GOJM Newsletter December 2019

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December 2019

O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son
of God appear, Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. Hymn

Dear Friends,

For me, December and the Christmas season is the best time of year. It is a time to remember and
celebrate as John says that God so loved us that He sent us his only Son to us. As I look at the
Christmas lights and listen to the Christmas music I am reminded that the world is broken but that the
Light of the World has come and He is coming back again!

I was able to visit Moldova and all of our workers in October of this year. As you enter Moldova and
travel around there are reminders of brokenness that is the legacy of Soviet Communist rule.
Personally, the tiny unlit elevators in the Soviet era apartment buildings are one of the most vivid and
scary reminders. But, on this my eighth visit, it was as encouraging as all of my previous visits because
the Light of Christ shines in our workers. The Lord continues to open doors for our workers and the
impact and the quality of the work being done is a blessing to witness. I wish all of you could spend
time with our worker’s in Moldova because their passion for their ministry and deep Love for Christ is
infectious and inspiring. While Moldova wouldn’t make the list of top vacation destinations, for me the
time shared with our worker’s is best described as 5 star holiday for my soul.

The Picture above is from my trip in October of our workers and their families in Chisinau
Our workers have developed a good name and additional doors of ministry continue to open up for
them. There continue to be more avenues of ministry then we have resources to support. We
currently have public schools, hospitals, orphanages and after school clubs that have heard about our
workers and are requesting workers but we don’t have the resources yet to serve. This is very
encouraging as the ministry of our worker’s is focused on sharing the Gospel and creating disciples.
Please continue to pray with us that God will send us the workers and the resources to bring the good
news to more people in Moldova. The picture below is an example of new doors being opened as Julie
Mari, our children’s ministry leader, is signing a multi year contract with one of the local public schools
to allow us to teach morality and share the Gospel.

Julie Madari- Children’s Ministry leader signing a contract with a Public School Principal.

As we close the year, I just want to thank all of our supporters for their contributions this year. Your
gifts have enabled the Gospel and the Love of Jesus to be shared to hundreds of lost people in
Moldova in prisons, orphanages, schools, clubs, churches, and small group discipleship meetings. The
impact that God is doing with our small ministry continues to be large.

May you have a very Merry Christmas that is filled with the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Come quickly Jesus!

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Email: mark_ganaway@hotmail.com
Phone 817-507-8339

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