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Lesson three

(1) The projection of a point on a straight line • In the opposite figure :
L is a straight line, the two points A and B are not belonging to the straight line L. Draw
from A the ray AA IL to cut L at À
Then draw from B the ray BB IL to cut L at B • The point A is called the position of the
perpendicular segment drawn from A to the
straight line L or the projection of the point A on the straight line L. • Also the point B is
called the position of the perpendicular segment drawn from B to the straight line L or
the projection of the point B on the straight line L Special Case : If the point CEL , then
its perpendicular projection on the straight line L is the same point
1 The projection of a point on a straight line is the point of intersection of the
perpendicular segment from this point and the straight line. 2 If the point lies on the
straight line, its projection on it is the same point.
Remark In the opposite figure : The point A is the projection of the point A on the straight
line BC
(2) The projection of a line segment on a straight line

• In the opposite figure :

AB is a given line segment, L is a given straight line in the plane. Through our
study of the projection of a point on a straight line , we can get the projection of
the point A on the straight B D C A line L to be A also we get the projection of the
point B on the straight line L to be B

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