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In order to complete this correctly, you need to add stage directions for your actors

Legacy of Music

INT. Bedroom - Morning

Jack wakes up to a notification of breaking news that Cadet ( jacks inspiration and
favourite rapper ) has been killed in a car accident. He instantly jumps up and opens his
phone and reads the news story word to word. Seeing his face gradually drop, n see his
mentaltiy slowly being destroyed the further down he reads.

Phone rings

shaking jack picks up the phone to his friend brad


Have you seen the news?


( subdued and shook up )

No why


Just look man, Im sorry g

Jacks hangs up and checks his phone to find out his favourite rapper has been killed.
He instantly gets distraught and takes a sip from a gin bottle and grabs a cigarette.


EXT. Outside College - Evening

Jack is outside college still very down and negative, Brad calls him to meet under the


Yo g are you good


I just feel lost now, like his music was my escape and I cant even have that
what do I do now


U like music right ? Why don't you try making your own to turn all that
negative energy into something postive.


( face lights up and seems excited)

U know what thats a shout why not ? I'll have a go thanks bro

Both arms round each other walk out from the brige


EXT/INT. Jacks House - Night

Brad comes up to the house and knocks on the door. Jack answers and they go
out for a fag.


How you feeling?


Its just weird man knowing he's gone


I know it is g but trust this is your time, tonight we are gonna make a song for you and
get you out there


Im being serious about this bro

INT. Jacks Bedroom Night

They find a backing track and jack starts writing lyrics for his song and recroding thek
while brad is on his laptop mixing the song for him. They also set up his social media as a
rapper under the name ' thecertifiedja '

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