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Most Reverend Father, It is my honour to present to you for
investiture, ____________________, whom the Board of trustees of the
Cofradia de la Inmaculada Concepcion Incorporated had appointed
and confirmed as this year’s Hermanos Mayores.

Chairman carrying the tray where the sash is, kneels in front of the celebrant and asks the celebrant
to bless the sashes with these words.

Most Reverend Father, In behalf of the members and officers the

Cofradia de la Inmaculada Concepcion may I humbly request that
your reverence bless these Sashes, and impose them upon
____________________, who has taken the task to be this year’s
Hermanas Mayores.
Our help is in the name of the Lord.

Who made heaven and earth.

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

Let us pray.

O Lord we pray to you earnestly,

that your Majesty give favour upon our petition.
To bless these insignias of the office,
and protect your servants who desire to wear it.
So that they may be steadfast in faith,
fervent in their devotion,
to honour your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ
and to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This we ask through the same Christ our Lord.


Celebrant sprinkles the sash with holy water.

What do you desire?

Hermanas Mayores:
I desire to be invested as this year’s Hermano Mayor.

I remind you, that if all men ought to consider themselves
honoured to practice Christian virtue.
So much the more must an elder sister, who cherish
in taking the task in being the Hermano Mayor.
Use every means to succeed in this endeavour,
and by his or her actions and virtues,
show oneself worthy of the honour he or she is receiving,
and the dignity with which one is invested.
Do you promise therefore,
in all you actions and virtues to show yourself worthy
of the honour that you are to receive
and of the dignity with which you are to be invested?

Hermanas Mayores:
With the help of God, yes, we do promise.
I pronounce and declare you the Hermanas Mayores
of this Year’s Grand Marian Festivities
in honor of the Principal patroness of our Land,
the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
And I confer upon you this sash of Honour
as a symbol of the responsibility
attached to your official duties
and a pledge of divine protection in your favour.
In the name of the father and of the Son 
and of the Holy Spirit .

Celebrant will put the sash over the Hermanas Mayores with the Chairman assisting

Let us now give a big round of applause to our Hermanas Mayores,

The Hermanos Mayores stands, faces the congregation and bows to acknowledge the applause of
the people.

The officers and members of the Cofradia de la Inmaculada
Concepcion calls upon General ____________________ to receive in
behalf of the Armed Forces of the Philippines the sash of honor as this
year’s Grand Marshal of the Grand Marian Procession of Intramuros.

The General walks up the altar, as a sign of reverence makes a bow.

The founding chairman puts the sash of honor on the general and says these words.

Receive this sash of Honor as a sign of our trust and confidence in the
Armed Forces of the Philippines. May you fight evil unceasingly to
protect our people, and lead us all to peace, all for the greater glory of

In behalf of my superior, the Chief of Staff, General
__________________ and of all the members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, I accept this sash and the honor attached to it as the
Marshal of the Grand Marian Procession of Intramuros. And I shall
wear it with pride, as I lead all devotees in a pilgrimage to honor Her
Divine Majesty, Mary, the Immaculate Conception, our National

May the blessing of God be upon you,
the Father  , and the Son ,
 and the Holy Spirit.


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