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Giovanni A.

Musso Tallahassee, FL, 323204
Florida State University
Bachelor’s of Arts (Fall 2020)
Professional Work Experience
Penny Delivers (July 2017 – 2018)
- Social Media Intern
- Managed twitter account and content creator
- Interacted online to promote product within Tallahassee
Martin County Parks & Rec (Summer 2018)
- Summer Camp Counselor
- Watched over children ages 5-12
- Placed in charge of managing groups of 10 for day trips
- Social Media Intern
- Beyond twitter, wrote blogs and a commercial screenplay
- Promoted content within Atlanta and North Florida
Florida State University Dean’s List 6x
GPA: 3.65 (cumulative)
Bright Futures Scholar
Other Work Experience
Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, and Word
Multiple Narrative and Documentary Short Films
Blake Library Volunteer

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