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Mathl. Comput. Modelling Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.

101-111, 1998
Pergamon @ 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
0895-7177/98 $19.00 + 0.00
PII: s0895-7177(98)000854

The Solution of the Blasius Equation by the

Differential Transformation Method
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, Taiwan 701, R.O.C.

(Received July 1996; accepted August 1997)

Abstract-The Blssius equation of boundary layer flow is a third-order nonlinear differential

equation. We solved the equation using the differential transformation method. It offered not only
the numerical values, but also the power series close-form solutions. The results prove that the
differential transformation method is one of the powerful techniques for nonlinear problems. @ 1998
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords-Differential transformation method, Blssius equation, Nonlinear equation, Power



Two-dimensional, steady flow of an incompressible constant property fluid over a semi-infinite

flat plate is a topic of engineering. Such a flow is usually called the boundary layer flow, since
the viscous effects are limited to a thin layer near the flat plate surface. The boundary layer
equation is called the Blasius equation [l].
In 1908, Blasius solved the equation by using a series expansions method. In 1912, Toepfer
solved the Blasius equation numerically by the application of the method of Runge and Kutta. In
1938, Howarth solved the Blasius equation more accurately by numerical methods and tabulated
the result [1,2].
In this article, we converted the Blasius equation (a boundary value problem) to a pair of
initial value problems [3,4], and then solved the pair of initial value problems by a differential
transformation method.


2.1. Basis Theory

Let 6(z) be an analytic function in a domain D, and the Taylor series expansion of the func-
tion 0(s) about, ordinary point z = xi is well known to be of the form

qx> = g cx
g:J (E!$) ( forVzCD. (2.1)
a=0 I==*

‘Address all correspondence to L.-T. Yu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ChengShiu Junior College of
Technology & Commerce, KaoHsiung, Taiwan 833, R.O.C.

Tw-t by 44-W
102 L.-T. YIJ AND C.-K. CHEN

When xi = 0, equation (2.1) is called the Maclaurin series of k)(x) and has the form of

B(x)=f$(yg) ) for Vx c D. (2.2)

s=o x=0

By the definition [5],

0(s) = $ F
( >, x=0

and substituting equation (2.3) into equation (2.2), the result becomes

e(x) = 2 ($)‘Q(s). (2.4)


Hence, the differential-transform pair in the variable x for the function e(x) are

, (2.5)

inversion formula: e(z) = go (x>’ Cl(s), W-9

where H is a constant (domain or subdomain).

In the real application, the function e(z) may be expressed in a finite term. From equation (2.6),
it becomes
w = 2 ($)’ qs). (2.7)
Equation (2.7) implies ~&+l(x/H)s@(s) was neglected.

2.2. Domain Split

In order to speed up the convergent rate and the accuracy of calculation, the entire domain of z
needs to be divided into subdomains. To illustrate the domain division, we consider an example
of the differential equation
da: + e(x) = 0, O_<xIL.

By transformation, equation (2.8) becomes

qs + 1) = - &e(s). (2.9)

Now, let Hi represent the subdomains interval as shown in Figure 1, where

c Hi = L, i=o,1,2 ).... (2.10)

In the first subdomain, the function 00(x) is represented by

co(x) = 2 (&)’ 80(s) =00(O) +2 (g>’Qo(S)~ (2.11)

s=o s=l

where 0 5 x I HO and the given left boundary condition is 00(O) (for time domain, it is initial
condition). Setting z = 0 in equation (2.11) yields

co(o) = cow (2.12)

Blasius Equation 103

?c&/ Y&6 /
eo(Ho)- @,(O)



0 XI X2 xi-l xi xi+l X

Figure 1.

The final value of the function 190(z) is

Bo(Ho) = 2 @o(s). (2.13)

However, &(Hc) is also the first value (left boundary condition) of function 81 (CC)in the second
In the second subdomain, the function e,(z) is

61(x) =e(~)sQl(s)=Ql(o)+q~)se,(s),
s=o s=l (2.14)

In this subdomain, if we take z + Eio instead of x in equation (2.14), it becomes

@l(Z) = f: (2)’ @l(S) = @l(O) + f: (&)s@l(s), OIx<H1. (2.15)

s=o s=l

From equation (2.13) and (2.15), we have

h(O) = @l(O)

= B&90) = 2 Oo(S).
Similarly, the right boundary value of 81 (x) is exactly the same as the left boundary value of 02(x),
As a result, the formula for the left boundary value of the ith subdomain is

6i(O) = @i(O)

= ei-l(H&l) = 2 Qi_l(s). (2.17)

We conclude that the left boundary value of 0,(x) can always be calculated from the transformed
functions obtained in the previous subdomain. In a similar manner, the differential equation can
be subsequently solved from one subdomain to the next subdomain by keeping the subdomain
interval small enough to ensure a high convergent rate for the expansion series and calculation
104 L.-T. YU AND C.-K. CHEN

2.3. Accuracy Check

To ensure the overall accuracy, after the second subdomain calculated, an accuracy check is
executed according to the following equation [5]:

#gi_l(o) =6,(O) + 2 (-~)‘e,b). (2.18)


The right-hand side of equation (2.18) may be calculated. If the result is not close enough to the
value of the left-hand side of equation (2.18), the processes of the transformation are repeated
by increasing the number of subdomains.


3.1. Blasius Equation

The Blasius equation [l] is

2f”’ + f f” = 0, f = f (77)7 (3.1)

subject to the boundary conditions

77= 0, f = 0, f’ = 0,
77==% f' = 1.

3.2. Conversion of Boundary Value Problems to Initial Value Problems

The boundary value problems (3.1) and (3.2) may be transformed into a pair of initial value
problems by transformation groups [3,4]. The pair of initial value problems are

2FtN + FF” = 0, F = F(C), (3.3)

< = 0, F = 0, F’ = 0, F” = 1, (3.4)


2f”’ + ff” = 0, f = f(7lL (3.5)

77= 0, f = 0, f' = 0, f" = [Ft(co)]-3’2. (3.6)

3.3. Solutions of the Pair of Initial Value Problems

We consider that the subdomain intervals Hi are equal and choose Hi = 0.5 (one may take
another value). Let n be the number of subdomain.
For the first set of initial value problems,

2F’” + FF” = 0, (3.7)

5 =o, F = 0, F’ = 0, F” = 1. (3.8)
Now, let
y = Ft and z=y’=F”.

Prom the initial condition equations (3.8), we have

y(0) = 0 and z(0) = 1.

Biasius Equation 105

Thereafter, the third-order initial value problem becomes a set of first-order initial value problems
as in the following:

F’ = y, (3.9)
y’ = z, (3.10)
2x’+ Fz = 0, (3.11)
Y(0) = 0, (3.12)
z(0) = 1, (3.13)
F(0) = 0. (3.14)

By inversion formula (2.6), the solutions of each subdomain take m+ 1 terms for the power series
as in the following:


Y&) = 2
0 55 IHi, (3.16)

OlEL Hi, (3.17)

where i = 0, 1,2,. . . , n indicate the ith subdomain and Fi(s), Yi(s), and Zi(s) are to be deter-
F’rom the boundary condition equations (3.12)-(3.14) and the solution equations (3.15)~{3.17),
we obtain

FiJ(O)= 0, (3.18)
G(O) = 0, (3.19)
20(O) = 1. (3.20)

By transformation formula (2.5), equations (3.9)-(3.11) become

Fj(S + 1) = -&K(s), (3.21)

Yj(S + 1) = +(s)’ (3.22)

Zi(S + 1) = - & kFi(S - &??~(a). (3.23)


In the subdomain 1 (i = 0,O 5 < 2 He).

By setting s in equations (3.21)-(3.23) from 0 to m - 1 and equations (3.18)-(3.20), we obtain
the value of Fe(s), Ye(s), and 20(s); s = 1,2,. . . ,m. From equation (3.15), we have


By substituting c = Ho into equations (3.15)-(3.17) and (3.24), we obtain

Fo(Ho) = C~OfS)? (3.25)

106 L.-T. Yu AND C.-K. CHEN


yo(H0) = 2 yo(sL s=o


zo(H0) = 2 Zo(s). (3.28)


In the subdomain 2 (i = 1, 0 It I HI).

From equations (2.17) and (3.15)-(3.17), we obtain

F+(O) = Fl(0) = Fo(H0) = 29(s), (3.29)


Yl(0) = K(O) = Yo(Ho) = FYo(s),


Zi(0) = Zl(0) = za(H0) = 2 Zo(s). (3.31)

Also, by setting s in equations (3.21)-(3.23) from 0 to m - 1 and equations (3.29)-(3.31), we
obtain the value of Fr(s), Yi(s), and Zi(s); s = 1,2,. . . , m. From equation (3.15), we have

F,‘(c) = &Fr(i) + 2$F1(2) + ... + mgFi(m). (3.32)

1 1

By substituting < = Hr into equations (3.15)-(3.17) and (3.32), we have

JiPl) = +1(s), (3.33)


ww = & ~SFl(S), (3.34)


YlPl) = pm

Zl(H1) = 2 Zl(S). (3.36)


In a similar manner, we will obtain the value of Fi(s), K(s), and Zi(s); s = O,l, 2,. . . ,m and
i=2,3 ,..., n. Then,

Fi(Hi) = 2Fi(S), (3.37)


F,‘(Hi) = $2
’ s=l
SW), (3.38)

Yiua = 2
ws>, (3.39)

Zi(fq = 2
-G(s), (3.40)

Blasius Equation 107

From equation (3.38)) the value of I?,!( Hi) approaches to a limit value. We use “A” to substitute
the limit value of F,!(Hi).
Now, the second set of initial value problems is equations (3.5) and (3.6),

2f”’ + ff” = 0, (3.41)

subject to
rl = 0, f = 0, f’ = 0, f” = ~-3/z.
Also, let
y=f’ and z=y’=f”.

From the initial condition equation (3.42), we have

y(0) = 0 and z(0) = Am3j2.

Hence, the third-order initial value problems (3.41) and (3.42) become a set of first-order initial
value problems as in the following:

f’ = Y, Y(0) = 0, (3.43)
yl = 2, z(0) = A-3’2, (3.44)
22’ + fz = 0, f(0) = 0. (3.45)




0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Figure 2. The solution of the initial value problems, equations (3.3) and (3.4).

Figure 3. The solution of the Blasius equation in boundary layer flow, equations (3.1)
and (3.2).
108 L.-T. Yu AND C.-K. CHEN

Table 1. The function f(q) for the boundary layer laminar flow along a flat plate.

1) f f
0 0 0 0.3320571
0.5 0.0414928 0.1658851 0.3309107
1.0 0.1655716 0.3297798 0.3230069
1.5 0.3701382 0.4867890 0.3025803
2.0 0.6500239 0.6297654 0.2667514
2.5 0.9963104 0.7512593 0.2174115
3.0 1.3968070 0.8460440 0.1613603
3.5 1.8376970 0.9130400 0.1077726
4.0 2.3057450 0.9555179 0.0642341
4.5 2.7901320 0.9795140 0.0339809
5.0 3.2832720 0.9915417 0.0159068
5.5 3.7805700 0.9968786 0.0065786
6.0 4.2796190 0.9989727 0.0024020
6.5 4.7793210 0.9996988 0.0007741
7.0 5.2792370 0.9999214 0.0002202
7.5 5.7792170 0.9999816 0.0000553
8.0 6.2792120 0.9999959 0.0000122
8.5 6.7792110 0.9999989 0.0000024
9.0 7.2792110 0.9999995 0.0000004

As in the previous procedure, the solutions are


where i = 0, 1,2, . . . , n indicate the ith subdomain. The value of fi(s), Yi(s), and 2$(s) are to be
determined. By boundary condition equations (3.43)-(3.45), we have

Tso(0) = 0, (3.49)
yo(0) = 0, (3.50)
Zo(0) = A-3’2. (3.51)

As the procedure of the first set of initial value problems, we obtain the value of Ti(s), x(s),
andZi(s),wherei=0,1,2 ,..., nands=0,1,2 ,..., m. Hence, from equation (3.46), the solution
of the second set of initial value problems is equations (3.5) and (3.6),


0 L q I Hi, (3.53)



where i = 0, 1,2, . . .,n.

Table2. The valuesofTi(
r) i\s 0 1 2 3 4
0.5 0 0 0 4.150714x 10-2 0 0
1.0 1 4.149279x10-2 8.294256x1O-2 4.136384x 1O-2 -1.430251x 1O-4 -7.110456x 1O-5
1.5 2 0.1655716 0.1648899 4.037586x 1O-2 -5.570913x 10-d -1.329345x o-4
2.0 3 0.3701382 0.2433945 3.782254x 1O-2 -1.166631x 1O-3 -1.64799 x 1O-4
2.5 4 0.6500239 0.3148827 3.334393x 10-2 -1.806196x 1O-3 -1.453586x O-4
3.0 5 0.9963104 0.3756296 2.717643x lo-' -2.256347x 1O-3 -7.2171x 1O-5
3.5 6 1.396807 0.423022 2.017003x 1O-2 -2.347804x 1O-3 2.720668x 1O-5
4.0 7 1.837697 0.45652 1.347158x 10-2 -2.063057x 1O-3 1.088287x 1O-4
4.5 8 2.305745 0.4777589 8.029267x~O-~ -1.542787x 1O-3 1.424118x 1O-4
5.0 9 2.790132 0.489757 4.247613x lO-3 -9.876169x 1O-4 1.288843x 1O-4
5.5 10 3.283272 0.4957708 1.988352x 1O-3 -5.44025x 1O-4 9.109957x10-4
6.0 11 3.78057 0.4984393 8.223254x 1O-4 -2.590716x 1O-4 5.267573x 1O-5
6.5 12 4.279619 0.4994864 3.002556x 1O-4 -1.070816x 1O-4 2.551734x 1O-5
7.0 13 4.779321 0.4998494 9.676391x1O-5 -3.853882x 1O-5 1.050418x 10-S
7.5 14 5.279237 0.4999607 2.75212x 1O-5 -1.210758x 1O-5 3.708268x 1O-6
8.0 15 5.779217 0.4999908 6.907796x 1O-6 -3.326804x lo-' 1.12969x 1O-6
8.5 16 6.279212 0.499998 1.530122x 1O-6 -8.006633x lo-' 2.982822xlo-'
17 6.779211 0.4999995 2.991067x 10-7 - 1.6897256
x lo-' 6.847937 x lo-*
Table2. (cont.).

1) i\s 5 6 7 8 9

0.5 0 -1.435702x 1O-5 0 0 9.754623x 1O-g 0

1.0 1 -1.381397x 1O-5 2.699235x lo-' 7.575333
x 10-8 8.619094x 1O-g -3.736322x lo-lo
1.5 2 -1.018811x 1o-5 9.931589x lo-' 1.213641x1O-7 1.458284x 1O-g -1.238507x lo-'
2.0 3 -1.772495x 1O-6 1.765531x1O-6 8.109652
x lo-* -1.200753x lo-* -1.536039x lo-'
2.5 4 9.677678x 1O-6 1.885921xlo@ -5.885946x lo-* -2.085831x lo-* -1.357518x lo-lo
3.0 5 1.862935x 1O-5 9.263712x lo-' -2.032512x 1O-7 -1.190732x lo-* 2.031599x 10-g
3.5 6 1.953894x 1O-5 -6.356432x lo-' -2.136044x lo-' 9.730334x 1O-g 2.295672x 1O-g
4.0 7 1.20336x 1O-5 -1.700273x 1O-6 - 7.404346
x lo-* 2.193169x lo-* 1.979249
x lo-lo
4.5 8 1.471504x 10-6 -1.635876x lO-(j 8.191343
x lo-* 1.429233x lo-* -1.613664x 1O-g
5.0 9 -6.038259x 1O-6 -8.061521x lo-' 1.346513
x IO-' -8.029598x lo-lo -1.433085x 10-g
5.5 10 -8.245386x lo@ 1.690943x lo-* 9.021331xlo-* -8.511092x 1O-g -2.633295x lo-lo
6.0 11 -6.734564x lo@ 4.080131x 10-T 2.36317x lo--* -7.057998x 1O-g 4.514628x lo-lo
6.5 12 - 4.12383x 1O-6 4.172477x 1O-7 - 1.494044
x lo-* -2.597029x 1O-g 4.526407x lo-"
7.0 13 - 2.02863x 1O-6 2.727776x lo-' -2.244487x lo-* 3.173856x lo-lo 1.895106
x lo-lo
7.5 14 -8.275147x lo-' 1.356828x 1O-7 -1.573436x lo-* 1.082571x1O-g 4.862252x,10-l2
8.0 15 -2.848524x IO-' 5.447217x lo-* - 7.852259
x lo-' 8.102676x lo-lo -4.830826x lo-"
8.5 16 -8.364061x lo-* 1.815472x lo-* -3.075628x 1O-g 4.009026x lo-lo -3.789063x 1O-'1
9.0 17 -2.109961x lo-* 5.103956x lo-' -9.845577x IO-" 1.516154x lo-lo -1.829521x lo-"
Blasius Equation 111


In this calculation, we choose the terms of power series m = 9, the number of subdomain
n = 17, and the subdomain interval Hi = 0.5; i = 0, 1,2,. . . ,16.
The limit value of F’(oo) (equation (3.6~) approaches to 2.08541 (i.e., A A 2.08541; equa-
tion (3.42~)) which shows in Figure 2 (in [3], the value of A approaches to 2.0852). Table 1
and Figure 3 present the solution of Blasius equations (3.1),(3.2). Also, after we compared our
solution with the Howarth solution [1,2], both results are coincident to each other. Table 2 offers
the spectra values fi(s) of fi(q) in equation (3.52).
From the results, it proves that the differential transformation method is one of the most
effective methods for nonlinear equation and boundary conditions. In this article, we offered not
only the numerical solution (Table 1 and Figure 3), but also the power series close-form solutions
(equations (3.52)-(3.54)).


1. H. Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory, pp.127-144, McGraw-Hill, New York, (1979).

2. M.N. bisik, Basic Heat Transfer, pp. 224-227, McGraw-Hill, New York, (1977).
3. T.Y. Na, Computational Methods in Engineering Boundary Value Problems, pp. 137-148, Academic Press,
New York, (1979).
4. W.F. Ames, Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations in Runsport Processes, pp. 121-127, Academic
Press, New York, (1968).
5. X. Zhou, Differential tinsformation and Its Applications for Electrical Circuits (in Chinese), Huazhong
University Press, Wuhan, China, (1986).

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