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For official use only ” GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) AL ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF WELL AND PILE FOUNDATIONS (1s88) A&e Siip Ne 1 Hach br Bel Sidy ee, ISSUED BY RESEARCH DESIGNS AND STANDARDS ORGANISATION MANAK NAGAR, LUCKNOW-226011 This manuel covers the desim and construction of well foundation and pile foundations for Railway bridges which generally form part of the permenent foundations for long span bridges. These foundations are commonly used for transferring heavy loads to deep strata in river bed from piers and abutments of bridges. ‘This manual finglised by R.D.5.0. has been approved by the Bridge & Structure Standards Committee. The Chief Lngineers may issue supplementary instru~. etions from time to time to suit local working conditions. | ae | i | | GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) ¥0.98/CE.I/Policy/1 New Delhi, dated ic 3.2000 ce ar ¢ _ HOROMMOFO AAAS qed ¢F TIN TAT As per list attached, Yo#to 9% #10 Ho. aoe wo FantS.sscocsecseenee Master Correction Slip No. 2! /1/1 dressed to: Correction/Addendum (Standing Engineering Order No. 1) Sub: Issue of Policy Instruction for Engineering Directorate. Para 8.0 - Following correction slip should be included at appropriate place to all Code/Mode/Manuals/SEOs a da “Any revision or addition or deletion of the provisions of this code/Manual/S.E.O shall be issued only through the correction slip to ey this manual. No cognizance shall be given to any policy directives issues s through other means.” Ri nt me Vea (VK. Agnihotri) Member Engineering 7 Railway Board. WELL FOUNDSTIONS one Depth of foundation one Shape and cross sections of well +++ Ajowable becring pressure and Modulus of sub-grede reaction wee Loading Tat and shift wee cutting edges Well curb _ Well steining Bottom Plug Top Plug Well Cep pneumatic Sinking of we1ls PILE FOUNDATIONS ier aae Clessification of piles types of piles Spacing of piles oad ‘carrying capecity of © ile 27+ vector of Safety for pile founde- ~ tions ace pile grouping Settlement of pile foundations oe Load Test Cepacity of Pile against lateral loedings ass =-900000-— | For substructures is may be determined _ Paper No. 153 P! ell foundation “end. shape of aveileble cons! such es uneven provision for me tions can be chiselling. 402k Shape Tae ho: following requis AGRON OF Sik eas Oe See Pea TER aND IN RIVER BSD RESPSCTI VSL, Represents depth to which founda- tion should be sunks te: 4. The diagrem applies only to sendy ttom. If the river bed is sof, o greeter oth is necessary. Piers are al.eys pre~ mei to have enough stone around them to wert locel pier formed siirls from scooping ieheles at pier bese. , tnis dicgram is besed upon Technical Peper 90153 PIs XIII, iF 16 138 | ers 10 i oes . tegBe | 1 ae est 1S | oe | lao eal | gigs. 263 eet Ee FS i a gee pe oe | 4 1355 1 40° 8 te in place of 45 rether fortuious thod now centrally iced. so Represents highest known ae _ flood level. t Represents deepest ascertainable £ scour. L—é6o (e) It shell. allow rectificetion of the tilt end ‘ shift of the well without damaging the well. L The shapes normally used are circuler, double D, 1, hexagonal or octegonel, square, rectengular and he above shapes with multiple dredge holes. iloweble Bearing Pressure and Modulus of Sub-grede Reaction. : te alloveble beering pressure may be determined .] ssionless soils on the basis of the penetretion test. | s as given in 18:3955 and reproduced below 9 = 9.8 {5.4 0B 16(1008N2)D in Newton/n® [a- 5. N2Be 16(10082) an ke/n | t cihere, = Bearing Cepachty of soil under the well foundation : in N/ae Q ey - N =Number of blows per 30cm in the stendard penetra- tion test. B = Smaller dimension of the well cross-section in metre. D = Depth of foundstion below scour “level, in metro. . capecity worked out by the above formule is applicable y for sefety against shear failure. For well founda ~ ons, settlement governs the allowable bearing cepecity mn most ceses. The permissible value of settlement is erelly Kept within 25mm and the allowable bearing pressure ‘for such settlement can be obteined epproximately ty the wing equation: 3 968 x 20+ $3)? for B > 12min Newton/m? sh)? cor B> 142m = ° Fo + gb? sor b> in Ke/n? ] N approximately irrespective of B. e 0 Up) i e " © gy = 968 X 1.36 for BL 1,20 ~ in Newton/n™ [oo = 1636M!. t/a? tor BE tan - $0 ke/n® ) Where, corrected stendard penctretion resistence N (lo, of blows per 30 em.) a If larger settlement cen be eo ha allowable bear- ing Pressure could be increased acco, ly. For clayey stra- te settlement should be worked out for full load based on consolidation test results. For wells constructed in cohe. sionless soils where full settlement due to dead load will take place by the time construction is completed and the ne- erect s2siments in the final level can be mode before erection of girder, dead load due to well and the substructure fan be imored. In such eases, settlement shall te one {igted only for, superstructure, live loed and loss of Yio tion in the well due to scour. 1603.2 The passive pressure and skin friction shall be taken only for soil below the level of scour, ‘In seismic ereas relief due to skin friction shaild be ignored. The averege value of skin friction may be adopted @s Per following equation: - e Fs 9,808 Y @ ~ a tan 2g da N/wo Y¥ [rove BY Es a Where, F=Sidn friction in N/m2(xg/m2) Ka= Letive earth pressure coefficient. € Half of uncmfinead compressive strength. % = Angle of shearing resistence of soil. = Sub-merged weight of soil below scour line. % = Depth of foundation level below bed level. In the absence of eny deta, the following values may be adopted; these are based on observations made during sinking of wells: Value of sity Value of skin, Soil friction Wi/m2 friction Ke/m Silt-& goft cley 7416 to 28.73 +44. 730. to 2930) i W686 to191. +880 to 19530) Ledbe send UT YEE fotgtsae Loose send 1220 to 3420 Dense send 33-94 to 67.08 ..$3%20 to. 6840. Dense gravel 47.86 to 95.71 .. $8880 to 9760 4.363 Modulus of Sub-grede Resction may Pe. adopted 2s per 18 +2950. 4.3.4 In ease the well 1s Sund on, rocky its suitabi- ity to take Load shall be Gani by testing coress If the Fock bed is inclined, it ts Maviseble to seat the steihing Gvenly on the roek foundation. : 4a Loading? tales Werle shell be designed to resist he. worst 1seSltion due to possible comuinatton of the following loads, Ge nay be applicable, with due Tegera to their direction end point of application. £ (2) Yerticel loads 1: (4) Self weight of well. © (4i) Buoyancy Gs} Deed load of superstructure, substracture- tis) Tive 1oed, ome (vz) Kentledge during sinking operation. (>) Horizontal Forces: (4) Braking and tractive effort of moving vehicles- Gi) Forces on account br resistence of bearings: GL) Forces on accomt of water, current oF Wavess (Gv), Centrifugal force, jf the bridge is situated on @ curves (v) Wind forees oF seismic forces + (a) Berth pressure. (wil) Other horizon ted and. uplift forces due. to ‘ provision of transmis} on Tine tower (bro- ken wire condition) ¢tce 405 Tilt end shifts hg fer es possible vells shel) be sunk without any tilt and shift. £ tilt of 1 in 100 end shift of D/+0 ‘We ject to e minimum of 19000, shall be taken into accomt Soeiee design of well foundation (@ is the width or diame- ter of well). ‘ a if greeter tilts ana shifts occur, their effects on bearing prassure on soil, OG wining stresses; chenge in gpen ete. saould be Q@xemined individually. + Gubbing edges Gatting edge shall be properly anchored to the 1 curb. . when there ere two or more compertments in a well, the bottom of the cutting edge of the intermediate walls may Kept about 300 mm above the cutting edge of the outer wall to prevent rocking. 167 MeLl_curd ' It should trensmit the superimposed load to the itom plug without getting overstressed ond it should offer minimum resistence to sinking. The Slope to the ver- ticel of the inner feces of the curb sh@l1 preferebly be jot more than 30 degrees, In sendy strete, it may be upto 45 degrees. in offset on the outside (about 50mm) may be Provided to ease sinking, The curb shall invariably be of Feinforced concrete with minimum reinforcement of 70 ka/m> excluding bond rods. In case blasting is anticipated, the inner face of the curbs shall be protected by steel plates or any other means to sufficient height. 1.8 We: 2: - Well steining shall be built of masonry or co- Ment concrete not wesker than M-100 grade. Sufficient bond Tods shall be provided to bond the units of the steining during the progress of construction; Bond rods shall be distributed evenly on both faces of steining and tied up ty providing adequete horizontel hoop reinforcement. For masonry steining end for concrete steining of small thick ness, bond rods may be provided in one row in the centre only'and tied up ty providing pletes or hoop reinforce- ment. 4.9 Bottom Plug 2 bottom plug shall be provided for all wells end its top shall be kept 300mm above the top edge of the incli- ned fsce of the curb. The concrete used for the bottom plug when placed under dry conditions shall generally be of 1:326 proportion and it shall be placed gently in one opera~ tion, When the concrete is placed under water, the quantity of cement shell be increesed by 10% and it shall be placed ‘vy tremie or skip boxes under still weter conditions. 1410 Top Plug 4 300m. thick plug of cement concrete 1:3:6 shall be provided over the hearting which shall normally be done with send. Sometimes only water is filled to reduce the weight. 4.14 Well Cap’ The bottom of the well cap sell, as far as possible, be located 300mm above Jow.water level, 411 the longitudinal bars from the. well. steiming shell be anchored into the Well cap. ‘he well cap shail be designed as a slab resting on the well. 1.12 Pneumatic sinking of wells “ Wnere boring data indicate pneumatic sinking, it will be necessary to decide the method of such sinking and Location of eir lock. : 164201 ‘He side-wall and roof of the working chamber shell be designed to withstand the maximum air pressure envisaged with the. use of pneu- matic sinking equipment. The design air pro~ ssure for design shell be higher then the pressure due to the depth of water above the bottom of the well. 161262 In case the concrete stening is used and the tension in ‘concrete exceeds three-cighths of the madulus of rupture, the section-of the steining shall be chenged to keep the tensile stress within this linit or mild steel rein- forcement shell be provided suitably over-the width of the steining. The following further points shell be kept in view. (4) Bxtre hoop reinforcement, 1f required to be provided, shall overlap atleast one bond len- gth below the section from where MS pletes are provided for protection against blasting or other reason, (Ai) The pneumatic platform end the weight of the steining and kentledge, if eny, shall. be sufficient to resist the uplift of air from ‘ inside. Ge (444) If at eny section of: steining the uplift pre-” ‘ssure is more then he total weight ecting downwards, then the platform and the steining con be weighed down ‘by kentledge end also enchored to the steining, if necessary. (iv) The well steining shell also be checkedat different sections for eny possible rupture ageinst the uplift force and upto the height 2t which the uplift force is balanced by the self weight of the stening and any superimpo- sed load on it. wrcgtt®s tay be divided into the following catego. . mding uponthe manner of transference of load: Friction piles Bearing piles s = Bearing-cum-friction piles. Friction piles These piles transfer the loed primerily by siin friction developed along their surface. oa Béaring piles. These piles transfer the loed primerily by bearing registance developed the toe. Bearing-cum friction piles. Teese piles transfer the load both by bearing and friction. Piles may also be further divided into the ing categories, depending upon the method of cons truce (GL), Pre-cast driven piles. _ Gi) In-situ driven piles (These are normally not Used for Railway Bridges). (4ii)’ In-situ bored piles (Only Large. diameter tored - F piles ere normally used for Railway bridge construction.) *. "= Selection of type of pile. ~ The type of pile siall. be selected by consi- ’ dering broedly the following fectorsi : £ (i) Lvailebility of space. Driven piles require large areas and head room Since it needs larger and heavier driving rigs. Bored piles, however, require comparatively smeller space. nue (41). Proxtmtty to structure 7 Driving causes vibration of the ground whieh may damage nearby survctures. (444) Reliabi Li ty "i Precast driven piles ensure good quality of ., * eae P meterial, uniform section of piles and sive a Meivable guide to the load carrying capacity - Tk cgst-An-situ piles, segregation of concrete {g fogsible in water-Logged arease (av) Compaction of cohestonless soll 4s effected at driven piles are used. (v) Castain-situ piles enn be formed to sny desired Seasth and no cutting of pile or addition in Jenzth is required. 5 2.3 Spacing of Piless gual The spacing of piles shall be considered 3a, rom Tpedon to the nature of the ground and the Hamner : peifieh piles transfor the ond to tho sof]. The gpseing is also decided by soup behaviour tor ibtal carrying capacity and settlement « s - Normally, ceztre to contre spacing shell not be Normals 4 where dis the diqnover of the, pilsse Hore cote piss of non-circular scetion, 1d! will be tha diameter of the clremseribirg cizelo+ Q.ak2 Friction piles alll be suffic tently fat apart to eeeure that oho zones of influence surrounding thea do uot overlap to guch an extent tht their capacities are appreciably reduced's iy, the spacing shall not be loss ‘than Gene?! Bde 2.3.3 For ond-bearing piles passing thr ough relatively RGiprossibie sersta, the sprciag shall not be fogs then 2.50 to avoid ‘Rexving of soll. _ 2.4 Lond carving sauacliy of a pile (a) Tho ultin te bowing capacity of = pile Hay £2 secased by means of a dyaypic pile formula, Gite Gabe obbained during driving of plies oF Bee Eatic corauln on the bisis of sci i-tost pasults or by a lod test. - (») For non-consi-re soils, Tiley's formula is ets :thn other formulae. Pins formula are veld is qivon in appemdix 2 of Bb 911(Part=1)-1969~ oe e10/~ ) Hiley's formila is not reliable in cohesive sails. Tho stxtic formula should ye used with careful Judzement =s the mechanics of load transfer fron pile to soll is very complex. This juegement ig iphoyed in selecting appropriate multiplying - etOrs« ‘ In un-¥nown areas, load test is therefore most desirable. bere scour is anticip-ted, resistence aue to skin friction will be available only below the scour Hine and this mst be Gaken into account, dn all the three methods. +2 When niles are fnstalled thronch compressible : r sensitive ola oméerlying hard str Sera ee Foner sted La ee Pah See Re clay stratim. ‘This must be added to tho load, This can be roughly estimated qs cohosion of the renouldog Clay multiplied by the surface area of pile shaft. The underlying ard stratum sh:ll not be considered for assessing ‘the dovmwerd drag and the skin friction expected to be mobilised by the strate will be .assessed on the basis of parax 2.4.3. head Carrying Capacity - State Joma: 13-1 Piles in nou-cohosive Soi), . The ultdmete bearing eopacity Qu of a pile in houogoneous sand may be represented by a = M+ 9, whero % = paint resistance Q5 = skin resistance a ba s < = ap 4p + £, A, where a= pon, & a, whero gp = init deaning capacity of pile point of area A,” ’ Po = Erfictive overburden pressure -t : pile point. : Ng = The doaring capacity factor with : Fospees Eo owsrbunien pro ssura eae eyerago unt skin triction om sinct arez 4. : . walye of mit point resistance n/a" for D/A De/B, whore D = Dapéh, De = vtsabiok of pile. 4s bo de. oquel S contd. .11/— Gupte twice the unit paint rosi: Pmiforn section. Tho oxtant ncé! Doaring onpreity indiento th. = with goat stance of hods af cyeluat- t both point) qd averaze skin friction of a pilo would incroase h of penstration. However. observations hv shou ans” Be seals oxpo- ‘the orai cal, hold god only upto a cortein dopth below whieh fstianeo

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