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ARTICLE 2034. There may be a compromise upon

CHAPTER 1. COMPROMISES the civil liability arising from an offense; but such
compromise shall not extinguish the public action
ARTICLE 2028. A compromise is a contract whereby of the legal penalty.
the parties, by making reciprocal concessions,
avoid a litigation or put an end to one already
commenced. ARTICLE 2035. No compromise upon the following
questions shall be valid:
A. Characteristics of Compromise (BRONCAS) (1) The civil status of persons;
1. Consensual (2) The validity of a marriage or a legal
2. Reciprocal separation;
3. Nominate (3) Any ground for legal separation;
4. Onerous (4) Future support;
5. Accessory, in the sense that a prior conflict is (5) The jurisdiction of the courts;
presupposed (6) Future legitime.
6. Binding, once accepted, unless there is no
vitiated consent Any compromise upon any of the above-listed
7. Principally a settlement of controversy, and subjects shall be VOID.
incidentally of a claim.
PROBLEM: X and Y entered into a compromise
B. Kinds of Compromise agreement whereby X respected the ownership of
1. Judicial – to end a pending litigation Y over a part of the creek (now a fishpond). Is the
2. Extra-judicial – to prevent a litigation from agreement valid?
A: No, because that is contrary to public policy and
the law. (Maneclang v IAC, infra)
ARTICLE 2029. The court shall endeavor to persuade
the litigants in a civil case to agree upon some fair ADRIANO MANECLANG, ET. AL., v INTERMEDIATE
compromise. APPELLATE COURT, ET. AL.
GR No. L-66575, 30 September 1986
(Second Division, J. Fernan)
ARTICLE 2030. Every civil action or proceeding shall FACTS: Maneclang, et. al. filed before then CFI
be suspended: Branch XI of Pangasinan a complaint for quieting of
title over a certain fishpond located within their
(1) If willingness to discuss a possible
owned 4 parcels of land in Barrio Salomague,
compromise is expressed by one or both
Bugallon, Pangasinan, and annulment of two
parties; or
resolutions of the Municipal Council of Bugallon,
(2) If it appears that one of the parties,
Pangasinan. Complaint was dismissed upon the
before the commencement of the
court learning that the subject body of water is part
action or proceeding, offered to discuss
of a creek, public in nature and not subject to
a possible compromise but the other
private appropriation. The two resolutions for ocular
party refused the offer.
inspection and authorization of public bidding for
The duration and terms of the suspension of the civil the lease of all ferries and fisheries are likewise
action or proceeding and similar matters shall be declared valid. IAC affirmed the lower court’s
governed by such provisions of the rules of court as decision. Maneclang, et. al. filed this petition for
the Supreme Court shall promulgate. Sais rules of review on certiorari. However, pending the same,
court shall likewise provide for the appointment and an amicable settlement (between Maneclang, et.
duties of amicable compounders. al. and the winning bidder) was submitted to the
Court praying that judgment be rendered
recognizing the ownership of petitioners over the
ARTICLE 2031. The courts may mitigate the damages fishpond.
to be paid by the losing party who has shown a ISSUE: Whether the compromise agreement is valid.
sincere desire for a compromise. RULING: No, the compromise agreement is not
PROBLEM: X is indebted to Y in the amount of The stipulations contained in the Compromise
P50,000.00 with the stipulation that the same shall Agreement partake of the nature of an
earn interest at 40% per annum, when X failed to adjudication of ownership in favor of herein
pay, Y sued him. In an effort to settle the case, X petitioners of the fishpond in dispute, which x x x
offered to pay the principal but begged for the was originally a creek forming a tributary of the
reduction of the interest. Y refused so trial was Agno River. Considering that as held in the case
conducted. Can the judge reduce the rate of of Mercado vs. Municipal President of
interest? Macabebe, 59 Phil. 592 [1934], a creek x x x is a
property belonging to the public domain which is
A: Yes. The case falls squarely in that situation not susceptible to private appropriation and
contemplated under Article 2031 of the New Civil acquisitive prescription, x x x [Diego v. Court of
Code. X’s offer to pay the principal and plea to Appeals, 102 Phil. 494; Mangaldan v. Manaoag, 38
reduce the interest showed his sincere desire for a Phil. 4551; and considering further that neither the
compromise. mere construction of irrigation dikes by the National
Irrigation Administration which prevented the water
from flowing in and out of the subject fishpond, nor and judgment before CFI Branch 4 of Iloilo City. CFI
its conversion into a fishpond, alter or change the dismissed said action declaring that the amicable
nature of the creek as a property of the public settlement has been voluntarily and freely entered
domain, the Court finds the Compromise into and is valid and constitutes a bar to the
Agreement null and void and of no legal effect, the subsequent case for annulment. After denial of his
same being contrary to law and public policy. motion for reconsideration, Asong appealed to IAC
which affirmed the questioned decision. Hence, this
petition where Asong contends that the settlement
ARTICLE 2036. A compromise comprises only those should be annulled on the ground of mistake.
objects which are definitely stated therein, or which ISSUE: Whether the amicable settlement was
by necessary implication from its terms should be voluntarily and freely entered into and fully
deemed to have been included in the same. explained to petitioner.
RULING: The instant petition is devoid of merit.
A general renunciation of rights is understood to
x x x The evidence on record shows that Asong was
refer only to those that are connected with the
fully apprised of the legal consequences arising
dispute which was the subject of the compromise.
from the amicable settlement. Aside from his
lawyer, Atty. Joelito Barrera who represented him in
the Municipal Court, a friend of Atty. Barrera, Atty.
ARTICLE 2037. A compromise has upon the parties Rex Salas who accidentally interrupted Barrera's
the effect and authority of res judicata; but there meeting with Asong and Banasig regarding the
shall be no execution except in compliance with a amicable settlement at the former's law office and
judicial compromise. Municipal Judge Albaro Albano before whom the
amicable settlement was submitted, explained the
terms thereof to Asong in the Hiligaynon dialect. We
ARTICLE 2038. A compromise in which there is fail to find any tinge of bias or improper motive on
mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, undue their part to testify against Asong. x x x On the other
influence, or falsity of documents, is subject to the hand, Asong's vehement denial unsupported by
provisions of Article 1330 of this Code. any contrary evidence cannot rebut the positive
However, one of the parties cannot set up a testimonies of the aforesaid witnesses. (citations
mistake of fact as against the other if the latter, by omitted)
virtue of the compromise, has withdrawn from a Moreover, We are not persuaded by Asong's
litigation already commenced. argument that the amicable settlement should be
voided because he did not gain anything from it x x
REMEMBER: ARTICLE 1330 states that “a contract x. The appellate court correctly ruled against
where consent is given through mistake, violence, Asong's supposition, as follows:
intimidation, undue influence, or fraud is VOIDABLE. xxxx
In Berg vs. National City Bank of New
PROBLEM: A and B entered into a compromise York, supra, the Supreme Court, speaking
agreement. A week thereafter, B filed an action in through Mr. Justice Felix Bautista Angelo
court seeking to annul the compromise agreement, opined:
contending that it is one-sided. Is the action x x x x [I]t is a general rule in this country
proper? that compromise are to be favored,
without regard to the nature of the
A: No. Where the compromise is instituted and controversy compromised, and
carried through in good faith, the fact that there that they cannot be set aside because
was mistake as to law or fact, save in cases where the event shows all the gain to have
such mistake is mutual and correctible in equity, been on one side, and all the sacrifice
cannot afford a basis for setting aside a on the other, if the parties have acted in
compromise. Compromises are favored without good faith, and with a belief of the
regard to the nature of the controversy actual existence of the rights which they
compromise, and they cannot be set aside merely have respectively waived or
because the event shows all the gains have been abandoned; and if a settlement be
on one side. (Asong v IAC, infra) made in regard to such subject, free
from fraud or mistake, whereby there is a
Juan Asong v Intermediate Appellate Court, Judge surrender or satisfaction, in whole or in
Albaro Albano, Jr., and Severino Banasig part, of a claim upon one side in
GR No. 74461, 12 May 1989 exchange for or in consideration of a
(First Division, J. Medialdea) surrender or satisfaction of a claim in
FACTS: Severino Banasig (Banasig) filed a case for whole or in part, or of something of
forcible entry and damages against Juan Asong value upon the other, however baseless
(Asong) with MTC of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. Pending may be the claim upon either side or
said action, the parties submitted to the court an harsh the terms as to either of the
amicable settlement containing, among others, an parties, the other cannot successfully
agreement for the dismissal of their claim and impeach the agreement in a court of
counterclaim for damages. MTC Judge Albaro justice .... (Emphasis supplied). x x x
Albano, Jr. approved and rendered judgment
based on the settlement. Upon execution, Asong
refused to vacate one lot for which he was cited in ARTICLE 2039. When the parties compromise
contempt. Later, he filed an action for recovery of generally on all differences which they might have
ownership and annulment of amicable settlement with each other, the discovery of documents
referring to one or more but not to all of the
questions settled shall not itself be a cause for
annulment or rescission of the compromise, unless
said documents have been concealed by one of
the parties.
But the compromise may be annulled or rescinded
if it refers only to one thing to which one of the
parties has no right, as shown by the newly-
discovered documents.

ARTICLE 2040. If after a litigation has been decided

by a final judgment, a compromise should e
agreed upon, either or both parties being unaware
of the existence of the final judgment, the
compromise may be rescinded.
Ignorance of a judgment which may be revoked or
set aside is not a valid greound for attacking a

ARTICLE 2041. If one of the parties fails or refuses to

abide by the compromise, the other party may
either enforce the compromise or regard it as
rescinded and insist upon his original demand.


ARTICLE 2042. The same persons who may enter into

a compromise may submit their controversies to
one or more arbitrators for decision.

ARTICLE 2043. The provisions of the preceding

Chapter upon compromises shall also e applicable
to arbitrations.

ARTICLE 2044. Any stipulation that the arbitrators’

award or decision shall be final, is valid, without
prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039, and 2040.

ARTICLE 2045. Any clause giving one of the parties

power to choose more arbitrators than the other is
void and of no effect.

ARTICLE 2046. The appointment of arbitrators and

the procedure for arbitration shall be governed by
the provisions of such rules of court as the Supreme
Court shall promulgate.

RA No. 876 is “The Arbitration Law,” which provides

for the appointment of arbitrators and the
procedure for arbitration in civil controversies, and
for other purposes.

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