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First Name: ______________________ Surname: __________________ Nr: ____ Class: ____

Date: ____________________________

Teacher´s signature Mark

__________________________ _________________________


1- Read the text carefully

(Lê o texto com atenção)

Hello! How do you do!

My name is Lauro Mantini and I´m forty-six years old. I was born on the first
Of July, nineteen fifty-eight .
I am from Italy, but I live in Seville, because I am married to a Spanish woman.
Her name is Carmen and she is fifty years old. She is from Madrid, Spain.
Carmen´s parents are Sylvia and Claude. They are from France.
My address is Avenida de la Plata, 21 – Seville and my phone number is 70789951 .

1.1- Write True or False. Correct the false statements.

(Escreve verdadeiro ou Falso. Corrige as afirmações falsas)

a) Lauro is fifty-eight.________________________________________________________________

b) Carmen is from Spain. ______________________________________________________________

c) His surname is Martini. _____________________________________________________________

d) Lauro is Spanish. __________________________________________________________________

e) Sylvia and Claude are Carmen´s parents. ________________________________________________

1.2- Now answer the following questions about the text.

(Agora responde às questões sobre o texto)

a) What´s his first name? ________________________________________________________________

b) How old is Carmen ? ___________________________________________________________________

c) What nationality is Lauro? ______________________________________________________________

d) Where is Carmen from? ________________________________________________________________

e) What´s his address? __________________________________________________________________

f) What´s his phone number? ______________________________________________________________


g)What nationality are Sylvia and Claude? ____________________________________________________

2- Fill in with the correct form of the Verb To Be .

(Preenche com a forma correcta do Verbo To Be)

a) Jenny _____________ a nurse . b) I ___________________ Japanese.

c) Sid and Jim ________________ handsome. d) You ________________ thirty-five.

e) The pencils ________________ black. f) Jessie _______________ very shy.

g) We ______________ from Taiwan . h) They _______________ actors.

3- Look at the identity cards and then ask or answer.

(Olha para os cartões de identidade e depois pergunta ou responde)

Name: Phil Simon Name: Jill Dupont

Address: 13, 5th Avenue, Address: 14, Rue de la Plage,
Toronto Paris
Telephone number: 72455612 Telephone number : 987000342
Age: 30 Age: 23
Country: Canada Country: France

a) _______________________________________? a) What´s her first name?

It´s Simon. __________________________________

b) How old is he? b) __________________________________

________________________________________ She is twenty-three.

c)________________________________________ c) What nationality is she ?

He´ s from Canada. ___________________________________

d) ______________________________________ ? d) What´s her telephone number?

It´s 13, 5th Avenue Toronto ____________________________________

4-Write the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

(Escreve as seguintes frases na negativa e na interrogativa)

a) Greg and Craig are high school colleagues.

Negative: ______________________________________________________________________________

Interrogative: __________________________________________________________________________
b) I am a computer assistant at a company nearby.

Negative: ______________________________________________________________________________

Interrogative: __________________________________________________________________________

c) Paul is a taxi-driver for that firm.

Negative: ______________________________________________________________________________

Interrogative: __________________________________________________________________________

5- Fill in the grid with the country or nationality 6- Now answer about you:
(Preenche o quadro com o país ou nacionalidade) (Agora responde sobre ti)

Country Nationality
England a) What´s your surname?
Dutch _________________________________________
Wales b) How old are you?
Swedish c) What nationality are you?
d) Where are you from?


e) How old is your teacher?


7- Look at the pictures and then ask or answer:

(Olha às questões e depois pergunta ou responde)

a) ____________________________________________________

He is from America.

What nationality is he?

b) _____________________________________________________

She is from England.

What nationality is she?


c) Where are Tim and Anne from?



They are Dutch.

8- Write these ordinal numbers in full:

a) 13th b) 23rd c) 41st d) 12th

_____________________ _____________________ _______________ _____________

e) 100th f) 82nd g) 50th h)79th

______________________ ___________________ ________________ ______________


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