will be given due importance in the service supply chain in

comparison to the producer. The importance of producers is more in traditional supply

chain while customer is only take as a part of marketing. However, the case is different

here. The whole process will depend on the customers who are treated as the core

component of the supply chain.

The supply chain of GWYC will serve the following principles:

1. Value: Delivering value of the customer by only making supportive or valuable

information available to them.

2. Value Stream: The activities and processes will be managed in such a way that those

activities that do not add value to the customer will be eliminated.

3. Flow: Making the information available to the customer as soon as it is processed. The

out-of-date information or duplication will be avoided. The steps of the process shall be

connected to each other avoiding delays and waiting times.

4. Pull: The services will be made available to the customers only when they need them.

5. Continuous Improvement: Regular review of the process and training will be ensured.

Due to fluctuations in the customer preferences and demand, the services shall be

adjusted to meet the expectations of the customers.

Anticipated Issues

1. Developing the human-centered approach as the business requires flow of information

originating by the personnel and influenced by a customer. Thus, variance is required to

retain the process.

2. Ensuring high employee engagement in the making and delivering of services and a lot of


3. Standardizing the service process is a difficult task as it is variable and could not be

predicted. Also, there are number of activities that are not observable and visible within

the flow of process requiring keen observation and attention to search for the root cause

of the issues.

4. Delay in waiting time is another challenge faced by the company. It refers to any delay

between the ending of one process and beginning of others.

5. The changing perspectives of people towards yoga and fitness serve as the common

social issue faced by the organization. Some view it as a need while other keep it as an

option for passing time or spending good time. The business is more dependent on

people’s view of considering yoga as a need to develop consistency.

Part 2

As stated above, supply chain of a service company is different from that of goods

manufacturing companies. GWYC will be following a supply chain that consists of supplier,

service provider and the customers. The business depends on the flow of information and not

materials so listing items in three main categories of supply chain will be difficult. However, a

simple supply chain model is build to understand the process employed by the company.

Supplier Service Providers
(End users to
(Experts of (Trainers hired
whom services
services offering for delivering
are provided)
trainings) services)

Integrated Marketing Communication


A time proof marketing technique, on which marketers could rely easily, is the creation

of good word of mouth. It is that technique through which our business of yoga studio will

extend and enhance its customer reliability.

When a person suggests the brand to his contacts, either through direct interaction or by

posting something on their social media accounts, it established a word of mouth for the


Word of mouth plays its role in the creation of almost 85% of business activity for most

of the Yoga studios. We will create valuable experience, environment and services for their

existing customers to create good word of mouth.

Research states that a customer shares his good product experience to almost 9

coworkers/relatives. Contrary to this, poor product experience is shared to almost 16 people,

almost double of the previous number (Dellarocas, 2003).

To make the existing students of Yoga studio as their promoters, it is essential to provide

them maximum care by focusing on high standard teaching methods and community building

techniques. All these efforts will contributes to the creation of good word of mouth for the firm.

Social Media

Social media is a significant instrument for conducting effective word of mouth marketing.

People utilize their social sites profiles to share their experience of different brands and suggest

their friends various products accordingly. Different techniques to utilize social media sites,

including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc., to interact with the followers and to

initiate dialogues about the Yoga studios, are as follows


 Generating questions like customer’s favorable position of Yoga, customer’s favorable

day time to perform Yoga, to initiate discussion about the product

 Designing interesting web based events

 Giving stimulating gifts and discounts

Content Marketing

Content marketing is not only an interesting method to interact with potential customers

(students), related teachers and other experts of the Yoga industry but it also facilitates the

accomplishment of Yoga studio’s other marketing objectives for example increasing followers

on social media sites and growing traffic on studio website


Blogging is an effective method to indorse the content that could facilitate the creation of

customer loyalty, brand equity and power. Blogging could be utilized to make post about Yoga

services/products, to create and share stories, reviews, interviews etc. about the Yoga studio


By posting effective blogs a good word of mouth could be created among the potential

customers. It is essential to regularly update the blog with innovative content through which the

audience could be attracted easily

Blogging also plays a significant role in enhancing the brand’s position in search engines

for large number of distinct keywords and thus creates free traffic to the studio websites.

Info graphics

Info graphics could be more attractive for customers and thus could prove as a valuable

marketing instrument for the business. Info graphics could effectively explain the worthy

information and facilitate the audience to grasp the large quantity of information or a complex

idea in a very less time. Info graphics replaces large amount of text with concisely created

attractive pictures.

You tube Tutorials

You tube tutorials/videos are an ideal way to promote yoga products. Through these

videos, mentors could easily explain the Yoga positions, sequence and could also provide

guidelines. It also helps the customers to get the information directly from the studio on the

required topics and ideas.

Unique Incentives

To increase the market share, we will offer discounts or free classes for new students.

Designing creative advertising and rewards system could create their unique position in the


Creative Brief 1

Process Step Example

Project Developing You tube videos showing

different yoga sessions

Objectives Achieving target of 50,000 views on You

tube videos

Target Audience Target audience is middle-income urban

professionals and upper income having

active social life, focused on healthy food

and dieting and showing interest in

entertainment and adventures.

Key Message GWYC wants its customers to consider it


as a choice for adopting healthy lifestyle

through fitness sessions offered at

flexible timings

Deliverables Showing interior of the studio

Description of trainers



Outdoor and indoor activities

Deadlines and Mechanical requirements Videos will be created in HD to ensure

high quality.

Focus should be given to trainers and

training sessions

Securing the backups

Raw footage should be given to client

Budget Budget for campaign is $5500

Creative Brief 2

Process Step Example

Project Creating blogs on our website to generate


Objectives Creating blogs for increasing awareness

among target audience

Creating traffic of 10,000 customers on


website through blogging

Target Audience Target audience is middle-income urban

professionals and upper income having

active social life, focused on healthy food

and dieting and showing interest in

entertainment and adventures.

Key Message GWYC wants its customers to consider it

as a choice for adopting healthy lifestyle

through fitness sessions offered at

flexible timings

Deliverables Description of trainers

Benefits of yoga

Description on indoor and outdoor



Deadlines and Mechanical requirements High quality website must be created to

ensure traffic for blogging

Writers are required to develop content so

that sales are boosted and awareness is


Budget Budget for campaign is $2500



Dellarocas, C. (2003). The digitization of word of mouth: Promise and challenges of online

feedback mechanisms. Management science, 49(10), 1407-1424.

Johnston, R., & Clark, G. (2008). Service Operations Management: improving service delivery

(3rd ed.). Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Kathawala, Y., & Abdou, K. (2003). Supply chain evaluation in the service industry: a

framework development compared witsh manufacturing. Managerial Auditing Journal,

18(2), p.140-149.

Ritter, E. (2014). Channel Signal. Retrieved from By the Numbers: The Growth of Yoga:

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