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Final Exam Information and Study Guide

– Foundations of Democracy and Enlightenment
– Primary Documents
– Legislative Branch/Amending the Constitution
– Executive Branch/Electoral College/Political Parties
– Judicial Branch/Supreme Court Cases
– World Governments

Deciphering the Bill of Rights

I will give you an amendment, you will explain in your own words what the
amendment says.

Supreme Court Cases –

We will discuss a Supreme Court case. You will be asked for your legal opinion
on the case. You will be expected to cite the Constitution, the amendments or
other cases to support your opinion.

Short Answer –
Each answer will be between 3-5 sentences in length. Be prepared… you never
know which questions you will have to answer.

1. The electoral college
a. How many electors
b. Where do they meet to cast their votes
c. How is the number of electors determined
2. Enlightenment Thinkers – Locke, Jefferson
3. Current political platforms information – Republicans and Democrats
4. The meaning and importance of the 1st ten amendments (the Bill of Rights)
5. Which two amendments are considered the ‘due process’ amendments?
6. Requirements to be President, Senator and Representative. How long is each office’s
7. Review Three Branches - know specifics about all three, Checks and Balances
8. Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Connecticut (Great) Compromise
9. Review Political Party notes
10. Supreme Court cases
11. Foundations of Democracy – Greek, Roman, English
12. Federalist Papers – what were they and who wrote them?
13. Judicial Activism, Restraint and Review
14. Impeachment process and charges
15. Government Types
16. Tyrannies: similarities and difference
17. Amendments to constitution that affect the Presidency
18. Roles of the President

Possible Short Answer Questions:

1. Identify 2 ideals from each of the two party platforms from the 2016 election (2 from the
Republican Party and 2 from the Democratic Party Platforms) and explain their
significance to society today.
2. Explain the significance of the verdict of Marbury v Madison.
3. Explain the significance of the verdict of Plessy v Ferguson
4. Explain the significance of the verdict of Brown v Board
5. Explain the significance of the verdict of U.S. v Nixon
6. Explain the significance of the verdict of Miranda v. Arizona
7. What are the requirements for becoming a member of the House of Representatives and
the Senate? (Provide the requirement for both branches of Congress)
8. Compare and contrast the Warren and Rehnquist Courts. Explain the similarities and
differences of the two.
9. Describe two Enlightened thinkers ideas and explain the significance of those beliefs to
the United States Government
10. Compare and contrast the verdicts of Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v. Board. What do
the decisions tell you about society at the time?

Vocabulary terms to know:

Checks and Balances
Elastic Clause
“Advise and Consent”
Executive Privilege

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