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Going ‘Diamond’!

- Stories Of Successful Networkers

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

Going ‘Diamond’! – Stories Of

Successful Networkers
“Reach The Next Level In Your Business By
Case Studying Successful Business Builders &


The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the

creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or
represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly
changing nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or
contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of
specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees
of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment
about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not
intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial
advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in
legal, business, accounting, and finance field. You are encouraged to print
this book for easy reading.

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers


Introduction ............................................................................. 5

What Does It Take To Become An MLM Diamond? .................... 7

Mike Dillard: Biography ................................................................ 9

Mike Dillard: Success Methods ..................................................... 11

Daegan Smith: Biography............................................................ 13

Daegan Smith: Success Methods .................................................. 15

Dexter Yager: Biography ............................................................. 17

Dexter Yager: Success Methods ................................................... 19

Jerry Clark: Biography ................................................................ 21

Jerry Clark: Success Methods....................................................... 23

Richard Quek: Biography ............................................................. 25

Richard Quek: Success Methods ................................................... 28

Ty Tribble: Biography.................................................................. 30
Ty Tribble: Success Methods ........................................................ 32

Randy Gage: Biography .............................................................. 35

Randy Gage: Success Methods ..................................................... 37

Conclusion .............................................................................. 39

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

Going ‘Diamond’! – Stories Of

Successful Networkers
“Reach The Next Level In Your Business By Case
Studying Successful Business Builders & Leaders”

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers


Welcome to ‘Going Diamond!’ – Stories Of Successful


The home business or network marketing industry is driven by

leadership and success. Most of the time, if we are diligent in following
people, we would be able to achieve their level of success, at least to a
certain degree.

After all, the best way to ‘honor’ your hero is to be like them, right?

In this book, you will learn about 7 successful individuals from all
walks of life.

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

They have entered the home business or MLM industry at different

time periods, with different companies and under different

Therefore, I suggest that you read this book carefully if you want to
learn all about their successful methods.

Make sure you apply the techniques in this book and take advantage of the
free tools that are available for you. Just reading this book is not enough.
You have to take action and make your business a part of you; otherwise
you will not be able to achieve success!

So without further ado, let’s jump into it right away!

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

What Does It Take To Become An

MLM Diamond?

The diamond level is the topmost level of a multilevel marketing network. In

MLM, as a leader keeps growing the network, which happens by bringing more
reps to join the network, the leader gets promoted to various levels. The terms
may be different depending on the policies of the company, but usually a leader
will grow through silver, gold, platinum and then diamond levels.

It is any MLM leader's ardent desire to become a diamond because of several

reasons. The commissions and bonuses are the highest, they will have become
successful in their MLM campaigns and they will get a reputation that is close to
reverence within the MLM community. Most MLM diamond level leaders also
become internationally famous due to which they can make income through other
avenues such as speaking, conducting seminars, writing books, etc.

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

But, of course, becoming a diamond is not a cakewalk. The journey to the top
requires the MLM leaders to go all out with their promotional methods and bring
as many people into the fray as possible. They have to learn or devise MLM
strategies that work and prospect with all their heart and soul. There are lots of
teething problems in someone's MLM career and rejection is one of the most
rampant of these. MLM leaders have to learn to overcome these problems to
come to the top.

It is said that in the MLM business, it is not the business itself that counts, but it is
the people who are working with the business. This is definitely true because,
after all, MLM is a people networking game. The leader has to be charismatic
and has to inspire other people. That is the reason most MLM top leaders are
excellent motivators and personality development coaches too. This is a
business that improves people as well as brings in money.

Hard work definitely is needed, because prospecting is not an easy game,

whether it is over the Internet or in the real world. At the same time, innovating
and strategizing are extremely important too. The MLM leader must be humble
with each prospect he or she meets, even if they already have a thousand people
already in their downline.

All said, one of the most important traits that an MLM leader must have to
become a diamond is compassion. He or she must know that everyone is
working hard and as a leader, they must inspire their downlines to work harder,
even go all out to cooperate with them in their prospecting. After all, if the
downlines grow, the leader will be promoted upward in the chain. This is one of
the most unique features of MLM – here one does not get promoted by stepping
on subordinates; instead it is the downlines who grow and push the leader

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

Mike Dillard: Biography

Mike Dillard is one of the topmost multilevel marketers in the world today. He is
widely known as the author of the book Magnetic Sponsoring, which speaks
about the concept of 'people attract people'. He is also the author of MLM Traffic
Formula, a book that tells people about how to implement technical methods to
hone their marketing campaign over the Internet. The MLM Traffic Formula,
which is written for amateur as well as expert network marketers alike, speaks in
detail about methods such as search engine optimization, lead generation and
various Internet marketing methods.

The one unique aspect about Mike Dillard is that he has an MLM prospecting
company of his own. This company, Dillard Inc., organizes his complete network
marketing campaign. The company provides a feature called as the Contact
Management where they prospect people with appointments and reminders,
systemizing the whole campaign. The company also provides incentives for
people who bring in other people into the network. These ideas are Mike Dillard's
creations, each one of which has become a kind of lesson for other marketers to
plan their networking strategies.

Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

Mike Dillard began his company with just 35 reps to its name, which was
considered to be an unwise move by many because the number was too small to
start a company. However, Mike Dillard had his MLM head screwed firmly in its
place and he did not entertain the criticism he got from others around him. His
obstinacy did bear fruit. He implemented his own methods and within a few
months the number of reps with Dillard Inc. increased from a measly 35 to a very
commendable 500. Dillard kept on inspiring and motivating his members to
achieve greater glories. In the year when he got 500 reps to join him, he made
sales accounting for more than half a million dollars.

Dillard's controversial approaches to MLM strategies have always been much

talked about. He was one of the first persons to introduce the concept of funded
proposals in MLM, something that was almost unheard of. Here the company
paid people so that they would agree to be prospected. The incentive brought
them a great number of prospects, more than any online or offline method could,
and in a very short time that too. With the rock-solid plan that the company had, a
large number of these prospects did not mind joining the company as reps.

Today, Mike Dillard focuses greatly on his ever-growing company and also
enjoys his role as a multilevel marketing consultant. People who approach him
benefit with the new ideas he devises and implements, almost always reaching
success in the process.

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Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

Mike Dillard: Success Methods

People within the MLM world cannot ignore the name of Mike Dillard who is
considered to be one of the leading MLM innovators and planners of the world.
He is best known to the world as the author of the book Magnetic Sponsoring,
which had turned the old MLM concept on its face and brought some refreshing
new ideas into this marketing world. The basic idea of the book, which is now
highly synonymous with Mike Dillard's name itself, is that people attract people.
Dillard has brought home the idea in the book that when a person joins a
network, it is not the business that he or she is looking at, it is the leader that
creates the greatest impression. For that reason, the concept of 'people attract
people' applies here. This is what magnetic sponsoring is all about.

Mike Dillard has spent a major part of his life explaining how it is not the business
but the people in the business that matter. With the book, he has made is lucidly
clear to the world that it really is so. The book, a 40-page manual actually, is a
step-by-step description of how someone can go ahead and become a magnetic

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Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

sponsor, which is something that has the real potential of bringing people into the

His company Dillard Inc. has become one of the top MLM networks in the world.
This is a unique aspect about his MLM prospecting too. Most multilevel
marketers go and individually solicit people to join their networks; Mike Dillard
does it with a complete company to help him in the game. Here, one of the
flashes of Dillard's innovative game plan can be seen. When a marketer has a
company, people are definitely going to put more trust into going along with their

Though network marketing is his forte and his game, Mike Dillard has seldom
played by the rules. He attributes his success to that fact. He mentions in his
books that a marketer has to constantly innovate so that he or she can keep
above the competition. The other reason for the innovation is that prospects have
to see something new in order to begin trusting in the marketer. This is
something that he has used quite often.

Mike Dillard has introduced several new concepts in the world of Internet
marketing, all of which have met with a lot of acceptance and their share of
controversy too. Apart from magnetic sponsoring, he is also the brainchild of a
similar concept called as attraction marketing.

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Daegan Smith: Biography

At 26, Daegan Smith is one of the youngest MLM millionaires in the

world today. He can give stiff competition to any multilevel marketing
guru with the kind of experience and knowledge he has gained and
implemented in his own approach. One of the things that has pushed
Daegan Smith to the top of the race is his never-say-die attitude and
his penchant for always reinventing his strategies.

One of the things that Daegan Smith is the most talked about for is his
unique network marketing strategy. He maintains that he has earned
his thousands of prospects (nearing 4,000) without calling up a single
lead. He has never used the dubious and annoying method of cold
calling prospects and this has been his special forte. In fact, the MLM
world calls Daegan Smith The King of Never Having to Call a Single

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Daegan Smith's methods are different and even controversial. At a

time when the multilevel marketing world is still hooked to methods
such as cold calling and seminars, Daegan Smith uses new and
advanced methods of prospecting such as conducting webinars. His
webinars have always been well-received and looked upon
expectantly. Hundreds of multilevel marketers from across the world
log on to his webinars and continue discussing them for weeks on end.

There are many methods that Daegan Smith adopts in his online
network marketing practices, including lead generation and promoting
products through sales pages. His sales pages have attracted attention
because there is always something new that is sold through them. Just
recently, his sales page promoting The True MLM Wealth Online CD
became a hot favorite among MLM fans. This program tells people of
Smith's methods of prospecting clients to induce them to join the
network, in a way that it always bears results. Smith has his own huge
networks to show people that his methods work.

Another of his products is the Power Prospecting System. Here too, as

in other products, he shows how multilevel marketers can bring a large
volume of traffic to their business opportunity without ever having to
call them.

Daegan Smith is a favorite for MLM professionals because of the vast

amount of free information he has provided on the Internet. A lot of
his articles are present on his blog and on other places on the Internet
such as
Even his products are very competitively priced, making MLM secrets
available to a lot of people who desire to learn from them and
implement them to their own needs.

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Going ‘Diamond’! - Stories Of Successful Networkers

Daegan Smith: Success Methods

Every popular multilevel marketer has their own method that has brought them to
the top pedestal of the networking game. For Daegan Smith, it is his humility that
has led him here. Daegan Smith is one of the multilevel marketing world's
youngest diamonds, but still his approach is a down-to-earth one, one that wants
to teach other people how to get into the game as well. That explains the
hundreds of articles that Daegan Smith has written and posted for free on the
Internet. These are proving to be a source of education for people who wish to
get into the MLM game.

But there is a lesson to be learnt here. Even these articles that Smith has made
freely available on the Internet are part of a whole campaign. They are inducing
readers to join Smith's business because they are assured that he is an expert in
the field and will lead them the right way. Article marketing is one strategy that all
MLM leaders must adopt.

Daegan Smith is also an avid blogger. His blog is constantly updated with
information and thus ranks highly. With bookmarking and "Tell a Friend" features
on his blog, Smith has made sure that the number of targeted leads he gets
increases. This is an important arm of his marketing ploy.

However, Daegan Smith promotes himself as The King of Never Having to Call a
Single Lead. His method is different from that of most marketers, because here is

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a concerted effort never to call a lead that is not interested. Instead, he makes
sure that interested leads come to him through his lead generation techniques.
This is what brings more people into the network rather than blindly chasing a

One more points about Daegan Smith is that he knows that his idea works for
MLM and thus he markets that too, thus building up a healthy flow of residual
income. His sales page selling his concept is available at where he sells the course for a very low sum of
$37. This has enabled more people to buy his product, creating a win-win
situation for him as well as the buyers of his MLM strategies.

Looking at Daegan Smith's methods, the lesson learnt is that traditional methods
such as cold calling a list of leads has no real results. Since these leads may not
be interested in the idea at all, it is usually a wasted exercise. Instead, tapping
the resources of the Internet can make more sense for increasing the network
and also make some residual income on the side.

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Dexter Yager: Biography

Dexter Yager is almost revered in the multilevel marketing world. He is

one of the people who contributed their time and effort to make
Amway what it is. Being associated with the most exalted MLM
enterprise in the world and that too being one of its oldest and most
experienced leaders, Dexter Yager is certainly a very important
person. With his equally popular wife, Birdie Yager, Dexter Yager has
consolidated the position of the multilevel marketing world as it
appears today.

A wonderful tale often reiterated by MLM leaders when they find

themselves down in the dumps relates to how Dexter Yager started
out as a truck driver for a little-known battery company and has today
become the greatest Amway distributor in the world. His band of
distributors has created sales of more than $2 billion for Amway,
selling its various products. This achievement has been heralded as
one of the greatest MLM achievements till date.

He stays in Charlotte with his wife Birdie Yager. The strangest point
about the Dexter Yager story is that people in his hometown do not
know the Yagers much. This is a clear indication of how Yager has
tapped the global market, not remaining restricted within his local

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area. However, he has invested heavily in real estate, both in

noncommercial assets and residential apartments.

Dexter Yager is 55 years old now; he joined Amway 31 years ago,

making him one of the oldest persons with the company. He was
always at a policy of conflict with other Amway leaders, most notable
Richard DeVos, who once held Yager guilty for stealing and distributing
one of his speeches according to an Amway insider rumor. However,
since Yager was a distributor at that time for DeVos, the matter was
amicably solved. Yager has also stepped on several Amway toes
because of his unconventional methods and some people have wanted
him out of Amway, but because his distribution line was one of the
biggest with Amway, he has persisted.

But Yager has not restricted his brazen attitude to only his Amway
coworkers. In a very famous speech made to his Amway downline, he
criticized President Bill Clinton's inaugural address as nothing more
than a pagan ritual.

Yager has teamed up with DeVos to make Gospel Films, a production

concern that specializes in making Christian based movies and books.
These products have gone a long way in reinforcing the popular
concept that Amway is a cult. For whatever his approach might have
been, Dexter Yager is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated MLM
leaders in the world today.

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Dexter Yager: Success Methods

Without a doubt, Dexter Yager is one of the living legends of multilevel

marketing. With a downline that brings in a sale of $2 billion annually, there is
definitely no denying this statement. He is one of the key people who have given
Amway its brand name, global identity and business. He has played a very
important role in shaping Amway to be what it is today.

When Dexter Yager started out with Amway, 31 years ago, the Internet had not
arrived in the world yet. Those were the times when people went all out, literally,
to promote MLM networks. Yager did much of the same. He was and still is an
effective speaker and, more importantly, an inspirer. People who come in contact
with him cannot resist being touched in some way or the other. This is what
proved to be the biggest advantage to Dexter Yager's business plans. His
charisma was clearly apparent to his prospects, who went with whatever he said.

To add to it, Yager kept consolidating his expert position through many ways. He
has gone the whole hog when it comes to MLM promotion. He has written books,
released tapes, given seminars, spoken at conferences, traveled across the
world, inspired his downlines with incentives, held them with a tight rein when
needed and giving them the liberty when needed… he has done it all. Most
importantly, he has told his downline time and again that people attract people
and if the network has to succeed, they have to develop the potential in
themselves to bring in other people to the network.

For most people in Amway, Yager has been a kind of rebel. One of his policies
has been to downgrade retail sales and concentrate on building the network
itself. This was not acceptable to the head honchos of Amway in those times.
The common idea was that sales bring in direct profits; building networks could
take a long time materializing. Though he was branded as a heretic by some,

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Yager persisted in his human-building approach. And that has actually paid off,
because Amway has a very strong network around the world today and this is
actually what is bringing them the sales. If they had concentrated only on direct
selling back then, Amway could have fizzled out like most MLMs of those times.

It is difficult to emulate someone like Dexter Yager, but certainly his methods
could be inspirational and even motivational to people who are planning to get
into MLM. Learning more about his strategies is like an open course on the

At the end of the day, there is definitely something we all can learn from ‘old
school’ network marketing… if Dexter can do it, so can we.

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Jerry Clark: Biography

Jerry Clark is one among the league of extraordinary gentlemen in the

MLM world. He has been a kind of an MLM prodigy, earning his first
million when he had barely begun to shave. Quite naturally, the MLM
radar followed Clark to see what kind of progresses he would make in
his future life and this young hotshot, who was also once considered as
a young upstart by the MLM puritans during his early days, has been
consistently climbing the ladder of success in his chosen world. Today,
Jerry Clark is not only an established name all over the world, but he
is also looked upon for advice and planning by many people who wish
to begin or reinforce their MLM careers. Jerry Clark also speaks at
seminars and conferences pertaining to MLM at various international
locations, guiding people on his methods and strategies and also
bringing them into his own fold.

When he was still in his fledgling days, Jerry Clark started his company
named Club Rhino, Inc. He is one of the few persons who carry on
MLM prospecting in an organized manner through his company. The

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company is behind booking the various events such as seminars for

personal and professional motivation and guidance all over the globe.
Jerry Clark is a versatile speaker; he can speak authoritatively on a
number of subjects. His favorite topics have been improving
communication skills, optimizing performance, organizing and profiting
from home business opportunities and, of course, multilevel

Apart from Club Rhino, Inc., of which he is the CEO and President,
Jerry Clark is also the founder of the AMG Business Group. Another
institute that is attributed to him is The International Academy of
Rhinology (No, it has nothing to do with fixing noses!).

Most of Jerry Clark's speeches have been recorded in audio format and
are commercially available in most leading stores around the world. He
has about a hundred audio works to his credit. The two bestsellers in
his oeuvre are High Achievement Network Marketing and The Magic of
Colors, both of which have garnered him a lot of media attention.

He is also a prolific article writer for both online and offline

publications. He writes occasionally for Success Magazine. Through his
articles, he promotes his MLM ideas to an international clientele. Jerry
Clark is an MLM top-seller; his products are immediately lapped up by
people in this world. He has designed several training and instructional
products for people who want to make an entry into network
marketing and wish to go about it the right way.

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Jerry Clark: Success Methods

One of the youngest to become a millionaire among the leading MLM leaders
today, it is very interesting to see what has made Jerry Clark the success that he
is today. This humble Texan has come a long way since he earned his first
million when he was barely 20. Since then, he has organized his strategies
several times over, made a company to promote his campaign – Club Rhino, Inc.
– written a cartload of books and made audio manuals about MLM, spoken
across the world about MLM, given advice to new entrants and MLM gurus alike
and generally gone from strength to strength. It is interesting to check out his
methods because this is one guy who has tried it all – online and offline methods
both – and diverted the strategies to build success for him. And that has paid off

The first thing that Jerry Clark went about getting was information. He educated
himself profoundly on every aspect of multilevel marketing and when he was
doing so, he always asked himself the question, "How will I be able to use this
method in my own campaign? Will it work for me?" This analytical attitude has
definitely helped him much because he has been able to innovate and custom
design some existing plans so that they could better suit his purposes.

Like most other popular multilevel marketers of the world today, Jerry Clark has
also held the belief that it is personality development that works in the long run.
People who are going to join an MLM network do so more because of the trust
and confidence that they develop in the person that promotes the idea to them.

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Most of these people are completely unaware of what the business is about and
just go ahead with the leader. Knowing that, Jerry Clark has always maintained
the belief that for an MLM enterprise to succeed, the improvement has to begin
from the leadership level. This is what will induce downlines to work better. Clark
has spoken a lot about personality development and motivation, both of which he
holds as important ingredients of a successful multilevel marketing campaign.

Implementing Clark's ideas could certainly be a step in the right direction if you
have an MLM venture. Personal development is an important aspect in any walk
of life. It makes people confident and this confidence rubs off on the prospects,
making them see the whole opportunity in a brand new light.

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Richard Quek: Biography

Richard Quek is a diamond multilevel marketer from Subang Jaya,

Selangor, Malaysia. He is connected with the Internet marketing of
4Life Research, which is available at He has
been active in the multilevel marketing world for over ten years now.
He lives with his wife, Nancy Ong, and has three children named
Daniel, Nicholas and Hannah.

By profession and qualification, he is a chartered accountant who had

an accounting practice of his own. When he smelled the opportunity in
MLM, he quit his accounting firm. This was in 2000, when MLM was
coming out very strongly on the Internet. In his decade-long tryst with
network marketing, Richard Quek has used several conventional
marketing methods, evolved a practice of his own and perfected the
method which he now trains amateur network marketers with. He has
written over ten paperback books and eBooks about the networking
game, most of which have become bestsellers.

Quek was introduced to network marketing when he was working with

a similar online program that trained people in hosting and site

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building. His two-year long association with this program gave him a
lot of knowledge of the field and piqued his interest to follow it
fulltime. His unique blend of MLM uses his innate knowledge of
marketing blended with the Internet marketing experience that he has

Richard Quek has dabbled with other fields apart from multilevel
marketing. Because of his background, he is also an active Internet
marketer. He is also keenly interested in motivation. Among his
favorite and most inspiring books, he lists Think and Grow Rich! by
Napoleon Hill and See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar and Al Mayton.

Among his prominent Internet marketing ventures, the following have

been the most successful:-

Zooming To Success (, a program

that trains people to learn how they can most effectively use Internet
marketing tools so that they can use the best marketing practices and
some of the same that are used by Internet gurus from around the
world. This program is a huge Internet success. Quek has marketed
the program extensively through joint venturing, bringing more than
50 joint venture partners into the fray.

He has also prepared and marketed a home study course for Internet
marketing called as the TIMM eSeminar
( where he emphasized the
importance of list building practices to newbie Internet marketers.
TIMM eSeminar stood for The Internet Money Making eSeminar.

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He has also authored and promoted JV Secrets, a book (available as

paperback as well as an eBook) that speaks about the importance of
joint venturing with other marketers and how to go about it.

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Richard Quek: Success Methods

Richard Quek has used some conventional and some not-so conventional
methods for his MLM practices. He started with email marketing and even used
bulk mailing software applications. He built an opt in list and provided
autoresponder features to track the responses automatically.

When email marketing started drawing flak, he switched over to other practice
that would prevent his emails from being directed into spam. He used a desktop
application so that his emails wouldn't land in spam folders. However, he had to
change this method also because he found out that the average Internet user is
not so savvy so as to download and use desktop applications.

However, Quek still uses newsletters that he uploads to the desktop applications.
He notifies people by email and makes sure that his newsletters are of good
quality. He has used spam filters in the past and still uses them to ensure that his
emails do not land in spam folders. He uses to make sure of

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One of the main reasons why Richard Quek became a big name on the Internet
was because he collaborated with other marketers on the Internet who were into
the same kind of activity as him. He collaborated with them through joint
venturing. He has even written a book about joint venturing titled JV Secrets
where he stresses on this important online marketing area. Some of his joint
venture friends include Sean Wu, David Cavanagh, Mike Filsaime, Jay Conrad
Levinson, Michael Lee, Ewen Chia, Brian Garvin and others, about 50 in all.

It has taken Richard Quek all of a decade to come in the unshakeable position
that he is in today, but all he has been doing in these ten years is growing from
strength to strength. Today he has reached a diamond place in the MLM world,
an almost invincible position, and he can carry on even without actively
promoting his campaigns. There is a moral to be learnt here – MLM success
comes through diligent activity. And through partnering! That is something
Richard Quek has wholeheartedly believed in and implemented in his practices.

Another thing about Quek that must be observed is his fallback approach. He has
always kept options option. He has not gone only into MLM; he has also
educated himself with basic Internet marketing skills and carved a niche for
himself there too. At the same time, he is also passionate about motivation,
another area that has tremendous business potential.

Today, with more than ten paperback and electronic books, Richard Quek has
consolidated his position as a multilevel and Internet marketer several times
over. He enjoys what he is doing and enjoys the fruits of the same – something
that should be the attitude of every multilevel marketer.

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Ty Tribble: Biography

Ty Tribble is a highly successful multilevel marketer who actually has

his fingers in several pies. He loves to introduce himself as a husband,
a work at home dad, an Internet entrepreneur and a six-figure earner.
He is extremely popular over the Internet through his various blogs,
which is one of the ways in which he markets himself. His blogs are so
popular that he is labeled by most people as the number one blogger
in the world. Ty Tribble lives in Federal Way, Washington. His wife is
Richelle and he has two children named Emma and Tyler.

There are many feathers in Ty Tribble's cap. He is a very assiduous

blogger and an active participant of most content generated websites,
including and other article directories. He is also a
Squidoo lensmaster. These are some of the avenues through which he
promotes his opportunities and, most importantly, makes himself
popular over the Internet. Tribble believes in the power of the social
media and is found prominently on social networking sites. He uses
features such as social bookmarking to the hilt, which is what has

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allowed people to build a fan base around him and keep track of his
activities. Ty Tribble is an active proponent of Web 2.0.

Recently, Ty Tribble has partnered with two friends, who are also
active Internet marketers to launch a new business opportunity that
can help the people who subscribe to the network to earn good sums
of money working from home. These friends are Bo Short and Chris
Cucchiara, who are founding partners in this venture. Bo Short is a
highly successful MLM proponent himself, who has gone diamond with
the Quixtar opportunity.

Ty Tribble is noteworthy for several achievements, which have helped

consolidate his position as a successful Internet and multilevel
marketer. Articles and interviews with him have featured in magazines
such as Success From Home and Entrepreneur. His ideas have created
waves in the MLM world whenever they have been publicized. His
major turning point was when he managed to bring about 10,000
targeted leads in just under a year using basic marketing devices such
as blogging and social networking.

Another thing about Ty Tribble that has made him popular over the
Internet is that he does not keep his secrets close to his chest. He is
all for training new entrants in the field how to build their own leads
and networks in highly efficient ways. Among other things, this has
helped bring a lot of credibility to his name in the online world.

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Ty Tribble: Success Methods

Many things have gone into making Ty Tribble the success that he is in
the world of MLM and Internet marketing. He has been using several
of Internet's tricks in order to bring interested people to his website,
and has set records by bringing more than 10,000 targeted leads in a
period of less than 12 months.

However, despite this mammoth achievement, the methods used by

Ty Tribble to achieve his success have been surprisingly simple.

One of the biggest strengths of Ty Tribble's marketing campaign has

been blogging. According to some sources, Tribble is the number one
blogger of the world. Some of his bestselling blog titles include:-

The Art of Dripping and Pinging (an innovative method to socially

connect with networks over the Internet, developed by him)

Five Ways Blogging can improve Your Business in 2009

Guru Killer

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Ty Tribble and Internet Marketing Moms

The Power of MLM Blogging
To Empower Others
Branding You for Success: Start with Your Name
SEO for WordPress Blogs

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Tribble has a lot of blogs out there,
some of which are visited by hundreds of people per day and
populated with user-generated content. This is a major reason for
placing him on top of the heap.

The purpose of naming some of Ty Tribble's blogs here is to shed some

light on his ideas about network marketing, which are obvious upon
reading the blog names. These blogs are mostly about social
networking, an important concept within Web 2.0, something that
marketers all over the world are looking up to. Then there is another
important aspect about these blogs.

Things like empowering self, branding from one's own name and
moneymaking opportunities for moms are motivational marketing
practices. Such motivational campaigns work immensely on the
Internet and Ty Tribble has become successful in part because he
understood that early on.

Also, some of the blogs inform beginners how they can start with their
marketing practices such as search engine optimizing their own blogs.
This creates the impression that Ty Tribble is not catering only to the
gurus but also to the new entrants in the MLM fold.

Ty Tribble is an example of how humility wins the race. He is a

diamond multilevel marketer and a great part of that achievement is

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because he has been humble. He had tracked all the replies he got on
his various social networking commitments, even though they are
through autoresponders.

He has also understood opportunity whenever it came in front of him,

like his recent partnership with Bo Short, the Amway guru. At the
same time, he has not been secretive about his practices. He has
made them visible on the Internet so that more and more people could
learn from his methods.

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Randy Gage: Biography

Randy Gage, a school dropout who now owns a Corvette, a Viper GTS,
a custom built Viper SRT and a Bentley Continental GT, is one of the
biggest rags-to-riches stories in the MLM world. MLM gurus speak
about Randy Gage when their downlines begin to feel frustrated about
what they are doing. Listening to Gage's exploits in multilevel
marketing and how he transformed from being a dishwasher to
becoming the Millionaire Messiah is one of the favorite pep talks that
MLM sponsors give whenever the chips begin to get down.

The reason for the nickname is Randy Gage's ardent belief that no
person in this world is meant to remain poor. Everyone has a right to
wealth just as they have a right to air, water and food. It is only that
people do not yet know the means to get wealth because it is not as
freely available as the other three necessities. Randy Gage's methods
have always been to coach people on how they can get at this wealth.

Randy Gage has been active in multilevel marketing since his early
days as a dishwasher. He was interested in home-based business
opportunities but like most people he did not think that these were

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'get-rich-easy' schemes. He put his own methods to test and withstood

the test, which is what raked in the millions in times to come. One of
his constant endeavors has been to set financial goals, achieve them
and then set a higher financial goal. Among other things, this has been
a reason for his success. He also implemented techniques so that he
could earn permanent residual incomes which have been instrumental
in taking him a long way.

One of the most prominent businesses Randy Gage has been

connected with is Agel Enterprises. Agel Enterprises markets a
suspension gel based vitamin supplement line. Gage saw the potential
in this supplement and got into business. This line is marketed only
through MLM and Gage was already an expert at the same. He joined
an already existing team of MLM leaders and began promoting the
network. Today, Agel's multivitamin line has not only brought Gage
the proverbial pots of gold but they have also given him a great
physique which he is proud of flaunting with his fleet of cars.

Randy Gage's success story is the stuff MLM folklore is made up of.
With his several books and CDs on the Internet, he is quite visible
everywhere on the Internet. This Millionaire Messiah provides
inspiration to multilevel marketers continuously through both example
and precept.

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Randy Gage: Success Methods

The most prominent business that Randy Gage is currently involved in

is Agel. Agel Enterprises has a breakthrough product that is a vitamin-
based health supplement. This product is not marketed through any
other method except through multilevel marketing. Gage, who has a
20-year experience with multilevel marketing, took his time to search
an opportunity that he would be convinced in as well as could promote
effectively to people from around the world. When he discovered Agel
MLM, he realized that this was the opportunity he would like to pursue.
He joined a team of promoters to bring Agel out into the open and has
succeeded beautifully at that.

Agel MLM is just breaking out into the US and Randy Gage is keeping
himself busy in recruiting new people to join the opportunity. He has
several sales pages on the Internet promoting the business and
inviting MLM leaders who could carry the mantle forward. This
Millionaire Messiah believes in the power of team strength to build

However, Agel has happened now. Randy Gage earned his popularity
much before that. He has been dynamic on the Internet promoting
himself through CDs, eBooks, courses, newsletters and the like. His
newsletter, Randy's Rants, has earned him a lot of opt ins, which he
has religiously pursued through email marketing and other methods.
He has written resources on self help, personal development, Internet
marketing, business building and network marketing. All of these

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project his heartfelt feeling that everyone has the right to earn wealth;
it is the means that they have to discover.

Another unique feature about Randy Gage's self-promotion is that he

makes himself available for speaking at rallies and seminars. This
becomes a win-win situation. The businesses benefit greatly from
Gage's dynamic talks that reek of authority and experience and Gage
gets the exposure in a new set of clientele. He is available for booking
for talks through Prime Concepts Group, Inc.

There are many hues to Randy Gage's personality and that is what has
shaped him to be what he is. Emulating him is a definite option for
amateur marketers, but just blindly following the way someone went is
not what it should be. Instead, lessons can be learnt from his
activities. It is interesting to see how Gage never let anything frighten
him – he broke new ground with each promotional campaign – be it
lead capturing or talk seminars – and let them mature till they began
to pay off. Such perseverance and experimental approach goes a long
way in raising the levels for MLM professionals.

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It’s time to get this engine going and get started right away.

Are you going to take action and tell your grandchildren how you took
advantage of the trillion wave or will you just sit by and justify to your
grandchildren why you missed it?

The choice is yours!

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