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English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.


1. With the help of your dictionary define the following concepts related to global

1) Atmosphere:________________________________________________________

2) Climate:___________________________________________________________

3) Deforestation:_______________________________________________________

4) Drought:___________________________________________________________

5) Ecosystem:_________________________________________________________

6) Environment:_______________________________________________________

7) Fossil fuel:_________________________________________________________

8) Glacier:____________________________________________________________

9) Greenhouse effect:___________________________________________________

10) Greenhouse gas:____________________________________________________

11) Industrial:__________________________________________________________

12) Solar energy:_______________________________________________________

13) Weather:___________________________________________________________

14) CO2:______________________________________________________________

15) Global warming:_____________________________________________________

16) Degrees:___________________________________________________________

17) Endangered species: ________________________________________________

18) Oil spill: ___________________________________________________________

19) Ozone layer depletion: _______________________________________________

20) Melting of the poles: _________________________________________________

English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

2. With the help of your dictionary define the following concepts related to recycling.

21) Raw material: ______________________________________________________

22) Recycle: ___________________________________________________________

23) Reduce:___________________________________________________________

24) Reuse:____________________________________________________________

25) Renewable Resource:________________________________________________

26) Nonrenewable resource:______________________________________________

27) Litter:_____________________________________________________________

28) Ecofriendly:_________________________________________________________

29) Natural energy:______________________________________________________

30) Greenhouse gas:____________________________________________________

3. Research about the recycling process. Make a draw and briefly explain it step by
English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

1. Read the text carefully.

Reading Comprehension: Global warming

Global warming refers to the increase of the earth's average temperature due to increasing
amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal causes greenhouse gases
such as carbon dioxide to escape into the air and act like a warm blanket over the earth.
One way to reduce greenhouse gases is to reduce deforestation, the cutting down of trees.
Trees soak up carbon dioxide from the air, so having lots of trees around is good for the
There are some changes happening because of global warming right now. Sea level is rising
and some animals are moving to new homes because their natural habitat is disappearing.
If the warming gets worse, as scientists expect, some kinds of plants and animals will
become extinct.
There are more storms and floods. Due to melting ice caps, sea levels are rising so much
that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas are becoming too dry for
All humans contribute to global warming by burning fossil fuels when they drive a car, fly in
an airplane, and heat or cool their houses.
The best way to help slow down global warming is to put less carbon into the air by using
less fossil fuel (oil, gasoline) - something that is easy to say, but hard to do.
There are some clean energy sources that we can use, for example solar energy, wind
energy and hydroelectricity.

2. Answer the following questions and circle the correct alternative.

1) Which gas contributes most to global 2. Burning which of these fuels puts
warming? carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

a) carbon dioxide a) coal

b) nitrogen b) oil
c) oxygen c) both are correct.

4. Trees soak up carbon dioxide. 5. What is deforestation?

a) True a) the cutting down of trees

b) False b) the planting of trees
c) Not included in the story c) a station set up to measure CO2
in the forest
English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

6. What's the best way to slow down 7. What is global warming?

global warning?
a) a rise in temperature in the earth's
a) Work all the air conditioners core
harder. b) when the average air temperature
b) Use more coal. reaches 80°F
c) Use less fossil fuel. c) the earth heating due to buildup of
greenhouse gases

8. Why would sea levels rise because of 9. Why would animals become extinct
global warming? because of global warming?

a) water pollution a) Their natural habitat would

b) melting of the polar ice caps change or disappear.
c) too many large ships b) They would drown.
c) Hunters would kill them.
English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

Let´s be creative and make a poster!

Objective: Students will learn about environmental problems.

1. Choose one of the following problems:

 Climate Change
 Global Warming
 Air Pollution
 Water Pollution
 Light Pollution
 Deforestation

2. Create an appealing poster.

3. Include all of the following information in your project:



(Use the modal verbs, expressions and vocabulary related with the unit)


4. Present your project to the rest of the class in about 5- 7 minutes.

Rubric for the oral presentation and class work

English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

Collocations Worksheet

1. Complete each collocation with a suitable word from the unit contents.

1) Global ___________________________ 5) Acid _________________________

2) Ozone ___________________________ 6) Oil __________________________

3) Greenhouse ______________________ 7) Rainforest ____________________

4) Air _____________________________

2. Put the collocations made in the previous exercise into the spaces provided below.
Match the collocation with its definitions.

8) A mixture of gases such as carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere: ____________.

9) The process of removing trees from an area: ____________________.

10) A petrol leak into the ocean: ____________________.

11) The slow increase in the temperature of the Earth caused by Greenhouse Gases in
the atmosphere: ____________________.

12) Raindrops full of carbon dioxide: ________________________.

13) Smog, carbon dioxide and smoke: _______________________.

14) Protective layer surrounding the Earth: ____________________.

English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

Unit 3 “Green Issues”: Review Worksheet

I. Modal verbs
A) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using the most suitable modal verb

1. We ________recycle paper, bags and cans

Could / should
2. He ________waste water
Mustn´t / shouldn´t
3. She looks pretty sick. I think she ________ go to a doctor.
Could / should
4. You've been driving all day. You ________ be exhausted!
Must / hould
5. You ________ smoke so much. It's bad for your health.
Couldn´t / shouldn't
6. You have such a beautiful voice. You ________ sing for us!
Should / can
7. I'm on my way. I ________ be there in about 10 minutes.
Can / should

B. Read the text. Create 5 sentences using the modal verbs

English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

Example: In case of hurricane you should protect the windows of your house

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

II. Conditional Sentences

A. Complete the conditional sentences using the results from the box.

Example: If a pandemic spread, governments vaccinate people to minimize risk.

It developed an eye at the center / plants die /

governments vaccinate people to minimize risk/

the waves increase in size / floods occur

A. If a pandemic spread, ______________________________________________________________

B. If there is a tsunami, _______________________________________________________________

C. If there is a drought, _______________________________________________________________

D. If there is a heavy rain for a long time, _________________________________________________

E. If a hurricane is very strong, ________________________________________________________

English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

B. Write the cause and effect for each sentence.

1) The girl played in the polluted river and got sick.

Cause: __________________________________________________________________
Effect: __________________________________________________________________

2) Carbone dioxide goes into the atmosphere so the planet is heating up

Cause: __________________________________________________________________
Effect: __________________________________________________________________

3) The forest is disappearing because of deforestation

Cause: __________________________________________________________________
Effect: __________________________________________________________________

III. Phrasal verbs

A. Match the expression with its definition.

Phrasal verb Definition

a) Made of Get rid of something.

b) Take care of to do or use less of something (reduce)

c) Cut down to be responsible for someone or something

d) Ask for basic material or qualities of something

e) Throw away ask for something

English Department Teacher: María Belén Quezada C.

B. Create 1 sentence for each phrasal verb

Example. “The atmosphere is made up of 3 primary gases nitrogen (78%) and oxygen
(21%) trace gases and aerosols make up the remaining 1% of air.”

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

IV. Connectors of sequences

A. Using the connectors of sequence FIRTS, SECOND, THEN, FINALLY order this
sentences about “How to grow a plant”.

 Prepare the soil 1. ________________________________

 Select your seeds 2. ________________________________
 Water regularly 3. ________________________________
 See your flower bloom  4. ________________________________
 Plant your seeds 5. ________________________________

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