Assignment Business Communication Skills (Mba I ST Semester) (Section A)

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Submitted By: Karan Hans

MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

Qus) Discuss the importance of agenda and minutes of the meeting for
the success of a meeting?
Agenda means things to be done in meeting. It is a predetermined program of the
business to be translated in the meeting. It is the systematic record of items of the
An agenda is a schedule or list of items to be attended to in a meeting. A well -planned
agenda gives a great sense of control. The agenda is often sent out in advance of the
meeting so attendees know what to expect and have time to prepare view points on
action points. An agenda also helps keep the meeting within a programmed time frame.
An agenda increases productivity at meetings. Attendees of the meeting und erstand
that all items on the agenda must be discussed and are likely to move at a pace that
ensures they will cover everything. As the meeting progresses the person taking
minutes notes on the agenda, the results of each discussion, which action items wer e
completed or which are newly developed.
The agenda notes help while creating minutes that match the flow of the meeting and
also provide inclusive documentation of meeting.
Specimen of Agenda

Agenda is essential for the systematic transaction of the business of a meeting in the
proper order of importance. It is customary for all organizations to send an agenda
along with the notice of a meeting.
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
Importance of Agenda in Meeting:

1. Reduces Wasted Time and Resources

As a manager, you know there are real reasons you need to hold regular and
impromptu meetings. You likely have announcements to make regarding your business
or problems to go over and correct.

Everyone can direct their attention to the matters at hand when an agenda is created.
Attendees have a written list of what is to be achieved by the meeting. Furthermore, it
allows them to bring up relevant issues.

Should anyone need to leave the meeting early, having an agenda helps them know
what is going to be discussed. If they need to catch up with you later to fill in the
blanks, they have a general idea of what was talked about.

Was someone late to the meeting? If so, they now know what they didn’t hear because
it’s on the agenda. In addition, you don’t have to waste everyone else’s time getting
them up to speed on what has already been settled.

2. Allows Other Speakers to Prepare

Having an agenda is courteous to other guests you may have included in the meeting.
It can also help invited speakers prepare for when and what they will talk about.

3. Encourages Participation

With a clear outline of what is going to be talked about, employees will feel freer to
participate. Include time for questions and answers about what was discussed.

Also, add a line item to the agenda for staff members to bring up issues they feel are
important. When employees are valued and empowered, they are more loyal and

4. Keeps You on Track

Have you ever gotten off topic in a discussion? If you are like the majority of people
you said yes to this question which means you need a meeting agenda.

It is far easier to stop wasting time, stay focused, and get back on track when you have
the discussion items in front of you to reference.
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

5. Ensures Important Topics are Covered

You can cut down on the number of meetings everyone attends by ensuring all the
important topics were covered. The best way to do this is through an agenda.

When you are in management, meetings are an important and necessary part of your
work. Being able to run a meeting, therefore, is a must. Get more out of your
meetings by creating an agenda for the next one.

2. Minutes of Meeting

Minutes is the official recording of the proceedings of the meeting and the
decisions reached therein.

Are the well written record of meeting, particularly in board of directors and
shareholders corporate meetings. The names of everyone in attendance at the
meeting are usually first thing is recorded, the names of absentees is also recorded.
This serves two purposes: one, absent members can stay in the loop and abreast of
what they missed at the meeting

Recording a meeting and making the record available to absent participants in the
meeting is a way to be more inclusive. Even though these absent participant s might
not have been able to provide their input during the meeting, they can still how the
decisions were made. They will have some knowledge about the decision-making

Minutes help in taking suitable actions. Meeting tend to become more efficien t when
participants are aware of the decisions being recorded; they are more likely to stay
on topic. The minutes provide a record of decisions made and who is responsible for
taking action.

There is an increased chance that these actions will be carried out. Without a
record, the participants might not be remembered.

What are the requirements?

There is no “right way” to draft minutes and each company will have their own preference for
minute taking. It is up to each individual business to decide how their meetings should be logged
and in what degree of detail. However, the ICSA have recently listed their minimum expectations
for minute taking which includes:

 The key points of the meeting

 Decisions made and the reason for them
 Agreed actions
 All minutes should be clear, concise and free from any ambiguity
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
Under section 166 & 199 of the Companies Act 2014 the minutes of director’s meetings and
general meetings must be kept. This is also a requirement from The Central Bank of Ireland and
the Financial Regulator as auditors may want to review meeting minutes as part of the audit

It is usually the role of the company secretary to record the minutes of a meeting unless a
nominated minute taker has been appointed. To ensure the minutes are accurately recorded, we
do recommend that the appointed secretary or minute taker is qualified and possess the
necessary skills for the task.

Below we have outlined key points for before, during and after a meeting which the minute taker
should consider:

Before the meeting

 Read the minutes from the previous meeting

 Read the meeting agenda
 If the minute taker will be contributing to a particular discussion in the meeting, an
alternative minute taker should be appointed to minute that point of the meeting
 Plan the timing of agenda items
 Be aware of the jargon or technical terms that may be used during the meeting
During the meeting

 Record the time and date of the meeting

 Ensure all participants are present
 Record relevant points made by each speaker
 Listen effectively to ensure accuracy
 If some points made are unclear, ask for clarification
 Ensure the meeting is kept on track in terms of timing and discussions. Advice
chairperson if otherwise
 Take note of the time, date and venue of the next meeting
After the meeting

 Address any unclear points with the chairperson or relevant participant before they leave
 Read over minutes and ensure they are legible
 Write up and proofread the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting
 Send copy to chairperson and other relevant participants
 Recommend a deadline date for the approval to the chairperson
 Make any amendments requested Propose a deadline date for their approval to the
 Ensure the minutes are reviewed in time for the next meeting
 File the approved minutes
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

Knowledge of agenda and minutes of a meeting helps in holding efficient and
effective meetings. Good meeting in turn helps in making projects successful.

Good meeting requires good leaders and good participants. A good leader
understands the purpose of meeting, he/she makes sure that all participants
understand this purpose; it helps keep the discussion on track, and ensures each
participant is involved in discussion.

A good leader works with the participant to carry out the business in meeting in the
allotted time. These responsibilities require disturbing the agenda, minutes of
previous meeting and other written materials prior to a meeting.

A good meeting starts in time and end in time. A good leader done not wait for
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

Qus. What do you understand by business communication? Discuss the

process in detail. Also write its importance in management.

Ans. Definition
Business communication is the process of sharing information between people within and
outside company. Effective business communication is how employees and management
interact to reach organizational goals. Its purpose is to improve organizational practices and
reduce errors.
The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the
commercial benefits of the organization. In addition, business communication can also refer
to how a company shares its information to promote its products or services to potential
The importance of business communication also lies in presenting options/ new business
ideas. Making plans and proposals.

Purposes of Communication is meant:

i. To inform

ii. To reassure

iii. To teach

iv. To deliver news, whether good or bad

v. To understand

vi. To explain

vii. To persuade

viii. To transact

ix. To organize

x. To control

xi. To co-ordinate
xii. To direct…
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

Process of Communication-
Process of Communication in an organization Communication is the process
containing three elements sender, message & receiver. These three elements are
essential to complete the communication process.
1. Sender-The person who transmits, spreads, or communicates a message or
operates an electronic device is the one who conceives and initiates the message
with the purpose of informing/ persuading/ influencing/ changing the attitude,
opinion, or behavior of the receiver.
2. Encoding- Encoding is changing the message into symbols, that is, patterns of
words/ gestures/ pictorial forms or signs of a specific visuals/ aural language. In
short, it means putting ideas, facts, feelings, and opinions and symbols, which can
be words, actions, signs, pictures, and audio-visuals.
3. Message- It is information, written or spoken, which is to be sent from one
person to another. Here, the word the “person” stands for the two ends of a
system, and may represent an individual, or a group of individuals, or even
electronic machines.
4. Communication Channel- This is the vehicle or medium which facilitates the
sender to convey the message to the receiver. The medium of communication can
be written, oral, audio-visual, or live projections. Again, the written medium can be
form of letters, memos, reports, manuals, notices, circulars, questionnaire, minutes,
and so on.
5. Receiver- A receiver is the target audience of the message. The receiver gets the
message, understands, interprets, and tries to perceive the total meaning of the
message as transmitted by the sender.
6. Decoding-This is the act of translating symbols of communication into their
ordinary meanings. However, the total meaning would consist of meaning of the
words together with the tone and attitude of the sender as reflected by structure of
the message and the choice of words used by him.
7. Feedback- This is the loop that connects the receiver in the communication
process with the sender, who, in turn, acts as a feedback receiver and, thus gets to
know that communication has been accomplished. Feedback plays an
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
important role. It helps the communicator know if they are corrections or
changes proposed in action.

8. Noise-It creates a barrier in communication.

Importance in Management-
Communication is important because it allows the leadership of an organization to
implement their vision and strategy. Management is also responsible for
communicating the concerns of those in the lower levels of an organization to
This can be understood with the help of these points-

Importance of Management

enterprise Coordination


1. Smooth working of Enterprise- Communication ensures smooth working of an

enterprise. It plays an important role in all type’s organizations. It solves a lot
of problems in the case of complex organizations. The successful completion
of tasks on the part of superiors depends upon nature and flow of
communication they receive from subordinates.
2. Quick Decision and Implementation-Managers need information, reports,
statements from various sources for formulating plans and taking various
decisions. Further managerial decisions and plans are communicated to the
subordinates. However, intelligent the personnel.
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
3. Coordination- The communication system plays a vital role in
coordination of efforts and activities within single work units are between
the various subsystems of the organization.
4. Direction and Leadership- Communication system used by the managers to
clarify organizational and departmental objectives, policies and programmers,
issue instructions, assignment of jobs to their subordinates to advice, guide and
assist the subordinates .
5. Management of Change-Communication is very much needed where there is
change in organizational systems, structures, processes and practices. The
objectives of proposals and programs of organizational change.

Conclusion-In conclusion we conclude that the communication is required

in every field like business, firms and even management.
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
Qus. What are the communication skills required for interview and group

Ans-As the exchange of ideas takes place through speech, one of the pre- requisites of success
in a Group discussion (GD) is the ability to speak confidently and convincingly. Good
communication skills include active listening, clarity of though and expression, apt language and
proper nonverbal clues.

Group discussion may be defined as- a form of systematic and purposeful oral process
characterized by the formal and structured exchange of ideas on a particular topic, issue,
problem or situation for developing information & understanding essential for decision
making or problem solving.

Here are some of the top communication skills the hiring manager will be evaluating:

 Listening
 Confidence
 Empathy
 Friendliness (are you easy to talk to?)
 Nonverbal communication (do you appear to be stressed or uncomfortable?)
 Respect
 How clear and concise your responses are
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
Basic Skills Required of GD:

what is going around you


Thinking and
& looks

1. Complete awareness about what is going around you-You should have knowledge
about what is going around in your world. Current topics are the main topic of
group discussion. You can take the help of newspaper, magazine, television etc.
to enhance your knowledge about the topics. This is the first group discussion tips
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B
you must follow while performing in the interview.

2. Practice- There is a saying “Practice Makes a Man Perfect” and it is absolutely

right. To get sizes in group discussion match your need practice & the best way is
to practice it in front of the mirror. A mirror is your twin, it will reflect your gesture,
posture, your way of speaking way & you can get an image of yours.
3. Time Management-Time is one of the crucial things. Its proper use can take you in
heights and its disrespect can make you fall on the ground. During the group
discussion, make yourself sure that you will speak not less than two minutes.

4. Thinking and Communication Ability- The next thing required is your communication
skill. Neither rushes like you. Maintain a steady pace which is required to make
your sentence clear to other & understandable also.

5. Body Language & looks

- The first impression is the best impression. During the group discussion, your
body language defines what you are in real and your look can help you to gain an extra

6. Confidence- Your confidence will differentiate you from other. While giving your
point, be confident just like you Bhaskar (Govinda) in Partner. It defines how you
can handle a situation, your teammate.


These are best group discussion skills which really going to help you in clearing your group
discussion phase of the interview. If you want to clear your GD phase, must follow these group
discussion skills.
Submitted By: Karan Hans
MBA- 1st Year, Section- B

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