Material Handling System and ASRS PDF

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Computer Aided Manufacturing

B.TECH. VIII Mechanical


Manual Material handling operation are carried out in most industrial plant. Each
handling task posses unique demand on the worker. However workplaces can help the
workers to perform these task safely and easily by implanting and upholding proper policies
and procedure.

1. 1.Ankle
2. 2.knee
3. 3.Hip
4. 4.Shoulder
5 5. 5.Elbow
d4 Segments
e 3
a. a. shank
b. b. thigh
c. c .Trunk
b d. d. Upper arm
e. e.forearm

Computer Aided Manufacturing

For last several decades, manual material handling has attracted great interest from
researchers in many disciplines, primary because of the huge amount of work and finances
losses and human sufferings caused by low back pain and injuries.

In the last several year material handling has become rapidly evolving science.
For moving material in and out in warehouse many type of equipment and system are in
used, depend on type of material and volume handle.
In warehouse, material handling operation are performed by following stage.
Unloading the incoming material from transport vehicle
Moving unloading material to assign storage section in warehouse
Lifting storage material from storage place during its storage packing.
Moving the material for inspection and packing
Loading packages on transporting vehical.

Design of Material Handling is depend on

Volumes to be handled
Speed in handling
Product characteristics ( weight,size,shape etc)
Nature of the product


1. Lifting and Transport System: It is used to move product around the

production facility, from loading bay to storage, from storage to production,
around production, from production to storage, and from storage to loading
bay. The equipment that falls into this category are fork lift, trucks, order
picking truck, over hade cranes, tower crane and belt, chain and overhead crane.
2. Storage Equipment : It is used store materials, components, and assemblies.
The level of complexity of this type of equipment is wide ranging, from welded
cantilever steel rack to hold lengths of stock materials to a powered vertical

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carousel system. Also within this category are pallet racks, mobile self units, and
plastic, wood and steel container.
3. Automated Handling Equipment : Manufacturings of automated handling
equipment produce automate guided vehicles, storage and retrieval equipment,
conveying systems and product sortation equipment. The level of automation
varies depending on the handling requirements. Fully automated handling
systems ensure that the materials are deliver to production line when required
without significant manual intervention.
4. Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGVs ) : an agv is a material handling device
that is used to move part between machines and workcenter. They are small ,
independently powered vehicle, those are usually guided by cables that are
buried in the floor or they use an optical guidance system. They are controlled
by receiving instruction either from central computer or from their own board-
5. Robotics : in manufacturing application, robot can be used for assembly
work ,process such as painting ,welding and for material handling. More resent
robots are equipped with sensory feedback through vision. The main advantage
of robots is, they can be used for repetitive ,monotonous task that need
precision. They can be used in hazardous environment that are not suitable for
human operator.

Automated guided vehicles (AGV) are vehicles that are equip with automated
Systems and are capable of following prescribed paths. Unlike traditional robots. AGV a re
not manipulators, they are driverless vehicle that are programmed to guide path. In
automated factories and facilities AGV move pallets and container.

The main benefit of AGV is that they reduce labor costs. But in material handling
facilities there is another benefit. Material handling handling has always been dangerous.
Injuries occure due to lake of driver attention. Obstacle detection is therefore a key to
allowing AGVs to interact with personnel not paying attention. Obstacle detection is
therefore a key to allowing AGVs to interact with personnel safely while optimizing vehicle

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Automated guided vehicle system consists of the computer,software and technology that
are the brains behind the AGV. Without computer software systems and communications
networks, only the simplest AGV functions can be performed

Camera guided AGVs are used when precise guidance accuracy is needed,such as in
crowded environments and smaller sized facilities. An on board camera focuses and guides
the AGV while performing.

Forked AGVs are used to pick up and deliver various loads, such as pallets, carts, rolls and
others. There can be manually driven as well as used automatically, and have the ability to lift
loads to many levels.

Inertial guided AGVs use a magnet sensing device, a gyroscope that measures the units
heading and a wheel odometer that calculates the distance traveled. Magnets mounted
beneath the floor are detected by the on board magnetic sensing device and combine with
the first two readings to give an accurate positional location.

Large chassis/unit load AGVs are used to transport heavier loads with various transfer
devices such as roller beds,lift/lower mechanisms and custom mechanisms.

Laser guided AGVs use mounted laser scanners that emit a laser and reflect back from
target. The vehicle s location can be determined based on distance to the target and time of
reflection information.

Optical guided AGVs use a latex-based photosensitive tape on a facilitys floor for
guidance.Distance is measured by use of wheel odometers,which establish stop locations for
the AGV along the course.

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Outrigger AGVs have horizontal stabilizing legs to provide lateral support, and are used to
handle pallets ,rolls and racks.

Small chassis AGVs are able to maneuver through crowded workplaces through laser
sensing, while transporting smaller load.

Small vehicle AGVs are capable of determining their own traffic and routing without
necessitating a central controller.

Tug/tow AGVs are used to pull trailers are usually manned by an operator who adds and
remove trailers at designated stops. These can follow a basic loop or more complicated path.

Wire guided AGVs uses charged wire that is buried beneath the floor for proper guidance
and has small antenna composed of metal coils mounted on their bottoms. The stronger the
field between the buried wire and antennae, the higher the voltage induced to the coil.

Unit load carries : Low built vehicle 3 type

Unit handler, which can be fitted with type of load handler on top, Roller or chain
conveyor,fixed load table, lifting load table or arms, telescopic fork,etc.
Load capacity up to 12000 lbs.
There are five wheel version.
Single or fully by directional.
Ideal for material delivery and manufacturing.


The analysis of AGV systems is used to determine

1. The number of AGV required

2. Cycle time.
3. handling system efficiency.

It is assumed that the vehicle operates at a constant speed of V. The acceleration and
other effects that influence the speed are ignored.

Computer Aided Manufacturing

The time for typical delivery cycle in operation of the vehicle includes

Loading at the pick up station.

Unloading at the drop of stations.
Travel time to the drop off station.
Empty travel time of the vehicle between deliveries

Therefore the total cycle time per delivery per vehicle is given by

Tv = Tl + Tu + Ld/v +Le/v

Where, Tv = Delivery cycle time (min/delivery)

Tl = pick up time (min.)
Tu = Drop off time (time.)]
Th=Tl + Tu = Handling time (min.)
Ld = Distance the vehicle travels between load and unload station (m)

Automated Material Movement and Storage system

Le = Distance the vehicle travels empty until the start of next delivery cycle (m)
V = velocity ( m/min).

The delivery cycle time can be used to determine the rate of deliveries per vehicle and
number of vehicles required.

The hourly rate of deliveryies per vehicle is 60 minutes divided by delivery cycle time
Tv, With adjusting for any time losses during the hour.

The possible time losses include availability, traffic congestion and efficiency of
manual drivers.
So traffic factor accounts and lies between .0.85 and 1
So number of deliveries per hour per vehicle = 60 Ft/Tv or
Number of deliveries per hours per vehicle = (60 Eh) / (Ld/v)

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Where Eh = handling system efficiency
= { ( Ld/v) x Ft} / (Ld/v + Th +Le/v)

so number of AGVS required = Number of deliveries required per hour

` Number of deliveries/hour/vehicle
Following are the data for AGV system.
Vehicle velocity = 45m/min.
Average distance traveled/ delivery= 135m
Pick up time = 45 sec.
Drop off time = 45 sec.
Average distance traveling empty = 90m
Traffic factor = 0.9

Determine the number of vehicles required to satisfy the delivery demand if the delivery
demand is 40 deliveries per hour. Also determine the handling system efficiency.

Solution: Ld = 135m, Le =90m ,Tl = 45 sec = 0.75 min,

Th = Tl + Tu
= 0.75 + 0.75
= 1.5 min.
v = 45 m/min. & Ft= 0.9
Total cycle time per delivery per vehicle is given by
Tv = Th + Ld/v + Le/v
= 0.75 + 0.75 + 135/45 + 90/45
= 6.45 min.
The number of delivery per hour per vehicle = 60 Ft/Tv
= 60 x 0.9/6.45
= 8.37 deliveries/hour/vehicle.

Number of vehicles required = Number of deliveries required per hour

Number of deliveries/ hour/ vehicle
= 40/8.37

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= 4.82
Handling system efficiency = {(Ld/v)xFt}/{(Ld/v) +PTh+ (Le/v)}
= { (135/45) x 0.9 }/ {(135/45) = 1.5 + (90/45)}
= 0.4154
= 41.54 %


Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) are means to

high density, hands free buffering of materials in distribution and manufacturing
environments. There are several classes of automated storage and retrieval (ASRS) that are
characterized by weight and size handling characterized by weight and size handling

Unit load ASRS

Mini Load ASRS
Carousel ASRS

Unit Load ASRS

Unit Load ASRS machines are generally pallet handling

systems with capacities that vary much like lift trucks. Unit load ASRS systems are often
quit tall and sometimes support the building shell that contains them. The density, security
and labour/machinery savings they provide, make them a good choice in a variety of
application from cold storage to general warehousing.

Mini load ASRS

Mini load ASRS, operating on same principles as the Unit

loads this unit load machine handle smaller and lighter loads. These typically range from
metal trays and totes to shipping cartons. Mini loads may be used in traditional stockroom

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applications but are also well suited as buffers to support manufacturing processes and
shipping systems.

Carousel ASRS
Carousel ASRS, the industrial carousel may be integrated with a specific purpose robotic
inserter/ extractor for small load buffering. Very often, carousel ASRS is applied in lights –
out stockroom. This technology finds itself at the heart of systems varying widely in
application from the food industry to the manufacturing floor.


Stores and retrieves production parts for aging, testing, or optimization flow.
Allows parts to be grouped into multiple batches; internal database handles all part
information including time stamp for accurate retrieval by age.

Storage and Retrieval (SR) System combined high- density storage of components,
work-in-process storage or finished goods with automated storage, retrieval and handling.
In addition to complete line of conveyers, transfers and ergonomic devices, Industrial
Kinetics, Inc. manufacture and integrates a wide variety of storage and Retrieval machines.
Our innovative equipment can interface with carousels, live or static rack installations, and
custom configured work cells, Industrial Kinetics, inc. provided systems include the most
current inventory control technology.


The analysis OF ASRS is used in order to determine the transaction cycle time.
The transaction cycle involves retrieval of load out of storage or delivery of a load out of
storage or delivery of a load in to the storage or both of the activities in the single cycle.

The two type of transaction cycle are:

1. Single command cycle: It involves either retrieving a load from the storage or
entering a load into the storage but not both in a single cycle.

Computer Aided Manufacturing
2. Dual command cycle : It involves both entering a load into storage and retrieval of
the load from storage in the same cycle. It represents the most efficient way to
operate the ASRS since two loads are handled in a single transaction.

In order to compute the transaction cycle time based on the formulas derived by Bozer
and Whit following assumptions have to be made.

Randomized storage of loads in ASRS

Storage compartments are of same size.
Pick up and delivery station is located at base and end of the aisle
Horizontal and vertical speed of the storage/ retrieval machine are constant
Simultaneous horizontal and vertical travel

For single command cycle, the transaction time is given by,

Tsc = T(Q2 /3 + 1) +2 Tpd

For dual command cycle , the transaction time is given by,

Tds = T ( 4/3 + 0.5 Q2-Q3/30) +4Tpd

Where, Ls = Length of aisle

Hs = Height of aisle
Vh = Average horizontal speed of SR machine
Tpd = shuttle time to perform pickup and deposit.
The time required for horizontal and vertical travel in full length of the storage system are
given by

Th = Ls / Vh and

Tv = Hs / Vv

Using these travel times, the following parameters are defined,

T = max (th,tv)

Q min = min (th/T, tv/T)

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The size and capacity of a storage carousel can be determined with reference to the given fig.
The individual bins are hung on carriers that revolve around the carousel track. The
circumference of the carousel track is given by

C = 2 ( Ls – Ws) + piWs

Consider the spacing between carriers around the track be given by Sc and the number of
carriers be symbolized as nc.
Hence nc, sc = C
If the number of separate bins hung from a carrier is nb, the total number of bins that is
storage compartments on the carousel = nc nb

Assumption made to derive the time to perform a transaction are

Transaction cycle consists of either a storage or retrieval, but not both that is single
command transactions can be performed.
Speed of the carousel is constant.
Random storage is used in the carousel .

Let us consider a retrieval cycle and the storage transaction is performed under the same
assumption of random storage would be equivalent to retrieval transaction.
The average distance that the carousel has to travel to move randomly located bin to the
unload station at the end of the carousel depends on whether the carousel revolves in only
one or both directions.
For the single direction, the average travel distance is given by

Computer Aided Manufacturing

Lr = 0.5C

And corresponding time complete a retrieval transaction

Tr = (0.5C/Vc) + Th
Where Th – handling time of the picker to remove the item or items from the bin. For the
carousel capable of bi-directional travel, the corresponding average travel distance and
retrieval transaction time are
Lr = 0.25C
Tr = (0.25C/Vc) + Tc


1. Consider an operation of unit load ASRS, which uses an SR machine for each aisle
of the system. The length of storage aisle is 300 m and its height is 50 m. Horizontal
and vertical speeds of SR machine are 400 m/min. and 75 m/min. respectively. The
SR require 30 seconds to accomplish pickup and delivery. Determine the single and
dual command cycle time.
2. the oval of a top- driven carousel track has a length = 50 m and width = 4m. the
speed of the carousel = 75 m/mim. There are 100 carrier around the carousel and
each carrier has 5 bins suspended from it. For a single direction carousel and a
bidirectional carousel, compare how long it take it takes to retrieve 20 parts from the
carrier if each part is in different storage bin and random storage is used in the
carousel. Also determine the spacing between carriers and carousel. The handling
time associated with retrieval is 20 sec.
3. The length of ASRS is 400 m and its height is 100 m. horizontal and vertical speeds
are 250 m/mim. And 80 m/mim. Respectively. The P and D time is 0.6 min.
Determine the average single command and dual command and dual command
transaction times for the storage system.
4. A mechanized storage carousel has a length of 40 m. The velocity of the carousel is
60 m/mim, and the part handling time at the unload station is 0.40min. compute the
average time to retrieve a part from the system

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a) Assuming that the system revolves in a single direction

b) Assuming that the system revolves in both direction.

5. A storage system serving electronics assembly plant consist of 3 storage

carousels, each with its own P and D station. Each carousel has a track that is 60 m long
and 3.5 m wide. The speed at which the system revolves is 75 m/min. the P and D
handling time is 0.4 min. Determine the throughput rate of the storage system if the
storage transaction and retrieval transaction are 4 equally divided during the shift.
Assuming bidirectional travel of the carousel.


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