Openings in Prestressed Beams

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Design Against Cracking

at Openings in Prestressed
Concrete Beams
Web openings in beams occur quite often in practice to
provide convenient passage of electrical and mechanical
conduits. In this paper, the analysis and design against
cracking of simply supported prestressed concrete beams
with rectangular openings are presented. Several design
parameters are varied, including opening width and depth,
horizontal and vertical locations of the opening, type of cross
section, and amount and arrangement of reinforcement
around the opening. The results from a finite element analysis
Hany Abdalla, Ph.D. are substantiated by test results. A simple design method for
Post-Doctoral Fellow estimating the cracking load for the different crack patterns is
Department of Civil and proposed and two illustrative design examples are presented.
Environmental Engineering
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

n modern building construction, Several investigations have been

I openings through beams and gird

ers are required for the passage of
utility ducts. Passing these ducts
carried out on reinforced concrete
beams with openings (Mansur et al.” ).
Comparatively little attention has been
through openings in the webs of the directed toward the behavior of pre
floor beams eliminates a significant stressed beams with openings. Barney
amount of dead space and results in a 3 suggested that the shear force at
et al.
more compact and, often, more eco an opening in a pretensioned pre
nomical design. However, the pres stressed beam be distributed to the
ence of openings gives rise to exces bottom and top chords of the opening

John B. Kennedy
D.Sc., Ph.D, P.Eng.
sive stresses that may be detrimental
unless properly assessed and designed.
Practical and experimental experi
ences have shown that, quite fre
quently, horizontal cracks develop at
in proportion to their uncracked mo
ments of inertia until cracking occurs.
After cracking, the shear distribution
between the opening chords was based
on the extent of cracking in the tension
University Distinguished Professor openings at the transfer stage and in 4 proposed
chord. Dinakaran and Sastry
Department of Civil and clined cracks develop at the corners of that this force be distributed in propor
Environmental Engineering openings at the working stage. Such tion to the cross-sectional areas in
University of Windsor cracks can seriously reduce the load post-tensioned prestressed concrete T
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
carrying capacity of the beam. beams with openings.

More recently, Kennedy and Ab
dalla suggested a root ratio for dis
5 Ix
tributing the shear force between the II
top and bottom chords. However, none
of these investigations dealt specifi
cally with the analysis or the design
for the potentially splitting tension
forces that develop at the edges of the J- w___ L__ W .
openings at the transfer stage and at 3.Om a-J

the corners of the openings at the

working stage. Kennedy and El
6 have investigated these forces
at the transfer stage for post-tensioned
prestressed beams with rectangular
sections. F h3
It should be noted that the design of
prestressed concrete beams with open
[ H h Hh
ings is more complicated than the de hr C
Lhb hbj
sign of beams in reinforced concrete _—_ B
construction. In the latter case, the
openings are usually provided in the b=102 mm b=102 mm b=102 mm
zone below the neutral axis where the H=254 mm tf=51 mm tf=51 mm
concrete is assumed cracked and, 13=458 mm 13=458 mm
therefore, flexurally inactive. In pre
H=305 mm H=357 mm
stressed concrete construction, though,
the whole cross section is fully uti
lized and, hence, the presence of an Section X—X
opening will reduce the cracking load Note: 1 in. 25.4 mm
capacity of such beams.
In this paper, analytical procedures Fig. 1. Layout of tested beams.
are developed to predict and design
against the several types of cracking
that are likely to occur in simply flange(s) was modeled by a four-node face represented by a simple Coulomb
supported prestressed concrete beams plate element with six degrees of free line in terms of the equivalent pres
with rectangular openings. The effect dom. A parametric study was carried sure, p, and the Mises equivalent devi
of the amount and arrangement of the out to determine the effect of the rein atoric stress, q (Hibbitt et al.
reinforcement at different locations forcement against the different types The model is a smeared crack
around the opening is studied. Results of cracks around the opening. Rein model, in the sense that it does not
from a nonlinear finite element analy forcing bars were placed at different track individual macro cracks. Instead,
sis are substantiated by an experimen locations around the opening with var constitutive calculations are performed
tal investigation on several prestressed ious cross-sectional areas and arrange independently at each integration
concrete rectangular T- and I-beams. ments. The direction of the reinforce point of the finite element model and
ment, whether horizontal, vertical, or the presence of cracks enters into
inclined, was also studied. these calculations by the way in which
THEORETICAL ANALYSIS In the nonlinear analysis, the load is the cracks affect the stresses and mate
The theoretical study was based on applied gradually in small increments rial stiffness associated with the inte
the nonlinear finite element program as defined in the ABAQUS program. gration point. The cracking and com
ABAQUS (Hibbitt et al. ). The follow
7 The size of each increment depends on pression responses of the concrete as
ing design parameters were considered: the convergence of the iteration pro well as the influence of tension stiff
1. Horizontal and vertical locations cess in the previous increments. The ening due to the presence of the rein
of the opening concrete under compression is mod forcing steel are given elsewhere
2. Opening width and depth eled by an elastic-plastic theory, using (Kennedy and Abdalla).
3. Type of cross section a simple form for the yield surface ex The concrete model in ABAQUS is
A rectangular plane stress element pressed in terms of the equivalent designed to provide a general method
was used to analyze beams of rectan pressure stress and the Mises equiva for modeling reinforced and pre
gular cross sections. For beams of T lent deviatoric stress (Hibbitt et al.
7 stressed concrete. The program pro
sections and I-sections, the same rect Isotropic hardening is also accounted vides a REBAR option to model the
angular plane stress element was for. Cracking is assumed to occur reinforcing bars. Reinforcing bars are
utilized to model the web, whereas the when the stress reaches the failure sur one-dimensional strain theory ele

November-December 1995 61
• ,
457mm K
457 mm
448 mm bars
r mm bars

I 89J rf—2—4.8 mm bars

l2—4.8 mm bars
mm bars
2—6.4 mm bars
76t E]—4,8 mm stirrups
254 .8 mm stirrups
mml 4 mm bars
[j— 2—6.4 mm bars
4.8 mm stirrups
II ii 2—6 4 mm bars .2—64 mm bars
prestressing wires prestressing wires mm bars
102 mm 102mm
-6—6.4 mm bars
prestressing wires
(a) (b) cc)
102x356x19 mm
prestressing wires—
4.,, steel bearing plute

160 mm

32 mm

140 140 25 152 152 152 25102 254 254 51 25 mm


1524mm *
(d) Note: 1 in.=25.4 mm

Fig. 2. Reinforcement details for: (a) rectangular beam; (b) T-beam; (c) I-beam; and (d) tested I-beam BITI1A.

Lable 1. Characteristics of tested beams.

Eccentricity and compressive
Dimensions of opening Location of opening prestressing force strength
Beam W h 1 C e F f
identification (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa)
BI1A 305 76 1.00 127 36 149 41
BI1B,BI3A 305 76 0.86 127 40 139 43
BI2A 406 76 0.81 152 46 118 50
BI2B,BI3B 406 76 0.81 127 48 141 43
BI2C 406 76 0.81 102 47 116 45
BI3C 508 76 0.76 127 45 116 42
BII1A 457 102 0.84 165 85 194 44

457 102 0.69 165 82 171 54

BII1C 457 102 0.53 165 80 180 53

BII2B 457 102 0.69 127 84 173 48
BII4C 457 127 0.69 165 71 189 50
B1I11A 457 127 0.69 178 62 294 47
BIII1C 457 127 0.46 178 55 270 41
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 kip = 4.45 kN; I ksi = 6.89 MPa.

ments that are used with standard
metal plasticity models to describe the
behavior of the reinforcing bar mate
rial, and are superimposed on a mesh
of standard element types used
to model the plain concrete. Effects
associated with the reinforcing bar!
concrete interface, such as bond slip
and dowel action, are modeled by in
troducing tension stiffening to simu
late load transfer across cracks
through the reinforcing bar.
Three types of cross sections were
analyzed: a rectangular section, a T
section, and an I-section, denoted as
BI, BIT, and Bill, respectively. Each (1) Cracking at Transfer
cross section was divided into groups (2) Cracking of the Opening Corners (Service Load Stage)
accounting for changes in one of the (3) Cracking at the Edges of the Opening (Service Load Stage)
parameters mentioned earlier. The pa
rameters, horizontal location, vertical (4) Cracking of the Tension Chord (Service Load Stge)
location, opening width, and opening (5) Shar. Cracking (Service Load Stage) s
depth, were assigned the numbers 1, 2,
3, and 4, respectively. For example, Fig. 3. Different types of cracking around opening.
Group B112 is for T-beams where the
varied parameter is the vertical loca
tion of the opening. MPa (44 ksi) nominal yield strength, thirteen beams tested are shown in
5 mm (0.2 in.) in diameter, were pro Table 1.
vided. It was decided to use the mini
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY mum ratio of shear reinforcement in
The objectives of the experimental the top and bottom chords of the open RESULTS
investigation were to determine: ing following the ACT Code.8 The rea Results from the nonlinear finite el
1. The crack propagation pattern son for this decision was to examine ement analysis were compared to
due to the prestressing force and due the shear strength of the chords with those from the tests on the thirteen
to the vertically applied load minimum shear reinforcement, as sug prestressed concrete beams as well as
2. The strain distribution in the gested earlier by Barney et al.3 to those from tests carried out by
vicinity of the opening The end bearing plates were 102 x Kennedy and El-Laithy.
6 The stress
3. The deflection at the transfer and 254 x 20 mm (4 x 10 x 3/4 in.) thick for and strain distributions around the
service load stages rectangular beams, 102 x 305 x 20 mm opening were determined at the trans
Tests were carried out on 13 post- (4 x 12 x 3/4 in.) thick for T-beams, and fer stage, where the beam is subjected
tensioned prestressed concrete beams: 102x356x20mm(4x 14x /4in.)
3 to the prestressing force only, and at
six of the beams were rectangular in thick for I-beams. Plastic tubes 11 mm the service load stage, where the pre
section, five were of T-section and the (/16 in.) in diameter housed the pre stressed beam is subjected to a verti
remaining two were of I-section. The stressing wires during casting of the cal load just below the cracking load.
layout of the tested beams is shown in concrete. Typical reinforcement de This load was 18 kN (4 kips) for the
Fig. 1. The concrete was designed for tails for the tested beams are shown in rectangular Beam BT2C, shown in
a 7-day compressive strength of 41 Fig. 2. Linear strain gauges were in Fig. 5, according to the experimental
MPa (6000 psi). The percentage of stalled in the region of the opening. observations.
fine aggregate to total aggregate was Mechanical dial gauges with a travel The influence of the opening on de
48 percent. The water-cement ratio sensitivity of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) flection, stresses, and crackiiig was ex
was 0.4 with an aggregate-cement were used to measure the camber and amined. The effect of the amount and
ratio of 2.7, both by weight. High deflection profile of the beam during arrangement of reinforcement around
early strength portland cement was prestressing and during the application the opening was also studied.
used and the maximum size of coarse of the external vertical loading. A hy The experimental results revealed
aggregate was 10 mm (/8 in.). High draulic jack of 89 kN (20 kips) capac five critical locations for potential
tensile wires, each 7 mm (0.276 in.) in ity was used for the post-tensioning cracking of prestressed beams with
diameter with an ultimate nominal operation, which involved the use of openings, as shown in Fig. 3. Those
strength of 1760 MPa (255 ksi), were washers and open type grips consist locations are: (1) at the edges of the
used for prestressing. ing of an exterior cylinder and a split opening due to the prestressing force;
Stirrups of mild steel wire of 300 conical interior wedge. Details of the (2) at the corners of the opening due to

November-December 1995

L_ :IJo

Fig. 4. Crack patterns for prestressed concrete beams with openings.

the framing action at the opening re bonded pretensioned precast beams will Cracking at Openings Due
gion; (3) in the opening chords due to be similar at transfer as well as at the ser to Prestressing Force
the flexural stresses resulting from the vice load stage prior to initial cracking. (Transfer Stage)
secondary moments in these chords; At the service load stage and for the
(4) in the tension chord due to the nor purpose of estimating the load causing The prestressing force gives rise to
mal tensile stresses in that chord; and cracking around the opening, the pro vertical splitting tensile stresses at the
(5) in the opening chords due to shear. posed methods of analysis herein can opening edges causing horizontal
The first of the five types of poten be applied to unbonded and bonded cracks, as shown in Fig. 4(a). The
tial cracking occurs at the transfer post-tensioned beams as well as to maximum value of these stresses oc
stage due to the prestressing force pretensioned precast beams (Lin and curs very close to the mid-depth of the
only, while the other four types occur ). This is because the non-pre
Burns opening, regardless of the position of
at the service load stage. It should be stressed longitudinal reinforcement in the opening or the position of the pre
noted that the last two types of crack the opening chords and the vertical stressing force, as shown in Fig. 5(a).
ing can trigger the complete collapse stirrups around the opening provide Furthermore, even in T-beams, where
of the beam. the required resistance against local the top and bottom chords are different
It should also be mentioned that, cracking at the opening. The prestress in shape, results show that the maxi
whether the beam is post-tensioned or ing steel, whether bonded or not, re mum vertical tensile stress occurs very
pretensioned, both types are designed sists the flexural cracking at the beam close to the middle of the opening.
herein to include mild steel bonded rein midspan. It should also be noted that The results also reveal that as the
forcement around the opening. As far as the buckling of the compression chord opening is moved vertically toward
the mild steel reinforcing around the at the opening is not addressed herein the horizontal line of action of the pre
opening is concerned, the structural re because it was discussed in detail else stressing force, the maximum vertical
sponse of both post-tensioned and where (Abdalla and Kennedy’°). splitting stress increases. The horizon-

For a rectangular section:

Theoretical 3
2 F (4)
— — —— Experimental It is assumed that the force F; is re
sisted by internal forces F; and F;, in
P=0.0 kN the top and bottom chords of the open
ing and that the diffusion of the force
F; is through the skeletal truss ABC, as
shown in Fig. 6. It can be shown (El
Laithy” and Kennedy and E1-Laithy
that the vertical splitting tensile force,
T, can be estimated as:
a(y a) -

T F (5)
/3 = d + d

3 2 (6)

Note: 1 kip 4.45 kN
1 ksi 6.89 MPa d =
in which
Fig. 5. Vertical stress distribution at the opening: (a) transfer stage; h = depth of opening
(b) service load stage. h, = depth of top chord
hb = depth of bottom chord
tal location of the opening and the third are the fractions of F
1 and F,
2 H = depth of beam
width of the opening have a minor ef- whose diffusions into the web are in- C distance from center of opening
fect on the splitting stresses at the terrupted by the presence of the web to bottom edge of beam
opening edges at the transfer stage. opening. Thus, it can be shown that [The numerical coefficient 13 in d is a
However, increasing the depth of the (Abdalla”): dimensional constant in mm (Kennedy
opening significantly increases the and El-Laithy
maximum splitting stress at mid-depth
of the opening at the transfer stage.
1 + + F;
For design purposes, the vertical
tensile stress distribution can be as-
Kennedy and El-Laithy
6 and Kennedy
A — Af ,J A — A,
J sumed to be triangular. Thus, the max-
et al.” examined the relationship be- (1) imum vertical tensile stress, f, due to
tween the prestressing force and the the prestressing force can be calcu
in which A, Af,, Af , and A are the
vertical splitting stress at mid-depth of lated as:
areas of the web, bottom flange, top
the opening. As shown in Fig. 5(a), 21
flange, and total cross section, respec- =
the value of this stress is also high at
tively. The eccentricity of F, from the f db
the corners of the opening. It is this
center of gravity of the cross section,
stress at the corners of the opening Adding vertical non-prestressed re
e, can be determined from statics as:
that, when added to that due to the ap- inforcement at the edges of the open-
plied vertical load, causes cracking at ing increases the prestressing force
the corners of the opening.
Fig. 6 shows the free-body diagram
for an I-beam with a rectangular open-
= [ F
‘[A — Af,
e + 3
F;e needed to cause cracking at the open-
ing edges, as shown in Fig. 7. From
the results, it can be observed that
ing and subjected to applied prestress-
ing forces F,, F , and F
2 . The compo-
Fl’ A
]‘1ei F;
2 (2)
adding one closed stirrup 5 mm (0.2 in.)
in diameter increases the required
nent of the prestressing force causing cracking prestressing force by about
the vertical tensile force at the open- For a T-section: 17 percent.
ing, F;, is composed of three parts: one Increasing the amount of this verti
is the prestressing force F, applied di-
F; (.4-) + J
cal reinforcement increases the pre
rectly to the web; the second and the (3) stressing force, causing cracking, and

November-December 1995 65
should be arranged within the distance
d and be placed as close as possible to
the opening edge.
If cracking is allowed at the transfer
stage, then stirrups can be designed to
resist the total splitting tensile force.
Because the splitting stress has a steep
gradient, it is recommended that the
design stress for the reinforcing steel
be taken as one-half the allowable
stress,f. Thus:

A=- (9)

Such reinforcement should be ar

Fig. 6. Development of vertical tensile force at an opening. ranged as closed stirrups, also within
the distance d, from the opening edge.
Considering the vertical tensile
stress at mid-depth of the opening at
the transfer stage to be equal to f, the
maximum value of the tensile stress,
f, at the four corners of the opening
due to the prestressing force only can
be estimated assuming a linear distri
bution, as shown in Fig. 8. Thus:

f=[f (10)

for hb h,

( h—t
Fig. 7. Effect of vertical reinforcement on the prestressing force causing cracking for h hb
at the opening edges.
Using Eq. (7) and substituting:
decreases the rate of increase in that = length of tension field at open 2T
force. However, there is a certain opti ing edge, determined by Eq. (6) b
mum percentage of vertical reinforce b = beam width
ment beyond which no significant in d’ = distance between opening edge in Eqs. (10) and (11), the maximum
crease in this prestressing force and center of gravity of steel area tensile force at the four corners of the
occurs. From the finite element para uniformly disthbuted within dis opening can be estimated as:
metric study, it was determined that tance d, and equal to 0.5d
before cracking, the concrete and the (hb—t l
f direct tensile strength of con
I (12)
reinforcement both resist the vertical crete, 0.33,/ MPa (4.0f C tj

splitting tensile force according to the psi) (Collins and Mitchell’

4 for h,, h
modular ratio, n. It was found that the It can be observed from Eq. (8) that
total resisting tensile force, T, can be the splitting tensile stress was assumed or
expressed as follows: to have a triangular distribution. This
assumption was verified by the test re ( h—i
T=I IT (13)
i =)()+t’[(nl)A
1 sults. Havingj determined from above H—C—tf)
and equating the splitting tensile force,
for Ji hb
(8) T, calculated from Eq. (5) with Tr in
Eq.(8), the area of vertical stirrups, A,
4 This force Tf will be added to the
where required to resist the splitting stress at force due to the vertical load in order
A = cross-sectional area of closed the transfer stage can be estimated. It to determine the total reinforcement
stirrups at one edge of opening should be noted that these stirrups required at the opening edges, as will

around the opening increase.
Considering the camber of the beam
due to the prestressing force, the di
mensions and the location of the open
(a) hb h ing were found to be the main factors
affecting the maximum camber at the
center of the beam. The vertical rein
forcement at the opening edges was
found to have no effect on the camber
of the beam at this stage of loading.

Cracking at Opening
(b) h
1 hb Due to Vertical Load
(Service Load Stage)
At the service load stage, the beam
is subjected to a vertically applied
load as well as the prestressing force.
Fig. 8. Vertical tensile stresses at opening. For such loadings, different types of
cracks can develop around the open
ing, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
Cracking at the Opening Corners
P=0.0 kN — Based on the finite element analy
sis substantiated by the test results, it
was found that, due to the application
of an external vertical load, the maxi
mum splitting tensile stress shifts up
=ll3 kN ward at the right edge of the opening
and downward at the left edge of the
opening, as shown in Fig. 5(b). This
(a) can cause cracking of the opening
corners, as shown in Fig. 4(b).
The cracks at these corners are due
to the splitting stress, ff. resulting
from the prestressing force as well as
to the splitting stress, J,, resulting
from the external vertical load. Be
=113 kN cause the tensile force generated from
the combination of ftf andf, is almost
vertical, vertical reinforcing steel be
comes more effective than inclined re
Note; 1 kip = 4.45 kN inforcing steel in controlling corner
1 ksi = 6.89 MPa cracking in prestressed beams with
openings. This is unlike reinforced
Fig. 9. Shear stress distribution at opening at: (a) transfer stage;
concrete beams where the resultant
(b) service load stage.
force is inclined more to the longitu
dinal, in which case inclined reinforc
be discussed later. It should be noted opening corners and insignificant ing steel is more effective than verti
that Eqs. (12) and (13) were developed stresses at the chords of the opening. cal reinforcing steel.
for I-sections. However, they can also While the horizontal location of the ,, due to the vertical
The stress, ff
be applied to other sections by putting opening and the width of the opening load was found to have a distribution
tf = 0 in both equations for rectangular have almost no effect on the shear along a horizontal plane passing by
beams and tf = 0 in Eq. (12) for T stresses at the transfer stage, the verti Corner 3 in Fig. 10(a), changing from
beams. cal location and depth of the opening tension to compression in a distance
Fig. 9(a) shows the shear stress dis significantly affect these stresses. As d, as shown in Fig. 10(b). At Corner
tribution around the opening at the the opening is moved vertically to 2, f changes from compression to
transfer stage. It can be seen from the ward the line of action of the pre tension in the same distance d, as
results that the prestressing force in stressing force or as the depth of the shown in Fig. 10(c). It can be seen
duces significant shear stresses at the opening increases, the shear stresses that similar stress distributions occur

November-December 1995 67
are transferred to the solid segments at
the opening edges, as shown in Fig. 11.
IF Because the deeper chord carries a
larger amount of shear, it is subjected
to higher splitting stresses. Increasing
the width of the opening increases the
secondary moment at the opening
edges and results in higher vertical
splitting stresses at the opening cor
t (a)
ners. Increasing the depth of the open
ing significantly increases the vertical
splitting stress at the upper right and

the lower left corners of the opening.
From the above discussion, it can be
‘cv assumed that there is a segment of the
beam at each end of the opening con
tributing a framing action to the open
K ing chords shown in Fig. 11. The width
• (b) (C) of these beam segments is (4 + dr), as
shown in Fig. 11(a). A parametric
study has shown that the values for 4
Rg. 10. Vertical tensile stresses at opening. and cI are almost the same as those
previously given in Eq. (6). It can also
be assumed that at Corner 3 [Fig.
10(a)], the moment transferred to Seg
ment CB is resisted by two forces, T
and C, shown in Fig. 10(b), where T
,s. is assumed to act at a distance 4/3
from Corner 3 and C is assumed to act

j: at the middle of the distance d. Thus,

the tensile force 7 due to the vertical
load can now be calculated from:

iMsb Msb
dt + 0
It + [. ..1 in which M 5 is the secondary moment
at the top chord of the opening. As
suming a triangular distribution for the
vertical splitting stress, the maximum
tensile stress can be calculated as:


“Msb This stress is due to the vertical load

only. The vertical stresses due to pre
stressing at the corners should be
Fig. 11. Framing action around opening. added to this stress to derive the total
vertical splitting stress at the opening
corner for design.
at Corners 1 and 4, respectively. deeper chord. This is because the split A parametric study was carried out
The horizontal location of the open ting stress occurs due to a framing ac to determine the effect of the amount
ing has a minor effect on these tion between the opening chords and and arrangement of reinforcement on
stresses, while the vertical location of the solid concrete segments at the cracking at the corners of prestressed
the opening significantly affects these edges of the opening. Through this beams with openings. The area, num
stresses. The maximum splitting stress framing action, the secondary mo ber and direction of the reinforcing
at the service load stage occurs at the ments at the opening chords resulting steel, whether vertical or inclined, were
opening corner corresponding to the from the shear forces at these chords studied. Fig. 12(a) shows the effect of

the area of vertical reinforcement on
the cracking load capacity. It can be
observed from the results in Fig. 12(a)
that there is an optimum percentage of
reinforcing steel beyond which no in
crease in the above capacity will occur.
This is because this capacity is also af
fected by other capacity reducing fac
tors discussed below.
The arrangement of the vertical re
inforcement at the edges of the open
ing was also examined. It was found
that placing all the required reinforce
ment as close as possible to the open
ing edge instead of distributing this re
inforcement over the distance d 1
increases the cracking load by 10 to 15
percent. Therefore, it is recommended
that all the vertical reinforcement
should be placed within a distance d 1
from the opening edge and as close as
possible to the opening edge.
The effectiveness of using inclined
reinforcement at the four corners of
the opening in prestressed beams was
also studied. It was found that placing
the reinforcement at an inclination of
45 degrees increases the cracking load
by only 10 percent in comparison to
using vertical reinforcement. The bond
length of the vertical reinforcement z
should be checked for adequacy. This
bond can be improved by using more 0
branches of vertical closed stirrups.
To estimate the area of reinforcing
steel required to resist a certain verti 0)

cal applied load, P, the Vierendeel

method of analysis, described by
Kennedy and Abdalla,
5 can be applied
to determine the secondary moments
0 0,1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
and M$b at the top and bottom
Percentage of Steel Area (A/bH)
chords of the opening, respectively.
The larger of the two moments M 5 and Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN
MSb is used in Eq. (14) to determine
the tensile force T at the opening edge
due to the vertical load.
After replacing Tr with (T + Tf),
where T and Tf are given by Eq. (14), Fig. 12(b). Effect of reinforcement at opening chords on cracking load.
and Eqs. (12) or (13), respectively,
Eq. (8) is used to determine the re
quired area of reinforcing steel to pre opening corners may cause separation cracking occurs as a result of the pri
vent cracking at the corners of the along the interface between the flange mary moment and the secondary mo
opening. This area of reinforcement and the web of the section. Therefore, ment in the opening chords. These
should be added to the reinforcement the reinforcing steel should extend well moments cause flexural tensile
required to resist the shear stresses re into the flange with adequate anchorage stresses at the upper left and the lower
sulting from the external load on the length to resist such separation. right corners of the opening chords, as
beam. Cracking at the Edges of the shown in Fig. 3.
It should be noted that for beams Opening — Fig. 4(c) shows the third The secondary moments in the
with T- or I-sections, cracking at the type of cracking at the openings. This opening chords are formed by the

November-December 1995 69
shear forces in the chords. Therefore, sisting of area of concrete A ultimate load capacity of the beam. A
it is important to accurately predict the and area of transformed steel difference of about 15 percent was
distribution of shear between the top (n 1 )A of tension chord
— noted between the two cases.
and bottom chords of the opening. By assuming an allowable flexural Shear Cracking — The prestress
From the finite element parametric tensile stress (ACI Code
), the area of
8 ing force gives rise to shear stresses
study substantiated by test results, it steel A required to prevent cracking close to the opening corners, while
was shown (Abdalla’
) that the shear
2 can be estimated from Eq. (17). It the applied vertical load produces
force carried by the bottom chord of should also be noted that the presence shear stresses in the opening chords,
an opening in prestressed concrete of secondary moments at the opening as shown in Fig. 9. The vertical loca
beams can be determined from: edges may cause cracking in the tion of the opening and the opening
flange even if it is in the compression depth are the major factors affecting
chord. The effect of reinforcing the the shear stresses around the opening
V +ji top and bottom chords using longitudi at the working load stage before
- jAbWIb
nal bars in the two chords was studied. cracking.
where Fig. 12(b) shows that increasing the After cracking of the opening
Vb = shear force carried by bottom steel area in the opening chords in chords, the shear force carried by each
chord creases the cracking load of pre chord depends on the level of cracking
V = total shear force at center of stressed beams with openings. of that chord. Before cracking, the
opening Cracking of the Tension Chord — ratio of the shear force carried by each
Cracks start at the corners of the bot chord is given by Eq. (16). Excessive
AbW = x hb = area of bottom web
tom chord due to the tensile stresses shear stresses in the opening chords
A = b x = area of top web
resulting from the combined effect of may cause shear cracks similar to
‘b’ ‘t = moments of inertia of bottom
the primary moment and the sec those shown in Figs. 3 and 4(d). To
and top chords about their cen
ondary moments. For relatively shal avoid such cracking of the opening
troidal axes, respectively
low bottom chords, it was further ob chords, the shear stresses must not ex
It should be noted that Eq. (16) is served that when the net axial stresses ceed the allowable shear stresses.
valid as long as the tension chord is at the middle of the bottom chord ex The effect of the axial forces,
not cracked. Having determined the ceed the allowable tensile stress of the whether compression or tension, has
shear force distribution between the concrete, a crack will extend the full to be taken into consideration. Before
top and bottom chords of the opening, depth of the tensile chord, as shown in cracking, the shear force is distributed
the Vierendeel method given by Figs. 3 and 4(d). between the top and bottom chords ac
Kennedy and Abdalla
5 can be applied The condition for such cracking can cording to the root ratio given by Eq.
to determine the cracking load of the be represented by: (16).
opening chords. In that method, the After cracking, the following sim
maximum tensile stress f in the ten T=N—FbO.62Ag[7c (18) plified conservative procedure for esti
sion chord is calculated as: mating shear forces in the opening
where Fb is the prestressing force in chords is presented: if the crack in the
iNMSby the bottom chord and is calculated as bottom chord extends the full depth
ts 17 suming a triangular stress distribution
Ab Ab ‘b and the tension force in the tension
in the top chord of the opening at the chord is:
where transfer stage. For the bottom chord, a
Fb = prestres sing force in bottom rectangular stress distribution can be T 0.62Ab-f
chord assumed (Kennedy and Abdalla
To prevent this type of cracking, then it is recommended that the com
N tensile force resulting from
longitudinal reinforcement should be pression chord carries the total shear:
primary moment and equal
to MmIY in which Mm is the provided in the tensile chord. With Vt—V
such a provision, the resisting tensile (20)
primary moment at the cen Vb 0
ter of the opening and Y is strength of the tension chord in this
case becomes: If, on the other hand:
the vertical distance be
tween the centroids of the 0.62.[.i’[ A +(n 1)A] T 0.62Ab-s[jL
= —
opening chords
MSb = secondary moment in bot Equating Tr to T, given by Eq. (18), then the shear force in the tensile
tom chord the required area of steel A can be es chord is calculated from Eq. (16) at
y = distance from center of timated. From the parametric study, it cracking, i.e., Vbcr, with the compres
gravity of bottom chord to was found that placing this reinforce sion chord carrying the remaining
upper extreme fiber of same ment near the upper and lower fibers shear:
chord of the tension chord, rather than dis (21)
Ab, ‘b = area and moment of inertia tributing the reinforcement uniformly
of transformed section con- over the cross section, augments the In this case, the shear force carried

by the bottom chord can be calculated Table 2. Cracking loads of tested beams.
from Eq. (16) for design purposes. Experimental Analytical Concrete Prestressing
The use of this simplified method for Beam cracking load cracking load strength force
determining the shear forces in the identification (kN)
f’(MPa) F(kN)
opening chords results in a conserva Rectangular
tive design against shear failure in the BI1A 20 17 41 149
opening chords. BE1B 22 18 43 139
The calculated shear forces should BI2A 18 14 50 118
be compared to the ultimate shear ca BI2B 22 17 43 141
pacity, V, of a concrete section sub BI2C 22 18 45 116
jected to shear and prestressing forces BI3C 16 13 42 116
and given by the ACT Code
8 as:
BI11A 33 29 44 194
V (22)
Bill B 36 30 54 171
BIIIC 36 33 53 180
BII2B 33 31 48 173
where BII4C 29 26 50 189

Mcr = cracking moment of opening I-beains

chord, estimated using method BIIIIA 53 47 47 294
given by Kennedy and Abdalla
5 BIII1B 49 45 41 270

f’ = concrete strength in MPa Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN; 1 ksi = 6.89 MPa.
W opening width
b = width of web cracks were observed by the naked A = Af
1 2 = 0.043 m 2 (68 sq in.)
d = depth of opening chord eye and it is well known that hairline (271 sq in.)
If the shear in either of the top or the cracks precede this stage. Notwith The areas and moments of inertia of
bottom chords exceeds V, given by standing, the results from the pro the top and bottom chords of the open
Eq. (22), vertical stirrups are required posed design procedure are on the ing are:
to resist the difference. In this case, conservative side and, therefore, the 1 = 0.081 m
A 2 (126 sq in.)
the shear force carried by vertical stir procedure will yield a conservative = 1.16 x 10 m 4 (2778 in.
rups is given by: design. Ab = 0.062 m2 (96 sq in.)
vs=vc-vci (23) 0.275 x 10 m4 (659 in.
3 m 4 (43,036 in.)(the
where V is the shear force in any of moment of inertia of the cross
the opening chords and l’ is the shear A 9.2 m (30 ft) simply supported section at midspan)
force carried by the concrete in that post-tensioned prestressed concrete I-
chord. girder has been designed to resist a
The amount and arrangement of the total moment of 422 kN-m (310 kip Cracking Due to
vertical stirrups in the opening chords ft) due to a load P = 165 kN (37 kips) Prestressing Only
can be determined by applying the at midspan and due to its own weight, From Eqs. (1) and (2):
well known formula of = Afd/s = 4 kN/m (0.27 kip/ft). Six 15 mm F
2 483kN(l09kips)
where A is the cross-sectional area of (0.6 in.) steel strands with an ultimate e= 236 mm (9.3 in.)
the vertical stirrups, d is the depth of tensile strength of 1725 MPa (250 ksi) Using the geometries of the I-girder
the chord, s is the spacing between were used for prestressing the 45 MPa shown in Fig. 13 in Eq. (6) gives the
stirrups, and f is the yield strength of (6.5 ksi) concrete. The effective pre following values:
the reinforcing steel. stressing was estimated at 620 kN a = 94 mm (3.7 in.)
In order to validate the above pro (140 kips). One web opening 255 mm /3 = 1010mm (39.8 in.)
posed design procedure, it was ap (10 in.) deep by 914 mm (36 in.) 7=515mm (20.3 in.)
plied to the tested beams. Table 2 wide, shown in Fig. 13, was required 1 = 112 mm (4.4 in.)
shows a comparison between the test for the passage of utility services. The d = 898 mm (35.4 in.).
and the analytical cracking loads of center of the opening was to be lo From Eq. (5), T = 36.8 k.N (8.3 kips).
the tested beams. The analytical cated 3.05 m (10 ft) from the support. The allowable direct tensile strength
cracking loads were estimated accord Design the reinforcement required = = 0.33-/ = 2.2 MPa
ing to the proposed design equations. around the opening to resist cracking. (0.3 ksi). From Eq. (7), f 1 = 5.2 MPa
It can be observed from Table 2 that Defining A, , 11 Af
A , and A as the
2 (0.8 ksi) > 2,2 MPa (0.3 ksi). Hence,
the test results are invariably higher areas of the web, bottom and top vertical reinforcement is required. Sub
than the analytical values. The reason flanges, and the total cross section, re 2 = 36.8 kN (8.3 kips) in
stituting Tr = T
for this discrepancy is that the test spectively, then from Fig. 13: Eq. (8) yields A
2 = 3852 mm2 (6 sq in.)
cracking loads were recorded when A = 0.088 m 2 (137 sq in.) Use five #7, 2-branch stirrups within

November-December 1995 71
430 mm
V L/
I’ I’
strand /


#3 stirrups 305 mm

3 #6
910 mm

255 mm

3 #6
-2—15 mm 150 mm
steel strands

100 mm

Section X—X

5—15 mm

3043 mm 914 mmlx steel strands
5243 mm

9200 mm

Fig. 13. Layout of I-girder in Design Example 1.

the distance d
1 along each side of the Cracking at Opening Corners Cracking at the Edges
opening. Using Eq. (13), the tensile of the Opening
From Eq. (14), T 8 = 55.8 kN (12.5
force at the upper right corner of the
kips). Hence, the total tensile force The prestressing forces in the top and
opening, 7}= (305/432) x 368 26.0 kN
near the corner of the opening = + bottom chords can be determined
(5.8 kips).
5 = 26.0 + 55.8 = 81.8 kN (18.4
T (Kennedy and Abdalla
) as F
5 1 = 150 kN
kips). Area of vertical reinforcement, (33.5 kips) and F,, = 470 kN (105.6
Service Load Stage 5 = (Tf + T)/0.5f
A kips). Also, the primary moment at the
, where f
5 5 is the al
The shear force at the center of the lowable tensile stress of the steel. The center of the opening, Mm = 1 .525P +
opening, V = 165/2 + 4 (9.2/2 3.05)

factor 0.5 is recommended because wd = 1.525P + 37.5 kN-m. Hence,
= 89 kN (20 kips). From Eq. (16), the tensile stress has a steep gradient the axial tensile force in the tension
Vb/V = 0.28. Hence, Vb 25 kN (5.6 at the edges of the opening. Thus A 5= chord due to the primary moment,
kips) and V = 64 lcN (14.4 ldps). The 1185 rmTi
2 (1.8 sq in.) < 3852 iTim2 (6 N = Mm/(0.91 0.088 0.145) = 2.25P
— —

secondary moments are MSb = 25 x sq in.) required at the transfer stage. +55.5kN.
0.914/2 = 11.4 kN-m (8.4 kip-ft), and Therefore, no additional reinforce Based on the minimum area of non
35 = 64 x 0.9 14/2 = 29.2 kN-m (21.5
M ment need be provided due to the ver prestressed steel specified by the ACT
kip-ft), respectively. tical load. 8 use three #6 steel bars along the

2400 mm 1’
7’ 50 mm
r-2 #6

2 #6 100 mm’

250 mm 500 mm

100 mm
steel strands

I’ 1200 mm
A ‘I
110 mm

Section X—X
2 #6
x —

steel bars
#3 stirrups #7 stirrups

I •


I I I I I I 1 II
4—13 mm...J
steel strands
4500 mm 1000 mm 8500 mm

14000 mm

Note: I in. = 25.4 mm

Fig. 14. Layout of double tee in Design Example 2.

top as well as along the bottom chords. shears carried by the top and bottom as shown in Fig. 14. Design for a 2.4
Taking into account this area of steel, chords of the opening become V, = 2 (50 psO live load, 2.4 kN/m
kN/m 2
the area and moment of inertia of the 107.2 kN (24.1 kips) and Vb = 41.7 lcN (50 psf) dead load, and a 1.0 kN/m
bottom chord are 0.07 m 2 (108 sq in.) (9.4 kips). The shear capacity of the (20 psf) superimposed dead load.
and 0.4 x 10 m 4 (958 in.
). Using Eq.
4 bottom chord can be determined using Steel strands of 13 mm (1/2 in.) diam
(17), the load P causing cracking in Eq. (22), in which the cracking mo eter with f = 1860 MPa (270 ksi)
that chord can be shown to be 175 kN ment, Mcr, given by Kennedy and Ab are used for prestressing the concrete
(39.3 kips)> 165 kN (37.1 kips). Thus, 5 is 0.57 kN-m (0.4 kip-ft).
dalla, of = 35 MPa (5000 psi) and f’= 45
the three #6 steel bars can prevent Hence, from Eq. (22), the shear ca MPa (6500 psi). The center of the
cracking in the opening chords. pacity of the bottom chord, V = 17.2 opening is to be located 5 m (16.4 ft)
kN (3.9 kips) 0.14 (J) (125) from the support.
Cracking of the Tension Chords (381 x 10-3) = 44.7 kN (10.0 kips)>
41.7 kN (9.4 kips). For the top chord,
Because the axial tensile force in the Loads
= 118 kN (26.5 kips) > 107.2 kN
tension chord, N, is less than the pre
(24.1 kips). Therefore, only minimum For a single leg of the tee:
stressing force Fb in that chord, the net
areas of stirrups (ACI Code
) should
axial force is compression in this case. W = 5.8 kN/m (0.4 kip/ft)
be provided in the opening chords.
Therefore, cracking due to tension will W=8.84kN(1.9kips)
Use five #3 stirrups, spaced at 180
not occur. The three #6 steel bars, pro
mm (7 in.). M = 142 kN-m (105 kip-ft)
vided above, are adequate for the ten
sion chord. 5 = 217 kN-m (160 kip-ft)

Shear Cracking Number of Strands
Design a 14 m (46 ft) span 500 mm
For P = 165 kN (37.1 kips), Wd = (20 in.) deep precast pretensioned Using tables given by the CPCI De
4 kN/m (0.3 kip/ft) and using load fac double tee to accommodate an open sign Manual,’
5 select eight strands for
tors of 1.7 and 1.4, respectively, the ing of 250 x 1000 mm (10 x 40 in.), the double tee (four in each leg).

November-December 1995 73
Ultimate Strength at Midspan Cracking at Opening to the axial tensile force in that chord;
Effective flange width: Due to Prestressing and (5) cracking of the opening chords
Using Eqs. (3) to (9): due to shear.
be = ‘/4 of span length = 3.5 m (138 in.)
3. In prestressed beams with wide
bW+161f= 155+ 12x50=755nun 5 =F
F =514kN(ll4kips)
3 openings, the second and third types of
(30 in.) a 408—338— 100/2
= crack patterns are likely to occur, while
1/2 clear distance to next beam
= 20 mm (0.8 in.) deep openings may induce the third and
= 522 mm (21 in.) [controls]
d, = 13 x (500)2/(250 x 225) fifth types of crack patterns. Beams
5 =400 mm (16 in.)
d = 58 mm (2.3 in.) with shallow bottom chords may ex
A 395 mm
2 (0.6 sq in.) 2 x 500 x 225/(3 x 250) hibit the fourth type of crack pattern.
d =

300mm (11.8 in.) 4. The presence of secondary mo

Assume a strand stress of 0.7f =
ments at the opening edges may cause
immediately after transfer and 15 per /3=58+300=358mm(14.1 in.) cracking of the flange even if it is
cent losses due to shrinkage, creep and
y= 250/2 + 150/3 + 100/2 under compression. Cracking at the
relaxation. = 225 mm (8.9 in.) opening corners may cause separation
= 395/(239000/2) = 0.0033 1 5 =20x514x(225—20)/(358x225)
T along the interface between the flange
f = 1860 [1 — (0.5 x 0.00331 x = 26.2 kN (5.8 kips) and the web of the section.
1860)145] 5. In the case of I-beams, the pres
1740 MPa(253 ksi)
f =2x26.2/(58x 125) ence of the flange in the tension chord
= 7 MPa (1.02 ksi)
Check reinforcement index: > 2.2 MPa (0.32 ksi)
reduces the possibility of having a
fully cracked tension chord (the fourth
w, = 0.00331 x 1740/45 Therefore, vertical reinforcement is type of cracking); in this case, crack
= 0.13<0.3 required. ing at the opening corners becomes
T’ = A = 395 x 1740/1000
5 Using Eq. (8): more likely.
= 687 kN (153 kips) 2.2x58x 125/2+
687 = 0.8
5 45x522/l000xa [(58 29)/58] x 5 x A
— 5 x 2.2
a 34.4 mm (1.4 in.) RECOMMENDATIONS
= Hence, A
5 = 3306 mm 2 (130 sq in.).
< 50 mm (2 in.) Use four #7, two-branch stirrups at 1. Longitudinal reinforcement
4M = 0.9 T’(d
5 a/2)

each side of the opening to prevent should be provided near the top and
= 0.9 x 687(400 34.4/2)/1000

cracking at the transfer stage. The de bottom of the two chords of the rect
= 236 kN-m (174 kip-ft) sign for the other reinforcement angular opening to resist cracking re
> 217 kN-m (160 kip-ft) around the opening follows the same sulting from the secondary moments,
procedure as in Design Example 1. and to prevent tension cracking result
ing from the axial tensile force in the
Transfer Stresses at tension chord.
End of Beam CONCLUSIONS 2. Cracking at the opening corners
Results from tests as well as from a may cause splitting along the interface
fb = -5 14/119.5 —(514 x 169)/7550 between the flange and the web. Such
parametric study were utilized to de
= -16 MPa (2.3 ksi) compression splitting should be resisted by vertical
velop design procedures against crack
= -514/1 19.5 + (514 x 169)/18800 ing in prestressed concrete beams with stirrup reinforcing or shear studs.
= +0.3 MPa (0.04 ksi) tension openings at transfer and under service 3. Prestressed beams with openings
load. Based on these results, the fol should be designed to be free from
lowing conclusions can be made: cracks under service load, especially
Transfer Stresses at Opening 1. Prestressed concrete beams with when subjected to repeated loads (Ab
openings can be accommodated in dalla and Kennedy’
Taking the opening into account
practice provided they are properly de 4. If the designer has the choice, it
when calculating the area and moment
signed as suggested in this paper. is recommended to limit the depth of
of inertia:
2. Prestressed beams with openings the opening because it is more critical
fb= -514/86.4 —(514 x 338)/4.2 + than the width of the opening.
may crack in five different patterns:
(142 x 10)/4.2
(1) cracking at the edges of the open
= -13.4 MPa (1.9 ksi) compression
ing at transfer; (2) cracking at the
f= -514/86.4 + (514 x 338)/18.7 —

upper right and lower left corners of ACKNOWLEDGMENT

(142 x 10)/18.7 the opening; (3) flexural cracking at The research reported in this paper
= -4.3 MPa (0.6 ksi) compression was supported by the Natural Sciences
the corners of the opening chords due
The above stresses are within the al to secondary moments in the chords; and Engineering Research Council of
lowable stress limits at transfer. (4) cracking of the tension chord due Canada, Grant Number A-1896.

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Ab, A = cross-sectional areas of bot f = maximum vertical tensile torn and top chords of open
tom and top chords, réspec stress at opening ing, respectively
tively H = total depth of cross section N = normal axial force in open
, Af
Af 2 = cross-sectional areas of bot of beam ing chords
tom and top flanges, re h = depth of rectangular open P = externally applied load
spectively ing T = vertical tensile force near
A = area of mild steel reinforce depth of bottom and top opening
hb, h =
ment chords of opening, respec tf = thickness of beam flange
b = width of beam web tively V = total shear force
d, d = lengths of compression and ‘b’ I = moments of inertia of bot Vb, V, = shear force carried by bot
tension fields, respectively tom and top chords of tom and top chords of
opening, respectively opening, respectively
e = eccentricity of force, F,
from centroidal axis of sec I = moment of inertia of beam W = width of rectangular open
tion cross section ing
Y = distance between centroids
F = prestressing force = moment causing flexural
of opening chords
= 28-day compressive strength cracks at section considered
y = distance from center of
of concrete Mm = applied moment at mid gravity of bottom chord to
fr = allowable tensile stress in opening upper extreme fiber of
concrete MSb, = secondary moments in bot same chord

November-December 1995 75

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