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Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Saddam Hussein
- President of Iraq (1979-1991),
- Sunni Islam
- Supressed Shia and Kurdish Islam
Background The invasion of Iraq, 2003
- The US invade Iraq
- 19 March 2003
- Georg W. Bush
- depose Saddam
- possessing weapon of mass destruction
and having ties to al qauda
- capture on 13 December 2003
- Shia take over Iraq
- crime against humanity related to killing
148 Shia in 1982 (November, 2006)
- executed on 30 December 2006
Al Qauda
- millitant Sunni Islamist
multinational organization
- Soviet-Afganistan War, 1988
- Osama Bin Laden
Al Qaeda in Iraq
- active in Iraq after the invasion
- oppose to the US and Shia
- Abu Musab al Zarqawi
- allegiance to Osama Bin Laden
- died in June 2006
Islamic State of Iraq
- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 2010
- expand to Syria
- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Levant
(ISIS/ISIL), 2013
Ideology Salafi Jihadism
- religious-political ideolism based on Salafi and
- Adherance to be true Sunni Islam
- Salaf, the first three generation of Muslim
(Muhammad, his companion and the successors)
- create the caliphate across Iraq, Syria, and beyond
- Islamic state, rule by the caliph (successor of
Muhammad and his companion)
- follow Sharia Law, religious law including marriage,
divorce, finance, ritual, and fasting.

- Violence : murder those who oppose them or oppose their view. Ex:
Christians, U.S. Journalists, Yazidis.
- Try to take over people using the concept of apocalyptic and jihad.
- First attack in DR Congo
- 8 soldiers were killed
- Congo thought it was the doing of the rebel group in Uganda.
- Later, the ISIS came out and said that it was their doing.
- On Nov, 2015, France was attacked.
- Suicide bombers and mass shootings.
- The attack was at the place where a lot of people gathered.
- 130 people were killed, 413 people injured.
At Sri Lanka

- 3 churches and 4 hotels got

- more than 300 dead, more
than 500 injured.
- Sri Lankan government
blamed National Thowheed
- Later, ISIS claimed the attacks.
International Responses To ISIS
● US-Led Coalition
○ Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR)
● France-Led
● Russia-Led
● Muslim States-Led

● US-Led Interventions
● Turkish Interventions
International Response To ISIS
Joint Military

● Airstrikes
○ More than 19,000 recorded airstrikes
● Land troops
○ More than 9,000 personel, from 23 coalition partners
● Military Aids
○ Humanitarian aids, Military supplies by coalition partners
International Response To ISIS
Economic Sanctions

● Cut money supplies

○ Isis economic had declined over the past 16 months (Sep, 2017)
○ Bombing oil industry
■ One of the main sources of income for the isis
■ However, most of the money gained by ISIS is via black market and illegal trade

● Prevention of money laundering

○ In May 2018, the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA) was
○ Impose further digital payment security
International Response To ISIS
Security Measures

● Prevention of travelling foreign fighter

○ Securing Syria-Turkey Borders
○ EU adopting the Passenger Name Recognition (PNR)
○ Enhancing traveler screening
○ The enactment number 2178 in the UN security council
○ Terrorist travelling across the country to join the ISIS

● Border Control
○ Harder border control in African country
International Response to ISIS
● Information
o Encourage the nations to shares information about foreign fighter in their country

● Counterpropaganda
○ ISIS uses media and online source for recruiting and to further promote its ideology.
○ Impose digital security in third world countries.
How does ISIS impact to all over
the world? Let’s start with....

➔ Long-term Civil War in

➔ Economic Decline
➔ Threat to Society
Long-term Civil War in Syria

… which causes further

problems such as …

- Deaths
- Refugees
- Spread of ISIS
Economic Decline

As the
… which ISIS spread,
causes more financial
further problems such resources
as … are used for
- Deaths
fighting against ISIS and
- Refugees
providing local security
- Terrorists raised
- GDP decline
- Tourism decline
Threat to Society

- Increase terrorist activities

- Inspire small terrorist groups

- which causes further
Psychological impactsproblems such as …
- Deaths
- Afraid
- Refugees
- Suspicious
- Terrorists raised
- Distress
- Human rights violation
Human rights abuse

Beheading, Threatening, Mass Executions

- 21 Egyptians Coptic Christians were

executed along the Libya beach in
- 2 months later More Christians were
executed in Libya
Human rights abuse
Child Soldiers

- Ahmed and Amir got kidnapped

to become child soldiers for


- Beating
- Threatened
- Drugged
Human rights abuse

Sexual violence and slavery

- Countless number of Mosul’s women

got raped
- United nations estimated that 1500
women, tennage girls and boy was
forced into sexual slavery
- President Obama stated that “They
enslave, rape, and force women into
- UN Security Council’s Fifth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and
security and the range of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat
- Seventh report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and security and the range
of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat
- -







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