Isador H. Coriat - The Meaning of Dreams

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E dited b y H Addington B ru ce, A

. . M

o MS






Dr eam s ar e th e tr u e i n t erp r eter s of o ur t ne lzmation s

m d er stwn d th em
b u t gr e at ski ll i s r equi r ed to s or t a! nd fa .



, ,

1 9 15
Copyrig h t , 1 91 5 ,


A ll rig h ts r eserved

P ub li sh e d , May , 1 9 15

3 4 4 5 2

A A 1.

Se t up an d e l e c tro type d b y J S C ashi n g C o , o rwo o d , . N Ma ss . U SA . .

. .

Pre s sw o rk b y S J Parkh il l
. . C o , B o s t o n , M ass
. . . S A
. .

N accordance wi th the purpose o f this

I series t o extend knowledge of the im

por t ant discoveries affecting indi vi dual
and soci al we lfare that have been m ade
during recent y ears thr ough psychological
investigation the present volume sur vey s

the principles and results of scientific dream

analy sis along the lines first formulated by
D octor S igmun d Freud o f Vienna Though
, .

Freud s views are by no means those o f all

medical psy chol ogists and have indeed


been vigorously criticized by n o t a few ,

there is general a greement that he has

rendered a real service to both ps ycholo gy
and me di cine by hi s demonstration o f the
practical value o f dr eam study C ertainly

no o n e h as more thoroughly in vesti gated

v ii

th e me chanism o f
dreams an d all future

exp l orers o f this phase of the mental life

of man will o we mu ch to hi s pioneering

To be sure it m ust al so be sai d that most


me dical psy chologists at prese n t believe

Freu d h as erred i n attempti n g to re duce
all dreams t o a singl e formula C ertainly .

however his formula holds goo d in a sur


p r is in gly large n umber o f instances a s the ,

reader will dis co ver A nd apart from the


question o f its invariability there can be ,

no denying the soundn ess o f the fun d a

mental principle o h whi ch all Freudian
dream analysis rests the principle namely
, ,

that every dream no matter how trivial

, ,

fantastic or meani ngless i t may seem has

, ,

a defi ni te meaning and a meaning that


sometimes is o f great signifi can ce to the

dreamer .

C onsequently a series like the present

o n e would be incomplete wi thout a detailed

survey o f dreams from the Freudian stan d

0 0 .

p o int Fo r this task D octor C o riat is well


qualified Few A merican physicians are as


fami liar as he with the doctrines an d meth

o ds of Freud or have applied them s o c o n

s is t e n t ly in the treatment o f nervous an d

mental disease He has had an extensi ve


c lin l c al experience having been f or some


years connected with the W orcester State

Hospital fo r the I nsane and afterward with ,

the Bosto n C ity Hospital w1t h which he ,

still is associated . He is a member of many

scientific medical and learned societies in
, ,

A merica an d Europe is one o f the editors


o f the Jo u rn al of Ab n o rm al Psy c ho lo gy and , ,

besi des having written many te chnical pa

pers on nervous and mental disorders is ,

the author o f a valuable textbook on Ah !

normal Psychology I n that work as in

t h is D o c t o r C o riat draws on his own e xpe


r ie n c e s to illustrate and reinforce the more

important po m t s in his exposition .

. B RU C E .


HE new psy chology o f dreams as


e l aborated by Freud represents


o n e o f the greatest advances ever

made i n our kno wledge of the human min d
an d o f hum an motives Fo r abnormal psy

c h o lo gy , dream analysis can be compared


o nly in importance with the discovery o f

the origin o f species an d o f the factors o f
organic evolutio n in the field o f biology .

Th e a n alysis o f dreams is not o nl y o f great

theoretical value i n the u n derstanding o f
the un conscious but has its practical side
as well in giving medici ne the most potent

instrument which it has ever possessed

in the treatme n t o f certain fu n ctional

nervous disturban ces .


This volume is written along pure ly psy

cho analytic lines and every dream therein

has been p ersonally anal yzed by the author .

I ts aim is to give the ge neral reader an out

line O f the meaning Of dreams as elaborated
by the psycho analytic school with its ap

pl ications to medical science in particular ,

to that method O f psy chotherapy known as

p sycho analy sis Because of the great dif

fic ul t ie s i n herent in the subject Of dream

analysis only the basic pri n ciples have been

give n the detail s bei n g l eft for the sp e cial


treatises an d j ournal s o n the subject .


B O STON, Feb r uary , 191 5 .






















The Pro blem f

o Dre am s

VERYB OD Y dreams and every ,

dream means something n o mat ,

ter how fragmentary and ridic u

lous it may appear I t may be symbolic

Of something deep seated in the personal


ity Of the dreamer o r it may indicate


something trivial but in every case the

, ,

dream has a meanin g which can only be


discovered through an analysis Of the dream

itself I t is the purpose Of this book to

describe such analysis Of dreams in simple

language .

The various psy chological theories o f

dreams have ascribe d their origin to p hy s1

ca l and organic sti mu li which p our into the

brain during sleep In the light Of m odern

investigations in the field O fp sycho analysis -


this view point has been pro ven to be t o o


superficial because such an in terpretation


does not explain for instance how an un

, ,

covered foot may at o n e time give rise to

a dream O f freezing to death amid Arcti c
snows and o n another occasion in the
, ,

same individual lea d to a dream Of being


bound hand and foot before a gigantic

electric fan as a form Of martyrd om for
some religious belief The c en tral prob

lem Of dream p sychology therefore must, ,

answer the question as to why th e dreamer

interprets the physical or organic stimulus
as he does and why the same stimulus

often gi ves rise to widely d i fferent types

O f dreams .

The theory Of d ream formation as elabo

rated by Freud does indeed admit that
external stimuli may Often enter into the
co mp l ex machinery O f the dream but only ,



as an instigator o r starter Of the dream in ,

much the same manner as the self starter -

o f an automobile which throws all the


cylinders Of the m otor into action The .

real makers Of the dream however ac c ord , ,

ing to psycho analy sis are certain un c o n


scious mental processes The psycho .

analytic view point goes a step further and


shows in addition how the unconscious and

Ofttimes latent mental process may be
transformed into a most complex dream

b y means Of certain well known dream -

mechanisms Therefore any stimulus

, ,

p hy sical organic o r ideational

, , is merely ,

the instigator o r activator o f important

mental processes in the formation Of the
dream We must emphasize the term

important since n O dream e ver deals

with ti ifle s but only with sub jects O f great


p ersonal interest to the dreamer .

Be c ause the dream undergoes such an

elaborate transforming process it must ,

c o nc eal within itse lf not only the nn c o n


s c i o us thoughts which actually give rise

to it but also all the stimu li physical or
, ,

mental which have thrown these mental


mechanisms into activity Therefore the .


dream must be deciphered o r analyzed in

o rder to be understood The deciphering .

Of a dream is o n e Of the functions Of psy

cho analysis which in its broadest sense
, , ,

may be defined as that method which ,

without the use Of hypnosis investigates ,

human m otives and the content Of the

uncons cious .

S uch an analysis demonstrates that while

o n the surface the dream may appear to be

a weird absurd and disconnected phan

, ,

t asm ago ria yet the unconscious thoughts


which give rise t o it are arranged in a logical

order and have a definite purpose in the
p rotection Of the mental well being o f the -

dreamer The d ream therefore is a sym

, ,

b o l Of certain mental processes and as ,

will be demonstrated later it represents ,

the fulfillment O f a wish which fo r years


wishes and desires Th e dream reveals .

the true inner man his various m otives ,

an d desires hidden fro m the view Of others


and Often hidden from his o wn conscious

thoughts C onsequently when rightly l n

t e rpre t e d dreams are the real key to the


riddle O f human life because through them


the d oor is unlocked to o ur unc o nscious and

our real selves The un c o n sc m u s is our

true self not o ur cons cious thinking with

, ,

it s rationali zation Of a l l our m ental pro

c esses

The dream may also use popular an d e ven

strange phrases in it s symbolism reminding ,

one strongly Of punning and witticisms .

In fact Freud s theory O f wit is based up on


the same mental mechanis m as that o f

dreaming For instance a woman had


the following dream S he seemed to see .

a fair haired child resembling the C upid


whi c h appears o n Valentines and with a

pink scarf abo u t the body sitting on an ,

elephant and driving it The analysi s Of .


this apparently absurd dream was most

interesting Two types Of instigators Of

the dream could be determ ined : a physical

o ne, some pictures Of recently acquired
elephants at a ! oo logical Garden ; and a
mental o ne a d esire t o buy Va lentines for

some children In this woman there was.

a strong wish for motherhood which for ,

certain reasons was difficult Of fulfillment .

S he felt that if sh e had a child at her period

of life it might be a great burden to her .

Therefore the u nconscious d eliberately


picked o u t the elephant as an instigator ,

because it ser ve d it s purpose as a pun ,

namely that a child might be an elephant !

o n her hands .

Thus the interpretation Of d reams is


in fac t the via regia to the interp retation


Of the unconscious the surest ground Of ,

psycho analysis and a field in which every


worker must win his convictio n s and gain

h is education

( Freud ) D ream in t e rpr.e

t at io n
, e ven in a practical so called ,

materialistic state Of society is n o t a form,

of interesting and idle scientific play but ,

a practical method Of the utmost impor

tance since it gives us an insight into the

inner nature O f man Into his real motives


and desires into his unconscious m ental



Fro m the perio d Of the earliest Baby

lonian records up to modern times a belief ,

in the interpretation and the veracity Of

d reams particularly in foretelling the

future was possessed by the mass Of p eople


The popular point Of V iew has always been

that a dream is a symbol and has something
Of importance concealed within it and this ,

hidden meaning Often cryptic can be in

, ,

t e rpre t e d For years psychologists have


held the O pl n l O Il that the dream was a

senseless gr o uping Of ideas which ran ram
pant in the brain O f the sleeper claiming ,

indeed that the sleeping brain was incapa

ble Of any form Of logical thinking There .

fore dream s became mere curiosities n o t

, ,


worthy Of study by any intelligent individ

ual On the one hand we were confronted

by the superstitious and the prophetic

value ascribed to dreams which existed
for centuries and o n the other by the psy
c h o lo gic al S keptic .

The year 1 9 00 is one Of great significance

for psychology in general and for the psy
c h o lo gy Of dreams in particular . In that
year the Viennese n eurologist D octor S ig
, ,

mund Freud first published his Tr au m


deu tun g

( I nterpretation Of a
work Of profound erudition and represent
ing years O f study and close Observation .

This work opened a new vista in the inter

p r e t at io n Of dreams and Of the unconscious
mental li fe and SO epoch making was it

that it made all previous attempts in this

direction seem almost absolutely worthless .

In it Freud showed for the first time that

the dream was o f great importance psy
c h o lo gic ally an d was really the first link

in the chain Of normal an d abnormal



p sychic structures For the first t ime to o

, ,

there was opene d a c ertain road to the

explanation O f unconscious m ental p ro
cesses processes which are admitted t o

day to contain the greater p ortion O f human

p ersonality A s a resul t Of these in vesti

g at io n s the dream became d i v este d of the

triviality ascribed to it by the academi c

psychologist and the superstition which so

long had held the m asses Of people an d
been portrayed in the popular dream book -

D ream mythology had become a genuine

d ream psychology ; the dream was n o longer
the child Of an idle brain begot Of nothing

but vain fantasy . The d ream had b e
come O f practical importance o n the o n e ,

hand to the psychologist in interpreting

unconscious m ental processes and o n the ,

other to the physician in giving him for


the first time a method for the clear under

standing O f such abn o rmal mental states
as phobias Obsessions delusions and hal
, , ,

luc in at io n s
. The dream had become the

real interpreter O f normal human life and

Of abnormal mental mechanisms and ,

through the elaboration O f the psycho

analytic method which was made p ossible
through this new dream psy chology the ,

dream had also be c ome the m ost potent

instrument for the remo val Of the sy m p
toms O f certain functional nervous dis
t urb an c e s .

Thus the Traum deutung h as come

to occupy the same central and important
place for abno rmal p sychology as the
Origin O f Species did for biology .

Through the researches Of the acti ve

workers in the field O f p sy cho analysis -

certain modifications have crep t in and are

continuing to creep in the same as in the

later work O f D e Vries and M endel fo r

evolution and the origin Of species with ,

out however in either c ase changing the


, ,

fundamental principles as se t fo rth by th e

original discoverer .

The technique O f d ream interp retation is



most difficult A dream o f an instant may


require dozens Of p ages fo r its proper inter

p re t at io n
, thus showing how condensed a
p roduct the dream is Without training

in neurology and psychiatry and without


an ac curate knowledge o f Freud s theories

o ne cannot hope to succeed in dream

analysis which is the basis O f the psycho

analytic treatment O f the neuroses any ,

more than o n e can do a complicated

chemical analysis without training in the
elem ents Of chemistry .


pre t at io n In fa c t the analysis O f d reams


is a highly technical procedure an d like ,

other technical methods m ust be fully ,

learned and mastered before it can be

adequately handled as an instrum ent to
p enetrate the deepest an d m ost significant
aspects O f our thoughts N0 amoun t O f

reading c an m ake a psy cho analyst any -

more than one c an expe c t to paint p or

traits by reading how to do it .

For certain reasons I shall choose the

following dream O f a medical friend which ,

was d reame d in the late m orning an d

written d own i mmediately o n awakening ,

thus making its recollection exc ee dingly

ac curate as it was particularly vivid and

intense This d ream I was given the o ppo r


t u n it y to a n aly se fully I t will b e noti c e d

that whi le the drea m is S hort the analysis

oc cupies many pages This is a fact O f


great significance which will be sub se

quently e xp laine d in detail A s in all .

dream analysis th ere were opened up


c ertain d ata O f exc eedingly inti mate re

lat io n sh ip which led into places where

discretion was needed Thus fo r personal .

reasons these m ental processes cannot be


mentioned while other data which it may


be necessary to disclose will be more o r

less disguised These omissions do not

however in any way invalidate the pur


pose O f the analysis which we wish to em

p h as iz e : namely a study O f the
, v ariou s

dream mechanisms .

My friend seemed to be in the d ining
room at the home O f D octor and Mrs X . .

Fr om the room the entrance hall c ould be -

seen Mrs X was there an d looked per

. . .

fe c t ly natural while D o c tor X appeared

, .

to be sitting On the edge O f a leather c overed -

chair: D o ctor X appeared changed h o w


ever In place Of a short m oustache it


seemed that he had grown a beard resem

b ling the beard O fthe dreamer he app eare d

rather thinner than usual while his hair ,

was silky an d Of light tow color The .

three appeared to be talking earnestly and

intimately about some subject which the
dreamer was unable to remember In the .

midst O f the conversation the front door ,

bell rang D octor X went to the d o or

. .

and as he was leaving the r o om Mrs X , . .

remarked : That is a rabbi ; we don t

! ’

want any more rabbis in here .

Th e n sh e dived suddenly un d er the tab l e

as if to hide crouching low in a most un

dign ifie d manner entirely o ut O f keep ing


with her usual dignifie d behavior and ,

motioned to the dreamer to hide in a c loset .

D octor X c ame back and with a smile


said I t wasn t a rabbi ; it was a

! ’

package Th e n all resumed easy con ver


sation D octor X then remarked that he

. .

was not going to Europe this year on

account Of the war and added : Have !

‘ ”
you read Wel ls s Th e W o rld S et Free P
’ ’

My fri en d replied that he h ad rea d it


shortly after publication and added that

it was remarkable h o w Wells had SO
clearly predicted in the book many Of the
events Of the present European war Th e n

D octor X replied : Ye s and the Holland


dikes or dams and they are going to

erect a m onum ent to the Princ e Of L um

b ago f

No w what does this nonsens i cal appar


ently meaningless dream signify and h o w


did this conglomeration Of ideas come into

the dreamer s head ! What was the menta l

process that produced the change in the

p ersonal appearance Of an intimate friend ,

and made a dignified young wo man act

and talk in such a curious manner ! What
was the meaning Of the ridiculous phrase

the Prince Of L umbago P What was b e
hind t h e dreamer s thought that prompted

him to put the remark about rabbis in

the mouth Of the young woman ! A t this
po int a brief preliminary statement e ven ,


at th e ri sk Of later rep etiti on , be come s

ne c essary .

The su c cess O f a psycho analysis of a -

d ream depends upon the subject whose

dream is analyzed He must tell every.

thing that comes into the mind concerning

each ele m ent O f the d ream and not s up
press O r brush aside an i d ea because it
appears unimportant or Of no signifi c ance .

NO asso c iation that arises is too tri via l

for the analysis ; everything is essential .

In other words the attitude O f the sub


j e c t t owar d s his dream m ust be p urely

Obje c tive ; he m ust in c old b lood as it
, ,

were dissect the dream into its component


parts This is best done in a qui et rest


ful position an d with the concentrate d

attention on ea ch dream element This is -

mere ly a brief outline O f the pro c edure Of

drea m analysis The finer technical points

and the interp retation O f the symbolis m o f

dreams fo r reasons O f spa c e and because

O f th e spe c ial di fficulties in vo l ved cann o t ,


b e discussed here I t 1s Important how


e ver to point o u t that dreams make abun


dant use Of symbolisms to d is guise the

latent thoughts producing the dream an d ,

these s ymbols have the sam e general

m e an l ng 111 all dreams because they belong
to the unconscious thinking o f the human
race .

Toward this proce d ure there will arise

th e natural criticis m that then a dream
c an be made to s ay almost anything ; it
can be twisted an d distorted at ran do m .

This however is not SO for the free asso

, , ,

c iat io n s empl oy ed in dream analy sis are


really n o t free
. They are no more due to
chance than the falling o f a stone is d ue to

chanc e In the phy sical world both speed


and dire ction of falling objec ts are brought

about b y the inexorable law O f gravitation .

SO in the mental world i d eas apparently


chosen at rando m are subjec t t o a definite

law The thoughts d o n o t co me haphazard
. .

The free asso c iations b rough t forth in the


analysis O f a gi ven element o f a d ream are

prod u c e d b y the sam e mass O f un c onsciou s
thoughts as create the parti c ular drea m
elem ent un d er examination .

When one thinks voluntarily O f a num ber ,

for instan c e we find on analysis that the


number which occurs is not a voluntary

produc t but determine d by thoughts O f

which the subject is not aware i e un , . .

co ns cious thoughts . Thus the number ,

like the apparently free association is ,

m otivated by un c onscious thoughts A n .

ex ample o f this apparently rando m or

chance choosin g Of numbers occurred
in the following dream : A woman dreame d
that sh e was c ounting nickels used for
telephoning and found that sh e had nine ,

co unting them in three s as three six

, ,

nine Ho w is this all to be explained !


Were the numbers in the dream O f acci

d ental occurrence chance figures an arbi
, ,

t rary choice o r were they caused by ideas


un kn o w n t o th e cons ciousness O f the


t h e surface are directly or indirectly re

lated to the specific dream element There -

is n o free c h o I c e m the ideas which appear ;

there is a rigor o us relation O f one idea to
an o ther This relati o nship is called deter

m i n is m .

O n this the o ry d eterminism th e psy


ch o analytic procedure is based Further


more there is a remarkable similarity in


the dream interpretation Of the dreams O f


different individuals In fact certain SO .


c alled typical dreams in various in
div idu als which n early ev ery o n e h as

dreamed such as the dream Of being


clothed in insufficient clothing or the dream ,

O f the death Of a near and dear relative ,

can all be traced to the same unconscious

thoughts This could only take place if

there were a psy chical connection between

the apparently random thoughts The .

collateral thoughts t o o in dreams Of the

, ,

same type lead to the same inevitable


conclusion Furthermore in the similar



te chnical method o f the ass oc iation tes t s ,

the reply gi ven to a certain test word is

only superficially at random There exists .

here as in t h e free asso ciation pr o cedures


O f dream analysis a deep connection b e


tween the test w o rd and the rep ly O ur .

conscious m oti ves and our c ons cious

thoughts whether these latter occur during

our waking life or in dream s are m o tivated ,

or caused by the un c ons cious .

Of course every dream cannot be fully

interpreted because the resistan ce which,

produced the distortion O f th e dream m ay

likewise be at work in the analysis One .

form Of resistance is the unwillingness Of the

subject to give free associations as in the ,

frequent remark : I can t think Of anything ’

else In discussing the psychology O f

dream activities Freud states as follows 2


I t is in fact dem onstrably incorre c t to
Fo rt f t h ss i ti t sts
an ac c o un my Ab
o m l e a oc a on e see no r a

Psy h l gy h pt s iii d iv 2 d diti N w Y k 1 9 1 4

c o o c a er an , n e on e or , .

Th I t p t ti ms p 41 8 (I thi s d b
e n e r re a on O rea , . . n an su

s q t p ss g s f m Fr d B rill s tra l ti is s d )
e ue n a a e ro eu ,

ns a on u e .


state that we abandon ourselves to an

aimless course Of thought when as in the ,

interpretation Of dreams we relinquish o ur ,

reflection and allow the unwished fo r idea -

to come to the surface It can be shown .

that we can reject only those end presenta -

tions that are familiar to us and that as ,

soon as these stop the unknown o r as we , ,

may say more precisely the un conscious ,

end presentations immediately come into


p lay which n o w determine the course Of the


unwished for presentations-

A mode Of .

t hinking without end idea can surely not be -

brought about through any influence we can

exert in our mental life ; nor do I know either , ,

Of any state O fpsychic derangement in which

such m ode Of thought establishes itself .

W ith these preliminary statements which ,

are absolutely essential to a clear under

standing O f dream analysis we will now -

proceed to the analysis of the dream itself 1

Th e dr am
e -e ts
le m e n , as th ey a pp e ar in t h e analy si s, are

en in itali sc .



Do c to r Xwas an o ld school and college


friend Of the subject and on taking his

degree had specialized in surgery while the ,

subject had specialized in internal medi

cine The subject had known Mrs X only

. . .

since her marriage and when he first met ,

her not only he but others had remarked


o n her S emitic appearance D octor and .

Mrs X had both planned to go t o Europe

. .

that year but on account Of the outb reak


Of the European war the trip would prob ,

ably have to be postponed although the ,

subject had n o t heard definitely from them

fo r some time as he had left town for a

summer holiday The subject also in the ,

earlier part Of the year had thought Of ,

making a European trip but had post ,

poned it and had remained in America at

the urgent request Of his family .

Din i n g -
roo m at the ho m e o f D oc to r an d

Mrs . X .


The subject did care much for th e no t

summ er resort for the reason that while

the food was abundant he found the cook ,

ing rather tasteless He had frequently .


while there expressed the wish to return


to the city and had O ften p artly in jest

, ,

and partly in earnest said that he would ,

like to be in town before the supply o f

foreign foods Of which he was fond had
, ,

b een e xhausted D o c tor and Mrs X ha d

. . .

Often given delightful dinners at their ho m e ,

and at these dinners many excellent dishes

were served Therefore this portion o f

the dream beco mes c lear I t expresses the .

fulfi llment O f a desire to be in the city again

with its excitement rather than endure the ,

dull routine Of the country ; an d also the

wish to have again a dinner at the home o f
D oct o r X in pla c e O f the tasteless food O f

the summer resort Din ing ro om also sy m .


b o liz e d intimacy since less intimate friends


would be received in a drawing room -


D o cto r . X . appe ared c hanged . I n place


o a dark m o u s tache , it s eem ed that he had

gro wn a b eard resem b li ng the b e ard o f the

dre am er .

The subject i n the dream had given

D octor X o n e Of his o wn physical charac

t e rist ic s namely a beard

, He had Often , .

thought and impressed it upon D octor X .


and indeed the latter had himself remarked

that he wished he had had a better training
in internal medicine as this would be Of ,

material help to him in surgical diagnosis .

In the dream one Of the attributes O f the


internist namely the beard is given t o

, ,

D octor X the part in this as in many

, ,

dreams standing fo r the whole Thus the

, .

wish for his friend to have increased knowl

edge O f internal medicine is fulfilled in
this part O f the dream He is given part .

Of the subject s mental equipment in

the guise Of a physical characteristic .

He appe are d r ather thinn er than u s u al .

D octor Xhad grown rather corpulent


within the last few years and ha d v o l ,


within the last year materially

u n t arily , ,

reduced his weight through diet and

exercise The dreamer thought that this

change was for the better as he had Often ,

felt that h is friend was too stout fo r h is

health .

His hair was silky f an d o a light to w c o lor .

The day before the dream the subject ,

had visited a boy s camp situated in a high

mountainous district and as a physician

, , ,

he was impressed with the splendid physical

condition Of all the boys there He saw .

se veral boys with light tow colored hair


the same color as D octor X s hair in the .

dream the color O f hair being that usually


seen on dolls D octor X had not been

. .

well Of late ; in fact for a time he was rather


nervous and sleepless He thought that he


could improve his health by reducing in

weight and going t o a gymnasium In .

the dream he is given o n e Of the attributes

O f a successful return to health the physical ,

attribute which characterized so me Of the


two imp ortant dream mechan i sms called dis

p la ce m e n t an d c o n de n s ati o n . T hese m ech
an ism s have a definite p urpose in unravel

ling the m eaning O f the dream The


displacement gives the individual the at

tribute O f a wished fo r physical strength

( symbolized by the light hair )and O f a

better knowledge Of i n ternal medicine
( symbolized by the beard) These two
attributes are c ondensed in the o n e individ
ual the figure Of the doctor
, . This con
densation is produced in the dream by a
fusion O f traits belonging to two different
indi vi dual s thus making them m ore prom

incut and thereby reinforcing two divergent

but friendly wishes . A c ertain similarity
is therefo re expresse d in the underlying
thoughts ( termed the laten t c o nten t) which
gave rise to the dream and these were ,

fused for the purpose Of reinforcement

in the dream as related ( called the m an ifest
c o n ten t) The ability to se e the entrance

O f the d ining room

, the closet and the


leather chair all Of which Objects and situa


tions do not exist in reality are also in ,

stances O f displacement for the purp ose O f

expressing the wish as will be S hown later
, ,

Of an intimate friendly relation : i e . .

the house is topsy tur vy and yet they


receive outsiders ; who can these outsiders

be but relatives o r intimate friends ! Thus
D ream displacement and dream co u den
sation are the two craftsmen to whom we
may chiefly attribute the mould in g Of the

dream .

The three appe ared to b e talkin g e arn estly

an d in tim ate ly .

A wish to retain friendship that this

, so

easy and intimate co nversation m ight be

continued with the good times incident

on friendship and a sense O f feeling

thoroughly at ho m e in another s house ’

The Subject had left town without saying

good b y and while away had n o t even

written a postal to hi s friends He won .

d ered if this wo uld in any way min im i z e or


jeopardize his friendship and hoped that

it would n o t Therefore this as well as

other parts Of the dream represents this ,

wish as fulfilled and still present .

Mrs . X . rem ar ked : That is a r ab bi : we

do n t wan t r ab b is i n here

an y m or e .

Rabbi The subject had Often thought


that Mrs X looked foreign and Jewish

. .

but sh e was really n o t a Jewess The .

subj ect himself w as Hebrew and had Often

felt because Of his religious belief that
, ,

perhaps he was only tolerated by the

doctor and his wife and that after all , , ,

the friendship was probably not SO intimate

as the subject wished Therefore the sig .

n ifi c an c e o f the p hrase We don t want ! ’

any more rabbis in here signified that

the friendship would remain the same ,

but they did n o t care to have any m ore

Jewish friends A gain the fu lfilh e n t O f

a wish He felt that he had really re


mained an intimate friend SO much s o that ,

in h is presence and without hurting his


feelings they could refer to the desire not

to have any more Jewish friends This .

was symbolized and condensed in the

reiteration Of the word rabbis !
This .

portion Of the dream also shows through ,

a kind Of reinforcement that Mrs X is , . .

not Jewish as she would not speak thus


disparagingly Of her c o religionists


I t is O f interest also that Mrs X looked . .

perfectly natural in the dream ; there was

n o disguise but a kind Of e f
, fort to preserve
her S emitic appearance in o rder to O ffset
and neutralize in the d ream her reference
t o Jews (rabbis ) This is due t o the action

o f what is known as the c e n s o r which divest s


the dream process Of part Of its cutting

references to Jews by preserving the Jewish

appearance Of the person who made the
remark Thus the long underlying dream

thoughts have undergone a censorship a ,

little late perhaps because the dream was


pretty fully formed SO that the reference


to rabbis crept in but w as immediately


n eutralized A c om pro mise h as been


formed to disarm the remark of its force .

This censorship acts in the same way as

that applied to dispatches o r telegrams of
war correspondents before being given to
the pub lic neutralizing the message so as

t o make it as harmless as possible SO .

the cens o r Often works in dreams to render

certain groups O f dream elements harmless .

Rab b is also gave the free associations

rabble or crowd meaning that they did not

care for any more friends but just a few ,

intimate frien d s like the dreamer even ,

though they were Jewish Ye t they feel .

s o at home with him that they c an c o n v e n

ie n t ly refer to other Jews .

Then s he dived s u dden ly u n der the tab le

as if to hide , c ro u chin g lo w i n a m os t u n dig

n ified m an n er, e n tire ly out o f keeping with

her u s u al dem ean or , an d m o tio n ed to the
s u b ect
j to hide in a c los et .

This un dign ifi e d b ehavior O f the doctor s
wife again expresses the fulfillment Of the

wish that in their house he be made to fee l

completely at home SO that in his presence

she could act as sh e wished even goi n g to ,

the absurd extreme O f squatting under the

table and talking freely .

We lls s

Wo rld Set Free .

This followed the doctor s remark that ’

his projected European trip had been given

up on account Of the war The subject .

had Often remarked the prophecies O f Wells

in his scientific romances particu larly c o n ,

cerning war as in The War in the Air

and The World S et Free
There had .

recently app e ared in the newspapers an

account O f the havoc wrought in A ntwerp
through bombardment by a German ! e p
pelin and how nearly Wells had forecast

these fights O f the nations airy navies
! ’

in his books In the accounts O f the war


the subject had constantly compared the

actual events with Wells s latest book ’

Then D o c tor X . repli ed : Yes an d the

Ho llan d dikes or dam s an d they are goi n g


to erect a m o nu m en t to the Prin ce of Lum

b ago f

A reference to the threat Of the D utch

that if their neutral country were invaded
by the Germans the same as Belgium was
invaded they would open the dikes and

fl O O d the country The fulfilling O f this .

threat forms o n e Of the most dramatic

episo d es Of Wells s recent book ’

Lum b ago The subject had lumbago for


several days previously and since he had ,

not improved under anti rheumatic diet -


he at one time had thought O f going to the

city for electrical treatment In fact he .

thought that this would furnish a good

excuse for returning to the city That .

the word lu m b ago is a form O f displacement

o r dream contamination is shown through

the free associations viz : L umbago , .

A lit x m pl t h f ll wi g p ss g f m C ll s ’
ys a e rar e a e, e o o n a a e ro arro

Ali i W d l d whi h is lly t h dr m f hild ”

ce n on e r an , c re a e ea O a c ,

ff s sp ifi i st fd m di spl m t Ali t dt !
o er a ec c n an c e o re a ac e en : ce ur n e o

th e M k T tl oc d s id Wh t ls h d y
ur e, t
anl a :

a e e a ou o e arn

W ll the ,w My t y t h M k T tl
e re as pli d My t y
s er ,

e oc ur e re e , s er ,

i t a d m d r with S a g phy th D awli g

an c en n o e n, e o ra , en r n .


suc h as the e ven ts o f the previous days ,

and ( 2 ) A complex mass O f latent un c o n ,

scious thoughts Out Of these two factors


the dream was woven .

The dream analysis consists therefore


O f collecting each dream element in an -

orderly way by means Of free associations

Of the thoughts which come into conscious
ness without exercising any conscious or
voluntary control Thus while the dream

itself might appear absurd disconnected , ,

and meaningless the dream thoughts ( or


latent content of the dream) were a logical

arrangement Of the subject s complicated ’

an d intimate mental life The dream .

( manifest c o ntent )was short the analysis ,

was long and intricate Therefore the

dream was not only a condensed product of
a mass O f latent thoughts but was likewise
allegorical and symbolical .

The motive O f the dream as shown

throughout the entire analysis is the ful
fillm e n t o f a wish o r rather a group O f

wishes which were concealed within this

apparently absurd dream A ll dream

analysis is for the purpose o f deciphering

these cryptic and hidden wishes Thus .

the dream becomes not only the m ost

potent instrument for the analysis Of the
unconscious and conscious mental life but ,

also Of certain morbid fears and Obsessions ,

all O f which have the same mechanis m an d

wish fu lfillin g purpose as dreaming

The translatin g of the dream thoughts

from the latent content into another form
in the manifest content shows that the
sleeping brain is capable O f logical thinking ,

and that the most complex mental activity

may take place during sleep The chang

ing from latent t o manifest content is

termed the wo rk of the dream Thus th e .

dream work is n o t m echanical and physio

logical but a complex psychical process
, .

The dream is also a condensed product Of

a long and complicated psychic process .

Not only has the dream become condense d


but likewise disguised fo r the purpose Of

protecting sleep from the vast m ass o f
thoughts which produced the dream and ,

which if dreamed literally might disturb

, ,

o r even awaken the sleeper These v a .

rio u s dream mechanisms will be more fully

discussed in the course O f another chapter .

In the analytic procedure it will be noticed


that each element O f the dream is taken

separately for analysis and the final com

bination O f these elements in other words


the synthesis O f the dream leads finally ,

to the wish fulfillm ent concealed within

the dream The true meaning O f the dream

is therefore reconstructed out Of the dis

connected fragments and becomes a logical
whole in much the same way as discon

n e c t e d pieces Of colored glass can be com

b in e d t o form the allegorical figures Of a

stained glass window .

The deciphering O f the latent dream

thoughts from the dream as remembered
is the analysis This analysis is an e xpan


sion an d therefore the reversal O f the dream

work which is really a compression o r a c o n

densation The large mass O f latent dream


thoughts have not only been condensed but ,

likewise displaced dramatized and elabo

, ,

rated thus rendering the true meaning Of


the dream unrecognizable without an aly

s is
. Because the dream is so condensed ,

because the manifest content represents a

rich well Of underlyin g dream thoughts the ,

dream is said to be over determ in ed


Thus the dream becomes perfectly in

t e lligib le only when regarded from the

standpoint Of a wish fulfillment If the .

dream represents a wish fulfilled if the ,

fulfi lling Of wishes is the Only function Of


dreaming h o w is it done ! The dream


wish has emanated from the unconscious ,

and the dream thus becomes a direct road

for a knowledge O f the un c o n sc 1 o u s mental
life There must be something then in

the unconscious which subserves and

directs this function o f wishing and since ,

TH E '

all dreams are concealed wishes the only ,

function and activity O f the unconscious

mental life must be desiring o r wishing .

As Freud states : The reason why the

1 !

d ream is in every case a wish realization

is because it is a product O f the unconscious ,

which knows no other aim in its activity

but the fulfillm ent Of wishes and which ,

has no other force at its disposal but wish

fee lings . A s will be shown later there

are other types O f wish fu lfillment besides

dreams ; for instan ce all psycho neurotic

symptoms are disguised wish fu lfi llm w t s

from the unconscious Thus the dream

does not say what it really means ; the real

meaning can be foun d only by the employ
ment Of that difli c u lt technical method
known as psycho analysis -

In a few words the real meaning Of the


d ream analyzed above is that it represented

the fulfillment O f a wish to preserve friend
S hip .

Th I t rpr tati f D am s p 448

e n e e on o re , . .


Dream s as the Fu lfillm e nt f

o Wi s hes

HE dream stands in the center Of

the psycho analytic theory and


gives us the best insight into

normal and abnormal mental structures .

D ream analysis fu rn l sh e s the phy sician the


most direct means O f understanding various

abnormal mental o r nervous states such as ,

Obsessions fixed ideas delusions hysteria

, , , ,

etc and is the most powerful instrument


which he po ssesses for the removal Of such

pathological symptoms The unconscious .

contains Ou r repressed instincts our erotic ,

o r sex ual phantasies and it expresses these


as symbolic wish fu lfillm e n t s in dream s

o r in psycho neurotic sympto m s

The motive power for every dream is

furnished by the unconscious although ,


this motive power may be set into activity

by o u r conscious thoughts pre sleeping ,

reveries o r physical instigators during sleep

, .

A conscious wish in children or in adults

may reinforce the unconscious wish and it ,

will be fulfilled in the dream AS Freud .

s o well expresses it : Experience teaches


us that the road leading from the fo re c o n

S cious to the conscious is closed to the dream
thoughts during the day by the resistance
” 1
Of the censor .

A t the bottom o f every dream there lies

a repressed wish in the unconscious a ,

wish which may appear disguised in the

dream and which can only be interpreted

by an analysis O f the dream The theory

that every dream represents the fulfillment
Of a repressed wish is o n e Of the most im
portant contributions Of the psycho ana -

lytic school but it can be well substantiated

by practical experience in dream analysis -

Furthermore as previously pointed o u t

, ,

Th I t p t ti fD ms p 42 9
e n er re a on O rea , . .


underlying un c onsci o us thoughts which pro

duc e d the dream . What then are these , ,

th o ughts ! Why does this woman s nu ’

c onscious se lf wish her brother to be hanged ,

when her conscious thoughts n ay even , ,

her whole moral being would re volt from


such an idea !
The analysis ful ly disclosed the reason
for such a dream I t developed that the

brother who was seen in the dream was a

fusion o r co mposite picture O f two O f her
br o thers o n e Of whom had died eight years

previously Of tuberculosis and the other ,

fo ur years ago o f can cer A fter the death


O f the first brother , the dreamer had for

some ti me been troubled with a cough and ,

a lth o ugh assured that her difficulty was not

tuberc ular sh e had never been able to

dispel fully the idea O f tuberc ul ar in fe c

tion particularly since sh e possessed a

certain fear that the disease was hereditary .

The dream itse lf oc curred S hortly after an

op eration for a small non m ali gnan t tumor


which had been growing for a number Of

years and which sh e had feared might be

O f a malignant character This fear was .

also somewhat exaggerated and fortified

owing to the fact that her other brother
had died Of cancer an d sh e had be c o m e

m ore o r less Obsessed by the idea that per

haps can c er like tuberculosis might be
, ,

hereditary In a way this fear Of a can


cerous o r tubercular heredity had worried

her for a long period With these data .

in mind the m eaning O f the d ream beco mes


clear I t s wish as disclosed is not the


desire to have her brothers hanged but a ,

l onging that S he be free fro m any p hysi c al

disease with the slightest hereditary taint ,

for the purpose O f c alming her anxieties

and her alm ost Obsessive attitude towards
heredity Therefore the dream m eans

that sh e wished her brothers had died O f

some d isease other than cancer or tuber
c u lo sis ( as these diseases m ight b e here d

it ary an d She mi ght a l so fa ll a vi ctim t o



o ne Of them)i n fact even hanging would


be preferable so far as her peace o f min d


was concerned
The term wish in psycho analysis is -

very co mprehensive and connotes in a broad

sense all o ur desires amb itions or strivings
, , ,

which are fulfilled in our dreams if not in ,

reality o r in reveries principally because


such wishes or desires are strongly repressed

from personal social religious o r ethical
, , ,

motives C hildren ha ve no such m otives


therefore the wishes Of the child s waking ’

life and its dreams at night are identical .

The latent content Of every dream is the

imaginary fulfillment O fan u ngrat ifie d or re
pressed wish but a W l Sh cannot produce a

dream unless such a wish harmonizes with


the whole o r a portion of the unconscious self .

Thus a mental confl ict frequently arises ,

the repressed unconscious wish constantly


striving to enter conscious ness which it ,

c an accomp lish only in a dream D ream s .

and nervous symptom s have frequently the


same construction and mechanis m ; both

represent confl icts between wishes i e : , . .

the wish to forget and the wish fo r ful

fillm e n t .

The source Of the dream wish m ay lie

not only in the thoughts repressed i n to the
unco n scious but likewise in actual desires

arising during the night such as thirst , .

Fo r instance if a feeling Of thirst arises


during sleep we may dream Of gratifying


this thirst through drinking S ince the .

thirst is gratified in the dream the wish ,

fo r a drink is fulfilled and sleep rem ains


undisturbed Therefore this as m any

, ,

other dreams serve to protect S leep ; the


wish has 1n c it e d a dream in which the wish

is fulfilled instead Of awaking the sleeper

for the fu lfillm ent Of the wish in rea lity .

Now a wish o r confl ict between wishes


may n ot only cause an hysterical disturb

ance but likewise may show itse lf in the
dreams of the indi vidual who suffers from
hy steria For ins tance a y oung w oma n


wh o had an anxiety hysteria with feelings ,

Of perp lexity and inde c 1 s1 0 n concerning

certain e m otional attributes which sh e b e
lie v e d she lacked had a dream in which

s h e s aw herself in a disguised form and

apparently made up Of the figures Of three

women friends On analysis it could be

shown that this fused o r composite figure

O f herself represented certain desired at t ri

butes and the three women had these


very attributes for which she longed .

Therefore the fusion Of these three figu res


into a new person representing herse lf

and yet n o t herse lf was a fulfillment Of her
own wishes ; and furthermore the women ,

were not accidentally chosen but deliber ,

ately selecte d to harmonize with these

wishes Thus no dream element figure
, ,

o r S i t uation is accidental ; it is the p ro d

u c t O f o u r represse d unconscious wishes
, ,

O f which the dream represents the logical

fulfilhn e n t In other words every dream


elemen t is p re d t ermined or m otivated by



our unconscious mental life The fusion .

Of the three figures into the new personal

ity in this dream was a prearranged p lan
O f the subject s unconscious which took


this method O f fulfilling certain wishes

which could not be gratified in reality .

Examples O f this wish fu lfi llin g function -

in the simple dream s Of adults are as

follows 1

DR EAM A wo m an and her sister were


seated in a restaurant an d at the table ,

was also a man n o t clearly recognized ,

in the dream The woman glanced at the .

clock and said : I am glad Mr X is not !

. .

here now ; it will be ten minutes o r m ore

before he arrives .

ANA LY SIS A few weeks p revious to


this Mr X who was a business acquaint

, . .

ance had persuaded the dreamer to pur


chase some artistic Objects which she did not

care about but bought merely for the pur

wish d m s f hildr
Th e rea o c en i
w ll b e dis uss d in
c e t he sp i
e c al

c h pt d v t d t th t s b j t
a er e o e o a u ec .


pose sh e thinks of pleasing hi m an d the

, ,

art dealer S he resented this action on his


part and although still pleasant to Mr X

, . .

outwardly yet sh e gets square with him

in the dream by not having him at the

dinner party Thus in the d rea m the

wished fo r re venge 1 s fulfilled


A young woman who had starte d to

study aesthetic dancing and had purchased
a pair O f new ballet slippers for that pur
pose had the following dream after having
had one dan c ing lesson S he dreamed .

that she was walking in the street with her

ballet slippers an d that these were worn

almost threadbare The analysis showed


that sh e had compared her n ew slippers

with those Of the more advanced members
Of her class who were m aking rapid prog

ress and who knew m ore than she did


about aesthetic dancing The instigator .

Of the dream seemed to be a remark made

by a woman in the class who p oin ted to ,

her worn out s lip p ers and said :



wi sh I t occurred in a n ormal indivi d ual


free from psychoneurotic disturbances

D R EA M L (the dreamer s daughter) an d ’
. .

I were bathing with others at dusk near a !

wooded slope S uddenly some o n e said :


I sn t it too bad ; a boy and g1rl (o r a

mother and daughter) have been drowne d

( or killed ) I expressed
. my sorrow came ,

o ut O f the water and began to hail L

, .

through the darkn ess : L where are !


you ! I want my clothes ! A s I m ounted
the hill a large handsome woman passed
, ,

by S he looked sad I appeared to be

. .

only partially dressed having only my ,

trousers on but did not feel in the slightest


degree embarrassed I asked the woman .

what the matter was and sh e replied that ,

sh e had lost some one dear to her Then .

S he disappeared I t was day and I ap


p e a r e d to be alone o n another landscape ,

looking at myself borne up the hill o n a ,

litter apparently dead Just as if I were

, .

some o n e else I cried o u t to my daughter



L! L! what s the m atter’
S he did '

no t answer I reiterated my question more


anxiously and then L smiled I lifted

. .

myself from the litter and began to laugh .

ANA LYSIS The obvious instigators o f


t hl s dream we re the accounts Of the Euro

pean war (wounded soldiers carried on
litters ) and the fact the subject was at a
mountain resort where there was bathing

in a mountain pool An interesting point


Of great S i gnificance in the dream is the

do u bli ng O f the pri n cipal character in
other words the dreamer appears twice

in the dream once alive and once dead

, .

This doubling process thus rein forces the

wish concealed within the dream : namely ,

that the dreamer be alive and younger s o

that he may accomplish m ore work This .

doublin g process is an important mechan

ism the same as the twin motive SO Often

found in mythology o r when a legend is ,

related twice like the two Babylonian and


Hebrew accounts Of creation Both these .


are for the purpose O f emphasizing ane w '

a n d thus reinforcing the original legend ;

or in the dream for the purpose Of rein

forcing the primary wish like a dream

within a dream That portion Of the dream

in which the dreamer found himself only

partially clothed represents a re version to
childhoo d days Its significance will be

taken up in detail later o n when we analy ze

a typ i c al d ream O f nakedness .


Dre am s an d the U n co n scio us

EFO R E the various dream m echan

isms are discussed in detail it will ,

be necessary t o give a brief outline

o f the psycho analytic conception Of the

unconscious mental life as this enters so


largely into the formation Of dreams The .

term unconscious does not connote as ,

in the popular sense lack Of consciousness

, ,

but signifies mental processes Of which one

is not aware and cannot spontaneously

be brought to consciousness but which ,

may artificially be recalled by means Of

the specia l technique Of psycho analysis ; -

o r which arise spontaneously in dreams ,

psychoneurotic symptoms o r the various


symptomatic actions of every day life -


The unconscious contains nothing that has

not been learned thought o r experienced
, , .


U nconscious mental processes are not mere

physiological nerve activities but are psy
c h ic ally active and dynam ic ; in fact they ,

have all attributes O f normal thinking but

lack the sen se of awareness These pro .

c esses remain unconscious because they ,

are prevented fro m reaching consciousness

through a force termed resistan ce This .

resistance which it is impossible at this


point to describe in detail is O f great im


portance in the analysis Of dreams and in

the psycho analytic treatment Of func

t io n al nervous disturbances Only thoughts


which are emotionally painful o r disagree

able and which we have repressed either

in adult or childhood life ten d to remain


in the unconscious .

Thus unconscious thoughts may be re

pressed not only in the acts and thinking
Of every day adult life but also in o u r


childhood the latter forming what is known


as the infantile unconscious This in fan .

tile unconscious is of great psychological


and practical imp ortance because in it


the thoughts are SO deeply buried by the

resistances imposed through o ur mental
and moral development that it beco mes
very difficult o f access I t is however
, ,

clearly revealed in certain typical dreams ,

such as the dream O f the death O f o n e Of

o u r parents or the dream Of being dressed

in in su fi c ie n t clothing S uch dreams re


veal our infantile unconscious and there

fore our childhood wishes although the ,

exact memory for these wishes apparently

may have vanished long since I t is such .

wishes from the infantile unconscious that ,

also reveal themselves in many nervous

symptoms Of adult life such as fears O b se s
, ,

sions and hysterical symptoms In fact

, .

upon analysis nearly all dreams will be

found to contain some elements from the
infantile unconscious or highly tinged by it .

The latent ( unconscious ) thoughts which

m otivate a dream are furthermore co mpli
c at e d by o ur conscious thoughts and also


by daily instigators or physical discomfort s

arising during sleep However cleverly o r

completely we may decipher o r analyze

these if the unconscious thoughts are n ot

reached and laid bare we can never fatho m


the real meaning of the dream because it ,

is the unconscious which makes the dream ,

although the unconscious may be thrown

into activity by conscious thoughts or
organic stimuli S ince the only function

Of the unconscious is wishing o r desiring ,

the dream as a wish fulfi llment can ne ver

be completely understoo d until we have
these unconscious thoughts in our posses
sion D reams are therefore the royal road

in fact the easiest road to a knowledge O f

, ,

o u r unconscious mental life .

Thus the unconscious contains not on ly

recent experiences but like W 1 se Impressions

Of infantile o r childhood life all O f which,

are actively and dynamically functioning

like conscious processes The un conscious

is therefore the great repository O f o u r m en


re veal either in a literal o r symbolized form

, ,

o ur unconscious which is our true mental ,

life and not our outward activities which

, ,

are changed by the con ventionalities O f

society A s a heritage Of o ur long an c e s

tral line fro m primitive man there remains ,

in all Of us something O f the barbarian

and savage which has become repressed ,

and veneered by the refinements Of culture

and civilization I t is in the unconscious .

where we have repressed it that we find ,

the traces O f o ur savage ancestry The .

unconscious is barbaric and primitive in

its elements and likewise unethical because ,

ethical interpretations Of mo tives occur

only in states O f advanced civilization .

Thus the unconscious contains not only

o u r adult an d infantile characteristics but ,

the emotions O f the childhood Of the human

race as well As I have previously ex .

pressed it the value O f the analytic method


I a or H . C o riat , t i ti
A C o n r b u o n t o t he Ps h p th g
y c o a o lo y
f Hy st ri J P

O e a, o urnal Ab norm al sy cho logy v o l I V n o
, .
, 1 1 91 1
, .


lies in the fact that through it o n e is able

to discover repressed material and thus
establish a definite psychological connec
tion between symptoms and repressed ex
p e r ie n.c e s The entire psychical complex
may be constructe d through the data
furnished by psycho analysis A ll the

heterogeneous material c onsequently falls

into certain law and order I t is here .

that the great value Of Freud s work lies ’

in demonstrating that mind is a dynamic

p henomenon and that its manifestations

follow definite laws Of cause and e ffect as ,

in the physical world The unconscious


thus becomes a symbol a working hypoth


esis in the same manner that certain math


e m at ic al signs are symbols or the physical


conception O f an all pervading ether


Thus the existence Of the unconscious

is the result of a repressio n and the u n c o n

scious consists wholly Of repressed material .

For instance certain ethical o r moral


standards may confl ict with the individual s


personality and it is exactly these stan d

ards which undergo the process Of re pre s
sion S uch standards are Of the nature Of

wishes which are constantly striving fo r

re al gratification in every day life o r in

psychoneurotic symptoms and for imagi

nary gratification in dreams The fact

that these standards are repressed is the

m ost convincing proof Of their existence .

The so called N ew England conscience is


one Of the best examples Of repression .

This repression O f emotions at the same

time admits their reality by trying to

avoid an d negate them The effort O f


these repressed emotions to find an outlet

leads to all forms O f nervous invalidism
such as SO called nervous prostration and

various types Of morbid fears S uch indi.

v idu als externally appear cold and austere ,

apparently emotionless and lacking all


essentials Of human feeling yet their dreams


S how various d egrees O f forbidden desires

which only in this manner c o m e t o expres


sion C onditions like these teach us that


we are all emotional volcanoes and when


we pride ourselves o n having subdued our

emotions and on not yielding to SO called -

vulgar feelings and temptations n e v e rt h e


less it is certain that hidden within the


depths Of our unconscious these repressed


desires are as potent and active as though

they assailed every second O f our conscious
thinking .


The Mechanism f
o D re ams

FTER having analyzed the dream

given in the s econd chapter an d
shown how an apparently mean
in gle ss j umble can be reduced to law and
order we are now prepared to discuss the

various dream mechanisms Of which hints

have a lready been given In a psycho .

analysis we find that the dream thoughts

have undergone a series Of difl e re n t dis ’

t o rt io n s
, to disguise the dream for th e
purpose O f protecting the S leeper These .

di fferent distortions by means Of which

the manifest dream content is formed from

the underlying dream thoughts are known ,

as dre am m ec han ism s .

A dream analysis as shown in the pre


v io u s chapter gives us a m ethod O f pene


t rat io n and a d eep insight into the un c o n


scious m ental life The dream work is a


kind Of shorthand a chemical formula by

, ,

means O f which the dr eam material is

co mpressed o r condensed The formation .

Of the dream from the latent dream thoughts

is due to several mechanisms each of which ,

W l ll be discussed in turn These mechan


isms are co n de n s atio n displacem en t dr am a

, ,

tiz atio n sec o n dary

, elab o r atio n and rein ,

forcem e n t .

1 . C O N TE N T O F DR EA MS The c o n
TH E .

tent Of dreams consists Of many complicated

i d eas and there is a constant tenden cy in

the minds Of the uninitiated to confuse the

m atter Of the dream itself and the thoughts
o u t O f which the d ream is woven I t has .

already been amply demonstrated that the

dream is not an isolated chance phe ,

n o m e n o n which takes place during sleep ;

but behind it hidden in the same way that


the mo vements Of m arionettes are hidden ,

lies the motive power o f t he unconscious .

It is th is mo ti ve p ower which d istorts the


d ream makes it unrecogni z able and hides

, ,

the w ish N ow what is it that lies behin d


the dream ; what is the material o u t O f

which the dream is woven ! When this
is once deciphered what relation do these

hidden thoughts bear to the dream itself !

The unco n scious thoughts which are
hidden from the dreamer and make the
dream are termed the laten t c o n ten t This .

latent content can only be revealed

through a psycho analysis The dream

itself is the result Of a long and complicated

unconscious m ental process which c o m ,

presses displaces and disguises the latent

, ,

content This changed latent content is


the dream as it is remembered o n awaken

ing and to this rem embered dream the

term m anifes t c o ntent is app lied The .

manifest content is produced directly

by the dream thoughts These dream .

thoughts fo r the specific purpose Of ful


filling the wish O f the dream m ay un d ergo,

all sorts O f new c ombinations an d arrange


being awakened by the multiplicity O f

dream thoughts and instigators which
p our into consciousness Thus the dream

tho u ghts by being condensed create some

, ,

thing new because the d ream elements


represent a series Of dream thoughts .

The d ream is a highly visualized product

like the cinematograph and like it t o o
, ,

it is c o n stantly in motion Just as behind


the limited area Of the motion picture as

p r o jected o n the screen there may be many

feet Of film O f which the movin g picture


as seen is merely the condensed pro d uct ,

s o the drea m picture is the condensed prod

u e t O f a long series of d ream thoughts

which lie b ehind it Each dream element


is therefore over determined by a multi


p lic it y Of dream thoughts ; that is : one

dream thought represents a whole series ‘

O f dream elements .This is well seen in

the following fragmentary dream : He
seemed to be walking in the street with a
girl who m he did not recognize .


This dre am is very short and condensed

( over d etermined
) b ut note how complex ,

when analyzed The face Of the girl in .

t h e dream was a condensation Of several

male and female friends viz , .

A A girl with whom he is in love

. .

B A recent female acquaintance

. .

C One O f his b o y pupils in the school


where h e taught .

D A portrait Of an actress
. .

Thus these multiple dream elements ,

A —
B C D ha v e been con d e n sed into
— —

one fa c e as follows :




The u nconscious h as probably no con

c e pt io n time because rep ressed e xpe ri
o f ,

e n c e s and wishes Of the past and p resent

may be fused and condensed into a single

dream picture .


. The .

most important element of the dream m ay

stand in the foreground and yet possess
the least value o f all the dream elements ;
and conversely an apparently trivia l ele

ment may represent the m ost vital and im

portant part o f the dream This process .

is termed dis placem e n t and it is this ,

mechanism which more than all others

explains the bizarre character Of dream s .

Thus the dream thoughts and also the

emotional quality Of the dream become
transposed S ometimes displacement is

for the definite purpose o f expressing a

conceale d wish whose real meaning can

be ascertained only through analysis Fo r .

instance a young woman dreamed that


sh e w as in a strange roo m and two p retty ,


b lond children whom sh e d i d n o t recognize

, ,

referred to her as Bella whereas her real


name was D ella !

A n analysis Of this

dream gave the following free associations

Bella beautiful Bella D onna beau

tiful woman Therefore this dream dis

” ”
placement Of the letter B fo r D !

changing D ella to Bella expressed the usual ,

feminine wish to be prettier than sh e really

was .

The construction O f the manifest content

o u t Of the multiple dream thoughts is due

to the process O f what is termed th e work

Of the dream o r the dre am m aking B e .

cause most dreams are visual pictures the ,

action may become very complex and in

constant movement resembling a c in e m at o

graph This mechanism is term e d dram a


tiz atio n .

4 . ELA B O RA T I O N OF D R EAMS . This

usually arises from the more conscious
mental processes In other words the

dream is disposed Of as a d ream it is e riti ,


c iz e d by the S leeper as different fro m

reality because Of the thought which SO

Often arises : Why it is only a dream !

This thought either reinforces the primary

wish Of the dream or neutralizes it and thus
O fl s e t s its primary motive In dreams O f


horror this secondary elaboration as a con

, ,

c ession to the sleeper may be a protecti ve


m echanism Fo r instance a nightmare ,

m ay take place and instead Of awaken


ing the sleeper it may be recognized as only


a dream and the sleep go on undisturbe d

, .

Thus it is but a step fro m this to the

m echanism O f reinfo rce m e n t in which the ,

prominent or primary wish Of the dream is

reinforced expressed anew for the purpose

Of emphasis by means O f a second drea m

following the first really a dream within

a dream .

. W I T HI N D R EA MS This .

b rings us to the interesting subject O f

d reams within dreams which is really a ,

variation o f secondary elaboration a typ e ,


Of the m e c h an l sm Of reinforcement for the

p urpose Of emphasizing the d ream wish
or expressing it anew I n a way a dream

within a dream is a mirror picture seen

in a mirror S ometimes it takes the for m

O f the realization that the pr o cess is only

a dream ; on other an d mo re rare occa

sions the dream may be a sel f interpreted

o ne .

A s an example Of the form er process a ,

young man dreamed that he received a

telegram announcing to his profound shock

and surprise that his mother was dead


In the dream he jotted this fact down

, ,

saying to himself that he was told by his

p hysician to keep a record Of his dream s .

The second portion O f the dream in which ,

h e realized that the first part was m erely

a dre am to be recorded and analyzed is a ,

type Of a negative wish : in other words ,

the censor has informed him that he merely

dreamed the receipt o f the telegram and ,

the news was not true at all Thus the .


first part Of the dream is neutralized an d

rendered invalid by the sec ond portion .

On other occasions the second part O f ,

th e dream appears under the guise or form

O f an actual analysis O f the first part O f the

dream and in the few instances in which


this process has been en c ountered by me ,

the analysis used in the d ream was the

very analysis which the subject desired to
be made O f the dream In other words .

the analysis reinforced the wish con c eale d

within the first part o f the dream .

A n example is the following 1

DR E A M The dreamer appeared to be


in a cemetery M any open caskets were .

visible and in these caskets were moulder


ing bodies Then the scene seemed to


shift to my O ffice and he related the dream ,

to me in all its details A fter he had .

finished I laughed and remarked that such


a dream was not difficult to analyze and

O ly th
n tli s f thi s xt m ly i t sti g d m pl x
e ou ne O e re e n ere n an co e

dr mea giv
are t h d t ils w l d l d i t p sy h l gi al dis
e n , as e e a ou ea n o c o o c

eu si s b y d th s p f this b k
s on e on e co e O oo .


whose son s betrothal had been recently

announced Then sh e felt that the letter

had been incorrectly addressed and that it
would never reach her A t this point sh e

became conscious Of the fact that sh e was

only dreaming .

ANA LY S IS . A t o n e time in the past a

love affair had developed between the
subject and the frien d who figured in the
dream S he had not seen h im for a year

o r two as business a f
, fairs had compelled him
to reside in another city and yet during all

this time the feeling Of affection remained .

On the day o f the dream sh e had read in ,

the newspaper Of his betrothal much to ,

her painful surprise and disappointment .

A congratu lation was what would have

naturally followed as she felt that in the

event of his betrothal sh e had become ,

p e r so n a n o n gr ata with him I n the dream


such a let ter Of congratulation was written ,

but the wrong address placed on the

envelope this being a symptomatic action


to express her disapproval O f the whole

afl air and therefore an unconscious desire

to withhold rather than O ffer her c o n grat

u lat io n s The wrong address had thus

betrayed and laid bare her true feelings .

The idea that it was only a d ream
showed that she was still hoping against
hope that she was jealous Of the other

woman and fortifie d the wish that the news

Of the betrothal was merely a dream and
n o t the reality Thus the feeling that sh e

was only dreaming robs the dream Of its

reality ; it expresses a wish that what has
occur red in the dream should n o t have
actually occurred .

. D reams fr e .

quently contai n disguised erotic wishes

and many phallic symbols This is p artie .

ularly true Of many SO called typical


dreams such as the dream O f nakedness Of

, ,

the death Of a parent o r O f dental irritation , .

Th se e i
w ll b e fully di s ss d i
cu e n Chapte r VI II and h e nc e n ee d
o nly be b ri e fly re fe rre dt ho e re .


I am no t referring here t o the frank sexual

dreams which nearly every o n e has e xpe
rie n c e d
, but to the more highly disguised
and symbolized type Of dreams briefly
referred to above The erotic desire may

be something retained from the infantile

o r childhood life and derived not at all

from adult life or recent experiences I t .

is the repressed infantile desire which Often

appears in the dream not literally b ut as
, , ,

in the conventionalities imposed by civi li

z at io n and culture ,disguised by indirect
means Often by mere allusions These

are the sexual symbols Of dreamers man y ,

O f them quite complex and Often in c o m

prehensible until we trace their sources

to other channels These symbols are the

same in all dreams because they are uni


versal the result O f collective thinking and


can only be interpreted like a hieroglyph o r

a cuneiform inscription .

The dream may u se as material to expres s

it s symbolism certain recent mechani c a l

Inventions as in the following

fl ying

dream : The subject dreamed that he
was o n the edge O f a beautiful valley in an

aeroplane flying from place to place with

, ,

a strong sense O f pleasure He felt de.

lighted to go and come as he pleased in

the dream This dream is a variant O f

the typical flying o r fl oating dreams which

recur SO frequently as to be grouped
among the typical dreams These typical

dreams will be discussed in a subsequent

chapter I t needs only to be pointed o ut

here that in the above case the aeroplane

was used as material to express the under
lying symbolism O f such a flying dream ,

which in its essence meant a wish to be free

from all social restraint to do as o n e



P RE SSI O N The conservation Of ideas and


memories in the unconscious and their

later appearance in a dream is seen in the
followin g interesting number dream

Th e subje c t was shown a white sheet Of

paper and o n it were two rows Of figures


as in statistical tables viz ,

33 1 1 33
33 1 1 33
33 1 1 33
S he said in the dream to some one : Which
is it 1 3 3 or

On awakening from the dream sh e could ,

not recall what the numbers signified .

ANA LY SIS A couple O f days previously


the subject became interested in c alc u lat

ing machines with their rows Of numbers .

This acted as the dream instigator A .

young woman friend had been recently

married and she was planni n g to send her

a weddin g present The number O f the


street o n which the bride lived had been

told her on two occasions but she was in ,

an abstract inattentive condition when in


formed L ater o n while attempting to


recall the numb er sh e could not try as

, ,

S he would S he had selected a p retty



Japanese picture for the present but after ,

selecting it sh e felt that she really wanted


the picture for herself as it was rather


rare and sh e was therefore not especially


desirous Of sending the present to the bride .

Thus this disturbing complex acted in such

a way as to prevent the conserved but
unconscious number from reaching con
s c io u sn e ss The number was really there

but on account O f the disturbing complex

it could n o t be recalled and yet consciously

sh e strongly w 1 sh e d to remembe r the num

ber On awakening from the dream it


was impossible to tell what the numbers

signified o r connect them with the wedding
present thus demonstrating that the dis

t u rb in g complex was at work both when

asleep and awake Then again sh e asked

the same person : Where does sh e live !
and the reply came : I told you twice!

yesterday but you were not paying much


attention to me ; it was Thirty three Blank


S treet .
! f THE

I t will be n oticed now that the number

Of the street was disguised in the dream by
being placed in two rows Of three ( a symbol
iz at io n Of the real number) and by having
o n e placed before and after the real number .

This disguise was for the deliberate yet

unconscious purpose O f preventing the sub
j e c t from recalling the number even ,in a
dream because the subject did not really

wish to give the present selected but ,

wanted to keep the special gift for herself

o n account of its uniqueness This caused a

resistance in reproducing the number both

while asleep and awake although the

number was actually registered and con

served Now what made thi s resistance ;

what was its ultimate purpose ; and what

was gained by it ! How was the instigator
or the source Of the dream material (in
this case the calculating machines ) able to
s e t into activity the unconscious wish to

remember the number and why was it


not defin itely remembered ! Why was it


scious an d are wishes and desires whose na


ture is such that they act as intruders to the

normal course O f thinking or are unaccept
able to o u r moral o r ethical standards ;
hen ce the constant attempt to conceal
them a n d to push them out O f the conscious
i nto the un co n scious This process O f re

pression is not always volun tary but may,

be an involuntary act as well in order to


protect the mind from ideas and feelings

which are unpleasant and painful .

When thoughts have bee n made un c o n

scious through repression a certain force

or resistance must be overcome before

such unconscious thoughts can again b e
come conscious This resistance is a de

fensive action O fthe mind and the distortion ,

disguise fusion or symbolic express ion

, ,

which take place in a dream is due to the

force exerted by this resistance which is,

termed the censor The feeling that per


haps we have dreamed a great deal more

than we remember is pro b ably based up on

a vague memory Of the latent thoughts

Of the dream which have been prevented

from fully reaching consciousness through

the force exerted by this censor .

S ince the purpose Of the censor is to p re

vent certain registered memorie s from b e
coming conscious it follows that in the

number dream analyzed this censor was at

work as a kind O f unconscious resistance .

There was a constant repression Of the real

number into the unconscious because for ,

selfish motives the subject did not actually

care to remember the number In every way .

the numbers thirty three were disguised first


by placing another figure before and after

each number and secondly by grouping

the numbers I t will be noticed however

, ,

that the other figures when added formed

, ,

each a group Of threes giving rise t o the

number thirty three and secondly the

, ,

grouping of the figures themselves was in

threes again giving the number thirty

three In the dream the dis guise was so



successful due to the repression that the

, ,

subject failed to penetrate this disguise or

in any way to guess at the symbolism Of the
numbers Thus this dream becomes a

wish fulfille d ; the censor has triumphe d ;

the wish to forget the num b er h as been
successful .

But sometimes the censor is weak ; cer

tain latent dream thoughts o r emotions
succeed in escaping its vigilance and the ,

dream may then be accompanied by dis

tressing emotions gl v m g rise to the SO

called nightmares o r anxiety dreams The .

subject then will suddenly awaken with a

sense Of terror and anxiety the mental ,

state having the usually physiological ac

c o m pan im e n t s Of cold sweating and rapid

heart beat The dreams Of suffocation Of


being nailed down in a coffin and struggling

to get o u t are instances in question In
, .

other cases just as the subject is falling


asleep he will awaken each time with a


momentary vivid dream Of being pursued ,


so that sh e c ould no t breathe S he kep t .

one arm elevated above the surface Of the

water and the man kept pressing her head

downward until her arm dropped limp .

There was an intense sensation of drowning ,

an unpleasant suffocation an d struggling

with great fear breathlessness eyes shut
, , ,

fighting finally absolute inability to


b reathe . Then she saw herself dead an d

fl oating beneath the surface Of the water
and awoke in terror .

AN A LY SIS This is a typical anxiety


dream due to the same repressed emotions

which caused the subject s hysteria and


an analysis o f such dreams o f which the ,

subject had many finally led to an un


covering O f these repressed emotions .

D uring the day the repressed emotions in


trying to escape produ c ed the hysterical

symptoms ; an d during the night similar ,

repressions led to the anxiety dreams .

O f course such a dream is full of other


symbols which it is unnecessary to relate


here The instigators Of the dream which


s e t the unconscious anxiety into activity ,

but which in themselves could n ot produce

such a dream unless the unconscious anxiety
were present were t wo namely
, ,

( )
1 S everal nights previously the s u b

j e c t had seen a dramatic representation Of

the A rabian Nights in o n e scene Of which

a man was thrown into a tank and his head

held under the water until he was drowned ,

the hand Of the d rowning man meanwhile

holding o n to the edge O f the tank until the
grasp slowly relaxed .

( )A few days previously sh e had read

Maupassan t s L e Horla in which an
’ ! ”

attack O f nocturnal anxiety (nightmare ) is

vividly described .

I t was these two instigators which entered

into the intense and vivid dramatization

Of the dream and which set the unconscious


machinery o f the dream in the form Of ,

repressed feelings into motion The dream

, .

was not a literal repetition Of the instiga


tors b ut there was a rearranged emotional


p rocess The latent content Of the dream


was the repressed emotions ; the manifest

content was a dramatization Of the dream
instigators The night terrors Of children

while they may be instigated by digesti ve

disturbances are due t o the same mechan

ism O f a psychical repression Of certain

emotions into the unconscious attempting ,

to find an escape This was clearly seen .

in some analyses O f hysteria in children 1


S ometimes a wish repressed into the un

conscious may cause dreams in which
symptomatic acts occur such as in the
previously analyzed dream Of placing the
wrong address on an en velope in much the —

same way as in every day life Supe rfi -


c ially such acts seem to be done accidentally

o r by chance but an analysis Of such acts


shows that they represent the expression

o f a concealed and repressed wish in ,

sd I a or H .
st i
So m e Hy e r c al M e c
Co riat h ism s
an in Chil
en,J ”
o u rn al Ab no rm al P
sy cho lo gy 1 9 14 v o l
, , . IX, nos . 2 3



like to lose the ring o r accidentally mis

place it thus more e fl e c t iv e ly preventing

an attemp t to discover her age For cer .



In t he s i s (B) t i d t h m ss f p ss d
un c o n c o u are c o n a n e e a O re re e

m m i s
e d wish s ( E H F) Th s
or e an p ss d m t l p
e , ,
. e e re re e en a ro

cess s i t h
e n si s e k pt f m t i g s i
un c o n c o u ss are e ro e n er n c o n c o us n e

(A) thr gh t h sist

ou x t d b y th
e re s ( C) This
an c e e er e e c en o r

is tiv d ri g sl p d g ds t h p t l g i g f m
c e ns o r ac e u n ee an uar e or a o n ro


tain reasons sh e could neither afl o rd to ,

lose the ring nor carry out her wish O f mis ,

placing it SO in the dream the wish to .


lose the ring is actually fulfi lled U nder .

such conditions the symptomatic action ,

Of misplacing o r losing an Object which is ,

partially beloved and partially hated is ,

completed not in actuality where for , ,

social reasons it was impossible but in a ,

dream S ee Figure II which illustrates


the mech anism Of dreaming and the mak

ing o f a dream .

t h e un c o n si st
c ous i s th s p v ti g t h m gi g
o t he c on c ou , u re en n e e er n

O fp i fl an u m pl x s f m t h f m
co Exp i
e s f th d y
e ro e or er . er e n c e O e a

m y a t ac d m i stig t s (D) ly if th s xp i s
as rea n a or on e e e e r e nc e are

a bl t f m
e o ss i ti s d t i t tivity t h p ss d
or a oc a on an se n o ac e re re e

wi h s whi h h v b m
s e c m l t d i a eth si s eco e ac c u u a e n e unc o n c o u .

Th s p ss d wish s ( d m th ghts)th s i stig t d

e e re re e e or re a ou u n a e

b ecom disg is d d
e d s d b f th y
u e anll w d t con en e e o re e are a o e o

e n er s i s ss th d
c o n c o u ne m its lf ( G) Th d m as e re a e . e r ea as

l t d is t h
re a e m if st t t ; t h p ss d m m i s
e an e con en e re re e e or e or

W ish s whi h li i t h
e c si s eth d nm th ghts e un c o n c o u are e rea ou or

th e l t t t t f t h d m Th l t t t t is t h
a en c o n en O e re a . e a en con en e

re a l d l gi l m t l lif t h m if st
an o ca t t is t h i
en a e, e an e c on en e nc on

g ru o u s d bs d dan m Th i stig t
a whi h s ts i t
ur re a . e n a or c e n o ac

t i it y t h
v s i s wish s d t h m
e un c o n c o u i whi h th s e an e an n er n c e e

l g g
ar e ps f wish s b m
ro u O d s d i t d m is sh w e eco e con en e n o a re a , o n

b y t h dir ti ws This sim pl di gr m ill st t s !

e f thec on o e arro . e a a u ra e ,

in a g r l w y th m pl x m ha i m f dr m s
e ne a a , e co e ec n s o ea .

The Fu n c tio n f
o Dre am s

IN CE everybody d reams and since,

sleep is necessary fo r the needed re

pair O f o u r physical energies a point

o f great practical importance concerns it

self with the question : Wh at is the use of

dreams ! What is gained by dreaming !
I t can be shown through dream analysis —

that dreams subserve a definite function in

o u r mental life in that they really act as

protectors and not as disturbers O f sleep .

This guardianship O f sleep by means Of

dreams is due to the persisten t dynamic
action Of the censor .

In sleep the censor is exceedingly active ,

and its function is to protect sleep from the

mass o f repressed emotions which threaten
to o verwhelm the sleeper in the shape of a

I t is these two mech anisms o f psychical

repression and censorship which prevent
the egotistic and savage wishes Of child
h O O d from reaching o u r daily consciousness ,

and which only occasionally appear in cer

tain typical dreams such as the death O f a

parent or the dream Of nakedness These


typical dreams will be taken up in detail
in the chapter devoted to that subject .

Thus the wish in the dream need not be

present in the consciousness o f the adult
dreamer but may have existed from early

childhood and it is the censor which except

, ,

o n certain occasions , prevents these un

conscious childhood wishes from reaching
consciousness in the form O f a dream The .

dream als o protects sleep by frequently

making the latent dream thoughts un re c
o gn iz ab le
, even if these thoughts should
escape the censor s vigilance Thus the


repressed thoughts enter the dream con

s c io u sn e s s because Of a disturbance O f
what is c all ed in intern ational parlance a

balance O f power : either the repression is

not strong or the censor is lax o r tem

p o r ar ily O f
f guard A kind
. O f a compromise
o r psychological treaty takes place between

the censor and the unconscious thoughts ,

through which a certain portion Of the lat

ter are allowed to pass into the dream
consciousness For instance in certain

erotic dreams this compromise takes place


by investing the beloved Object with the

form o f an individual to whom the dreamer
is indifferent a real process for the purpose
, ,

Of disguise Of both condensation and dis


placement .

An example Of the protective function

Of a dream is the following
A highly cultured woman in the midst ,

Of some difficulties with her husband ,

dreamed that she was lying in bed asleep ,

while her husban d was awake and she ,

laughed sarcastically at him The analysis .

o f this simple dream revealed an interesting

compromise with her wishes In the dream.


she realized that it was all a dream and not

reality a kind O f a reinforcement Of the

fact that it was n othing but a dream fan

tasy Therefore if it were a dream there
, ,

could be no truth in their strained relations ,

and the whole dream revealed the u n c o n

scious repressed wish O f the dreamer that

a reconci liation or welding together Of the

affections might take place I f she laughed

the laugh signified that the strained relation

was all a joke and not reality ; in fact SO ,

unreal was it all tha t sh e was able to sleep

peacefully as in the dream .

When we awake from a dream and the,

relaxed censor resumes its sway the re,

s is t an c e again prevents the unconscious

thoughts fr om reaching consciousness and ,

everything is once more repressed some ,

times very rapidly after awakening I t is .

this renewed strength and activity O f the

censor which in part explains the rapid
forgetting Of dreams Forgetting dreams

i n fine is due not so much to the fact that


1 00

to a weakness o f the c ensor insomnia re ,

s u lt s
. The treatment Of these types O f
functional insomnia therefore must be
, ,

by psycho analysis whose purpose is to


still or quiet the d i sturbing unconscious ,

thoughts This is accomplished by the


analysis O f the dreams since the dreams


best reveal the unconscious and disturbing

emotions In fact dream analysis in these

cases Of insomnia acts like oil upon the

troubled waters Of the unconscious S ome .

times the sleeplessness is due to fear o r

anxiety on account Of the distressing dreams
which disturb sleep o r which awaken the
subject with a start as soon as he falls
asleep In these cases the sleeplessness b e

comes an act Of defence the subject forces


himself to remain awake to prevent the

occurrence Of the distressing dreams I t .

is such types O f sleeplessness with the ,

resulting emotional tension which cause ,

also severe states o f fatigue In o ne .

striking c ase O f anxiety hysteria with in

1 02

s o m n ia, su ch a process as described abo ve

took place A s the dream analysis pro

c e e de d the anxiety dreams gradually dis


appeared the unconscious emotions were


stilled and sleep resulted

, .

This answers the question as to why we

dream or what is the necessity Of dream
ing ! Obviously to protect sleep t o make ,

sleep undisturbed and thus give us t h e


needed rest for the repair Of o ur broken


down physical and psychical energies This .

is contrary t o the popular idea that dreams

disturb sleep fo r the dream is in reality

the guardian Of sleep Thus a dream is .

n o t a tri fl e neither does it deal with t rifl e s

, .

It fulfills a wish o f great personal impor

tance to the dreamer and acts as a kind Of
safety valve for the su c cessful escape Of
our repressed emotions

A pretty illustration Of this latter

m echanism was seen in the case Of a y oung
woman a sufferer from hysteria in whom
, ,

a series Of vi vid and highly dramatized

1 03

dreams occurred very frequently Su d .

de n ly without any apparent cause the

, ,

dreams abruptly ceased and a few days ,

later S he developed an hysterical delirium

which contained all the characteristics Of
her previous dream life I n this delirium ,

the mental condition was that Of a dreamy

state of consciousness What had occurred

was this : the delirium had replaced the

dream because dreaming had cease d and
, ,

the delirium itself acted as a safety valve

for her repressed pent up emotions which

were formerly subser ved by the dream .

Thus the numerous dreams protected her

sleeping consciousness and when dreaming

ceased consciousness became again pro


t e c t e d by the delirium .

D reams are always egotisti c ; they refer

to one s own person o r some elements Of

one s e xperience S ometimes if the ego


does not appear directly in the dream it ,

may be concealed behind some other p erson

in the dream Hysteria and dreams as

1 04

Dream s f
o Childre n an d o f Pr im i tive R ac es

T h as been shown in a previous chapter

that a dream is a realization or fulfill
ment Of repressed desires o r wishes .

In adults this wish is concealed o r symbol


iz e d in the manifest content Of the dream ,

and t h e ; true wish can be discovered only

through a psycho analysis Of the under

lying thoughts which give rise to the dream

namely the latent content
, Even in .

adults however the dream may contain

, ,

fragments Of the life O f childhood ; in

reali ty it is the child slumbering in the

adult s unconscious Thus the study Of


children s dreams becomes Of paramount

importance not only in showing the in fan


tile elements which are always present in

the dreams Of adults but also as O ffering

the best proof of the wish theory Of dr eams .

1 06

In children the wish is clear and with few ,

exceptions the latent and manifest content

are one The child s wishes during the

day become literally fulfilled in the dream

at night .

D reams Of little children in fact a c cor d , ,

ing to my experience even the dreams O f ,

children up to ten years o f age are simple ,

fu lfillm e n t s o f wishes While children s

1 ’

dreams presen t no specific problem t o be

solved yet because O f their Simple structure

they are Of value in affording an easy s ol ution

t o an important question O f dream mech

an ism s n amely : why does the unconscious


furnish the motive power fo r the wish

fu lfillm e n t only during sleep ! In answer
to this it may be stated that the conscious
wish is the dream instigator in children as ,

it is unfu lfilled during the day ; but at

night it arouses or activates an unconscious
pp st i h s s
Se e m y a e r o n So m e Hy e r c al M ec ani m in C l e n hi dr ,

Jo urn al of Ab n orm al P
sy cho lo gy Vo l I X, N0 3 2 and 3, 1 9 14,
, . .

wh ere a n um b er o f e am le x p s
of c l en hi dr s dr

are e n an d s giv
analy z e d .

1 07

wish O f a S imilar nature each reinforcing ,

the other . S ince the child cannot com

p le t e ly assert its wishes during the day the ,

fulfi lled wishes appear at night i n dreams ,

as the only function Of the unconscious is

wishing The censorship Of consciousness

also plays a part in the simple wish dreams

Of children In the sleep Of children the

censor is either very lax o r does not exist ;

if existent and the child s unconsciou s or

conscious desires are such that they are

impossible o f fulfillment a compromise ,

takes place between the demands Of the

child and the activity Of the censor .

Thus the most simple dreams are those

Of children because the mental activities

and desires Of children are far less compli

c at e d and less di fficult to fulfill than those

Of adults S avages are also very childlike


in their mental activities and therefore the


dreams O f savages in the few fortunate


cases in which it has been possible to collect

and study them strongly resemble the

1 08

Of civilization still keeps some trait s O f


their barbarian fathers SO man the indi ,

vidual is not altogether quit Of youth ,

when he is already Old and honored and ,

L ord C hancellor Of England We advance .

in years somewhat in the manner Of an

in vading army in a barren land ; the age
that we have reached as the phrase goes
, ,

we but hold with an outpost and still ,

keep open o ur communications with the

extreme rear and first beginnings O f the
march There is o ur true base ; that is

not only the beginning but the perennial,

spring O f o u r faculties ; and grandfather

William can retire upon occasion into the
green enchanted forest Of h is boyhood .

Both childr en and a d ults are so attracte d

to fairy stories o r to romantic imaginative ,

tales like the A rabian Nights because

these seem to realize their childhood wishes

an d day dreams C hildren s dreams there


fore be c ause elementary unsymbolized and

, , ,

und i s guised are interesting an d valuable as


1 10

illu st rat l n g a
proving two most important

dream mechanisms viz that the only func , .

tion Of the unconscious is wishing and ,

secondly that all dreams are fulfillm e n t s


Of these unconscious motives C oncerning .

children s dreams Freud states as follows

’ 1

The wish manifest in the dream mus t
be an infantile o n e In the adult it ( the .

wish) originates in the unconscious while ,

I n the child where no separation and


censor yet exist between the forecons cious

and the unconscious o r where these are ,

only in the process Of formation it is an ,

unfulfilled and unrep ressed wish from th e

waking state .

From the standp oint Of psycho analysis -


therefore and p articularly in clearing up


the important p roblem Of hysteria in chi l

dren with the consequent prevention O f
, !

adult hysteria children s dreams are O f


value as showing the simplest type O f imagi

n ary wish fulfillment They serve to prove .

Int rpr tati n f Dr am

9 439
e e o o e s. . .


more clearly than adult dreams the theory ,

that all dreams represent unfulfi lled wishes .

In children s dreams also the dream insti

gators ( such as the play activities Of the

day o r the reading O f fairy o r hero tales )
may be harml ess enough but the content ,

Of each dream even though activated by


such a trifl ing instigator represents the ,

fulfilling Of important repressed childhood

wishes Thus children s dreams like those


Of adults in spite o f their simple character

, ,

Of the child s elementary desires and o f the

apparently harmless instigators do not ,

deal with t rifle s but with very important


men tal conflicts o f the child For instance .


in the case O f hysteria in a little girl which ,

was instigated through jealousy O f an older

brother because Of the maternal over
exuberant attentions to this brother the ,

following dreams occurred

DREAM 1 Her brother seemed to be

taken away from her to a cave where sh e

also saw her mother dying an d then sh e ,

1 12

girl s desires The insti gator O fthese dreams


was harmless en o ugh but the use made Of ,

the instigator was to fulfill the unconscious

but repressed wish i e to get rid O f both
, . .

mother and brother Thus o ut Of child .

hood wishes arise mental c onflicts which

may cause the important and apparently
contradictory dreams O f adult life such as ,

the dreams Of the death Of a near or dear

relative (father o r mother )o r the em

b arrassm e n t dreams Of nakedness .

S ometimes too children will use the

, ,

material Of an interesting fairy story as

the content Of an entire dream in order to ,

c ontinue the excitement o f the story during

the night A fiv e year O ld boy for in - -

stance after having had a portion o f A lice


in W o n derland read to him be c ame in ,

tensely exci ted an d in terested SO mu ch SO ,

that it b ecame necessary to discontinue

the reading for the day Howe ver the .

n e xt mornin g o n awakening he sat up i n ,

all d ( Edip
e so -c El t a C mpl x dr am s
e us o r ec r -
o e e .

1 I4

bed and spontaneously said : O dear me !

I am surprised to se e myself in my own bed ,

because my Teddy bear went down a hole ,

and I went after him and then I thought ,

I swam in my o wn tears Here was .

evidently a pure wish dream a desire to ,

continue the day s excitement caused by

the story plus the wish t o continue playing


with his Teddy bear Another boy age .


four who during the day had been to a


children s party betrayed the wish to con

’ !

t in u e the good time he had at the party by

the fo llowing dream D addy when I


am in bed with my eyes closed I can se e ,

Barbara s party


The dreams Of primitive races Of men in

many ways strongly resemble the dreams Of
children because as was previously men
, ,

tio ned savages possess many childlike and


p rimitive activities the same as do civilized


children I n fact up to a certain age the

, ,

civilized child is really a savage with his ,

strong egotism and feelings o f rivalry and

1 15

jealousy and his few or n o altruistic ten


de n c ie s From a psycho analytic viewpoint


all war is a form O f re versio n to the u n

bridled fury O f o ur childhood life at a ,

time when there was n o repression In .

the child as in the savage the wish and ,

the thought are synonymous there is no ,

distinction o r separation ; both want their

desires immediately gratified although such ,

gratification may be impossible in reality .

The dreams O f the A merican negro part ic u ,

larly the s o called pure blooded negro are

- -

simple wish fulfillm e n t s because the mental ,

acti vities Of t h e race are less complicate d

than those Of the C aucasian .

A Yab agan I ndian for instance in trad , ,

ing groceries with a settler stated : 1


buy English biscuit and me dream have

more English biscuit and things and wake
up and find no got any This is an ex .

Thi s and th r dr o e e am s f p im itiv trib s w ll f th
o r e e , as e as or e

refe re n ce t o Grub b , w ere ki dly f ish d m b y th w ll k w

n ur n e e e e - no n

expl r o e r, Charle s W Furlo ng



looks upon the body only as a house o r as

an instrument in the hands o f the soul he ,

considers that what he dreams about is in

r eality a declaration of the will of the soul

and therefore whenever possible that will

, ,

must be gratified through the body In this .

attitude o f the In d ian towards his dreams

we seem to ha ve a very simple and primi
tive conception o f the Freudian theory that
dreams represent fulfilled wishes In a pre .

v io u s contribution the following statement


was made : There is a certain resemblance


likewise between the mental life of the

savage and the neurotic for instance in the , ,

relationship Of the taboo and the neurotic

obsessions o r obsessional prohibition a ,

comparati ve feature which is best seen in

the fear o f touching certain objects ( delire
de to u c her ) S uppression is the result o f

o ur complex civilization S avages like .


children have not learned to suppress

I sd
a or H . C o riat ,
Ab n o rm al Psy h l gy
c o o , 2 ud e diti o n,

Ne w Yo r k
, 1 91 4 (pp . 331

1 18

S everal pure wish dreams these In O f

dians are given by the author and from ,

these the following is selected as suffi

c ie n t ly illustrating the type O f material
While sleeping in an Indian village o n e
morning I awoke long before the first light

and noticed a numb er O f men sitting round

a fire engaged in an animated conversation .

Joining the party I found that they were


laying plans for a hunting expedition The .

night before I h ad heard nothing o f such a

p roject I found that they were proposing

to sally forth to some open plains some dis ,

tance to the north where they expected to


find ostriches While listening to the con


versation I gathered that o n e of the men


had just had a dream and in it he had ,

seen ostriches in that district .

Thus the inability o f the In d ian to dis

t in gui sh a dream from reality had betrayed
his wish a condition exactly similar to

dreams o f civilized children A four year .


Old bo y fo r instance o n being brought into

, ,

1 19

a room to view the expected C hristmas tree ,

carefully touched the various branches o f

the tree with his fingers This was a rem

in isc e n c e n o doubt o f a dream in which

, ,

the tree vanished on awakening and thus , ,

in this symptomatic action he wished to,

assure himself Of the tree s reality


12 0

the inner meaning o f such a dream B e .

cause these dreams occur to u s all and arise

from emotions common t o the human race ,

they have been termed ty pic al dre am s .

The subj ect of typical dreams is very wide

and c omplex Only the general outlines

can be considered here since such dreams


are markedly symbolic and require for

their correct understanding an accurate
knowledge O f dream sym bo lism .

A typical dream frequently deals with an

unpleasant o r painful situation without any
unpleasant emotion in the dream itself ;
in fact the dreamer may remain totally

indi fferent to the situation This is partie


u larly well seen in those dreams in which

the dreamer appears only partially clothed

in the presence o f strangers o r friends .

The dreamer in such situations is totally u n

embarrassed and the spectators completely

indi fferent to the negligee attire o f the su b

j c et For instance one subject dreamed

that he was in h is bedroom only partially

12 2

dressed and two women friends seemed to


be in the room He was totally unabashed


while the women did n o t seem to notice his

condition The meaning O f this and o f

other typical dreams as fo r instance the

, , ,

dream o f the death o f a beloved relative ,

usually father o r mother opens up interest,

ing vistas in an unconscious mental life ,

particularly the rep ressed emotions o f o ur

childhood .

In the above d ream o f being partially

clothed it will be noticed that the sense o f

modesty referable to o u r bodies whi ch ,

occurs in all civilized and adult indivi d uals ,

is totally lacking I t is only in the child


o r in the very primitive savage that such

a sense o f modesty has not yet developed ,

and it is this fact as will be shown later

, ,

which not only enters the make up o f the -

dream but pro vides the explanation fo r


the meaning o f the dream The real emo .

tion o f the dream in these cases lies in the

dream thoughts o r latent content o f the
12 3

dream and n o t in th e manifest content or

the dream as remembered .

Supe rfi c ially suc h dreams seem to con


t radic t the theory that all dreams represent

the imaginary fulfillment of wishes for , ,

o n e will ask who wishes to appear naked o r


p artially clothed in public or who however

, ,

depraved in morals wishes for the death


o f the father o r mother S uch desires .

belong to a very primitive state of society ,

o r to the age o f earliest childhood when ,

the egotistic child still possesses many o f

the instincts of the sa vage and will desist
from nothing to gain its o wn ends S uch de .

sires if they existed in childhood seem to

, ,

have disappeared in our adult life but in ,

reality they are only repressed into the u n

conscious Thus such types of dreams r e

vert to our childhood when jealousy o f


o n e of the parents existed o r when the ,

child had so little modesty that insufficient

clothing failed to cause the slightest em
b arras sm e n t N O o n e can doubt that such

12 4

ing to the childish idea such a replacement


can be accomplished is for the father to be


o u t of the way o r absent which to the mind

, ,

of the child is synonymous with death The .

child struggles against this idea as such a,

c onception is opposed to its inn ate moral

attitude and as a result o f the struggle the
, ,

wish is strongly repressed in the u n c o n

scious I t appears later in a d ult life in

the form o f a dream of the death o f the

father whose meaning is that although the

dreamer does n o t n ow wish his father dead ,

yet the desire once existed at some early

period o f the indi vidual s life In the


daughter the opposite process takes place ;

it is the dream o f the death of the mother ,

because in very early childhood the girl

wished t o rep lace her mother in her father s ’

affections .

S uch types o f d reams represent the

struggles and perplexities of o u r infantile
mental life and like all typical dreams are

represse d wishes from o ur infantile re m m l s

12 6

cences The typical dream then contains

, ,

wishes which we will not admit in o u r wak

ing life but secret wishes dating from our
, ,

earliest infancy there find expression This


applies to all typical dreams although the ,

acknowledgment of this fact will be found

very difficult b y the uninitiated In this .

type of dream o f the death o f a dear rela

tive there is usua lly deep gr ief although the
, ,

death o fsuch a relative may have been mos t

remote from the mind Of the dreamer The .

dream means that the dreamer wished the

relative no matter h o w near or dear really
, ,

dead Of course this will exc ite an in dig


nant denial in every one but the matter b e


comes clear when it is emphasize d that such

a wish does not exist now but did exist at ,

some remote period o f childhood S ome .

time s the dream is literal sometimes in a ,

veiled and disguised form .

This typical dream makes up the ( Edipu s

motive o f childhood ; every child which h as
such wishes is in reality a little ( Edipu s .

12 7

With the advance of adult culture and of

the ethical and moral interpretation of
life such a wish because it is incompatible
, ,

with o u r personality is repressed into the ,

unconscious In all of us this strongly


repressed emotion exists but is under con ,

trol Because it bears s o strong a resem


blance to the myth o f ( Edipu s such a ,

group of repressed ideas is termed the

( Edipu s complex -
N ormal individuals suc .

c e s s fu lly repress it however and it only ,

appears in their dreams A n unsuccessful .

repression of the complex may give rise to

various psychoneurotic disturbances and ,

these psychoneurotics therefore S how in , ,

their symptoms many residuals of their

childhood mental and emotional make up 1 -

Thus the sym b olism O f these typical

dreams does not belong to the dream itself o r
to the dreamer but to the unconscious think ,

Fo r t he dis c us si on of t he r lati
e o n of t he ( Edipus -c o m le p xt o

v s dis as s
ner o u m y p ap
e e , see e r,
The ( Edipus -C o m le p x in t he
Psy h n ur s J u nal fAbn

o e o se , o r o om al Py
s cho lo gy , v o l . VII , no . 3,
1 912 .

12 8

clerk in the dream whereas in reality his


father was the proprietor of the store in

which he appeared .

The following dream o f a young man

o ffers an excellent illustration o f the non
embarrassment dream o f nakedness I t .

will be noted that the dream is a more in

tense form o f the episode o f being in suf
fic ie n t ly clothed yet both types o f dreams

represent the same repressed desire carried

over from childhood :
DR EA M A n elderly woman took the

dreamer t o a pond o f water which had

muddy banks I t appeared as though he

were to bathe in this pool S he had with .

her a little girl and it seemed as if it were


planned that the child bathe with him .

NO bathing suits were visible Appar .

e ntly he was expected to bathe naked ,

and he hinted to the woman that

such a procedure would not be exactly

proper The woman replied that every


thing would b e all right Then he went .


into the water naked in front o f the child

and the woman There was not the slight

est sense O f embarrassment ; in fact there ,

was a feeling of pleasure in the nakedness

and splashing in the water A fter he had .

finished bathing he clambered up the bank

, ,

and neither he n or the two spectators

seemed embarrassed .

ANA LY SIS This dream is typical

. The .

child was unknown to the dreamer while ,

the woman was p artially recognized as a

neighbor with whom he had only a slight
acquaintance So far as could be deter

mined by the analysis there were n o dream ,

instigators neither did the subject know


the origin o f the dream The dream there .


fore must have been the symbolization o f


some repressed thoughts from the u n c o n

scio us mental life I t will be noticed that

in this dream the subject is not ashamed o f

his nakedness although the spectators in

the dream were strangers to him and both

Of the opp osite se x In fact he was not

1 31

only indifferent but experienced a keen


sense o f pleasure in the nakedness and

splashing in the pool This dream cannot .

express the fulfillment of an adult wish ,

since social conventionalities and the re

straints imposed by culture and adult
modesty would be decidedly against such a
wish being fulfi lled even in a dream The
, .

dream must therefore like the ( Edipu s

, ,

complex dreams have had its origin in


the past life o f the individual when such ,

a desire existed This desire with its


abandonment o f all social restraint could ,

only have existed in childhood ; in fact ,

all these dreams o f being naked o r appear

ing in comp any with insufficient clothing
can be traced back to a period in childhood
when such wishes existed and were not
repressed S uch a dream therefore rep
, ,

resents a wish to be younger to be a ,

child again with all the wild abandon Of


a child.

O ther typical dreams which very fre

1 32

the woods My mother aske d me t o go


to the other end of the town on an errand .

I started but concluded first to take a

walk so I went to the road in the woods

and walked a long distance S uddenly I .

s aw some clothes hanging on a bush as if

to dry I knew some one was near and


became frightened ; I turned to go back .

A man stepped into the road in front O f

me He was dressed in a rough negligee

shirt an d dark trousers with a leather belt .

His face was fine almost delicate and he

, ,

had extremely curly yellow hair and closely

cut beard I t was so yellow that it looked

almost like metal I remember thinking the


man out o f keeping with his clothes He .

simply stood there and l ooked at me in

t e n t ly . I felt that I could not go deeper
into the woods and it was impossible to
get past him into the town .

S uddenly I bethought me O f the power

I had to rise in the air at will I c o n c e n .

t r at e d all my thoughts upon escaping in

1 34

that way A s I went up and up I looked


steadily into the face o f the man standing

silently in the road watching me until he
seemed a mere speck in the road Then I .

moved toward the village I could see .

the forest and the road and noticed many

telegraph wires stretching beneath me A s .

I reached the ravine at the edge o f the

town I thought it best to descend as the
, ,

people might wonder at seeing me in the

air I started d own but I went fas t er

than I intended to go and barely missed

being stranded on the telegraph wires I .

realized that I must reduce my speed or be

hurt so I exerted all my will power and

Succeeded in alighting safely o n my feet .

I walked home without doing the errand

I started for and went into the house to

my mother Then I awoke. .

The discussion o f typical dreams leads

to another subject of great interest which ,

has recently attracted the attention o f

psycho analysts namely the relationship
, ,

1 35

between dreams and myths In general .

it may be stated that the psychological

structure and meaning of both dreams and
myths are t h e same A myth is a waking

dream a fantasy D reams frequently orig

, .

in at e from the emotions common to man

kind and thus produce the typical dreams
already described and the same common

emotion gives rise to typical myths An .

analysis o f typical dreams therefore fur , ,

nishes the best standpoint for the analysis

Of universal myths and legends ; for in
stance the childhood wish for the death o f

the father as forming the groundwork for

the ( Edipu s complex dreams and ( Edipu s

myth o r the dreams o f nakedness with lack

o f sense o f shame as furnishing the basis

for the myth o f a Paradise or Garden o f

Eden . Both these dreams and myths are
symbols and such symbolism has its roots

in the unconscious In the individual this


unconscious symbolism leads to dreams ;

in the race and society to myths legends , , ,

1 36

h oo d and lie deeply buried in our adult

unconscious The wish revealed itself only

in dreams when the censor was relaxed o r

ceased to act but even here the meaning

o f the dream can be brought o u t only

through a searching psycho analysis -

Myths like dreams are symbolized and

, , ,

the myth which is really the manifest


content contains within itself the latent


emotions o f the collective race spirit and ,

thus comes to express something which its

outer form does n o t suggest o r signify .

S uch symbolisms have many dream like -

attributes They are not only highly con


de n se d products o f the thought of the race ,

but like typical dreams they have their roots

in the archa ic and primitive types o f racial
thinking Thus in a more or less modified

form they can appear as almost identical

myths in various ethnic groups which may ,

be separated by immense periods of time

and un d er di fferent conditions o f cultural
advancement .

1 38

The symbolisms which are so frequent

in art and in ecclesiastical architecture ,

are also examples of such symbolic thinking

applied t o the creative imagination The .

creative imagination itself which is really


a type o f a day dream is constantly


striving to express its desires and wishes ,

thus resembling our dreams at n ight The .

artist and the poet like the dreamer

, ,

express their thoughts in symbols whose

origin is frequently unknown to the individ
ual but which can repeatedly be traced

to the unconscious mental life I t i s there

that the motive o r creative impulse lies .

An excellent example of such a sy m b o liz a

tion in popular thought is the medi aeval
idea of the devil Analysis o f the c o n c ep

tion o f the devil shows that it is really the

exteri orization of a forbidden and repressed

wish This is well seen in G iotto s painting


of the temptation o f Judas where the devil


is portrayed as a shadow behind Judas and

p ushing forward the hand of Judas for the
1 39

pieces silver In Faust too Me phis

of .
, ,

t o ph e le s is symbolized as the guilty con

science the forbidden desire projected out


wards in the shape Of a devil A s s o clearly .

expressed by Taylor 1

But how are S ins thought to come to

m en and women in the M iddle A ges and ,

especially to those who were earnestly

striving to escape them ! R ather than
fruit o f the naughtiness of the human heart ,

they come through the malicious su gge s

tions the temptations o f a Tempter
, , .

They were in fine the machinations o f the

D evil .

Th M dia val M i d l I p 487

e e e n , vo .
, . .


But in this there is little to be won d ered

at as many far reaching deviations may

be regularly demonstrated between a dream

and the fulfillment which the credulity o f

the d reamer prefers to neglect .

Fo r instance many people have dreamed


Of some burning ambition being realized ,

and some time later this ambition is ful

filled in reality The wish has thus been

fulfilled both in the dream and in actual

life From this we must not conclude

that the dream possesses any prophetic

function o r that it can in any way forecast

the future but one must interpret both the


dream and its later fulfillment as being

merely the realized wish The wish pro .

duc e d the d ream and in the ambition o f


every day life to fulfill this wish there was


a constant striving an d finally it was,

actually fulfilled The dream took plac e


because a dream never concerns itself with

t rifl e s and consequently the fulfillment O f

the wish had a strong personal motive .

1 42

S ometimes also we dream

, , a certain o f
p erson whom we have never met before
an d several days later o r even th e next day ,

10 ! to o u r surprise we meet the individual

, .

The dream is not prophetic What occurs .

is this . The strange individual dreamed

o fis usually a condensation like a composite

p hotograph and on meeting the actual


stranger we unconsciously take one element


o f this composite dream figure and apply

it to the stranger Thence arises the.

illusion for it is only an illusion o f having

, ,

met a total stranger who had been pre ,

v io u s ly seen only in a dream In fact if .


such accounts as these be carefully analyzed ,

it will be found that the person dreamed o f

never actually resembled the perso n later
met .

D uring S leep also the brain admits and

, ,

is infl uenced by impressions received by

the various organs o f the body impressions ,

sometimes of s o slight a character that they

are not felt in the waking state In morbid .

1 43

conditions o f certain organs therefore it, ,

is possible that in their early stages these

conditions which are not noticed at all by

the waking consciousness may give rise ,

to various types of dreams particularly ,

dreams o f anxiety M edical writers have


long admitted this significance o f the dream

thus protecting sleep and drawing the at
tention o fthe sleeper to morbid distur bances
o f various organs . Freud who seems to

have thoroughly reviewed the literature o n

the subject states as follows concerning

these types of dreams :

S erious disturbances o f the internal
organs apparently act as in c it o rs of dreams
in a considerable number of persons At .

tention is quite generally called to the


frequency of anxiety dreams l n the disease

of the heart and lungs .Tissi e even
assumes that the diseased organs impress
upon the dream content their characteristi c
features The dreams o f persons sufferin g

from disease o f the heart are generally very

1 44

S ometimes a temporary physical disturb

ance may act as the inciter of a dream but ,

becomes s o disguis e d by the cen sor for the

p urpose of protecting sleep and thus pre
venting awakening that the disturbance it

self remains unknown to the sleeper until

he awakens A pretty example is the fo l

lowing dream O f a young married woman .

S he dreamed that sh e was feeling ill and

consulted a woman physician who said to ,

her : Yo u are worrying about something ,

a man by the name of X The analysis


o f this brief dream is interesting O n .

awakening sh e found that the left eye was


swollen and infl amed apparently from some

insect bite during the night The name o f .

the eye Specialist whom both S he and her

husband had consulted in the past and in ,

whom sh e had great confidence was D octor ,

X the name being identical with the one


in the dream Thus the pain and dis c o m


fort O f the swollen eye sent a disguised su b

st it u t e in the form o f a distorted and u n

1 46

r e c ognizab l e dream into the consciousness

Of the sleeper so as not to awaken her
, .

The dream was really a desire or wish o n

the p art of the censor to protect the sleeper ,

and this wish was fulfilled by translating

a bodily discomfort into a meaningless
dream The dream therefore did n o t dis

turb sleep ; in reality it protected it The

discrepancy concerning the absence o f pain
o r disco m fort in the dream is readily ex

plained when we remember that the e m o

tion o f discomfort belonged t o the latent
content and not t o the manifest c ontent
o f the dream .

A dream may often so l ve s i tuations im ,

p ortant crises and mental confl icts which


may baffle o n e in the waking life The .

situation and the co nflict are cleared up

in the dream by a kind o f un c onsci o us in
cubation o fwishes and only in this sense the

dream may be said to be prophetic .

An example O f this is the following A

, .

young woman after her betrothal began

, ,

1 47
to be troubled by worries perp lexities an d , ,

men tal confl icts concerning the decisive

step sh e had taken wondered if sh e really

lo ved her betrothed and whether o r not


it might be well to break the engagement .

One night she had the following dream

DR EA M S he seemed to be in a large

house partly clear and partly dimly rec


o gn iz e d ; her fi an c é was there only in ,

t h e dream he seemed to be her husband .

He r mother in law was also present knit

- -

ting and paid not the slightest attention


to her Then it seemed as though sh e came


down stairs with her hair disarranged and


wearing a light dressing gown -


ANA LYSIS This is a pretty example o f


a prophetic wish dream which solved the ,

situation which was baffling her and causing

the perplexity in her waking life In the .

dream her mental confl ict is cleared up the

, ,

problem has been solved for her by her

sec ondary consciousness during sleep In .

the dream sh e felt thoroughly at home in


1 48

I cannot leave the subject o f prophetic

dreams without another example o f prac t i
cal medical interest A fiv e year O ld boy
- -

had t h e fo llo win g dream

DR EA M A number of dogs came to the

door of his house and one little black do g


actually knocked at the door As he was .

coming up the steps he grew larger and


larger and was changed into a large and

fierce white dog Then he came up to the

little boy and started to eat him a procedure ,

which was n o t objected to because the little


boy felt that he would not remain in t h e

dog s mouth very long


This is a typical anxiety dream which

Often gives rise to nightmares in children .

From this dream a temporary anxiety

hysteria was predicted in the child a ner ,

vous disturbance which actually took place

a short time later The boy became dis
satisfied because he did not care to live in
the country ; he wanted the excitement o f
the city His uncle who was a physi cian
, ,

1 50

live d in the city and the boy had visited


him shortly before the dream took place .

Therefore a simulated illness which later

took place in which he claimed that he

had an earache pretended to cough etc

, , .

were all fo r the purpose o f again visiting

his uncle The symptoms completely dis

appeared within a few days on advising ,

the parents to use purposeful neglect o f

the child s complaints


The point which I wish to emphasize by

this brief recital is this : that the mo rbid
anxiety produced both the dream and
hysteria both had the same mechanism an d ,

from the dream it was possible to predict

with a fair amount o f certainty the o n set of
psychoneurotic symptoms I n fact these

symptoms were actually predicted at the

time of the dream and several days before

the symptoms themselves had made their

actual appearance .

I am very skeptical concerning prophetic

d reams which actually foretell the future .

1 51

From a strictly scientific standpoint su ch


an interpretation would be very superficial

in that it d id not take into full cognizanc e
all the complex factors which may produce
a dream For instance it must be proven
, ,

in the analysis Of such a dream that the


event foretold in the future never existed


as a wish in either the conscious o r u n c o n

scious thought o f the dreamer In my.

experience I have yet failed to find such


a genuine p rophetic dream .

1 52

th ere is in the p hysical world The un .

conscious and likewise the foreconscious

exerts a persistent dynamic influence on
o u r behavior o n the formation O f com

plexes in every element o f o ur thoughts

, ,

in the actions o f every day life and in our


dreams Thus every conscious mental o c


currence bears a direct and causal relation

to its unconscious o r foreconscious sourc e .

For this reason any series of thoughts o r


ideas gi ven at random any association or


group o f associations in the s o called free-

association procedures are really not free

, ,

but are motivated o r caused by unconscious

or forec onscious mental processes In .

sleep this type o f mental activity causes


dreams ; during the day it produces reverie s

and symptomatic actions like slips o f the
to n gue o r pen A ll reveries like all dreams
, ,

are the fu lfillment o f wishes The fore .

conscious O r unconscious can b e brought

into activity only by a wish o r desire and ,

the realization O f that wish in the thought

1 54

p rocesses is either the night dream o r the

day revery S ometimes this process of

day dreams is simple sometimes it is highly


dramatized like the day dream o f the lover


to have a quiet home and a happy family ,

o r of the boy who wishes and at the same

time identifies himself with the heroes o f

history or romance .

Thus the revery like the dream results

, ,

from the same motivating process a simple ,

or highly disguised wish and in it can be ,

found the same mechanisms as in dreams .

The day dream t o o may b e called the mani

, ,

fest content o four latent o r repressed wishes .

Thus a revery is the product of an individual

fantasy sometimes voluntary sometimes
, ,

involuntary but in either case not the prod


u o t o f chance or of logic I t difl e rs from ’


the genuine dream only in point of time ,

o n e taking place at night the other during ,

the day This day dreaming has been


termed autistic thinking and it s chief ,

characteristic is to represent desires im

1 55

possible o f fulfi llment in reality as actually ,

fulfilled in the imagination during the day

The symbolism o f both dreams and autistic
thinking has it s roots in the unconscious ;
it is not made o r inve n ted it is only dis ,

covered by the analysis A s Bleuler states .

in his description o f autistic thinking 1

Each o f us has also his fairy tale He


does not indeed believe himself to live it ;

only when he is quite alone and his thought
are let loose does it come to light The man .

is then rich attractive healthy and hand

, , ,

some He always chooses those advantages


in which he is most hopelessly lacking .

D irectly reality gains i t s sway the play ,

thing will be thrust hastily back into the

cupboard where it is hidden not only from
, ,

strangers but from the owner himself ;


for once outside the dream he is not at all

, ,

aware how far he can really identify him

self with its characters The cupboar d .

E . Bl ul
e e r, Au tisti Thi ki g
c n n , American J
o urnal o fI nsanity .

1914 .

1 56

wi shes and these wishes were a kin d o f


compensation for her own defects o f

character and her feeling o f inferiority .

When a subject therefore is asked to

, ,

fabricate a dream that is to p roduce an

, ,

artificial dream by stating at random any

thoughts which may come into his head ,

such a product is not the haphazard fantasy

Of his waking thoughts (because such a
thing is impossible)but is moti v ated o r
produced by his conscious or unconscious
wishes For instance o n o n e occasion I

requeste d a severe stammerer to fabricate

a dream and he immediately replied : I

dream that I am addressing a large audience

without stammering O n another occa

sion I asked a subject whose n ervous dis


t urb an c e had produced an outward im

pression o f stupidity to fabricate a dream

, ,

and the immediate answer was : I d ream !

that I am bright and alert In both these

instances the replies showed fu lfillm e n t s of

wishes the same as in genuine dreams

1 58

A highly intelligent unmarried woman ,

who was undergoing the psycho analytic -

treatment at my request and in my pres


ence wrote the following artificial dreams .

These are given verbatim with the outlines

o f the analysis o f each dream to explain ,

the underlying wishes .

AR T I F ICIA L DR EA M I Washing a little


newly born baby in a wash bowl There

seems to be a woman in bed not well enough ,

to be up Face is not distinct but the hair


is dark The woman seems to be myself

. .

The baby is taken out o f the bowl and

given to her to nurse Then a tall happy

looking fair haired man came to the door


He appears younger than sh e and she is ,

happy to see him .

ANA LY SIS Her wish for a happy mar


riag e and motherhood is fu lfilled in this

artificial dream as a pure imaginative prod

uc t the same as the wish for motherhood

appeared in a genuine symbolized dream

a few nights previously .

1 59

AR T IF ICI A L DR EA M II . An enormous
glass chandelier in a concert hall full of
people It is a vocal recital I am on the
. .

stage singing .

ANA LYSIS . S he has always longed to

sing in public but her nervous disturbance

( morbid fear) made such a thing impossible .

This artificial dream therefore represents a

fulfillment of her desire to sing in public
freely and spontaneously .

AR T I F ICI A L DR EA M III Interior o f a .

D utch house and a D utch housewife with


a funny head dress making bread on a


big board There is a window at her


right and kitchen utensils are hung up


o n the wall Bread then seems to be in


pans Sh e is putting it in the oven and


as she turns around a troop of from four ,

to six children come in from school and ,

she greets them and runs around to get

dinner for them .

ANA LYSIS .The instigator o f these

dreams was a copy o f The N ecklace by
1 60

fact an idea which merely exis ted in the


region Of possibility is here replaced by a

vision o r mental image o f its accomplish
ment Thus we have the same mechanism

as in genuine dreams .

Artificial dreams like genuine dreams

, ,

have frequently interwoven within them

childhood fantasies such as the imagi n ed

family conflicts or romances o f the child .

This is particularly seen in the day dreams -

O f children and adults both o f which bear a


strong relationship to hysterical fantasies .

These day dreams or reveries serve for the


fulfillment of wishes and for the righting

o f the con fl icts O f life both of which cannot

be realized in actuality They realize in .


the imaginatio n eith er personal ambitions


o r erotic feelings .

Experimental dreams pro d u c ed art ifi


c ially by hypnotic comman d also su b s t an,

t iat e many o f the theories o f Freud Fo r .

instan c e in some experiments when the


comman d was gi ven t o d ream something

1 62

grossly sexual the resulting dream ex


pressed the sexual ide as n o t literally
, ,

but in a symbolized form thus proving


experimentally that the censor was at work ,

and the dream consisted of the formation

of a manifest from a latent content These

and other ex periments have demo n strated

that the unconscious complexes determine
for the main part the character o f o u r
dreams and that this unconscious is capable

o f a s y mbolizatio n o f o ur latent thoughts


1 63

Dre am s an d N ervo u s Dis eases

HE dream is not only theoretical


interest in elucidating certain prob

lems of abnormal psychology and
o f the unconscious in particular but it,

stands in the center o f the psycho analytic -

treatment o f the neuroses I t is this


psycho analytic treatment which r e pre


sents the latest and most logical advance

ever made in medicine in the treatment o f
c ertain functional nervous disturbances .

Psycho analysis is not suggestion

S ug .

gestion merely removes certain symptoms

temporarily psycho analysis permanently

by eliminating the unconscious ideas o r

complexes which caused the psychoneurotic
disturbance The fundamental condition

and therefore a co mplete understanding of

1 64

li ves and without definitely passing into the


realm of the pathologic we are all more or


less d ouble personalities i e : o ur veneer or

, . .

false disguise of outward social conventions

and o u r true inward unconscious selves
, ,

with o ur repressions carried over from child

hood our ab n ormal cravings and savage

instincts our constant fight against t e m pt a


tion and our occasional yielding to it if not

, ,

actually because of a strong moral sense at ,

least inwardly in our reveries dur ing the day

and in our dreams at night Thus a highly .

refined and cultured man once dreamed

o f killing his stepson because the mother

actually paid more attention to him than

S he did to her husband
C ulture and r e

fin e m e n t had repressed the wish which

was fulfilled in the dream a proof of the ,

p rimitive instinct of jealous rage which

the dreamer had carried over from his in
fan t ile thinking I t is these repressions

this unconscious personality which often ,

crops o u t in the dreams of the normal in

1 66

d i vidual as well as those who are nervously

sick . Well does S hakespeare with the ,

intuitive insight Of a great poet make ,

the doctor say in Macbeth referring to ,

the sleep walking o f L ady Macbeth


In fe c t e d min ds
To t h e ir de af pillo ws will di sc h arge t h e ir se c re t s .

Psycho -
analysis is the only form o fthe in
v e s t igat io n of the neuroses which e xplains

why certain symptoms occur as in the p ast ,

physicians have been t o o prone to interpret

nervous symptoms particularly the peculiar

and contradictory behavio r Of hysterical

patients as a form of inexplicable stubborn

ness Furthermore the analytic investi


g at i o n Of the symptoms n o t only gives both

patient and physician an insight into the
nervous disease but this investigation

also acts as the treatment itself that is , ,

the repressed feelings are set free and ,

with this liberation the symptoms gradu


ally disappear In the individual re pre s


sion is a moral function ; in the masses or

1 67

in the race it is a social function

, When a .

mental confl ict arises between our individ

ual repressed impulses and o u r moral ,

ethical o r religious censorship we have a

, ,

neurosis in the fo rm o f an Obsession com ,

pulsive ideas hysterical o r anxiety o r


psychasthenic states o r fl uctuations in

mood either an abnormal exaltation o r an

abnormal depression When the mental


co nflict takes place among the masses we ,

have the various types of social aggression ,

which tend to upset the equilibrium o f

civilization and lead to various grades Of
industrial revolutions o r to such bloody
cataclysms as the French R evolution .

These repressed thoughts lie in the u n

conscious and since the dream represents

the most direct road for the investigation

and understanding o f the unconscious the ,

dream becomes the most potent instrument

in the removal of symptoms arising from
the repressed emotions in the unconscious
mental life N o o n e however healthy

1 68

S in c e th e unconscious p ossesses only o ne

function , wishing o r desiring both ,

dreams an d neurotic symptoms thus b e

come symbolic o r literal wish fu lfi llm e n t s .

Parado xical as it may seem something is ,

gained by the hysterical symptoms as in the ,

case o f hysterical b lindness which will be

described and an alyzed later in the course
o f this chapter . Of course this feeling of

gaining something is an un c onscious mental

process o f which the symptoms are merely

the fulfillment in a disguised form Hys .

t e ric al symptoms are wish fu lfillm e n t s sy m

b o liz e d exactly like dre ams

, .

Through a mental mechanism which

cannot be discusse d here because it wo ul d

involve t o o many technicalities the re ,

pressed unconscious th oughts are frequently


converted into the symbolic physical sy m p


toms O f the hysteric Fo r instan ce in the


case o f a woman who had double vision

due to hysteria ( that is all objects appeared

double to her)it could be shown o n an


1 70

alys 1 s that this double vision was not an

accidental occurrence but actually bore a

strong causal relationship to her hysterical


mental state .

This double vision appeared a lmost im

mediately after an emotional shock when ,

sh e found that her husband had been u n

faithful t o her I t immediately flashed

across her mind that her husban d was lead
ing a double life (her own expression ) and ,

a more detailed analysis demonstrated that

this idea was symbolized by seeing Objects
double In fact after the emotional shock
, ,

sh e first saw her husband double and it was ,

only later that this doubling spread t o other

Objects In her dreams too all objects
, ,

app eared double thus proving that the


double vision was n o t due as I n most cases

, ,

to an organic affection o f the eye muscles ,

but in this particular case had a psychical

origin and was a symbolization o f the
woman s conception Of her husband I n


deed when she first saw her husband d oub le

, ,

1 71

there was associated a great anxiety and

fear o f losing him through his unfaithful
ness and therefore the double vi sion was

at first a reinforcement o f a wish to retain

her husband s affections and only later did


it symbolize his double life Thus this .

symptom in its symbolizatio n condensa

, ,

tion and wish fulfillment like every hy st e ri

, ,

cal symptom bore a striking resemblan c e


to the structure o f a dream .

S ince inversely too the formation and

, ,

structure of a dream bears an extraordinary

resemblance to an hysterical symptom ,

dreams are very valuable fo r exploring

the unconscious mind o f the hysterical .

An hysteri cal symptom is a repressed wish

attempting to find an outlet ; a dream is
a repressed wish in which the outlet is taking
place in the process o f dreaming Both are .

symbolized wishes and both can be under


stood only through psycho analysis -


S tammering also is frequently a symbo l

, ,

of an unconscious mental p ro c ess the ,

1 72

toms expressed the fulfi llment Often sym ,

boli o o f a repressed wish exactly the

, ,

same process which takes place in the dreams

of normal individuals Thus an under .

standing O f the psychology of dreams fur

nishes us with the data necessary for the
understanding o f hysteria In children .

however the mental processes are much more


simple than those o f adults and c o n se ,

quently their dreams and hysterical sy m p

toms are far less complicated ; in fact as ,

previously pointed out they are literal


fulfi llm e n t s O f undisguised wishes .

The little girl lost her eyesight within

a period o f a few weeks becoming almost ,

completely blind A complete examina


tion of the eyes and the ner vous system

re veale d the fact that there was no evi
den ce o f any organic disease The condi .

tion was therefore interpreted as purely

fun c tional a form of hysterical b lindness
, ,

p arti cularly sin c e the child showed other

hapt r VII Dr am s f Childr
ee c e , e O en .

1 74

evidences of hysteria such as a nervous


cough hysterical con vulsions and an in

, ,

ab ility to feel touch and pain over o n e

enti re side o f the body .

In order to understand the mechanism

of this hy sterical blindness it was deter ,

mined to undertake a study o f the little

girl s dreams as o ffering the readiest means

o f access to her unconscious m ental con

fl ic t s and wishes .In this I was fortunate

in securing the intelligent c o operation o f -

the little patient s m other The following


dreams were recorded The dream in .

s t igat o r as as c ertained follows each dream

in parenthesis .

DRE A M I S he was chasing her pet


squirrel around the house and it also ap ,

p e ar e d as if the squirrel chase d her ( S he .

has a p et squirrel ) .

DRE A M II The house to o k fire and al l


the family were saved except her ba b y

brother (eighteen months o ld)who was ,

b urned up .
( The chimne y h a d re c entl y
1 75

been cleaned o u t b ecause the family feared ,

it would catch fire ) .

DR EA M III S he was coming from a .

moving picture S how with her mother and


her younger brother S ( age nine)and her .


elder sister O ( age thirteen ) Then sh e saw

. .

a man in a near b y store and because she -


felt he had no right there as the store was ,

closed she called up the proprietress o f


the store telling her that she would guard


it S he remained near the store and sent


her mother and the other two children

home ( S he had recently been to a mov

ing picture performance )


DR EA M IV S he and her brother (S. .


age nine)were coming down the street ,

and thro ugh a crack in the board walk sh e -

s aw a penny and she stooped to pick it


up Then sh e saw pennies all around and


she filled her po ckets full Then a man .

came and shot her brother S and killed .

him and she felt badly

, Then the man .

also shot at her but merely frightene d her , .

1 76

instigated either by some happening during

the day o r by some mental conflict o f the
nature o f an unfulfilled wish the wish how
, ,

e ver becoming completely fulfille d in the


dream . I t was found also that all the

dream s represented unfulfilled conscious
and uncons ciou s wishes which were re
p ressed during the d ay .

The instig ators o f some o f these dreams ,

so far as could b e demonstrated ha v e al ,

ready been given in paren thesis at the

e n d o f ea c h dream . A lthough the dream
instigators were harmless enough yet the ,

c o ntent O f each dream represented t h e ful

fi lling O f imp o rtant repressed childhood
wi shes relating principally to family c o n

flic t s and jealousies p articularly toward


h e r y o ung e r b r others and sisters . This is

not at all surprising when we remembe r
that the fee lin gs of most children for
th eir youn ger brothers an d sisters is far
from being altogether o ne o f afi e c t io n In .

fac t th e re is a fe e lin g of ri valry an d jea lo usy


1 78

t o ward the younger ones O f the family ,

particularly if these younger members in

any way hinder or interfere with the child s ’

play activities .

Thus the child is an egoist ; it has little

or no altruistic o r family feelings I t sees

in its elders an oppressor and interprets

the yo un ger members o f th e family as
rivals for the parental love which it feels
should be showered o n it alone This .

rivalry is not o nl y seen in the love o f the

s o n for the mother and O f the daughter

for the father but likewise in the relation


ship between brothers and sisters partie ,

u larly ifthey happen to be younger The .

child n o t only wishes its younger rivals

dead ( o r o u t o f sight which is synonymous

fo r the child )
, but if this rival in any way
interfe res with its activities the wish fo r

its death or disappearance is actually ful

filled in the dream S ometimes the wish
. .

in ve ry young children is clearly indicated

i n their Sp eech ; in o ther old er ch i ldren
1 79

the wi sh is suppressed For instance a .


little boy o f my acquaintance when asked ,

if he loved a new arrival in the shape o f a

li ttle brother replied that he would throw

him down the elevator well and later ,

showed h is disgust with him b y saying

He can t talk o r anything

Freud s .

case of Hans too showed his coolness

, ,

toward a new arrival by stating that He !

had no teeth Facts such as these in

the form of conscious jealousy associated

with an unconscious wish to put the younger
member of the family aside c ould be elicited ,

in our case .

Fo r some period the little patient had

shown a jealousy o f her younger brothers
and sisters and at times particularly at
, ,

C hristmas , she accuse d her father and

mother o f speaking more about their

presents (referring to the younger chil
dren )than o f mine
! ”
S he is apt to fe e l

ba dly also unless her mother takes her to


e n te r tai nm ents to the e xcl usion of the other

1 80

Her nine year o ld brother S plays with

- -

another boy about his own age and this ,

also made her jealous as she wished to


play with the boy alone The play ac t iv i


ties o f children frequen tly have an associ

ated erotic component such as in swinging

and in muscular activity O ut o f this .

mental attitude o f jealousy and of what

sh e considered an interference with her
play activities she developed the idea ( a

wish) that if sh e were ill the added family


labor would be taken away from her and ,

thus sh e would be free to play again Thus .

the purposeful mental action arose som e ,

thing would be gained by a conversion o f

this wish into bli n dness so as not to s e e

her surroundings and the children How .

ever the blindness was not a selected o n e

, ,

direc ted to the younger children alone ,

but also comprised her school and play

activities in such a manner that sh e could
n o t s ee to read the fairy stories o f which

sh e was fond , the blackboard at s c hool ,

1 82

or her normal outdoor sports That is .


her converted wish defeated her o wn ends ,

the b li ndness bec ame general and she ,

w as so to speak hois ted with her o wn


, ,

petard .

A fter the mech ani sm o f h er blindness

as a con v erted wish became understood

through the dream analysis it was this ,

mechanism which furnished the hints fo r

the psychotherapy and therefore cure of , ,

the condition The child was taken out


o f school and not allowed to play o r read ,

an d meanwhi l e a promise was held o u t to

her that sh e would again be a l lo we d to
play read and return t o school as soon as
, ,

her eyesight was better The dreams fur .

n ish e d strong evidence o f this persistent

wish to resume her school and play ac t iv i

tie s and it was on the basis of the dreams

that the psychotherapy was carried out .

By the use o fthis simple and logical method ,

when the child who was quite intelligent

, ,

saw that n othing further was to be gained

1 83

by h er b lindness sin c e it defeated its o wn


en ds by being total and not selective the ,

visi o n gradually became normal The .

symptom o f blindness by this simple

p sychotherapeuti c method n ot only dis
appeared b ut the c on verted w1sh that was

lying at the bott o m O f her hysteria like

wise vanished .

Thus this little girl s hy steria resulted

from a struggle between her conscious

feelings and her uncons cious wishes with ,

the resu lt that the latter gained the upper

hand l eading to the hy sterical blindness
, .

Like many hysteri cal patients paradoxical ,

as it may seem sh e gaine d something b y


b eing nervously ill in this case the gain


being a re lief from household dr udgery

which would follow if sh e could n o t s e e
what to d o Every dream like every

hysteri cal symptom is a gain a wish ful

, ,


For instance an important and distress


in g symp tom of many fun ctional nervous

1 84

neurosis The inherent factor the rea l ,

mechanism at the bottom o f every neurosis ,

is a mental conflict I t follows from this that


although there may be a c ongenital disposi

tion to nervousness no o n e o f us is born with

a nervous disease but we acquire it as a


result o f a maladaptation t o surroundings ,

of n o t adequately meeting the issues o f

life or from o ur repressed emotions and

mental conflicts In many nervous dis


t u rb an c e s there is a withdrawal from the


world o f reality and from the issues and

conflicts o f life which are all evaded by

first consciously living in a world o f pain

less unreality from which these issues are
absent and which finally gains the upper
hand .

Psycho analysis as carried o ut through a


study o f the dreams is o f value not only in

the nervously sick but in the normal in

dividual as well . I t enables us to know o ur

o wn weaknesses and prejudices the causes

o f o ur successes o r failures o ur repressions

, ,


vague fears and superstitions and to point

, ,

o u t the path for the remedying of th e se

mental and moral and ethical defects .

Freud states concerning this point :

Whoever has had the opportunity o f
studying the concealed psychic feelings o f
persons by means o f psycho analysis can -

also tell something new concerning the

quality o f unconscious motives which ex
press themselves in superstition N ervous .

persons afflicted with compulsive thin king

and compulsive states who are often very ,

intelligent show very plainly that supe rs t i


tion originates from repressed hostile and

cruel impulses The greater part o f super

s t it io n sign ifies fear o f impending evil and ,

he who has frequently wished evil to others ,

but because of a good bringing up has re

pressed the same into the unconscious will ,

be particularly apt to expect punishment for

such un conscious evil in the form o f a mis
” 1
fortune threatening him from without .

1 !
Psy h path l gy f Ev y d y Lif
c o o o o p 31 1
er a e .

. .


A s a n example a neurotic man wh o m I

, ,

had the occasion to psycho analyze o n e -


day in the course o f treatment brought me

, ,

the two following dreams

DREAM 1 He seemed t o b e running an

elevator and with him was a man whose


foot becam e caught between the elevator

and the well as the former was ascending
, ,

but nevertheless he kept o n running the

elevator .

DREAM 2 He seemed to be talking


with a man and then started to mount the

seat o f a wagon and as he did so the man
, ,

reached the seat before him as if to steal ,

the horse and wagon Thereupon in a .


manner which was not altogether clear in

the dream he toppled the wagon over and
, ,

it then seemed as if the wagon were full o f

iron bars These fell upon the man and

pinioned him down and he stood o n top o f ,

the pile and called fo r the police .

Apparently these two dreams were mean

in gle ss except that they showed a wish on

1 88

superstitious ( a ki n d o f a defence reaction ) ,

he would purposely for instance sit at a

, ,

table making thirtee n or laugh at people

who wouldn t do so yet all the time feeling


that evil o r death would overtake him .

Thus h is superstitious fear of impending

evil arose because he wished disaster would
happen to others not consciously so but
, ,

repressed into the unconscious and only

appearing in his dreams The fear o f evil

happening t o him was therefore a reversal

o f his repressed wish that evil might hap

pen to others .

The end o f all p sycho analysis is t W O

- a

fold : first to educate the patient to beco me


an independent personality by directly

freeing him from his neurosis and therefore
from his infantile limitations so that when ,

the dependence o f the physician is cut o ff .

the p atient can be pu t o n his o wn feet so ,

to speak ; and secondly to relieve the re


p ressed emotions SO tha t they may be in

dulge d in fre e ly an d unh amp ered partly ,

1 90

by conscious control and partly by c o n

ducting those emotions to a higher and less
Objectionable goal This last process is

termed su b lim atio n an d if properly carried


o u t in the hands O f a skilled psycho analyst


the repressed instincts become unchained

and thereby can no longer produce a neu
rosis and the conflict between repression

and the attempt o n the part o f the individ

ual to find an outlet for the repression ,

which is the process that causes the nervous

malady disappears
, .

I t is the dream which guides us into the

patient s unconscious repressed emo tions ;

it is through the dream too that the final

, ,

sublimation the freeing fro m the neuros i s

, ,

is rea ched .


HYS T ERIA 1 70 172 ,

Hyste ria in C h il dre n , 1 73 D REAMS 74 , .

1 84 . Re pre s si o n , 8 1 94 1 65 1 67


Re sistanc e , 5 8 8 6 , .



79 80.
1 01 1 03

. Sl ee p , 1 01 .

Instigators of Dre am s , 29 . S tamm e ring , 1 72 1 73


S te ve ns o n , R L , 109 . .


6 6 67

. u
S b lim atio n , 1 9 1 .

M nd l G 1 1
e e , .
, . Su p e rstition , 1 87 .

M ntal C o nflic ts 1 68
e , . S y m b o li c Thi nking, 1 39
Myth an d Dre ams
s , 1 35 1 40 .

1 38 . S y m b o lism of Dreams , 79
81 .


1 32 . TAYLOR H O 1 40 , . .
, .

N e w En gland C o nsc ie n c e , Ty pi c al Dr am s , 1 2 1 1 35
e —

64 6 5

U NC ONS C I O S 4 5 7 U , , .

( EDI PU S -C OMP LEX , U nc o n s c io s B arb ari c N au ,

1 2 7 1 30

. t ur e z o f, 6 2 .

O ve r -de te rmin atio n 41 , . U nc o n s c i o s in Dre am s u ,

5 8 59 —

PRO PHE T I C D REAMS , 1 41 U nr e ality , Fe eling o f, 1 84

1 86 .

Psy c h o ly sis 1 64 1 69
-an a


Psy c h o -an aly sis o f N o rm al WISH C ONFLI C T S 49 , .

In di vi d als 1 8 1 90
, . Wish D efin itio n o f 48
, , .

Psy c h o -an alysis , Ob j ec t of, Wish e s in Dre ams 44 56 ,


1 91 . Wit 6 , .

1 94

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