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Introduction to Experiments in Flight

Created by:
REG.NO: 11711515
B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering







Weight and Centre of Gravity Measurement

 The Centre of gravity is the average location of the weight

of an object.
 The location of the centre of gravity has a great influence
on the stability and control of an airplane.
 The performance of airplane depends upon the weight of
the airplane which changes considerably during the flight
due to the fuel consumption and loads.
 An airplane is a design in such a manner that the variation
of centre of gravity is minimum along with the variation of
Weight of the airplane and passengers.
Formulas :
• Total weight of airplane with Passengers = N+L+R+ Weight of Passengers
• The mean aerodynamic chord is calculated as follows:

• The mean aerodynamic chord is calculated as follows:

• The location of the CG is calculated using,

Record Chart:
Table: Weight and C.G measurement Graph:
No of Port Nose wheel Starboard Total Xcg c.g

passengers Reaction(P) Reaction(N) Reaction (S)

0 406 321 403 1130 82.57 1.333

1 446 341 426 1213 82.85 1.338

2 471 360 470 1301 83.27 1.345

3 497 353 508 1358 84.87 1.370

4 538 346 537 1421 86.45 1.396

5 575 317 584 1476 89.19 1.440

6 610 295 616 1521 91.17 1.47


• Calibration is the comparison of measurement values

delivered by a device under test with those of a calibration
standard of known accuracy.
• The primary flight control surfaces on a fixed-wing aircraft
include: ailerons, elevators, and the rudder.
• The ailerons are attached to the trailing edge of both wings
and when moved, rotate the aircraft around the longitudinal
• The elevator is attached to the trailing edge of the
horizontal stabilizer. When it is moved, it alters aircraft
pitch, which is the attitude about the horizontal or lateral
• The rudder is hinged to the trailing edge of the vertical
stabilizer. When the rudder changes position, the aircraft
rotates about the vertical axis.
Aileron Calibration

Aileron Deflection in degrees( ) Voltage(V)

-21.69 4.84 Graph:

-19.28 4.56
-16.74 4.29

-14.19 4.03

-11.74 3.79

-9.21 3.57

-6.74 3.34

-4.19 3.12

-1.77 2.92

0.81 2.70

3.32 2.50

5.85 2.31

8.32 2.11

10.78 1.92

13.34 1.72

15.79 1.54

18.29 1.34

20.84 1.16

23.28 0.98

25.82 0.80

28.00 0.65
Elevator Deflection: Graph:

Elevator Deflection in degrees( ) Voltage(V)

-6.080 0.052

-5.108 0.248

-4.350 0.407

-3.510 0.575

-2.640 0.753

-1.770 0.930

-0.930 1.098

-0.004 1.278

0.780 1.444

1.650 1.620

2.480 1.788

3.340 1.963

4.210 2.143

5.030 2.310

5.900 2.487

6.760 2.663

7.620 2.849

8.460 3.028

9.320 3.194

10.150 3.358

11.230 3.591

• Rate of climb is the aircrafts vertical component of velocity.

• Rate of climb of any airplane= R/C=v*sin ( )
• R/C=excess power/weight
• The higher the thrust, the lower the drag, and the lower the weight,
the better the climb performance.

• We have determined the rate of climb using the formula

mention below:

Rate of Climb=
Record Chart: Rate of Climb Performance

V(knot) RPM MP OAT( C) H1(ft) H2(ft) T=t2-t1 (Sec) Rate of Climb= (h2-h1)/T
(inch of
Hg) ( ft/sec)

88 2730 28 31 500 1000 38.86 12.87

98 2730 27.6 30 500 1000 32.66 15.31

106 2720 28.1 30 500 1000 35.16 14.22

110 2720 28 30 500 1000 41.80 11.96

After converting the Velocity and Rate of Climb in meter/sec,
we can write the table mentioned below:

V (meter/sec) Rate of Climb(meter/sec)

45.27 3.92
50.41 4.66
54.526 4.33
56.58 3.65

We determine the Angle of climb using the relation between rate of climb and angle of climb, which can be written as
Where, =angle of climb
After determining the Angle of Climb for each set of data we can write it in table
V(meter/sec) Angle of Climb

45.27 4.97

50.41 5.30

54.526 4.55

56.58 3.70
Drag Polar Estimation Using Cessna- 206H

Drag Polar is the relation between the lift and the drag acting on an aircraft. The Drag Polar expressed in terms of the
dependence of the lift coefficient on the drag coefficient. In drag polar equation the written as
Cessna 206H Parameters:

Parameter value
Rated RPM(rrpm) 2700

Rated Manifold Pressure 29.92 inch of Hg

Sea level Temperature 288.15K

Wing area (S) 174 ft2,16.16m2

Wing Span(b) 36ft , 10.9728m

Rated HP(rHP) 300HP,223.709 KW

Record Chart:
V(Knot) MP(inch of RPM OAT( C) Altitude (ft)
93 20.6 2340 29 940

94 20.6 2340 29 940

100 20.6 2360 29 950

110 20.6 2360 29 930

B.H.P*V (Watt*meter/sec) V4 (meters/sec)

6917779 6442177

6991927 6722852 Graph:

7438740 8613182

8182422 12609374

Therefore, the drag polar equation came out to be

Determination of Neutral Point from Flight Tests

Neutral point is the center of gravity (C.G) position where the pitching moment is independent of the angle of attack and
the aircraft is neutrally stable. It is also called as aerodynamic center.

Generally an aircraft is stable when center of gravity is in the

nose and unstable when CG is in the tail. There is a position in
between where the aircraft is neither stable nor unstable that is,
the stability is neutral. This point is called neutral stability. This
neutral point is fixed for a particular configuration of an aircraft.
Given data:
Weight (W) = 7396.74 N;
Area, S= 12.7m2;
Density = 1.32kg/m3

Record Chart:
Xcg Velocity δe CL trim=

(m/s) (degree)
1.235 41.08 3.099 0.522915875
37.40 2.214 0.630883969
35.10 1.546 0.716272807
32.80 0.760 0.820247677
1.239 42.10 2.312 0.497884384
40.50 2.312 0.538000464
38.40 1.866 0.598453275
36.40 1.320 0.666024077
1.243 47.08 2.988 0.39812531
44.40 2.988 0.447837804
41.80 2.781 0.505056695
39.50 2.606 0.56558581

In this graph, x-axis represent the CL(trim) and the y-axis represent
In this graph ,x-axis represent and the y-axis represent the C.G. location.
Flight Instruments

Flight instruments are the instruments in the cockpit of an

aircraft that provide the pilot with information about the flight
situation of that aircraft, such as altitude, airspeed, vertical
speed, heading and much more other crucial information.
Various Flight Instruments are:
 Altimeter
 Air Speed indicator
 Magnetic Direction indicator
 Artificial horizon
 Turn Indicator
 Vertical Speed Indicator
These are placed in basic T‐ arrangement in the cockpit control

Altimeter is an instrument that measures the altitude of the land

surface or any object such as an airplane. The two main types
are the pressure altimeter, or aneroid barometer, which
approximates altitude above sea level by measuring atmospheric
pressure, and the radio altimeter, which measures absolute
altitude (distance above land or water) based on the time
required for a radio wave signal to travel from an airplane, a
weather balloon, or a spacecraft to the ground and back.
Airspeed Indicator

Airspeed indicator is an instrument that measures the speed of

an aircraft relative to the surrounding air, using the differential
between the pressure of still air (static pressure) and that of
moving air compressed by the craft’s forward motion (ram
pressure); as speed increases, the difference between these
pressures increases as well.
Heading Indicator: -

The heading indicator (also known as the directional gyro)

displays the aircraft's heading with respect to magnetic north
when set with a compass. Bearing friction causes drift errors
from precession, which must be periodically corrected by
calibrating the instrument to the magnetic compass. In many
advanced aircraft (including almost all jet aircraft), the heading
indicator is replaced by a horizontal situation indicator.
Turn Indicator: -
These include the Turn-and-Slip Indicator and the Turn
Coordinator, which indicate rotation about the Longitudinal
Axis. They include an inclinometer to indicate if the aircraft is
in Coordinated Flight, or in a Slip or Skid. Additional marks
indicate a Standard Rate Turn.
Piper Without Skin

From this experiments we can say that the performance of an aircraft depends on
the weight of the aircraft and the weight of the passengers and C.G will also
depends on weight, also we should calibrate the control surfaces to avoid any
incident or accident due to the inaccurate working of control surfaces. As well as
from this experiments we can find the climb rate and the drag polar of an aircraft
and the neutral point of the aircraft for a steady flight.

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