Assignment of English

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Submitted to Submitted by
Dr. Ruchi Raj Thakur Abhyudaya raj mishra
Assistant professor BBA LLB 1st sem

“Acknowledgment and recognition from authoritative quarters are

important to every artiste”

The success and final outcome of this assignment required guidance and
assistance from many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got
this all along the completion of our assignment work.
I express my gratitude to my subject teacher Dr Ruchi Raj Thakur for
giving me this opportunity to do work on this topic and learn so much
along the way. Ever encouraging seniors helped me at every step of the
Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge my professors and the staff of
the Himachal Pradesh National Law University, who gave me the
permission to access to all the required equipment in completing this
project. This assignment could not be completed without each one’s

2-What is Law…………………………………………?
3-What is Literature……………………………………?
4-What is cinema……………………………………….?
5-Comparison of law and literature………………………
6-Differences between law and literature ………………...
7-About the movie………………………………………...
8-About the novel…………………………………………

Law, literature and Cinema: A Dynamic Trio

Three distinct disciplines of society are law, literature and cinema. But
their foundation is slightly identical or interconnected. They play a key
role in linking the entire society. When the cinema represents a law in
art, people feel linked, making everyone cynical and enjoying its
beautiful mixture. One reduces its overall impact without the other. As
you know, "We are stronger in unity than competition." You know. Law
and literature must be interpreted in order to familiarize them with the
lay person, then interpreted by films where the analysis is performed as
simple and easy as possible. Literature is something which is used by
lawyers to make their arguments stronger and by judges to make their
judgment more effective. While literature is penned down keeping in
mind the laws and to depict the society within its framework. And
cinema do its final job by picturizing everything in real on a recorded tap
to have the greater impact. This is how this dynamic trio.
What is law?

“The law is a public conscience”- THOMAS HOBBIES

The law is a set of legal rules that governs the way members of a society
act towards one another.
Law is “that portion of the established habit and thought of mankind
which has gained distinct and formal recognition in the shape of uniform
rules backed by the authority and power of the government”.
“When every man lives without, every man lives without freedom-

Laws are the enforceable rules of conduct in a society which reflect

culture and circumstances.
What is literature?

“Literature is a performance in work”- ROBERT FROST

Literature is literally "working with letters" (Latin ' littera ' means "an
individual written character / letter"). A collection of texts has been
identified by the term. This applies to a whole body of literary work as a
proper noun.

Most generally, literature is any collection of written works. More restric

tively, literature refers to writing that is considered an art form or any wr
iting that is deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often because la
nguage is deployed in ways that differ from ordinary use.
What is cinema?

“Cinema is a language that speaks about the future, although the

stories we tell are based on past”- PEDRO ALMODOVAR

The art of moving images is cinema or motion picture; a visual medium

that tells stories and exposes reality. Cinema was produced in the dusk of
the 19th century and is the new art form in the world.
Cinema is a reflection of society, a reflection of our history, present and
It's a communication form. A powerful educational, cultural and
advertising vehicle.1


Law in literature is understanding enduring issues as they are explored in

literary texts.
Law as literature is understanding legal texts by reference to methods of
literary interpretation, analysis, and critique.

A. Similarities between Law and Literature

Law and literature have certain parallels, as both involve a certain attenti
on to interpretation in order to understand the meaning of the document
while at the same time being faithful to it.

1. Common domain of study: Although there are two separate areas of

law and literature, both areas are human creation and seek "person and
community." That's why they have a friendship with each other. There
are currently many classes in which the subject is law. They describe the
relationship between law, people and society. Using examples like "The
2Trial," "The Venice Merchant," "A Passage to India," "Justice,"
"Silence! The Court is in session, "written on the subject of the law.
Literature has made law rich. The relationship between law and human
life has been deeply described. On the other levels these two areas of
study may be different, but both of them are fundamentally concerned
with the same thing.
So, in general speaking, we could say that the basic contents of these
two fields are overlapping in some ways.

2. They both have same functions: Both the law and the literature have
the same role. We always deal with the "human-society" relationship.
Both of them have a responsibility to idealize people and society. Their
fundamental function is to move and change the world of mankind. The
role of literature is learning, self-expression, empathy, self-search, life,
feeling, and healing. Literature inspires the minds of individuals. This
lets us dream of a world of beauty, perfect cultures, and social rights.
The duty of law is to limit the behavior of humans. And the people who
break the rules are punished.

3. Their methods of study are the same: In their methods of

explanation, description, readings and expression, the close relationship
between law and literature is revealed. This connection is most evident
in that the use of words and expression are both implemented. Both of
them gather the experiences and stories of people. They simply reflect
the human world of experience under the strict language. Novels are
very popular in the western world. The writers create characters and
describe their complicated roles in human relationships. They convey the
dialogs and thoughts of these characters. They add a surprise ending
through rhetoric and a logical sequence of events. Law and Literature
have the same method of explanation.

Differences between Law and Literature:

1. Their characteristics are different: The language used in law and

the language used in literary speech of any kind are so different.
Two different vocabulary are used by law and literature. Literature
derives from the inspirations and ambitions and feelings of
humankind, all brought together in this personalized product. With
emotion and personality, it's complex. It expresses the personal
thoughts and style of the writer. Literature's primary purpose is to
create. Some of them, however, are real stories that have become
novels. Literature has a practical side. These classics brought out
the hard to solve problems in society. They were moving their
readers. They expressed and intended what the writers wanted.
2.Their foundations are different: The conflicts of “doctrine of
guilt” When a sentence is imposed, all circumstances of the case shall
be considered and special attention shall be given to determine the
severity of the sentence. It is forbidden for a defendant to be
penalized outside the law without any probable reason. Upon the
ignorance of the “doctrine of guilt,” lawmakers could only deter
people through very strict Criminal Law.

I have chosen the movie named “Rustom”, it is a 2016 Hindi language

crime-thriller movie written by Vipul K. Real, directed by Tinu Suresh
Desai and produced by Neeraj Pandey.

The film is based on a naval officer's real-life accident. The film is a

pictorial portrayal of K.M, a landmark case. Nanavati V. Maharashtra
State. The entire film revolves around a mystery of murder, where the
defendant is K.M. Nanavati who kills the victim called Prem Ahuja, who
has an extra-marital relationship with the wife of the former. Initially the
case was heard in the Bombay session court where the judgment was in
favor of the defendant by the jury after hearing all the facts and
examining all the evidence and witnesses. This case was then taken up
by the Bombay High Court on the grounds of numerous allegations that
the jury's judgment had been influenced by the media.
The decision of the high court was now in the plaintiff's favor, and the
defendant was convicted and punished for life imprisonment. However,
the appeal was denied when the latter appealed in the Supreme Court.
Then, to pardon the accused, a letter was sent to the then governor of
Bombay. The governor accepted it.
When we take this whole real-life incident and compare it to what had
been shown in the film, we can say there were few missing facts in the
film, but those facts have no impact on the plot. However, the ending
was not what happened at the end, as the film ends up with the jury's
verdict but was taken in actual appeals and the decision modified as
well. It shows us that films are a blend of fact and the imagination of the
director because they have to grieve the viewer in addition to giving a
social message. The plot was beautifully shaped and showed the
audience in the way they want, while remaining intact. This shows us
that when law is beautifully blended with the cinematic art taking in
consideration the literary art work of the writers of the movie one can
say that it is the best way to convey to the people at large how law really
works and how literature helps lawyers in interpreting the law in the way
so that the verdict falls in their favor.

In the beginning of “The Trial,” our attention is drawn in by the first

sentence: “Somebody must have made a false accusation against Joseph
K.4, for he was arrested one morning without having done
anythingwrong.”5 The wardens caught Mr. K without showing their
identification cards. On the morning of his 30th birthday, K was arrested
in his apartment. In the beginning, Mr. K thought it was only a joke. He
could not figure out why he would be caught or what kind of criminal
activity he had been involved in. Although at first Mr. K was allowed to
live as usual, even the wardens told him that he was free to move
around, for the court would contact him, still he felt a great deal of
pressure. All hints showed that “he would never have freedom.” After
that, Mr. K tried to defend his innocence. He tried to discover the name
of the writ and crime he has been accused of. Try so hard as he might,
but he never grasped the meaning, procedure and laws of the secret
court. Mr. K devoted a great deal of time to his case; he even had hired a
lawyer, still he never knew what crime he had committed. The court was
a bribery system, his lawyer told him. Mr. K even learned from others
that you could never release yourself from this once you get into the
courtroom. Whether you were innocent or guilty or not, the property of
men would be gone and their lives taken away. Mr. K tried to seek
assistance, but he was being avoided by everyone. Then he realized one
thing: while truth exists, it was impossible to achieve. One day Mr. K
was scheduled to visit an Italian customer. The client didn't show up
when Mr. K landed on schedule. In obscurity church, Mr. K met a
minister. The minister disclosed to him a tale: "Under the watchful eye
of the Law stands an entryway guardian on monitor, and a man
originated from the field asking for permission to the Law. In any case,
the entryway manager says that he can't concede the man right away. In
this way, there he stays, sitting tight for a considerable length of time
and years. He makes numerous endeavors to be permitted in, lastly his
eyes become diminish. He asked the doorkeeper, "it appears that
everybody ought to endeavor to achieve the Law. However, why that in
these years, nobody yet me has come to look for permission?" The
entryway manager sees that the man is toward the finish of his quality
and his hearing is fizzling, so he cries in his ear: "nobody yet you could
pick up induction through this entryway, since this entryway was set
distinctly for you. I am presently going to close down it." After
proceeded with disappointments in protecting his honesty. Mr. K started
to accept he was liable and needed to be rebuffed. On the eve of Mr. K's
thirty-first birthday celebration, two outsiders with suits came into his
loft with no earlier notice, while out of the blue Mr. K was staying there
and hanging tight for them to remove him. In the city, he saw Miss
Burster, the lady he really liked. Right then and there, Mr. K abruptly
understood that he couldn't avoid the current circumstance anymore, so
he submitted to taking the punishment, and got his last decision. On a
devastated quarry, those two officials acted like wild pooches and
executed him without benevolence. To Mr. K, the path of law was such a
pitiless method.

By looking at Law and Literature, we find how two unique subjects

incorporate. Law individuals learn through these works of art. It makes
them progressively delicate to humankind and society. Law is the
standard of human conduct. The subjects of Law were constrained by
genuine society. Be that as it may, it has a similar circumstance with
Literature. Law individuals can discover motivation and course by the
boundless Literature. Through these works of art, law individuals may
likewise compose all the more fluidly. The more significant thing is, we
adapt however the affectability and empathy in Literature. Its wealth
enter our lives and through it, "writing keeps one's cognizant." In the
novel of "The Trial" from Franz Kafka, we found the best part would not
be the pundits of equity, yet the deception of the legal framework. It
alarms us to the significance of a sensible framework. In the event that
there's no sensible legal framework, individuals may be killed at a man's
will in whenever. Film portrays what is law and how it is drilled and
furthermore the writing to have more impact as law must be translated
by experts, writing can be perused by the writing and the profound
significance must be completed by researchers however film, film is
something which delineates each part of life and make it simple in any
event, for layman to snatch what is truly passed on by the pictorial tap.
The motion picture "Rustom" discloses to us how one can decipher law
in either side to have the decision in support of them and how writing
encourages them to pick up that effectiveness.

3-Frank Kafka

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