Cconsalvi Midterm 1

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Running head: MIDTERM 1

Midterm Exam

Carrie Consalvi

California State University Monterey Bay

July 27, 2019

IST 626: Advanced Instruction Design

Dr. Jeanne Farrington


Midterm Exam

1. Ch. 1, p. 49-50; Short Answer:

What is the difference between business outcomes and learning objectives,

and which of these is most important to emphasize to the client when
communicating the impact of training? Limit responses to 100-150 words.

A business outcome is directly related to what the sponsor or client most

desires to accomplish from the training. It usually relates to business success
factors, like increased sales or improved customer service. Learning
objectives are specific to what the student will learn and be able to do as a
result of training. The instructional designer must emphasize the business
outcomes to increase motivation and convey relevance to the client and the
learners. The learning objectives can be full of jargon and often fail to
communicate the “why” of learning. The instruction designer uses learning
objectives primarily to design the training in response to the business

2. Ch. 2, Section “A Four Phase Process,” p. 81-102; Matching:

Directions: On the line to the left of each phase, write the letter of the activity
from the right hand column that fits the phase. Use each activity once.

Which phases would you apply the following activities when designing a
complete experience for the learner?

__a___Phase I: Preparation a) Providing the learner with the

objectives and events of the
__b___Phase 2: Guided Learning b) Stressing the personal application
and relevance through co-worker
___c__Phase 3: Transfer and c) Creating a job aid to demonstrate
application how to complete the task.
___d__Phase 4: Achievement d) Offering feedback and rewards for
good work.

3. Ch. 3, p. 122; Multiple-Choice:

At the end of training, Jane gave her students the task of communicating what
they had learned and how they would apply the concepts to their jobs to at
least one other person outside of the class. This is a good practice mitigating
the effect of which bottleneck in the learning process? Circle the correct

a. Attention
b. Working memory
c. Encoding and Consolidation

4. Ch. 4, p. 174; Short Answer:

An employee is excited about the training she just attended because she
believes it will radically change her job efficiency. However, her manager is
reluctant and thinks it will be a waste of time to implement. How would you
advise the manager toward creating a more conducive transfer climate?

Directions: Provide two suggestions. Answers should offer potential reasons for
the manager’s response and a suggestion for how to mitigate the problem. Use
1-3 sentences for each response.

1. It would be important to communicate the relevance of the

training toward improving department efficiency, since he may
not understand the potential business outcomes. Communicating
relevance to the manager might motivate him toward creating a
more conducive environment.
2. The manager might not know how to coach his employees on how
to implement the training. Having him attend the training or
providing a synopsis of the training would help him be better
prepared to support his employees.

5. Ch. 5, p. 202; Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer:

Which of the following characteristics are key for developing performance

supports? Circle three answers from the following choices:

a. Ready at the point of need

b. Only the most critical steps
c. Detailed list of every step
d. Theoretical
e. Tested for usability
f. Generally applicable to every related task

6. Ch. 6, Section: Guiding Principles, p. 232-238; Matching:

Directions: On the line to the left of each term, write the letter of the description
from the right hand column that describes the term. Use each description once.

Match the following attributes for effective evaluation to the appropriate


___a___Relevant a) Consistent with the sponsor’s criteria

for success.
___b___Credible b) Believable due to clear reporting and
adequate research.
___c___Compelling c) Simple and interesting delivery.
___d___Efficient d) Practical and economic.

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