Caitlin Cotton - Biographical Chart Ike

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Biographical Chart: Dwight D.

Full Name:
- Dwight David Eisenhower

- Born October 14, 1890
- Died March 28, 1969

Early Family Background and Created Family Structure

- Grew up in Denison Texas in a tiny house near railroad tracks where his dad
worked cleaning trains
- Parents: David Jacob Eisenhower & Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower
- Third out of seven kids
- His brother Paul died at 10 months because of diphtheria when Dwight
was only 4 years old
- When he was 1.5 years old his family moved back to Abilene Kansas so his dad
could take a better job at his brother-in-laws creamery

- Played Baseball and football at Abilene High School
- Graduated High School in 1909
- Used his money from working as a fireman and at the family owned creamery to
pay for his brother Edgars tuition to the University of Michigan then after two
years, they would switch, his brother working while dwight got his college
education but Edgar never had to complete the deal
- 1911, Free attendance to the United States Military Academy in West Point, New
- There he was the star on the football field until a serious injury made him
- 1915, he graduated from West Point and was commissioned as a second
- He applied to the army’s grad school in Kansas and was accepted, there he
graduated first in class 245

Personality Characteristics and Areas of Aptitude, Talent, and Interest

- Passion for Sports
- Knee injury prevented him from playing football all throughout college
- Passion for Military

Major Career/Professional Events and Accomplishments

- Military Career
- Stationed in texas and started dating Mamie Geneva Doud from Denver
- They got married 9 months later on July 1, 1916 and on their
wedding day, he was promoted to first lieutenant
- He and Mammie moved from post to post
- Texas, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey
- The year the US entered WWI the couple had their first kid, Doud Dwight
- During WWI, Eisenhower was appointed to run a tank training center at
Camp Colt in Gettysburg Pennsylvania
- And was promoted to Major
- 1921, his first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
- Second son, John Sheldon Doud was born in 1922
- Eisenhower was promoted to Executive Officer and in 1924, he
applied to the army’s grad school in Kansas and was accepted
- He graduated first in the class 245
- Was appointed to chief military aide under General Douglas MacArthur
- Then was stationed in California and Washington
- 1941 he became chief of staff for the Third Army
- Became brigadier general for his leadership of the Louisiana Maneuvers
- Then transferred to War Plans division in Washington D.C. in 1942, was
major general then commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces and led
Operation Torch, the Allied Invasion of North America
- D-Day, 1944, he commanded the Allied forces in Normandy invasion
- December of 1944 - became five-star rank and then became
governor of the U.S. Occupied Zone
- He went home to Kansas and receives a hero's welcome
- Month later became US Army chief of staff
- 1948, elected president of Columbia University and then left in 1950
- 1950 he was first Supreme Allied Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization and was encouraged to run for president
- Presidency
- 1952, he won the presidential election by a landslide
- 34th president
- Famous “atoms for peace” speech at the United Nations General
- Despite atomic bombs being produced by both the US and Russia, he
stopped the threat of an atomic war
- Reelected for a second term in 1956
- After recently recovering from a heart attack
- Left office 1962

Personal Life Themes/Beliefs

- Presbyterian
- Republican
- Big into the family side of things, he returned back to his hometown and received
a big welcome
- Him and his wife traveled together when he was moved from place to place, he
never left her behind
- Made time for golfing and fishing trips

Selected Quotations
- “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done
because he wants to do it.”
- “There is no glory in battle worth the blood it costs.”

Awards and Recognition

- President of the US
- Created the U.S. Information Agency
- Established Alaska and Hawaii as stated
- Supported Interstate Highway system
- Signed 1957 Civil Rights act
- Responsible for signing the bill to form the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA)

Death and Aftermath

- Died at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington D.C.
- Suffered from a heart related illness
- Funeral was held at both the nation's capital and in his hometown of Abilene
Lasting Impact and Contributions
- 34th president of the United States
- Kept the United States out of war during his presidency
- Started NASA

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