Syracuse Post Standard Sep 22 1949 P 8

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Thursday, September 22, 1949 Thugs Rob Tavern Owner leader

i. \vesr-
(torn Tije
Supervisors Stage .,. ... --
'- .'•- which wss >::rk*d down. ttr

'Eatingesl' Outing Mx-ke.-nii.-. *2'.± h.n: ; c:d ~e:

wi::; r.'-.s rr.jrey or ;eve..->.
y-.-oec' <a-d one c: ;r.e tr.r^o
„."""!'-. •->"- rr--" -t--.r ".'"•- ixc The ^unrr-an \\ .»$ do>cr:bOxl s? b?-
Despite Downpour \\- :.:•--. o? years c\z. brow» hs:r a"ii
Drizzling rains we! '.he grounds•
ardor or ihe 'Spirits" of a crowd o?
more tha:i £50 at the annual outins ;•'p*. said '-r *niid at>>">
of The hoard oi supervisors- at ;* kitrhe;: where J1'A-adf-1's ^rove. yesterday. TO :->rd rii! :he vo; : ;,-:d !::.d blow:: eyes. Both of thft
The rain washed out the ball P.I '-t blow ::: '-he bcr.y. bir.,-;:r.- hi?
gijrfe and saved a team representing Mar.«or. ?a-c re- rcpliod that -h-e.,0 ,.,c ,j.0 J.IT*. ja:o, ho belu-ved vT.e o: ill.1
the city mwribcrs of the board Irftm "" en .bu: found the" hr.e dtuci. Po!« ? lu'u r two iv.cii had boon in ihe
a predicted drubbing at the hb.ids; sar.d was'.o :o \\ork thv the \vire :n :r.e vtTdl days apo.
of a team selected from among the, ,b-"a:ion. Ho .. 1 oi :'r.e wcs . ,;c .. .
town members ar.d put an end toj >:'"en crabbed his ar; .-. and •.•.vis'.cc srnr!. " JV.rohv.oii Dn:-.:i!ri ZfHcr, Euscns
many of the other even!?. | :;'•" 'He lold i heir. ihcy cc-.:!d op?:-. ' TKLtl'HONK L1XE Cl'T Ti.o^psor: and Jrf'.n Penkala V>»-
KAT, TALK, EAT ; j u ar.d ihst .hey v"'-.ilo Jir.d thf At';.- fa-.:!:'.« to a'.i:'?ct p.,«ir.i; '-';« Auurnv-y Jjir.c.* C. Ke.-ney
V/iih outdoor activities pretty o . n r, book cs-. the cai.". rMlori«:s. Manjoot said :•.<- walked jt:!!od i:i ihe iisvesiisatinr. Wrtir.cs-
much inactivated there wasn't much] a short distance to tne home o! his cUy • _
left to do but eat and talk and cat' Using the book. Mir.geo! sa:o or.e re,,sjn- Joseph, where ht>
with the result that an all-time- ! :he r.v.\ whom he described as fo lln <i Francis Robi:!?cr., a csrper.-
high was set for consumption of
clam broth in one afternoon for an|
ihavms nimble Sir.fsers. quickly te.-, at work and told him !o ca!!
'opened the sale ar.d then 2s-^a police. Mangeol said he ihon had
outings with an attendance of lessj where the key was to unlock the . Robinson return to the inn to cut
than 5.000. I inner door. Manjeot said he told ..he rope from both oi.his ankles.
them on a key rir.y on the casri r According io the owner alter the
Children's Shoe
It was the, 'eatingest' outing that'
the board has ever staged, but rcsister and that they qviicklv :.Rt.n gained entrance they closed all
there were spells of good weather ! found the right key and opened it. ;TI ir.slne hlincis in the cstablish-
i Upon openinr, the safe, he sa'.d' n , tlnr nn( t placed a blanket o\er the
Bills in HALF
between drizzles providing periods
for settling exercises and no cas- tiie men rirnsged h'.:ii i::Jo Kie main entrance doorway. Mangeot 701 Park Avr.
ualties were reported. The record kitchen off the dM-.ins room a n d . told the investigators all he coulr)
absorption of clam broth, a clam- __...„.-..._ - -.- - made him1 lie on the floor. The.fii;^ miting from the establishmriU PINT SIZE Corner
bake by-product, is said to have hadj swctl C0untr b N^^ST"?
BtlTEK-A "popular fcat'ure at'evcry outing of l he board of supervisors, the salt potato trays flanked by pounds of • n:ap. wit! , the sun. he =aid. re-;n;,s approximately ?50 in bills
>: butter was a center of Rastronomic.-il inter«st thruout t h e day at the 1919 eat and funfest. Deputy Sheriff Syhvsier iButk) imamed with him. One of the men. 'which he had in- the cash register. SHOP X. Gcridfs St.
a quieting effect in the big dinner
that was ierved after 6 p. :n. :
(extreme ngnt). S. P. champ, follows his old two to one system, two pounds of butler to one pound of spuds. • Manqeot said, returned to the Contents nf tlse £t-.fe. which held
'kitchen and asked where he k e p t . only papers, were strewn about the Open Fn. and Sal. Eves,
f fining; ns am
did on
on me
the eve of
OL wn<u ^ 1111 l A
is freely predicted to be an a b n o r m - l L M M i M A A V I AH \A/rrf I i his clotliinu and he replii-d in an;barroom floor.-
Blly hnt election campaign, ihe out-L||U||}£C| I V I II I iv ! entrance leading to a cellar way. ; — -- ..... ..... --------- ....... -----
ing was made a fertile garden 'for J The clolhinK was taken into Ihe ,
the sowing of political seed and allL ! kitchen and searched and then |

iGiven Top Post by ! thrown on the floor. Mangeot said

Republican and Democratic cnndi-lf I the men also ransacked the kitchen.
dntcs took advantage of it. They DOC LITTLE HELP
came early and stayed late. , The owner said when he let the
PLENTY OF CHAFF III'I I C 'l' ' men in, his dog went out the open,
The politicians talked and w h i s - l M l j K j S n i m f l B I l S door and that while he was in the:
percd in pairs and in sroups, but a ' Hll\ JU1111JI I U I I J
good listening political reporter, Sol Pincus. consulting engineer kitchen, the dog clawed on the rear:
s e e k i n g kernels of knowledge, to the World Health Organization
door to get in. He said the men ' TO OUR CUSTOMERS
would have to use a seven-screen acted nervous and he told them u :
was the dog. He said the man with: l( was the apparent wish of the late Bernard F.
fanning mill to get anything grind- in
Geneva, Switzerland, was elected
president of the New York State the gun finally peered thru t h e ^
able,, but the Pile of chaff was high door, after which one of the o'>er Sisson that Ihe business he founded 30 years
and fluffy. However, and provided Tesl d men went to the main entrance and ! ago be continued in case of his death.
a fine snot for pro-campaign hand-|'" '' . . . let the dog in. |
shaking exercises and vocal tune.up.j The ajsocia'jion mee mg at Hotel Mangeot1 said he was then taken ; We shall continue to serve you with the same
Attorney Albert Orenstein, mak- Syracuse in the final nay of three-
Ins his first appearance in pouucs
\na politics "-J
day ..«..•.....".....
conference, 1.^.,,^^
elevated ^Pmcus
,,,-.u^ high quality men's clothing and accessories and
" R publican candidate for super-- from the the v.ce-res.denc
v.ce-pres.deney and named will maintain the same business policy which
visor in the 17th jvard. and Attorn^ reUnng P«s dent Y B. toku l GREGORY'S MILK BAR established our present high position in the Syra-
Thomas Dyer who nudged .mcum linghamton to its executive board. 120 North Salina St.
bent Kenneth Hines out of the Re Pincus, who has a consulting cuse retail field.
publican nomination for that office sanitary engineer's firm in New Open 6 A. M. to 12 Midnight
Sundays 7 A. M. to 12 Midnlchl ROBERT F. SISSON
in the to%vn of Onondaga, were get- York city, was not present for his Serving Breakfasts
ting in some gdod licks. Both boys election. lie has been in Geneva
exhibited finished style and dexter- :our months and is expected to re- and Dinners
ity in the handshake and are fast turn to this country next month. a la Carte
•on their feet, covering a lot of The association voted to return Special Luncheon Daily
.0 Syracuse for its 1050 conference.
gr U
° JULIA RYAN HONORED A. B. Quenccr of New York city, We Make Our Own
Michael Shea, stalwart and color- executive committee member, was Ice Cream
elected vice-president. Secretary- RLAMS AND CONVERSATION—Chairman George L. TraUter o£ the board of supervisors (left). Super- Try Our Fresh Cherry Soda IAST GINESEE ST.
Jui; former Fabius Democrat super- visor Frank W. Con\vay of Geddes, chairman of the board's outing committee, and former Chairman of
visor, who never misses a -super- Treasurer C. S. Leete of Albany We Use Nothins But the Best:
visors' outing and without whom it was renamed to his office. the Board Edward O. Yackel. discuss county government affairs, the coming political campaign and the Air Conditioned
S. B. Fischer of Mineola was quality of the clams at yesterday's annual supervisors' clambake.
would not be quite complete, v elected to his first term en the
the center ot things as usual. . All
executive committee. W. D. Tiede-
Of the others were there except one man of Albany and C. R. Woodward
Julia Ryan, Seventh ward Demo- of Uttca were re-elected to tho
2 Telephone Men
crat and dean of the board has been committee.
a patient In a hospital since suffer- Pincus. Quencer and Leete arc In Manhole Spot
ing an injury in a fall at her home, members of the executive commit-
many months«&«.ago.
iany niuiitna Looter of Autos
Altho not present in person, she teeDr.byH.virtue of their offices.
H. Schwardz of the State Two telephone company employes
was not out o£ mind. Her absence College of Agriculture at Cornell at work in a manhole'at N. Salina
created a void and for five minutes university in Ithaca, spoke at the
the assemblage gathered under a morning meeting on substitutes for and Butternut sts. early yesterday
tent to hear a fine tribute to her DDT in dairy farm use. C. AV. caused the arrest of a man identi-
and to send her their best wishes Weber of the state health depart- fied as Patrick L. Dwyer, ?3, of 228
and hopes lor a quick recovery. ment directed a question and an- W..Fayettc St., who police charged
swer program. with petit larceny ;n the theft.of

Robinson Airlines Health Sreno's Pay

articles from automobiles.
The workmen, identified hy Pa-
trolman* William Cole as Marvin W.
Aholri of Baldwinsville RD 1 and

To Exhibit Sunday Donated by League George Movtcker of 238 Bryant

ave., said they saw Dwyer going OR sure, at this time of year you You don't pay any more for Buick-

terest in commercial aviation

Funds for employment of a ste
Anticipating continued public in- nographer in a posture health
program will be donated by the
Junior League, it was reported yes-
thru several parked cars. They were
in such a position. Cole said, that
they had a good view of the street,
but that they scarcely would be no-
F want a full measure of real driving
sport from your Buick—an eager answer
experienced workmanship and know-
how, or for our Buick-trained skills, or
Clarence E. Hancock airport on terday by the department of health ticed.
weekends. Robinson Airlines will Representatives of the league mel They followed Dwyer to N. Salina to your toe on the gas treadle, softly for the fact that every part, every ad-
have a transport at the field Sun- with Dr. Clealand A. Sargent, health and Willow its., where they met
obedient brakes," a willing wheel that justment and operation is just what the
day for. inspection by spectators commissioner.
The league provides volunteers to
Cole. A search revealed Dwyer had
in his pockets flashlights, iilm, a
and sightseeing flights over the work in parochial schools during camera, tools, a bottle opener, a
steers for you without effort. Let's just factory has specified. '
Syracuse district according to the physical examinations. pipe, tobacco, a notebook and sun- say—you want the royal ride that only
company's executive vice-president Meeting with Dr. Sargent were
and general manager, Robert E Mrs. John Steele, president; Mrs He denied £uilt to the charge at a Buick can give you! Yet there's a thrilling difference in the
Peach, a former Syracusan. Robert J. Sloan, Mrs. Holden Hills arraignment in special sessions court way your Buick behaves under our
Arrangements for the program Mrs. Kichard T. Hughes, Mrs. Eu- yesterday and the case set down
similar to that conducted by Amer- gene Castle and Miss Cornelia for tomorrow. All this you'll get and more, if your careful care. Bring it to us next time
ican Colonial and Robinson last Hiscock.
weekend, were completed yester- ADVERTISEMENT Buick gets the care it deserves. Not you want lubrication, or an adjustment,
day by Peach and city officials. THERAPISTS' TESTS
The certificated airline will send Civil service examinations for HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF just a peek here, a poke there — b u t or a thoroughgoing checkup— and give
several staff members from Ithaca corrective therapists were an- real Buick care! Our kind of care!
to assist Robinson's local manager naunced yesterday by John Ashe.; STOMACH ULCER PAIN yourself a mighty pleasant surprise!
Robert L. Lints o£ 715 Avery ave. secretary of the board of civil caused by excess acid
in the Sunday activities. service examiners in Syracuse. Va- constant
Don't just Miffer from agoutilng pain and
bnminc of stomach nicer?, indiccs-
Robinson's scheduled flights link cancies will be filled in veterans ad- (i tion, tas. heartburn, other distress canied hy
the Southern Tier communities, } ministration establishments in New •excess ctomcch acid. Plunder's Tablets are
Bmshamton, Elmira and Ithaca, [York and New Jersey. Positions are iCuarantced to brine amazinp Quick, soothinc
; relief of such acid stomach distress-OR
with Syracuse. Newark. N. J., New I for corrective therapist, P-l, at 52,- MOXEY BACK! Formula of F. H. Pfunder.
York. "Albany. Rochester, Buffalo 1974.80 a year; P-2, at $3,727.20 a cnts. Acid ulcer sufferers
Ph.G.. contains medL-ally.pruved iasrc-ii-
have bought, nvpv
and N'iagara Falls. t ycar; and P-3, at S4.479.60 a year, 100.000.OCO Pfunder*; Tablets In past 2S
The regional airline has been in j Closing date is Oct. 13. lycjin. Get Plunder's Tablets today.
operation for nearly five years and
has a perfect safety record. Like
American and Colonial, it is an in-
terstate line operating under a
civil aeronautics board certificate,
or franchise, and is a member of
the Air Transport association.

Firemen Receive Xou get 2-f0r-l with

Inhalator Lesson !
Officers of the Lyncourt volun-!
tccr fire department were given a' & 'iff f.
demonstration last night on how j
to properly operate an inhalator One of our biggest borgoin-offers
and resuscilator machine by the • is lufan'core — complete, elaborately
chief of the Mattydale volunteer: thorough lubrication plus a item-
fire department, Walter Miller.
Lyncourt Chief Jasper E. Per- ] fo-sfern checkup of your Euick and
rigo and Miller said several simi- its general health. Pay us just for
lar demonstrations will b£ held i n , the lubricants it needs; the diagnoiis
the coming months for the none-.
fit of the firemen. The machine' is a service we're glad to give! How
has been used successfully on sev- obouf drivhg in Ihk week ?
eral occasions for the purpose of,
administering first aid to firemen
overcome by smoke and to Matty-"
dale residents who were overcome
by 5:1?. Miller said.
The two chief? said firemen
should not only know how to ex-
tinguish <i fire but they should
know how to deliver first aid in
the event of an emergency.

Firm Awarded
Road Contract
The Dan-Bar Construction Co. of •
Syracuse was awarded a S573.526.
contract for reconstruction of a
Clinton county road, the ftate high-
way department announced yester-
SYRACUSE BUICK COMPANY, Inc. 375 W. Onondaga $h, Syracuse, N. Y.

The Associated Press reported
the Syracuse firm will do a 5.71
miles reconstruction job on the H. 0. CLARK, Inc. H. B, ROMIG W. H. SMITH & SON DUNN BUICK COMPANY
Old Military Turnpike running 94-98 Grant Ave. 40-50 Seneca St. 17-19 W. First St.
louthcasterly from Irona-Ledgeri Elbridge, N. Y.
county road. The road, will be Auburn, N. Y. Weedsport, N. Y. .. Fulton, N. Y.
raved with 22-foot wide bitumin-
ous treated gravel pavement.

Syracuse Post Standard, Syracuse, New York, US

September 22, 1949, Page 8

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