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Xaas - is a collective term that stands for a number of things including "X" as a

service, where X can stand for anything and everything. This is a rapidly expanding
model that can be applied to IT and non IT services as well.
XaaS is the essence of cloud computing and most common ex. of XaaS is SaaS, PaaS,

XaaS is multi tentant by desing.

Example if Xaas : Paas, Saas, Data as a service, Communication as a service, DR as

a service. Xaas has been the catalyst for for businesses like Netflix, Amaxon etc.
xaas is a catalyst.

xaas is an on demand and pay by use model which does not require long term
contract, like the traditional service contracts. X provides a risk free
proposition by allowing changes to the service contract dynamically along with
changes to business.

Based on ITIL V2 - CMDB was the center for ITSM Business.

Based on ITIL V3 - Service portfolio was the center of itsm universe.
In Today's digital enterprise, the service catalog is the center of the business
universe from a consumer's perspective.

Portfolio is Business to Business matter and catalog is business to consumer


Characteristics of XaaS -
Something which cannot be cataloged should not be offered to users
There should be explicit definitions for service offerings, transparent
metering and billing.
microservice to macroservice can co exist in the catalog.
It does not require no capital expenditure to publish a service, this helps
in scalability of the portfolio.
Multitenancy - it is the core of cloud computing. It helps SP to share the
underlying platform for producing and delivering service across multiple customer.
Each customer is logically separated by same service standards and service levels.
This helps provider t omaintain a uniform standard at a lower cost.

The arthitecture os XAAS

Service User/Consumre
Service Bill Payer
Service Creator ( SP , Service operator, service supporter)

SP Manager - interacts with Business and fulfills the demands.

SC Manager - creates service for consumers.
Service creators - create service
catalog Aggregation and portal -- ???

Request from service portfolio will flow to service catalog manager (these will be
different in nature) and orcherstration will be done by the catalog manager.

Service desing for Xaas

service is outcome focussed
service is standardized
self serivcable in a ready to use manner
service is charged based on the usage (how is the billing done?)
xaas enablement through service architecture/ checklist of delivering xaas
the service description and functions should be clearly defined.
the classification and categorization should be easy to understand and
nvigate through.
metering should be in place.
the service chain entity should be a complete link or should be broken???

XSM Modules
Self Service
Service Supply chain management???
Service Fulfilment and Support
Portfolio and catalog management
Service Availability and performance views
Service metering and billing

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