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LO3 - Evaluation

Weekly blog updates are required, as with every unit. Please remember to
take photos/screenshots as you film/edit. You might find it easier if you note
down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week was spent on idea generation

What have you been asked to We have been asked to choose two out of
do? three different mediums to create for our
productions for this unit, the options are a
short film, a music video or a stop motion
animation. We were also given two different
age groups to choose from as our
target audience, they were people aged 25-
40 and 5-12

Why have you chosen this target I chose the older age group (25-40) as my
audience? target audience because I felt that it would
allow me to be more creative as you are
very limited as to what you can create that
would be appealing and suitable for people
aged 5-12.

What two productions have you I have decided to make a short film and a
decided to make? How do they music video. Because ive done both of these
allow you to improve your skills? before and therefore know what level of
them I am up to so I know what I need to
improve on from previous feedback.
How did the focus groups help The focus groups helped me select my idea
you to select your idea? by seeing other peoples opinions on what I
should do. From these results it helped me
decide what to do.
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be none
completed for you to catch up?
Week 2 This week was spent researching target audiences

What did you find out about your I found out that my target audience of 25-40 year olds
target audience through your through my secondary research like a lot of dramas,
secondary research? particularly involving topics they can relate about
such as children and families.
How will this help you in adapting From this, it will help me with adapting my idea to suit
your idea to meet the chosen the target audience y the fact ive changed one of
audience? my ideas to involve a family so that the target
audience can relate.
How useful was interviewing By interviewing people from my chosen target
people from your chosen target audience, I found it very useful because I got an
audience? insight of what kind of thing they personally wanted to
watch and helped me encorperate that into my own
ideas for productions.
Was it difficult to get a large I didn’t find it very difficult to get a large response to
response to your survey? How my survey. I put a link to my survey into a marlow
could you improve the amount of parents facebook group and got over 30 responses.
For my fmp I can send it into multiple facebook
respondents for your FMP?
groups for an even better response.
What have you found to be the The key things that I think I should be targeting my
key things that you should be audience are things that they can relate do, which I
targeting your audience with? have done. This audience compared to the one that I
didn’t chose which was 5-12 year olds is different
What makes this audience
because I can relate more to older people instead of
different to the one you never little kids and would rather create a production for
chose? people that I can relate to.
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be none
completed in your own time?

Week 3 This week was spent researching codes and

What genres have you chosen In my music video I have chosen the genre of a
and why? drama with action. In my short film I have chosen a
coming of ages genre.
What have you learnt from your From my secondary research on genres for this week, I
secondary research this week? have learnt that there are many genres and I have
gone through them and chosen which ones I think will
suit my target audience.
How will this influence what you This will influence what I include in my productions
include in your productions? because I need to make the film fit the genre that I
have chosen.
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be none
completed in your own time?

Week 4 This week was spent researching codes and

What have you learnt from you From primary research this week about codes and
primary research this week? conventions that I need to include certain things into
my productions so it fits with the genre and type of
production im doing.
What developments do you need The developments I need to make to my productions
to make to your production for it to meet the codes and conventions requirements are
to meet these codes and in my music video and no dialogue and add effects
when editing such as slow motion and effects.
conventions requirements?
How did processing the results of By processing the results of my research it helped me
your research help you to to undertand it thouroughly by techniques such as
understand it thoroughly? surveys and other peoples opinions which helped me
understand everything.
Are you on track for the week? yes
What work needs to be none
completed in your own time?

Week 5 This week was spent planning your productions

What did you learn from your That I need to be very organised and that story
planning? boards are very helpful
How will this be useful as your If I have a clear shooting script and story boards then
production process continues? filming will be much easier.
What issues did you encounter The issues I came across whilst planning was my actors
whilst planning and how did you weren’t all available when I wanted so I had to re
overcome them? schedule and update my production schedule.
How much work did you Just everything that I was behind on
complete outside of the lessons?
Are you ready to film next week yes
and if not, what do you need to
complete to be ready?
Are your storyboards up to yes

Week 6 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming Quite stressful but I managed to get through it. Fun at
process? the same time when everything went to plan.
Did you encounter any problems My actors not being able to come and film, I sd card
during filming? How did you broke so had to wait until a new one came and my
overcome them? camera wouldn’t charge but apart from that all
After reviewing footage, what do In a couple shots I wasn’t focused so I went back and
you feel you need to reshoot? reshot them in focus.
What new techniques from your The techniques that I have learnt form previous units
previous units have you tried to that I decided to use in filming was to set different
use? setting on my camera to make the colour more
appropriate for the scene.
Are the locations you filmed at yes
suitable to your production?
Are you keeping up with your yes
production schedule?
What footage still needs One last scene for my music video.

Week 7 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming Stressful but fun

Did you encounter any problems Same as last week
during filming? How did you
overcome them?
After reviewing footage, are you Almost. Could be a lot more detailed which is what ill
happy with what you have make sure of in fmp
Have the techniques you planned yes
on using turned out well?

Week 8 This week was spent editing

How are you finding the editing I enjoy editing alot

process this week?
Have you encountered any Not enough footage is what I encountered this week
problems whilst editing? How did in editing, the way I overcame them was by taking
you overcome them? time out of editing to film extra and then add it in
Are there any new techniques There are a couple new techniques I am trying to use
you are trying to use during this in my editing such as split screening and blurring the
editing process? image to focus on another clip.
Are you on track with all of your almost
What work needs to be Finish editing
completed outside of lessons?

Week 9 This week was spent editing

How did you finding the editing I enjoy editing a lot but it was quite stressful
Have you encountered any Same as last week
problems whilst editing? How did
you overcome them?
Are you happy with the outcome Not really because I ran out of time. I could have
of your productions? Why? done a lot better.
How did your productions meet Because of the stroylines that I planned and how the
your target audience? target audience can relate to them.
What aspects of your productions In my short film I could have had a better suited actor
could have been better targeted because my actor was 19 but meant to be an adult.
to your audience?
How do you feel your work I feel like my work doesn’t really compare to
compares to existing professional professional existing productions in a good way
productions? because I haven’t put enough time in them to make
them look professional.
Are there any areas where your Yes, my editing and filming fell short so I had to rush
production falls short? How would that.
you improve it next time?
What have you learnt about I need to be a lot more organised and just have
yourself to take into the Final everything up to date so that I don’t fall back and
Major Project? What do you waste time doing things I needed to do before
instead of what I should be doing now.
personally need to improve on?
Are you on track with all of your yes
What work needs to be none
completed outside of lessons?

Week 10 This week you pitched

How did you choose to pitch your With a power point presentation
What made your pitch stand out I involved animations and colours to draw the
and be different? Why would it attention of viewers. It would convince someone to
convince someone to invest? invest because the powerpoint looked formal.
How did the pitch go? Not too bad
Is there anything you would do Make it longer.
differently in your next pitch?

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