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USER MANUAL CHEM-5 Plus. QUALITY CONTROL... A. Daily Quality Control... B. Monthly Quality Control. C. Patient Report... MAINTENANCE AND ANALYZER CARE.... A. Daily Maintenance. B. Quarterly Maintenance. C. Replacement of Tubing, TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE... LIST OF CONSUMABLES REQUIRED FOR CHEM-5PlusV2. TO START/STOP FLOWCELL WASH. This screen is also referred to as the “Home screen’ of the analyzer. Select any option by pressing any one of the alphanumeric keys (1-6) corresponding to the desired option. | The options on the opening screen are described bel 1. RUNTEST: Different tests can be performed using this menu. 2. TEST PARAMTERS: This menu is to view, edit, save and print the | Parameters including test name and its description. \ 3. Q.C. REPORTS: This menu is to view and print daily & monthly QC data for | selected test. || 4. MAINTENANCE: Maintenance mode is a self diagnostic mode and is mainly used by the Service Personnel to check different voltages, temperature, pump calibration, printer test, default parameters downloading, checking readings of LIN and LOG channels for every filter and offset storage. User Manual (Rev 4.0 — 05 Aug 06 ) 21+ 3 | -SAVE DATE AND RETURN. -QUIT WITHOUT SAVING. The cursor is positioned on the DATE field on the SYSTEM SETUP-DATE screen. Enter an appropriate data in the following format: DAY: Enter a day from 01 to 31 MONTH: Enter a month from 01 to 12 YEAR: The last 2 digits of any year from 00 to 99 User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) 22+ i i ) i l After appropriate entry is made, press the key to save date and return to the System Setup screen or press < PREV. > to quit without saving and return to the System Setup screen. 2. ‘SETTING THE TIME: Choose the option ‘2’ from the System Setup menu and SET TIME. The display appears *** SYSTEM SETUP: TIME *** DATE: 15/01/04 TIME: ENTER TIME AS PER 24 HOURS CLOCK. -SAVE TIME AND RETURN. -QUIT WITHOUT SAVING. The cursor is positioned on the TIME field on the SYSTEM SETUP-TIME screen. Enter an appropriate time in the format as stated below HOUR: Enter an hour from 00 to 23 MINUTE: — Enter minutes from 00 to 59 SECONDS: Enter seconds from 00 to 59 Each entry is separated by a‘: sign, which appears automatically after the entry of the 2° digit. After appropriate entry is made, press the key to save and return to the System Setup screen or press to quit without saving and go back to the System Setup screen. User will be prompted if the date and or time are entered wrong, 3. SETTING THE DATA OUTPUT MODE: Choose numeric key 3 on the system Setup menu to select the data output mode *** SYSTEM SETUP:DATA OUTPUT MODE *** PRESS TO SELECT OR DESELECT - SELECT PRINTER OR TRANSMISSION ers * User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) -23- ee ee to toggle between Thermal Printer and Transmission. Press or to select or deselect the printing of results on the Analyzer's Thermal printer. Similarly press or to select or deselect Transmission. 5. LAB INFORMATION: The user can enter laboratory information, (25 characters each on § lines) with external PC AT keyboard. This is stored in the memory. First two lines of LABORATORY INFORMATION will be printed, LABORATORY INFORMATION Dr. ALLEN SMITH ERBA DIAGNOSTICS LABORATORY FREIDRICHSRING-4 68161, MANHEIM GERMANY PH NO +49621 1780960 D. TEST PARAMETERS The analyzer is preprogrammed for test codes. The test code for any chemistry can be created, changed or viewed by the operator. A test code can have a maximum of four characters which could be an abbreviation of the chemistry name as per the Convenience of the operator e.g. ALB, CRE, GLU etc. or alphanumeric such as CO2 (all vacant positions are identified i eee code). To view, edit, save and print test parameters of a chemistry or to edit a test Parameters select TEST PARAMETERS from the MAIN MENU by pressing the numeric key ‘2’. Test Parameters menu is used to change the parameters including test name and its description. The Test Page screen is displayed on selecting TEST PARAMETERS: EC5v2 PAGE: 1 a. hclhUmrlUrC CHO TRI UAC HDL cK CKM GHB CAA LPA APOA APOB LDL User Manual (Rev 4.0 05 Aug 06) 3 key to obtain help. To view, edit, save & print test parameters of individual test select the test code as described above & then press . The display will show all the parameters screen of the selected test, with the cursor at the mode field. The cursor can be shifted to the required position using the arrow keys. Following is an example of main parameters of ALB in the 1-Point mode. ALB (Albumin) -NEXT PARAMS HODES POINT DELAY T : 5 FILTER1 : 630 READ T : 0 FILTER2 + 000 NORM MIN : 3.2 RG. 0.D. : 0 NORM MAX : 5.0 FACTOR : 0 TEMP 137 STD.CONC : 3.6 UNIT 1 g/l Predefined values, if any for the selected parameter are displayed in a ‘Help Menu Box’ which can be displayed by pressing . The numbers in the box correspond to the numeric key that can be used to select a particular value for that parameter. For the other parameters the user can use the numeric keys to enter the appropriate data. After making the changes press to save the changes. Wrongly entered Parameters will not be accepted and the cursor will be positioned on the wrong entry when is pressed. Press to display help and make the changes as suggested. Press < PREV > to return to previous screen. If < PREV > is pressed before saving analyzer will prompt “SAVE PARAMS? YIN". Press to save and quit or press to quit without saving. EXAMPLE: When the cursor is at the parameter ‘MODE’, the Help Menu box displays 10 different modes. If the numeric key 1 is pressed, 1- POINT MODE will be selected. To set the DELAY T. to 5 use the numeric key 5. By pressing < ENTER > again on this screen next page of parameters for the selected test is displayed as below. User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) + 25- <€rba -PREVIOUS PARAMS ASP.VOL: 500 RG.ABSLIM: 0 Cl MEAN: 0 RX.ABSLIM: 0 C1 28D: 0 LIN-LIM : 6.0 C2 MEAN: 0 SAMP.VOL : 5 c2 28D : 0 R1/R2VOL + 500/0 CONTROL: No ross to display help for every selected parameter. After modifying {he parameter values press to save or For fixed time chemistries, Key ‘3"- RATE A + For kinetic chemistries. Key “4"-4_PT_NL - For 1-Pont non-linear chemistries, Key ‘5’-2 PT_NL > For 1-Pont non-linear chemistries, Koy S7RATENL = - For nonlinear kinetic chomletros: Key '7°- COAG > For Coagulation chemistries Key ‘8 -SAMP_BK =~ For Sample Blank chomisties Key ‘9'-SAMP_BK.NL - — Fornonlinear Sample Blake chemistries FILTER 1: It is the primary fiter at which measurements are made. The available wavelengths are: 340, 405, 450, 505, 546, 578, 630nm & 670nm. Eight filer wavelengths are available which can be chosen trent re Help Menu Box on the screen, using the numeric keys 1 through 8. Key “1” = 340nm Key ‘2’ = 405nm Key ‘3° > 450nm Key “4” = 505nm Key ‘5 = 846nm Key ‘6” > §78nm Key ‘7 = 630nm Key ‘8° = 670nm FILTER 2: Choice of this filter is optional and may be used to perform bichromatic measurements in absorbance or concentration modes. Set the value to 0 for monochromatic readings. Eight filter | ] User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) 26 eee rea e ee Pbi wavelengths are available which can be chosen from the ‘Help Menu’ box using the numeric keys 0 through 8. Be 000nm 340nm. . 405nm - 450nm - 505nm : 546nm - 578nm. - 630nm : 670nm RG. ABS.OR D RG. ABS. OR D RG ABS./m: a For 1-Point linear, 1 Point Nonlinear & sample blank analysis mode RG.O.D. field will be displayed The RG O.D. is a reagent blank absorbance which is stored after running reagent blank. For 2-point linear and 2-point nonlinear mode D.RG.OD field will be displayed. The D RG 0.D is a delta. ABS. of reagent blank. ; For Rate A, and Rate A Nonlinear. D RG OD/m field will be displayed. The D RG OD/m delta per min of reagent blank DRG O.D and DRG O.D/m is also known as self-reactivity of reagent. This field is not editable, only zero can be entered. FACTOR : It is a value ranging from -99999 to 999999 which is used for calculation of results after calibration factor is automatically calculated & stored by the instrument. User can edit or feed factor manually also, at this field decimal key is functional. STD_CONC: tis a value ranging from 0 to 99999 according to concentration of the standard used in the calibration of the test, The Standard value can be set to 0 when a predetermined or calculated factor is used. The decimal point can be inserted in the figure using ‘.’ Key For example 3.0, 30.0 NOTE NOR. MIN. : Any value ranging from 0 to $9999 may be fed to define the minimum value found in normal population for the analysis. During the printing of the sample results a (L) sign is printed beside the sample number If the result is below the NOR. MIN value, thus highlighting an abnormally low result. NOR.MAX. : Any value ranging from 0 to 99999 may be fed to define the maximum value found in normal population for the analysis. During the printing of the sample results a (H) sign is printed beside the sample number if the result is above the NOR. MAX value, thus highlighting an abnormally high result. User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06) Choices are available which can be chosen from the Help Menu Box using the numeric keys 0 through 2. Key‘0” = OFF Key 1” - 25°C Key” = - —-30°¢ Key‘? = 379 io, maximum time required to attain the desired temperature is less fran 2 minutes ({rom switched ‘OFF’ position). However, a pre- warmed solution which has already attained the desired temperature, takes a much shorter time. DELAY T. : Its the lag time or delay time (in Seconds), for the reaction to reach equilibrium. (Please refer to the reagent manufacturers specification). {n case of End-Point test, itis the time (in seconds) fequired for the Solution to stabilize in the cuvette. The programmed delay time hpears as incubation time for any analysis (automatically performed), A range from 5 to 999 seconds is available, READT. : tis the time interval for the delta absorbance (in seconds) between no Teadiings in 2-Point and Rate A modes and can be programmed from 5 to 999 seconds, RX. DIR: This parameter is used for lagging and calculation of sample concentration. Key” DEC Key? INC RG. ABSLIM: "It is working range of reagent blanking. It is a value ranging from 0 to 2.5 Itis a value defining the deterioration limit of the Teagent OR it is working range of reagent blank. Ifthe reaction direction is increasing, itis higher limit, If the reaction direction is decreasing, it lower limit. gives a warning of ‘CRITITCAL REGENT ABSORBANCE” along with the reagent blank result. A flag critical RGTABS is printed, (2) For increasing reaction if the real absorbance is higher than the value that has been set, the analyzer gives a warming of "CRITITCAL REGENT ABSORBANCE” along with the reagent blank result. A flag critical RGTABS is printed. NOTE TEMP. _: Its for selecting the cuvette temperature, Three temperature a a | a a : : a ' I I | | | User Manual (Rev 4.0 ~ 05 Aug 06) ~ 28 | <€rba RX. ABSLIM: It is a value ranging from 0 to 2.5 indicating the minimum final absorbance from which a reading has to start. If the reaction direction is increasing, it is higher limit. If the reaction direction is decreasing, it lower limit. During the test performance (1) For decreasing reaction if the real absorbance of reaction mixture is lower than the value that has beon set, the analyzer gives a waming of “CRITITCAL REACTION ABSORBANCE” along with the Result. A fiag of RXABS. LIM is Printed. (2) For increasing reaction if the real absorbance of reaction mixture is higher than the value that has been set, the analyzer gives @ warming of “CRITITCAL REACTION ABSORBANCE" along with the result. A flag critical RXABS. LIM is printed. LIN. LIM. ; Its linearity of reagent kit. For 1-point & 2-point modes it is to be entered in terms of concentration it ranges from 0 to 99999 and in Rate A it is to be entered in terms of delta O.D,/min .In Kinotic chemistries it indicates the maximum delta absorbance per minute (expressed in millabsorbance) that is acceptable as per the reagent manufacturer's instructions. It has a direct bearing on the linearity limits of the Kinetic test. In Kinetic tests the value ranges from 0 ty 2.5.The parameter is useful to reveal a Hyperactive Sample. The Bhotometer performs the measurement and prints “HYPERACTIVE SAMPLE? along with test result if the sample has shown a higher change per minute than the parameter that has been set and thie Would be an indication that the sample has to be diluted and reassayed. UNIT: When the cursor is moved to units in the test parameters and key is pressed the following 9 units can be assigned by using the numeric keys 1-9 respectively Decimal (Key) Plus Units mg/dl U/L Timi mEq! gM g/dl %. mU/L mU/mi 0} 00] 1} o>} on] |e9| no] | {When the cursor is moved to units in the test parameters and < Zero koy> is pressed followed by Help key the following 9 units can be assigned by using the numeric keys 1-8 respectively User Manual (Rev 4.0 — 05 Aug 06) ~29- Erbe, 0 (KEY) plus Units 1 ng/ml Lg/dl molt ng | mg/l | Hg! pmol mmol Lug/mi J} 00] ~s] o>} on] |ea/ no} When the cursor is moved to units in the test parameters and Calib key is pressed followed by Help key the following 9 units can be assign ed by using the numeric keys 1-9 respectively Calib Plus Units UlU/mi mmol/ml yumol/mi nmoVit pmol/t miu/| Blank INR. Sec Note: As per the existing software a total of 27 units can be assigned by following the Sequence mentioned above, Jo} 00]~s] o>] on] |e |no| When coagulation assay mode is selected the units Sec are assigned implicitly .To Assign Tas INF oF Sec explicitly for this mode Calib key followed by 7 Nemoie key or calib key followed by 8 key is used respectively, The user has to exit rhe Help window to assign this unit NOTE: Please check the units modified in the kit insert. SAMPLE VOL (ul) : This volume is displayed in the RUNTEST screen and Ips the operator in pipetting correct volume of Sample. RI &R2VOL (ul) : This volume is displayed in the RUNTEST Mode and helps the operator in pipetting correct volume of Reagent. ‘ASP VOLUME (ul) : It is a value ranging between 300 to 999 and represents (within + 10%) the volume of the solution to be aspirated into the Flow cell. User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06) =30- | <€rba. With the Flow cell capacity bring 18 pl, a 300p! volume is recommended to eliminate errors due to carry over. C1 MEAN : It is the target value of the control 1 ranging from 0 to 99999 for a particular test. c12sp : This is the preset 2SD range of the control 1. It ranges from 0 to 9999. C2 MEAN: Itis the target value of the control 2 ranging from 0 to 99999 for a particular test. c22sp : This is the preset 2SD range of the control 2. . It ranges from 0 to 9999. NOTE: In case any of these parameters is not entered or are incorrect the analyzer will not proceed with the measurement, instead it will be back to the parameter page and the cursor will blink in front of that parameter. F. CHANGING THE CHEMISTRY CODE AND DESCRIPTION In Test Parameter page press T arrow to position the cursor on the test code and type the required code and description and press to save. G. MAINTENANCE MODE Press numeric key <4> in the Home screen and the following screen is displayed: *** MAINTENANCE *** Ver:MAY11 LOGIC +5V = 5.0 LAMP VOLTAGE (11.5V TO 12.0V) = 12.0 SMPS VOLTAGE (17.0V TO 19.0V) = 18.0 FLOWCELL TEMPERATURE = 37.0 jo> RT 41> 25°C = 2> 30°C =~ a> BRS To check the temperature of the flow cell press any of the numeric keys <0-3> and corresponding temperature is attained in the flow cell. Press <-> > key to display the next page. *** MAINTENANCE *** Ver :MAY11 PUMP CALIBRATION = 11082 FN> - LOAD DEFAULT PARAMETERS. PRINT> - TEST PRINTER. User Manual (Rev 4.0 — 05 Aug 06 ) eit a PUMP CALIBRATION: Aspirate 1000uL of water by pressing aspirate switch to start and stop. The calibrated count is displayed on the screen, a LOAD DEFAULT PARAMETERS: Press to download default parameters from the memory. | TEST PRINTER: Press to print a test page. a Press <-> > key to go to the next page or < <-> to go back to the previous page. a *** MAINTENANCE *** Ver: MAY11 FILTER PRE CHANNEL LOG CHANNEL a 340 201513 0.042 | | Press numeric keys <1-8> to get PRE CHANNEL and LOG CHANNEL readings for 8 filters. 7 | | l User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) 32+ . a a | <€rba. CHAPTER VI MODES OF OPERATION A. ABSORBANCE MODE In this mode, the analyzer can measure the absorbance or the optical density of the reaction mixture. The operational steps to perform a test in this mode are as follows 1. Choose RUN TEST option from the opening screen. Press to select a test with Absorbance mode. 2. The RUNTEST screen with the parameters that are necessary for the analyzer to operate in this mode are displayed on the screen. 3. Aspirate distilled water when instrument asks Aspirate Water. 4. The absorbance on the display will be set to “0”. Thus instrument will auto zero itself. 5. The sample |.D. is auto-generated but if the user wants to generate a new number then type any 6 digit Alpha numerical code using any of the keys. The sample I.D. is not displayed until aspirate sample message appears on the screen, 6. Aspirate the test solution to determine its absorbance. The display will directly give the absorbance of the sample. An automatic printout is obtained if “Thermal Printer” option is checked in the system setup or else press < PRT > to get the print out. 7. Press key if the absorbance is to be measured using Polystyrene cuvette.(continuous read mode). The following screen is displayed. Type the duration (in minutes) for which the readings are to be taken. Every ten second reading is displayed and printed. ALB (ABS) T: 37.0°C r.p.: §Ogoog sss: 0.020 FILTER :_ 630/000 DURATION: 10 Minutes ASPIRATE SAMPLE 2 After all readings are taken, Press any functional keys or key to exit this screen. 2 When the display changes to the “Home screen” wash the flow cell, using the “ASP” switch. User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) -33- 1.Since the aspiration is by peristaltic pump it automatically clears the previous solution. It may not necessary to wash between the samples. This applies to all modes of operation. 2.In Absorbance mode the unit automatically gets converted to ABS hence if you have mistakenly selected absorbance mode for any test parameter then on changing it to some other mode please select appropriate unit before saving the test. 1- POINT LINEAR MODE In this mode, the analyzer displays both, absorbance as well as concentration readings on the screen. The concentration value is obtained by the analyzer after multiplying the absorbance value with a factor which is obtained during calibration. . The operational steps are as follows: . Choose RUN TEST option from the opening screen. Press to select a test with 1-Point mode (linear) . . The RUN TEST screen will now display with the parameters that are necessary for the analyzer to operate in this mode are displayed on the screen. }. Aspirate distilled water when “ASPIRATE WATER” is displayed on the screen. ALB (1-POINT) T: 37.0°C z.p.: §GOeon FILTER RG. 0.D. + 630/000 +0 STD.CONC + 3.6 0 000 FACTOR 20 ABS: . SAM VOL + 3 RI/R2 VL : DELAY T 300/0 5 ASPIRATE WATER . The instrument will auto zero itself. The displayed ‘0’ absorbance of water blanking will establish baseline to calculate absorbance of reagent blank, standard, sample etc. . Aspirate the Reagent Blank when the analyzer displays “ASPIRATE REAGENT BLANK”. Press to skip reagent blank if required or else aspirate reagent blank. If is pressed while display is prompting ASPIRATE REAGENT BLANK, then previously stored reagent blank data will be used for calculation. User Manual (Rev 4.0 — 05 Aug 06 ) GLU (1-POINT) :37.0°c x.p.: (GOOG FILTER + _505/ RG. 0.D. + 0.04 STD.cONC : 100 FACTOR : 352 SAM VOL: 3 R1/R2 VL: 300/0 DELAY T =: 5 SAVE NEW VALUES? (¥/N) 7. Aspirate standard solution (RGT + STD), when the analyzer displays “ASPIRATE STANDARD” or press to skip standard. If the Standard concentration and factor is not zero, new factor is calculated. after aspiration of standard solution. The analyzer asks whether to store the new value for Factor and Reagent 0.D. Press to store the values or < NO> to retain the old values, 8. If in the test programming control parameter is activated (CONTROL: YES) with control mean and 2SD data, then the analyzer will display “ASPIRATE CONTROL 1”. On aspiration of control C1, in place of Sample I.D. “C1” is displayed on the screen. You may press to skip C1.Now next command displayed is “ASPIRATE CONTROL 2”. On aspiration of control C2, in place of Sample |.D. “C2” is displayed on the screen. You may press to skip C2. The results of control(s) thus analyzed will be stored in memory for Levy Jenning’s graph. In test programming if the control parameter is not activated (CONTROL : NO), still you may run control by pressing <> or to select either C1 or C2. In this case you will get QC readings and if Q.C. values are programmed then flagging as well as QC graphs will be seen. 9. When the screen displays “ASPIRATE SAMPLE”. Enter appropriate patient ID. Aspirate reaction mixture (RGT + SMP). The analyzer will automatically start incubation countdown (entered as Delay time in parameters). At the end of delay time final absorbance and result will displayed on screen. If in the system setup thermal printer is activated then the result will be printed out automatically, otherwise user has to press PRT switch, 10.A screen will display reset patient ID e.g. Patient ID is AN123 then after running it instrument will automatically display AN124 as next ID .IF next Patient ID is different then enter new patient ID and follow similar procedure to test sample. After all readings are taken, press the < PREV> key till you return to the “Home. screen *, 11.To wash the flow cell with distilled water, hold tube containing distilled water under the aspiration tube and press ASP to start the aspiration and after proper wash press ASP switch to stop aspiration. User Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) : key may b be used to read a sample from the plastic cuvette place of_using ASP switch for aspiration of solution to flow cell C. 2: POINT LINEAR MODE The Two Point mode is a Kinetic analysis performed at a fixed interval. The result is obtained by multiplying the difference between the initial and final absorbance values with the respective factor programmed or obtained after calibration. 1 Choose RUN TEST option from the opening screen. Press to select a test with 2-Point Linear mode. 2 The RUN TEST screen will now display with the parameters that are necessary for the analyzer to operate in this mode are displayed on the screen, 3 Aspirate Distilled Water when “ASPIRATE WATER? is displayed on the screen. 4 The absorbance on the display will be set to “0”. This absorbance is subtracted from the sample absorbance, reagent absorbance and standard absorbance. 5 Aspirate the Reagent Blank when the analyzer displays “ASPIRATE REAGENT BLANK”. Press to skip reagent blank if required or else aspirate reagent blank and wait for a few seconds. The analyzer will automatically start incubation countdown (entered as Delay time in parameters) followed by the Rate time countdown for “1” reading. At the end of analysis is signalled by an acoustic beep. The delta ABS of the Reagent Blank is calculated. CRE (2-POINT) T:37.0°C z.p.: QRGOg FILTER + _ 505/000 D RG.O.D. 1 0.006 STD.CONC + 2 ot) 006 FACTOR 20 ABS . SAMP VOL : 30 RI/R2 VL + 300/0 D/R TIME + 20/60 ASPIRATE STANDARD 6 — Aspirate Standard solution (RGT + STD.) when the screen displays “ASPIRATE STANDARD” or press to skip. On aspiration of standard ‘solution the analyzer will automatically start incubation countdown (entered as Delay time in parameters) followed by the Rate time countdown for “1” reading. At the end of analysis is signalled by an acoustic beep. The delta ABS of the standard will be displayed along with new calculated factor, if the standard concentration and factor is not fed as zero. The analyzer_asks ar Manual (Rev 4.0 - 05 Aug 06 ) +36- rbi whether to store the new value for factor and Delta Reagent ABS. Press YES to store the values or NO to retain the old values. On storing , for all subsequent readings, this delta ABS. of reagent is subtracted to obtain a final delta ABS. of reaction mixture. The graphical representation of the reaction can be displayed on the screen by pressing . The printout of result and graph can be obtained by pressing the “PRT” key at respective screens. If in the test programming control parameter is activated (CONTROL: YES) with control mean and 2SD data, then the analyzer will display “ASPIRATE CONTROL 1”. On aspiration of control C1, in place of Sample 1.D. *C1” is displayed on the screen. You may press to skip C1.Now next command displayed is “ASPIRATE CONTROL 2”. On aspiration of control C2, in place of Sample |.D. “C2” is displayed on the screen. You may press to skip C2. The results of control(s) thus analyzed will be stored in memory for Leavy Jenning's graph. In test programming if the control parameter is not activated (CONTROL: NO), still you may run control by pressing or to select either C1 or C2. In this case you will get QC readings and if Q.C. values are programmed then flagging as well as QC graphs will be seen. When the soreen displays “ASPIRATE SAMPLE”. Enier appropriate patient ID. Aspirate Reaction mixture (RGT + SMP). The analyzer will automatically start incubation countdown (entered as Delay time in parameters), followed by the Rate time countdown for “1” reading. The end of analysis is signalled by an acoustic beep. The delta ABS of the reaction mixture will be displayed along with the result of the sample new calculated factor, At the end of delay time final absorption and result will displayed on screen. If in the system setup thermal printer is activated then the result will be printed out automatically, otherwise user has to press PRT switch to print. After analyzing all the samples, press key to exit the menu. When the display changes to the “Home screen” wash the flow cell, using the “ASP” switch. (Follow the instructions on the display.) The 2-Point Linear Mode chemistries can also be performed using a predetermined factor. In such cases the calibration step is skipped and the factor stored in the memory is used for calculation. Thus after aspirate reagent blank command you will get a command of aspirate control 1 if control is programmed or aspirate sample will be displayed. to select test with Rate A (linear). 2. The RUN TEST screen will now display with the parameters that are necessary for the analyzer to operate in this mode are displayed on the screen. 3. The analyzer displays “ASPIRATE WATER’, aspirate distilled water. The analyzer automatically zero's the O.D. 4 Aspirate the Reagent Blank when the analyzer displays “ASPIRATE REAGENT BLANK” and wait for a few seconds. The analyzer will automatically start incubation countdown (entered as delay time in parameters) followed by the Rate time countdown for “1” reading. The end of the analysis is signalled by an acoustic beep. The delta ABS per minute of the Reagent Blank is automatically stored in the memory of the analyzer and for all subsequent readings, this delta ABS per minute is subtracted to obtain a final delta ABS per minute of reaction mixture. When the analyzer displays “ASPIRATE REAGENT BLANK” then you may press “NO” to skip reagent blank. 5. The screen displays “ASPIRATE STANDARD” if you have programmed i| standard/calibrator value in test program, in this case aspirate standard }] solution (RGT + STD.) In case standard or calibrator value is fed as “O” & calibration factor is only fed, then “ASPIRATE STANDARD” prompt will not {| be given and directly ASPIRATE CONTROL 1 will be displayed if control is programmed or ASPIRATE SAMPLE will be displayed. On aspirating the standard for calibration, the analyzer will automatically start incubation { countdown (entered as delay time in parameters) followed by the Rate time \ countdown for “N* readings. The display continuously shows the change in ‘ABS as the reaction proceeds. The countdown shows the time lapsed since \ the start of the reaction. \ At the end of analysis is signalled by an acoustic beep. The delta ABS per minute of the standard will be displayed along with new calculated factor, if the standard concentration and factor is not fed as zero. The analyzer asks whether to store the new value for factor and Delta Reagent ABS per minute. | Press YES to store the values or NO to retain the old values. On storing, for | all subsequent readings, this delta ABS per minute. of reagent is subtracted to obtain a final delta ABS per minute of reaction mixture. The graphical representation of the reaction can be displayed on the screen by pressing . The printout of result and graph can be obtained by pressing the “PRT” key at respective screens. User Manual (Rev 4. 05 Aug 06 ) 38 -

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