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Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

User Manual for

Micro-PIC18F (Lite)

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction. .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Features ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Pin Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 4
a) PIC18F458 ................................................................................................................................................ 4
b) PIC18F4550 .............................................................................................................................................. 4
c) PIC18F4520............................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Hardware: Functional Description and Interfacing. ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 I2C Interface (EEPROM and RTC)............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 SPI Interface (EEPROM and SD Card). ..................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). .......................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Serial Communication using UART (RS232). ............................................................................................. 7
2.5 External Interrupt Switch ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Port Extensions ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 CN3, CN4 (ICSP) ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.6.2 CN7 ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.6.3 CN8 .................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.4 CN9 .................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6.5 CN10 .................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.6.7 CN12 .................................................................................................................................................. 14
3. Software : Functional Description and Interfacing. ....................................................................................... 15
3.1 Programming Overview of Micro-PIC18F. ............................................................................................... 15
3.2 PC Connection Setup................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3 MPLAB X Programming IDE. .................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1. Creating a new project ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2. Opening an existing project. ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3.3. Creating a new Source file and Header File .................................................................................... 17
3.3.4. Compiling Project ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.4. Executable Flashing Tool (PICLoader.exe). ............................................................................................ 17

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

1. Introduction.

1.1 Overview
PIC is a family of modified Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology.
The PIC microcontroller is the most widely used controller in the automation industry today. It is
the most preferred choice of engineers working in the field of industrial electronics solutions.
The Micro-PIC18F kit has interfaced the PIC18F series microcontroller, to various peripherals
on the board. Devices like LED’s and LCD, I2C interface based memory devices, RTC, SD/MMC Card
interface, Matrix Keypad, ADC, DAC, graphical LCD, Stepper motor, etc can also be interfaced on the

1.2 Features
The Micro-PIC18F microcontroller board has been specifically designed keeping in mind the
needs of students for learning the PIC architecture. The board gives a complete overview for
interfacing various peripheral devices which are used in the industry and consumer devices alike. A
hands-on with the board will develop in the student the experience to design and implement
various devices and products based on the PIC Microcontroller.

Following are the features of the PIC18F Family of microcontrollers;

 High Performance RISC CPU.

o 77 instructions
o C Language friendly.
o Linear program and data memory space.
o Up to 48 MHz and 10 MIPS operation.
o Priority levels for interrupts.
o 16 bit wide instructions and 8 bit wide data path.
o 8x8 hardware multiplier.
 Peripheral Features.
o Up to 25 ma current source and sink.
o Up to 4 external interrupt pins.
o Up to 3 16 bit timer counters.
o Timer, counter and PWM operations.
o MSSP ports with support for SPI and I2C protocols.
o Addressable USART modules.
o Up to 16 channel 10 bit ADC with high sampling rate.
o Comparators.
o Low Voltage and Brown out detector.
o Watchdog timer and In-System programming via two pins.
 Power Managed Features.
o Dynamic switching to low power oscillator.
o SLEEP Mode.
o 6 power managed modes.

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

1.3 Pin Diagram

a) PIC18F458

b) PIC18F4550

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
c) PIC18F4520

2. Hardware: Functional Description and Interfacing.

The Micro-PIC18F microcontroller board has been specifically designed keeping in mind the needs
of students for learning the PIC architecture. The board gives a complete overview for interfacing
various peripheral devices which are used in the industry and consumer devices alike. A hands-on
with the board will develop in the student the experience to design and implement various devices
and products based on the PIC Microcontroller.
Following are the features of the Micro-PIC18F Microcontroller board.
 PIC18F microcontroller from Microchip running at maximum 48 MHz.
 UART with USB to Serial driver for PC Connectivity.
 Provision for 16x2 character LCD module and 128x64 Graphical LCD.
 Provision for 4x4 Matrix Keypad.
 Provision for 8 general purpose LED’s.
 Provision for Common Anode Seven Segment display.
 DS1307 I2C RTC with power backup.
 Provision for EEPROM with I2C interface.
 Provision for SD/MMC card on SPI interface.
 Two ADC channels of 10 bit on Chip ADC interfaced to External voltage source.
 Provision for Stepper Motor and DC Motor Driver with L293D Chip.
 Provision for Relay and Buzzer.
 Two General Purpose switches.
 Switch for External Interrupt event generation.

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

2.1 I2C Interface (EEPROM and RTC).

The I2C interface from the processor has been brought out on the Micro-PIC18F board. The
Devices such as RTC (DS1307) with I2C interface have been integrated on the board. Separate Add-
on for EEPROM (AT24Cxx) is available. In such cases, these add-ons must be connected to CN11.
The Port pins have to be configured to work as I2C clock and Data lines. No jumper settings are
needed to use this interface.
The SPI EEPROM card should be connected on the CN11 header (refer CN11 pin out details).
Interfacing Details for I2C Interface.

Device PIC18F4550 PIC18F458


2.2 SPI Interface (EEPROM and SD Card).

The SPI interface from the processor is available on the Micro-PIC18F board. Add-on boards
such as SPI based EEPROM and SD/MMC Card can be interfaced using the SPI interface.
The port pins from the processor have to be configured as SPI. No jumper settings are needed
to use the SPI interface.

The SPI EEPROM card should be connected on the CN11 header (refer CN11 pin out details).
Interfacing Details for SPI Interface.

Device PIC18F4550 PIC18F458


©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

2.3 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).

The processor on the Micro-PIC18F contains a 10 bit ADC with 12 channels. The board has
provided the user with 2 channels. Analog voltage is provided using potentiometers P1 and P2. ADC
Ch7 and ADC Ch6 peripheral is connected to this input. The Analog voltage can be measured at CN3
and CN2 respectively.
Interfacing Details for ADC.

Device Pin Details

ADC 2 RE 1 (AN6)
ADC 1 RE 2 (AN7)

2.4 Serial Communication using UART (RS232).

UART interface from the controller is available for the user on the Micro-PIC18F board. UART is
connected to USB to Serial.
©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015
Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
Interfacing Details for UART.

Device Pin Details


2.5 External Interrupt Switch

The External Interrupt is generated using a switch connected to Port pin RB2.

2.6 Port Extensions

2.6.1 CN3, CN4 (ICSP)

CN3 Interfacing Details

CN3.1 Reset
CN3.2 +5V
CN3.4 RB7 (PGD)
CN3.5 RB6 (PGC)
CN3.6 RB5 (PGM)

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
CN4 Interfacing Details

CN4.1 +5V
CN4.2 NC
CN4.3 Reset
CN4.4 RB5 (PGM)
CN4.5 NC
CN4.6 RB6 (PGC)
CN4.7 NC
CN4.8 RB7 (PGD)
CN4.9 NC
CN4.10 GND

2.6.2 CN7

CN7 Interfacing Details

CN7.1 +5V
CN7.2 NC
CN7.3 NC
CN7.4 +3.3V
CN7.5 RA0
CN7.6 RA1
CN7.7 RA2
CN7.8 RA3
CN7.9 RA4
CN7.10 RA5
CN7.11 RE1
CN7.12 RE0
CN7.13 RE2
CN7.14 GND

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
2.6.3 CN8

CN8 Interfacing Details

CN8.1 +5V
CN8.2 NC
CN8.3 RE0
CN8.4 +3.3V
CN8.5 RB0
CN8.6 RB1
CN8.7 RB2
CN8.8 RB3
CN8.9 RB4
CN8.10 RB5
CN8.11 RB6
CN8.12 RB7
CN8.13 RE1
CN8.14 GND

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
2.6.4 CN9

CN9 Interfacing Details

CN9.1 +5V
CN9.2 NC
CN9.3 RA0
CN9.4 +3.3V
CN9.5 RC0
CN9.6 RC1
CN9.7 RC2
CN9.8 RC3
CN9.9 RC4
CN9.10 RC5
CN9.11 RC6
CN9.12 RC7
CN9.13 RA1
CN9.14 GND

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
2.6.5 CN10

CN10 Interfacing Details

CN10.1 +5V
CN10.2 NC
CN10.3 RA2
CN10.4 +3.3V
CN10.5 RD0
CN10.6 RD1
CN10.7 RD2
CN10.8 RD3
CN10.9 RD4
CN10.10 RD5
CN10.11 RD6
CN10.12 RD7
CN10.13 RA3
CN10.14 GND

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
2.6.6 CN11

CN11.1 +5V
CN11.2 NC
CN11.3 NC
CN11.4 +3.3V
CN11.5 RB0
CN11.6 RB1
CN11.7 RB2
CN11.8 RB3
CN11.9 RB4
CN11.10 RB5
CN11.11 RB6
CN11.12 RB7
CN11.13 NC
CN11.14 GND

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
2.6.7 CN12

CN12 Interfacing Details

CN12.1 +5V
CN12.2 NC
CN12.3 NC
CN12.4 +3.3V
CN12.5 NC
CN12.6 NC
CN12.7 NC
CN12.8 NC
CN12.9 RB0
CN12.10 RB1
CN12.11 RC6
CN12.12 RC7
CN12.13 NC
CN12.14 GND

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

3. Software : Functional Description and Interfacing.

3.1 Programming Overview of Micro-PIC18F.

In order to program the controller on the Micro-PIC18F board the following setup is needed.

1. MPLAB X IDE setup.

2. XC8 Compiler setup.
3. PICLoader Utility for flash programming through USB to Serial.

3.2 PC Connection Setup.

The Micro-PIC18F Board connects to the PC via the USB to Serial port. The Hex files generated
by the IDE can be downloaded into the flash memory using the ISP feature on the microcontroller via
the USB to Serial port. The Micro-PIC18F Board development kit has a USB cable included in the
package. Connect the (A type) side of the connector to the PC and the B type side to the Micro-PIC18F
Board USB to Serial .

3.3 MPLAB X Programming IDE.

3.3.1. Creating a new project
 Go to the File Tab.
 Click on New Project.

 Step1: Choose Project:

o Select :Microchip Embedded -> Standalone Project. Click Next.

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

 Step2: Select Device:

o Select : Family -> Advanced 8 Bit MCU (PIC18).
o Select : Device: PIC18F4550. Click Next.

 Step3: Select Tool: Simulator. Click Next.

 Step4: Select Compiler ->XC8. Click Next.

 Step5: Select Project Name and Folder.

o Give Project Name.
o Select project Location using Browse Button.
o Uncheck Set as main project option.
o Click Finish.

Very Important Note:

 Step6: Adjustment for Bootloader.
o Select the project and Go to properties.
o Select XC8 linker.
o In Option Categories select Additional Options.
o In Code Offset: write 800.
©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015
Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual
3.3.2. Opening an existing project.
 Go to the File Tab.
 Select Open Project.
 Browse to the location and select the projectname.X file (project file). Click on Open Project
3.3.3. Creating a new Source file and Header File.
 Go to the Project location in the Project window.
 Click the + sign to open the project space.
 Right Click on the Source Files folder (for a C file) and Header files (for a .h file).
o New - > C Source file / or C Header File.

3.3.4. Compiling Project.

 Step1: Go to project window.

 Right Click on the project folder and select Build or Clean and Build.

3.4. Executable Flashing Tool (PICLoader.exe).

 Connect the USB Cable to the Board.
 Step 1: Double Click the PICloader.exe.

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

 Step2: Go to Programs -> Settings.

o Select the USB to serial com port. Click OK.

Note: Make sure not to select Config Bits and EEPROM Settings as these can damage the

 Step3: Go to Programs -> Break/Reset Mode or Press F3.

 Step4: Press the Reset Switch on the Micro-PIC18F Board.

 Step5: Go to Programs ->Bootloader Mode or Press F4.

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

Micro-PIC18F Development Kit User Manual

 Step6 : Select Hex file :

o File -> Open -> Browse to location.

o Project folder -> dist -> default->production.

 Step7: Go to Programs -> Write Device or Press F6

After successful writing it will display Write Complete at the bottom.

 Step8: Press Reset on the board to Run the program.

©MicroEmbedded Technologies, 2014-2015

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