Environmental Problem Essay

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Isn’t it surprising to think just how beautiful and raw nature was a few million years ago,

and how it has changed into something that the world is worrying about, now? It's astounding to
see how humans have evolved and emerged on one hand and have managed to put our Mother
Nature in such grave danger, on the other.

Over the past decades of ecological history, various environmental problems that the world
faced; some may due to natural catastrophe, but most of them are caused by human activities. As
a result, many countries have to bear with pointless expenditure to rejuvenate the state of their
environment. Some people argued that every individual inclusive company is obliged to pay the
cleaning cost of their actions that lead to environmental degradation, while others believed that
certain actions are just unavoidable.

To begin with the numerous means which cause the ecosystem polluted and destructive. Firstly,
the deforestation where humans continually cutting down the trees for making the room for the
living or constructing the new houses. As a result, many countries are being affected by flood
and other natural disasters.

Secondly, in order to fulfil the needs of the people, factories and mills are emitting the carbon
which causes the ozone layer is being damaged. Consequently, the harmful rays are impacting
adverse to the people’s health. Finally, the wastage, which is being collected by the people, is
being poured into the soil which makes the land infertile. After examining the different ways, it
has been clear that humans are responsible for making the environment worse.
Next, the question is that what the government should do for addressing these acute problems.
The government can play a pivotal role in order to highlight the issues of global warming. In
other words, people can get familiar with the negative effects of global warming by organizing
the government funded awareness camps. Moreover, media can play an important role by having
the collaboration with government to address the pressing issues of damaging environment on
television. On the other hand, people can control their habits which cause the environment
polluted. For instance, by avoiding the usage of plastic bags they can save the environment from
pollution to some extent. In addition to this, they can control their desires which cause the
factories and mills to produce more to fulfil their demands. Therefore, undoubtedly, if both
government and an individual understand their responsibilities towards the environment, it can
be saved from the destruction.
In conclusion, after analyzing the different ways of damaging the environment, and the
significant roles of the government and an individual. I opine that this problem cannot be solved
to think in isolation, therefore, it is important to both government and individual should come
forward and take a responsibility to alleviate this extreme problem otherwise they have to live
with the consequences of it.

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