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Design 1 705 • SMC select EXTRA SOFT MERINO COLOR

Ladie’s Shawl­Collar Cardigan

Instructions are given for first size. Figures in parenthesis
refer to larger sizes. When only one figure is given, it
applies to all sizes.
Materials: approx. 1 2 (1 3, 1 4) balls (approx.
1 43yd/1 30m each) of SMC select Extra Soft Merino
(1 00% superwash
Merino wool) in color 051 47 lavender.
Size 3-6 [3.25-4mm] needles, size 3-6 [3.25-4mm]
circular needle. 1 button [by Jim Knopf, item 11 631 , col
Rib Pattern: k2, p2.
Main Pattern: multiple of 4 sts + 2 selvage sts.
Row 1 : selvage st, * k1 , sl1 pwise wyib, k1 , yo, pass sl st
over knit st and yo, k1 , rep from *, selvage st.
Row 2: p all sts and yo’s.
Repeat rows 1 -2 throughout.
Gauge: 24 sts and 30 rows = 4” [1 0 cm] in
main pat.
Back: cast on 11 0 (1 26, 1 42) sts. Beg with a WS row bind off 3 sts at each neck edge once and 2 sts once.
and working first 3 sts after selvage st as p1 , k2, work in
rib pat for 2” [5 cm]. Left Front: cast on 54 (62, 70) sts and work in rib pat
same as for back.
Next, work in main pat for 5 rows. Shape sides: bind off 1
st at beg of next 2 rows. * Work 4 rows even, bind off 1 st Next, work in main pat and work side and
at beg of foll 2 rows, rep from * 3 times more – 1 00 (11 6, armhole shaping at right edge same as for back.
1 32) sts. At same time, when left front measures 1 2½ (1 3½, 1 4¼)”
[32 (34, 36) cm], shape neck as foll: bind off 1 st at left
Cont in main pat until back measures 8¾“ [22 cm]. Inc 1 edge [beg of WS row] once, then bind off 1 st every other
st each end of needle on next row, then every foll 8th row WS row 1 9 times. At same time, when same length as
4 times more – 11 0 (1 26, 1 42) sts. back to shoulder, shape shoulder at right edge same as
for back.
Cont in main pat until back measures 1 5“ [38 cm]. Shape
armholes: bind off 4 (8, 1 0) sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2 Right Front: work same as for left front, reversing all
sts at beg of foll 6 (6, 8) rows and 1 st at beg of foll 4 shaping.
rows – 86 (94, 1 02) sts.
Sleeves: cast on 54 (58, 62) sts and work in rib pat same
Cont in main pat until back measures 22¾ (23½, 24¼)” as for back.
[58 (60, 62) cm]. Shape shoulders: bind off 4 (5, 6) sts at
each shoulder edge once, 6 (7, 8) sts 3 times. At same Next, work in main pat and shape sleeve as foll: for size
time, on first row of shoulder shaping, shape neck: work S only: inc 1 st each end of needle every 8th row 5 times,
to center 32 sts, join another ball of yarn, bind off center then every foll 6th row 1 2 times. For size M only: inc 1 st
32 sts, work to end. Working both sides at same time, each end of needle every 6th row 1 7 times, then every
08/201 2

Copyright © 201 2 Coats PLC -

All of our designs, instructions, photographs and drawings are copyright protected.
Any use beyond personal, non-commercial purposes is not permitted without our written approval.
Next WS row: ktbl all sts.

Next RS row: selvage st, beg

with k2, work in rib pat to last
st, selvage st.

Next WS row: work short-

rows to shape collar as foll:
work 1 93 (1 97, 201 ) sts, turn,
yo [yarn over RH needle],
work 54 sts, turn, yo. Work 4
additional sts at end of next
1 6 rows, then work 3
additional sts at end of foll 1 6
rows. K2tog or p2tog yo tog

foll 4th row 3 times. For size L only: inc 1 st each end of with next st, keeping in pat. Next, cont in rib pat
needle every 6th row 11 times, then every foll 4th row 1 2 across all sts and at same time, when collar
times – 88 (98, 1 08) sts. measures 1 ¼“ [3 cm], measured at center of back
neck, inc 4 sts across 38 back neck sts on next RS
Cont in main pat until sleeve measures 1 7¾“ [45 cm]. row as foll: selvage st, work 1 46 (1 50, 1 54) sts in rib
Shape sleeve cap: bind off 4 (8, 1 0) sts at beg of next 2 pat as established, inc 1 st [= M1 r] at end of every
rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 6 rows, 1 st at beg of foll 24
rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 8 rows, 3 sts at beg of foll 2 rows alternating k2 rib segment 4 times, work in rib pat as
and 4 sts at beg of foll 2 rows. Bind off remaining 1 4 (1 6, established to last st, selvage st. Rep inc row every
22) sts. other row 3 times more. Work M1 r incs on first
repeat inc row, work M1 l incs on 2nd and 3rd repeat
Finishing: pin pieces to measurements and block with inc rows – 348 (356, 364) sts.
damp towels.
At same time, when front band measures ½“ [1 .5
Sew all seams, sew in sleeves.
cm], measured at straight front edges, work
With circular needle and beg at lower edge of right front, buttonhole 11 ¾ (1 2½, 1 3½)” [30 (32, 34) cm] up
pick up and k 79 (83, 87) sts along straight edge of right from lower edge of right
front, 68 sts along shaped edge of right front, 38 sts front as foll: bind off 2 sts. On foll WS row, cast on 2
across back neck edge, 68 sts along shaped edge of left sts over bound-off sts. When front band measures
front and 79 (83, 87) sts along straight edge of left front – 1 ¼“ [3 cm], measured at straight front edges, bind
332 (340, 348) sts. off all sts.
Sew button.

Copyright © 201 2 Coats PLC -

All of our designs, instructions, photographs and drawings are copyright protected.
Any use beyond personal, non-commercial purposes is not permitted without our written approval.

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