HIST 124 - Course Outline KARRAR-2

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Lahore University of Management Sciences

HIST 124 The World since 1453

Instructor Hasan H. Karrar

Room No. New HSS Wing, Academic Block 218
Office Hours MW 10:30-11:20
Email hkarrar@lums.edu.pk

Course Description
This course surveys global history from the fifteenth century to the twentieth. It provides the
broad outlines of global history up to the mid twentieth century. It also provides a foundation
for the understanding the modern era, and the world as it exists today. The course will help
students understand key themes in global history, and the social, political and economic forces
which have the shaped the world.
NOTE: This is a History core course. In its current iteration, it is similar to the way in which the
course was taught and designed by previous instructors, in particular by Dr. Waqar Zaidi.

Course Prerequisite(S)

Learning Outcomes
The course is designed to, first, develop historical skills and, second, impart content knowledge
relating to key themes in global history.
Content Knowledge: through this course, students will develop:
 A framework for understanding world history from 1453 onwards; A foundation for the
further study of world history; Familiarisation with global geography and environment; An
appreciation of the connections the peoples of the world; A broader cultural literacy through
exposure to important aspects of global events, history, society, culture and self-identity.
Historical Skills: this course will introduce students to:
 The reading, interpretation, and evaluation of primary and secondary sources; Developing
and framing historical questions and arguments; Integrating primary and secondary sources,
historical data, and historical arguments into narratives that interpret, evaluate, and impart
meaning upon past events; Attributing source materials properly in your historical writing;
Conforming to the standards and conventions of written expression; Collaborating with
peers in the analysis and construction of historical narratives; and Presenting historical
narratives through oral expression and written work.
Lahore University of Management Sciences

Grading Breakup and Policy

Class Participation and Attendance 10%

Quizzes x2 10%
Mid Term Exam 25%
Written Assignment (empathy piece, 2000 words) 25%
Final Exam 30%

Academic Honesty
LUMS has a zero tolerance policy towards academic dishonesty. It is the responsibility of the student
to adhere to proper academic conduct. If you are uncertain as to what is expected of you, please
consult your student handbook AND consult with your instructors and teaching assistants.

Richard W. Bulliet et al, The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History 5th edition (Boston:
Wadsworth, 2011)
Stephen Conway, The American Revolutionary Wars (London: IB Tauris, 2013)
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everything 1st edition (New York: WW
Norton, 1997)
David Edgerton, The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900 (London: Profile
Books, 2008)
John Ferling, “Myths of the American Revolution”, The Smithsonian Magazine (January 2010).
Online. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/myths-of-the-american-revolution-
Frances Harris, Global Environmental Issues 2nd ed. (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2012)
Norman Lowe, Mastering Modern World History 3rd ed. (London: Palgrave, 1997)

Course Overview
The following Overview is tentative and is subject to change without prior notice:

Lecture Description Readings

1 Introduction None

Part 1: The Globe Encompassed, 1500–1750

2-3 The Maritime Revolution, 1400 – 1550 Bulliet, chapter 16

Colonial America and the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1530 – Bulliet, chapters 18, 19
1800 Diamond, chapter 3

7-8 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean Bulliet, chapter 20

 The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires
Part 2: Revolutions and Nationalism, 1750–1900
Lahore University of Management Sciences

Political Revolution, 1750–1850 Bulliet, chapter 22

9-12  French Revolution and Napoleon Conway, chapter 1
 American Revolution Ferling
13 Industrial Revolutions, 1730 - 1900 Bulliet, chapter 23

14 Mid-Term Exam (details to be announced)

Ideologies of Change and the New Power Balance,
15 Bulliet, chapter 27
 Technological and Social Changes
 The Rise of Socialism, Labour, and Nationalism
Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism 1800-1870
16 Bulliet, chapter 25
 The Ottoman, Russian, and Qing Empires
The New Imperialism, 1869–1914
 The Scramble for Africa
17-18 Bulliet, chapter 28
 Imperialism in Asia and Latin American
 The World Economy
Part 3: The Twentieth Century
Bulliet, chapter 29
The Crisis of the Imperial Order, 1900–1924
19-20 Lowe, pp. 3 – 42, 301 -
 World War One and the Russian Revolution
Bulliet, pp. 795-805
The Collapse of the Old Order, 1924–1939
21-23 Lowe, pp. 319 – 328,
 Stalinism - The Depression - The Rise of Fascism
266 - 284
24-25 World War Two Lowe, pp. 92 - 117

26 Cold War and Decolonization Bulliet, pp. 848-870

Harris, pp. 3-17
27 The Modern Crisis
Edgerton, pp. 160 - 183
28 Revision

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