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Technological University of Panamá

Electrical Engineering School

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Customer Service and Quality

Final Project

Teacher: Armando Cerrud

Aguilar Carlos 4-798-1793
Morales Sugelys 4-797-976
Muñoz José 4-795-1735
Quiel César 4-790-1677
November 14 ,2019
Customer Needs:
1. Tangible elements: related to the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel
and communication materials.
2. Reliability: which considers variables about the ability to execute the promised service
reliably and carefully.
3. Answer's capacity: it covers aspects about willingness and willingness of staff to help users
and provide the service.
4. Security: related to the knowledge and attention shown by staff and their abilities to inspire
credibility and trust; and knowledge about the types of waste.
5. Empathy, which considers the individualized attention offered by the waste collection
service to users.
Company deficiencies
 Safety equipment is not always used by our workers.
 Few days offered for late payment and suspension of service.
 Delayed response time with customers.
 There is no feedback on the service offered to our customers.
 Hierarchy in waste management: prevention, reuse preparation, recycling, recovery
and disposal
 Minimization of landfill deposit.
 Create activities for customers and society in general to raise awareness about waste
reduction and recycling.
 Motivation with bonus for employees to highlight good workers.
Service Standards
 Our goal is to be the leading company in the collection and transport of solid waste,
meeting the needs and expectations of service to our customers.
 We will ensure the satisfaction and trust of our customers, ensuring the good handling
of collection and transport of waste.
 We will capacitate our personnel in order to give the proper service, this includes but
is not limited to being recognized by their name (proper nametag) and part of the
company Garbage Collection, to use every necessary security equipment and we will
treat every customer as our first ones.
 We will answer to website questions/requests in the next 24 hours.
 We offer a daily recollection service, modifying our recollection hours depending on
the availability of our client.
 We will bring personalized and exclusive supervision of the service we bring to our
 We offer payment credit up to 35 days to all our clients.

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